View Full Version : Dread Witch BBEG help

2016-10-05, 04:21 AM
Hi folks,
I'm running a campaign and need a big scary Dread Witch who (with the help of some <strike> meatshields </strike> minions) poses a very real threat to a level 7 heavily optimized party of 4.

I am happy to do the paperwork part of writing out the actual sheet and stating etc, but was mostly hoping I could get help with feat suggestions, spells items and or build paths (wow when I type it out it sounds like a lot to ask) that can really give her a fighting chance against our meddling young heroes.

Thanks a bunch for your help in advance!

2016-10-05, 04:32 AM
My best advice in designing BBEG who don't go down super fast is to make sure that the action economy is on their side by giving them a number of meaningful minions. A good measuring stick in my experience is to make the encounter's EXP composed of at least 50% minions. And try to make the number of minions equal to the number of PCs so they're each meaningful and not so easily ignored.

2016-10-05, 05:34 AM
Are you altering dread witch at all to make her fear abilities NOT mind effecting and/or bypassing that immunity? Because that is a big hitch.

I like save hosing mininons. Hexblades with the dark companion alternate(or using the creator's fix), binders with either (or both) of the vestiges that give penalties to save auras, someone or multiple somones with imperious command, and the like. Hope to have at least 1 or 2 of the heroes panicing right after the encounter starts. I suggest frontloading her initiative to have her win the rocket tag battle. Nerveskitter, imp initiative, one of the +4 familiars, and if possible the alternate that gives an additional plus 4 (halfling wizard? I don't remember). Someone to cast mass snakes swiftness even if its on a scroll, and at least one person with white raven tactics (imperious command is good on crusaders).

Fatigue helps as well, more penalties. Ray of exhaustion is a 3rd, not great but good. Too bad you are still too low to make even a scroll of waves of exhaustion too much. Look at all the ways her meat shields can assist in lowering saves and turning the action economy in their favor. Isolate and destroy.

2016-10-05, 06:06 AM
I really like the idea of save hosing minions and making sure that minions are at least 50% of the XP for the encounter.

And yes I'm bypassing Mind-Altering immunity with Dread witch.

My main question I guess is more of a... spellbook/feats type of ordeal. How to I optimize a spooky spell caster? I have all the books but I am sorely under read when it comes to spell lists and feats.

Thanks again for all the advice, I already have a few alterations to my initial plans just from these 2 responses

2016-10-05, 10:55 AM
Theme-wise, I like Fearsome Necromancy from Complete Mage. It adds a shaken effect to any necromancy spell that the target fails its save against. Not sure what you BBEG's base class is, but it can mesh well with the Dread Witch's shtick.

2016-10-05, 05:12 PM
Read the fear handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3809). You want to multiple fear effects that escalate combined with debuffers and trapsg. There are a number of good spells and there are many ways that minions can help with the escalation or trapping process.