View Full Version : How is the spell Dream interpreted?

2016-09-26, 09:59 PM

So i was spending some free time perusing the spell section of the 3.5 PHB and I came across this spell. At first i thought this was an amazing spell. No save to put someone in a trance that makes them vulnerable to Save:Yes spells? Awesome! But im looking at it again and i cant figure out how it works. Have there been any errata or rulings from Wizards on how this spell is supposed to function? I'm a little confused by the line about always failing saves and then also that anything that disturbs the subject breaks the trance.

2016-09-26, 10:41 PM
You've misunderstood the way the spell works completely.

What the spell does is put the -caster- in a trance that allows him to speak to a target in their dreams. He can leave that trance at any time at his discretion. He has the alternate option of allowing someone else to enter the trance and pass a message but that person can -also- end the spell at will.

Dream is not an offensive spell, it's a communication-vehicle.

2016-09-26, 10:58 PM
You, or a messenger touched by you, sends a phantasmal message to others in the form of a dream. At the beginning of the spell, you must name the recipient or identify him or her by some title that leaves no doubt as to identity. The messenger then enters a trance,

From this it looks like only one person is entering a trance(you or the person you touch). And I know what it's supposed to be, I'm just seeing a way it can be used offensively.

2016-09-27, 01:17 AM
How do you plan on touching someone hostile for the full minute it takes to send them to dreamland?

2016-09-27, 01:25 AM
Tie them up? You'd be amazed how much harder that can be to save against than most spells.

2016-09-27, 01:26 AM
Tie them up? You'd be amazed how much harder that can be to save against than most spells.

If you can render them helpless then Dream is the least of their worries.

2016-09-27, 01:27 AM
How do you plan on touching someone hostile for the full minute it takes to send them to dreamland?

Rapid spell metamagic could arguably change it to 1 full round casting time?

But really, since the duration is "the amount of time to deliver the message" determined by the messenger, the duration can be no time at all, and since entering the trance is up to the discretion of the messenger, it has practically no offensive use at all.

2016-09-27, 01:35 AM
since entering the trance is up to the discretion of the messenger, it has practically no offensive use at all.Well, the message itself could be offensive... The spell, no.