View Full Version : 1d20 ways to die

2016-09-28, 11:20 AM
On the road

Another road, another robbery. Oh well, at least there's barely anything left if these two come picking. These three. Who's behind me? Oh god, what was worth this again?

People have gone missing, and one way or another this hill has something to do with it.

Who are you and why do you care? Share your sheet, find a portrait and introduce yourself!

2016-09-28, 07:03 PM
Xavier Sevenklaw is a fairly arrogant natural fighter with short black hair chopped to a bare minimum. He strolls like he owns the world and acts like he does. He is from the Teenagers setting.

2016-09-28, 07:42 PM
Jessie Belle Painter is... put out. Her costume is so over-the-top by the standards of her time and place, her actual looks are secondary, but she thinks she is holding out well. She had a nice little place, until all the men left for the Maze, or the War. And all of her girls decided they would rather follow, or find actual jobs. [shudder] What is an entrepreneur to do with the product and the labor both walking out in one package? Packages that she paid for, damn it!? Where did they think rocks like that came from, the ground?
Well, a lady does not sully herself by being seen in such a state. So the only thing to do is to change that state. Dealing with... the unpleasantness... at the hill would do a lot to help. If she caught some mysterious bandit, or whatever, that might let the yokels think she is a good fit for the Sheriff's Star. No "proper lady" would have it, and any man fit for the job left these parts long ago.https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mecd4c477fe556beeadcca384c20d2652o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300

2016-09-28, 07:46 PM
Sevenklaw, meet Painter. Turns out there was someone else going your way.

2016-09-29, 06:34 AM
Sevenklaw, meet Painter. Turns out there was someone else going your way.

Hello. My name is Xavier, X to my friends, but you aren't exactly my friend are you? Perhaps one day you will get there. Where are you going?

2016-09-29, 11:59 AM
Zalfii had thought the hill was an odd place, but as the ape-man approached the two standing there already he revised his opinion. It was a very odd place. He carried a ten foot pole almost as an oversized walking stick for now, never knew when it might be important and although an awkward walking stick there was no way to carry it that wasn't awkward. The details which differentiated Zalfii from his fellow simians was probably lost on the two humans, after all would they notice that his cranium was slightly larger than average, his eyes close together, his lips just a little more plump. Probably not. They would however note the light coloration of his fur, nearly flaxen instead of a dark brown, and the way he peered at them with intelligent eyes. "Ah humans," He says as he approaches, "I didn't know the humans had taken an interest in this hill's strange properties and effects as well."



2016-09-29, 12:40 PM
Jessie paused for a second. She wasn't used to any of this, but damned if she would admit it.

Hello, X! I'm sure we'll be the dearest of friends, she says, touching his hand and generally posing and sounding like one of her employees was paid to when business was slow, before the skanks all walked off.

And you, sir, what is your name? I'm Jessie Belle, and I am looking for the bounty on whatever bandit, or... other unpleasantness... is here on this hill, here abouts. You seem to think we are Romans? I am guessing we White people all seem Roman from your perspective. She chuckles. You're from Russia, yes? Well. Salaam Alaikum, as they say where you're from.

2016-09-29, 12:58 PM
The ape man scraped the ground with one hand, leaning still on his pole. "Russia, miss? Romans? I do not know the meaning of these words. I would take it that they represent nation-states, but I am unfamiliar with them. My name, however, if Zalfii, and I have come here to learn more about the properties of this hill, perhaps it's unique unpleasantness, and to test my hypothesis that it has an effect on the physics of the surrounding region." He lays his pole across his shoulders balancing it there, "I don't have many sophisticated tools, but if it has the anomalies that I suspect even something as simple as a weighted pole ought to demonstrate strange behavior. If however the disappearances are caused by a bandit... I would not mind some company. Safety in numbers and such, Jessie Belle."

2016-09-29, 02:16 PM
A young man in a lab coat comes down the road, seeming quite confused. He starts a bit upon seeing the cowgirl talking to the ape-man and briefly wonders if he's been affected by hallucinogenic chemicals (again). "Uh, Hi, I'm Eugene I was heading up this road and I met... you guys. Either the road leads to a cosplay convention or I'm afraid there has been some kind of transdimensional anamoly... again... that might explain why people disappear around this hill".

OOC-> Pic in progress, having trouble finding one and getting it cross posted.

2016-09-29, 03:17 PM
Jessie paused for a second. She wasn't used to any of this, but damned if she would admit it.

Hello, X! I'm sure we'll be the dearest of friends, she says, touching his hand and generally posing and sounding like one of her employees was paid to when business was slow, before the skanks all walked off.

And you, sir, what is your name? I'm Jessie Belle, and I am looking for the bounty on whatever bandit, or... other unpleasantness... is here on this hill, here abouts. You seem to think we are Romans? I am guessing we White people all seem Roman from your perspective. She chuckles. You're from Russia, yes? Well. Salaam Alaikum, as they say where you're from.

I said only my friends call me X. I would greatly prefer it if you called me Xavier until I can verify your existence.

2016-09-29, 04:21 PM

The Mock Herder fell on his rump. "BAAHH! I mean... Unbahh!" he gotten u.
He looked around him.
"Has anyone unununseen my mock turtles herd? I never did not not had herd of mock turtles."

2016-09-29, 04:40 PM
Zalfii glances at the arriving scientist and crazy sounding goat-man, and gives them a wave. His eyes glance at the mock herder, uncertain of its use of triple negatives, but soon return to Eugene. "That would explain the oddities of dress and speech from your fellow humans. So I take it you've come to investigate the anomalies of the hill as well?"

2016-09-29, 05:10 PM
"Well not umine mock turtles did not haven't gone this way. So I have not refused the chance to not unchase them! They are not not here? Are they not not not not?"

2016-09-29, 05:26 PM
Meanwhile, back on the Mock Herders home world;


2016-09-29, 05:47 PM
"Are you guys here for testing your cheese rolling skills? I'm pretty sure I can beat those Mendoza brothers this year." Sais a bearded man, in the middle of the group, as if he had been there the whole time.
Somehow, he also realizes the others have been there, and examines them with curiosity. When he spots the Herder, he stops for a second. Wondering how would his cheese taste...

2016-09-29, 05:53 PM
@'Unbah!' The Herder called with surprise.
'I might not don't want to test my cheese rolling skills!' He said with excitment.

2016-09-29, 06:02 PM
Zalfii looks at the cheesemaker. "I did not come here to test such skills, but it does seem a useful way to test for anomalies in the physical nature of this place, so if you'd not mind lending a wheel I'd be happy to practice with you."

2016-09-29, 07:29 PM
Zalfii looks at the cheesemaker. "I did not come here to test such skills, but it does seem a useful way to test for anomalies in the physical nature of this place, so if you'd not mind lending a wheel I'd be happy to practice with you."

Looks like fun to me too.

2016-09-29, 08:19 PM
So it's a fair? That sounds dandy! Well, with this many folks present, she wouldn't have to keep flouncing for weirdoes, some of whom are clearly cold fish, and that one man seems to confuse "turtle" with "cow" and use to many "nots" when he talks. He must be French.

Can I have a go on the cheese roll, good sir? He sounds positively sane, compared to the foreigners and Xavier.

2016-09-29, 11:58 PM
"I'll pass on the cheese rolling, since it doesn't seem you'll have enough wheels." Eugene says, preferring to observe

2016-09-30, 12:04 AM
Brushing some wood dust off of her baggy flannel shirt, Sandy picks up her axe and looks over at the others nearby.

Howdy, y'all! Anyone reckon to have a clue ta what's goin' on?

2016-09-30, 01:28 AM
"It's not unlike my homeworld... so just do not do not expect linear logic, and you might be not unfine" The flase herder explained with pride

2016-09-30, 04:42 AM
"Well, I'm sure it follows some form of sane, scientific logic" says Eugene "It's a transdimensional anamoly, that's the only thing it could be, bringing all these diverse beings from their respective universes here, to this road. For those of us who were investigating strange events, disappearances and the like, I'm afraid we have joined the vanished from the perspective of those we've left behind. Given access to better instrumentation I could tell you more, but alas I came out here with a scalpel and flask to collect a few samples tops". Eugene seems very calm about the whole thing, as if his own logic makes perfect sense of the entire situation.

2016-09-30, 06:43 AM
"Well, I'm sure it follows some form of sane, scientific logic" says Eugene "It's a transdimensional anamoly, that's the only thing it could be, bringing all these diverse beings from their respective universes here, to this road. For those of us who were investigating strange events, disappearances and the like, I'm afraid we have joined the vanished from the perspective of those we've left behind. Given access to better instrumentation I could tell you more, but alas I came out here with a scalpel and flask to collect a few samples tops". Eugene seems very calm about the whole thing, as if his own logic makes perfect sense of the entire situation.
"Interesting..." Xavier looks calm and pleased...

2016-09-30, 11:03 AM
Zalfii offers a long exhalation between his teeth, his upper lip pulling back. The exasperation of the sound and his face indicates that it may be his simian equivalent of a sigh. He leans upon his pole as he does so. "I believe you are right, Eugene. All I wanted to do was some simple tests of the altered condition of physics in the area, see if there was anything exploitable, but..." He glances about, "Now we're in this veritable menagerie of beings, perhaps we can manage to find a way back, or at least some food and shelter."

2016-09-30, 11:35 AM
Zalfii offers a long exhalation between his teeth, his upper lip pulling back. The exasperation of the sound and his face indicates that it may be his simian equivalent of a sigh. He leans upon his pole as he does so. "I believe you are right, Eugene. All I wanted to do was some simple tests of the altered condition of physics in the area, see if there was anything exploitable, but..." He glances about, "Now we're in this veritable menagerie of beings, perhaps we can manage to find a way back, or at least some food and shelter."
Mayhaps we could eat the cheese?

2016-09-30, 12:05 PM
Mayhaps we could eat the cheese?

Zalfii shakes his head and tuts. "Long term solutions, boy. We don't know how long we will be here. We need to think about finding a sustainable food source. Though more importantly we need to find water at some point."

2016-09-30, 12:19 PM
You're not far. Every new arrival has changed your environment incrementally; looking around, you realise you've been drawn near to the crest of the hill.


"I don't have many sophisticated tools, but if it has the anomalies that I suspect even something as simple as a weighted pole ought to demonstrate strange behavior."

For a moment, you're holding the shadow instead of the pole. For a moment, the same happens to http://random-good-stuff.com/photos/2012/GIFS06-12/Shadow%20Man.gif

2016-09-30, 12:23 PM
Zalfii's eyes go wide, the ape man's jaw dropping, showing his little longer than friendly teeth as he tries to struggle back to his feet and grab his pole. "I... By the Lords of Evolution, did I hallucinate that or did that really happen? I expected physical anomalies, but that... that's not not not what I was expecting."

2016-09-30, 06:46 PM
This sort of **** was not supposed to happen east of the Rockies, or outside of rags like the Epitaph, come to that. Jessie looks around and slips her derringer from her garter holster to easier to access, (ahem), conventional belt holster on the sash on her waist. This way, none of these fine people would be tempted to lower her opinion of them, and whatever new-fangled silliness is altering reality would be easier to shot if it dared show itself.

2016-10-01, 03:49 AM
Eugene says "This is quite extreme, if things like this can happen it might explain why no one came back" He offers some advice "Maybe you should move the pole and see if changing the way the shadow falls does anything". He doesn't seem especially worried about the gun, maybe even a bit relieved that someone had the sense to bring a real weapon, if a small one.

2016-10-01, 03:56 PM
"We should not not offer it a cup of tea!" the false herder said with sure tone.

He came to the shadow. "Wouldn't you not not like a cup of tea?"

2016-10-02, 01:07 PM
The Hill

You stand before the ruined keep, which squats atop a low, craggy hill, its walls of toppled stone and massive granite blocks hinting at forgotten battles and the clash of mighty armies. Now the ruins seem host only to creeping vines and the foul miasma that drifts down from the keep.

The air is overrun with pestilence. Fat flies bite at you incessantly, and clouds of small black insects choke your every breath. The long-abandoned land is choked with thorny vines that drape the sickly trees and hang from the ruined walls. There is an odor of rot and decay, as if the hill itself were decomposing from within.


Whatever lurks within has terrorized you and your village for far too long. You turn to your companions and ready your meagre weapons. The time for retribution has come.

It’s been a long hike. Those of you with something to venture have spun this;

Xavier, you’ve been raised on stories about this place. The tales only seem to get longer, and oddly specific. Didn’t the rhyme go

“We biffed em and we boffed em,
Sniffed em and we snot them,
Blocked them out from their horrible little luncheon.
Away they went to a dim dank trench
And now they drench themselves but best believe there’s still a stench!”

They say there’s gold too, in that tower that’s still standing. Hidden away where the hags can’t get it. They say a lot of things, before they leave.

Cheesemaker, you overheard something funny at the market last week. Two brothers came down to see the Baron. They were from Sraederham Keep, as they carefully explained to Baron Corfry once they found it on his map. Locked away for hours talking, chased away for days straight; no one could be found from the keep, and it wasn't on the map the second time. Anyway, he wants new staff.

Mrs Painter, these are some very successful bandits. They've cleaned out everyone from European art-houses to bullion trains, if you believe that, and the word is they kept going this long because of connections where it counts. Hell, some people say this sounds less like "banditos" and more like "war chest". No ones seen a lick of it above-ground though. Maybe under?

Eugene, your experiments indicate this place is contagious. People connected to the missing go missing, and then those connected to them. You're not sure how it transmits but nothing seems to have changed about you; the keep must be the vector. Judging by the shadow switch, there's more then one symptom.

Sandy, after the disappearances you were all warned by the sheriff not to track them. He thinks the bandits are sending a message, and if they're put under pressure their backers will reinforce them. Plenty disagreed, like the settlers across the wood. The only thing that came back was forest fire.

An overgrown dirt road leads straight to the gates, and wild goat trails snake up to the west and northeast.

2016-10-02, 06:02 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am declaring us a Posse Comitatus. We are gonna go into that, err, castle, and flush out those bandits. Unless any of you want to 'fess up to bein' cowards, in which case you are welcome to not come. Any bandit worth their salt has an escape tunnel, so our best option would be to find it and sneak in. If we can't find it, the next best choice would be to find as many obvious entrances as we can, then sneak up and try to break them all down at once.

But, if any of you have better ideas, let me know.

Whew, she remember more of this stuff from pillow talk from her pre-management days than she thought.

2016-10-04, 05:01 PM
|They might not not lead me to ununmine mock turtles!" The False Herder said cheerfully.
"Let's go! I mean, not ungo!"

2016-10-04, 05:21 PM
Zalfii bares his teeth for a moment, before swallowing down his indignation at the shadow shenanigans. "It may give us a way to discover what is happening here, and perhaps even figure out how to prevent it from repeating. Perhaps even to return from wherever here is. I would however advise against splitting up, after all there is strength in numbers and I doubt any of us want to be caught in combat alone. That said if the interior is narrow enough... Still we should begin by searching the exterior."

2016-10-05, 03:14 AM
"I agree, we should circle the place, simply going in the front door is probably a bad idea. I suspect whatever is causing these disturbances, and the disappearances, is going to be inside there. If we don't stop it likely there will be more vanishings, if for no other reason than people who notice us missing come to investigate and disappear themselves."

Looking at Zalfii Eugene adds "You might tap on the wall with your long stick as we circle the outside of the building, there might be a hollow sound or something if we find the back end of a hidden exit as the lady suggested".

2016-10-05, 05:04 AM
"Well, what're we waitin' for?"

Sandy hefty her axe and starts walking. "Let's git goin'."

2016-10-05, 06:04 AM
I agree that going through a back door or a less protected entrance would be the best possible outcomr.

2016-10-05, 09:51 AM
"Well, what're we waitin' for?"

Sandy hefty her axe and starts walking. "Let's git goin'."

Striding boldy to the right, 5 minutes hike leads you to


A yawning sinkhole has devoured nearly a third of the courtyard, causing a tower and wall to collapse and plunge down into the depths. Mist billows up from the sinkhole, obscuring sight. Tortured faces and writhing forms appear briefly in the mists above your heads, only to dissolve back into nothingness as quickly as they appeared.

2016-10-05, 12:40 PM
Err, don't acknowledge it, maybe it will go away. Our objective is the fort. It's probably a natural occurrence. hehe. Who's afraid of a hole in the ground, boys!?

Jesse had heard rumors that... events... like this were becoming more common since the War. It was best to ignore it. She had seen the poor men who had to deal with these things professionally.

2016-10-05, 06:30 PM
The Herder humming to himself, throwing a rock into the pit.
"Maybe the mock turtles aren't not there!"

2016-10-05, 06:32 PM
15 seconds later, you hear a faint splash.

2016-10-05, 06:37 PM
"I suggest we don't go down the pit to find out, but attempt to find a way around it, or into the castle by another means. Even if one of you has a sufficiently long rope." Zalfii says, backing away from the pit. He moves towards where the tower and wall have been consumed and looks if there is a path of entry there which does not risk falling into said pit.

2016-10-05, 06:42 PM
With a shrug, the Herder walking around the pit

2016-10-05, 06:45 PM
path of entry

A tall, crumbling wall lies some 20 metres west of the mist. With care, it can be assailed.

2016-10-05, 06:53 PM
Good enough. This sinkhole is probably just a sinkhole. If it isn't that's even more reason to avoid it. I have to admit, sneak over walls to get to strange men is a bit of a role reversal for me, but I understand the concept well enough. Guards are paid not to think too much, and a simple soul might think that only drafts come through holes in the wall.

2016-10-06, 12:48 AM
"The wall seems like a relatively safe bet, but we could also go back around the castle in the other direction and see if we have better luck."

If the group decides to scale the wall, Eugene will give boosties (helping to lift people up over the wall) he might be a lab geek but he's not that weak.

2016-10-06, 06:08 AM
Xavier will try to get over the wall.

2016-10-06, 01:25 PM
Zalfii will watch like a coward while someone else tries to get over the wall.

2016-10-06, 03:47 PM
Jesse will be right behind the brave soul leading the way, with her pea-shooter ready to cover a retreat, should things go south. She stood up for those ungrateful girls in her old job, she will.. darn... well stand up for men who actually deserve it.

2016-10-06, 05:33 PM
The Herder see that no one want to be the first one to try- so of course he is giving a try!

2016-10-07, 12:19 AM
Eugene will make good on his offer and help boost the Herder and Xavier onto the wall.

2016-10-07, 02:03 PM
A young man carrying a longsword and wearing a worried expression comes hurrying over the crest of the hill, staring in amazement at the sight of a group of bizarrely dressed people starting to climb over the castle wall. "Oh! Um...hello? Er, I don't suppose any of you have seen a knight recently?"

2016-10-07, 03:38 PM
A young woman in working clothes walks up the hill. She stars at the strange group of people, realizes what she is doing and tries to hide her astonishment.
"Hello! I'm Reena. You are not from the mountains, are you? Have you been whisked away, like me? I was just following some goat trail and when I looked up, all the mountains were gone! She smiles ruefully. "Well, I've heard stories of people going missing in this area - the area I was in, I mean - but I thought those were just tales. You know, to frighten the children from going into dangerous paces."

While the first people are climbing over the wall, Reena will look at the surroundings, to see if she can find something interesting. She stays near the wall, though, and definitely won't go near the spooky sinkhole.

2016-10-08, 08:05 AM
A young man carrying a longsword and wearing a worried expression comes hurrying over the crest of the hill, staring in amazement at the sight of a group of bizarrely dressed people starting to climb over the castle wall. "Oh! Um...hello? Er, I don't suppose any of you have seen a knight recently?"

"A knight? There ain't been no knights fer like a hunderd years or somethin' like tha'."

2016-10-08, 10:18 AM
"A knight? There ain't been no knights fer like a hunderd years or somethin' like tha'."

"Er...what? Please don't mess around here, this is important. I'm the squire to Sir Erard, and we're supposed to be on a, um, quest...to...er...you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" The squire's expression becomes yet more worried, as a nasty idea occurs to him. "Erm...this may seem an odd question, but I wonder if you could tell me...what year is it?"

2016-10-08, 10:53 AM
"Er...what? Please don't mess around here, this is important. I'm the squire to Sir Erard, and we're supposed to be on a, um, quest...to...er...you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" The squire's expression becomes yet more worried, as a nasty idea occurs to him. "Erm...this may seem an odd question, but I wonder if you could tell me...what year is it?"

"Why... it's 1000 A.D. of course. I'm Keeng Erthur." Xavier says mockingly in a sarcastic drawl.

2016-10-08, 11:31 AM
Xavier will try to get over the wall.


Jesse will be right behind


of course he is giving a try!


Eugene will make good on his offer and help boost the Herder and Xavier onto the wall.


2016-10-08, 11:44 AM
Xavier, Jesse and Eugene are in a pitiful sweaty heap. The mock herder though? He climbs the wall like a goat.


The courtyard is overgrown with sickly weeds and thick brambles. A deathly silence hangs in the air, as if even the frogs and insects are afraid to draw attention to themselves. The smell of rotting vegetation is pervasive, and the ground sucks at your boots with every tentative step.

Nearly all of the courtyard’s buildings have fallen into ruin. A single https://i.imgur.com/NBryGbD.jpg set against the keep’s east wall is the only remaining structure. Set near the heart of the courtyard is a well, framed with a crude pulley system. To the southeast is the keep’s http://i.imgur.com/ncLMiWr.jpg Northwest lies a collapsed heap of cyclopean stones piled high, and south looms a tawdry gatehouse.

2016-10-08, 11:46 AM
Xavier, Jesse and Eugene are in a pitiful sweaty heap. The mock herder though? He climbs the wall like a goat.


The courtyard is overgrown with sickly weeds and thick brambles. A deathly silence hangs in the air, as if even the frogs and insects are afraid to draw attention to themselves. The smell of rotting vegetation is pervasive, and the ground sucks at your boots with every tentative step.

Nearly all of the courtyard’s buildings have fallen into ruin. A single https://i.imgur.com/NBryGbD.jpg set against the keep’s east wall is the only remaining structure. Set near the heart of the courtyard is a well, framed with a crude pulley system. To the southeast is the keep’s http://i.imgur.com/ncLMiWr.jpg Northwest lies a collapsed heap of cyclopean stones piled high, and south looms a tawdry gatehouse.
"HEY! Goaty? Canya help us up?"

2016-10-08, 12:42 PM
"Does someone have a rope? If we throw it to the, uh, goatman, it could make climbing easier. Or maybe he could climb down to the courtyard and hold the rope from there. Otherwise you might pull him down instead." Reena shrugs. "If we don't have a rope, then I don't think it's easier to pull someone up than to boost them up from the ground."

2016-10-08, 01:56 PM
"Er...what? Please don't mess around here, this is important. I'm the squire to Sir Erard, and we're supposed to be on a, um, quest...to...er...you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" The squire's expression becomes yet more worried, as a nasty idea occurs to him. "Erm...this may seem an odd question, but I wonder if you could tell me...what year is it?"

"Year ah the Lord Eighteen Sixty Three."

Salty Dog
2016-10-08, 02:30 PM
As Aga came over the ridge, he was surprised by a group of people. They seemed to be discussing the crumbling wall before them. He looked back down the hill. He had hoped to see the reindeer and his tribe from the vantage point of the hill. This was not the first time he had missed the tribes movement and it likely would not be the last. But travelers had warned him of the strange disappearances that happened around this hill. He frowned slightly, but shrugged his shoulders beneath his coat. He sweated in the heat of this strange land, but was reluctant to take off his coat, so he would just have to sweat.

He announced his presence by clearing his throat softly. “Did someone ask for some rope?” He gave to coil of strong cord that he carried slung across his body a tug.

He wore a combination of homespun and hides. His shaggy dark hair framed a rosy cheeked face with bright blue eyes. He smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way. “My name is Aga, and I would be happy to help.”

2016-10-08, 02:45 PM
"MOOOOOCK TURTLES!!! ARE YOU NOT UNHEAR?!" The False Herder shouted.

2016-10-08, 03:09 PM
"Here's where you can stick your turtles!"


2016-10-08, 03:16 PM
... ****.


2016-10-08, 03:35 PM

Not quite dead

2016-10-08, 04:10 PM

Bronze sinks deep into your torso, cracking 3 ribs on your left side. You fall backwards onto the ramparts, keening horribly into the air, drowning out crowing from the gatehouse. You have 2 HP left, and no luck.

2016-10-08, 04:26 PM
The last time Jesse was in a pitiful, sweaty heap, she was paid very well for it. This is annoying...

She tries again, lest she lose even more respect from her obliviously deputized "posse Comitatus."

2016-10-08, 04:29 PM
Uh, you sure? Check 1 post above you, oh and pls remember to roll ;)

2016-10-08, 04:38 PM
"I believe the element of surprise has been lost," Zalfii says a timbre of fear in his voice. "We need to find some new cover," He says looking about for underbrush or trees of some sort to hide in even as he points his pole at Herder's body, and then a finger at Jesse followed by Xavier. "You two look strong, let's move the wounded to safety and see if he can still be saved. Then we can concern ourselves with revenge."

2016-10-08, 04:47 PM
He says looking about for underbrush or trees of some sort to hide in

Bushes and short trees surround you. Your blond fur however is a bit out of it's element.

2016-10-08, 05:06 PM
"Year ah the Lord Eighteen Sixty Three."

"I...er...haven't heard of the Lord Eighteen Sixty Three. Or did you mean the, er, 1863rd year of your lord? Have you come from a long way away? There are no lords who have lived that long near here; and I should know. Erard made me learn the names of all the nobles..." Gery suddenly shrieks in shock as the figure on the wall is impaled, and he dives into a nearby bush. "Who's there? Why are they attacking you??...Well, presumably because you're trying to climb their wall, but why are you doing that?"

2016-10-08, 05:16 PM
"We wanna learn more about this here place. Course... if there be hostiles... I vote we ditch this plan."

2016-10-08, 05:56 PM
"I'm completely in favor of that.", says Reena. "I don't know, if it is better to hide or to run. How far can we carry the goatman? I will help, if I'm needed, but I'm not very strong, so it's probably better if someone else carries him."
If it seems like Reenas help will make a difference, she will attempt to help transport the Mock Herder. If not, she will run a few metres into the bushes and attempt to take cover behind a tree that is as big as possible.

Salty Dog
2016-10-08, 05:57 PM
Aga was obviously startled as the man plummeted to the ground. "Gods!" He swore loudly. But even peaceful tribes such as his knew the fear of violent raiders. Fearing the worst he ran low along the wall, keeping out of sight to where the man fell. He knew nothing of medicine, but would help if he could. "Did you see anyone in there dressed like me? Or reindeer?" He was amazed that the man had not died on impact. But in case he was still in danger of passing Aga needed to know. If his tribe, his family was captured, it was his duty to do all that he could to save them.

2016-10-08, 06:05 PM
You think he's on the ground? You wish. He is behind the parapets though.

Two shambling figures begin to inch up the hill. The undergrowth seems to move with them.

2016-10-08, 06:16 PM
Zalfii attempts to climb up to Herder and take the javelin that impaled him. He wants something he can throw at these enemies if possible. He'll crouch down as well behind any stone he can place between him and the moving underbrush.

Climb if needed [roll0] (I don't think I have any modifiers to it).

2016-10-08, 06:19 PM
Climb if needed: [2]

The haggard pair grow ever closer as you scrabble hopelessly at the stones.

Salty Dog
2016-10-08, 07:24 PM
Still in a panic, Aga reached behind his waist and drew his knife from his belt. He continued to move along the wall, careful to not allow the two figures to come between him and the others. He had no reason trust them, but they seemed to all be under attack and he was no warrior and would rather face danger in numbers.

2016-10-09, 06:15 AM
Eugene, who was leaning against the wall trying to catch his breath notices the approaching figures "I think we should consider running away from those guys, they don't seem as friendly as most of the dimensional oddities we've encountered so far... unless someone wants to try and use a real weapon on them".

OOC-> How far around is the sinkhole, how difficult would it be to get around it and try and put it between us and the approaching figures?

2016-10-09, 08:03 AM
OOC-> How far around is the sinkhole, how difficult would it be to get around it and try and put it between us and the approaching figures?

Not far at all. You can move 10 metres away from the lip before the ground starts to feel dodgy.

2016-10-09, 12:39 PM
Jesse, trying again to climb the wall, is interrupted by her compatriot getting spears thrown into him. She looks for the source, but the wall is in the way. There is nothing left for it but to retreat with the wounded and try a new plan.

2016-10-09, 01:29 PM
Lucio is a tall fit man with pale skin and dark eyes, he wears a possum fur coat and wields a barely pointy spear.

He raises his hand as Reena asks people to help her carry the goatman "I'll carry your goat, no problem" he picks up the goat, taking any help that's offered and begins moving to the bushes.

2016-10-10, 12:41 PM
Xavier will move towards the bushes and prepare to strike. He will attack if anyone gets too near him that is not one of the original 4 PCs.

2016-10-10, 02:34 PM
Sandy hefts her axe. Sure, it may be for chopping wood, but it'll do for a weapon.

"Well? What ya reckon? We scarperin' or what?

2016-10-10, 05:12 PM
Reena is startled by the sudden appearance of the stranger, but since he seems friendly and hasn't attacked her so far, she says:"Thank you, that you are willing to help! We tried to climb over the wall, but only the goatman succeeded and was attacked from the people in the castle. It's a wonder that he's still alive, but we need to get him down from this wall, before someone decides to throw another javelin.
I would try to climb up and lower him down, but I'm afraid that they will attack me next, if they see me.
Maybe you can boost me up, so I can reach him without actually being on the wall? Then I could try to pull him down and lower him to the ground. But if I fail, he might fall to the ground and I'm not sure that he can survive that."
She suddenly brightens. "What we need is more people! If two or three of us boost two or three other up, then we can safely pull him to the ground. We can take care to remain behind the wall and only reach up to him with our arms. With that much cover, I don't think the people inside the castle will be able to hit us."

2016-10-10, 06:30 PM
Jesse tries to salvage her first command as best she is able by helping boost someone up to retrieve the goatman.

2016-10-11, 04:37 AM
Eugene sighs and will try and retrieve the goatman rapidly with Jesse's assistance

"I can't help but thinking this is heroic, but foolish, those two ominous figures approaching have me worried"

[roll0] (To climb and retrieve goatman)

EDIT: Eugene almost doubtlessly fails and says "Nobody can say we didn't try, but I think we need to put distance between us and those figures... or prepare to make a stand. If it's any conciliation whomever throw that Javelin probably hears us over here and is already aiming another one at the top of the wall, we'd probably have gotten whomever made it to the wall top into a target"

If the figures aren't upon them yet, Eugene will retreat around the other edge of the sinkhole (careful not to fall in) and try and put it between himself and the approaching figures. He will also gather a rock or two that seems like it will do some (minor) damage is thrown given that he's only armed with a scalpel. He can't help but think to himself that it's kind of sad how a scientist is reduced to hiding behind a pit, throwing rocks.

He'll also whistle (to get attention) and say "Heads up, those two figures approaching don't seem like the rest of us. Those of you with melee weapons (looking towards those armed with the axe and sword) should get ready to intercept, everyone else should join me back here and gather some rocks to throw at them if they get too close." He pauses for a second and says "Or we can all run and abandon our goaty companion, either way it seems we need to start to coordinate and act... fight or run. I know your all confused but we can't sort this out if we're dead."

Some like Xavier might object, but Eugene figures someone has to try and get something coordinated going or else everyone is going to die if those approaching figures turn out to be as malevolent as they appear.

2016-10-11, 11:04 AM
Lucio and Jesse boost up Reena in aid of the Goatman, pulling his battered body off the walls and onto Lucio's shoulders. Xavier joins Erard in the bushes as Eugene runs to the far side of the chasm. Aga and Sandy heft their weapons and prepare to repel the two - oh.


Vines emerge from the bushes like cobras, and the carcasses rush the defenders





2016-10-11, 11:11 AM



2016-10-11, 11:20 AM


2016-10-11, 12:21 PM
Xavier, you have been critted cursed from beyond the grave! No root or branch will ever give you solace, the thorns hiss!

You have 1 hp and 10 luck.

http://i.imgur.com/zpUD6BD.gif also has 1 hp.

https://media2.giphy.com/media/MmeVzaqOct6bC/giphy.gif is bruised but alive, with 1 hp and 13 luck. He wriggles free and scrambles to his feet.

Sandy has it https://i.imgur.com/RwHQXdr.gif

Turn order

You may post your actions in advance. If you don't post in 2 days, we'll skip you.

Reena= 20

Eugene= 18

Sandy= 16

Lucio= 15

Gery= 15

Zalfii = 13

Cheesemaker= 13

Jessie= 11

Vine horror= 11

Aga= 9

Vine horror= 8

Mock herder= 5

Xavier= 1

2016-10-11, 01:09 PM
"What tha' tarnation!?"

Sandy then does what only comes natural to her, blindly swinging her axe. At the bush. Thing. Bush-Thing.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-10-11, 01:10 PM
Gery will scream in pain and some panic as the vines attack him, and then draw his sword and slash wildly at them to try to keep them back and avoid further injury. If he can also harm the vines in the process, so much the better...but his priority right now will be in defending himself.

If I understand correctly, I can burn luck to get a bonus to my roll here, right? If so, and unless the people who got higher initiatives than me manage to reduce the chance of my imminent death significantly, I'm going to burn a point of luck here.

Not entirely sure what sort of roll I should be making here, since I'm not exactly focussing on attacking...

2016-10-12, 01:32 AM
Eugene throws a rock at one of the corpses if he can get a clear shot without hitting anyone, while keeping the sinkhole between him and the melee. He'll keep away from anything viney as best he can. If he has a good chance of winging another PC with a miss he'll hold back.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: (Up to GM, I'm guessing a point or two)

EDIT: (whiff!) I would appreciate the damage roll for a rock (1d2, 1d3?) so I can roll it if Eugene actually lives long enough to get another shot.

Also I think there is already a curse on the forum die roller, at least as it applies to me. :smallsmile:

2016-10-12, 04:40 PM
Zalfii thinks the engineer has a good idea with the rock, grabbing one himself and, if he can do so without lobbing it into melee, lobbing it at the first corpse or vine the ape-man gets a clear shot at. Otherwise he will retreat back towards whatever cover he can find.

[roll0] Assumed non-proficient (-4) and Agility applied (+2)

Salty Dog
2016-10-12, 07:03 PM
Aga desperately wished to be back with his tribe. There was safety in numbers and the herds would alert you to danger. And when danger did arrive they faced it together. The sting of the vines' lash quickly faded to a burning throb and blood began to ooze though the abraded wound.

He swung at the base of the creature, hoping to separate some of the vines and avoid another lashing.


2016-10-12, 07:20 PM
Jesse shoots the nearer vine horror with her derringer


2016-10-12, 07:42 PM
Lucio grabs his spear, kind of impressed by the moving plants but lunging forwards anyway while talking "don´t you worry kids, this things have nothing on us"

he drops the goaatman gently mid-way when he remembers he is carrying it. Then he stabs the damned thing.
spear attack: [roll0]
spear damage: [roll1]

2016-10-13, 01:06 PM
Reena drops what she is doing and runs toward the vine horrors. While she does this, she pulls her right arm out of the straps of her backpack, so that it dangles from her left shoulder. Then she grabs the bottom of the backpack with her left hand. Reena hopes that she can use the backpack like an improvised shield and get a little bit of protection from it.
When she reaches the vine horrors, she attacks the one that hit Xavier from behind with her little awl.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2016-10-14, 05:58 PM
Reena instantly sets to http://i.imgur.com/IZG1bh6.gif The husk staggers on, head hanging by a thread and growing weaker by the minute.

Eugene hurls a stone at the other, with https://i.imgur.com/S8BahP3.gif

Sandy gangs up with Reena and hacks at the http://i.imgur.com/r8LKpge.gif The vines trash on the ground, the host almost destroyed.

Lucio leaves the girls to it and with all his might impales the big, fresh http://i.imgur.com/z4gbMli.gif

Gery turns into a human windmill, so i'm going to give him +1 AC this round.

Zalifi throws a rock http://i.imgur.com/v0cKTrR.gif, dealing damage to the tall target.

Jessie? Jessie ****ed up. [roll1]

The small vine-horror lashes out at it's tormentors.

[roll=Tearing tendrils]1d20+2>12

Aga http://i.imgur.com/LjHXbpk.gif and picks himself up, humbled by a corpse on strings.

2016-10-14, 06:10 PM


2016-10-14, 06:22 PM
The small vine horror is powerless, too weak to lift it's vines an inch, and the motionless onlookers come to their senses and quickly finish it off. Zalfii crushed the skull of the large one utterly, and a final scream goes up from the orange flowers dotting the vines. Jessie is completely unprepared for the pocket pistols recoil and falls to the ground, slightly dazed.

The true corpses begin to shake violently, blurring and then


You are all sprayed with carrion and seeds. The bodies and the plants grow still.

2016-10-14, 06:33 PM

Seeing his enemies fallen before him the simian does the one proper thing, he begins to pound his chest in victory.


Then goes to try and check on Herder.

2016-10-14, 06:42 PM
Herder is unconscious (pending his next post), with blood oozing from the wound in his side and staining his fur. The spear is still lodged there.

2016-10-14, 09:25 PM
Jesse stands up and re-orients herself. The gun's chamber is fired so she considers using it as a club.

I don't think she can reach a vine horror or do an attack this round?

2016-10-14, 11:31 PM
Eugene says "That kind of sucked" he will go to check on Xavier since he took quite a beating, since someone is already checking on the herder. "Given that someone with spears is watching the top of that wall, which we've had a hard time climbing, anyway and that there appear to be vine monsters in the brush we should probably stick close to the wall, and continue to follow it around."

OOC-> Given that he was on the other side of the sinkhole, did Eugene get sprayed by the expiring vine monsters?

2016-10-15, 08:14 AM
yay, we won.
boo, I appear to have gotten skipped.

2016-10-15, 08:19 AM
Jessie couldn't have done a attack in the next round while she got up (you won though), Eugene wasn't sprayed by carrion/seeds and remains spotless and sandy i got your name wrong, i meant sandy not sasha.

2016-10-15, 10:05 AM
"Did we win???"

2016-10-15, 10:07 AM
"We ain't home yet, so... No."

2016-10-16, 12:15 AM
We are mostly alive, and that counts as winnin' these days.

Gah, this marshall business was harder than her clients claimed it was. In retrospect, that should have been obvious. Well, nothing doing about it now.

2016-10-16, 03:11 PM
Lucio puts his shoulder around Xavier while talking loudly "of course we won pal, didn´t you see? we crushed those bushes!"

2016-10-16, 06:15 PM
Sandy wipes nervous sweat from her brow.

:Whelp, as I said earlier, we ain't home yet, an' the Good Lord won' let us git there by sittin' on our cabooses. So I reckon we gotta figger out if what's in this here place is worth the look."

2016-10-16, 06:24 PM
Zalfii moves to look at Herder, "Any of you humans know anything about medicine? I think our hero here could as he might say not not need some not unmedical not inattention, or in clearer speech he needs some first aid."

2016-10-16, 06:57 PM
"I'm a lumberjack. Not a sawbones."

2016-10-16, 07:10 PM
Reena, Eugene and Sandy hear scraping stone above you. Lucio, the mock herder and Xavier see a flash of white and enormous eyes peering from atop the walls.

2016-10-16, 10:59 PM
"Move, I think part of the wall is about to come down" says Eugene who will move away from the wall (without stepping into the sinkhole), looking out for falling debris or a block about to be pushed down.

2016-10-16, 11:09 PM
Jesse loads her gun with her last, precious, bullet.

2016-10-17, 10:08 AM
Sandy will look up to see what is happening before moving.

2016-10-17, 01:00 PM
Reena flinches and runs away from the wall and past Xavier (where he is standing now). She tries to get at least two or three meters away from whatever she heard, but will not go near the sinkhole. If possible, she gets a bush or tree between herself and the wall.
Afterward, when she thinks that she is safe from crushing walls or an immediate attack, she turns around and tries to figure out what is happening.

2016-10-17, 02:53 PM
Gery will move away from the wall, and then tear strips from his tunic to use as bandages to reduce his bleeding.

Salty Dog
2016-10-17, 04:41 PM
With a weak stomach, Aga gave the the bodies a quick look. He muttered a prayer of protection and threw a handful of dirt over each body. Be at rest and trouble us not. He didn't like the idea of taking anything from a restless soul, but beggars can't be choosers and at the moment he seemed to be the former.

2016-10-17, 05:28 PM
Lucio exclaims surprised "you should all come here, there is this giant eyeball thingies on top of the wall, secon freakiest thing I ever saw" he keeps looking at the eyes but doesn´t get ready for battle, seeing them with curiosity rather that fear.

2016-10-20, 06:10 AM
Eugene is interested in those eyeballs for sure, but is concerned that scraping above him means that someone is pushing a block down or something so is making his priority getting out of the way. That could be the wrong assumption, but the "Giant eyeball up there" have just convinced him that they might be what is doing the pushing. He will turn to look at them when (if) he gets away from the wall and whatever that scraping sound is.

OOC-> Come on False-Herder, get up and move! You were amusing! :)

2016-10-21, 04:12 PM
If "Eyeballs" doesn't attack before she gets the chance, Reena will begin to talk in a slow, calming voice. Even if it can't understand her, it might still react to the tone she is using.
Hello, you on the wall there! Please don't attack us. We don't mean any harm, we are just searching for a way home. We don't want to hurt you or any one else and we definitely don't want to be hurt ourselves. If we have offended you by trying to climb over that wall, we really didn't mean to! Can you help us? Please? This world is very strange and very frightening, we just want to find a way home.


2016-10-23, 11:32 AM
Sorry guys, i'm going to call this a day. Thanks for playing.

2016-10-23, 03:44 PM
Okay, thanks for trying.