View Full Version : 7th Sea 2nd Ed Character Share

2016-10-12, 09:20 PM
So i recently started to make a character for the new 7th sea & was wondering if anyone else had been playing & what kind of characters you had made.

Ill share first,
My character is an Eisen monster hunter, who was cast out of his fathers lands by his treacherous uncle, a shadowy monster rapped in flesh who murdered my character's father & enslaved his shade. Since being cast out my character has wandered across Eisen & other lands felling beast that threaten the small villages & defenseless peasantry. He's stubborn & strong but kindhearted, utterly ruthless against monsters, & has faith that Eisen will rebuild. He wields his family's signature panzerhand "Arm of the Prophet" & seriously wreaks things with it, almost using it more than his blade. He dreams of reclaiming his lands again but to do that he must slay all the sins of man. Zombies, Ghouls & Ghosts, Kobold, Siren, Night Terrors, & even the dreaded Drachen.

How about you playground?