View Full Version : [SW d20] Hunting Bounties

2016-09-25, 08:49 PM

Docked in the port of Mos Eisley on Tatooine, Koryus checks over all the systems again as he waits for his droid partner to arrive aboard their ship. The droid was gathering the last of the information available from their Hutt contact on their latest quarry; a notorious human smuggler named San Holo (hehehe). The highly modified Firespray, which he had named The Pursuer, had been his reward for a previously successful bounty years ago. In fact, it had been the first job with what was now his droid partner.

Maoci had been a factory issued droid with only the slightest variation, which it attained from experience gained during service to the Hutts. It had been programmed to unerringly obey the Hutts and be absolutely loyal to their every whim. Given the erratic nature of such an employer, a Hutt called Yoja who was a nephew of the famous Jabba, this was very difficult on the droid’s analytical circuitry. It became quirky and somewhat undependable, so Yoja included it as part of a bounty reward to Koryus.

Since then the two had been on several jobs, some of which took quite some time and effort to accomplish. But Koryus was a very determined individual who possessed a myriad of skills and abilities and never failed at any job he accepted. The droid had been very helpful in many ways, so to display his appreciation and trust, Koryus had recently made the droid an equal owner in the ship and a full partner in his bounty hunting endeavors.

Eventually the droid came to understand that it was much more than simply an object owned by someone. Though it took longer than many droids that ultimately realize this, Maoci finally broke through to being an independent individual in recent weeks. This would cause many owners to simply wipe the droid’s memory, but it was exactly what Koryus had been seeking all the time they were together. In fact, this was the third time he had attempted such a thing, the previous two culminating in costly failures with disastrous results. He fully intended to keep this a secret from everyone and do what he could to foster the continuation of this development in his partner.

2016-10-13, 03:19 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Maoci_zpsvcpqkeyf.png Maoci

A smooth sounding repuslarlift pushes a Buirk'alor up outside The Pursuer. A piece of gold in the dirt, it stuck out upon the Mos Eisley backdrop. An easy fantasy for any would-be thief. A poor target for any veteran. The thing worked for the Hutts. From inside Maoci flipped a switch to signal its arrive and the thing smoothly coasted forward toward the Pursuer's opening blastdoors.

The situation was similar yet different. It was like learning to walk again. Maoci couldn't stand when it was transferred over from its flying orb to the bipedal forms it wears now. If you wiped its memories it'd fall to the ground and have to learn to stand again. This change was harder to place. It wasn't a noticeable physical thing like walking. It was subtle. A small important change. Maoci was still more comfortable flying anyway. It was programmed to fly. Now it just flew airspeeders instead of its body.

Maoci was still a tracking droid. That had never changed. It didn't quite fit that model however. It was that plus more. It was a bounty hunter droid now. Koryus told Maoci to act different from what its programming strictly allowed. To act more "emphatic" to the situation. Expect, Maoci wasn't a protocol droid and the task of acting so far outside of its program seemed futile. Still, Koryus was persuasive, and it agreed to try to act the part. Even if it was an odd simulation to attempt. It couldn't predict that act becoming real. It was an impossibility.

Maoci draws its thoughts to a close as the airspeeder comes to a stop. It pushes its door up and gets out. A metal foot hitting the starship's floor. Of course, Koryus was waiting for it. "I have the bounty information." It goes to pass off a datacard. "No problems or hitches. Everything seems to be in the clear."

2016-10-14, 10:49 AM
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8134/29690897064_94e853d9a5_t.jpgOnce Koryus was sure all the ship systems were functioning properly he left the astromech droid in charge of powering up the engines when he gave the signal. He went to stand on the ramp and patiently waited for his partner as he watched the suns of Tatooine sink in the sky toward the horizon.

He really hated this planet, and Mos Eisley was one of his least favorite places in the galaxy. Most would likely think this dismal spaceport perfectly suited his personality and chosen profession. But the fact was he’d had several very rough encounters here in the past that constituted a collection of bad memories. He was fairly well-known to many of the locals, but not very well liked by most of them. Although most who truly knew anything about him feared his mysterious powers enough to steer clear, occasionally that was tested by someone trying to make a name for themselves, or someone came along that didn’t know him. But it was the offworlders who gravitated here, particularly other bounty hunters, that he mistrusted the most.

Still, this visit had been relatively quiet so far, and he continued to hope it remained that way. They’d only been here a few hours, long enough to dump off their latest mark, collect their pay, and agree to the next bounty. After that he’d sent Maoci to gather what information was available on that person while he relaxed a bit, consumed a good meal, and enjoyed a few drinks in a local establishment. There had been a few tense moments when he first walked in, but those who recognized him and might have given him any trouble were too busy carousing and gambling to put forth much effort into interacting with him. The one who did come toward him instantly fell victim to a Mind Trick and slunk back to his table. Overall he’d spent only about an hour there before returning to the Pursuer.

As Maoci approached and landed the small vehicle, he signaled the astromech droid to fire up the engines and prepare for departure. Entering the ship he went to greet his partner on the way to the cockpit and said, “Welcome back. I'm glad that all went well. I trust that we now have a first destination to search?”

Yes, the planet Iridonia, located in the mid rim. The data about the route from Tatooine to Iridonia is more than a month old for astrogate purposes, but he's only been gone a few days.

As they entered the cockpit, the powerful engines now powered up, he asked, “Do you want to pilot or shall I?” Though he was a known spacer, and certainly trained sufficiently as a pilot, Maoci knew that it was not one of his best skills.

He has +9 as pilot, so if your droid is currently much better than that it might be best to pilot it yourself. With his Force powers he could improve that, but likely wouldn't unless needed. On the same note, if needed, he could probably fire the ship weapons as well as, or possibly better than, Maoci. He has +14 Astrogate, so again if you have better right now go for it.

2016-10-20, 08:55 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Maoci_zpsvcpqkeyf.png Maoci

It gives a courteous nod to the welcome back.

"Yes. Iridonia is the idea. The information says that our target left for it a few days ago. It would be a good idea to make sure our own star charts are prepared for the journey. Whatever that rush may cost. We can't lose time on a bad hyperspace jump."

It continues onward with him toward the cockpit. Ready, to move into the odd seating arrangement. "I'll pilot." It was use to flying after all. Hyperspace jumps wasn't in its skill set however. "While I'm taking us out could you do something about those star charts?"

I've been dealing with some things >. > Now, not so much. *Readies to increase posting 1000%*

Yay character pictures! :smallbiggrin:

Maoci has Pilot +18 (-4 for non-proficiency included) pilot. It loves to fly P:. Maoci has 0 ranks in astro though. > .> Let's hope the astro droid is better at it. It'd have a +12 on space transport weapons.

2016-10-21, 12:01 PM

Koryus took the other seat and nodded once, immediately beginning the complex calculations needed to travel through hyperspace to Iridonia, “Well the most recent data is relatively old, but I believe we’ll manage a safe and swift voyage. At least once we’re in hyperspace.”

The Pursuer lifted off smoothly as Maoci flew the vessel out of the dock and into the atmosphere of Tatooine. No other ships launched immediately, always a good sign that nobody was following them.

Competition among bounty hunters was always fierce, and many who gravitated into that profession were less than honorable. Fairness was not unheard of, but was hardly a shared philosophical tenet among them. All manner of means were deployed to obtain the rights to a bounty, and the Hutts rarely interfered in such affairs since they viewed brutal competition as essential to retaining the best of the hunters in their employ.

Koryus and Maoci were not only well aware of all this, but actively engaged in both sides of this professional rivalry. Often the jobs put forth by the Hutts would offer the bounty to whoever accomplished the job first, not choose a specific person or group from among the multitude of competitors. Again, this fit perfectly within their view of how things should work in the galaxy, and enforced it heavily in the area they controlled.

So it was that when the Pursuer launched into space they came under attack by four vessels. One was another Firespray (B), there were a pair of YT-1300's (A&D) and a Z-95 Headhunter type starfighter (C). The Pursuer was out of the atmosphere but still too close to the planet to enter hyperspace. It was impossible to determine if all of the opposing vessels were working together, whether they were fragmented competitors who happened to act in unison, or whether all of them were even owned or operated by bounty hunters. At the moment none of that mattered. The only things that counted in this situation were speedy reactions and combat skills in space.

While the final calculations (need 1 more round) for the hyperjump to Iridonia were still being computed, a pair of ships (A&D) launched a missile at the Pursuer. They maneuvered tactically to make escape difficult while the two other ships (B&C) angled toward it on attack vectors. Koryus’ atromech droid instantly processed the combat programming that included a response to missile attacks by firing opposing missiles, so it launched one at each ship that fired one at them. Speed and piloting skills then became the primary focus, second only to attacking with more precise weapons on either approaching vessels or the missiles.


Astrogate (DC 23, roll includes +3 from R2) [roll0] Lucky Reroll = 24
Move actions needed to be clear of planet for hyperspace [roll1]

Each enemy ship start at 20 squares away, each at a different point in space. Though its tough to do 3d maps, all ships start out on the same plane on the z-axis. As each ship goes up or down I'll note +/- squares relative to your position. So your ship will always be at the 0 point on the z-axis regardless of your motion up or down.

Initiative please (as pilot you get to add the ship initiative bonus (+4) to your initiative):
Koryus [roll2]
R2 [roll3]
Ship A [roll4]
Ship B [roll5]
Ship C [roll6]
Ship D [roll7]

Pursuer 25
Koryus 20
Ship D (YT-1300) 19
R2 18
Ship C (Z-95 Headhunter) 14
Ship A (YT-1300) 9
Ship B (Firespray-31) 5

2016-10-21, 03:38 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Maoci_zpsvcpqkeyf.png Maoci

The sensors lite up with four dots. Their weapons were powered. Maoci glances down at readings and looks back up into the black nothingness of space. Answering back to take off, "I'm glad you included a qualifier earlier."

"We can't avoid a engagement. The planet still has a grip on us. They have a speed advantage on us."

Maoci slowly pushes the ship to full throttle. Its driving like a granny. It keeps its vision on piloting and the other half on Koryus, half expecting to be yelled at for not moving the ship outta there asap. The ship spinning more defensively than moving forward.

Initiative [roll0](+2 Maoci, +1 Size, +4 Maneuver) 25! Yes! Maoci gets to be impressive today.

It looks like we're still within the planets gravity well. All movement away from it is halved. (I've taking this into account. Let me know if I'm wrong.)

Declare Speed: Max; Ramming (Attack because of half speed, I think.)
Maoci is flying full defense. +4 Def & -8 Atttack.
Move: Move forward 6 squares (Half speed because of gravity).
Standard: Ready Action; Once the two attacking ships move to engage (or the firespray since Maoci considers it the bigger threat); once they move, but before they attack; Maoci is going to hit the engines.
Ready: Move forward 6 squares
Heroic surge: Move forward 6 more squares.

Maoci is gunning it as soon as they move in for the attack.
P: Take that forward facing weapons.

2016-10-21, 09:23 PM
Rd 1…

Maoci moved directly forward, planning to rush past the enemy ships right after they move but before they fire any weapons. A bold plan which depended upon the enemy all moving before they fire, but one that would likely work well if properly executed. One small issue arose as the plan was initiated; the two YT-1300’s each launched a missile before moving.

The astromech droid had been well programmed for battle actions, and it had some experience in space battles. One battle routine called for a reaction to exactly this situation. So the droid fired the laser canons at the incoming missiles, waiting until the last possible second to minimize the range. The first missile was destroyed, but the second one flew right through the laser fire (missed it!). Due to the fancy flying of Maoci the missile barely missed, but fell in behind and followed the Pursuer.

The enemy ships moved in to try blocking the route past them. They were well coordinated in their flying, but with only four ships it was virtually impossible to prevent a ship from slipping past them. Before any other weapons could be fired, Maoci flew just over them and away into space, twisting and turning the ship tightly in a feat of defensive flying few could match.

The YT-1300’s had turrets and clearly had experienced gunners as they each fired a salvo from their laser cannons. Apparently the pilot of the Starfighter was also well trained and experienced, as that ship turned and pursued closely.

After enemy moves

After Pursuer moves

End of round

Rd 2…

Koryus pressed the final keystrokes to enter the hyperspace course, “Punch it Maoci, we’re set!”

Unfortunately, due to the clever use of the initial battle tactics, Maoci had lost the initiative and would have to wait for the enemy to go before it could engage the hyperdrive. One of the YT-1300’s (D) turned clumsily in a maneuver to pursue, then fired the laser cannon again. One very well aimed shot hit hard (unconfirmed crit, 25 SP), but the other missed completely.

Though slightly agitated, Koryus calmly said, “R2, fire a missile at that ship that just hit us."

The R2 droid fired a missile from rear facing launcher at that ship. It slammed into the hull of the transport and the resulting blast did serious damage, likely rendering it unable to continue this fight without risking destruction.

The Starfighter failed to establish perfect pursuit, but it continued to follow the Purser and fired its triple blasters. The archaic weapon hit but did very little damage to the shields (9 SP).

Koryus turned his attention to the shield control panel, "I’ll see what I can do about the shield damage.” He successfully repaired some of the damage to the shields (repair 5 SP), then angled them to the rear.

The missile that was shot last round (M1) caught up to the Pursuer but failed to hit again.

The other YT-1300 (A) turned with more grace and followed. It fired twice from the turret but missed both shots.

The Firespray (B) turned to pursue also, waiting until it was close to fire the turreted weapons. Both shots also missed, the luck of the Pursuer’s crew holding out so far.

Monitoring the scanners, Koryus said, “We should be clear of the planet soon (next round), so get us out of here Maoci.”

Pursuer 29 (shields, angled to rear)
Ship D 78 (hull)

Ship D (YT-1300) 19
R2 18
Ship C (Z-95 Headhunter) 14
Missile A1 9 (2/6 rds)
Ship A (YT-1300) 9
Ship B (Firespray-31) 5
Koryus 5 (after delay actions)
Pursuer 5 (after readied actions)

2016-10-21, 10:18 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Maoci_zpsvcpqkeyf.png Maoci

Laser and missile trails exchanging between both parties. The firespray dancing through the combat stalled and punched forward through the solid defense line as they moved in. Pressing hard, Maoci call up some inner strength out of the Pursuer's engines. The minor systems aboard flicking on and off as the core chugged through it's energy. The engines strained to achieve normal fly under the gravity well, but only managed something a little extra.

The ship sparking from hull damage, potential fire hazards abound. Maoci kept pressing the sublight beyond it's capabilities. The Pursuer flew in a straightish path now trying to make a hurried escape. The ship is going to need a tune-up after this one.

"Punching spacetime."

"Be ready to engage. Keep the rear shields doubled. They can only follow now."

Declare Speed: Max; Attack Speed

Move: Move forward 6 squares
Standard: Move forward 6 squares
Heroic Surge: Move forward 6 more squares.

That's six moves. D:

2016-10-22, 07:14 AM
Rd 3…

The heavily damaged YT-1300 (D) turned back toward the planet, obviously giving up the chase.

The R2 droid turned to the shield generator to repair the shields (repair 14 SP).

The Starfighter (D) continued to follow the Purser, but remained out of range for its triple blasters.

The missile (M1) continued its chase, but also failed to catch up to the Pursuer.

The other YT-1300 (A) turned with more grace and followed. It fired twice from the turret but missed both shots.

The Firespray (B) also followed, but it too obviously remained out of weapon range.

Monitoring the scanners, Koryus said, “We’re clear of the planet, get us out of here Maoci.”

Maoci pushed the lever that engaged the hyperspace engines. The stars blurred briefly as the ship jumped to faster than light speed. Everyone relaxed a bit as Koryus continued to monitor the scanners and announced, “None of them followed us. I figured they had no idea where we’re going, but I could be wrong. If so, we might expect more trouble once we drop out of hyperspace. I'm off to get some sleep. Notify me immediately if anything happens.”

Pursuer 15 (shields, angled to rear)

2016-10-22, 07:49 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Maoci_zpsvcpqkeyf.png Maoci

Maoci gave a positive whistle as the ship made the jump.

It stayed focused on driving and monitoring the scanners though. Messing around in the cockpit to get readings on the ship and what type of damage they sustained. "I agree. Though besides the name I don't know much about where we're going either." Maoci wasn't very worldwise. It required some time to look up wherever they were headed. And it as much as confirmed it, "I'll start looking into the planet."

"If there is trouble I'll holler. Get some rest."

Maoci would stay at the controls a while longer before it was confident enough the auto-pilot could handle flying straight. It'd do some house cleaning after that. It'd look into Iridonia so it wasn't flying completely blind. Koryus might be experienced enough to know Iridonia off-hand but such experience didn't exist for the bounty hunter droid. It'd do some basic repairs / maintenance on the ship, the airspeeder, then itself. Whatever it could do without materials or a port. After that It'd spend the rest of the time cleaning and sorting the ship. Keep everything "loaded" for the up-coming job.

What type of action is it to engage hyperdrive? Assuming it's all calculated?

I'm still trying to find that sweet spot on Maoci's personality. I want him to be more stoic but not boring. x.x I'm looking forward to developing him in a fun direction. Let me know if I need to spice it up in a hurry P:

2016-10-22, 09:50 AM
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8134/29690897064_94e853d9a5_m.jpg “Good, I’ll also do some research after I wake up.”

Unlike his mechanical companions, Koryus required rest on a fairly regular basis to function normally. So after they were safely cruising through hyperspace he went to his quarters to get some rest. After about 9 hours, having slept and eaten, he returned to the cockpit. Using the ship computers, he began searching for information on Iridonia and about their quarry. He used a handheld datapad to summarize and organize the data. Being a successful bounty hunter included collecting resources that others might find difficult to establish and maintain. So he used his connections to some of the less reputable and secretive galactic sources of information.

After a few hours he signaled Maoci to join him. He smiled slightly as he turned to speak with his, “As you may already know, Iridonia is a harsh planet with a brutal and generally hot and dusty environment. Even the native Zabraks find it difficult to survive, if exposed on the surface for any considerable length of time. The landscape consists of grasslands in the extreme southern region and jagged mountains in the far north. Between them are vast deserts, acid seas and lakes, many deep canyons, dangerous stalking predators and fierce winds. Smugglers are known to use some of these canyons, so we might find our man in one of them, or at least his primary ship and some nefarious crew.

But I believe, based on his profile and his possession of large amounts of spice and other illicit goods he was supposed to be smuggling to the Hutts, we can conclude that he is most likely to be found in one of the cities trying to arrange the sale of his illegal cargo. Malidris is the capital city, which is located on the twilight meridian and made up of tall, narrow skyscrapers, all connected through a network of sky bridges and turbolifts. Though it is the central location of the government, there are many diverse interests there. I think it is the best place to start our search, since criminals are notorious for operating in such large cities. Thoughts?”

https://c7.staticflickr.com/6/5482/29859031334_a6ac74e1aa.jpg Nothing else occurred during the 24 hour voyage to Iridonia. The ship was several dozen kilometers from the planet Iridonia when it came back into normal space. The view was spectacular, if daunting, and indelibly memorable to any who had the opportunity to see it from orbit.

https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5720/29859030904_0fb7872b74.jpg As the Pursuer descended slowly into a stable orbit over Malidris, they were contacted by a government official, “Greetings, and welcome to Iridonia. If you have official business here, please state the general nature of that business and what department of the government with which you wish to interact. We will direct you to the nearest official docking port. Otherwise, feel free to proceed at your leisure to one of the public docking ports.”

Koryus replied, “Thank you, our business is private, so we will dock at a public port. However, to conduct our business efficiently we will likely want to speak with law enforcement officials very soon.”

The response was, “Very well. If you decide to seek the assistance of law enforcement officials simply go to the nearest police office.”

https://c5.staticflickr.com/6/5515/29859031204_85b9e9f381.jpg Arrangements were then made by Koryus to dock at a public port near the city center for a minimal fee. “Take us in Maoci. R2, I need you to stay on the ship and keep it secured.”

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8734/28857231295_699ed35244_m.jpg R2 beeped briefly to acknowledge this, "OK (http://www.r2d2translator.com/audio/fefo36h3f52qibt2pv5820ka73_0.MP3)"

Not sure how to, or if you even can, insert mp3's into a post. But the "OK" is a link to droid sounds! :smallbiggrin:

Shield Damage is restored at a rate of 2/minute, so within 8 minutes in hyperspace the shields are back to full.

2016-10-24, 06:08 AM

"It sounds like a lovely planet. I should consider looking into getting the proper compensator if I need to be on the surface."

"It's unlikely we'll find him by searching for him. It'd be easier to find who he is trying to sell too. A stationary target that has amassed a certain type of attention by selling spice is an easier target. Knowing that he travels with a dashade might allow us to better locate him on a life-form scanner if we're fortunate enough and the species is rarer here."

"We should look into who he could sell to. His ship might be in the deep canyons like you said. If we have the time, which we might not, it could be worth looking into a couple of ports to see if we can find his ship. He might be comfortable enough here to park somewhere a bit more public. We could limit our searching to where we think a smuggler would land."

I wasn't able to play that mp3 file. :smallfrown: I mostly know what an r2d2 sounds like.

2016-10-24, 08:22 AM
“Good points, and I agree with most of them. It might be fruitful to orbit the planet a while and search for any dashade with the sensors. After all, they are a very rare species anywhere in the galaxy. But that might also waste a lot of valuable time. As you know, many smugglers go to great lengths to hide their identity, especially if it is easily discernable with sensors. Do you have a life form scanner installed? If not, that would be a good investment for us.

So I suggest we go directly to Malidris and try to keep a low profile to start. I know of a few establishments in Malidris that cater to the seedier side of life. I think we should go to those first and act as if we’re in the market for quantities of spice. This should draw out any clues if San has made contact here. Of course, there might be some spice dealers who don’t take kindly to such inquiries, but I’m fairly confident we can deal with such scum handily. Just make sure most of your weapons are set to stun, we don’t really need to kill any intermediaries we deal with.”

Following his own advice he sets his blaster pistol to stun. Maoci is aware that it is not the only weapon in his personal arsenal, but it is the only one seen on his person, and the one he uses most often when needed. He has demonstrated his martial arts expertise in the past many times, and frequently uses the Force to accomplish things without violence.

As Maoci piloted the ship toward the docking port, Koryus contacted the manager to arrange the docking fee. He tried to barter the cost down but had no luck with the regimented fee schedule or the manager applying it. Docking the Pursuer would cost 250 credits per day. He decided to top off the fuel cells while they were here, though there were extra cells installed in the hold. This would be at standard charging rate for a fee of 50 credits.

As usual he had Maoci keep meticulous records of expenses associated with the job. The agreement between them stipulated that such expenses were deducted from their bounty before splitting it. Docking and refueling fees would be included in this, so each day spent here seeking their bounty would cut into their profits.

The bounty had been negotiated to a reward of 100,000 credits if San Holo was brought back alive and unharmed, 75,000 if (still) wounded, 50,000 if lame, 10,000 if dead. In addition there would be a reward of 500 credits per kilogram of spice recovered.

Once they landed the docking bay was closed and locked. After everything was secured aboard the ship, Koryus instructed R2 to keep the ship locked and let nobody in. He and Maoci knew the code to unlock it, and security was a very high priority to the Kian’thar.

Since we're taking the airspeeder, no need for this here.

As they leave the ship Koryus used the Force to enhance his senses (take 10, +6, 3 VP).

Damage/VP used
Koryus 3 (enhance senses, +6, 10 min)

2016-10-25, 01:58 AM

"I do not have a life-form scanner installed. They are usually very bulky. I need to watch my weight."

It runs its arms behind its back and sets its battery of weapons to stun. All small arms. It really needed to buy a bigger blaster.

Outside the ship, Maoci approaches a vending machine and swipes some credits. It inserts an old spot-on locator and withdraws one updated with the city map. "Let's locate these markets of yours. We're already a couple of days behind schedule. We need to make haste if we don't want to lose this tip early on. You said you know a few spots?"

Are we traveling by foot or airspeeder? Airspeeder would allow us to use our life-form / comm scanner while in the vehicle.

Spot-On Locator (Coruscant and the Core Worlds pg. 20) It's a local map.

2016-10-27, 01:33 PM
Instead of walking the bounty hunters used Maoci’s airspeeder. As Maoci stopped to obtain a local spot-on locator, Koryus contacted R2 using his comlink, “Recalibrate the Viper, the DZ and the Mark VII’s to detect dashade biosigns, then send them out into the city first; full stealth mode. If they detect none there, send them out into a spiraling search pattern outside the city. If they do detect any dashade have them relay the location to me.”

Making their way to the nearest establishment known to cater to spicers, Koryus kept his attention on those they passed within sight, “Keep your scanner active Maoci, we might get lucky.”

Roll computer use check please
The first stop closest to the dock was a three story hostel named The Bottomless Bottle. The ground floor was a dimly lit and smoke filled den of inebriation, currently hosting a variety of pleasure seekers primarily involved with ingesting various forms of intoxicants. Some huddled in small groups, others in pairs, and more than a few sought solitude in a futile effort in such a place. The bar was along the back wall, tended by a rather rough looking zabrak. A few scantily clad waitresses of diverse races moved about, deftly avoiding any attempts at groping while serving drinks and other commodities to the customers. A pair of military grade security droids flanked the door just inside, scanning not only the interior but anyone who entered.

To the right of the bar a set of stairs led up to the second story. It had an open balcony on three sides where several more scantily clad females waited to serve more private or intimate needs and desires of customers. Some of them leaned over the railing to look down on seething masses.

Koryus sighed softly as he stepped through the doorway, standing beside the sentry droids to let his eyes adjust to the low illumination. He used the Force to enhance his senses (take 10, +6, 3 VP) and tried to see if there were any force users in the vicinity. He noted those that seemed involved in consuming spice, which was most often smoked or snorted, and visually searched for anyone who looked like they might be a provider of such illicit intoxicants.

Listen [30]
Spot [26]
See Force [10]

Damage/VP used
Koryus 3 (enhance senses, +6, 10 min)