View Full Version : Player Help [PF] My Arcane Trickster is REALLY not clicking.

2016-09-28, 09:42 PM
Ok, a little preface. I'm a pretty competent power-builder when I want to be (though definitely no master), but I don't really like playing that way, so while there are things I could do better, I don't want to dominate the game either. (even assuming I could)

Thematically, I see the character as a skirmisher and skillmonkey. She's an elven rogue3/wizard3/arcane trickster 7. We're playing the Age of Worms adventure. I've been trying to do a bit of dabbling in a lot of stuff, ray sneak attacks, some battlefield control and an occasional foray into touch attacks and even sword attacks (when needed)

I gave myself several problems, pretty much on purpose, to be different and find new solutions. The most egregious of which is that I picked evocation as her specialty school and Conjuration and Enchantment as opposition schools. (not having conjuration is...pretty much unprecedented)

My main problem is that I'm really ineffective in combat. I don't have a good sense for when to start popping up pre-battle buffs, when I do try, usually what follows is an hour or two of searching or travelling so everything runs out. (if it wasn't a premade adventure I'd almost suspect the GM of doing it on purpose). So I spend the first 1-2 rounds putting up basic boosts like mirror image or greater invisibility, and if I need like, one other thing, say, dispel on an enemy or flight, something, the battle is pretty much over when I get into it.

I don't have the base attack to hit anything with weapon attacks. Even with 20 dex, finesse and a +3 weapon. (via greater magic weapon)

I've also been notoriously unlucky, fumbling important spell penetration rolls and saving throws.

The latest example was that at level 13, I decided to pick up elemental substitution: Electricity (for flavor, I know it's not optimal), and the first time I threw out a lightningball it turned out everyone was immune to electricity, and then three guys threw some sort of negative energy bombs which each did 14d6 damage, and I failed all three reflex saves (even with it being my strongest save) and died in the first round of combat. I knew I should have flown away or turned invisible, but I decided I wanted to do something other than buff myself before the fight ended. (and I'd have died anyway invisible)

Her items are good, her bonded item is an amulet of +3 natural armor and also adaptation. She's got a headband of intellect +2 (sense motive), a belt of +4 con and +4 dex, +2 lightning sword, +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 mithral buckler and +2 ring of protection, +1 cloak of resistance, boots of elvenkind, googles of minute seeing, eyes of the eagle (she switches between the two as needed).

With items, her stats are:

Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 16
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 12
Charisma 9

Her feats are:
Level 1: Toughness
Level 3: Arcane Armor Training (because I wanted her to use armor)
Level 5: Weapon Finesse
Level 7: Improved Initiative
Level 9: Practiced Spellcaster (it's from 3.5, the GM allowed it explicitly, it raises her caster level by 4, up to her total character level, he doesn't allow traits, so this is something I had to take for caster level)
Level 11: Selective Spell
Level 13: Energy Substitution (Electricity) (another 3.5 feat that the GM allowed)

She knows a lot of spells.

The most recent lineup is:
Magic missile x2
Protection from evil x1
Shocking grasp x2
Floating disk x1
Shield x1

See Invisibility x1
Mirror Image x2
Invisibility x1
Scorching Ray: electric x2
Resist Energy x1

Dispel Magic x1
Displacement x1
Lightning Bolt x1
Fireball x1
Greater Magic Weapon x1

Wall of Fire: Electric x2
Greater Invisibility x2
Selective Fireball: lightning x1

Overland Flight x1
Dragon Breath x1 (GM houseruled that it's a 5th level spell, I still decided to have one)
Dismissal x1
Wall of Force x1

For the record, the rest of the party are:

A human cleric / radiant servant of pelor, whose a great healer and undead killer (glory domain and stuff)
A human fighter/cleric/Dragonslayer who's a pretty good meatshield and backup healer.
A human paladin
A gnome sorcerer (focused on illusions, but also does fireballs and stuff)

So yeah, the GM is saying I've kinda painted myself into a corner and need to start taking on a more passive battlefield control or buff/debuff role.

But that's not really why I'm there. I don't mind battlefield controlling a bit. But what I really hate is:

Dying in one round with no possible recourse. (I know, I should have made maybe one of the saving throws, but it's still just really disheartening how quickly things go south)

The GM requiring a standard action to make a monster knowledge check, so with several buffs I feel are needed to survive, I basically never have the time to make them and very often find myself wasting elemental damage on immune creatures. (like, embarrassingly often)

Not having any sort of idea when to put up pre-battle buffs and having to waste half the fight getting them up, or otherwise risking sudden death.

It doesn't help that the few times I've tried scouting ahead, I've nearly died. (like, when swimming through a tunnel, invisible, but got grappled by a squid anyway and nearly drowned, this stuff always seems to happen when I leave the group too far behind, so I basically don't trust myself to try to scout out encounters ahead of time anymore)

I don't want to powergame too much, but I wanted to play a bit of a skirmisher, not someone who sits in the back and throws out save or sucks.

2016-09-28, 11:02 PM
FWIW, I've run Age of Worms and the sudden proliferation of 50+ point AoE negative energy spam killed a lot of PCs.

2016-09-29, 12:46 AM
Well without early entry shenanigans, Arcane Trickster is not a power gaming choice. Even using your original build, we can upgrade it a bit.

First, Deathless Armor is a +1 enchant that negates the first 10 points of negative energy damage you take from each attack. Buy it, love it, live in it.

Second, become friends with the Haramaki or Silken Ceremonial Armor. Light Armor with 0%ASF. Cast Mage Armor for your AC, and stockpile this with things like Deathless, Defiant, and Spell Storing.

Even missing out on Conjuration isn't a death sentence. A suggestion for your buffing issues would be to buy a Metamagic Rod of Quicken Spell, so that you can cut down on your buffing time. That and a UMD focused Improved Familiar (there are several), armed with wands can make buffing a non-issue.

Since you are an Evoker, use the Admixture Subschool to gain the ability to 3+Int/day freely select the damage type of an Evocation spell you cast. This should be enough to drop elemental spell as a feat.

Replace Rogue with Ninja levels. Gaining a Ki Pool will let you take the Ninja Trick Vanishing Trick. This will let you turn invisible as a swift action, so you can Sneak Attack creatures or hide from them after a good blast.

Since scouting is an issue for you, look into the following feats/items: Skill focus (Stealth), Hellcat Stealth, Dampen Presence, Scentbreaker Cloak, a gauntlet made of Umbrite, Shadowed Armor and anything else that helps you beat special senses.

When I have more time, I will pop back with more detailed advice.

2016-09-29, 12:50 AM
So I spend the first 1-2 rounds putting up basic boosts like mirror image or greater invisibility, and if I need like, one other thing, say, dispel on an enemy or flight, something, the battle is pretty much over when I get into it.

This is your first problem - you're 13th-level(!), you should have a lot of buffs running all day long (particularly flight, (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/o/overland-flight) since you gave that as a specific example of something you're casting routinely), and/or have a way to swift-cast a few key things in a pinch. 3 rounds spent buffing every fight is way too many, most combats especially in pre-mades will rarely last longer than 5 or at the very least bad things tend to happen in premades if the party is taking that long.

Do you have Quicken Spell, or better yet Quicken Rods?

Your best bet to sneak attack actually isn't Greater Invisibility - it's the lower level and often-overlooked Tiny Hut, which grants you total concealment while still having perfect vision of the enemy and the ability to attack through it.

I don't have the base attack to hit anything with weapon attacks. Even with 20 dex, finesse and a +3 weapon. (via greater magic weapon)

You shouldn't be using weapon attacks, use ranged touch attacks (e.g. rays or school powers) instead. These won't care about your bad BAB and won't need GMW buffing.

The latest example was that at level 13, I decided to pick up elemental substitution: Electricity (for flavor, I know it's not optimal), and the first time I threw out a lightningball it turned out everyone was immune to electricity, and then three guys threw some sort of negative energy bombs which each did 14d6 damage, and I failed all three reflex saves (even with it being my strongest save) and died in the first round of combat. I knew I should have flown away or turned invisible, but I decided I wanted to do something other than buff myself before the fight ended. (and I'd have died anyway invisible)

This one's on your GM and his weird knowledge check houserules that I think you should chat with him about. Knowledge is not even an action by RAW, to go from that to a standard is ridiculous. At the very most it should be a move action.

So yeah, the GM is saying I've kinda painted myself into a corner and need to start taking on a more passive battlefield control or buff/debuff role.

But that's not really why I'm there. I don't mind battlefield controlling a bit. But what I really hate is:

Dying in one round with no possible recourse. (I know, I should have made maybe one of the saving throws, but it's still just really disheartening how quickly things go south)

The GM requiring a standard action to make a monster knowledge check, so with several buffs I feel are needed to survive, I basically never have the time to make them and very often find myself wasting elemental damage on immune creatures. (like, embarrassingly often)

Not having any sort of idea when to put up pre-battle buffs and having to waste half the fight getting them up, or otherwise risking sudden death.

It doesn't help that the few times I've tried scouting ahead, I've nearly died. (like, when swimming through a tunnel, invisible, but got grappled by a squid anyway and nearly drowned, this stuff always seems to happen when I leave the group too far behind, so I basically don't trust myself to try to scout out encounters ahead of time anymore)

I don't want to powergame too much, but I wanted to play a bit of a skirmisher, not someone who sits in the back and throws out save or sucks.

1) As noted, you have more than enough caster level to have some decent buffs up before the fight starts. Any hour/lvl buff, and many of the 10 min./level ones, should be able to help keep you from getting one-shot like this. You should also have a couple of oh crap spells available at all times e.g. Emergency Force Sphere and Contingency/Contingent Action.

2) You're also a sneak - nothing should be killing you on the first round because nothing should know you're there on the first round. You have more than enough Dex, try not to be first into a room when a fight starts. You should be flitting around the edges looking for squishy targets to snipe with your laser.

3) As noted, your GM's knowledge houserule is really bad - chat with him and try to get that relaxed if you can.

4) In addition to buffs, you need items that can protect you too. An Unfettered Shirt when that squid grabbed you would have kept you alive for instance and it's dirt cheap.

2016-09-29, 06:57 AM
1) As noted, you have more than enough caster level to have some decent buffs up before the fight starts. Any hour/lvl buff, and many of the 10 min./level ones, should be able to help keep you from getting one-shot like this. You should also have a couple of oh crap spells available at all times e.g. Emergency Force Sphere and Con

2) You're also a sneak - nothing should be killing you on the first round because nothing should know you're there on the first round. You have more than enough Dex, try not to be first into a room when a fight starts. You should be flitting around the edges looking for squishy targets to snipe with your laser.

3) As noted, your GM's knowledge houserule is really bad - chat with him and try to get that relaxed if you can.

4) In addition to buffs, you need items that can protect you too. An Unfettered Shirt when hat squid grabbed you iiiiiiiii

The items 1 and 4 seem to be missing a real ending. Otherwise nice advice as usual. :)

2016-09-29, 08:39 AM
The items 1 and 4 seem to be missing a real ending. Otherwise nice advice as usual. :)

Comp had issues last night and then I passed out :smallbiggrin: Edited

2016-09-29, 08:58 AM
Okay, adjusted your set up a bit to make you a bit more survivable. Kept your race and most class levels.

Unchained Rogue 1/Wizard (Evoker(Admixture) 4/Sleepless Detective1/Arcane Trickster7.

HP: 11d6+2d8= AVG 51HP
BAB: +5
Base Fort: +3
Base Ref: +8
Base Will: +9

Required Skill Ranks: Disable Device 4 ranks, Escape Artist 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Knowledge (local) 2 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks.

Unchained Rogue1) Weapon Finesse
1st) Skill Focus (Stealth)
Wizard1) Scribe Scroll
3rd) Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard)
5th) Dampen Presence (See if your DM will allow Darkstalker from Lords of Madness (iirc))
7th) Improved Familiar (Faerie Dragon)
9th) Hellcat Stealth
11th) Selective spell
13th) Intensify Spell

Class Abilities:

Arcane Bond (Familiar) gives Alertness to qualify for Sleepless Detective. Start with a Greensting Scorpion, upgrade to Faerie Dragon. *If your DM rules this doesn't count, spend 10K to get a Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone.*

School Focus: Evocation (Admixture)

School Powers:
Intense Spells +2 damage to spells
Versatile Evocation 3+Int/day change energy descriptor of Evocation Spell

Opposition Schools: Enchantment & Conjuration

Trap finding: +1 Perception/Disable Device

Finesse Training: Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat

Sneak Attack: +5d6

Canny Sleuth: +Int to Perception, Sense Motive, and Diplomacy Checks to Gather Information

Forensic Thaumaturgy: Detect Magic at will SLA +treat magic auras as one grade higher for duration of lingering auras.

Ranged Ledgerdemain: Disable Device/Sleight of Hand at 30ft +5DC

Impromptu Sneak Attack: 2/day declare an attack as a SA

Trickery Spells: 4/day Still&Silent spell on a spell cast


The Faerie Dragon has 100ft Telepathy. This is the range of your scouting. Being 100-200ft away from the party is far enough that Sir Clanksalot will not screw your stealth, but close enough that you can all regroup in 1-2 rounds if needed.

Cast Overland Flight, use a wand of Negate Arouma (750GP), this plus a high Stealth should make you all but undetectable while scouting. Add Invisibility for extra insurance if need be.

Max UMD and give all wands to your Faerie Dragon. He has UMD as a class skill and a decent Charisma, so with a little help he can even handle scrolls you have made in your downtime. This will allow you to use his actions to buff you and the party while you do your own thing.

When scouting, make use of your Detect Magic SLA constantly even if it means only moving 15-20ft a round. This will let you almost eliminate the need to make Perception checks to notice magical traps. If your stealth is as high as it can/should be, you can even risk getting close enough to notice the magic auras of enemy gear to detect ambushes and get the drop on them (with the entire party in tow)!

Don't forget to stick and move. You sneak attack an enemy or AoE blast a group, and then use your move action to get away from the guys who want to kill you and make another stealth check to hide from them so you can do it all again.

Don't be afraid to use Cantrips. Once enough enemies are downed, or weakened, don't blow your real spells on the group. A ray of frost does 1d3+2+5d6=21 avg DMG.

2016-09-29, 11:05 AM
Ok, ouch.

I'm realizing that most of the fixes offered here are ideas I can't really implement.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll definitely scour these posts for things I can use or ideas I can adapt

First of all, I should have said that the DM is pretty strict. (he's had issues with powerplayers pushing the envelope before and I feel he's taking to pretty much slashing things randomly to prevent that)

I've had several talks with him about the knowledge checks as standard actions, politely then pleadingly, he won't budge.

Anything not in the Core Rulebook (the singular book, no others) needs to be specifically approved. He'll allow some 3.5 stuff, but not if he feels it's overpowered or cheesy. And he won't allow several things from the APG or Advance Race guide or whatever needs specific vetting, whether it's a feat, a spell, a race or an archetype.

He's not a fan of archetypes either, some are allowed, grudgingly, on a case by case basis.

He also feels that the unchained rogue is overpowered. (When I heard him say that, my jaw dropped, literally, in my view it's the bare minimum to make the rogue playable). We've had talks about that, he's not budging and not allowing unchained rogue. (I might even have taken that fourth rogue level if he had)

Basically, he's one of those GMs who sees the pile of sneak attack dice that the rogue gets, and stresses out about how powerful it'd be if the rogue isn't kept in check, and as Pathfinder lets you sneak attack several things you couldn't in 3.5, he already feels the rogue is pushing his luck.

The ninja alternative is not allowed. (part of the reason I'm a wizard and not a sorcerer)

The vanish spell is not allowed.

Greater versions of combat feats (sunder, trip, etc.) are not allowed.

Subdomains and focused schools are not allowed (or I'd have chosen the admixture school in a heartbeat)

He doesn't allow quickened spell on spontaneous casters unless they take some other feat first (sudden metamagic or something) (the other part of the reason I'm a wizard)

I also doubt he (or I, were I GMing) would allow a feat only gained through a familiar or magic item to count for the purposes of qualifying for a prestige class.

But, anyway, this isn't a thread to complain about the GM, I've mostly made my peace with all of this.

But, the fact remains that it severely hampers my ability to try to break out of my current rut.

The most important piece of advice I think is to get a lesser rod of metamagic (quicken) to throw up buffs.

I kinda think it's too late to switch into a familiar at this point, but I'll consider it.

I'll also definitely see about getting an unfettered shirt.

Any suggestions for spells I should be thinking about?

2016-09-29, 01:00 PM
Tiny Hut is a big one as I mentioned above. It's basically Greater Invisibility from a 3rd-level slot provided you stand still, and since it's 3rd-level you can quicken it with a lesser rod.

You need Extend Spell (or a rod) for those 10 min./level buffs. This will make them last 4 hours a pop at your CL, i.e. at most you will need to cast 2/day. Stoneskin, Magic Circle, Echolocation, See Invis...

2016-09-29, 01:45 PM
Unfortunately your DM has hampered your ability to play.

If you take away the good options, only the bad ones are left. Like taking away good fighter options, like combat feats removes the ability of the fighter to fight and function.

Your Dm has control issues. And as a DM, it's not about you, its about your players.

His monster knowledge rule is objectively bad. Not allowing Quickened spells for Spontaneous casters is a massive nerf, especially at High Level Play.

He is banning the best parts of Pathfinder. The newer stuff, is objectively better designed, more balanced, and more nuanced. If anything, I as a GM would ban Core and force play from the newer stuff. Maybe he is afraid and hasn't looked at all the cool stuff you get.

Better, he hasn't played in a while. He needs to play, and you need to either A, limit his choices so he knows what it feels like, or B, let him play with the new toys so he can get a feel for the newer better things.

2016-09-30, 02:54 AM
13th level, 10th level caster level with access to 5th level spells and sneak attack.

You should never, EVER, have to draw your weapon except to maybe provide a flanking bonus.

This is pathfinder. With unlimited cantrips, you should simply hit someone with ray of frost or acid splash to get off your sneak attack. Yes, rays activate sneak attack. Put up some long term hours long buffs. Invisibility lasts 10 minutes, more than enough to get you where you need to be.

Prying eyes should also be usable. Invisibility on prying eyes should pretty much give you all the info you need.

Retrain the toughness. Extra hit points is great and all, but your build is really about avoiding damage entirely rather than soaking it. Let's improve that instead. Grab point blank shot and precise shot so you are firing rather than stabbing. Like I said, with your build it's best to never get into melee at all.

Next, let's take a look at spell selection more closely. Shocking grasp is a touch spell. Melee bad. Magic missle is a great spell, but no sneak attack attack. Drop magic missile count to 1, and let's look for a ranged touch spell that will allow you to do a 30 ft "eat it" sneak attack. Looks like Snowball fits the bill nicely but that's conjuration. However, if he is allowing one thing from 3.5, he may allow you to pull out the lesser orbs. See if he will allow you take a lesser orb spell. Grab 2 of those, and add ray of enfeeblement to your list. It's a very nice debuff.
Scorching ray is absolutely perfect, since I think RAW you get to add your sneak attack to each ray. Make sure you memorize it as both fire and electric, since if you run into something immune to one element you can use the other.
I might memorize an extra one dropping a mirror image.

Your third level spells, however, are a wreck. Toss all of them. Maybe keep the fireball OR the lightning bolt (definitely not both) for area damage, and the dispel for a counterspell but definitely drop the others. I would recommend using vengeful comet, major image, Fireball, Dispel, and keep one slot open so that you can memorize something later to fit what you need.

Your 4th level spells are an even bigger mess. Wall of fire doesn't really help you at all in most situations, and there are so many better selections for you. Drop all those spells except greater invisibility (given build, I'd say keep it at 2x), let's take a look. Phantasmal killer looks great. Ball lightning looks far more useful than the fireball as it is a decent amount of damage and can be sustained, and doesn't prevent further casting. And let's keep one slot open for later memorization.

For 5th, let's lose the dragon breath. We're going to swap it with prying eyes.

2016-10-03, 10:59 AM
Ok, after some more processing, here's what I have.

There's basically no good attack spell at first level that isn't a conjuration spell (lesser orbs and snowball er all conjuration). I have shocking grasp and magic missile for niche scenarios, but should probably mostly reserve level 1 for utility and defensive spells. (shield, protection from evil, floating disc, maybe ray of enfeeblement)

Level 2 spells are a pain, I need a bunch of them, from elemental protection, mirror image and invisibility, to my staple of scorching and electric rays. Maybe even to the point where I should consider getting a ring of wizardry II (ooo, comboed with a ring of invisibility...)

A note, the GM will only allow me one application of sneak attack dice per casting of scorching ray....(yay)

Level 3 spells are, indeed, a mess.

I feel like I definitely need dispel magic, I definitely need at least one area damage spell (fireball or electricball)

After that, Major Image (I've never really gotten the hang of making those useful, I guess I'm just not that imaginative) and maybe Vampiric touch. (yes, I don't really mind sometimes entering melee) and one free slot. (I've got the free spell from my bonded item though, so that's my go to for random spell needs) or maybe I should maybe consider haste or slow...

4th level spells:
I'll stick to two Greater invisibilities and add to that a Shadow Conjuration (for those times when I absolutely, positively, must throw out a glitterdust or acid arrow or something) and a phantasmal killer (or maybe enervation), for my specialist school slot, I may consider getting ball lightning, but since I have selective spell, a selective electricball might be a good option here.

5th level spells

I'll take prying eyes instead of dragon breath, I'll keep overland flight and Wall of force in the evocation slot, the last spell will be either Baleful polymorph, Waves of Fatigue or Dismissal

Is this any better?

2016-10-03, 11:54 AM
On the off-chance that this might be useful, maybe you can convince your GM to play a Spellburst Savant instead. This class is currently available only, if you have pledged to Forrestfire Studios on Patreon, but is the one I'm going to try to convince my own GM to allow me to use in place of my own sorry attempt of Arcane Trickster.

Spellburst savant has no sneak attack, but instead has a number of warlock-like at-will abilities, which include a kind of magic missile and a burst effect upgradable to fireballs. It also allows to change the damage type on the fly. This ties in to the in-built Sacred Geometry ability, but unlike that feat it seems actually usable. Basically metamagic is easy to use. Then it has access to all Wiz/Sorc spells similar to an arcanist, but without requiring a spellbook. The disadvantage of this class is that the highest spell level you can get to cast is 5, but there has to be some trade-off. While most exploits aren't available, you still get access to counterspelling (or better, free dispel magic), costing only your spell slots as fuel.

Regarding the rogue part, you have a cleric chassis and trapfinding ability, along with the important skills keyed to Wisdom (your main stat), reducing MAD. Also 6 SP per level, which is nice for the essential skills. Effectively, you can still do your stuff, but you don't require invisibility and you can enter melee thanks to having medium armor proficiency.

Considering that is 3PP, this might get shot down immediately, but if you can't buff your old character to be able to contribute, this might be a chance to actually shine in combat.

2016-10-03, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, but it's really not what I'm looking for.

Besides, the GM doesn't even allow most paizo products, no way he'll even consider stuff like that.

2016-10-03, 02:43 PM
A note, the GM will only allow me one application of sneak attack dice per casting of scorching ray....(yay)

Actually, your GM is correct on this one. (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qqm)

After that, Major Image (I've never really gotten the hang of making those useful, I guess I'm just not that imaginative) and maybe Vampiric touch. (yes, I don't really mind sometimes entering melee) and one free slot. (I've got the free spell from my bonded item though, so that's my go to for random spell needs) or maybe I should maybe consider haste or slow...

Haste and Tiny Hut.

I agree with the rest so far, give it a whirl and see how it goes.

2016-10-03, 03:09 PM
Also of note - the rules actually now only require 1 level of rogue to become an Arcane Trickster if you burn a feat on Accomplished Sneak Attacker. It actually makes it a viable class. (still sub-par to a straight wizard - but viable)

Though - if your GM thinks that SA is that powerful - he may disallow it. (crazy-town, but whatever)

bean illus
2016-10-03, 04:46 PM
For your knowledge action dilemma; If you are invisible and scouting then the standard action is less of an option. Can you grab the telepathy? if you can you can scout, Knowledge check, telepathy, and not have lost that much.

2016-10-04, 08:28 AM
Refocus your spell list. Don't try to be a God-wizard; be an arcane trickster. You don't need to be dispelling enemies, because then you aren't sneak attacking them.

Rely on cantrips and (composite) shortbow attacks to deliver sneak attack from range for most encounters; save your really good ranged touch spells for BBEGs and whatnot. Dump melee-oriented spells.

My suggestions are as follows:
cantrips - acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
1st level - endure elements, grease, protection from evil, shield, unseen servant (look this one up, lots of ways to use and abuse this one)
2nd level - acid arrow, blur, mirror image, scorching ray
3rd level - displacement, haste, nondetection (seriously, this one should have been a first pick for a rogue type), slow
4th level - black tentacles (actually better than most AOEs, no save and scaling grapple check that will work on all but the biggest/strongest things at your level), greater invisibility, shadow conjuration, shout (sonic is better than fire OR electricity, and damages objects better)
5th level - fabricate (Craft check to change material from one form to another, tons of utility), permanency (get this first, get scrolls for spells you can make permenent), polymorph (elemental forms particularly great at giving you better movement types), telekinesis (huge range, can be used a variety of ways)

2016-10-04, 09:08 AM
I agree with the shortbow suggestion.

I think Dispel Magic is more useful than Slow. Slow has to deal with saving throws and SR, potentially making it a wasted action, but Dispel Magic has far more utility. You can use it to strip a problematic enemy buff, or a problematic buff on your team, or even counterspell in a pinch. You can even use it to help you deal with magical traps that you can't reach.

Fabricate is a bit too niche, I'd get this in scroll form for the one or two times you might want it. You can always get it in your spellbook later if it's something you find yourself needing more frequently. I'd put Overland Flight in this spot instead and cast it every morning.

2016-10-04, 10:43 AM
Refocus your spell list. Don't try to be a God-wizard; be an arcane trickster. You don't need to be dispelling enemies, because then you aren't sneak attacking them.

Rely on cantrips and (composite) shortbow attacks to deliver sneak attack from range for most encounters; save your really good ranged touch spells for BBEGs and whatnot. Dump melee-oriented spells.

My suggestions are as follows:
cantrips - acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
1st level - endure elements, grease, protection from evil, shield, unseen servant (look this one up, lots of ways to use and abuse this one)
2nd level - acid arrow, blur, mirror image, scorching ray
3rd level - displacement, haste, nondetection (seriously, this one should have been a first pick for a rogue type), slow
4th level - black tentacles (actually better than most AOEs, no save and scaling grapple check that will work on all but the biggest/strongest things at your level), greater invisibility, shadow conjuration, shout (sonic is better than fire OR electricity, and damages objects better)
5th level - fabricate (Craft check to change material from one form to another, tons of utility), permanency (get this first, get scrolls for spells you can make permenent), polymorph (elemental forms particularly great at giving you better movement types), telekinesis (huge range, can be used a variety of ways)

Ok suggestions but:
1. I'm an elf, I own a masterwork composite longbow (+1 str) and can use greater magic weapon on it if I want to be a bow fighter. (this is a good suggestion, but I'd always do this over using a shortbow). It's starting to get very hard to hit things at my level though.

2. I'm an evoker with conjuration and enchantment as opposition schools. (deliberately to go against the mold). A LOT of the spells you are suggesting are conjurations. (good spells, but not something I'd want to use 2 slots on)

2016-10-04, 11:06 AM
I agree with the shortbow suggestion.

I think Dispel Magic is more useful than Slow. Slow has to deal with saving throws and SR, potentially making it a wasted action, but Dispel Magic has far more utility. You can use it to strip a problematic enemy buff, or a problematic buff on your team, or even counterspell in a pinch. You can even use it to help you deal with magical traps that you can't reach.

Fabricate is a bit too niche, I'd get this in scroll form for the one or two times you might want it. You can always get it in your spellbook later if it's something you find yourself needing more frequently. I'd put Overland Flight in this spot instead and cast it every morning.

Slow isn't easy to get off, but dispel also isn't guaranteed to rid you of buffs/whatever on an enemy. I dunno, it just seems like if you wasted levels in arcane trickster to get sneak attack, why bother getting into a urinating contest with the other spellcasters? Heck, one burst of scorching ray on a wizard, with sneak attack lighting up that first hit, and there may not be a need to dispel anything, since... well, there won't be no more spells a-comin'.

I guess it's more a matter of action economy to me. Seems like slow would do the enemy more harm than a dispel usually does, because it can rob them of action economy even if they are buffed. I guess the proper answer here is, "don't pick one, dispel AND slow".

I do have to say, I disagree about fabricate. I don't think it's niche at all; I think anyone with any imagination can do ridiculous harm to enemies with this spell if used properly. I'm certainly not saying take more than one; one is enough for utility. But you can really fudge up the works with it. Turn enemy armor/weapons directly into restraints; not only did you disarm them, you also got a free grapple/immobilization out of it, with a single spell and a Craft/Int check. Or change all the iron in the room into caltrops. Change wooden furniture into crates around an enemy. Just depends on what's there and what you can do with it.

The only reason I don't think a scroll is better is because having it in memory can be a hell of a good ace if the DM springs some creative situations on you where you may not have access to the scroll. You only need one in the ol' noodle, but that one can be an incredible surprise, even for a DM who thinks he's prepared for anything.

But you have a point about overland flight. I'd still take elemental body II and/or polymorph, though; you get faster/better flight as an air elemental, and the option to instead take earth elemental for earth glide or even water elemental if you need to go underwater for a while. It don't last long, but sometimes that extra 20 ft. of flight a round at better maneuverability could make a difference, or being able to just slide straight through the ground (and thus out of LOS/LOE).

You know, though, telekinesis might could go. I kind of thought that would have made your kill-list; do you think it's good enough to stay?

2016-10-04, 11:19 AM
Ok, after some more processing, here's what I have.

There's basically no good attack spell at first level that isn't a conjuration spell (lesser orbs and snowball er all conjuration). I have shocking grasp and magic missile for niche scenarios, but should probably mostly reserve level 1 for utility and defensive spells. (shield, protection from evil, floating disc, maybe ray of enfeeblement)

Level 2 spells are a pain, I need a bunch of them, from elemental protection, mirror image and invisibility, to my staple of scorching and electric rays. Maybe even to the point where I should consider getting a ring of wizardry II (ooo, comboed with a ring of invisibility...)

A note, the GM will only allow me one application of sneak attack dice per casting of scorching ray....(yay)

Level 3 spells are, indeed, a mess.

I feel like I definitely need dispel magic, I definitely need at least one area damage spell (fireball or electricball)

After that, Major Image (I've never really gotten the hang of making those useful, I guess I'm just not that imaginative) and maybe Vampiric touch. (yes, I don't really mind sometimes entering melee) and one free slot. (I've got the free spell from my bonded item though, so that's my go to for random spell needs) or maybe I should maybe consider haste or slow...

4th level spells:
I'll stick to two Greater invisibilities and add to that a Shadow Conjuration (for those times when I absolutely, positively, must throw out a glitterdust or acid arrow or something) and a phantasmal killer (or maybe enervation), for my specialist school slot, I may consider getting ball lightning, but since I have selective spell, a selective electricball might be a good option here.

5th level spells

I'll take prying eyes instead of dragon breath, I'll keep overland flight and Wall of force in the evocation slot, the last spell will be either Baleful polymorph, Waves of Fatigue or Dismissal

Is this any better?

It's a start. Staying out of melee should be a priority for you. I thought the orbs were evocation, but basically I think you understand what I was trying to say... stick with spell damage that you can sneak attack with, and utility spells that won't break invisibility.
Wall of force is very situational. I agree it can be immensely useful, but it's uses are too limited for me. Whatever you do, make absolutely sure you keep at least one lvl 3 and lvl 4 slot open.

2016-10-04, 11:37 AM
Ok suggestions but:
1. I'm an elf, I own a masterwork composite longbow (+1 str) and can use greater magic weapon on it if I want to be a bow fighter. (this is a good suggestion, but I'd always do this over using a shortbow). It's starting to get very hard to hit things at my level though.

2. I'm an evoker with conjuration and enchantment as opposition schools. (deliberately to go against the mold). A LOT of the spells you are suggesting are conjurations. (good spells, but not something I'd want to use 2 slots on)

1) The bow is just there as a backup for if something is out of cantrip range or situations where casting is impractical. Yes, a GMW in the morning should be all the buffing it needs, and you should be targeting flat-footed AC most of the time (due to Invis / TH) to compensate for your weak BAB. Where possible though, use rays instead so you're hitting flat-footed touch AC, which should be a breeze even for a character lacking in accuracy.

2) Don't forget Opposition Research (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arcane-discoveries-paizo/opposition-research) if you do find yourself needing to use conjurations a lot.

2016-10-04, 02:22 PM
2) Don't forget Opposition Research (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arcane-discoveries-paizo/opposition-research) if you do find yourself needing to use conjurations a lot.

He only has 3 levels in Wizard, not the required 9.

2016-10-05, 02:28 AM
1) The bow is just there as a backup for if something is out of cantrip range or situations where casting is impractical. Yes, a GMW in the morning should be all the buffing it needs, and you should be targeting flat-footed AC most of the time (due to Invis / TH) to compensate for your weak BAB. Where possible though, use rays instead so you're hitting flat-footed touch AC, which should be a breeze even for a character lacking in accuracy.

I would also add that there two other reasons to take a bow. First and foremost is that certain enhancements make it much better than even cantrips. The flat attack/damage bonus works here (anything that works with cantrips will stack here as well), but also things like merciful and seeking, which have very specific uses, but give you a tactical flexibility that comes in really good. Did the enemy spellcaster just mind-screw your fighter buddy with a charm spell? No sweat: merciful means never having to kill your partners. And there's always prisoners for interrogation, knocking out law enforcement (if you're basically good guy with a reason to be doing something like that and don't want to be killin' decent folks, or just want to avoid the cops getting their jimmies rustled about dying on the job), taking down hostages so they aren't meat shields any more (and if you do it right the enemy thinks you just killed one, which is a great prelude to a Bluff/Intimidation roll to get them to surrender). Seeking property negates miss chance, which is something no rogue-like PC should EVER discredit. Additional properties from other sources have similar tactical use.

And don't forget, you can just make the arrows like this for whatever purposes, and take an efficient quiver to store them (and your bow, and other backup weapons) in. Get some silver for lycanthropes and certain outsiders, adamantine for constructs, etc.

The second good reason to go with a bow is even more important: iterative attacks. No, you don't get a bunch as an arcane trickster, but in situations like ambushes or luring enemies into range, it is clutch to have 2-3 extra attacks that don't require using up additional spell slots.

Really, it's all about using the right tool here. The bow just gives additional options for what to do and how to do it. And it is always better to have and not need than to need and not have.

2016-10-05, 09:16 AM
Get some silver for lycanthropes and certain outsiders, adamantine for constructs, etc.

For the ridiculously low price increase, all arrows should be cold iron. Then get weapon blanch to apply to arrows so you have ten or so of each type (10gp and 1sp for an adamantine-blanch cold iron arrow instead of 60gp for an adamantine arrow)