View Full Version : Dawn of Deities IC

2016-10-13, 10:09 AM
Cold hands grab you, shocking you out of your slumber. The hands lift you up and you realize that you were lying face down in a pool of water. You cough as you begin to breathe air for the first time. You try to grasp what that means, how this could be your first time breathing air, yet your thoughts are disrupted as your nerves begin to send messages to you one by one. First comes your sense of smell as the scents of various oils and a damp muskiness rush to your nose. Your sense of feeling follows as you realize that you are naked, cold and wet. Your hearing comes next as you hear loud thuds shudder the room, followed by shouting that comes from the same direction.

Finally, to return to you is your sight. You see that you are in a medium sized room with ten small pools of water set in even spaced circles. The pool that you are standing in is only three feet deep are and from four of the other pools of water, you see other naked figures being assisted to their feet by pairs of pale, human looking figures. The other six pools have lifeless forms floating face down. In front of you is a large double door with another six of the strange silent creatures pushing against it. With each thud the six are shoved away from the door, small splinters from the door and lockbar spraying into the room, the creatures immediately rush back to brace the door with their bodies. You can see that the only way out of this room is the door currently being battered from outside. To the right of the door lies a series of shelves. Next to each pool of water is a pedestal with various bottles sitting atop them.

Once your ability to balance returns and you no longer require help to stand one of the figures that had assisted you up points and begins to push you to the shelves on the left side of the room. You can see that each shelf holds neatly folded white robes.

The door looks like it will hold for only five more minutes
”Get that door down! Kill the false ones! Lord Starthorn will be pleased with us today!” You know Starthorn as being an elvish god, one of the three cardinal evil gods

2016-10-13, 11:31 AM
Willmon continues gasping for air as he's shoved towards the shelves. "What is going on?" He manages in between gasps. After looking around again, Willmon casts prestidigitation just to see if he can, "Arúmifidië", waving his left arm across his body while his right makes complex symbols, his skin dries and he grabs a robe, sliding his arms in. After covering himself, Willmon watches the other humans stumble over and the creatures silently commanding them.

2016-10-13, 11:41 AM
Leah slowly pulled herself out of the water, looking around and taking in the scene around her. Still dazed and confused as to what's happened, she shuffles towards the robes and reaches out to grab one and notices her arm is much more slender than she remembered. Pausing for a moment and shaking her head to shake the fogginess out of her mind she grabs the white robe and moves to put the robe on. Looking down, she was unsure as to what she saw. Not believing it, she stumbled quickly to her pool of water again to look at her reflection. Once the pool stilled enough to reveal how she looked, she stared at her reflection.

This....This can't be...

She paused as she heard her own voice and began to cry,

What the hell happened to me?!?!

2016-10-13, 02:01 PM
Kaze Tojo burst forth from his pool, coughing and flailing as he desperately tried to fend off the hands. He slowly began to gather himself, taking deep, heaving breaths as he stood. He quickly checked his body for wounds, but he seemed fine at first glance... Was this some kind of dream? Was he taken here by the men who attacked him last night...? Was it last night? He could hardly regain his sense of time as he stumbled out of the pool, brushing past the strange pale figures with wide eyes. He glances back to them to see their outstretched arm motioning towards the rack of clothing across the room. He stumbled towards them, shivering from a mix of cold and fear as he slipped on the robe. He wiped his brow of sweat and water before studying the room, now fully noticing the strange creatures trying to block the door before it shatters. He rushed across the room to the door, trying to bear his own strength against it, his limbs still feeling numb from his cold slumber.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2016-10-13, 08:43 PM
Claud comes to consciousness with a start. Looking around at the strange room and the figures within, all he can think is "Where did the runes I was transcribing go?"

As his thoughts begin to speed back to normal, he actually begins to take in his surroundings. "Wait, where did I go? Where is Aziz? Or the rest of his band?" Finally he reaches his greatest realization and exclaims out loud "Where are my books!?"

After a minute of shock, the sounds in the room manage to penetrate his conscious mind. "Wait, did they say Lord Starthorn? What is going on?"

2016-10-15, 08:16 AM

Fenzen coughed and sputtered in the water as he began to breathe. He looked around and then felt and look down at his chest. There was no arrow or wound. Not even a scar. Was the battle a dream? He looked across his body there were other scars missing as well. He was without scars. Was this a dream? Was he lying in a pool of his own blood dying at this moment? This felt so calm and peaceful. Could it be the afterlife? He doubted he deserved anything this peaceful. Who were the others? He doubted they were from his force. He took in a deep calming breath, like the old man from the east had taught him ... Zou Zung . He found this odd, he had not even thought of that for years let alone done it. What was going on?
Finally he takes the robes and his senses pick up the other sounds and events going on in the room.
Others are trying to break in and by the look of it will succeed.

2016-10-15, 05:58 PM
The pale creatures show no reaction to Leah's or Claud's questions. They lead each person to the table clothes and assist them in getting dressed. They move quickly and quietly, their white sleeveless robes are the only sounds they make as they ruffle with their movement.

Once everyone is clothed, the figures begin moving everyone into the center of the room in front of the double doors. Two grab Leah by her arms and haul her to her feet, turning her around to face the door. Another one catches Kaze's eyes and point for him to join the others in the group.

The pale figures who had assisted everyone from the water then take positions around the group, forming a triangle with the tip pointing at the door. The sides are so neatly packed that it seems impossible to get through the wall of flesh that the mysterious figures had created. The one who was placed at the tip of the triangle turns around to the group and motions to the door, it looks directly into the eyes of each of the questioning humans, its eyes showing a dull intelligence. The figure motions left then left again. You see two of the figures prepare to lift the straining lock bar. The figure at the head looks at the group waiting for a response of understanding

2016-10-15, 06:56 PM

Fenzen looks at the gestures. We need to go through the door. He nods.

2016-10-15, 08:51 PM
Claud continues to ask questions as the figures lead him to the robes. It isn't until he gets there that he seems to realize he has been naked this entire time. Flushing bright red with embarrassment, he quickly grabs a robe and puts it on, trying hard to not glance at the others as he dresses.

As he is led to the door, he once again tries to talk to the attendants "What is going on? Where are we? Where are my books? Why are followers of Lord Starthorn trying to break in? Why was I naked?" Finally, he stops speaking as he runs out of breath. When the attendants gesture to the door, he realizes he probably wont be getting any answers and heads to the doorway.

2016-10-15, 10:06 PM
Kaze reluctantly let go of the door, rushing over to the group as the figure motioned him to. He watched as the bar over the door was lifted before giving an inquisitive look at the head figure of these strange creatures. He flexed his hand as if he was gripping a sword, trying to communicate through gesture if these beings could not understand him. He still proceeded to address them, his stern voice shaken from the severity of the situation.

"Weapons? Where is my blade?"

2016-10-15, 11:46 PM
Willmon watches the women look horrifyingly at her own reflection. A chill goes down his spine and he looks down at himself to make sure he's alright. His jaw drops as he sees all the tattoos, practically covering his arms completely. After a second he peeks underneath the robes to check his chest, only to find even more.

Before he can contemplate it anymore one of the figures pushes him towards the group and Willmon gets in position without resistance. "You want us to turn left and then left when the door opens. Got it." He says after the figure makes the motion.

2016-10-16, 08:28 PM
Standing up slowly, still trying to come to grips with the sheer amount of change that hit her body, she took a quick inventory of her new self and resolved to break down later after she'd escaped from this...place. Knowing she'd need a name to call herself she remembered a name that her sister had always used for the sister she never had...well does have now i suppose. Leah.

Leah closed the robe around her in an attempt at modesty, nodding to the strange silent people who're trying to shove her into position. Still dazed and confused as to what's going, she hears something about Starthorn. Shaking her head, she focuses on getting out as soon as the door opens.

2016-10-18, 03:16 PM
The figure looks Kaze in the eye, but again makes the same motion of left and then left again and then turns around to face the battered door. The doors shudder one last time and instead of rushing back to brace it, the six figures lift the lock bar and shove the door open.

A pungent smell of decay hits your nostrils as the door swings open. You see a spear burst from the backs of two of the figures who lifted the lock bar, they fall to their knees gripping the spears that are killing them. You look to see who their attackers are and see, despite not having any form of muscle or ligament, skeletons of poor once forgotten souls. You see two of the skeletons standing at either side of the door, trying to pull the spears out of the dying figures still gripping the weapons. In between them are four more brandishing a large battering ram, and on either side of them are another two skeletons both wielding a shield and scimitar.

Behind all of them and to the right you see an elf wearing black robes trimmed with gold, his face surprised that you were leaving the safety of your room. The six figures compromising your vanguard stand still, not yet ready to move. The remaining four door bracers charge forward, the first one has his head bashed in, dropping instantly, as the battering ram swings forward again. The second two attack the ram wielding skeletons and the last runs into the swords of the scimitar wielding opponents.

The battle is eerily silent as neither the skeletons or pale figures utter any sounds despite the death that is being caused. It is then that the vanguard charges, shoving past the two spear wielders and immediately turning to the left.

The elf tries to regain his composure yelling at the skeletons.
"There they are! Ignore the Formers, go for the false ones!"

2016-10-18, 08:28 PM
"Um, I think we are in trouble! That elf is telling them to attack us!" Claud points at the elf leading the skeletons.

Realizing the danger, Claud reaches into himself, seeking the comforting buzz of his arcane power. After a second he realizes that what was once a glow of power is now a mere flicker. "What? What happened to my magic? My knowledge?" He quickly realizes that all but the weakest of rituals has fled him.

Claud turns to Kaze and says "You were asking about a blade, I hope that means you can fight." Putting his hand on Kaze's shoulder he incants "Arma Vocat Maleficus! That is probably the best i can do right now"

Claud uses one level 1 spell slot to cast mage armor on Kaze, giving +4 ac for 1 hour. 2 level 1 slots remaining today.

2016-10-18, 08:30 PM

Unsure how to proceed Fenzen examines the situation. He assumes a combat stance. "What is going on?"

Perception [roll0]

2016-10-18, 09:02 PM
Kaze's eyes widen, his head spinning at the sight of what he once thought to be myth and legend; the dead had risen to attack the living, wielding weapons in a manner so eerily similar to that of a man. Adrenaline pumping, he felt one of the stranger's hands lay on his shoulder as a sense of safety overcame him. He had seen the arcane arts before, sorcerers on many occasions would pass through his quiet mountainous town. But those men did little more than create sparkles of light to entertain the village's children. This was all too real. He swallowed his fear, rushing into the fray in search of the nearest sharp object to hit the things with.

Searching for the nearest feasible weapon, or a weapon on the grond if any of those in the battle have fallen yet.

2016-10-19, 01:22 AM
Leah sees the pale figures push an opening to the left and she darts through the door, fighting past the fear of being in this horrible situation, with no weapon and no clue what's going on. Spending her entire focus on running to the left.

Double move to the left through the opening the pale figures created. I'll roll a acrobatics check just in case. [roll0]

2016-10-19, 09:08 AM
Willmon follows with the vanguard and stays in the middle, wanting as many bodies between him and the skeletons as possible. What the hell? What have I been dragged into?" He thinks as he looks at the evil creatures with wild eyes.

use two move actions to stay in the group.

2016-10-19, 08:59 PM
After a desperate and futile attempt to arm himself, Kaze rose to his feet before looking between the skeletons and his bare hands. He balled his hand into a fist, rushing forward to slam the nearest skeleton in the skull.

Unarmed Attack
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2016-10-19, 09:08 PM

Fenzen moves towards the scimitar wielding skeletons and does a leg sweep on one of them.

Trip [roll0]

2016-10-20, 01:29 PM
The humans burst into action charging into the hallway. Leah and Wilmon immediately turn to the left ignoring all threads and staying within the safety of the formation of pale figures. Kaze and Fenzen decide to go on the offensive and attack. Fenzen moves past the formation to attempt to open the way through, hooking his leg forward to catch the skeletons, but has to retract before landing the blow due to the sudden slice from the skeletons scimitar. Kaze goes for one of the skeletons who had now dropped the battering ram swinging low with a powerful punch.

The punch never connects though, the skeletons scimitar whips out, raking into Kaze's outstretched arm. Kaze pulls back his arm showing five distinct gashes.

The pale figures push forward. The rear mone of the vanguard forcefully shoves Kaze away, taking his position against the skeleton whose deathly fingers had tasted the man's blood. Another turns back to Claud who had yet to move out of the room, it runs back and grabs his hand, pulling him out into the hallway.

The figures in the front join Fenzen in moving past the opposing scimitar wielding skeletons. One figure charges into it, giving no regard to defense so as to bring it to the ground. The leader of the page figures, the one who had made the motions, takes the opportunity to move through and past the blockade. It turns back motioning to follow-
"Ondo Lanta!" a voice calls from behind. A pile of rocks falls from above the figure, the rocks hit the it with a soft thuds and it crumples to the ground.
"Capture them now!"

The skeletons hack into the pale figures trying desperately to reach the humans who are within the formation. One reaches past a pair figure and grabs Leah's sleeve for a moment, but the sleeve rips and the skeleton is succes back. Two of the pale figures who had been originally barricading the doors suddenly drop as the skeletons pressing them decide to attack instead of simply get by.

the hallway travels west to east and is about 20 feet wide and 150 feet long, at both ends it turns northward. The walls are made of semi rough sandstone and simple chandeliers hang every 20 feet. The floor is carpeted with a soft, red carpet. Besides the hallway, the only other seeable exit is a door on the left just before the hallway ends.

Merekat, in case you were worried about you attack, I know your trip didn't provoke, but it was a miss and I just wanted describe it cinematically.

Kaze, crit but no confirm, whew! Take 4 damage.


The elf just cast the spell stone fall

2016-10-20, 07:00 PM
Kaze grimaced as the skeleton's blade-like claws cut through his arm. He rose his fist for another blow only to be pushed aside from the wave of defenders. He turned, looking to the hallway on the left. He gave a short stare of confusion and doubt at the ongoing battle, wondering if the strange vanguard would make it out of this battle alive. He turned his back, blotting the question from his mind as he rushed into the open hall.

Withdrawing into the open hallway.

2016-10-22, 02:40 PM

Clearly these entities were giving their lives for us to escape but why? It did not matter. He ran where they had indicated.

2016-10-23, 02:32 AM
Jumping back in shock as the sleeve of her robe is torn. While not entirely sure where she's going, she stays within the formation, moving as quickly as she can towards the door that she thinks she sees near the end of the hallway.

Again, double move to try and get away.

2016-10-24, 06:09 AM
Willmon follows, wanting the blockade between him and the skeletons as soon as possible.


2016-10-24, 08:17 PM
"This guy is really trying to kill us!" Claud's thoughts are racing in a panic. Desperately, he begins searching through his memories for something, anything that could help. Once again, his knowledge fails him. Taking a few quick breaths to try to calm himself, he decides to try the last power he can feel remaining in his mind. "Inferam Nebulis Dormitabis Maximae!"

Without staying to see if it worked, Claud turns and runs down the corridor with the rest of the group.

Claud casts sleep on the elf leading the undead, and enhances it with 1 point from his arcane pool to increase the save dc by 1, raising it to 16. then uses his move action to follow. Don't really expect this to work, but desperate times...

2016-10-25, 04:27 PM
The group begins to carefully traverse the obstructing rocks. The stones causing their flight to be much slower than it would have been. Claud's magic whips around the elf, attempting to lull him into an easy slumber. Almost as if he had could physically touch the magic, the elf waves his arm to the side and the magic disappears. He continues forward, moving with the determination and purpose of someone who had no fear. He draws from his side a wicked looking sickle his other hand weaves with magic. Instead of casting a spell though, a blackish red glow erupts across his hand covering his sickle in magic. "You think to affect me with magic that is tantamount to a cantrip?! I tire of this game!" The sickle suddenly shoots forward from his hand, traveling directly for Claud, at the last moment the pale figure who had pulled him initially swings itself into the course of the deadly weapon. Claud can easily plainly see the moment that life leaves his protector, but his face never changes, never contorts with pain or anger. The sickle returns pulls out of its back with a sickly cutting sound and magically travels back to the elf's outstretched hand. The blackish red glow dissipates, the only thing covering it now is the red blood all along the blade.

The skeletons continue their assualt trying to push past the pale figures to those whom they protect. The three standing scimitar wielders raise their blades, bringing them down on the protectors, two solidly connecting causing another two of the pale figures to sliently fall to the ground. The third blade, comes away with blood but no death. A pale figure and skeleton continue to wrestle on the ground, both reaching for the skeletons scimitar, with no clear victor.

More skeletons round the corner to the east, led by another elven woman wearing the same robes as your assailant. ”Wynhorn!! Haven’t you finished killing your false ones yet? Starthorn gave you one simple mission and the tools to finish it, and still here you loiter. No matter, I’ll claim the successes from the ashes of where you have failed.”

Hearing the other elf behind him, the closer elf spits on the floor, and looks ahead with deadly determination "Your resistance has now cost me my reputation, I'll see you pay for that!

Leah and Willmon are in the lead and are nearly past the rocks. Behind them is Fenzen, who is halfway through the rocks. Kaze who is a quarter of the way and then Claud who is just about to enter the debris. Their are currently 8 of the pale figures alive, and twelve skeletons nearby, with another 12 coming from the east. Let me know if I made a mistake or if something doesn't make sense.

The elf did not use any material, verbal or somatic components. You can not recognize any spell being cast

2016-10-28, 06:48 PM

Fenzen continues across the rocks using his acrobatic skills to catch up to Leah and Willmon.

Acrobatics to cross the rough terrain[roll0]

2016-10-28, 10:15 PM
Still not entirely sure where she's going, and feeling as lost and confused as a newborn, Leah continues to run down the hallway.

Move as far as I can. If i'm still in the rubble: Acrobatics: [roll0]

2016-10-29, 01:39 PM
Kaze grits his teeth as he sprints across the rocks with bare feet, trying his best not to get caught while occasionally sparing a look behind him to glance at the elves' battle.

Double moving. Kaze is no acrobat, so I'm crossing my fingers. Also, if I was meant to hold for the whole round, I will probably save this as my action for next round.

Acrobatics: 1d20+1

2016-11-01, 05:38 AM
Willmon follows the group, when he sees the other pack of skeletons he can feel the panic. he focuses his eyes straight ahead, trying to ignore everything outside his field of view like a lamp. He opens the door without hesitation.

2016-11-01, 10:40 AM
Claud, seeing what happened to his protector, decided its time to just run. He dashes after the rest of the group.

Claud takes a run action to dash after the party

2016-11-02, 04:05 PM
Leah and Wilmon leap out of the rubble and rush for the door, Fenzen right on their tail. Free of the debris they pick up the pace, Leah reaching the door first but hesitating before opening it. Wilmon arrives second and with no such reservations shoves the door wide open. The door swings easily and the three can finally see into the room that they had been directed to.

Two rows of plinths numbering five long extend into the room. Surrounding each plinth is a small pool of water. The water looks too deep to see the bottom, but sits perfectly still around the stone plinth. Above each plinth hangs a splendid banner that ends in a single point. Each banner is a different solid color with bronze embroidery around the edge. Most importantly, and the thing that captures Leah, Wilmon and Fenzen's eyes, are the small clear rough cut stone sitting atop each plinth. Each plinth holds just a single stone and despite being smaller than a silver piece, certain stones just seem so fascinating. Leah's eyes are drawn to the stone below the green banner, Wilmon, the stone beneath the teal banner and Fenzen, the stone below the red banner.

From outside the room, the struggle rages on. Kaze finally exits the rubble with Claude following behind. As soon as Claude steps past the pale figures, they form ranks behind him, preventing any from traveling past them. Skeletons shove against figures who silently push back. By now many of the figures had entered the rubble and the few who hadn't had been cut down by the foes scimitars. The elfs sickle glows again, and another pale figure drops, his throat gurgling blood.

The enemies reinforcements run down the hall, getting ready to shove their way through the blockade. Momentum building, they would be upon the figures in seconds, the new elf running behind them, her sickle beginning to glow red as well.

okay so Leah and Wilmon's are at the door and fenzen is just behind them. For Kaze, it will take 1 move action to reach the door, and for Claude it will take a double move to reach the doors.

5 pale figures remain and on the next turn, the reinforcements will reach them and probably break past.

The new room is 60 feet long and 45 feet wide. The banners hanging above them are green, teal, red, purple, navy, light green, blue, a bluish green, olive and indigo.

The room is 60 feet long and 45 feet wide. The two rows are 15 feet apart and 10 feet between each plinth. The water around each plinth is only a 5 foot square so it is easy to reach the plinth without getting wet... Again.


As always let me know if you have any questions or if I screwed up somewhere.

2016-11-04, 05:38 PM

Fenzen turns just outside the door to face the enemies. "Go in, I'll defend the door."
When everyone gets through the door he will withdraw just inside the door.

2016-11-05, 09:09 PM
Quickly stepping into the room, she finds herself drawn directly toward the gem on the pedestal under the green banner. Not questioning, she moves quickly over to it and looks it over before tentatively touching the gem without picking it up.

2016-11-06, 04:42 AM
Kaze, not willing to spend one second longer near these unliving abominations, sprints for the open doorway.

Taking a run action to get into the room.

2016-11-07, 10:05 AM
Willmon felt the pull from the gem. Being a sorcerer involved allowing such urges and gut feelings to take over sometimes, at least his father said that. So Willmon hustled over to his gem and grabbed it to inspect it.

2016-11-07, 11:46 AM
Claud continues to hustle as fast as his scholarly physique will allow.

Claud runs or double moves towards the room, whichever works better

2016-11-08, 11:53 PM
Wilmon and Leah enter the new room, each moving to different plinths and the strange entrancing stone. They each pick up the stones, Leah with a wary hand, Wilmon with much more certainty.

The look down at the small gem in their hand, feeling the hard edges and the lightness of it. Suddenly, their skin splits creating a small hole underneath the gem. Before they have time to jump in surprise or alarm, the stone enters into the new hole, disappearing into their arm. They can feel the stone within their body, moving, and quickly pull up their sleeves to watch as the gems travels up their arm, lightly raising their skin. They try to stop the object, clamping down a hand on the arms, but still the gem traverses the inside of his skin until the gem reaches the shoulder and then the torso where the lump finally disappears. A sudden sense of completeness fills the two, and Leah's skin begins to emanate green light while Wilmon's emanates teal light.

The light brightens and begins to coalesces, visibly taking form and solidifying. The light dissipates and looks down to see herself in studded leather armor with a quiver on her back and a shortbow strapped underneath it, the stone was again visible and now embedded in her ear as if it were a new earring. Wilmon did not have such a dramatic change, but slung across his back was a new shortspear and in a moment, the stone emerges from the center of his forehead.

Kaze, and Claude enter the room just in time to see this phenomenon,as soon as the effect dissipates though, each feel the same calling to the stones beneath the navy and purple banners.

Fenzen sees all of this, and also the reinforcements join their allies, bowling through the silent protectors wall. The rubble proves as much a hinderance to the skeletons as it had to the group, and the momentum that they had immediately ended, some even fell over, breaking the bones of their face on the hard rocks. Of the three remaining pale figures standing, but one falls to another glowing sickle, the other receives a deep gash from another glowing sickle. The one uninjured pale figure turns away from its attackers and points to further down the hallway where the hall turns to the right.

Kaze and Claude both have enough movement to get to their respective plinths. So I'm assuming that they moved right up to them.
Two figures standing, skeletons are within the rubble.


2016-11-12, 01:04 PM
Leah looks herself over and with a kind of awe, picks up her bow. Feeling as if it was the most natural thing in the world, she saw the fine detail of where any arrow she shot would go. She knocked an arrow and quickly rushed to the door hoping to defend those in the room and those coming into the room. Drawing her bow, she takes careful aim at the closest elf, squints her eyes a bit, and fires.

Move to the door, Fire at nearest elf within range.
Attack:[roll0] Crit [roll1] Damage[roll2] Crit[roll3]
Have point blank shot, if it applies here. Don't know how close they are, but i think they're outside the 30ft.

2016-11-12, 07:59 PM
Kaze heads for the strange gem atop the plinth. His eyes dart between the oncoming horde of skeletons and the gem, then lunges forward to grab the gem in an act of desperation.

Not sure if we're skipping Fenzen or not, so I'll go ahead and post since Leah already has. If Fenzen's moving before or inbetween us, my actions will remain the same whenever it becomes my turn.

2016-11-13, 01:26 PM
Seeing what happened to Leah and Wilmon, Claud follows the tugging sensation he feels to the stone plinth, while wracking his brain to see if he ever heard of something like this.
Rolling knowledge checks to see if Claud ever heard of these gems:

Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

Also not sure about fenzen, its been a while for his post, so this takes place in order either way.

2016-11-15, 05:06 AM
Willmon stands up straight and contemplates this new found feeling for a few seconds. What is this? He thinks. But soon his surroundings remind him of where he is and he moves to exit and continue down the hall.

double move: exiting and moving down hall if possible.

2016-11-17, 01:07 AM
Kaze and Claude move past Leah and Wilmon as they rush out of the room. The two men reach out and grab the gems under the purple and navy banners. As soon as their hands touch the rough cut stones, their hands split open and the gem enters their hand. The stone travels under their skin along their arm, disappearing when they reach their torso. Navy and purple light shine off of the two, brightening until they can't be seen and then fading away. Hanging from Claude's side is a bag, a quick search reveals that it contains a spellbook along with a smaller bag of components. On the back of his right hand is the gem that had so recently entered his arm. The rock sits perfectly and when it is touched, the skin moves with it as if the two were one and the same. Kaze stands in leather armor and he feels a familiar weight at his side. He looks down to see the Shinseina Ejji within its same sheath.

Leah stops at the door and lets her arrow fly into the files of skeletons, but the shot never makes it to its target, the skeletons blocking the path of the arrow and making the shot impossible to land. Willmon dashes past and continues down the corridor away from the skeletons.

He rounds the corner of the stairs, discovering a flight of stairs heading up. On the right of the stairway is a long singular window revealing that they are on a form of balcony. As he looks down from the balcony he sees three other windows across from him going further down, but none that are higher. The room below is large, over one hundred and fifty feet by eighty feet, the floor is three stories below, and on the floor Willmon witnesses an absolute massacre. Elfs wearing black robes and carrying sickles are shooting magic of all kinds from their hands, while skeletons are slaying many more of the pale figures. Willmon can see small groups of the pale figures standing around, huddled naked groups of people, and when the figures defenses are broken, the people begin to scream in terror. One person in the center of the room immediately catches Willmon's eye. Standing at the bottom of the floor in the center of the room, is a tall elf. No combat happens around him, he just watches the violence, still and silent. Willmon feels he can make out every detail about this elf despite the distance between them. The elf wears pitch black full plate armor with an equally black cape whose end seems to be on fire, sizzling without the cape ever burning away. The elf wears no helmet, allowing his long braided black hair to fall to his waist. In his hand is a sickle that looks much to big for him to carry, but he holds it effortlessly in one hand. The strangest part about the man though, is his eyes. For some reason, Willmon can perfectly make out his eyes even though the elf was looking sinisterly forward and giving Willmon no notice. Where the elf's eyes should be were blackish red flames, the same color as the sickle the other elf has been carrying. The flames lick the air, curling around his head. Dread fills Willmon despite his steely resolve. This elf will kill him, he knows it implicitly.

The skeletons push forward. The few pale figures powerless to stop their advance. Fenzen can see that they would be upon them in mere moments.

about to have 12 skeletons at your door

2016-11-20, 12:49 AM

Fenzen, seeing the others had safely left the room moves quickly through the room, grabbing his gem as he goes.

2016-11-23, 11:57 AM
Leah, seeing the advance of the skeletons, knows that she's out of time and quickly moves down the hallway that the rest of her new companions rushed down. Keeping an eye out for any new threats, she moves as quick as she can.

Double move, go as far as I can.

2016-11-24, 02:34 AM
Stunned, Kaze moved his hand to his side with baited breath. He was reunited with his blade; the same blade that may have lead to his death. He unsheathed it, feeling the familiar balance in his hand as he regained his courage and calm. He rushed towards the entrance of their new path to escape, waiting for the others to go through. He watched the hallway filled with skeletons carefully, his sword at the ready if any came close to the others.

Moving to the entrance of our escape route. Using a standard to ready an attack against any skeletons that happen to get close.

2016-11-28, 12:03 AM
Claud feels the power of the stone flow into him, feeling both familiar and strange at the same time. Making a few gestures he sees the gemstone in his hand glow with power. "No time to look through this book right now, more's the pity" He turns for the door and begins recalling the only spell he can think of that might be effective against these skeletons.

Claud readies an action to cast acid splash on the first skeleton to engage in combat

2016-11-29, 09:34 AM
Willmon collapses to hide beneath the window and tries to catch his breath and slow his heart down. It feels like any second his heart with burst from his chest or explode. After a moment to calm down, his eyes watery from the sheer terror of it all, he pushes off the wall to get up. I gotta get out of here! He thinks and leaps up the stairs.

double move stairs

2016-12-01, 05:22 PM
Kaze, and Claude each man the door, as Leah slips away towards the stairs. She sees the awful elf and is filled with all of the same terror as has struck Wilmon.

Fenzen grabs the gem underneath the red banner, letting it pierce his skin and travel along his arm. His body begins to glow and as the light subsides, he was suddenly wearing a chain wrapped around him, one end of it had a sickle, while the other had a weighted ball. At his side was now a pouch containing ten shuriken.

The skeletons rush upon the door, surrounding the entrance and trapping the three men inside. Kaze swings his newfound sword down, but the attack is knocked aside by the skeletons scimitar. Claud let's loose a streak of acid, but the attack goes wide and sizzles in the wall. The skeleton pushes Kaze's sword away and strikes down into his flesh, leaving a solid wound. Another skeleton goes to strike at Kaze, but he manages to side step this one before it could harm him.

Wilmon rounds the corner of the stairs and is struck with a sight that would have been strange has it not been so familiar. Groups of more pale figures come shuffling out of the first door heading towards a second one further down the door. Hanging from their shoulders is a wide eyed man with a nasty scar along his neck, his clothes dripping wet and as he looks around with eyes full of confusion, his eyes land on Wilmon.
”Hey, hey you, what’s going on? Where am I? The man shakes off the pale figures carrying him, standing on his own. "I thought I was going to be executed but these guys wont answer me, where’s my last meal?” More groups of pale figures exit carrying along other stunned wet people. They look up at Wilmon with the same amount of confusion.

5 points if damage to Kaze. There are now skeletons just in front of the door and just corner to it. The other ten skeletons are filling up behind them with the two wizards just behind them.

https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/14227074.jpgJust a heads up about my life. I am working a job that has me in a different state every day for the next month. Work generally starts at 8 am and then stop when I finish, then I work again from 6 to roughly midnight. I'm still here and ready to game though, I just might be a little slow sometimes.:smallfrown:

2016-12-07, 10:11 AM
Starting to fear for her life, wondering just how many things are trying to kill her, she keep running.

Double Move.

2016-12-07, 07:40 PM
Kaze grits his teeth as his blade bounces off of the skeleton's rusted blade, followed by a solid hit to his chest. He grunts, gripping his wound and calling out to the other two in the room.

"Let's keep pace with the others!" He turns, his blade facing behind him to cover his escape as he runs further down the hall.

Withdrawing further into the hallway with Leah.

2016-12-07, 07:44 PM

Fenzen runs with the others, unsure what the best course of action is.

2016-12-09, 09:37 AM
Willmon bites his lower lip in frustration, knowing there isn't much time. "Listen, run to that room and grab the gem that calls to you. My group has been attacked by skeletons and I need your help. Hurry!"

2016-12-10, 12:12 AM
After missing his shot with the acid, Claud realizes there is little he can do against the skeletons and dashes for the stairs.

double move as well

2017-01-11, 03:00 AM
just keeping the thread alive here in hopes fedora returns

2017-01-11, 11:01 AM
Claude, Kaze and Fenzen make a break for the one hole left for their escape before the skeletons have a chance to cover it and seal their doom. The skeleton next to Kaze wasn't ready for his sudden dash of speed and it's scimitar swung awkwardly at the retreating man. Kaze's blade comes up quickly and with enough power behind to knock the skeleton off balance as his allies run by as well.

"[size=+1]NO! I will not let you escape"[/color] the elf yells as the three rings the corner up the stairs, the skeletons hot on their trail. Two flooring sickles shoot out slaying the last of the pale figures. As the trio find the corner and up the stairs they can see out the window on the right and the terrible creature in the center of the room four floors below. Each one is hit with the same sense of doom as the elfs presence crushes over them, add of they knew this elf in dark armor with flames for eyes would be the one to kill them.

The other humans look at Wilmon with utter confusion, some take off, following Wilmington instructions without question. One of the ones who hadn't moved yet, a giant man with dark skin pushes the pale figures guiding him away and steps towards Wilmon "Who are you? What is going on? Is my family okay?" another man with blonde hair and a very sharp nose steps forward as well. "Just tell me what in the world is going on! I am the upcoming head of the Aberdardus family and I demand answers!"

As the other humans begin shaking off pale figures, finally able to stand on their own, many of the pale figures turn and run back down the hallway and down the stairs past Leah. Kaze Claude and Fenzen look up from there terror to see the group of eight pale figures charging down the stairs towards them and the skeletons just behind them.


2017-01-23, 01:14 AM
Kaze turns his back to the pale figures, preparing his sword to face the skeletons once more. With a white-knuckled grip on the hilt of his blade he takes a defensive stance, allowing the others to pass him.

Total Defense for +4 dodge bonus to AC.

2017-01-24, 05:12 PM
Willmon looks at the man unimpressed. "I am Willmon, son of Ixidor. But now is not the time for pleasantries. Please, do as I have asked, others lives are in danger as well as your own. Grab your stone and come aid us."

Willmon blinks, and turns to follow the others back down the stairs towards his strange companions.

2017-01-25, 12:43 AM
"This is no time for introductions! We have a crazed worshiper of Lord Starthorn hunting us and killing everything in sight! Its time to run!" Claude continues rushing up the stairs, away from the skeletons.

double move action going around the people in front, away from the skeletons

2017-02-11, 01:15 PM
The pale figures rush past the group on the stairs, barreling into the pursuing skeletons. Sickles come flying forward into the figures dropping two immediately. The aberdardus man's face flashes with a look of annoyance, but he and the giant man turn and run in the direction Wilmon directed. Wilmon rushes past Leah to look down on the stairs and the brawl that was ensuing. Skeleton and pale figure we locked in a tight shoulder to shoulder combat. The figures who couldn't reach the melee were trying to shove the group further up the stairs.

2017-02-13, 01:55 AM
Kaze lets the pale warriors brush past him, hesitating briefly only to see his saviors beginning to fall. He turns his back to them, continuing further into the hall.
Run action, going further down the hall.

2017-03-03, 10:03 PM
"Move, move, move! Those things are still coming!" Claude runs down the passage towards the exit.

Run action down the hall after Kaze. Dont know if wilmon is still here or not, so posting anyway. This is after his action if needed.