View Full Version : Need Help choosing my swift blades weapon

2016-09-28, 12:02 PM
I have a level 6 sorcerer/ level 7 swiftblade
with the skirmish ability of a scout
I have High Dex and High Cha
and 66000 gp to spend

any ideas what weapon i should use?

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-28, 12:55 PM
A reach weapon would let you Spring Attack enemies without them getting a chance to make any AoOs unless they also have a reach weapon.

2016-09-28, 01:00 PM
If you have the ability to get the Shadow Hand feat from Tome of Battle, a spiked chain would work nicely.

2016-09-29, 04:58 PM
A reach weapon would let you Spring Attack enemies without them getting a chance to make any AoOs unless they also have a reach weapon.

Well I am a Fan Of Pole Arms - Any good ones ? and any Weapon ability i could take Advantage of as a swift-Blade?

2016-09-29, 06:15 PM
The guisarme is one of the better polearms in the game, due to having reach, 2d4 damage, and a bonus to trip attacks. As far as weapon enhancements go, it depends on exactly what you want your weapon to be good for. Do you want offensive enhancements? Defensive? Utility?

2016-09-29, 07:01 PM
Well I am a Fan Of Pole Arms - Any good ones ? and any Weapon ability i could take Advantage of as a swift-Blade?

I don't think your build involves TWF? I'm having trouble remembering.

Guisarme is the best martial polearm for tripping, and I think you've got some Barbarian in the build, so if you take Wolf Totem Barbarian 2, you get Improved Trip as a bonus feat. Tripping is one of the easiest debuggers for meatbags, but you're more of a gish. There's also the "doughnut hole" problem of enemies getting inside your reach, but that's easily fixed with armor spikes.

If you want a reach weapon that can still attack adjacent enemies, there's a martial weapon in Dragon Compendium called the duom that can do that. It's got a quirky penalty when you attack more than one opponent, but there's no penalty if all your attacks are on the same opponent. The duom also looks like it should be a tripping weapon (two hooked blades pointing backward), but it isn't. Still, it saves you a feat as you don't have to pick up Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

As far as weapon properties go, I'd look for things that work on every hit: caustic, shock, frost, flaming, in that order. After that, desiccating, psychokinetic, and screaming. If you want to inflict a status condition, start with Tortuous first (+1/+2 enhancement, Ghostwalk). If you want something to happen on a crit, start with Enfeebling (+1 enhancement, Book of Exalted Deeds).

2016-09-30, 12:08 PM
Didnt dmg2 have an enchantment that scaled with cha?