View Full Version : Mu

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-25, 01:38 PM
Mu. The discovery of the new continent is all that has been on anyone's lips back home. When the gallant explorer Gianni Dioli returned from his adventures with tales of a vast new land ripe for colonization, it was only a question of which nation would be the first to build their empire on the shores of Mu. Adventurous souls from all over the Kingdom of Agostina flocked to sign on to Captain Dioli's crew, eager to claim their share of the adventure, and of the boundless riches that surely await in the new world.

The Sea Hawk left Brambilla Harbor to the cheering of the crowds. Flags were waved, music was blared, and it is likely that more than a few bastards were fathered the night before. Before you embarked, the Queen herself came down to bless the ship with her holy presence.

How long ago that all seems. The voyage was long and arduous, and the Sea Hawk's quarters overstuffed with men. Tensions were high, and Captain Dioli was a harsh master, pushing the crew hard and punishing any misstep with draconian ruthlessness. Hardly a week went by without some member of the crew being tied to the mast and whipped. As if this was not bad enough, the sea itself seemed dead set on sabotaging the voyage. Storms followed doldrums, doldrums followed storms, and the fickle winds blew the Sea Hawk hopelessly off its course.

Water was low, food was all but gone, and the ship was ripe for mutiny when at last the jungle shores of Mu came into sight. As it turned out, your troubles had only begun. As the Sea Hawk patrolled the coast looking for an opening through the sharp rocks that lurked beneath the shallow waters, the monster attacked. Slimy blue tentacles over a hundred feet long grasped the ship, pulling sailors overboard and dragging them down to their doom. With a great shudder and a crack, the Sea Hawk broke in two. As you tumbled into the water, you glimpsed the full bulk of the horrid beast as it pulled luckless men into its beaked maw.

Wave lap gently on the shore, adding their rhythmic crash to the cawing of the seabirds above. You lie soaked and sodden in the hot sand, surrounded by what jetsam and flotsam has washed ashore with you. In front of you lies the tattered flag of Agostina, wet and limp and half buried in the sand. Not the planting that anyone had in mind, to be sure.


2016-09-25, 04:42 PM
Jorn raises himself up onto hands and knees, coughing and spitting sand. He looked around, bleary-eyed, trying to get his bearings. He shook his head vigorously, sand flying and lips flapping as he cleared his waterlogged brain.

Standing erect, he checked to make sure he wasn't injured, then began searching through the debris, wondering if he was the only one who survived.

"Oi, anybody alive 'round here?" he shouted.


2016-09-25, 04:53 PM
Lou climbs out of the barrel he'd climbed into for safety.

"I'm here and whole. Just a bit shaken. How many are washed up. And of those, how many breath?"
He looks around and takes stock of the beach.

2016-09-25, 05:00 PM
A woman with a beetle for a head searches frantically. She finds her pack, and pats around to ensure everything is safe.

After that, she takes a clipboard and pen out of a pouch at her waist.

She tries writing something, then scribbles it out, deciding communicating that she is panicked and has no idea what to do would be less than helpful. Instead, she start searching for other survivors.

2016-09-25, 07:30 PM
Vor awakens feeling terrible, his normally glittering scales dulled by a layer of dried salt. He shudders, opens his stinging eyes and takes in his surroundings.

Bahamut preserves me...

He begins to stand up, twisting awkwardly in obvious discomfort.

What is this terrible sensation? Salt in my scales? I do not like this at all!

He winces as he looks at the hammer clutched in his hand, dreading what effects the sea would have on it. He responds when he hears the others, shouting back,

"I too am alive, and seemingly functional."

He begins to reach for a waterskin with which to wash himself clean of the salt, but immediately abandons the notion. Instead checking the corks of both to ensure no seawater has intruded.

Who knows when we'll find fresh water...if ever? And my food will be full of salt now, too...

He begins moving toward the other survivors he can see, searching for more as he goes.


2016-09-25, 08:14 PM
I probably should have rolled Spot... [roll0]

2016-09-25, 11:28 PM

After she starts finding people, she calms down enough to write a message.:

Hello? Do you know where we are? Who are you?

You can call me "Quartz." I can hear normally.

She attempts to show it to whoever pays attention to her.

2016-09-25, 11:52 PM
"Quartz?" Lou gives her a quick once-over as he watches for movement in the brush."Are you a mute? Or do you choose not to speak based on some trauma?"

Another glance around is enough to alert Lou to other survivors. "HO! SCALED ONE! DWARF! MAKE YOUR WAY OVER HERE! BRING ANY LIVING SOULS YOU FIND ON THE WAY!"

2016-09-26, 12:34 AM
Quartz points to her head, which looks like a beetle, and shows her throat, which, though it wouldn't be as obvious on a woman as a man anyway, seems to have no vocal chords.

She writes- Khepri are mute, yes.

2016-09-26, 01:01 AM
Lou reads the clipboard and hesitates a moment."I see. You see, hear, smell and feel well enough, yes? Good. You may be underestimated due to your silence, use that and you may keep us all alive in this uncertain peril we face." Lou offers Quartz a hand,"I am Lou Sehnd. I make things dead. Keep me between you and what's trying to hurt you and I'll do my best to make them not alive anymore."

2016-09-26, 01:22 AM
Quartz quirks her antennae in some hard to parse way, then shakes Lou's hand.

She scribbles: I can make Ψonic pstones. They make me less helpless stornger than u might think, but it would be more better to give them to someone else, if they knew the trick of addressing them and coaxing the power out.

She motions that they should move on. She seems flustered, which is hardly surprising, given the circumstances

2016-09-26, 01:29 AM
As he makes his way towards the survivors he can see, Vor wrestles the tattered and wet Agostinan flag from beneath the sand and allows it to flap turgidly in the sea breeze.

"Do any of you hold rank in the Agostinan military, or office in the government?"

2016-09-26, 01:37 AM
Antennae and headlegs flail in shock at such a bizarre question. After a beat, she shakes her head in clear negation. She tries to indicate that she is looking with some curiosity at Lou, but this is difficult with insect eyes.

She takes her parchment, which is starting to fill up on the first page. She points to the previous messages, crossing out something about being mute.

Hello? Do you know where we are? Who are you?

You can call me "Quartz." I can hear normally.

I can make Ψonic pstones. They make me less helpless stornger than u might think, but it would be more better to give them to someone else, if they knew the trick of addressing them and coaxing the power out.

2016-09-26, 01:46 AM
"My name is Vorel Ux Vivex. I am a paladin in the service of Bahamut. I would surmise that we have been washed ashore on the continent of Mu. Any more detail than that will require consultation with a learned member of the crew which discovered it...which I fear is a luxury of which we have been deprived"

2016-09-26, 07:59 AM
"Military? Me? FEH! I'm a small town guy. And I'm NO fan of the Agostinan military."

"Vorel, it's good to know you. I see you've met Quartz, whom I've already underestimated. Looks like we are well equipped to explore this land. I shudder to think what creatures would have the courage to attack us!"
Lou gives a hearty chuckle and resumes looking to the brush.

2016-09-26, 08:47 AM
Blue Steel moans. Voices filter into his awareness through the sound of waves lapping a shore, as his patron - now sporting a tentacled head - walks across the beach, leaving footprints as he goes. A sign. A path.

Unnngghhhhh... He opens his eyes a fraction, and pushes his face out of the sand, spitting and coughing. What -? Where -? Wet, cold, and in no small measure of pain, he brings himself to his knees, shakes the water from his hair - a mistake, as it sets the world spinning. He leans back, coming to a sitting position, and waits for the dizzy spell to pass. Sees figures moving around the beach, rolling as if they were on a ship. Survivors

The attack comes back to him; the splintering deck planks, the cracking mast, the screams, the sudden silence when he hit the water. He isn't sure how he survived, though his patron assures him it was due only to his aid.

His senses returning to normal, he sets to assessing his situation. No significant wounds that he can find. Armor in one piece. Weapons still in their harnesses. Pack still cinched tight. Everything waterlogged, of course, but surprisingly intact. Nothing a few hours in a dry place near a fire can't fix.

Well, aren't we a lovely-looking bunch of hangashores? No offense. He brings himself to his full height - nearly three and a half feet in thick-soled boots - and surveys the four others who appear to still be alive. Was this all that survived? My name is Blue Steel. You can call me Blue. I'm sure we have a lot to discuss.

2016-09-26, 09:46 AM
Upon hearing the call to join the group, Jorn shrugs into his pack, picks up his shield and waraxe and stumps through the damp sand to the group. He catches snatches of the ongoing conversation as he arrives. Almost immediately, is accosted by a bug-headed humanoid that thrusts a paper into his face.

"Quartz, eh? Good to meet ya. I'm Jorn, of the Axeheart clan of th' Gray Mountains. I'd want ta talk ta ye later 'bout them stones yer mentionin'."

Then he addresses the group as a whole and answers the scaled one's question

"Na, I ain't no government officer nor military. Just a bodyguard for a merchant lookin' fer new lands ta fleece. Th' scaled one might be right 'bout bein' on Mu, but I don't see me boss anywhere abouts. I'm guessin' that we's jest about all there's left a th' crew 'n passengers. Me guess is that survivin' th' first few hours and a night or two be the goal until we can figure out more about where we are."

2016-09-26, 10:23 AM
"Well met, Blue and Jorn. In the absence of any more official authority, I suppose it is up to me to do this..."

He takes the soggy flag and binds the corners to his hammer, using it as a makeshift flagpole, and drives the haft into the sand.

"In the name of the Platinum Dragon, my lord Bahamut, I claim this land for the Kingdom of Agostina!"

He steps back and smiles.

"For all that is worth...if another ship lands I doubt they'll recognise the claim, but it can't hurt, and who knows when I'll get another chance to make myself a governor?"

"Our first priority should be food and water. I have enough to sustain me for no more than a single day, and likely full of salt at that. Did anyone else fare better?"

2016-09-26, 10:42 AM
4 days worth of rations. The power stones are Xpansion, Call Weapon, BioFeedback, and Body adjutment, Good for healing or fghting, but "Sustenance" might have sereved better.

I can make more stones, but I will need lots of dyes and some powdered metal. The dyes should just be fresh fruit, but gold is best for the metal, Id need more of anything else.

She is clearly annoyed at the number of mistakes in her writing, which just adds to her general unhappiness. She attempts some strange gestures after this, but then gives up if no one responds.

"Do any of you understand Drow Sign Language?" She ask in that language.

She gestures that she is done and ready to move on, if no one answers in the affirmative.

2016-09-26, 10:44 AM
Jorn looks at the flag with a sour eye, then hocks and spits off to the side.

"I dinna come here ta claim any new lands fer nobody. I came fer adventure an' fer a payday, an' th' pay just sank to th' bottom of th' sea."

He looks up at the Dragonborn.

"But I got enough water fer a day, an' trail rations fer three."

2016-09-26, 11:23 AM
"Looks like I'm the sucker, friends. I've got one waterskin and nothing more. Good news is I ain't a picky eater and I don't eat much anyways.

Any thoughts on where we want to set up camp? I'd suggest near the waterfall. And a spot of hunting couldn't hurt us too much."

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-26, 07:46 PM
You find a chest among the detritus. Judging by the quality of the lock, it likely belonged to an officer.

You find a magnifying glass, a small bottle of antitoxin, and a pair of masterwork manacles.

You find a flask of water sanctified with a holy symbol(Knowledge(Religion) check to recognize it), a masterwork siangham, and a flask of bubbling black liquid.

2016-09-26, 08:36 PM
Jorn throws his thumb back over his shoulder.

"I dunna know if anybody here can pop a lock, but I think I found an officer's chest back there. We might be wantin' ta take a look an' see if there's any tidbits we could be usin'. Somethin' inside might be tellin' us a little about where we were headin' or what ta expect."

2016-09-26, 08:45 PM
Vor begins looking for a suitable stick with which to fashion a more permanent flagpole.

Taking 10 on Search for a 12

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-26, 08:58 PM
The only wood on the beach comes in the form of splintered ship parts and bits of natural driftwood. Perhaps there will be a more suitable pole under the shadow of the trees.

2016-09-26, 11:05 PM
"Sorry, Jorn, picking locks was never my thing. Let me know if you want to go through the side. I'm always happy to smash through the lid of a coffin, er... chest."

2016-09-27, 01:10 AM
Vor digs a broken beam from the flotsam and carries it up the beach, above the high tide line. He plants it deep into the sand, before retrieving his hammer and transferring the flag to its new standard.

"If anyone should land here, this should give them an indication that some Sea Hawks survived."

2016-09-27, 07:09 AM
Blue Steel walks toward the chest that the dwarf had found. I'll admit that I'm no survival expert, but there are some things we know we need: food, water, shelter. Seems like we have enough food for 2 days, if we're willing to pool resources, but a clean water source and a shelter should be priorities. We'll also need fire by nightfall, there's plenty of driftwood here if we collect it and let it dry. And we should probably scout out around the area to see if there are any dangers or any people nearby.

Reaching the chest, he turns around to face the group. So I propose we split responsibilities - water, shelter, fire, scouting, and someone will need to collect anything useful we can from the beach. I'll go on record to say I'm not much of a woodsman. I haven't even been camping years. But I can at least scout the area or maybe get a fire going.

Turning back to the chest, he drops to a knee, and whispers a single sound in the dark speech - MOL. The lock shudders for a moment, and then cracks, dropping to the sand. It's open.

2016-09-27, 10:26 AM
Lou stares at Blue and the lock.
"Well that was impressive. And useful."

Shall we make for the brush and our best chance of survival?"

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.

2016-09-27, 06:22 PM
I might do better to make a camp. If we get sinew or the right kind of wood, I could make bows and arrows. If you find a beast that needs serious effort to fight, let me know, and I will help you with some of my stones and fling rocks at the thing with my sling.

Once you know it is safe, I can try to find vegetable dyes in the woods, to make more power stones with.

She scribbles a note, and passes it to Lou. Then, unless stopped, she starts sorting the wreckage into kindling, salvage wood, firewood, useful metal, and scrap, putting the last onto a board where it won't get trod on.

2016-09-27, 08:02 PM
"Jorn, once you check your chest there, why don't we all push inland to see if we can find a clearing for setting up camp?"

"With the power we each have here, I think we"ll be alright."

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.

2016-09-27, 08:18 PM
Jorn opens the chest and starts to investigate the items inside, trying to discern if anything might be useful, or if any of the documents shed any light on their predicament.

He pauses to read, nodding at the latest note as it passes by him.

"Aye, it might'n be a bad idea ta speak a little 'bout what we ken do. Like knowin' that Blue could pop a lock simply by starin' real hard at it fer a bit. Could come in handy fer us to know each others' abilities so's we know who ta yell at when somethin' needs doin' quick."

He thumps his axe against the shield strapped to his pack, it's standard of a mountain with axe beneath showing grey in the daylight.

"Take me, fer example. I'm a fighter, plain an' simple, an' solid ta boot. No fancy magic, but a bow ta launch an arrow or two if need be."

Knowledge: History
Knowledge: Local

2016-09-27, 08:35 PM
Lou looks to Jorn thoughtfully,"Good thinking. Ever fight the walking dead? Yeah, that's how fighting me is."

The whisper gnome holds his hand out and frost coats his flesh. A javelin forms from the growing ice. "So, yeah, I use powers like they do."

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.

2016-09-28, 08:19 AM
Blue Steel glances at those who speak, then eyes the lock as he stands. My patron grants me some... innate magic. One of these is the ability to remove obstacles. In short: I break things. That can include beasts if danger arises.

Unfortunately for our present situation, I'm not as adept at building as at destroying. I don't know the first thing about getting a shelter up, and I'm too small to help with much heavy lifting. Luckily I don't take up much space. Being small has its advantages. I might be best served to scout the area for dangers. At least if there IS anything out there, I'm pretty good at not being seen.

He glances at the insectoid woman gathering materials. What's with her?

2016-09-28, 08:44 AM
Returning from the new "flagpole", Vor adds,

"Heavy lifting and general labour is an area in which I can make myself useful. Unfortunately, my days as an outdoorsman are far behind me, and I remember nothing useful."

2016-09-28, 09:52 AM
"That's Quartz. She doesn't speak, but that don't seem to mean she ain't wordy, heh. She appears to MAKE things, which, considering how much breaking we all do, is kinda really awesome!"

But, no. I'm no good outdoors myself. I'm beginning to think we have a common weakness, nature!"

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.

2016-09-28, 10:32 AM
Blue Steel considers the situation for a moment. Perhaps none of us should wander off alone. Lou, was it? You're a smaller guy, like me. You look fairly light on your feet. The two of us can scout out the area inland a bit. We'll look for a nice place to make camp - somewhere flat, sheltered, and near a water source - and make sure there's nothing around that will try to kill us. If we see anything we can't handle, we'll make for the beach again. If the three of you could collect anything that might be useful on the beach and pack it up, when we get back we can haul it to the camp spot.

If there are no objections, Blue nods at Lou and slips into the brush.

I'm going to pre-roll some checks here for the scouting mission.

To avoid notice
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

To notice any dangers
Listen: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

To find a decent camping spot
Survival: [roll4]

2016-09-28, 11:18 AM
"Good thinking, Blue. You take point and I'll cover your back."

True to his word, Lou follows after Blue.

To avoid notice
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

To notice any dangers
Listen: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

To find a decent camping spot
Survival: [roll4]

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-28, 11:31 AM
Inside the chest is a sack of coins, a wand tipped with tiny carved bull's horns, four iron horseshoes, a rolled up scroll bound in a blue ribbon, and another scroll bound in a red ribbon.

2016-09-28, 12:40 PM
Jorn gives the items in the chest a short glance. He scoops them into a sack and puts them into his pack, intending to show the others later.

"Oi, Vor, when we get some time later, remind me ta show evr'body what were in th' chest. Looks like some of it might be magical, but it ain' my specialty. Mebbe Quartz can make something of th' wand."

Jorn begins helping the others gather the debris into usable collections. He glances at the elf, standing off on her own.

"She seems kinda quiet. Anybody know what's her story?"

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-28, 12:46 PM
As Jorn reaches into the chest, the lid suddenly snaps down at his hand.


2016-09-28, 01:02 PM
Before Jorn could begin scooping the items into his sack, the trap slams shut. He was able to jerk his hand out of the way in time, but after narrowly surviving drowning he wasn't in the mood for tomfoolery.

"Aaah! Stupid durn box! What'd ye have ta go and do that fer?"

He stands up, putting a hand on his axe, but thinking better of the idea, puts his fingers between his lips and whistles at the departing gnome.

"Oi! Ice-fingers! Ye might wanna be comin' back and tryin' again! Ye didn' unlock it proper!"

2016-09-28, 01:10 PM

2016-09-28, 01:10 PM
Lou comes running back. "What's going on!"


2016-09-28, 01:39 PM
Blue Steel, hearing the dwarf yell out for Lou, halts on the edge of the beach. Looking back, he can see the dwarf shaking his hand as if bitten. Of course. In the confusion of being washed up on shore, he hadn't bothered to check the chest for traps or, more importantly, magic. He pops back out of the brush and walks toward Jorn.


2016-09-28, 04:17 PM
Quartz emits a warning pheromone that is all but imperceptible to the others there, but would warn any of her female kin of a rogue construct, and at least give a clear indication to males and larvae to hide.

Not wanting to waste a precious stone if she can avoid it, she decides simply tries to fight with infusions.


If it is just a trap, Quartz can just disable it, now that its presence is known. Assuming it is still primed. Disable device [roll1]

2016-09-28, 05:18 PM
Upon seeing the now moving chest Lou pulls his arm back and let's loose the javelin of ice he had been clutching.

[roll1] (dex)

Essentia Available: 2
Essentia Capacity: 1

Grave Gate (undead)
Chakras: All
This is your connection to the soul-stuff of the undead.
Once shaped it permanently remains shaped, though the chakra binds work as normal. This does not count against number of soulmelds shaped.
GsW counts as undead type for gaining feats. +1 insight bonus to all saves
Essentia: +1 insight bonus to all saves/ep


Entombed (undead)
Chakras: Hand, Heart
Freeze, Creatures hitting the GsW with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 cold damage and 1d2dex damage
Essentia: +1d6 cold and 1d2dex/ep
1 Essentia Invested

Chakras: Brow, Waist
Ice Arms, A GsW's weapons are made of magical ice in razor-sharp and its javelin is a +1 returning icy burst javelin. These weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with each hit.
Essentia: +1d6 cold damage per Essentia invested.
1 Essentia Invested

2016-09-28, 05:20 PM
Double post to fix roll:

(2d2)[4] (dex)

2016-09-28, 06:12 PM
Jorn watches the chest move around more than just a simple attempt to close on his hand, and realizes that it's more than it seems. He lets the pack slip from his shoulders, grips his waraxe in both hands, and swings at the chest in a mighty overhand blow.


As a swift action, Jorn drops his pack and enters the Stonefoot Stance. This gives him +2 to strength checks and +2 against foes larger than himself.

Attack roll, using Rapid Assault for an extra 1d6 damage

Damage: Battleaxe

Damage: Rapid Assault

If the hit lands, then two maneuvers will be triggered.
Lead the Attack: A successful hit gives any allies attacking my target +4 for 1 round (I'll check to see if it's +4 to attack only or to damage as well)
Stone Bones: A successful hit grants DR 5/adamantine for 1 round

2016-09-28, 06:18 PM
Deleted due to being stupid about the rules.

2016-09-28, 08:47 PM
Quartz advances on the animate box box and uses her artificer's knack to transmute some of it into a non-animate box

To hit [roll0] versus touch AC
Damage [roll1], no save

2016-09-28, 08:50 PM
Bonus Damage [roll1]

2016-09-28, 09:25 PM

Surprised by the sudden attack of what was supposed to be a chest, Vor advances and brings his hammer down.


Moving to within 10ft of the chest, attacking. If the chest tries to leave his threatened area, Vor will use his attack of opportunity to make a Stand Still attack.

2016-09-28, 10:16 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

"Uuuuhhhhhh..." Soveliss puts a hand to his aching head the slight dream of their trip here with his master on board still confusing him. He opens his eyes and checks around, the half remembered bits of a tentacled sea monster still fresh in his addled brain. His hand reaches for his sword that should be on his back by reflex. He raises his voice as his eyes and other senses clear enough for him to take stock of his situation. "Are there any survivors among us?"

Init [roll0](for when appropriate)
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
HP 12
Immune sleep effects
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1(+2 against other enchanments)
Grp +2

An Enemy Spy
2016-09-28, 11:11 PM
Turn order goes:

Blue Steel

Lou's icy javelin strikes the chest. Soveliss is still recovering his wits and has not joined the battle yet, Quartz's spell causes the wood to wither and crack, and the chest breaks apart.

2016-09-28, 11:49 PM
Lou looks over the remains of the chest,"Why did anyone have this on board a ship? To secure valuables? Can anyone identify anything there?"

"Actually,"Lou scratches his head and looks a bit pensive as he scans the wreckage,"Did anyone hear someone calling out? I could've sworn I heard..."

2016-09-29, 12:44 AM
Quartz examines the items to see if they are magical. Actually determining what that magic may be would be expensive and time consuming, but probably not necessary.

[roll0] sack of coins,
[roll1]a wand tipped with tiny carved bull's horns,
[roll2]four iron horseshoes,
[roll3]a rolled up scroll bound in a blue ribbon,
[roll4]and another scroll bound in a red ribbon.

2016-09-29, 12:53 AM
Quartz looks them over for a while, and discovers appearances are not misleading. This is bona fide magic loot. Of some sort. She writes her findings, rips of that part of parchment, and goes to pass it to Lou.

The horseshoes are enchanted, and the stick is apparently a magical wand, just as we all surely guessed. I would need pearls and a few hours to learn more. Presumably, the scrolls are also exactly what you think they are, but I would need a spellcaster to use "Read Magic" on them.

About this time, she looks up to see that she escaped the finer points of social nicety. That is, everyone else went to check on the newly found survivor.

2016-09-29, 08:56 AM
Blue Steel halts his step. Whether it had been a trap, a spell, or a monster, the rest of the group had smashed it to bits now. His ears picked up a new voice. Looking around, he sees another survivor shaking off sand.

Hello! We've got a live one! Jogging over to the new companion, he slows his step about 20' from him and approaches cautiously. It's all right. The ship was attacked. We washed up here on shore. There are five of us... six now, I guess. I'm Blue Steel. He points out each of the companions. That's Lou, that's Jorn, that's Quartz (she doesn't say much), and I don't remember that other guy's name. Uh, Vol, Vor, ... something with a V.

He gives the elf a moment, expecting an introduction.

Anyway, we're safe for the moment.

He looks up at Lou. What the heck was that, anyway?

2016-09-29, 09:33 AM
Jorn's axe hangs in midair as he halts his swing upon seeing the chest crack apart.

"Humph! Durn magic. Ain't natural fer a box ta try ta eat somebody's hand."

He watches Quartz look over the items, then watches her write the note.

"Just a thought, lass. We ain't exactly near anything like a market where ya ken get more paper. Unless ya ken make more, ya might wanna start thinkin' 'bout writin' smaller, or we need ta be figurin' out some other ways of talkin' with ya."

2016-09-29, 10:27 AM
Quartz shrugged. Explaining the practical differences between parchment and paper, and how an artificer could scrub and repair it even more easily than a mundane scribe, was not worth it right now. Plus, she had used one sheet out of 40, and still had some space on the back.

She then gestured that she wanted the dead box-construct. Eventually, she could fix it, and make it loyal to her.

2016-09-29, 10:36 AM
Jorn nods at Quartz's gestures.

"Aye, I dunna see why ye canna keep th' busted up box if ye've a use fer it."

He gestures at the gathered materials all round them.

"What of this stuff do ye wanna take wi' us? Ye plannin' ta make somethin' useful outta some of it?"

2016-09-29, 10:42 AM
Quartz is going to try to give the others the gist of Drow Sign Language. She doubts it will work, but it is worth a shot.

"I want it for parts. I can fix it later., also. Maybe."

Still probably too complex, but she was intentionally dumbing down her speech, in hopes they picked up the basics.

2016-09-29, 10:45 AM
"Jorn, are you hurt at all? No, you don't look it. Good."

It takes only a moment of examination for Lou to give up on the chest,"Quartz, you make things right? Magic-like? Well, can you fix magical things? What can you do with this, I don't want to leave behind things that might be useful to our survival."

"Vor! We have another survivor! Would you go help Blue get the new guy together and up to date?"

"Jorn, we haven't made it off the beach without danger, would you join me standing guard for a bit?"

2016-09-29, 12:52 PM
"Aye, that's a good idea. I'll stay closer to this area near th' trees if'n ye wanna roam about."

Jorn unstraps his shield from the pack and slides it onto his left arm. For now he leaves the pack near Quartz and the collected debris, and takes up his waraxe and begins stumping a patrol line back and forth parallel to the treeline. He keeps about 10 feet away from the trees, with a wary ear and eye out for anything suspicious or useful.




An Enemy Spy
2016-10-01, 06:07 PM
Jorn hears something rustling softly through the foliage, like a pack of animals moving slowly through the brush. He cannot see what is causing the noise though.

2016-10-02, 07:49 AM
Jorn peers into the bush, listening to the sounds of the moving animals to see if he can hear any metal or the like. Hearing nothing, he shrugs and goes back to his patrol.

"At least there's game fer us ta hunt in th' trees." he thinks to himself.

2016-10-02, 11:44 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

His eyes cleared and instincts calmed Soveliss adrresses the halfling. He gingerly gets up and bows respectfully. "Well met. My name is Soveliss Xiloscient a travelling warrior. I think I see my pack." He walks over to a mishappen lump and digs it out of the detritus of whatever washed up with it. He takes a few minutes to quickly check it's contents and situate it before shouldering the gear and heading over to the group at large to see how he can help.

2016-10-03, 12:14 AM
As Soveliss approaches Lou looks up, "Hello! I am Lou, welcome to our ragged, waterlogged posse of survivors. You've seen Blue, if you look over there you'll find Vor, Quartz is the quiet one tinkering with the crazy chest, Jorn stands watch, and I am greeting you."

Lou gives Soveliss a look over.

"You carry a blade, I assume you are competent with it? We've not made it off the sand yet and we've face attack,"gestures at the chest,"from that. Who knows what we'll find in there!"points dramatically into the tree line.

2016-10-03, 07:23 AM
Blue Steel glances back at the chest. You know, Lou, that thing washed up on shore with us. Probably belonged to an officer or some other well-to-do, considering it was enchanted somehow. We shouldn't take that as an indicator of what we'll find here.

He turns his attention back to the elf. Anyway, Soveliss Xi... Shilo... Xilos.... Boy, that's a mouthful. I'll stick with Soveliss for now. If you'll excuse us, Lou and I were just about to conduct a quick survey of the area.

2016-10-03, 08:48 AM
"He is right. Ready, Blue?"

Lou steps into the brush and behind his scouting mission.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2016-10-03, 10:06 AM
Blue Steel slips into the brush after Lou, with a reassuring Shan't be long to the rest of the group.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2016-10-03, 08:29 PM
"Well met, Sovellis"

Vor extends a large, clawed hand to the elf.

2016-10-03, 09:44 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

turning to the rest of the group he replies. "Well met; Lou, Vor, Quartz, and Jorn." Giving Lou a mischievous grin. "I have had a blade in my hands since a young age. I'm competent enough to feel comfortable with it" He smiles at Blues fumbling. "It'll take some time, calling me Soveliss will do."

Soveliss shakes Vor's clawed hand. Vor notices that there's not much strength in it. Even so there's still some callouses from having handled blades in the proper places and his hand has a steady enough grip. "A dragon of some kind? I haven't come across your kind before or anyone like Quartz either. This is going to be very interesting."

2016-10-03, 10:27 PM
"I am blessed to have been re-forged in the image of my Lord Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon"

2016-10-03, 10:58 PM
Quartz waves and shrugs, then communicates a little in Drow sign, then writes down the same general thing in common text.

We Khepri aren't very common. A lucky few of our foremothers crossed the sea from someplace we don't remember, for reasons that were allowed to be forgotten. Some of our hives are in the ghettoes of Brambilla, but few outsiders come to them. Why would they? I decided a change of venue would do me good, or at least someone back home thought that, if you take my meaning.

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-06, 10:34 PM
Lou stalks through the foliage with the liquid grace of an elephant sliding across an icy patch into the side of a china shop. Blue Steel is practically invisible in the brush. A pity that his feet manage to find seemingly every dead stick in the area.

Neither of them can find whatever it was that Lou had heard.

2016-10-07, 12:01 AM
Lou pushes further in a bit farther. A good clearing for a base camp would be a sweet find...

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Survival (to locate a proper base camp location) [roll3]

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-07, 09:58 PM
Needless to say, Lou's efforts bear no fruit.

2016-10-07, 10:19 PM
Lou returns to the beach, thoroughly chastened by his failure to discover anything helpful.

"Well, guys, I couldn't find anything. Any ideas?"

2016-10-07, 11:32 PM
Quartz looks at the sad collection of driftwood and logs and has begun working on something that might, probably, be better than just hiding in the woods. The pile of things that can be reasonable burned, at least, is big enough for a while. Assuming they don't get rained on, they shouldn't be too bad off. She hopes.
Quartz looks at them and shrugs. She privately doubts anyone smart enough to be able to read didn't figure out most of this already, and they, thankfully, can.

2016-10-10, 12:35 PM
Jorn continues his patrol, waiting for the others to decide whether they are staying the night on the beach or are heading inland. He glances over at Vor's and Quartz's efforts now and then, but keeps most of his concentration on the forest and remaining alert for any signs of danger.

2016-10-10, 08:16 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

Reading Quartzs reply Soveliss smiles. "Travelling to new locations and people can be a good experience..." then he looks around at their predicament "or a trying one. Either way it's good to take chances when you can. Life would be boring otherwise."

Lou comes back and asks his question. "How about we make a shelter for now using what we can salvage from the ship and shore? Gather what supplies we can today. Tomorrow we make a decision what direction and start exploring. Hows that sound?" He then starts helping Quartz with her efforts.

2016-10-10, 11:54 PM
"I agree, Soveliss. You feel up to first watch when the light fades? Maybe Vor can take second watch and I'll cover the dawn shift?"

Lou sits on a bit of detritus, pulls out his clay jug, and lets his ice javelin melt into it. "Cold water, anyone?"

2016-10-11, 05:10 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

"First watch sounds okay with me. We might want two people per watch that way a surprise won't make us too vulnerable." Soveliss goes to see what other stuff they can salvage from the ship that has washed ashore.

2016-10-12, 05:43 PM
Guessing they are set on camping on the beach, Quartz, writes
Would you like me to start a campfire? Do you have any water, that I might need to boil? The Becah beach is defensible, at least for now. I can take whichever watch, but I might be better at second, because I can see in the dark, and won't be in a frontline if we need to fight.

2016-10-12, 07:53 PM
Catching snatches of the conversation about standing watch, Jorn calls to the group

"I ken stand a middlin' watch. I ken see in th' dark well enough."

2016-10-12, 10:33 PM
"My vision is suited for evening or dawn, I will gladly stand watch at either of those times"

Vor continues to make himself useful lifting heavy things, and assists in the construction of the shelter.

2016-10-13, 07:19 AM
Blue Steel slips back out of the bush and onto the beach with the grace and quiet of a disturbed herd of buffalo. Seeing the shelter beginning construction, he looks toward Lou. You didn't find anywhere suitable either, hey? It's all a tangle of brush and rocks as far as I can tell. There are a few spaces that might work, but it would take a lot of time and effort to clear. Better we just cozy up here on the beach.

Surveying the construction in progress, he asks what he can do to help.

2016-10-13, 10:57 AM
Lou looks around at each survivor. He nods respectfully.

"Looks like we have a plan then. Blue and Soveliss, first watch. Make it about 3hrs. Same for Jorn and Quartz at second watch. Vor, you're with me for dawn shift. Any issues? Any special requests?"

"Friends, we are in an unfortunate place here. Stranded on an uncivilized, unexplored land. No real hope of rescue. Very limited resources."

"What we DO have is us. Just us. That's a resource I'm willing to bet my life on. I'll watch your backs if you'll watch each others' and mine. Perhaps we can find safety and a way home. Or we might conquer this land and make it our home instead. Either way, we do it together. Who's with me?"

2016-10-13, 04:56 PM
Jorn nods his agreement.

"Aye, I'm with ye. I came on this trip fer adventure, and adventure seems ta be found."

2016-10-13, 05:25 PM
Quartz raises a fist and her head scarab flutters in silent exultation. Or, at least, she tries to convey that.

2016-10-13, 10:55 PM
Vor nods in agreement.

"You have my word."

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-15, 08:03 PM
It takes the rest of the day to complete your crude shelter. Night sets in and you begin your watch shifts. The only light illuminating the beach comes from the narrow sliver of the moon. Far off in the distance, a pillar of smoke rises over the treeline.

2016-10-15, 09:07 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

earlier in reply to Lou
"No issues. although I should have mentioned that I only need four hours of reverie to rest in a night. I didn't think of it sooner for I'm usually with my own. Do you want me to do first shift, reverie for four hours, then get up for the last two hours of last shift? Whatever happens here I have your backs and you can rely on my sword arm. I'm with ye."

on first shift
Soveliss gets Blue's attention as subtely as possible then motions to the smoke. "Looks like we have some company on this land after all."

2016-10-18, 06:34 AM
Blue Steel gazes in the direction to which Soveliss gestures, squinting. Where there's smoke, there's fire, hey? Your eyes are better than mine, elf. I would have missed that. Do you know about taking marks for direction? Better set it in your mind, we can track that way in the morning. Blue takes note of some landmarks by which to find the camp in the daylight.

We'll let the others know about it when we switch shifts. Whomever is out there may be friendly, but I wouldn't wager our lives on it.

2016-10-18, 10:19 PM
Soveliss Xiloscient

Soveliss smiles grimly. "Wiser words have not been spoken. I'll mark the way in my memory and I agree we should notify the next shift. Elves have been known for good eyesight and hearing." Soveliss takes the time to note bearing and any distinctive things in the direction of the smoke for later when it's light out.

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-20, 12:32 AM
Nothing eventful happens during the first shift.

2016-10-20, 12:59 AM
Quartz gets up at the appointed time. She makes no effort to try to communicate, but listens to anything that she might need to know.

She just shrugs when she hears about the smoke. It should really be left until morning, and, in the better light, the others might be able to read easier.

After things are settled down a little, she uses Mending to restore her spent parchment to a pristine state.

2016-10-20, 04:50 PM
Jorn listens to the passed information about the smoke carefully, noting the direction.

He spends his shift making sure his gear is clean and dried, touching up the edge of his axe if needed, and keeping an eye on the beach and trees.

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-22, 06:10 PM
When the night is at its darkest, a group of figures emerge from the jungle. Ten elves with grey skin like Soveliss carrying bronze sickle blades and wooden shields form up around you, led by a female elf in bronze scaled armor armed with a sword that resembles a rapier. At her feet is a green crested lizard-like creature the size of a dog.

"I roto i te ingoa o Ahi whakahau koutou e ahau ki!" the leader says.

2016-10-22, 06:49 PM
Quartz spreads her arms in supplication, with the vestigial limbs of her headscarab curled up in a pupal position. She looks to see for some way to make a noise and rouse the others.

2016-10-23, 09:42 AM
As the figures emerge from the growth, Jorn picks up his axe and shield, banging them together a few times to wake up the others.

"Up an' at em, lads! Looks like we've got company."

Holding his shield ready in front of him defensively but keeping his axe ready in hand at his side, he squares off to face the apparent leader of the group.

"What're ye about then? Do ye come in peace, or fer a fight?"

He hears the elf's words, and tilts his head to the side, his features scrunched up in confusion.

"Eh? I canna understand ye, lass."

2016-10-23, 10:06 AM
Lou awakens and stands up, rising off of the patch of now frosty sand he'd slept on. The ice javelin grows in his hand once more as he takes in the scene and moves to cover the rear of the party.

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-23, 10:45 AM
The elves raise their weapons in response to the party, but the leader raises a hand and they stand down. She sheathes her sword. "Raro koutou patu. Ei kore matou i haere mai ki konei ki te whawhai. Me haere mai koe ki a matou." She gestures to your weapons, and then to the ground.

2016-10-23, 10:48 AM
Well that's a universal message. Let's cooperate, yeah?

The javelin melts away to nothing.

2016-10-23, 03:58 PM
Blue Steel pulls himself to a seated position, resting one elbow on a knee, the other on the ground, trying to appear casual, even with his half smile. His steel blue eyes are intense though, taking the measure of the elf who appears to be the leader.

Well, looks like they've got us dead to rights. Anyone understand what they're saying, or are we going to have to pantomime the whole thing? He gets to his feet and points to himself. Blue. Blue. BUH-LOO-AH.

2016-10-24, 02:33 AM
Soveliss Xiloscient

Soveliss opens his eyes from his meditative state not yet refreshed enough he still has enough awareness to come to his feet in a fluid movement and pick up his scabbard complete with sword. The noise had irritated him initially, however the situation had awakened his combat senses. He looked at ease but could act at a moments notice. He looks around to notice Lou with a javelin type weapon in hand, Jorn with axe and shield, Quartz weaponless so far, and Blue barely rousing. A group of what looks like his own people has emerged from the island, he concentrates to see if he recognizes the language as they take a less aggressive stance sheathing weapons and gesturing for the group to as well. Lous javelin melts away and Blue finally pulls himself into a seating position to suggest trying to communicate. Soveliss relaxes lowering his scabbard out of the ready position.

2016-10-24, 09:50 AM
Jorn shifts his axe in his grip, lowering the axehead to the ground and leaning the pommel against his hip. He sets the bottom edge of the shield on the ground in front of him, resting both hands on the top rim, relaxing his pose. He turns his head and announces to the group:

"Ease off, lads. Looks like they came ta talk. Soveliss, ye wanna come up here? They might like ta see a set o' familiar ears."

Turning back to the leader, he raises his hand in greeting.

"Greetins. I be Jorn Axeheart. Jorn." He thumps himself on the chest with his thumb.

He then extends his hand in offer of a handshake.

2016-10-24, 07:58 PM
Vor stirs from his slumber and takes in the scene. He opts not to reach for his weapon.

Well, at least we now know that the place can support humanoid life...

2016-10-24, 08:36 PM
Quartz, in a calculated risk, signals nonviolent intent and a wish to parley in Drow Sign. How another race of elves responds is an open question, but, hopefully, they either respond in kind or do not recognize it at all.

2016-10-25, 11:09 AM
Soveliss Xiloscient

At Jorns suggestion Soveliss slowly slings his scabbard over his back and steps forward to converse with the other elves. As he does this Vor awakens and Quartz uses the hand signals from earlier that he suspects is the secret language of the dark elves...if it be he hopes the other elves do not take that as a bad indication of the parties intent.

Speaking up Soveliss says. "Well met I'm Soveliss Xiloscient. We mean you no harm, we're just explorers." *Elven

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-28, 09:34 PM
If the elves understand anything you said, they show no sign of it. Two of them move in to gather your discarded weapons. the leader points to herself and says "Ataahua."

The others whisper amongst themselves, throwing furtive glances at Soveliss. ""Ei tetahi he Ahii. Te mea kei te mahi ia ki enei tangata ke?"
"Ei kore he ia tetahi o tatou. Whakarongo ki te tito korero ia, me te hunga tawhetawhe mau ia."

"Ka haere mai koe ki a matou." the leader says to you. Pointing to you and drawing an imaginary line with her finger that points back to the jungle and the column of smoke.

2016-10-28, 11:53 PM
I wonder what's off in that direction. Any ideas, guys? Looks like they want us to make for whatever is there. I don't suppose anyone wants to take a crack at getting them to lead.
Lou hasn't stopped watching the elves for even one moment.

2016-10-29, 08:56 AM
Jorn's ears perks up at this last speech from...Ataahua was it?

"Koe ki a matou..." he says softly. "Ye said that before..."

He looks to Soleviss.

"I think she be wantin' us to go with her. They haven't meant us no harm, it seems. Mebbe they know the dangers of this place better'n we do."

2016-10-29, 09:49 AM
Quartz nods and gestures to go with the strange elves. What she is thinking is a mystery to the others, although it is largely the same. If they wanted to kill us, they would have. They wanted us alive and with them, which is probably a sign of friendly intent. Probably...

2016-10-29, 10:31 AM
Blue Steel thinks back to his vision of the day before. His patron was insisting that he leave the beach, and unless his memory failed him, the direction he had indicated would lead them near the source of that smoke.

Well, no sense hanging around here. Not like we had any other plans today. Picking up his pack, he starts off past the elves toward the smoke. This way?

If they allow him to go ahead, Blue will start into the jungle, following the marks he had made on his watch. He'll keep his eyes and ears open for traps or creatures along the way.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2016-10-29, 10:40 AM
Lou very deliberately turns his back to the strange elves and picks up his pack.

I'm with you, Blue.

An Enemy Spy
2016-10-29, 06:04 PM
Ataahua signals to her warriors and they surround your group, four on either side and two behind you. Ataahua herself and and the green reptile take the lead. They lead you through dense jungle, over cliffs and rivers. For hours you walk, until you come to a deep ravine whose bottom is filled with a river of noxious bubbling hot sludge that fills the air with a vile stench. On the other side of the deep trench is barefaced cliff, and there appears to be no way to cross the gap.

Ataahua goes to her knees and lowers her head to the ground. "
Whaea Ahi, rapu koutou tamaiti koutou āwhina ki te tomo koutou pa mo'a. Tena, tukua atu matou to koutou āwhina kia hoki tatou fare." A beam of light shines out from the cliff face across the ravine to where you stand, pale and soft as moonlight. Ataahua steps onto the beam as easily as if it were solid earth, and beckons you to follow.

2016-10-29, 06:43 PM
Stay light on your toes and don't look down, folks. says Lou as he focuses on something, anything, to keep his eyes above the bridge.

2016-10-31, 11:19 AM
Jorn watches Atuaahua walk on the beam of light over the chasm.

"Sure do have some strange ways here. But if they wanted ta kill us, they could'a done so before now. I dunna think that they'd use a bridge o' light ta kill us."

He steps tentatively onto the bridge, testing it's firmness before setting his whole weight upon it and crossing.

2016-10-31, 12:41 PM
Blue Steel gazes over the column of light. Indeed, Jorn. If we were looking for a sign that we're going the right way, this is it. He steps carefully onto the beam and strolls across the wondrous bridge.

2016-11-03, 09:13 PM
As they walk, Vor scans the new companions with his Detect Evil.

"While I trust this bridge will hold us, I suspect it will not last long, meaning we will not be able to cross again without assistance. However, as we don't really have a 'home' to return to, it may not make much difference to us."

Vor steps confidently onto the bridge.

2016-11-04, 08:51 PM
Quartz is impressed by this reasoning, and follows suit. If these people wanted to kill them, this was not the way they would do it. They would either slaughter us all from ambush, or do something more exciting in a prepared ritual. She would never say such a thing, even had she the physical capacity, but the thought couldn't keep out of her mind.

An Enemy Spy
2016-11-05, 08:07 PM
The bridge of light is like walking on air. You cannot feel any substance below your feet, and yet it holds you as easily as if it was made of solid granite. Ataahua leads you to the other side, passing through the cliff wall like it wasn't there at all. You follow her through the illusory wall and down a tunnel that opens into a gorge that holds the largest city any of you have ever seen, surpassing even the capital of Agostina. The city is dominated by three great stepped pyramids, each of which is topped by a huge stone statue. The statue on the pyramid to your left is a robed man whose face is shrouded by a hood, the one on the right depicts a skeletal figure cradling a newborn infant, and the statue on the central and tallest pyramid is that of a bare chested elf woman with the lower body of a snake.

As big as the city is, it is very sparsely populated. While Agostina's capital is positively bustling with activity at all hours of the day, here the streets are all but empty. Those who are out stare at you as they have never seen anything like you in their lives. Ataahua leads you through the city and up the steps of the great central pyramid. Once at the top, she enters through a door and disappears inside. Some minutes later, she comes back out, accompanied by a male elf dressed in green robes with a gold circlet on his head.

"Pai i kua whiwhi koe ki ahau ake tenei wawe hoki te take pai, Ataahua." Another voice says, approaching from inside. The voice's owner is a purple eyed gnome, dressed in the fashion of the Old World. His eyes widen when he sees the group of you. "You're from across the sea, aren't you? You must have a ship!"

"Ko konei koe ki liliu, Yun, ka taea e koe te kōrero ki te manene i runga i tou ake wa." Ataahua says sharply.

"Ko ahau te tohunga nui o te atua Ahi, a manako ki a koutou e ahau ki to tatou pa mo'a tino." the man in the green robes says. "
He aha te mea koutou whakaaro i roto i te rohe o Ahi?"

"He says he's the High Priest of her holy slitheriness, Ahi. Don't bother asking his name because he doesn't have one. He wants to know what you're doing in his territory."

2016-11-05, 09:43 PM
Lou tries not to get overwhelmed at the sights and grandeur surrounding him.
And he fails several times.

This place is HUGE! For a village boy? Ridiculous!

And then the High Priest of her holy slitheriness?! Why, everyone who's ANYONE knows all about her holy slitheriness, mahi-mahi!

Um... Maybe not...

And what the rot is a gnome doing here? I mean, at least he speaks the language. And he obviously knows how to survive here...

Hello, Lou says to the gnome, bad news, we don't have a ship, we have wreckage. Good news, well, we'll see about that part later.

Lou turns to the elf-in-green, Uh, hello, your holyship. We are here do to, um, misfortune and ill-tempered seas. We are looking for no fight, merely the wellbeing of our comrades.

An Enemy Spy
2016-11-05, 10:15 PM
"Kihai ratou i haere mai ki konei i runga i te whakaaro. I whakatangihia ratou kaipuke konei e te hau kino, me te totohu. rapu ratou te toenga o ratou hoa, me ki te kitea he ara ki te hoki te kāinga."

"Te hau i whakatangihia ai ratou i konei, engari e kore ratou i haere mai i tenei tawhiti i te tupono ohie. A ani ia ratou o ratou whakaaro he aha te tere tenei ara katoa ko."

"I haere mai ratou ki te whakatau i te koroni. taea kua korerotia e ahau ki a koutou e."

"O te akoranga e matau ana ahau he konei ratou ki te tīmata i te koroni. hiahia ana ahau ki te kite, ki te ka korerotia e ratou ki ahau te pono tamata ki decieve ahau ranei."

The gnome turns to you. "The High Priest wants to know for what reason you have sailed so far from home to come here."

2016-11-05, 10:58 PM
The Donna in my hive didn't like me very much, and her bully-girls led me to think I could use a change of scenery. Then, the ship crashed. I apologize for any unintended trespass.
She takes out her clipboard and scrawls this heavily bowdlerized version of the past several years and, if allowed, passes it to the strange gnome, apparently another ill-fated explorer.

Organized crime was the lifeblood of much Khepri society, almost as much as the various competing cults. Not taking any of them seriously was a mistake if the local Queenpin was the wife of the Priestess of a particularly insane splinter sect. It was beyond a bad idea to explain any of this to "the high priest of His Slitheriness."

2016-11-06, 09:09 AM
Blue Steel's eyes widen as they enter the city. Such a place he had only imagined from stories and songs... and in his dreams. He could swear his patron had walked through just such a place in his dreams, with impossibly tall towers and oddly empty streets. Yet he can not place its significance.

As he stands before the gnome, who surprisingly enough speaks the common tongue. More surprising, though, is the vision of his patron standing behind the officials. His patron no longer has the squid-like head, but instead seems to be flashing between imitations of the three large statues they had passed outside, changing from one to the next each time Blue blinks.

His patron had so rarely appeared to Blue in his waking moments, that it is immediately obvious something important is about to happen. A hub, a nexus of decision that will determine his life's path from here onward. He listens intently to the gnome, but hesitates to say anything.

2016-11-07, 08:59 AM
While I don't know that here was our intended destination, we came to this new world to explore it. To see what there is here. I was an outcast back home until my village was destroyed. I had nothing else back there. So I signed up for this job.

2016-11-07, 10:38 AM
As he walked through it, Jorn gazed in wonder at the city and the people that called the place home. Many things were recognizable, the shops and markets. But here and there were things that didn't make sense. The elf-snake diety for example...Jorn had never heard of such a creature or goddess.

In response to the gnome translator's question about his reason for being here, he answers:

"I were a bodyguard fer a merchant's apprentice. He were sent on th' voyage ta try an' find new markets. He did'nae wash up on shore. 'Afore that, I were an explorer, out from me homeland in search of adventure an' honor."

2016-11-08, 08:21 AM
Vor takes in the sights with the relaxed curiosity of one assured that his patron is watching over him. Until the decidedly reptilian statue, which even to his rudimentary knowledge of religion triggers alarm bells of possible evil dragonkind.

"I undertook the voyage to gain knowledge."

Vor is giving all of the new acquaintances a casual once-over with Detect Evil