View Full Version : Experience/Opinion of Dawn of Worlds?

2016-10-13, 01:01 AM
So has anyone on the GITP hivemind had any experience with this worldbuilding campaign minigame Dawn of Worlds (http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf)? My current campaign is hitting epic, which is where our DM usually starts tying things up, so I was thinking of pitching this to the group for the basis of our next campaign. Our DM usually homebrews his settings and his maps, the latter in some detail, so I have a good feeling that it'll be well received.

Experience? Opinions? Suggestions?

Edit: I just realized this post might've belonged in the Other Systems subforum. I hope I didn't screw that up.:smallannoyed: