View Full Version : DM Help Pixie Friend for a Player

2016-09-24, 07:37 PM
So Im running a campaign with a group of friends and one of them decided to add a pixie as a friend to their backstory. Pretty much now this guy has a pixie who's known him for a while and will most likely do anything for him. The thing is though the party is only lvl 2. So I told him that I would have to find a pixie that is appropriate for their level. So far I haven't had any luck. I was thinking of dumping down this version http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pixie_(3.5e_Race) of a pixie, but I don't know where to start. He plans to make him a cohort with leadership when he hits level 6. So any ideas of how to make his pixie party level appropriate?

One more question when a player chooses leadership and gets a cohort, does that cohort then roll or use the point buy system that I have setup?

2016-09-24, 07:47 PM
Does it have to be a pixie? A grig (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/sprite.htm#grig) or petal (MM3) might be more appropriate to low-level play.

Alternatively, have it use the pixie monster class progression from Savage Species.

2016-09-24, 07:53 PM
If the character and the pixie are really friends, then he'd do anything for the pixie as well.

I suggest having the pixie as a recurring NPC under your complete control who can act as a source of information, resources, magic, and even quests for the first few levels, and maybe offering the group a hand out of a tight spot once in a while.

By they time they get to a level where they can take the pixie as a cohort, the pixie will want to join up because he's gradually gained respect for the character as a leader, not just as a friend.

2016-09-24, 08:04 PM
One more question when a player chooses leadership and gets a cohort, does that cohort then roll or use the point buy system that I have setup?

Whichever you feel is more appropriate. Cohorts default to being under the control of the DM, just on the side of the leader. Everything the player decides about them is only because you cede that decision.

2016-09-24, 09:43 PM
If this is for Pathfinder, would it be bad to make the pixie a magus with the wave of mutilation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/magus-arcana/rite-publishing---magus-arcana/wave-of-mutilation-su) ability? :smallbiggrin: