View Full Version : Optimization Build Help: L15 Street Boxer

2016-10-12, 11:30 PM
Long post, so here's the TL;DR: Help me build a Level 15 half-elf street boxer without using the Pugilist class. I know similar topics have been discussed before, but I'm looking for help with my specific situation.

RL background: A friend and I are building a pair of Level 15 characters for a friend's high-level game that we, schedules permitting, hope to play in. We have decided to make our characters brothers, one a half-orc and the other a half-elf. My friend, the half-orc, has designed a Valor Bard. I'm wanting to make the half-elf a scrappy street brawler.
The obvious solution for me is to use the Pugilist class, but I haven't had a chance to ask the DM if he would allow this. If he does not, I want to have an alternate build ready to go.

Here's what I'm working with and what I'm looking for: Rolled stats of 13, 14, 15, 16, 16, and 18. However, I would be skeptical of these rolls as a DM, so I'm going to offer to resolve in the DM's presence [edit: or do point buy]. I'm hoping I can keep these stats, though. I want to focus on striking over grappling. I don't want magic, but not-strictly-speaking-magical things like Ki are okay, however some of the higher level mystical aspects of the Monk don't really fit with the concept. Unarmored defense would be better, but light armor is acceptable. Unarmed attacks and knuckledusters (one or two) as my weapon of choice. I'll have to talk to the DM about the knuckledusters, but I'm sure I'll be able to refluff clubs, however, since I picture this guy as a Dex-based boxer I'm going to try to talk him into letting me add the finesse tag to them. Though less than ideal, I suppose I could be convinced to use a short staff/fighting stick (basically a club).
Classes: As far as classes go the best fits as I see it are Barbarian (Berserker), Fighter (Battle Master), Monk (Open Hand or Long Death), or Rogue (Assassin or Swashbuckler). The last in particular if I can sweet-talk my way into finesse on knuckledusters and/or Monk unarmed attacks so I can Sneak Attack ("Sucker Punch") with them.

If going with a single class, Fighter or Monk seem to be the best bet, though like I said, some of the more mystical aspects of the Monk don't seem to fit (many can be reflavored, but it gets tricky with some). Being a Monk/Fighter would work well at 4/11, 5/10, or 6/9, and I'm not sure which would be best. If I can get access to Sneak Attack, a three level dip into Rogue for Swashbuckler and the second extra d6 of damage. One or two levels of Barbarian (but probably not three or more unless I go pure Barb) would be nice for Rage, Reckless Attack, and Danger Sense (and Unarmored Defense if I want it based off of Con rather than Wis).

As crazy as taking three or even four classes normally would be, I like the flavor of it. He has little formal training, just finding his own way in life and picking up little bits here and there of whatever works for him. He wouldn't be as finely honed and disciplined as someone who devoted themselves to a specific field of training. Also, he has spent most of his life fighting alongside his brother, so has probably grown used to a Bard having his back.

Abilities: Str is good, but Dex is might be better. Con is always good. Wis I'm torn on. If Unarmored Defense from Monk, obviously I'd want it high. I see him as street smart and being able to read an opponent. On the other hand, he has more swagger than sense and often takes on the biggest, meanest opponent. This is the guy who would try to punch a dragon to death. Int I can go either way. Cha I can go either way, except Intimidation would be good to have high. With the stats I rolled, and especially with enough levels in Rogue or Fighter in the right place, I obviously have room to play with Feats. Mobile would be great, especially if I don't go Swashbuckler. Tavern Brawler might be worth it if I don't take any levels in Monk. There's a few more that might be good.

Fighting Style (if I take Fighter): Dueling if I only use one knuckleduster sounds good. Two-Weapon Fighting if I use two and don't have any levels in Monk also sounds good. So does Tunnel Fighter if (that's a big "if") it's allowed.
I have the flavor of the character. What I'm not good at is running the numbers in my head. So I'm coming to you guys for help. He doesn't need to be optimal, but I don't want to inadvertently cripple him. What would you recommend?

2016-10-13, 09:00 AM
Ok that's a lot to unpack, so I'll try and break it down to help you.

First you primary class pretty much needs to be a monk.

Now you are trying to avoid as much magic as possible which is unfortunate, because of your racial bonus to cha being wasted with all cha based classes being magical.

So that leaves fighter, barbarian, rogue. Rogue sneak attack doesn't work with unarmed strikes, so that's pretty much out, leaving fighter and barbarian.

With your insane rolled stats its possible to pull off barbarian, but it still makes the build MAD. Rage damage bonus doesn't work if you use dex to attack, neither does reckless attack. Really that leaves Fighter and Monk as your classes.

You don't want to take more than 5 levels in both, or else you'd double up on extra attack. So I'd recommend either a Monk 12/Fighter 3 or a fighter 11/Monk 4.

The monk heavy option has 1d8 unarmed damage and plenty of ki which you can just refluff as energy. I'd go open hand and battle master for maximum effect. Don't get stuck on the fluff, other than the monk 11 feature there is nothing here that can't be justified on a street brawler. Long death can overcome that with its level 11 feature, as the scrappy guy that just won't stay down.

The fighter heavy option has only 1d4 unarmed damage and significantly limited ki. It lacks the powerful stunning strikes ability, but instead gets 1 more attack every attack action. Better and more battlemaster moves, a few more hit points, and another ASI/feat.

Either of these builds can fit in 1 level of barbarian, for rage for resistance to damage 2/day, and more AC if your con happens to be higher than your wisdom. If you go point buy, it's pretty much out of the question. Rogue could be ok as a two level dip as well.

For stats I'd say 13, 18, 16, 14, 16, 15, or point buy as a standard monk. ASIs dex to 20 then wisdom and con.

2016-10-13, 10:21 AM
I'd go Champion 9/Swash 5/Monk 1. That is, if your DM would allow sneak attack through unarmed strikes. If not, Champ 14/Monk 1.

2016-10-13, 03:17 PM
You have amazing stats and I would go full Monk, Open Hand.

Stats at 15 would be
Str - 16 (+3)
Dex - 20 (+5)
Con - 17 (+3)
Int - 14 (+2)
Wis - 18 (+4)
Cha - 15 (+2)

Gives an AC of 19 which you can up as you level.

Martial Adept feat
I'd grab Disarming Attack and Lunging Attack. Both work amazing with Open Hand's Flurry additions. Hit, disarm, and send flying 15' or lunge, hit, and knock prone are nice combos.

Fluff Ki points as "Stamina Points"

I went with Str over Int or Cha since Athletics checks are nice to have the extra bonus to and helps if you need to make Str checks.

As you level, your remaining 2 ASI I would up Wis (common sense/street smarts) by 2 for one and grab the Lucky feat with the other.