View Full Version : Optimization One-Turn man: bone-talisman turn undead optimization

2016-09-26, 10:54 AM
I noticed the Bone Talisman (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) spell the other day, and was intrigued by the potential of this line:

The effective turning level is equal to your caster level. All normal turning effects apply.

Unless I am mistaken, this means that effects that boost turning levels/checks can be employed by whoever ends up using the Bone, which when combined with a CL-dependent base turning level, could lead to ludicrous turning levels. I would like to make a collection of ways to optimize this.

First off, as Bone Talisman is a 2nd level spell, it can be accessed via Precocious Apprenticce, taking care of class restrictions. So, the first thing to collect are effective CL-boosting methods.

Second, it should be RAW possible to UMD the talisman, provided that it is a magic item prior to being subject to the Bone Talisman spell. UMD, like turning Damage, are Cha-dependent, so, the second thing to collect are Cha(check)-boosting methods.

Third, any effect that boosts turning level/damage available to whoever UMDs the bone should be applicable. So, the third thing to collect are things that directly boost turning damage/effects.

I know that optimizing these 3 things is nothing novel in itself, but I am yet to see the available options for all 3 compiled together, and I'd also like to include things that are often left out because they're either too cheesy, not cheesy enough, or from an obscure/mistrusted resource.

Circle Magic feat, regular version (goes up to CL 40, but requires PrCs)
Circle Magic feat, Ghostwalk version (goes only to CL 20, but can be used by any divine caster)
Beads of Karma, Item (+4, UMD-required for Druids, DMG)
Orange Prism Ioun Stone, Item (+1, expensive, DMG)
Ring of Arcane Might, Item (+1,expensive, may not work depending on caster, MIC)
Agony, alchemical item (+1, Evil, BoVD)
Ankh of Ascension, Item (+4, requires 3rd level divine spell slot to work for Bone Talisman, MIC)
Band of Spell Enhancement, item (+2, expedition to castle ravenloft)
Robe of Arcane Might, Necromancy, item (+2, necromancy only, Explorer's handbook)
Ruby Skull of Wee Jas, item (+1, worhship dependent, CC)
Terran Brandy, drug (+2, BoVD)
Adept Spirit, Spell (+1 Insight, MoI)
(greater) Consumptive Field, Spell (variable bonus, requires death and evil)
Create Magic Tatoo (+1, SpC)

Nymph's Kiss, feat (+2, Exalted, BoED)
Circlet of Persuasion, item (+3 competence, DMG)
Admiral's Bicorne, item (+5, Frost)
Marshal Aura of Motivate Charisma, class feature (+Cha)
Nixie's Grace, spell (+6 Enhancement, Brd 6)
Surge of Fortune, spell (treat roll as 20)

Moonfriend, Item (+3 level, expendition to castle Ravenloft)
Icon of Ravenloft, Item (+4 level, expedition ot castle ravenloft)
Domain Draught, Sun, item (1 use, 1 greater turn, MIC)
Greater Holy Symbol, item (DotF, grants empower turning)
Sacred, ASA (+2 level, BoED)
Ephod of Authority, item (+1 level, MIC)
Phylactery of Undead Turning (+4 level, DMG)
Rod of Defiance (+4 level, LM)
Improved Turning, feat (+1level )
Flametouched Iron, holy symbol material(+1 level, ECS)
True Holy Symbol (+2 Check, PlH)
Heighten Turning (+ N Check - N Damage)

Those are the ones I was able to dig up on the quick. Please contribute anything that I might have left out.

To make this thread a bit more interesting, lets say that the goal is to destory the Elder Evil Atropus with a single greater turn undead using minimal character resources on all parts. He's got 66 HD and effectively +5 turn resistance, so the goal is a a greater turning check of 71 with equal or higher turning damage.

2016-09-26, 06:12 PM
That's a really nice spell. It's probably more useful in practice than turn undead for actually turning undead since clerics tend to preserve spellcasting over turn undead when multiclassing.

The simple way to take out Atropus is to be an Archivist or Cleric and cast alternating Consumptive Field and Greater Consumptive Field while killing as many as needed to reach caster level = 2x Atropus level then Destroy undead.

You might want to add "Heighten Turning" (in Libris Mortis) to the Cha check boosters.

2016-09-26, 07:03 PM
Polymorph to a Shaedling, and use Shadow Gossamer to get a CL:Yes Wand of Bone Talisman. Should be doable at ECL1-7 depending on cheese levels

2016-09-26, 08:40 PM
I believe Surge of Fortune works for a nat 20 on the ability check. Assuming of course that you're not looking for Consumptive Field and Polymorph levels of cheese. Same goes for a level dip in Marshal for its Motivate Charisma aura.

Sadly Divine insight is for boosting skills only.

2016-09-27, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the contributions thus far, everyone.

The simple way to take out Atropus is to be an Archivist or Cleric and cast alternating Consumptive Field and Greater Consumptive Field while killing as many as needed to reach caster level = 2x Atropus level then Destroy undead.

You might want to add "Heighten Turning" (in Libris Mortis) to the Cha check boosters.

I did consider putting a "see cheese" type disclaimer next to consumptive field in the list, but I figure it's sufficiently well known to not need it. Shall add Heighten Turning for complete ness.

Polymorph to a Shaedling, and use Shadow Gossamer to get a CL:Yes Wand of Bone Talisman. Should be doable at ECL1-7 depending on cheese levels

Not familiar with that exploit. How does the Shadeling's shadow gossamer ability have any effect on CL?

I believe Surge of Fortune works for a nat 20 on the ability check. Assuming of course that you're not looking for Consumptive Field and Polymorph levels of cheese. Same goes for a level dip in Marshal for its Motivate Charisma aura.

Sadly Divine insight is for boosting skills only.

Shall remove Divine insight, Marshal aura is already included, Surge of Fortune... yeah, I'll add it.

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-27, 10:07 PM
Not familiar with that exploit. How does the Shadeling's shadow gossamer ability have any effect on CL?

It's relying on a poorly worded effect. The Shaedling (MM5?) has this ability:

Shadow Gossamer (Ex) As a swift action, a shaedling can generate a 15-pound or lighter item out of shadow gossamer, and it usually crafts a weapon just before attacking. A shaedling is proficient with any weapon it creates from shadow gossamer, and such weapons have a range increment 10 feet longer than usual. Shields constructed of this substance have their armor check penalty lessened by 1. Shadow gossamer implements dissipate to nothingness if they leave the hands of a shaedling for longer than 1 round.

The "trick" is taking the fact that it doesn't say you can't make magic items and using that to say you can make magic items.

2016-09-28, 05:46 AM
The "trick" is taking the fact that it doesn't say you can't make magic items and using that to say you can make magic items.Pretty much, except "trick" in this case refers to cut and dry ability to generate an item. Unless a magic item is apparently not an item, of course