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2016-10-09, 01:28 AM
Corrupted Oracle (Oracle Archetype)
A corrupted oracle draws strength not from the blessing of a higher power, but through a stain upon their very soul.

-Oracle's Corruption: Each corrupted oracle possesses not a traditional curse but a far worse affliction. At 1st level, a corrupted oracle acquires an corruption. This corruption is typically influences which mystery the corrupted oracle acquires, but sometimes the connection isn't always clear. The corrupted oracle loses all class features except proficiencies if her corruption is ever removed. All oracle spells and effects that refer to the oracle's curse, such as oracle's burden and oracle's vessel, interact similarly with the oracle's corruption. These spells will grant both the gift and the stain from any manifestations that explicitly state that one cannot be gained without the other. This ability replaces the oracle's curse.

-Purpose of Corruption (Su): A corrupted oracle's powers did not come without purpose. A corrupted oracle gains a bonus on saves vs progressing their corruption equal to their Charisma modifier.

-Vile Reprieve: Starting at 3rd level onward, a corrupted oracle may choose to forgo acquiring a new revelation and instead mitigate aspects of their corruption. A corrupted oracle may select a single manifestation they already possess, removing the effects of its stain. This does not lower your manifestation level.

Just an idea I had.

2016-10-09, 11:28 AM
This seems like an awesome idea. Do you have any ideas for how this archetype interacts with spells and effects that deal with an Oracle's curse like the Oracle's Burden spell?

You just reminded me of a project I was going to do as well since I got horror adventures. I'm thinking about breaking down all the benefits and downsides so that it could be easier for a GM to judge and make your own. I just need to find the time to do that.

2016-10-09, 12:50 PM
This seems like an awesome idea.

Im glad you like it. Im thinking of making a list of recommended combinations of mysteries and corruptions. I was going to make a required list.. but that doesn't feel right to me.

Do you have any ideas for how this archetype interacts with spells and effects that deal with an Oracle's curse like the Oracle's Burden spell?

By raw; Oracle's Burden would have no effect.

That being said, here is an effect one could use;

You entreat the forces of fate to bestow your corruption upon another creature. The target creature suffers all the stains of the manifestations you possess, but none of the gifts unless specified otherwise by the manifestation. You still suffer all effects of your corruption.

Example; A 5th level corrupted oracle with the ghoul corruption casts this spell. Lets say they have the Corpse Armor, Gnashing Bite, and Stench of the Grave manifestations. This spell would then apply for the duration; -2 Dex, -2 Cha, and they extrude an aura of decay, making adjacent creatures sickened and living creatures with a sense of smell have a starting attitude of one step lower than normal. These would apply, even if the corrupted oracle decided to forgo acquiring a new revelation to remove the stain they suffered from one of these manifestations.

You just reminded me of a project I was going to do as well since I got horror adventures. I'm thinking about breaking down all the benefits and downsides so that it could be easier for a GM to judge and make your own. I just need to find the time to do that.

That reminds me of an idea I had. Feats and other resources relating to this corruption system. Things to help integrate corruptions with different classes and archetypes. I think at some point you should go for your idea. It might be useful.

2016-10-09, 12:57 PM
Your Ghoul Oracle example is actually really cool sounding, and pretty fitting I think for the sort of horror setting this archetype would most likely be used in. I think you should include that as a footnote in the archetype itself, or perhaps just a new spell entirely (even though it's based off of an existing one).

As for feats and resources for the corruption system, that sounds like a good idea. I like the corruption system, and I really hope Paizo does more with it. I like the ones that're given, but I feel like there just needs to be more variety and options (especially keeping in mind that corruptions aren't just a way to increase your character's power). In my opinion, the possessed one could have been a lot better.

2016-10-09, 01:06 PM
Your Ghoul Oracle example is actually really cool sounding, and pretty fitting I think for the sort of horror setting this archetype would most likely be used in. I think you should include that as a footnote in the archetype itself, or perhaps just a new spell entirely (even though it's based off of an existing one).

As for feats and resources for the corruption system, that sounds like a good idea. I like the corruption system, and I really hope Paizo does more with it. I like the ones that're given, but I feel like there just needs to be more variety and options (especially keeping in mind that corruptions aren't just a way to increase your character's power). In my opinion, the possessed one could have been a lot better.

I've added a note, more for laziness and covering all bases than anything else.

Im also going to type up a recommendation list. (Edit; Tried. Couldn't find a satisfactory way either way. Some mysteries just don't match up for me to corruptions. Solar.. heaven.. streets.. to name a few)

I'll get to making more resources for the corruption system. i love how it is, but it could certainly use utility. Feats that grant certain benefits, but also drawbacks. Increasing the DC required to prevent advancement of their corruption could be the most common drawback but some might give specific.

2016-10-09, 03:32 PM
Cool! I think the note works pretty well.

Maybe some traits relating to different corruptions would be interesting, representing having grown up around those with corruptions?

In other, slightly related news, I've posted a corruption of my own that definitely needs some feedback.