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2007-07-09, 04:35 PM
Hey everyone!

Its been a while since I’ve graced the Homebrewing boards with my lovely presence. But I’ve been rather busy as of late haven’t had time to do much homebrewing.

However today I was inspired so I present some domestic hazards. As always I'm open to constructive criticism.

M.F.T.B.O.T.R. (Monster from the back of the Refrigerator )
“What happened to the last of the potato salad?”
- Last words of Jimmy the late night snacker

Monsters in the back of the refrigerator are rare creatures that are bred in the darkest corners of people’s Iceboxes. These creatures start their life as mold growing on any sort of manner of edible foods such as egg salad, potato salad and cheese. As they grow older they devour the piece of food they grew on before moving on to other prey. They are mostly content to feed on other old and moldy food sitting in the back. This allows them to develop a highly toxic poison that leaves it’s victims paralyzed and very sick. Eventually causing death. Fortunately they are small creatures and therefor cannot deliver a tremendous amount of poison at a time. However those infected should seek immediate medical attention. Monsters from the back of the refrigerator are a shy species and few specimens are known to exist. Mostly those who come into contact with them destroy them. It is unknown how many may exist at one time.
Monsters from the back of the refrigerator are shy creatures by nature. They will only prove aggressive if threatened and cornered. They can be beneficial though, as they only eat moldy food, they can help to keep someone’s refrigerator clean.

Size/Type: Diminutive Aberration (cold)
Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (11)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 5ft
Armor Class: 17=10+3 (dex)+4 (size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0 /-4 (size)
Attack: +0 bite,
Full Attack: +0 bite
Space/Reach: 1ft/5ft
Special Attacks: poison
Special Qualities: darkvision 60 ft, immunity to cold
Saves: Fort -1, Reflex +2, Will +4
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 9
Skills: hide +3, spot +5, listen +5, jump +0
Feats: toughness, alertness, weapon finesses
Environment: the back of your Refrigerator
Organization: solitary
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: none
Alignment: neutral evil
Advancement: 2-4 (tiny), 5+ (small)
Level Adjustment: --

These creatures have developed a highly toxic poison that leaves it’s victims paralyzed and very sick. Eventually causing death. Fortunately they are small creatures and therefor cannot deliver a tremendous amount of poison at a time. However those infected should seek immediate medical attention. The poison is mostly used in a defensive fashion, as most things it stalks don’t need to be killed.

The poison is injury poison with a fortitude save DC (10) it deals 1d6+1 points of initial con damage plus one point of constitution damage every hour after that.

Due to their years of living in near total darkness, monsters in the back of the refrigerator

Immunity to cold
Because they live in cold refrigerators M.F.T.B.O.T.R.s are immune to the effects of cold. But they are vulnerable to to heat and especially fire.

Sock-Eating Monster
“ Where are all my socks?”
- anonymous homeowner
Sock-eating monsters are another breed of rare domestic creature. These small creatures lurk in dark basements, garages and laundry rooms where they seek out the smelliest socks they can find and devour them. Shy and skiddish most people only catch glimpses of them and put it off as simply their imagination. However they are quite real. In fact most homeowners don’t realize they have such a problem until they’ve lost a number of socks to it. Sock-eating monsters are usually nonviolent, but will bite and scratch if cornered and if captured it will use it’s breath attack to stun and sicken its captor while it makes its escape.

Size/Type: tiny Aberration
Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (11)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 10ft
Armor Class:15=10+3(dex)+2 (size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0 /-4 (size)
Attack: +2 bite (1d2+2, claw 1d3+2)
Full Attack: claw +2 (1d2+2) or bite +2 (1d3+2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: breath weapon
Special Qualities:
Saves: fortitude +3, reflex +1, will +4
Abilities: str 14, dex 12, con 16, int 3, wis 16, cha 9
Skills: hide +4, move silently+2, spot +4,
Feats: toughness, alertness,
Environment: behind your clothes dryer, or in your hamper
Organization: solitary
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: none
Alignment: true neutral
Advancement: 2-4 (small), 5-10 (medium) 11-15 (large) 16- 20 (huge)
Level Adjustment: --

Breath weapon
Because sock monsters eat dirty socks they have very bad breath. They have learned to use this to their advantage and have developed a breath attack of stinking gas that stuns and sickens its opponents. Creatures caught within the cone of smelly gas must succeed on Fortitude (DC 12) saving throws or be stunned for 1 round. Followed by sickness and nausia for 1d4 rounds afterwards.

Using the sock monster’s breath weapon is a standard action. Once a sock monster breathes, it can’t breathe again until 1d6 rounds later. A blast from a breath weapon always starts at any intersection adjacent to the sock monster and extends in a direction of the sock monster’s choice.