View Full Version : Getting to play for a change not sure what to play this time

Rowan Wolf
2016-10-11, 10:12 PM
I have some friends that are interested in playing and for once I am not the DM.

Starting level 1, only 3 players so far (counting myself) one player is making a rogue (uncertain of the archetype right now) and the other is a druid (leaning towards land) so that leave me to choose something to play and so far my normal means of gaining inspiration are not working. So I find myself here.


2016-10-12, 01:16 AM
Well, I can say that I have experienced "character-block" before. Question is, what advice are you looking for? I mean with a rogue and a druid, you have a ton of other options. Tank, Caster, Healer, Buff? What do you normally play? Do you have a comfort zone for your PC's? Do you want to play in your comfort zone or out of your comfort zone? Are you using UA or just original Races/Classes? Just digging for more info to better assist.

First suggestion would be a Human Fighter. +1 to everything and tank it out. Super easy to RP. Or alt rules for variant and have a feat man. Its nice to come out of the gate with extra abilities.

Maybe you're looking for something more exotic though. :/

2016-10-12, 01:43 AM
a few suggestions:

1: dart fighter: pick up Sharpshooter as a Vuman feat, archery style for fighter 1. If your dm wants to minutia you out of being able to make more than 1 attack per round, use dual wielder (feat) for double weapon draws and eldritch knight for a bonus action recall 1, and find a good multiclass before level 20 and after 11 (I like rogue for this one).

2: GWM Barbarian: fairly simple to build, and satisfying to play

3: Polearm paladin: very good at later levels for synergy with improved divine smite, and early on you can use divine favor for a decent sustained damage increase

4: Utility/aoe wizard. Wizard gets a pretty wide range of spell options, and is this interesting and powerful because of that alone, even before considering tradition features.

5: Monk: have fun speeding around at mach 5 and destroying the enemy back line. I like sun monk for the obvious DBZ flavor opportunity, but in general shadow is considered the best (I've played both to some degree, neither disappointed).

Sir cryosin
2016-10-12, 08:34 AM
Vhuman arcane cleric with the healer feat. It one of my favorite pc I'm playing it right now. You can cover a good amount of rolls with a 18 right out of the gate 20 ac if you have shield of fate on your self. If you pick up shocking grasped, green flame blade, booming blade, thunder clap, inflict wounds, spiritual weapon, Spirit Guardians you can mix it up in melee and tank. Or you can stand back and blaSt with firebolt guiding bolt magic Missile. Then your covered with all the healing spells cleric has to offer. Oh and you can Change your spell list every day if needed.
And at higher lv you get to pick any 7,8,9 lv spells from the wizard spell list one of each lv.

Con's: no real AoE other the spirit guardians. Unless you roll stat and Godly your not the party face. There are others I just can't think right now.

2016-10-12, 10:11 AM
Someone always has to say Lore Bard in these kinds of threads, it's pretty much a law by now, so I might as well do it. :smalltongue:

Paladin 2 / Valor Bard X with Polearm Master, Strength-focused build, is fun. It helps not to think of it as a way to give a Valor Bard a better melee attack when necessary and somewhat better armor, like a Warlock 2 dip for Agonizing Blast, than as something that's kind of its own deal like the Sorcadin. Bard gets you solid healing, control, and utility, freeing the Druid up for other spellcasting.

Vhuman Sorcadin (with Warcaster feat, Greenflame Blade or Booming Blade, a shield, and either Dueling style or Defense, preferably Defense since it's not going to get Extra Attack unless you go Paladin 5 or higher), for arguably *the* best damage-dealing arcane battlemage, although it's a little fragile in terms of HP (Draconic and good Con score will help). Shield as a reaction and Mirror Image once it becomes available will make you really hard to hit in the first place, too.

You can't go wrong with a vhuman or half-elf OotA paladin (PAM+Defense Style or Shield Master + Dueling Style). That seventh-level Aura of Warding feature is fantastic--free resistance to spell damage for you and any allies within 10ft. With the Rogue's Evasion, if you're tag-teaming in melee to set up Sneak Attacks, it'll make them absurdly hard to kill with most spells. It also meshes quite well with the Druid RP-wise.

Eldritch Knight would be a really good tanky frontliner option, which is what the group seems particularly lacking, especially if the Rogue is melee-oriented but in general as well.

...you might've spotted a tendency I have toward gishes... :smalltongue:

Ghost Nappa
2016-10-12, 10:13 AM
Why not try out the Revised Ranger?

2016-10-12, 10:47 AM
I have some friends that are interested in playing and for once I am not the DM.

Starting level 1, only 3 players so far (counting myself) one player is making a rogue (uncertain of the archetype right now) and the other is a druid (leaning towards land) so that leave me to choose something to play and so far my normal means of gaining inspiration are not working. So I find myself here.

If you want to complement, i'd say Wizard, Cleric, Paladin or Barbarian are great choices.

Wizard will be a great way to cover everything utility/related and also gives good AOE, but it means either the Rogue will have to stand the front or the Druid will take Moon.

Cleric is the good all-around, flip side: you can go Life/Tempest/War to stand in melee, or go Light to get respectable AOE... You won't deal much damage with your attacks but you get Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardians, and Bless is always good (especially for 3 people team, 1st level is always enough \o/). And since you are a fullcaster, you get plenty of slots to fuel you.

Paladin is the good all-around, face side: Ancients would be recommended so you (and Rogue if he want to melee) get pretty respectable resilience with +CHA to saves and magic resistance, you also get Bless for mundane fights, and a few spells for tough enemies.

Barbarian (Bear) would be nice to cover STR checks and help Rogue kill fast, or try to block enemies while his pals stay in the back.

Any of those will be great, in doubt I'd say Paladin: it's the easiest to level, gets a decent variety of spells (including Bless and Command) and makes a nice bridge between pure martial (Rogue) and pure caster (Druid), bringing...
- another source of healing (especially if you can cram Inspiring Leader, and later with Aura of Vitality).
- a pure frontliner (so Rogue can go with or hang back, Land? Druid can safely hang back).
- a big boost in offense (smite obviously, but also facilitating Rogue's Sneak Attack).
- a great boost in defense (Shield of Faith, Aura of Protection, Aura of Ancients).
- another source of control (Command, Compelled Duel, smite spells).
- at higher level, a great synergy with Druid's conjuration spells (Crusader's Mantle).

Also, if Rogue goes Arcane Trickster, it means that your party can cover nearly/all useful skills (Rogue DEX/INT, Druid WIS -and STR or CON with Wild Shape if Moon, Paladin CHA/STR).
And fluff-wise, Ancients Paladin goes well with Druid (if Rogue takes Outlander background it's perfect XD).

2016-10-12, 03:32 PM
While a Rogue can make a great face for a party, I'm not seeing any Cha based classes in your party. Even if you don't build a face, having a character with some Charisma can be a pretty solid benefit for the party.

Any Bard: Valor or Lore will be great for the party. You'll even be able to throw out some Healing Words to cover the Druid when they go down.
Any Paladin: As quite a few others have mentioned, Paladin is a great class all around. OotA would fit thematically with the Druid, but who says you want to fit in? OotC or OoD might present interesting roleplaying opportunities with a Druid and a Rogue in the party.
Any Sorcerer: An arcane caster that can double as a face is welcome in this party. Being able to utilize Invisibility or Fly on the entire party definitely opens some possibilities.
Any Warlock: Fey lock would interact well with the Druid, depending on the Fey you've made a pact with. Fiend and Old Ones might draw conflict with the Druid, so be aware of that. Still though, an arcane caster that can double as a face is definitely appreciated in this party.

2016-10-12, 06:50 PM
Why not try out the Revised Ranger?The new UA Revised Ranger (http://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/UA_RevisedRanger.pdf) looks AWESOME!, so I second this suggestion, but since I haven't played one yet, I'll mention some "builds" that I've found fun:

Wood Elf, Outlander background Rogue.
Max DEX and WIS, expertise in Perception and Stealth, be the party "Scout", and Sneak Attack with a bow.

High Elf, Urchin background Fighter.
Max STR and INT, the Firebolt Cantrip, Great Sword for melee, Cantrip for range.

Human, Noble background Barbarian.
Max STR, DEX, and CON. Rages when "slighted".

2016-10-12, 07:34 PM
Might I recommend unlimited power (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?502673-Unlimited-Blade-Works-The-Guide-to-the-Ultimate-Paladin-Sorcerer-Multiclass)? Also known as a Palasorc.

Main build starts off with paladin2/SorcererX, but can go a lot of different ways from there.

It's actually just a fun gish build that can, after a few levels, pull off about any role the party needs save for healer(cure wounds is good, but better things to be doing with those spell slots).

2016-10-12, 08:31 PM
You should totally go Rogue and riff with the other Rogue player; select different archetypes and foci, but ham it up as bro-Rogues. Make up some slogans and use them, connive together both with and against NPC and PC alike, be the ultimate duo who look out for one anothers backs and it's the two of you vs. The World.

Safety Sword
2016-10-12, 08:34 PM
If you're anything like I am, when you finally get to play a character instead of DMing you want something pretty easy on the mechanics so you can give your brain a rest and enjoy the game.

Fighter is my designated "chill out" character class. Champion Archetype. Run at everything and hit it with a sword. Easiest game play of any class by far. That's not to say it can't be fun or effective, it definitely can be both of those too!

Shining Wrath
2016-10-12, 09:10 PM
Do you have any idea what the DM is going to do? Wilderness, urban, extra-planar?

Combat - possibly needs help. No clear tank although some Rogue builds can tank. A moon druid is an awesome tank but yours leans land.
Social - both Druids and Rogues tend to dump charisma. This is the biggest hole.
Exploration - Druid ought to cover it outside cities, Rogue inside.

Knowing stuff - You'll have to convince both your partners to not dump Int, as this is another potential weakness.

Option 1: Any of the high charisma classes. Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock. Paladin probably the most solid fill for the tank role.
Option 2: Your party revels in its lack of social skills. You don' need no stinkin' badges face! Go pure tank - EK, Bearbarian.

2016-10-12, 10:12 PM
Manly Hill Dwarf Bearbarian.

Unless your Drood is going Moon then Sorcerer. Face & Blast in one tasty package. Lore Bard or Light Cleric would work too. Faerie Fire is the sex in small units/party splits. IMHO

2016-10-16, 05:34 AM
Rogue's going to want a melee buddy so he can take advantage of his Sneak Attack. Chances are that your Land Druid is going to want to be more caster-y and hang back if possible.

So yeah, I'd say VHuman and be the gosh-darn Batman - take Vengeance Paladin and take whatever feat boosts your preferred fighting style. Polearm Master is a favorite; at the cost of using a shield, you become a two-weapon fighter who can really bring the pain.

A fairly questionable but rules-legal exploit is to take this feat and use a Quarterstaff. The feat itself says nothing about requiring both hands to attack, so you'd get two swings (d6+STR and d4) with one hand while using a shield. (This has been verified by the WotC rules guru Jeremy Crawford). Some folks go the distance and find a way to add Shillelagh (a druid Cantrip) so that you can 'charge' your Staff and make it a d8+(Wis or Str) magic weapon.

... and then you take Sentinel at 4th while lavishing in the lamentations of your enemies' women.