View Full Version : DM Help Would this be possible? (CoS)

2016-09-24, 11:37 PM
Okay, so I am currently running Curse of Strahd, and I had a little idea for Izek. I want to know your guys thoughts. First of all, Nick, Zach, Jonathan, and Elias stop reading if you are, seriously stop. Recently the tiefling warlock in the party killed Izek with his racial Hellish Rebuke. I specified that when he looked away and looked back Izek's weird fire arm was gone, and all that was left was a charred corpse and a smell of sulfur. I know I want to bring the arm back as a sort of beefed up Crawling Claw that has a small fraction of Izek's intelligence (essentially all that is left is his lust for Ireena and a hatred for a certain tiefling). My question is would giving the arm the ability to attach to dead bodies and posses them be stupid? I'm still not entirely sure exactly how strong I want Izek's arm to be or what ability to give him. What do you guys think?

2016-09-24, 11:45 PM
I think you have entered into full Army of Darkness style camp territory.

2016-09-24, 11:47 PM
Sounds cool. Does anyone have thieves cant? "You swear that severed arm is trying to tell you something."

2016-09-24, 11:59 PM
Perhaps it can only attach to the bodies of strahd zombies... there are plenty of those wandering around...

2016-09-25, 12:31 AM
Perhaps it finds a warrior--known for using an older, inferior weapon, perhaps one of the many polearm variants, but some sort of obsolete ranged weapon would probably better--who recently lost an arm. Maybe to a ninja.

Then the arm attaches on, and occasionally takes over the main body (mostly for dramatic occasions). Then depending on who you ask, the creature dies after deciding it needs to spend hours monologuing or once Hideo Kojima leaves.

2016-09-25, 03:10 AM
I think you have entered into full Army of Darkness style camp territory.

Is it not a wonderful thing?

2016-09-25, 03:46 AM
Is it not a wonderful thing?

It is, go for it.

2016-09-25, 11:16 AM
Is it not a wonderful thing?

You should check out Out of the Abyss if you haven't done so already.

The adventure is written with a tone very similar to this.

2016-09-25, 11:26 AM
It should not attach to dead bodies at all.

It should attach itself to players in awkward/embarrassing bodily locations.

2016-09-25, 05:40 PM
It should not attach to dead bodies at all.

It should attach itself to players in awkward/embarrassing bodily locations.

You, my friend, are a true genius.