View Full Version : Pathfinder Item Creation assistance.

2016-10-10, 11:33 AM
Hey everybody,

I am currently in an adventure path with 5 other people. We are 9th level and consist of; myself, Conjurer/malconvoker, Flame Oracle, Druid/Grey Warden, Barbarian/Oracle/Rage Prohpet, Witch/rogue/arcane trickster, and a ranger.

Right now we are all pretty 'squishy' and our group, most notably the druid, is very, very voiciferous about needing a 'tank' Even my explanations of my summons being the damage sponges he is ranting about ( that is what me means when he says 'tank' somebody/something to take all the damage) He still completely believes that we need a dedicated face tanker because my summons are not in the fight to start with. Even going so far as to buy a gorilla, the awaken scroll and taking leadership for a 'tank' and even then I tried to explain, why not just grab a core rulebook race cohort then we have something that has 3 or so more level to work with, not to mention the fact you are wasting money just to turn an ape into a smart ape that can wield ogre equipment.

I know I cannot change his thinking on that because its been months and the same arguments are made back and forth.

instead I thought that if I just take some crafting feats that allow me to give my allies buffs/abilities they would not have otherwise, then maybe he will not convince somebody ( our rage prophet most likely) to just 'stand in the fire' and take damage constantly. SO I am thinking to myself, what if I make an item that can do mirror image a couple of times per day. of course the formula [2X3(1800)](2/5)=4320 for 'book value' the crafting cost for me will be half as much 2160 for a 3RD level item that I want to be Bracers of Mirror Image. The DM counter with how out of proportion Mirror Image's effect is and since it is a personal spell and counter that it will cost 16K. I understand that I am taking a personal spell and making it so my melee centric allies (arcane trickster and rage prophet) can use them and have a combat or two ( if we are lucky) where the spell is in effect.

I can see me adding an addition 50% to the cost of the item. maybe even doubling if the DM is a stickler on mirror image is too good for its level, but 4 times is, I feel a bit much.

What do you think playground?

I am also looking at making some gems for our attack oriented characters (rage prophet, arcane trickster, and ranger) a gem that does true strike twice a day, a slotless item.
the formula for that would be [[1X1(1800)](2/5)]2=1440 Now I totally agree that True Strike is too good for 1st level and so I feel that the 1400 cost is low, I am willing to increase that to 2000(1000 craft cost) basically a 1K a use cost, The DM has not yet said anything about this item in terms of how much he expects it to cost. What do you guys feel is an appropriate cost for such an item.

One area I really want to focus on is things I can make for the Ranger to give his animal companion a sweet boost for durability and effectiveness in combat.

now I am envisioning-eventually- creating some specific magical items for his animal companion One i am thinking of is the 'phoenix collar' which is going to just be a aegis of recovery but with a more powerful healing spell in place. And other such like that.

What other things can you think of to better 'equip' his animal companion?

2016-10-10, 12:06 PM
The formulas are only guidelines - for custom items, your GM has the final say as far as price, so there's really not much anyone here can do.

You could try pointing out to your GM that a Wand of Mirror Image is 6,000. On one hand, that is for 50 charges, whereas it sounds like your item will have much fewer, and yours also takes up a slot. On the other hand, yours is a wondrous item (rather than spell trigger), so anyone can use it - which is a bit more powerful for a personal-range spell - and since it is a worn item, it does not need to be drawn first.