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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Mythic races (PEACH) [WiP]

2016-10-01, 07:30 PM
Hello everyone,
As I was bac on my Scion game, I suddenly asked myself : "Hey, why not create some equivalents to the mythic races ?"
I checked the DMG and homebrews, and I was almost satisfied to see that some mythological races were quite not depicted as their real counterpart. So I'll try to correct that mistake.

Picture by NathanRosario, DeviantArt
"My qualifications ? I forged the Bolts of Zeus, and the Invisibility Helm from my bare hands. I guess it's worth considering for your craftsman job."

Big and strongs, the Cyclops are however nothing like their Giants cousins : where the Giants are brutal and destructive, the Cyclops are rather calm, and tries to settle without having that much enemies. They're master craftsmen, and their mastery is obvious when you see the quality of their work, almost always some kind of magical.

Physical description
Cyclops are huge humanoïds (7 to 9 feet tall), bulk and usually quite muscled, but their most recognising feature is their only big eye on their forehead. Usually bald, they regard few importance to hairstyle if they get any. Their skin colour is a slight gray-purple tone, but their eye color is from every tone.

Usually True Neutral, the Cyclops society is quite autarcic, with at best a tenth persons together for a single apartment. However, they spend the most of their time honing their skills, creating the best possible objects ; so they're not unusual with strangers who comes to them to ask a specific object.

Almost any PC race is, for a Cyclopean, nothing more than another people ready to buy or try their new creations. However, there are three exceptions.
Other kinds of Giants are hated by Cyclopeans, since they're way to brutal for their standards. The Gnomes tinkerers seems both fascinating and strange for the Cyclopeans, as they've both a kind of affection for technology.
Dwarves, finally, are considered as the best race by Cyclopeans, because of their incredible smithing techniques, and it's very common to see some friendship, or amical rivality between a dwarf and a Cyclopean character, loving to discuss for hours about forge things.Cyclops are Humanoids with the Giant subtype.
Size :
Cyclops are Medium size mechanically, but are usually rather tall (7 to 9 feet tall).
Attribute modifiers :
+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Cyclops are constantly trained by the and knows many things, but rather uncomfortable with other people, as they're mainly autarcics.
Strength from the Giants :
One time per day per 4 levels, Cyclops can affect themselves with an Enlarge Person spell. Their CL is based on their level.
Mythic Craftsmen :
Cyclops are proficient with some unique smithing tools, the Cyclopean portable Anvil. (CpA)
As long as they use this anvil (free at character creation) for crafting, they benefit from these effects :
- They gets a +5 circomstance bonus to their Craft or Profession checks
- Every item price is considered to be 1/4 of the real price for the checks, but it doesn't influences the quality
- By adding 50 GP to the base item price, they can add a single Prestidigitation effect to it.
Finally, the CpA can be used as a weapon : it's a two-handed weapon, doing an astounding 6d6 bludgeoning damages with a x2 multiplier to critical hits. However, as it's not quite precise, it gets a -4 penalty to confirm critical hits, and weights 20 pounds.
Monoeyes :
Cyclops have only one eye : it's really annoying for the depht perception. Each ranged or thrown weapon they use have their range divided by three, and they have a -3 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Favourite class : Artificer.You can have the same than everything above, except these advantages :
Magical Creator :
As awesome item creators, Cyclops are known to produce some incredible objects without even some special knowledges. They can create any magical object (Arm/Armor, Wondrous item, Staves, Rods, Wands, Rings, Scrolls and Potions) without needing the corresponding feat, as long as it base price doesn't exceed 4000 GP. The XP cost is considered to be twice the one necessary for such an item.
Example : a Cyclopean PC want to create a +1 Chainmail. Its base creation cost is 1000 GP, so it's reduced to 250 GP thanks to his Anvil. However, he will pay the XP cost as it's a 2000 GP item.
Potions and Scrolls are usually shaped as Talismans, but it's only flavorful, and so have still the same mechanics.
Optimizers :
Cyclops are really involved in the time optimization of small tasks, and knows how to make them much more simpler.
Any time of tasks without that much reflexion (for example digging a hole) or Craft checks is divided by their Intelligence modifier (minimum 2).

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0f/07/2f/0f072ff8e36487caa5b78530bf40246e.jpgAttributes modifier :
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity : Trolls are resilient and have an eldritch charisma, but are somewhat clumsy.
Auto-healing blood :
The Trolls are known for their regenerative abilities ; they have Fast Healing 1. However, it doesn't work against Electric or Acid damages, and can't grow back their limbs.
Masters of the Mystic :
If Trolls are that fearsome, it's for a simple reason : they're Spellcaster's worst nightmares. Each Troll gets a SR equal to 15, plus his ECL. Furthermore, they're considered to have 5 Sorcerer levels with the appropriate spells.
But their most fearsome feature is this one : they have DR 30... Against everything that IS magical. So if you need to take one of them down, you have to do way more than swing that +1 axe or cast a Fireball spell.
Fear of the Thunder :
The thunder is one of the few things useful against the Trolls : each attack with Electric damage does triple damage, bypassing their DR. This is their real true weakness.

Favourite class : Sorcerer.

Is it too weak ? Too powerful ? Let me know, I have to for balancing it !