View Full Version : What sort of a fiend could (and would want to) possess a mortal for a long time?

2016-10-12, 03:16 PM
Hello, my fellow DMs and players,

Today I'm looking for someone more well versed in the Forgotten Realms lore than I am. I have recently started to play a character with the Haunted One background, specifically one that was possessed by a fiend as a child, locked up because of it, but ran away. The fiend is still inside of him and he feels the fiend's presence, but does not know what type of a fiend it is.

Now, given that the character himself does not know what type of a fiend is inside of him, gives me room to start playing him without worrying about specifics for now, but, naturally, this is something I will want to flesh out in the future, provided the character doesn't meet an early demise- that is, seperate him from the fiend and possibly kill it in combat.

That said, I'm seeking counsel from anyone well versed in the DnD demonic lore. I'm looking for a type of fiend that would 1) be capable of possession of a mortal body in the first place 2) have interest in doing so, as, I imagine, most high level fiends would not trouble themselves with something as trivial as possessing a weak human child 3) preferably, would be intelligent enough to come up with some sort of a long term plan and scheme. Of particular interest would be a fiend that is capable of growing in strength as the host does, so he can sort of "level" alongside the character as the character gains power himself.
I'm ok with the fiend being either a devil of the Nine Hells or a demon of the Abyss, or even one of the neutral ones from the Blood Rift. I've already read a lot about all of these types, but there are so many subcategories of fiends, it will take me a huge amount of time to sift through all of them in search of that perfect one, hence why I'm asking for help. Perhaps someone has tried to employ similar possession ideas in their campaigns before and knows of a particular fiend type that would fit my criteria.

I'm open to ideas!

2016-10-12, 03:48 PM
G'neethu, Agellus, Delorath, Shaanyra, D'Keb, and Balshazar would all like you to join their respective cults. Some of them are eager to take residence within your soul and influence your behavior to become more destructive to yourself and those around you gradually. Others would like to whisper sweet nothings about treasure and conquest in your ear until you've plundered to contentment so their can rip it all away from you and feed on your despair.

2016-10-12, 04:19 PM
I don't think there's anything RAW that can do what you're talking about. A Ghost can possess someone, and any arcane spell caster can do it with Magic Jar. But fiendish possession isn't a thing in 5e.

So you and your DM are in the realm of home-brew.

A few thoughts:

1) A Bargain, probably by the character's mother. Perhaps the character will gain Warlock levels at some point coming to an accommodation with the fae or fiend the bargain is with. (The fiend isn't actually stuck inside the character, it just has a link to him, waiting for a moment of great need to make him an offer.)

2) A Demon Baby, gestating inside the character, hoping to someday consume his soul and become a full demonic creature of some sort.

3) The character is actually a half-fiend, and the "possessing" fiend is his suppressed evil nature. Eventually, which nature will control the character will be determined by the player's choices -- whenever he makes a morally questionable call, there's a chance of the demon "taking over".

2016-10-12, 04:27 PM
Fiends are immortal. 1000 years for a succubus is just Tuesday. If they can possess/corrupt the longest-living subrace of elves known in the multiverse, they'll surely do it because time means literally nothing to a fiend.

2016-10-13, 03:51 AM
Interesting ideas all round. It's nice to know I'm in the realm of home-brew. I guess this is what I wanted to find out- just how much wiggling room me and my DM have, because I'm rather meticulous about not breaking any established things in canon lore. I'll take what has been said so far into consideration, thank you all, who participated. In the meantime, if anyone else has any ideas, I'm still open to suggestions!

2016-10-13, 03:59 AM
I would use the Shadow Demon. It is incorporeal and its (Pathfinder) description reads that it is made of fragments of incredibly envious people. They form an entity of hatred and their only wish is to walk the physical world again. Maybe have some event in the past almost destroy it only for a botched ritual performed by a child toying with an ancient grimoire allow him to enter the prime material.

Can I post the stat block here or are they not covered under the OGL? If not I am not sure in which book you can find them. But I think they are in the normal MM.

Willie the Duck
2016-10-13, 07:13 AM
Interesting ideas all round. It's nice to know I'm in the realm of home-brew. I guess this is what I wanted to find out- just how much wiggling room me and my DM have, because I'm rather meticulous about not breaking any established things in canon lore. I'll take what has been said so far into consideration, thank you all, who participated. In the meantime, if anyone else has any ideas, I'm still open to suggestions!

Canon lore and the rules of the game are at odds and have been in most editions. The game rules want fiends to be things you can stab with a sword and mental control/possession something you defeat with an appropriately leveled cleric spell (maybe wizard), yet things like demon possession happen in the literature and/or world descriptions (I can't think of a specific example, but I'm sure I'm not just imagining it). Think of an iconic fiend (Aembrosia had some good suggestions), and work out a character feature that emulates this.