View Full Version : Need help with my first big bad

2016-10-11, 08:27 PM
I am running my first game and i felt like it didnt rush into it and i made this big expansive world which i allow the player to explore at their own risk but ill give them a proper warning by throwing an enemy they know is very strong but giving them a way out but i have this problem where i separated the orcs into three main divisions the white stone the black stone and the gray stone now the black stone and white stone are the problem my pcs want to kill the leader of the black stones or atleast take him down and my excuse is that they dont know who the leader is at this moment so my cleric rolled knowledge religion and he got high enough to where he could think they are being lead by a son of gruumsh who over threw his father but in actuality it is a demon or devil and i was woundering if anyone has a good devil or demon that would lead orcs? I dont want to just throw orcus or demogorgon for no reason at them.

2016-10-12, 04:03 AM
Wow, that is a very long sentence.

2016-10-12, 04:25 AM
Quick look at Fiendish Codex I seems to indicate Orcus has the largest following among Orcs for Demons; Fiendish Codex II doesn't seem to indicate any devil particularly revered by Orcs.

Could be a rogue Balor or Pit Fiend? What sort of CR are you aiming for?

2016-10-12, 10:09 AM
I'd go with an Aspect of Orcus but that's without having any idea what CR you're shooting for.

2016-10-12, 08:19 PM
Wow, that is a very long sentence.

I downloaded the pdf for the first fiendish codex and i think orcus fits very easily thanks

2016-10-12, 08:20 PM
Also i was looking for something very end game so around lvl 20 or so

2016-10-12, 09:52 PM
FC1 has a CR 22 version of Orcus, probably the closes to what you are looking for. The BoVD has a CR 28 version of Orcus, while the web enhancement for FC1 has a CR 9 aspect.