View Full Version : Pathfinder Half-Orc Beast Rider Cavalier/Redeemer Paladin Build Help

2016-09-26, 05:21 PM
So, my Skald just died a horrible, yet epic, death and I decided to run a Half-Orc Cavalier, dipping into Paladin for fluff reasons, he'll be starting at 6th level, on a 25 point buy, three traits and one drawback are allowed.

I'll give you guys a little insight on the character.

He is a guy that has seen a lot of suffering amongst his Orc tribe, he was the second-in-charge in the tribe, mindlessly carrying out the orders of his chief, but the voices of all the innocents he killed were haunting him in his dreams, so he decided to rebel to the leader and challenged him to a duel, this was a bloody showdown, where my character lost his eye, but the chief lost his title, alongside with his arm. Now he is a good yet constantly tormented hero, his own motto is: "Real heroes don't have to fight", he won't kill anyone if he isn't forced to.

Now mechanically speaking he is a Cavalier 4/Paladin 2 using the Beast Rider and Redeemer archetypes.

For the point-buy I came up with this:

Str 18+2 racial+1 4th level advancement
Dex 12 (since Paladin gives heavy armor proficiency back)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 7
Cha 14

this would give him pretty decent saves when paired with Sacred Tattoo and Fate's Favored

Fort 4 (Cavalier)+3 (Paladin)+2 (Divine Grace)+2 (ST and F'sF)+ 2 (Con bonus)=13
Ref 1 (Cavalier)+2 (Divine Grace)+2 (ST and F'sF)+1 (Dex Bonus)=6
Will 1 (Cavalier)+3 (Paladin)+ 2(Divine Grace)+ 2(ST and F'sF)-2 (Wis malus)=6 (possibly another +2 from By My Honor)

Feats are pretty much locked (Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack and Spirited Charge)

I need help selecting the other two traits and the drawback, advice on the point buy and advice on the choice of the order (Sword seems fitting and it is pretty good, Penitent would be perfect but I think that the abilities it grants kinda stink) and on the next levels progression. Also I would like to hear your opinion about the deity that I should pick.

Thanks in advance.

2016-09-27, 12:48 AM
Point buy looks good, although you might be a bit high on the con. Certainly not a bad thing though.
I would probably go 17/12/12/12/7/16, all the bonuses in strength. The CHA boost gives you more LoH, and as a swift action is more HP, and you still get the bonus to saves for divine grace. LoH>more con.

You could take the enforcer feat if you plan on nonlethal smiting things a lot, stacking with the intimidating orc trait. For orders, order of the blue rose is very similar in theme to the redeemer paladin-you get bonuses against enemies you offer a chance to surrender to, a bonus to diplomacy to act as a mediator, and you don't take a -4 to use a lethal weapon nonlethally. Order of the sword is classic, can't really go wrong there. If you want to be a bit more religious, order of the star is good and boosts your LoH uses per day. Order of the dragon is always good, mainly for an easy oath and perception as a class skill as the aid another is not really your current build.

For traits, reactionary actually fits your character and is +2 initiative, arguably one of the best. Legacy of sand and scrapper are both half-orc traits and both decent. Seeker and eyes/ears of the city, veteran jungle guide and dim seer all grant perception as a class skill, so worth considering. You could take tusked to get a bite attack, it can be used as part of a full attack at a -5.

For deity, Sarenrae is the classic deity of redemption and forgiveness. You could also go Shelyn; she sees the beauty in all living things and know to cut a life short is to rid the world of beauty. None of the other paladin gods work so well for your concept, but you don't have to worship a specific deity as a paladin. Sarenrae has some good traits for your concept like blade of mercy(+1 nonlethal damage, no penalty for using a slashing lethal weapon nonlethally) and strength of the sun(+1 to charisma checks during the day).

For drawbacks, burned, mark of slavery, overprotective, betrayed and doubt would work with your backstory.

2016-09-27, 07:50 AM
Do you guys think going Paladin the whole way through would be better for the concept? Having a mount would be quite a problem in the campaign we're running, didn't think about this at first, but being mostly underground-based (currently exploring a Drow fortress) with narrow corridors and such having a lion would pose a bit of a problem

2016-09-27, 09:15 AM
Yeah, if you are going to be in tight corridor dungeons, having a large mount is a problem. Normally small races benefit here for a medium mount.

There is also the feat undersize mount (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/undersized-mount-combat) which would allow you to ride a medium creature, much more dungeon friendly. If your DM is agreeable, you could say that you are half orc and half a small race, like gnome or halfling. Mechanically, you have all the traits of half orc except you are a small creature. There is canon for this with tieflings/aasimar, not really for half orcs but your DM might bite.

You could go paladin all the way through, or take a caviler archetype that replaces mount. Or stick with your current build and go undersized mount.

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-27, 11:45 AM
There's also Wheeling Charge, which lets you make a single turn up to 90 degrees during a mounted charge or ride-by attack. If you want to be weird, you can have your mount take Dragon Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-style-combat) so you can charge over difficult terrain and through allies.