View Full Version : New to edge

2016-09-28, 01:18 PM
Creating an edge jedi. brand new to the system and joining an already established group/campaign. I'll be getting some bonus xp to start but I have no idea how much so I am just looking for some tips to help get me where I want to go. Here is what I know about the party.

4-6 players depending on if some old members come back.
They have a starship already
Roles filled but no idea who has them: (pretty sure at least 3 of them are with the 4 already playing)
also have several droids filling other slots
Not sure what other roles people have

Last I heard no one was force sensitive but a few are known to switch characters any chance they get.

here is what I want to do.
I am thinking of having a Nautolan jedi archaeologist. The idea is that the jedi council got a vision during the clone wars that some ancient artifact had to be found in order to save the galaxy. Almost no information was really given in the vision more a general sense of what was needed. Anyway my master was sent in search of it and happened to be in the fringe? (i think thats the term) when Order 66 happened. Some time during his travels he discovered me and took me on as his padawan (I don't know what year we're starting but somewhere during revenge of the sith). My master eventually vanished under mysterious circumstances leaving me to both complete his mission and to search him out (leaving a lot open for GM stories).

Things I want my character to be good at.
Archaeology (information gathering is probably needed too)
Good with parrying blaster bolts.
Moving crap with my mind!
Multiweapon fighting.

So what skills and class should I look at for the archaeologist jedi? Other general tips for character creation?

2016-09-28, 02:57 PM
Curb your expectations. Unless you get hundreds of free xp, a starting EotE character is a **** covered peasant not fit to lick Greedo's boots. A starting EotE Force Exile has one or two force tricks like "move small boxes with my mind" or "get a small combat dice boost from precognition", but you are not going to parry blaster shots pretty much ever.

2016-09-28, 11:16 PM
I didn't ask if it would be easy. I want to play a jedi in a star wars system. I still would like some guidance on where to place skills and such for the concept I had in mind.

2016-09-29, 03:16 AM
You spend your initial 100xp on attributes and nothing else because you can't buy attributes later. Force powers key off of Willpower, Lightsaber off of Brawn, Archeology off of Intelligence. If your GM allows you to have Lightsaber skill - buy that. Archeology is Lore skills, force powers require Discipline. The only force sensitive career in Edge of the Empire is Force Sensitive Exile, so buy that. Your first career is whatever you want. I think there's an actual archeologist career somewhere. Then you buy force powers that you want, which are perception and telekinesis.

2016-09-29, 05:03 AM
You'll need to check whether you only have Edge of the Empire available, or if you also have Force and Destiny. If you want to go the full Jedi route you are going to need Force and Destiny, as Edge of the Empire is (purposefully) very light on force stuff. The game is aimed at the fringe elements of the empire - smugglers, bounty hunters, explorers etc.
This means that, by the official rules, you'll need to start with a non-force speciality and but the force-sensitive exile later (can be at character generation but this will be costly. As Ark said, character generation is the only time you can buy up your attributes - not doing so will cost you later). SO you'll need to start as a doctor or trader etc. as your core

Also, the force-sensitive exile speciality (the only force sensitive speciality in that book) has mostly fairly minor force powers from what I remember. I don't think it has an explicit 'deflect blaster bolt' power, so you'd probably only get this as fluff from failures on opponent's attack rolls. I'd advise looking at the specialisation to see if it is going to give you what you want before commiting to that role.

If the Force and Destiny book is available you should be able to go more fully into a jedi type role. Don't have the book personally so cannot comment too much, but from what I have gathered, I'd expect that you'll need quite a few adventures under your belt before you get up to heavy duty stuff like lifting heavy stuff & deflecting blaster bolts.

Fumble Jack
2016-09-29, 06:41 AM
If the Force and Destiny book is available you should be able to go more fully into a jedi type role. Don't have the book personally so cannot comment too much, but from what I have gathered, I'd expect that you'll need quite a few adventures under your belt before you get up to heavy duty stuff like lifting heavy stuff & deflecting blaster bolts.

This is true a good additional 100 - 150 xp more for Knight level play as it describes in the book. As the OP also mentioned Archaeology, if it is indeed Edge only, I would suggest the Archaeologist specialization from the Explorer career. However that is from the sourcebook Enter the Unknown. Hmm if you do have access to Force & Destiny, I believe only the lightsaber form specialization truly gain access to the Reflect talent (deflecting blaster bolts)

2016-09-29, 10:36 AM
They have mentioned that the gm has "several source books" and upon doing some research I assume it means he has the various jedi books such as force and destiny. IF these are on the table what sort of build should I look for in order to reduce my MAD? (if that is even an issue)

2016-09-29, 03:04 PM
As a starting Edge force user, you have2 options. The creeky old man who doesnt have any stat boosts because he spent all his Xp on a reliable force trick, who can fairly easilly expand his spell list. Or you can make a farmboy type, who sactifices reliability (by which I mean Force Rating 2) to have points left over for a character just taking their first steps into a larger world.

2016-09-30, 12:55 PM
I have no idea what force rating does but let's assume I go the farmboy route. How should I build to reduce the MAD?

2016-09-30, 01:26 PM
You really should find out if Force and Destiny books are allowed.

2016-09-30, 02:05 PM
I have no idea what force rating does but let's assume I go the farmboy route. How should I build to reduce the MAD?

The force uses a special stat that starts at 0 unless you pick up a force sensitive tree, and you cannot buy it up with XP directly at character creation, nor with the normal stat-boosting talents. In order to avoid struggling with pulling a lightsaber to your hand from the snow while a monster gets ready to eat you, (ESB) you really need to spend 75+ XP getting the special force-stat boosting talent that' only available in force trees. If you've got that kind or reliability, you can worry about your Willpower and Discipline skill.

If you dont have an upgraded Force Rating stat, there's some force powers you can still take that you dont have to activate. The Sence force power has upgrades that make it harder to hit you (the force lets you dodge/block blasterbolts, even without a saber to reflect them), the Enhance tree adds your force stat to varius skills, ect.

In short, EVERY force user is MAD by design, and there's no way to get around it- it's part of the muggle-space wizard game balance.

2016-10-03, 06:40 AM
You might want to decide which is more important to you, being an archaeologist or a more proficient force user?

Even Luke Skywalker was just as likely to use a blaster as his lightsaber, you really need to ask your gm about whether they'd allow you to start with a lightsaber as if it had been up to me it would cost you the extra 10xp you get from increasing your starting obligation just to start off with a basic lightsaber and please note if they do allow this you will be in big trouble from literally anyone as the empire only tolerates inquisitors and a certain man in black in powered armour to wield those!

Good luck with this!

2016-10-03, 11:05 AM
You might want to decide which is more important to you, being an archaeologist or a more proficient force user?

Even Luke Skywalker was just as likely to use a blaster as his lightsaber, you really need to ask your gm about whether they'd allow you to start with a lightsaber as if it had been up to me it would cost you the extra 10xp you get from increasing your starting obligation just to start off with a basic lightsaber and please note if they do allow this you will be in big trouble from literally anyone as the empire only tolerates inquisitors and a certain man in black in powered armour to wield those!

Good luck with this!
That's way too cheap for a lightsaber. even a knight level character has to choose between just a basic saber and robe, or a collection of battle armor, jetpack and an arsonal of weaponry, depending on how it's spent.

2016-10-07, 12:47 AM
Alright so here's what I know now.

Standard starting xp and money. I can upgrade my obligation to 10 (+5xp) and take a moral? I think curiosity fits the theme (+10 xp)

after character creation I then get 175xp and a standard lightsaber

I still am wanting to deflect blasters like a pro
focus my power in move
and at least fit the archaeologist theme if not the actual class.
AND dual lightsaber style

think indiana jones meets star wars (honestly wasn't the original idea but it fits)


2016-10-09, 11:38 AM
So, a bit above knight level.

Move is one tree you REALLY want FR2 for, if not FR3.
Reflecting blaster bolts is a combination of Sence and talents in various saber style trees.

Nimian Disciple/Sage might be a good combo for you.

2016-10-09, 12:38 PM
Reflecting blaster bolts is a combination of Sence and talents in various saber style trees.

Reflecting blaster fire is more Protect than that, but the power requires FR 3, making it less accessible.
Also, hello.

I still am wanting to deflect blasters like a pro
focus my power in move
and at least fit the archaeologist theme if not the actual class.
AND dual lightsaber style

Combat application of the Move power is going to overlap with your saber usage. I recommend that you consider just what exactly do you want from it before taking upgrades. Probably Strength can be helpful sometimes.

Sages and Seers seem to fit archaeologists well.

Niman seems to be the most fitting style, what with the ability to use Move when you miss with a Lightsaber (Willpower) check.

Based on that I concur with Rakaydos that Niman/Sage is a good combination of specialisations for your character.