View Full Version : What's the alignment of Re: Monster's main character?

2016-10-08, 04:11 PM
I had the displeasure of reading Re: Monster, which features the most Mary Sue character I've ever seen. And I've read The Gamer, which featured some power with an at-will Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Anyway, what I found the least bit interesting was how the character acted (as an immortal god-goblin). If I was to use a metaphor, it would be "It's almost as if you took a 6 Int and Wis Orc/Demon and managed to teach it to value civility.".

So, the first thing of note, alignment-wise, was that, after being attacked by others of the goblin clan, he killed one, and let the rest live after a severe beating...afterwards, he took the dead out and devoured it (think of Illithid Savant and have it also allow him to drain physical attributes, like Slime's "Physical Resistance"). He stated he neither liked nor disliked it.

Realising the attack was because the other goblins couldn't hunt for themselves, he brought back a feast, and taught the others how to hunt as he did, and even fashioned tools for some, which instantly earned the servitude of his generation of goblins. (Because why wouldn't it? We know goblins can't hunt. They clearly survived to that point by feeding off the ...anyway.)

The next thing of relevance: The goblin clan needed humans to breed goblins, because "goblins have a lower fertility with each other". (Don't question how that makes sense, evolutionarily or otherwise.) So, in the breeding quarters, there were human females - truly depressed and clearly not liking what's happened. (Who would? Well, the new harem, obviously.) Not having any authority, but not wanting them to continue as they were, he left poison for them to take in the room. After them being found dead, he went to bury them (eating their hearts and brains first, but leaving the rest).

There's also the bit about him hunting and devouring the stereotypically "savage" races (Porcs, Kobolds, Lizardmen) without remorse. Even for sport because they taste good. Well, not the Lizardmen, but still killed/ate them when they ambushed him.

Next, when the parents of the clan with human females (you know for what purpose), he expresses concern, and says to the parents "hey, you should give the humans to me." Wins the duel easily, and takes command over the entire clan (because Mary Sue). He then establishes the rule that the humans aren't to be touched. When a group of the parents disobeys, they are captured. The entire clan awakened, and made to watch gruesome torture, where he casts heal spells to delay death until he's bored.

He promises to return the human females home, but never makes any effort to. Why would you when they happily work for you, and even stick to the original reason they were captured...one day after they were captured. But they are happy about it... Because it makes sense.../s

Skipping past the piddly stuff and grinding and what have you. Elves attack. The main character wins easily, and captures them...for breeding. "They must accept your advances." he says...as he fills the prison chamber with aphrodisiacs...

At last, the parent goblins get fed up, and decide to leave. They haven't done anything he's forbidden, so he sees them off, and even gifts them minor magic items to protect themselves with. "If they leave happy, then there's a lower chance they'll tell anyone about where we are." Is how he explains his reasoning.

And finally, we come to the end of the written books. He follows a human assassin unit who was going to attack an elf maiden of the lake. They kill off all the maiden's guards, and were about to kill her as well. Main character steps in, kills the assassins, captures the maiden, then ransoms her to the Elvish village for magic items.
(Oh, and eats the hearts and brains of everyone who died, before cremating them.)

2016-10-08, 05:38 PM

Hes eating sentient critters and establishing an orderly society.

And you are correct. Re monster is trash.

2016-10-08, 06:00 PM
Definitely evil. The closest thing he has to "friends" are people he sees as useful. He's not Stupid Evil, in that he thinks ahead and will attempt peaceful solutions if he sees it as more efficient, but he has no qualms with discarding (and possibly killing/eating/raping) his partners if they're starting to become dead weight.

That said, he does seem to have a sense of order and fairness (e.g. giving weapons to exiles to help them survive, offering a trade partner more stuff because he felt their initial bid was too generous), so probably Lawful Evil.

2016-10-09, 08:06 AM
He's chaotic evil. His "rules" and "moral values" are nothing more than some kind of flimsy facade to make him look good and in the end, he doesn't care about them in the slightest as long there's some pleasure for him to have (and ... yeah ... I consider actually his "eating habits" & brutality to be worse than his drugging, brainwashing and organised gang rape and such). He's more or less one extremely selfish hypocrite that adjusts his "reasoning" to suite his current whims so that he's "always right". I don't know how far you read but it gets worse later on starting with ...

him actively aggressively "provoking fights" and such just to have his pseudo-justification for attacking humans and other intelligent beings so that he can justify eating them (for pleasure and skills) or outright (for no other reason other than because "they taste good" or "they are strong") kidnapps others to eat them. ... and that's just in what has been translated thus far.

Edit ... and even before that, there#s also the whole "training people into slaves" & "inserting clones into people and such to brainwash them into slaves" ... yeah.

... overall he (possibly) might've acted Lawful Evil in his old world (because he had to) but now, with no society there to bind him down, he's full blown Chaotic Evil ... mybe enough to rival some of the worst DnD 3.5 demons in the abyss, in fact.

2016-10-09, 10:23 AM
Re monster is awful, and the main is absolutely evil, but to be fair, anime has no shortage of mary sue characters of dubious moral alignment.