View Full Version : How large is the dragon in Dragon Ball Super

2016-10-12, 01:52 PM
After the tournament between universe 7 and 8 we get to see the Super Dragon Balls. The dragon seem to be much larger than galaxies. So I'm wondering on what's depicted in the anime, I was wondering has anyone figured out how many light years the Dragon is, and just how massive it be. Lastly by just appearing how it effect galaxy cluster and supper cluster.

2016-10-12, 02:11 PM
I...don't know if its possible to know. Isn't the dragon from Super hust the nucleus of the dragon itself and not the entire thing?

2016-10-12, 03:09 PM
I...don't know if its possible to know. Isn't the dragon from Super hust the nucleus of the dragon itself and not the entire thing?

Well first you see it expand in the universe in between galaxies and passing them. Followed by the gang passing into the dragon in a void and then bumping into a smaller version saying it's Nucleus.

2016-10-15, 04:31 PM
For those that do not know, here is a picture of it.
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/2/2b/Sdsdcxcxc.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160501041041 (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/2/2b/Sdsdcxcxc.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160501041041)

Lord Raziere
2016-10-15, 10:19 PM
...........I don't know how large, but thats definitely bigger than the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

assuming the average galaxy is about 100,000 light years across like the Milky Way Galaxy, and given that this dragon....is like......what, 10 times bigger? 20 times? than any galaxy? um....

I'mma estimate about......one to two million light years across? Maybe?

2016-10-16, 11:06 PM
Not to derail this, but how is Majin Buu a threat again?

2016-10-16, 11:38 PM
Not to derail this, but how is Majin Buu a threat again?

A combination of things.

The series both dipped back down in power scale before jumping up again, making its placement at this point in time somewhat nebulous. Its still higher than it was at the end of the Majin Buu saga but its exact placement is up in the air. Fact is, its simply unknown how much more powerful Goku/Vegeta/Piccolo have gotten because they couldn't defeat Kid Buu on their own and had to use multiple different tricks to defeat him (the Spirit Bomb, restoring Goku's energy mid-blast, constant double-teaming by Vegeta and Majin Buu) and even then he almost didn't lose. He actually begins to push the Spirit Bomb back before the wish and would likely have won...and Kid Buu was actually weaker than Super Buu which throws it even more up in the air.

Majin Buu is still possessed of several natural qualities that still make him dangerous. (Incredibly durable, regeneration from practically nothing, the ability to mimic techniques just be watching them, turning people into candy, the ability to absorb other beings, things which individual strength mean less for)

Personality. Majin Buu only cares about what Majin Buu wants. Fat Buu could be reasoned with, to an extent. Super Buu had an ego and other exploitable personality traits. Kid Buu was the most dangerous because...well...he lacked practically all of that. What they all shared was they didn't care how they won...so long as they won and that practicality means quite a bit when every bit of Buu is lethal.

Final bit is...that he's still among the top five fighters in Universe Seven. The two top dogs were Beerus and Buu (and technically Whis). Vegeta and Goku probably surpass Fat Buu at this point, but by how much (or if they do in the first place) is unkown. Piccolo may be as well. That still makes Buu one of the top five/six fighters in that entire universe.

He can blow up planets and has no compunctions about actually doing so. Considering he can survive a planet exploding without difficulty, this is a tremendous advantage considering how little effort it takes him to do that.

Fat Buu is no longer a threat. Kid Buu might still be, its unknown. Super Buu definitely would be.

Lord Raziere
2016-10-16, 11:39 PM
Not to derail this, but how is Majin Buu a threat again?

Because Beerus sleeps for 50 years at a time and is a jerk, all the other Gods of Destruction are not the gods of Universe 7 and are also jerks, Zen'o is a jerk who once blown up six Universes when he was angry (so WORSE than all the actual Gods of Destruction) but otherwise doesn't seem to do anything, oh and all the Gods of Destruction lives are connected to the lives of their Supreme Kais Kami-Piccolo style, so if all the Supreme Kais in that universe die, so does their God of Destruction.

So if Majin Buu killed the last Supreme Kai millions of years ago, Beerus would be dead as well and everyone would be screwed. Also, if Majin Buu caught Beerus sleeping, he could've absorbed him and become just as if not more powerful than a God of Destruction, and you'd really be screwed. that and at Dragon Ball Super levels of power, you start becoming so powerful that any fight you get into has a good chance of destroying the entire universe around it just from the sheer power output- as in, the people involved have to hold back, or they could destroy the universe by accident.

Its a case of "we're TOO powerful to deal with this threat, because at our level, its like squashing a bug with a hammer that will destroy the entire house around it."

2016-10-17, 02:47 AM
I'm starting to wonder if Dragon Ball Super is eventually going to end up going where a fairly decent DBZ fanfiction went, in that we'll eventually find out that Zeno isn't the actual top dog, he's just the King of his particular multiverse, and that their is in fact an over-arching Omniverse, Thus making the power creep even more inevitable and insane! I mean, we already have(according to what I read, I haven't watched a lick of DBS yet) two brand new transformations unveiled recently: Super Saiyan Rose by Goku Black, and whatever the hell Trunks just transformed into in the most recent episode, which going by the description honestly kinda sounds like Legendary Super Saiyan, so once Goku and Vegeta gain access to those states, it'll probably put them on at least equal footing with Beerus/Whis, which pretty much just leaves them Zeno to contend with in terms of ULTIMATE POWER(sorry, couldn't resist).

Lord Raziere
2016-10-17, 05:07 AM
I'm starting to wonder if Dragon Ball Super is eventually going to end up going where a fairly decent DBZ fanfiction went, in that we'll eventually find out that Zeno isn't the actual top dog, he's just the King of his particular multiverse, and that their is in fact an over-arching Omniverse, Thus making the power creep even more inevitable and insane! I mean, we already have(according to what I read, I haven't watched a lick of DBS yet) two brand new transformations unveiled recently: Super Saiyan Rose by Goku Black, and whatever the hell Trunks just transformed into in the most recent episode, which going by the description honestly kinda sounds like Legendary Super Saiyan, so once Goku and Vegeta gain access to those states, it'll probably put them on at least equal footing with Beerus/Whis, which pretty much just leaves them Zeno to contend with in terms of ULTIMATE POWER(sorry, couldn't resist).

Actually, from my calculations...Goku Black is 35 times stronger than Beerus. a super-saiyan transformation is x50 base form, and Goku Black in base form fought evenly with SS Blue Vegeta. SS Blue is about 0.7 of 1 Beerus- enough to be beyond Super Saiyan God, but not enough to beat him.SS Rose Goku Black is patently ridiculous in his power.

and we have exposition from Whis that there is NOTHING above Zen'o. Zen'o is the closest thing that Dragon Ball will ever have to a Serious Toribot. As in, the only thing stronger than Zen'o is The comedic author avatar who can wipe out all of existence with a blink, because he is the author. You don't get higher than that. and even then, Zen'o is probably more than capable of wiping out all of existence himself.

So nope, this is the top. There is no point to any foe stronger than Goku Black, because anything more will destroy all twelve Universes without even making an effort. Technically, there is no point to any power level stronger than 12 Beeruses. I'm pretty sure that between a bunch of omnipotent beings, they'd be able to tell if there were more to the world than 12 Universes. That and I'm pretty sure from all this that the power creep is actually SLOWING DOWN. Goku and Vegeta have been hovering pretty consistently at 0.7 Beeruses. and Goku Black is pretty much the only real nemesis left. Beerus is too friendly despite his job, Golden Freeza proved to have the same flaws as before, Hit is in another Universe and is not that bad,and the arc after this is a multiversal tournament.

So yeah, I doubt we will go farther up after this. Between Dragon Balls with no limitations, making friends with the literal emperor of all deities, the emphasis placed upon how the combatants could destroy everything if they don't make an effort to hold back...I think this is all that there is. they have reached the point where the multiverse might break if they punch too hard, and if they do that, there will be nothing left.

2016-10-17, 05:28 PM
I'm starting to wonder if Dragon Ball Super is eventually going to end up going where a fairly decent DBZ fanfiction went, in that we'll eventually find out that Zeno isn't the actual top dog, he's just the King of his particular multiverse, and that their is in fact an over-arching Omniverse, Thus making the power creep even more inevitable and insane! I mean, we already have(according to what I read, I haven't watched a lick of DBS yet) two brand new transformations unveiled recently: Super Saiyan Rose by Goku Black, and whatever the hell Trunks just transformed into in the most recent episode, which going by the description honestly kinda sounds like Legendary Super Saiyan, so once Goku and Vegeta gain access to those states, it'll probably put them on at least equal footing with Beerus/Whis, which pretty much just leaves them Zeno to contend with in terms of ULTIMATE POWER(sorry, couldn't resist).

Sadly, I don't think those will amount to much.

Super Saiyan Rose is basically Black's response to Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue, so its incredibly doubtful that Goku and Vegeta will be able to access it because it likely has something to do with actually having a Kai mind in a saiyan body. Likewise, Trunks transformation (which does actually resemble Legendary Super Saiyan but also SSB and might just be another path to it) is still weaker than Super Saiyan Blue or even God.

In other words, Rose is a villain transformation and Trunks' just puts him closer to the level of the fight he's in, not so much better than what Goku and Vegeta already have.

Actually, from my calculations...Goku Black is 35 times stronger than Beerus. a super-saiyan transformation is x50 base form, and Goku Black in base form fought evenly with SS Blue Vegeta. SS Blue is about 0.7 of 1 Beerus- enough to be beyond Super Saiyan God, but not enough to beat him.SS Rose Goku Black is patently ridiculous in his power.

and we have exposition from Whis that there is NOTHING above Zen'o. Zen'o is the closest thing that Dragon Ball will ever have to a Serious Toribot. As in, the only thing stronger than Zen'o is The comedic author avatar who can wipe out all of existence with a blink, because he is the author. You don't get higher than that. and even then, Zen'o is probably more than capable of wiping out all of existence himself.

So nope, this is the top. There is no point to any foe stronger than Goku Black, because anything more will destroy all twelve Universes without even making an effort. Technically, there is no point to any power level stronger than 12 Beeruses. I'm pretty sure that between a bunch of omnipotent beings, they'd be able to tell if there were more to the world than 12 Universes. That and I'm pretty sure from all this that the power creep is actually SLOWING DOWN. Goku and Vegeta have been hovering pretty consistently at 0.7 Beeruses. and Goku Black is pretty much the only real nemesis left. Beerus is too friendly despite his job, Golden Freeza proved to have the same flaws as before, Hit is in another Universe and is not that bad,and the arc after this is a multiversal tournament.

So yeah, I doubt we will go farther up after this. Between Dragon Balls with no limitations, making friends with the literal emperor of all deities, the emphasis placed upon how the combatants could destroy everything if they don't make an effort to hold back...I think this is all that there is. they have reached the point where the multiverse might break if they punch too hard, and if they do that, there will be nothing left.

Well..its worth noting that Zen'o isn't a fighter. Whis makes it very clear that Zen'o is the most powerful being...not the best fighter. Hit is amazingly powerful and an example of another universe having similar top fighters equal to or stronger than Goku and Vegeta. And Black is not that obscenely powerful. He IS strong, but the implication they seem to be giving right now is that if Zamasu was out of the way, Goku and Vegeta would be able to defeat Black in short order...however Black does just keep getting more and more powerful for unknown reasons.

Fact is, if Beerus was willing to go to the future, he could probably kill Black or just destroy him...so..there's plenty of room for villains after Black. But I hope it doesn't come soon because Black is a fun villain!