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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Feat: Psionic Tattooist [PEACH]

2016-10-06, 06:56 AM
Was hoping for some feedback on a psionic feat, Psionic Tattooist (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By6j7YQR). You could easily swap psionic for arcane without any hassle.
I used the Magic Initiate feat as a guide for balance(1st lvl Spell 1/day, 2 Cantrips).
The idea was a version of Find Familar(tattoos that come to life), and Blade Meld(weapon tattoos).

Would love some feedback, thanks guys.

EDIT: Changed the feat name, and other changes I posted below.

2016-10-07, 07:44 AM
Added the Psi Point, allowing the tattoo to change position and shape 1/day. Still not sure on the physical tools, I think I prefer a telekinetic type approach. Still have it require "during a long rest" for creation. Added a "special" section for if a Mystic takes the feat, but kept it to Mind Thrust for now.
Changed the creation to involve spending a hit dice, and the constructs hit dice accordingly. If it dies, you don't take direct damage, but instead lose some potential healing. The reason for doing this, was one of our group pointed out the version I had effectively created a life, where Find Familiar used a spirit. So this was what we came up with. Its also why the gold cost was reduced, as you pay a cost in the way of hit dice if they die.

Thinking of making a feat chain, which is why I added language for "tattoo slots". Next feat might be small constructs(2 slots), use two hit dice, and cost 2 psi points for example. Also add another form like Primate. Need to get this feat right first though.