View Full Version : Adventure for getting a kid interested in 3.5

2016-09-29, 04:23 PM
Hello forum,
Recently my son has shown interest in D&D. He knows nothing of thw game but wants to play. He is 10 and fairly intelligent. (Yes I know all parents think their kids smart but honestly hr is. Gets good grades not so great at math though)

He loves fantasy and adventure games on the Xbox.

I want to start him on DnD with something easy. I've seen the two adventures fit kids but after reading them they just are not what he needs. They're all combat no story.

He's interested in books like the old lost years merlin series and the Percy Jackson series. Enjoys Minecraft and Skyrim.

Im not very adept at dungeon building or stories but I need something not to complicate that he might enjoy.

I was thinking something that has easy riddles puzzles. Plenty of description. And only a couple of fights. Preferably one with a dragon at the end.

I also need a couple of level appropriate generic stat blocks that are not to complicated that he can choose from.

The idea is to introduce him to the game without jumping into complicated character build or complicated abilities. The prefab character stats will help.

Dmg players handbook and monster manual 1 only.

Any help would be really appreciated.

I need someone to help me design the adventure. I can run one I've just never built one.

2016-09-29, 05:30 PM
Since ti will be a solo adventure, I would design it around the character that he intents to play. I can make a big difference if he wants to play a Barbarian, a Rogue or a Sorcerer.

The Barb wants to show some pride in fights, the rogue wants some sneaky ways to earn some gold and the Sorcerer looks out for more magic.

Ideally, you'll work with him his character background story out. This way you should get enough info, without revealing that you are asking him out :smallwink:
Than you can start to be creative to write a lil plot and design a few encounters and riddles/problems to solve that fit the character he is playing.

And as last you can create his PC and the NPC/Monster that you need and you are rdy to go.