View Full Version : DM Help Advice needed for splitting the party, please

2016-10-12, 03:43 PM
Hey all,

In our current game, the party is about to escape a hostile city, and have determined that the best way to do that is to board a boat. They've decided that they'll need a group to capture one of the big bad's ships, whilst another group sabotages the big bad's most dangerous warship. I had figured that the first group would be involved in a heavy combat situation with periodic skill checks to get the boat ready to sail whilst holding off waves of enemies. The other group is going to be up to, ideally, minimal combat shenanigans.

What would be the best way to handle this? Normally, I would have a full round of Group 1 and then a full round of Group 2, except that group 2 is going to be smaller, so they'll be sitting around doing nothing for longer, which I try desperately want to avoid. So can anyone help me out, be a friend?

Thanks in advance, the help is greatly appreciated!

2016-10-13, 03:17 PM
Hey all,

In our current game, the party is about to escape a hostile city, and have determined that the best way to do that is to board a boat. They've decided that they'll need a group to capture one of the big bad's ships, whilst another group sabotages the big bad's most dangerous warship. I had figured that the first group would be involved in a heavy combat situation with periodic skill checks to get the boat ready to sail whilst holding off waves of enemies. The other group is going to be up to, ideally, minimal combat shenanigans.

What would be the best way to handle this? Normally, I would have a full round of Group 1 and then a full round of Group 2, except that group 2 is going to be smaller, so they'll be sitting around doing nothing for longer, which I try desperately want to avoid. So can anyone help me out, be a friend?

Thanks in advance, the help is greatly appreciated!

Have the Team 2 players run the monsters fighting Team 1.

Depending on whether your players have DM experience -- get Team 1 started on a fight and let an Assistant DM take it from there while you pay attention to Team 2.

2016-10-13, 03:59 PM
Have the Team 2 players run the monsters fighting Team 1.

Depending on whether your players have DM experience -- get Team 1 started on a fight and let an Assistant DM take it from there while you pay attention to Team 2.

I'm not sure I could use that for this session as my co-DM is with the sabotage team, so we'd still have issues. Having said that, that is a fantastic idea and I am 100% using that whenever I have to split the party.

2016-10-13, 04:07 PM
Have the Team 2 players run the monsters fighting Team 1.

Depending on whether your players have DM experience -- get Team 1 started on a fight and let an Assistant DM take it from there while you pay attention to Team 2.

Great advice in general, if you know an extra DM, let them take half the session. One of my players used to run 4e and a couple others would know the rules well enough.

2016-10-13, 04:21 PM
One option would be to conveniently arrange it so the fights happen simultaneously and run it as one mega-fight in two locations. The players and bad-guys all roll initiative and act in turn order, the action jumping between two separate scenes. Sound confusing? It's supposed to! The chaos of two combats occurring simultaneously will heighten pressure and tension, especially if it's a case of trying to do non-combat things as well (cutting mooring lines and the like).

I won't say this is an easy, or even the best, method but it could prove an entertaining challenge. If you pull it off well, it could be one of those memorable scenes you talk about in years to come. On the other hand, it might just turn out confused and chaotic and you decide never to try that again. Don't say I didn't warn you if you try it!