View Full Version : City and npc creation

2016-10-11, 09:51 AM
I have been working on creating a world for my players and I constantly get hung up on creating npcs and a working living city setting. Relations to npcs and how they all know eachother is the most difficult portion for me.

Does anyone have advice or tricks that can help?

2016-10-11, 10:44 AM
I have been working on creating a world for my players and I constantly get hung up on creating npcs and a working living city setting. Relations to npcs and how they all know eachother is the most difficult portion for me.

Does anyone have advice or tricks that can help?

Don't get too hung up on populating the city. Most players won't remember NPCs unless the NPCs are really eccentric or interact with the players frequently. You might need to know that House Capulet is at odds with House Montague, but you don't need all the details of every bravo in each house.

Figure out who the players will interact with most often (such as the watchman responsible for the area they live in, their cleric, and the patron who gives them missions). Pick a couple of traits--I like to link them with "but", so you'll meet "Cleric: goodhearted but busy" or "Watchman: sociable but snoopy". Emphasize those traits every time the PCs meet that NPC. As time goes by and you develop NPCs, you'll decide that the Watchman knows the Cleric but the Patron does not; make a note.

If you want quite a bit more to read, go to The Angry DM (http://theangrygm.com/the-unexpected-npc/) and skip down to the section "Screen Time Equals Details, But Not All At Once" and take it from there.

As far as the overall structure of the city, you need to know who's in charge, which factions are vying for more influence and who their leaders are, and major groups of people, whether by occupation, religion or race. For instance, you might decide the gnome clans have two major and two minor factions vying for the Duke's favor; in addition, the University, the Temple, and the Non-Gnomish Races each have a special interest. Generally the factions will combine into two coalitions--one supporting the incumbent duke / vizier / high priest / whatever, and one looking to replace him. Again, don't go crazy on it--start with the two coalitions and fill in detail as time goes by. There's a good chance your players will decide to steal a ship and sail to the other side of the world before you get too far.

2016-10-11, 11:48 AM
Thanks. I probably was over developing everything. I'll make simple notes of names and personalities and connect them all at a later time based on how my players act.