View Full Version : Ranger/Archer build

Darth Yoda
2016-09-24, 03:51 PM
Hi guys. I have a 6th level ranger that is about to level up. He just got a +2 bonus to any ability I want to put it on.

The problem is............. low damage 1d8+2 per arrow. I'm looking to up his damage any way possible. Thinking about Arcane Archer but dont know enuff about them so here I am.

He is a Fetchling 6th Ranger using a longbow +1 or two short sword +2. I have about 30000 gp to spend as soon as I level.
Stats are S13, Dex 18 nat (26 magically enhanced), Con 12 (18 magically enhanced), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Feats are 2 weapon defense, 2 weapon fighting, weapon finesse short sword, Endurance, Improved precise shot (granted), point blank shot (granted)

While this is a Pathfinder game, the DM allows almost any PRINTED feats, abilities...etc. So, where to go from here? I would like to have a newly printed character for Thursdays game so when I level up TADAA!!!! Instant character.

Looking forward for your suggestions and thanks for the help.


2016-09-24, 04:06 PM
Rapid Shot is an absolute must for any Archer. Deadly Aim too, if you're PF. The Two-Weapon Fighting/Archery combo really doesn't work too well; Two-Weapon Defense in particular does nothing for you, and Two-Weapon Fighting falls behind the iterative attacks. Plus you don't have the Strength to do damage in melee anyways. Various isolated Bane Arrows are very convenient to have; individual Arrows cost only 1/50th of the equivalent weapon cost so +1 Bane arrows are only ~160gp a pop.

You also want to stack various weapon enhancements on your bow. And if you have a party caster who knows Greater Magic Weapon (Cleric/Wizard/etc.), ask them to cast it on your weapon each morning. Don't waste money on things like +2 Short Swords when you can get the enhancement for the price of a single Pearl of Power (that you donate your benefactor).

Darth Yoda
2016-09-25, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the reply.
This character started as a 3rd level pregen, hence the dumb 2 handed stuff beside the bow.

The +2 swords were dropped by a bbeg so werent really at a cost to me.

Again thanks for the reply.