View Full Version : Is chaotic crazy an alignment? After last week it should be.

2016-10-09, 05:59 AM
Terrible D&D session story.

This is the story all about how, my D&D game turned upside down. Something something pun on bel air.

Right. Anyway, the craziness in this one surprised even me. Some background: I'm usually a player in my campaigns, and we usually play with the same people. We don't get too crazy and try to keep things light and simple. More then once a member of the group has stumbled onto a character that turns out crazy and verges on breaking the game so it's voluntarily retired to keep the games balance intact.

In any case I was asked to take over as dm at the conclusion of the previous adventure. The old dm wanted to pace off and play a alchemist he had been working with. I asked for a few weeks to prepare and wrote up a simple story that would lead into one of a few different prefab adventures. I had not decided which, but planned to leave it open ended for a few options.

The craziness started a week before the first game. I'm something of a lord of the rings fan, i wouldn't claim fanboy status, but I have the full collection of movies and a few collectors items. Mostly gifts From birthdays or the holidays. But I had recently stumbled on a pretty good deal for a replica of glamdring (Gandalfs sword) and it arrived in the mail Monday. I was pretty Psyked and I'll admit a bit more then inspired. I wrote up a side dungeon featuring an old powerful wizard as the main baddie.

The next day I got a message from a player. He had ran into a guy at the local shop conversation started and he ended up asking to join. The player said he would ask me - I figured sure. We only have 4 players so a 5th should round out the crew. I got his contact info and sent him an initial interview email. Pretty standard stuff, gaming history, play style, schedule, and whatnot. He seemed pretty normal and eager to get going. He agreed to roll up a character and informed me he would be making a Druid.

Thursday arrives (our game scheduled for Saturday) and I'm down at the local game store looking for a few things. I wanted new dice for the game, a screen and a set of pawns. The store itself is a 2 floor setup with the roleplaying stuff on the top floor. I'm perusing the supplies when the local staff asks me what I'm looking for. A dm screen, a d20 set, a beastiary pawn set and a small battle mat. I tell him and get back a stare someplace between confusion and disgust. After a few seconds of silence he informs me "we don't carry those". And walks off, apparently to help with a commotion downstairs. I'm not a nosy person so pretty much ignored what was going on, some guy being wrestled out by a pair of cops over something. Probably shoplifting. I found the screen and pawns I wanted and went to the counter. I asked the guy (same as before) about the d20 set and the battlemat - again met with a snort of disgust and stare of derision, told again "we don't sell those" I felt a bit taken aback, and clarified. "I need a set of dice with all the d20 style dice, you know a d12, 8, 10s.. and a washable mat with a grid on it." The response back was "oh you mean a roleplaying dice kit and a strategy map" I've never heard these called that before and said as much. Once again the response was borderline condescending like I was some wet behind the ears newb, reinforcing the "terminology" not wanting a fight I just said "ok those", got what I wanted paid and left. But fairly certain I would not be returning to this store.

Saturday arrives and i spend a few hours preparing for the game. I'll admit I didn't have time to really tidy the house up - it was a cluttered leftover of a tornado zone. No garbage or anything, but just lots of stuff. The players arrive - along with new guy - who it turns out was the guy I saw being escorted out of the store on Thursday. Somewhat shocked I took him aside and asked essentially "wth happened at the store?" He told me it was a dispute over a magic card game that got out of hand - and him being larger then the other guy the store owner "a real nazi prick" over reacted and had him escorted out. It was nothing to worry about. Since he was otherwise seeming a nice guy, polite and well kept I brushed it off and started the game.

Once everyone had sat down broke out the snacks and supplies and bull****ted about for around 20 minutes one of my regulars noticed my new sword. And pretty much lost his ****. "This is awesome!" And so on. I told him to chill, he put it back and we started the game. I had everyone start off in a small town, not knowing each other. They had some time to shop and gear up (how they acquired starting equipment) then a bandit raid attacked the town. (This was designed as an easy encounter to get everyone together and earn some prestige with the town) - it looked like everything was going well until the new guy declares he was going the other way to the nearby woods, in order to try and get a dire wolf as an animal companion. I advised that would be "very difficult" and he should probably help deal with the bandits. He insisted so I let him bugger off into the woods. the rest of the players easily dispatched the bandits and became local heroes, but the Druid (not being part of the fight was left out) - I let him encounter a wolf willing to accompany him - but he got mad and demanded that no, not a normal wolf, a DIRE WOLF. i tried to advise him that a dire wolf is much more powerful then his character and that "at this stage such a pairing is very unlikely" he clearly didn't like it but clammed up and accepted the normal wolf. I told him that at later levels and maybe a feat for improved companion or something would see him the dire wolf. Just be patient.

A few encounters and adventure hooks later (now through out the Druid was using his wolf like crazy. Making it take perception checks, act as a combat tank, trying to get it to track a random bandit to his base and treasure stash, stuff like that, and using it as an excuse to ex machina meta game info to himself) and the group is headed to my mini dungeon. The interior of which was dark, confined (5 foot hallways, small rooms etc) and i told them animals wouldn't really work inside. So horses and wolf would have to stay topside. Druid got pretty upset at this - saying his wolf was not normal and not scared of dark and confined, and the wolf should be able to come with. I'm getting a bit frustrated with him at this point as is the group - so we go have a chat. I tell him despite being his companion, at level one his wolf is just that. A wolf. It's not super intelligent and not capable of the advanced things he's trying to get it to do. Later levels that may happen. But level one - it's just a wolf. I agreed to allow it inside the dungeon, but with a -2 to everything because it was tentative at being in a weird and confined space. Guy agreed.

Fast forward to the boss fight. The wizard has summoned a small group of zombies to defend him - and the Druid sends the wolf after the wizard, who promptly gets the zombies to defend it by attacking the wolf. It goes down. Next round, the group rains fire on the wizard hurting him, and also taking out 2 of the 4 zombies. The Druid also goes for the wizard. I ask if he's sure, he confirms and promptly botches his attack. Bad guys turn. The wizard burning hands the group catching 3 of the 5 dealing some decent damage. The zombies not being smart enough to do different proceed to randomize action. (Low was eat the wolf they had in front of them, mid was move to nearest enemy and high was attack closest enemy to wizard) i made the rolls and one of the zombies proceeded to eat the wolf - killing it. The other ended up attacking the Druid himself, dealing enough damage to knock him out.

At this point things got nuts. I could see
The guys eyes when I regretfully informed him of the dice. He seemed to blank out. Then it's literally like a piano wire in his head went "twang" and he lost. His. Mind. A string of f bombs and other profanity too crazy to type here and he stands up nearly flipping the table As he does. He smashed it enough to knock over the drinks and send books to the floor. Everyone kind of stands in shock at the sudden violence. He proceeds to punch the wall behind him seriously cracking the drywall, before "gently place his things in his bag" then trying to storm out.

Now his seat was along the wall and another player had "blocked him in" - he had to get past him to leave. Instead of using any words at all he just tried to shove behind him and naturally the occupant of the chair was not pleased at the aggressive nature of his attempt. He tried to scoot into the table, uttered a "hey watch it" only to receive a punch to the back of his head. Now clear of the table and having hit one of our group, one of the other players (shall call him "D") moved in to break up the scuffle and calm things down. This resulted in more punches (going both ways) and the pair collapsing onto my couch. Destroying my coffee table In the process. They both get up, I've moved to tell him "get out of my house" and the 4th person ("A") was trying to clean up the spilled soda. At this point myself D and guy are involved in a full out scuffle as we try to guide him out the front door. We made the mistake of passing by where my Gandalf sword was sitting. He grabbed it and started swinging like he was swatting angry mosquitoes from hell. We got away from him fast but he broke a lamp, smashed the front mirror (which also broke the sword) and got a good chunk of my couch. At this point "A" had called the cops.

The night ended with guy being escorted out of the house in handcuffs. I put in the papers in for a restraining order, and now have more insight to what happened at the store ... alongside a fist size dent in my wall, a destroyed coffee table, lamp and broken wall mirror, and a gash in my couch and a wrecked collectors item. Thankfully insurance will cover everything and I'm hoping this guy won't see light of day for a long time.

But yea. That night brought new meaning to the term chaotic crazy.

Tohsaka Rin
2016-10-09, 06:43 AM
That was one crazy story, but you left out the most important part.

Is Glamdrang ok? :smalltongue:

2016-10-09, 08:25 AM
I know this sounds like a jerk thing to say, but this is definitely why I don't let anyone join a party unless I've known them for a couple months.

2016-10-09, 09:30 AM
I'm sorry man, that sucks... This kind of horrible story makes me wanna roleplay only with good friends.

Someone Else DM
2016-10-09, 11:00 AM
Holy horrible story Batman!

I say he would be Chaotic 'Me'-vil with a**h*** tendencies.

2016-10-09, 11:28 AM
Wow that was a great story. Thanks for sharing. hope you can find another glamdring

2016-10-09, 11:50 AM

I have heard some horror stories, and seen some poor players, but this takes the cake. I have never heard or seen a player actually initiate physical violence over the game, much less use a weapon. Sorry to hear about your place getting torn up.

2016-10-09, 12:00 PM
Oh man, let us know of any other things that happen relating to this story. So sorry for your loss. I swear, the scariest D&D stories (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?23784-I-think-I-just-dealt-with-the-worst-gaming-session) all come from this forum.

2016-10-09, 12:55 PM
Well holy ****. OK then. I feel bad for you.

2016-10-10, 01:32 PM
Bad situation, indeed.

The worst I've lived was when an ex-friend of us showed up in the session pretty much high on weed and he got his crap beaten by two friends, because he wouldn't stop bullying me and another friend with personal things. I didn't ask for the beat, but I think that was the the straw that broke the camel after a lot of situations. But even then, no cops involved.

I hope you get another collector's replica :)

2016-10-10, 03:04 PM
Two things:

1. That guy was crazy. Good call on the restraining order.
2. Those store owners are snobs, +1 on taking your business elsewhere.