View Full Version : Wilderlands of High Fantasy IC

2016-10-05, 01:17 PM
Harrowdale, a small town in Valon is hosting the Lughnasadh harvest Feast, at the beginning of the month of Harvestime. Many people don't understand how the people of Valon lives there, with rainfall pouring year round and snow covering the highland regions. A couple of people in small town had a blue tint to their skin, with other of various colors showing their mixed heritage. Some halflings are sometimes spotted.

Food, dancing and some people are participating in athletic competition such as throwing, running or even for the most daring some horse racing, clearly show the spirit of this festival.

The ruined columns in the middle of the market, indicates that it could have been a villa once, but today merchants of all kind are showing their products and selling their food for the Harvest. It is around lunch time.

"Welcome to Harrowdale, please enjoy the Lughnasadh harvest feast!" As a middle aged portly man with brown skin, dark hair and a claymore strapped to his back, was welcoming the people coming to the small town of Harrowdale for the festival with two guards nearby.

ooc: Welcome to the wilderlands and beginning of your character adventures. There are plenty of activities to take part in, horse riding, throwing competition etc... it's a good time to introduce your character in the first post and will let you know, if you need rolls or anything like that, depending on what you want to do!. Knowledge (Religion) or Local if approriate if you want to know more about the festival or just ask people around.

Sir Shadow
2016-10-05, 02:17 PM
Though he had spent much of the morning watching competitors ready themselves and show their skill at the sporting events, Valmund quickly lost interest in spectating and meandered toward the merchants. Idly, he skins a fruit with his knife while perusing the various wares on display. Though he wasn't looking for trouble today, in the back of his mind, he can't help but pick out the easy marks. With all the hustle and bustle, children running about, and fair-goers bumping into each other, it would be easy for something to go missing, wouldn't it?

Val shrugs off the thought as he pulls the portion of his turban covering his lower mouth down to bite into a slice of fruit. Though it might look a bit odd or shady, he preferred to keep most of his skin covered due to his more-than-fair complexion. He almost always wore a helmet with a cloth wrapped around it and much of his head in order to keep the sun out of his sensitive eyes. The rest of his body was likewise covered with piecemeal leather armor and furs, such that most of the time, only his eyes and the bridge of his nose were visible. The worn backpack he carried and the trusty sabre at his side were all the evidence a casual observer needed to know he was a traveler.

He wasn't sure if he had been here before, but he tried to remember the meaning of this festival...

Know (Local) [roll0]

2016-10-05, 03:02 PM
Darrow looks around, quite enjoying the spectacle of the festival, but outwardly maintaining his stoic dwarven gruffness. He attempts to recall any details about the festival he might remember.

[roll0] Religion
[roll1] History (if appropriate)

2016-10-05, 03:04 PM
Being a burly sort, even if he hasn't developed his muscles like a warrior, and given that the hammer is the symbol of his goddess, he will head over to the hammer throw competition if there is one.

He will also keep an eye out for drinking contests, pie eating contests, and glare at anyone who suggests running a dwarf throwing contest. :)

2016-10-05, 03:30 PM
Tufell, tiefling warder

The half-breed wandered up to the town entrance, the dust of the trail still thick in his throat. Glancing around for long moments, he nodded to himself as it seemed his arrival was fortuitous - there was a large festival going on. Something about festivals reminded the ebon-skinned creature of his tribe back in the Highlands ... although these people did not appear to have any worries about flying demon-spawn attacking from the north.

Shaking away his thoughts, he pushed onward, nodding and grunting acknowledgment to the fat man with the huge sword who was welcoming folks at the entrance to town. He kept his hood up as he peered at the guards with piercing bluish-white eyes that glowed in the shadows of his cowl. Across his back, was a double-bladed sword, but he walked with an air that said he didn't need the blade to be dangerous. After passing the guard, he let his nose lead him, hungry and thirsty after a long day's trek.


AC: 19 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 14
F +4 R +8 W +3 / Init +3; Move 30'
Weapons/Armor: Two-bladed sword; twin short swords; studded leather
Acrobatics: +7; Stealth +10; Perception +5
Stance: None currently
Maneuvers: Crushing Blow, Panther on the Hunt, Swift Claws
Effects: None

2016-10-05, 07:31 PM
The festival was all the travelers passing him on the road could talk about. Beordir had camped about an hour out of town the night before, so he could walk in early.

In spite of his excitement, he made sure to drill that morning to keep his skills keen. His camp was small and he was well practiced at traveling, so he was on the road quickly anyway.

He joined the crowd of travelers into the festival proper, but not being from human lands, he is unfamiliar with how humans celebrate. He walks around marveling at such competition. His village had competition, but it was more often for the best prank.

Eventually, he decides to join a group of acrobats helping them perform, that being a exercise he is familiar with.

2016-10-05, 10:00 PM

Zell (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

Zell, longspear in hand, a collection of pebbles in her pouch, figured she was as ready as she could be for this town of men. She walked towards the noise and the laughter, her gait languorous. She was looking for a juggler. There always was a juggler at these things. If she found one then chances were she could make some coin. It was seldom easy, for her magic had little utility, it was destruction but could, at need, pass for display, and she sought out a juggler.

Being who and what she was, she kept an eye out for trouble, opportunity.. whichever came first.

Perception [roll0]

2016-10-06, 09:32 AM
It doesn't take long for Darrow to find a drinking contest between men of all kind, from humans to halflings. The prize of the contest is 10 gp and one free meal at the Red Rooster Inn. They also have hurling contest but they simply consist of throwing weights as far as possible with minor prizes.

In the corner, for most people observing their environment, there is an elf with coppery red hair and green eyes with a crowd of young men and women around him,wearing a white shirt, brown vest and a silver quartermoon holy symbol, hanging from his neck.
"Did you really kill a lot of goblins?"
"Yeah but that's not the point of the story..."

Beordir and Zell had no troubles finding the more acrobatic people of the small town, and performers. A few jugglers and some people performing some folklore dancing music.

Meanwhile in the middle of town, a drunken middle-aged man is swinging his fist at another man with short dark hair, a bowl cut and more elegant clothes then breaking a bottle against a nearby table.
"It's yer damn fault! If yer not gonna leave...then I guess it's up to me to make ya!"

For the current situation with the drunken guy about to start a fight, you can choose to intervene or not. Diplomacy or intimidation could be ways to handle the situation. With his drunken state, you are looking at a +5 bonus to your diplomacy check, if you attempt to diffuse the situation before it turns to violence. If you want a more direct approach, you can roll for initiative and do as you want. You can choose to aid or assist someone in the diplomacy check or just go for it (reminder dc 15 to aid someone in a skill check).

Fort the drinking contest, A fort save is all that is required. As most participants are humans and halflings farmers, you would need to beat a Fort DC 12 to effectively win the contest. Rolling 7 and under would make you drunk (essentially -2 penalty on every rolls).

If you want to do the throwing contest, use the throwing attack roll (strength+bab).

Lughnasadh harvest Feast is in honor of the God Lugh. Lugh is essentially the god of versatility and this harvest is a celebration of the death of his mother from exhaustion, after making the land good for agriculture. Lugh is famous for having requested to become a god, and the pantheon wanted to deny him access to it, as he was a talented sorcerer, musician, swordsman, athlete etc...saying that they already had gods that did all these things. Lugh then asked them, if one of them could do all these things like him. That's how he became a god, as far as the stories go.

Athletic competitions being a favorite past time of Lugh.

2016-10-06, 10:22 AM
Zell (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

Zell approaches one of the jugglers.. "I can add a little fire to your act. Circles of fire, walls of flame, breath of fire... that sort of thing.", she says, her tone bright. "Just need to work for my supper, if you know what I mean."

Sir Shadow
2016-10-06, 10:27 AM
As he wandered through the square, the sound of a burgeoning fight caught his attention. He slipped wordlessly into the midst of the growing crowd to get a better look at what was going on. As the man smashed his bottle against the table, Val took another bite of his fruit. Without knowing what was going on, he wasn't all that interested in getting involved. But the spectacle of someone else trying to diffuse or exacerbate the situation might be worth watching. Smirking beneath his turban, he thought, 'This could get entertaining...'

2016-10-06, 12:30 PM
Tufell, tiefling warder

Tufell walked through the town, dismissing most of the feats and contests - nothing seemed interesting, nor worth his efforts. When he heard the shouting, he turned to watch, clearly intrigued. He never considered breaking up the fight, or jumping in - to do so would bring shame on both combatants, especially when Tufell didn't know the reason fro the attack.

Of course, if the battle wasn't justified, Tufell still wouldn't intervene - if a man is foolish enough to start a fight for no reason, and the other obliged him, they both deserved whatever misery they dealt out on one another. Pausing only to find a spot of meat and bread, Tufell watched the 'action' from beneath his hood, eating slowly.

Not stepping in :)

AC: 19 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 14
F +4 R +8 W +3 / Init +3; Move 30'
Weapons/Armor: Two-bladed sword; twin short swords; studded leather
Acrobatics: +7; Stealth +10; Perception +5
Stance: None currently
Maneuvers: Crushing Blow, Panther on the Hunt, Swift Claws
Effects: None

2016-10-06, 01:00 PM
Not one to sit around and let one person get killed by another, Beordir steps beside the intoxicated human. He raises his staff off the ground slightly in case he has to defend himself.

"What did he do to you that warrants a trip to the gallows for you and a grave for him?"

2016-10-06, 01:36 PM
Okay to try and get Darrow's likely order of events here. First he will try the throwing contest:


Then he will try the drinking contest


While he is drinking he will chat up the goblin slayer "Hey friend, I heard you say earlier that you killed a lot of goblins, I just wanted to share my congratulations, I HATE the little buggers myself. We dwarves have a long history of conflict and war with them... a long history"

2016-10-06, 01:42 PM
OOC-> I'm assuming in the above given the "meanwhile" that Darrow is unaware of the brawl about to break out since he's near the drinking contest and the elf talking about goblins. If someone gets seriously hurt in a brawl though and he hears about it (due to the crowds saying so or whatever) he'll come running since he is a healer. Thankfully he didn't get drunk, nobody wants a drunken doctor. :)

Apologies if this is the wrong place to put an OOC, since it's game related reaction, as opposed to a stat discussion or a personal aside. If so I'll write things like this in the OOC forum instead.

Also Darrow didn't roll perception, I figured he was paying attention around the drinking contest (where I presume the elf was talking) disregard chatting up the elf (and discussing dwarven hatred) if that was largely intended for Zell.

2016-10-06, 02:55 PM
One of the jugglers look at Zell. "Oh some kind of a trick...I could use some sparkles to my act. Sure give some time to finish this performance and we will talk about it."

The throwing contest is a little more difficult to win, but Darrow still did end up getting a small prize, a 2 inches ball made some kind of animal hide at first glance.

Darrow has no difficulty winning the drinking contest. "You can come get your meal at the Red Rooster Inn at any time!"

The elf meanwhile looks back at the dwarf. "Goblins are a growing pest across the lands." As the Elf turns his sight to the trio , about to start a skirmish.

The drunk man with the shattered bottle in his hand stares at Beordir standing in his way.
"This bastard! He sent my friends to their deaths! Now get out of the way!"

The other man, looks at the drunk with disdain.
"They knew the risks. I told them that it was going to be dangerous to go into that cave...if they did succeed, they would have become rich."

Beordir tries his hardest to calm the man and does manage to have the man put down his weapon...as he falls on his knees, crying for the loss of his friends.

The portly man and two guards from the entrance of the town comes to the scene.
"What's going on here?"

ooc: Beordir does succeed in calming down the drunk man, 200 xp for resolving this situation without violence.

Sir Shadow
2016-10-06, 04:20 PM
This was turning into quite the scene. It's not every day you get to see a broken drunk brought to tears surrounded by a crowd in broad daylight. Given his drunken state, Val was a little shocked the elf was able to talk him down, but he made a good point... No sense joining his dead friends.

As Val finished his fruit and tossed the core over his shoulder, he noticed the man from the entrance and several guards on their way over. It seems things were just livening up.

2016-10-06, 09:20 PM
Darrow collects his prizes (the ball disappears beneath his cloak, and the purse of 10GP joins his other money) "Thank you! I'll be down to the Red Rooster for dinner in a little while!"

Darrow says to the elf "Indeed, they are a scourge, however as I happened by I heard you say something about how killing goblins wasn't the point of the story. I'm curious what you meant by that, I would think killing Goblins would be it's own reward. Sorry to be a pest, I just love a good goblin killing story, even if there is more of a point to it".

Darrow sighs as the guards come in and quiets down his conversation, he observes the situation with interest, but doesn't say or do anything as he wasn't a part of the altercation. He begins to think that maybe talking to the two rowdies who almost came to blows might wind up being a better lead towards further adventure than the goblin slayer, but chatting them up in front of the guards probably isn't the wisest course of action.

2016-10-07, 07:58 AM
Zell (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

Hopelessly exotic, Zell appears like a strong featured elf. However, the tattoos suggest a barbaric upbringing with a pronounced lack of harp music and doubtless a good deal more blood and fire. Then there's her eyes like a curtain drawn over the windows, opaque and reflective, giving little away. She is dressed in silk, which looks like it might be more expensive than protective. Even so, she carries a long spear and wears cesti on her hands.

If they did, had succeeded, they would've been rich., the phrase bounced around the back of her head like a refrain from a short song.. over and over. She nodded at her juggler, who quite suddenly seemed far less interesting... like he'd had all the colour drained from him, well at least in her eyes, and walked over to the drunk man.

She sidles up to the drunk and... "Would you like a glass or two more in remembrance of your friends? Perhaps you could regale us.."

She glances at Beordir, trying to make him out...

"...with their deeds so that they might be well remembered? For if they are remembered lost friends are never truly gone."

Her voice is low for a woman, and gentle for the moment, but the precision of the diction, not to mention the robes, suggests someone who makes their living from magical incantations.

I have no idea what Beordir looks like as I haven't figured out how to navigate to the OOC page for the game.

2016-10-07, 01:03 PM
Tufell, tiefling warder

Tufell watched quietly as he ate, intrigued by the turn of events. It seemed there was something dangerous that required attention ... perhaps something to challenge himself against. He watched and waited to see what happened with the guards' arrival ... keeping within earshot as the events unfolded.

Taking ten on Perception to hear what's going on ... 15 total.

AC: 19 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 14
F +4 R +8 W +3 / Init +3; Move 30'
Weapons/Armor: Two-bladed sword; twin short swords; studded leather
Acrobatics: +7; Stealth +10; Perception +5
Stance: None currently
Maneuvers: Crushing Blow, Panther on the Hunt, Swift Claws
Effects: None

2016-10-07, 05:43 PM
While talking to the man kneeling on the ground, an orc approaches. In shape, it is less grotesque that the orcs Beordir has seen, however, it's has marred it face with tattoos and paint.

Wary, Beordir nods to the drunkard and entreats him, "I, too, would love the tale of the friend's ambitions. Let's retire to that table outside the tavern and I'll get you some ale while you explain."

2016-10-07, 07:37 PM
Zell Half Orc/Half Elf Fire Sorcerer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)


"There's more elf in you than orc", whispered the Captain, holding her chin up to get a look at her face.

Hopelessly exotic, Zell appears like a strong featured elf. However, the tattoos suggest a barbaric upbringing with a pronounced lack of harp music and doubtless a good deal more blood and fire. Then there's her eyes like a curtain drawn over the windows, opaque and reflective, giving little away. Those eyes are neither human, nor elf, but something else.. something that lives in the dark. Despite her barbaric air, she is dressed in silk, which looks like it might be more expensive than protective. and carries a long spear and wears cesti on her hands.

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

The other one, the elf, was quick on the uptake.. laying out a few coins for this poor wretch to tell his tale would likely be worth the investment. The elf was more conventional in his looks than she was, still that applied to almost everyone, but doubtless lacked her strength of character and forceful personality. She was no wizard, her magic was sourced in the will, in self belief, on occasion in rage. Most humans, such as the ones hereabout, were what the orc tribes called rabbit people; scurrying for shelter at the first sign of trouble. Not so the ones who didn't run, who fought; they were wolves of the scariest sort. Elves were no different and from first impressions this ale buyer was definitely not one for scurrying.

She takes a moment to regard him speculatively, hoping she would be able to pluck the drunk away from the attentions of the authorities against whom he was railing and promising violence. She was, even by her own estimation, a novice in the ways of men. Even so, it seemed to her that there was ever only one way a drunken threat to the social order was likely to end, and it wasn't with the triumph of the little man. She pondered how important it was to her to get this drunken man away from this as opposed to milking him for information in private. She was surprised to find it was as much one as the other.

Must be going soft., she thought to herself.

2016-10-08, 12:53 PM
Tufell, tiefling warder

Tufell raised an eyebrow as the elves tried to lead the drunkard away. Perhaps the man had a blood oath to avenge his lost friends? If so, the man had failed. No, this situation felt different - perhaps a man ashamed he had not stopped his friends ... or was too scared to join them? The alcohol might have been for someone looking for courage.

Either way, Tufell was more intrigued with the other man, the one who had sent the friends. When the guards were done, he would speak with him...

Waiting for a chance to speak with the 'quest owner' :smallsmile:

AC: 19 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 14
F +4 R +8 W +3 / Init +3; Move 30'
Weapons/Armor: Two-bladed sword; twin short swords; studded leather
Acrobatics: +7; Stealth +10; Perception +5
Stance: None currently
Maneuvers: Crushing Blow, Panther on the Hunt, Swift Claws
Effects: None

2016-10-08, 09:37 PM
Waiting to try and get more information from goblin-slayer

2016-10-11, 07:32 PM
Zell wonders which way this is going to go. It all depended on this drunk man's reaction and there was nothing to be done until he reacted.

Then again there's no accounting for prejudice. :)

2016-10-14, 05:06 AM
The drunk man looks at up at the half-orc and the others nearby and then back at the noble facing him with anger.
"Yeah....let's get going on."

The guards look at the two, obviously more than eager to have people moving along, than cause a scene in the middle of the Harvest Festival.

The drunk man guides the group to the Red Rooster Inn. A red relatively small inn with stables and inside, the halfling behind the counter is the first thing anybody would notice, cleaning some mugs. Most people are enjoying the festival and the inside is empty at the moment, except a few regulars.

"Hey Gudmund..."
"Already back here? Well don't break anything."
"I come with some people."

The drunk man heads toward the table in the back, waiting for the group to assemble.

"I'm Ebud and last year, my friends made a terrible mistake. Last year, an , Andor, the man from earlier came with a map saying that he needed a couple of brave souls to go with him into a ruin. Great treasures awaited the brave souls who were willing to go...At this time, my friend wanted to make his fortune. Hoping one day to become, a great conqueror like the Invincible Overlord. My friends set out with Andor with promises of fortune and Glory. We waited for them for a week, then two weeks...after a month, Andor came back with the terrible tales of what happened to my friends.

They went to the cave and everything was going fine until they almost reached the end of the cave and came face to face with a skeleton that they couldn't take on. The skeleton warrior cut them down, one by one, as Andor made a run for it...He didn't even bring back their bodies."


The Elf smiles at the attention that he is getting because of his Goblin slaying story to Darrow and the youngsters assembled.

"We did slay and kill a lot of Goblins in the surrounding countryside, but we had no idea that they were being used as a distraction by a group of Orcs. By the time, we came back into town, the orcs had raided the village. Essentially we lost track of the big picture and for that, we paid the price by losing loved ones."

2016-10-14, 05:49 AM
The drunk man looks at up at the half-orc and the others nearby and then back at the noble facing him with anger.
"Yeah....let's get going on."

The guards look at the two, obviously more than eager to have people moving along, than cause a scene in the middle of the Harvest Festival.

The drunk man guides the group to the Red Rooster Inn. A red relatively small inn with stables and inside, the halfling behind the counter is the first thing anybody would notice, cleaning some mugs. Most people are enjoying the festival and the inside is empty at the moment, except a few regulars.

"Hey Gudmund..."
"Already back here? Well don't break anything."
"I come with some people."

The drunk man heads toward the table in the back, waiting for the group to assemble.

"I'm Ebud and last year, my friends made a terrible mistake. Last year, an , Andor, the man from earlier came with a map saying that he needed a couple of brave souls to go with him into a ruin. Great treasures awaited the brave souls who were willing to go...At this time, my friend wanted to make his fortune. Hoping one day to become, a great conqueror like the Invincible Overlord. My friends set out with Andor with promises of fortune and Glory. We waited for them for a week, then two weeks...after a month, Andor came back with the terrible tales of what happened to my friends.

They went to the cave and everything was going fine until they almost reached the end of the cave and came face to face with a skeleton that they couldn't take on. The skeleton warrior cut them down, one by one, as Andor made a run for it...He didn't even bring back their bodies."


The Elf smiles at the attention that he is getting because of his Goblin slaying story to Darrow and the youngsters assembled.

"We did slay and kill a lot of Goblins in the surrounding countryside, but we had no idea that they were being used as a distraction by a group of Orcs. By the time, we came back into town, the orcs had raided the village. Essentially we lost track of the big picture and for that, we paid the price by losing loved ones."

"Ahh, I see. The village doesn't appear to be in that bad a shape, or was this long enough ago where it was rebuilt? Does it by any chance have anything to do with what this festival is about?"

Darrow does as best he can to contain his disappointment, and thinks it might be time to head to the inn for his free dinner.

2016-10-14, 06:00 AM
Zell Half Orc/Half Elf Fire Sorcerer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)


"There's more elf in you than orc", whispered the Captain, holding her chin up to get a look at her face.

Hopelessly exotic, Zell appears like a strong featured elf. However, the tattoos suggest a barbaric upbringing with a pronounced lack of harp music and doubtless a good deal more blood and fire. Then there's her eyes like a curtain drawn over the windows, opaque and reflective, giving little away. Those eyes are neither human, nor elf, but something else.. something that lives in the dark. Despite her barbaric air, she is dressed in silk, which looks like it might be more expensive than protective. and carries a long spear and wears cesti on her hands.

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

Zell went to the halfling and brought back the drinks before settling down to hear whatever tale of woe Ebud was going to regale them with. Mention of a skeleton warrior caused her to flick a glance at Beordir. When Ebud finally finished his tale, had paused for breath, and ale, she considered his words. It was, it seemed to her, a common enough tale of greed and blood. She figured she could take down the skeleton, but she'd need some bear traps first.

She'd often wondered at humanity's propensity to wail over the fact that the good died young while the venal lingered. It seemed obvious to her. The venal put the good in the front ranks and when things went bad, they themselves ran for the hills leaving the good to die young.

There was much she could have said but, being a pragmatic sort, what she found herself saying was...

"This Andor sounds like a waste of space, and I'm sorry for your friends.. but... If Andor was the only one to make it back, how did you get this tale and how do you know if this tale is true?", she asked in velvet tones.

"It's a tale which Andor would not want spread, so if he spread it himself then the only reason for doing so is to conceal something worse. Either that or he's an idiot."

2016-10-14, 08:39 AM
Beordir looks at the....half....orc. She's quick to understand, but assumes much.

He looks back to Ebud and interjects, "Perhaps we should have a conversation with Andor and see what we feel is the right of it.", before waiting for his answer.

Sir Shadow
2016-10-14, 09:22 AM
Though there is some mild disappointment at the guard's response to the situation, Valmund can rationalize why they would want to avoid making a scene. Still, this exchange had piqued his curiosity, so as the two lead the man inside, Val weaves through the crowd of people. Once inside the tavern, he slinks to a table within earshot of the man and his two guests and orders a drink.

As he listens to the tale unfold, certain things become clear quickly. While he had thought it strange that the well-dressed human did not press the issue of attempted murder, it made much more sense in light of how the rest of the community must view him. This 'Andor' was probably not a popular person after having become the reason several members of the town were now dead. It was in his best interest not to persecute this drunk.

The sound of treasure, though, was very appealing. Perhaps some bumbling fools had stumbled into an undead creature and been killed, but if that was all the danger there was, what was stopping him from just sneaking into the place and making off with what he could?

2016-10-14, 10:24 AM
Zell Half Orc/Half Elf Fire Sorcerer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)


"There's more elf in you than orc", whispered the Captain, holding her chin up to get a look at her face.

Hopelessly exotic, Zell appears like a strong featured elf. However, the tattoos suggest a barbaric upbringing with a pronounced lack of harp music and doubtless a good deal more blood and fire. Then there's her eyes like a curtain drawn over the windows, opaque and reflective, giving little away. Those eyes are neither human, nor elf, but something else.. something that lives in the dark. Despite her barbaric air, she is dressed in silk, which looks like it might be more expensive than protective. and carries a long spear and wears cesti on her hands.

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

She wondered if the elf would pick up on the fact that she was delving deeply into the Ebud's story to get some quick answers. She didn't want to find herself lured out of the village on the basis of a story so full of holes she should have known better. It also hadn't escaped her notice that a mummy, no face.. chainmail veil, piecemeal leather armour and a sabre was loitering in the vicinity... without, it had to be said, so much as a by your leave.

Of course that was when the elf, whom she didn't know by name, came out with what was essentially.. 'I don't trust your story Ebud. I think I need to go and have a word with your sworn enemy'.

She couldn't fault him wanting to get both sides of the story, but why did he have throw the fact in Ebud's face?

She turned and addressed the loiterer directly, hoping everyone would just skip over what had been said... "Is there something I can help you with?", she asked, in an enquiring tone of voice.

Sense Motive on Ebud [roll0]

2016-10-14, 10:50 AM
"That was 2 centuries ago. I was a young elf back then. The Festival simply came with the traditions." As the Elf replies to Darrow.

In the red rooster inn...
"I have no idea of what happened there beside his side of the story...It shouldn't have been such a massacre."

Zell can't sense or tell anything from the situation.

ooc: Andor is outside, still on the festival ground if you want to talk with him. The usual prices for drinks and the likes, if you want to buy food or drinks in the red rooster inn are available at the moment.

Sir Shadow
2016-10-14, 11:19 AM
As the masculine elf walks over to his table and addresses him, Val briefly looks over his shoulder and sizes her up. "... No thanks, I'm not looking for company tonight," he says, any expression hidden by his veil, "I'm not nearly drunk enough." With that he stands, places a tip on the table next to his mug for the server, and makes his way outside.

Again in the light of day, he squints at the sudden change in light and looks around for the well-dressed human before walking up to him, "Afternoon. Andor is it? Bit of a scene back there, eh?"

2016-10-14, 03:35 PM
Tufell, tiefling warder

Tufell watched as the crowd dispersed, most of the folks heading into the inn with the grieving man. He turned to the man remaining behind and approached the remaining man.

"Greetings. I would hear more of this tale, and the glory to be had."
His voice was low and melodious, almost sounding like two voices in one. With the hood still pulled low, the man could see an ebon-skinned chin, but little else. Even as Tufell questioned the man, one of the many who entered the inn came out and approached the two.

Tufell glanced over as the man asked a question, seemingly familiar with his name.

While work prevented me from posting, I think it logical my character would have approached and managed a first question (given the intent in my last post) before anyone else came out of the inn. But I won't go too far ...

AC: 19 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 14
F +4 R +8 W +3 / Init +3; Move 30'
Weapons/Armor: Two-bladed sword; twin short swords; studded leather
Acrobatics: +7; Stealth +10; Perception +5
Stance: None currently
Maneuvers: Crushing Blow, Panther on the Hunt, Swift Claws
Effects: None

2016-10-14, 07:26 PM
Zell Half Orc/Half Elf Fire Sorcerer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=919512)


"There's more elf in you than orc", whispered the Captain, holding her chin up to get a look at her face.

Hopelessly exotic, Zell appears like a strong featured elf. However, the tattoos suggest a barbaric upbringing with a pronounced lack of harp music and doubtless a good deal more blood and fire. Then there's her eyes like a curtain drawn over the windows, opaque and reflective, giving little away. Those eyes are neither human, nor elf, but something else.. something that lives in the dark. Despite her barbaric air, she is dressed in silk, which looks like it might be more expensive than protective. and carries a long spear and wears cesti on her hands.

Female Lawful Neutral Half Orc Sorcerer Orc Bloodline Word of Power, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30'
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Reach, Brace Longspear -1 (1d8-1, x3)
Cestus -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Touch Flame Jet (Infinite) +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armour (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None

Zell wonders who the mummy, she guesses he's trying to hide a skin condition, is trying to kid, wandering into an empty inn and sitting down to listen to their conversation. It was like choosing to piss next to someone in an empty toilet. She also wonders why he's turning his head around and addressing the air, since she hadn't left her seat to address him. Of course, once he's caught he flees the scene. He hadn't seemed to like being caught judging by the insult.

"So the bodies are still there, unhallowed, wherever that place is?", she asks Ebud.

I am guessing by that exchange that this party is not coming together. Its already been stated that the Inn is all but deserted. Zell brought everything in here for a private conversation. Then a guy dressed like a ninja walks in and selects a table close enough to overhear. Just picture it.

Sir Shadow
2016-10-14, 07:51 PM
Val turned back to look at Zell, because he was not facing her. If you need me to roll stealth and bluff to hide his presence and motives, I can, but I didn't see you roll Perception or Sense Motive either.

It's off to a rocky start, but hey, our characters have no reason to trust or be interested in each other.

2016-10-14, 11:16 PM
Darrow says to the elf "Thank you for your time and the story, but I'm a bit hungry so I'll be heading to the Rooster to collect my reward."

As he goes he will try and remember what god the Holy Symbol the elf is wearing represents


Darrow will depart for the Red Rooster to get dinner, and see if he can pick up the end of what happened with the fighting couple.

2016-10-14, 11:21 PM
ooops my roll got messed up and I can't edit it in

[roll0] (Religion Check)

Darrow has no clue, so will move on to the Red Rooster.