View Full Version : Theme song

2016-10-06, 09:49 AM
I don't know how many others use this, but when building and playing a character I typically try and find a theme song for him: something that connects with how I designed the character and his personal story.

I was wondering if anyone else does this and are some of your characters and their theme songs and why?

My current character is Griswold Stonetusk, a half orc Barbarian/Paladin, and his song is simple man by Skynyrd. It works for him because he was taken and raised to be a monster by his father, an orc war lord, and eventually found his mother again. On her death bed she lead him to the light of Pelor and now he is doing all he can to be a good person and find his true purpose.

So what kind of heroes and villians do we have out their Giants?

2016-10-06, 10:21 AM
Oh yeah! This is my Tiefling Bard's theme song:

I usually prefer them instrumental, because it's more of an atmosphere thing. But yes, all my dudes have theme songs.

Falcon X
2016-10-06, 10:29 AM
I play with someone who tells her whole backstory in songs. It's kind've odd, but it works for her.

2016-10-06, 10:33 AM
My teifling warlocks is called "sympathy for the devil" and that's also his theme song

2016-10-06, 10:35 AM
It's probably all sorts of wrong, but I enjoy characters that can use the theme from the Benny Hill show (Yakkity Yak with no vocals).

Lots of shenanigans keeps everyone on their toes.

2016-10-06, 10:37 AM
I was just thinking that "Classic Man" by Jidenna might make a good starting place for a dandy bard. Alternatively, James Brown.

2016-10-08, 07:18 AM
My group especially enjoys selecting theme songs for their characters. We're currently in two campaigns, and each one has two characters introduced with their own themes.

Ip Rothsperver, an elderly mountain dwarf wizard who's seen a lot of **** in his life. From commoner to soldier, to store-owner, to mage, to husband, to father, to losing it all. He forced magical knowledge into his mind, at the cost of his sanity. But that's alright, because he'd rather not have to look at the past anyway. Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrkzIN2eP0U

Lysander the Grave, a human cleric of the Raven Queen (Death Goddess) who was a gravedigger in early life but swore himself to his goddess and the destruction of unnatural forces (e.g. Undead) in her name. With a very strong sense of right and wrong, he's on a quest to bring down a cult trying to resurrect their dead god. He tattoos the name of every friend he's ever had to bury on his body, and boy is that a long list. Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht7mxF9XZiA

Sinister Abernathy, a shady human ranger born from a fiend-pact and abandoned as a child, to be raised by a group of not-quite bandits. He travels with his loyal wolf companion, and acts as a bounty hunter. In their world, slavery is a big thing (despite it being outlawed) and he'll bring back runaways. He's got a fiendish past that he doesn't know about, but he's beginning to learn. Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYo8CVsger8

Cassius De'Carli, a polearm-wielding knight who's a paladin in all but name. Hubris and his willingness to do whatever it takes to make the world a better place by eliminating evil lead him to a cursed spear containing a powerful devil. The artifact gets more powerful the more souls it steals, and over the course of the campaign the fiend's influence is slowly leading him down a path of becoming more vile than the monsters he set out to destroy. Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4irXQhgMqg

2016-10-08, 09:29 AM
I had a plan to be barbarian gladiator called "Ash Trashem" from mallet town. One of my buddies ask reddit for a theme song.
I wanna be the very bash

To hit dem inna head

Knock dis over with a crash

And make the bad guys dead



I will travel across the land,

With elf man and a mage

Teach badguys to understand

The power of my rage



Barbarian! (Gotta smash em all) you vs me

I'll bend you over my knee

Barbarian! Don't touch my friends

Or your life I will end.



Barbarian (Gotta thrash em all) a blade strikes true

My muscles will pull us through

You punch me and I'll bash you!

Bar-bar-iannnnnnn, Gotta Bash em all!


Unfortunately the Dm canned my idea as he feared that it would "Take over the campaign", the best part was that our party had "Elf-Man" and a Mage without even mentioning it to reddit

2016-10-08, 11:55 AM
Of course!

With Lyrics (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=00YI0OlQQ6s)


With Action! (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y3cXcS49D64)

2016-10-08, 04:00 PM
One of our DMs asked us to pick theme songs for our characters. He put them in his mix and shuffled, and when your theme song came up, you immediately got an Action.

2016-10-08, 04:11 PM
Absolutely. Music adds a lot more depth to just about anything.
My current character in a homebrew campaign is a member of the Winter Wolves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U62YkXZNs8M) Tribe. (reflavored Uthgardt Tribes)

2016-10-08, 04:32 PM
One of our DMs asked us to pick theme songs for our characters. He put them in his mix and shuffled, and when your theme song came up, you immediately got an Action.

That is a really cool idea. I have used the theme music before when a player starts something awesome and I'll let them have their shinning moment. Ranging from a soft play for the bard creating a peace treaty to blasting as the barb bashes through a horde.

2016-10-10, 01:44 AM
I made a character solely from *hearing* a song. A gnoll ranger, one of the last of a rogue clan that worshipped their old gods, not Yeenoghu. The song is called "Hungry Forever More", by The Historian Himself.


Select lines:

"I was born with blood on my hands, I was born.. with blood on my hands,
I was - born from the spilled blood, of another man
And I'll be hungry, forever more..."

"They're asking: why are them jaws so strong?
They're asking why are them claws so long?
They're asking: why do you gnaw through to the marrow of the bone?
Because I'll be hungry forever more "

(Other songs I love of his are "In Mountains" - look it up on youtube, an amazing clip he made, and "All Always Was", which explains my outlook on life pretty well; also "Mowgli" - "pleased to meet you/the world doesn't need you/you should walk into the forest/and let the birds and beasts eat you", and lastly, "Thundering Earth Beast Technique", which basically makes me want to play a Str-based dragonborn monk).

2016-10-10, 06:42 AM
World Ender by Lord Huron is the ideal song for a revenant character. You can basically just play the song as backstory:

I had a name but they took it from me
I was the man that I wanted to be
I had a place where I lay my head
They burnt it to the ground and the sky turned red

I had a life and a place in the world
I had a sweet talkin' wife and a beautiful girl
I know I'm never gonna see 'em again
Gonna tear the world up until I have my revenge

They took my life but it isn't the end
They put me in the ground but I'm back from the dead
I'll never bleed and I won't ever age
I'll never feel the embrace of the grave
The fair and the brave and the good must die
I seen the other side of living, I know heaven's a lie
I'll tear through the night, and I'll raise some hell
'Cause I'm the World Ender, baby and I'm back from the dead

Lord knows I should be pushing daisies
I was 6 feet down, but something raised me up
Sent back for to lift my curse
I'm gonna get me a taste of some chaos first
Untied, gonna get little wild
Go screaming through the dark like a demon child
Close your eyes now, the light is fading
And the noise in the night is gonna get a little louder, baby

2016-10-10, 11:27 AM
I don't know how many others use this, but when building and playing a character I typically try and find a theme song for him: something that connects with how I designed the character and his personal story.

I was wondering if anyone else does this and are some of your characters and their theme songs and why?

My current character is Griswold Stonetusk, a half orc Barbarian/Paladin, and his song is simple man by Skynyrd. It works for him because he was taken and raised to be a monster by his father, an orc war lord, and eventually found his mother again. On her death bed she lead him to the light of Pelor and now he is doing all he can to be a good person and find his true purpose.

So what kind of heroes and villians do we have out their Giants?

I have a human paladin named Tyr whos theme song is ] the man comes around by jonny cash. I cant post links yet im still too small lol.

2016-10-10, 06:02 PM
Music certainly inspires me when it comes to making and playing characters. The current one I'm playing is Lo'Kag "Slayer" Ogolakuno: a Goliath Fighter/Barbarian that was a former Soldier before becoming an adventurer. He's getting on in age, 45 years old...that's up there for one of his kind. As such he's seen some s&%*, lost everything and everyone he loved and was nearly driven mad because of it. However one day he would find his peace, embracing a part of himself that he denied for many, many years. In doing so he now walks two paths: On one road he is the Voin (Fighter), a warrior who is motivated by purpose and lives to fight, on the other he is the Varver (Barbarian), a primal champion of his people whom embraces a lawless animal spirit that peers out when needed.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oInFUFOJbuU

Official Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL65cenNF24E_wJQkLibFyD29PWylgH1Rv

2016-10-10, 07:27 PM
My oath of the Ancients Paladin is old nears the end of his life. There is joy left in the world but not enough and the world is heading towards war. He cannot prevent it, only postpone it. He looks towards the end of peace as the end of his life, it is inevitable but celebrate the good and mourn its loss.


2016-10-10, 08:00 PM
I play a blaster GOO TomeLock, eventually going to nab levels in Sorcerer for Metamagic and all that. He's the party face, so, lots of Charisma, lots of mind-affecting goodies. His background is Charlatan, and his con is a deck of marked cards, which he uses to perform street-corner cons and cheat at games of chance. His Eldritch Blast is themed as him conjuring playing cards (tarot cards at this time period) and throwing them at enemies.
If you're getting the sense that he sounds like Gambit, from XMen...
Yep! Albeit by another name.
Gambit already has an "official" playlist from our buddies at Geek&Sundry:
Which suits me just fine, particularly
'Ace of Spades' by Motörhead, and 'Kinetic' by Radiohead.

However, I'm still a Warlock, and Warlocks are creepy, twisted, morbid characters at the best of time.
So the entire 'Octahedron' album by The Mars Volta is a huge way to get in the right twisted, eldritch mindset to play the character. Particularly the song 'With Twilight As My Guide'

I'm bolted from within
from long conniving heights
The hale, it makes a special sound
that always stays into the night

She tells me I'm not capable
of what they accuse me
With no remorse I stand and say
that guilt is what I plead

My devil makes me dream
like no other mortal dreams
With a blank eye corner

The only way to see him
in the tunnel where he slept
By the longest tusk of corridors
numb below the neck

In my heart

Where he keeps them in
a vault of devil daughters

When I bend and kick in form
with twilight as my guide
In every home the ghost pays gossip
you can hear them if you try

When my quill begins to squirm
from the ashes in your urn
Your deviance is anything but faithful

My devil makes me dream
like no other mortal dreams
With a blank eye corner

The only way to see him
in the tunnel where he slept
By the longest tusk of corridors
numb below the neck

In my heart

Where he keeps them in
a vault of devil daughters

in my dead leaves
Don't you hide these
branches waiting

I've been watching
you four, two me
Don't resign me
I'm not waiting

My devil makes me dream
like no other mortal dreams
With a blank eye corner

The only way to see him
in the tunnel where he slept
By the longest tusk of corridors
numb below the neck

In my heart

Where he keeps them in
a vault of devil daughters