View Full Version : 3rd Ed I would like to find this sourcebook...

2016-10-10, 01:28 PM
I remember when I started playing I got a ton of books from friends in pdf form, sadly after a computer wipe I had to start rebuilding the collection and have been struggling to find some of the books.

I´m looking for the name of this one book, it was a sourcebook of 3.0, not sure if it was third party, the main theme was the drow. Features I remember are: a history about a scholar from above that got taken as a slave, bits and pieces appeared throughout the book, there was a section for drow subraces, mainly I remember the spiderling (a sorta halfling/spider hybrid) and acuatic drow, and in the religion chapter of the book tey talked about servants of lolth that worked as demigods, handling several domains of magic and lessening lolth´s burden.

any help is appreciated, I just need the name but if it happens to be open game content a link would be nice, thanks :smallbiggrin:

2016-10-10, 01:30 PM
I remember when I started playing I got a ton of books from friends in pdf form, sadly after a computer wipe I had to start rebuilding the collection and have been struggling to find some of the books.

I´m looking for the name of this one book, it was a sourcebook of 3.0, not sure if it was third party, the main theme was the drow. Features I remember are: a history about a scholar from above that got taken as a slave, bits and pieces appeared throughout the book, there was a section for drow subraces, mainly I remember the spiderling (a sorta halfling/spider hybrid) and acuatic drow, and in the religion chapter of the book tey talked about servants of lolth that worked as demigods, handling several domains of magic and lessening lolth´s burden.

any help is appreciated, I just need the name but if it happens to be open game content a link would be nice, thanks :smallbiggrin:

You might be searching for Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to the Drow.

2016-10-10, 01:31 PM
The only sourcebook about drow I know of is Drow of the Underdark, but I suspect that's not what you're looking for.

2016-10-10, 05:04 PM
You might be searching for Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to the Drow.

I made a Quick search and it is, thank you.

2016-10-10, 05:51 PM
Be careful with that book, though. It contains one of the strongest, less balanced prestige classes for arcane spellcasting.

Other than that, Perfect Strike helps Dex-based builds.