View Full Version : Become a Magical Girl!

2016-10-13, 03:45 PM
It's time.

Not that long ago, you made the choice to become a defender of the city, and become a Magical Girl. But since then, you have yet to fight a single youma. Robunny, your trusty partner, has been unexpectedly reticent, answering questions of how get started with "We'll get started soon once everything is ready," and "I just want to make sure we get everything right. Don't want to throw you to the wolves too soon." You don't know exactly what she has been doing, but she has made references to other Magical Girls she's been contacting.

But now, right after school was out, Robunny hops out of the shadows. She looks the same as always, about the size of a large hamster, made of some grey metal and with a wind-up key sticking out of her back constantly spinning. This time, however, she bounces up and down in excitement, and her black eyes shine. "Magical Girl _______, there's no time to waste! We need to head to the Black Diamond Cafe right now It's time for your first mission as part of a Magical Girl Team!"

You know the cafe. It's not too far from your school, and plenty of your classmates go there to hang out afterwards.

What do you do?

2016-10-13, 08:15 PM
Walking off of the grounds of her high school after what had been a ordinary day, Eri hears the words that she had been waiting for for a long time.

"Steel Valkyrie Shirai, there's no time to waste! We need to head to the Black Diamond Cafe right now! It's time for your first mission as part of a Magical Girl Team!"

Her eyes light up like a shot, and she pumps a fist into the air. "Yessss! How many others are going to be on the team? Are they all nice? Is-ah, no, no time to waste!"

Eri glances around to make sure nobody else is watching her too closely, and then takes off down the street to the cafe at a sprint. "Can...you tell...me any...thing...on the way?" she asks, managing to pant it out between breathes.

2016-10-14, 01:18 PM
Rei parted ways with her group after the school day was over. Normally, they would stay together after school for a few hours, wandering around the neighborhood and seeing what kind of trouble could be gotten into before everyone heading home for the day, but today Rei had told them that they'd "Give the city a break for today." She had walked away after that, giving a lazy had wave behind her without looking back, trying her best to look cool and collected.

As soon as she was able to get around a corner, however, she sat down and gave a heavy, hacking coughing fit into her open palms. Her illness was in full swing today, and she had been holding back these coughs all day, trying to subtly clear her throat or make smaller coughs to clear her airways enough to get by, but she hadn't been able to hold it in anymore. Her body was weak from lack of oxygen, and she had felt near to collapse. It wasn't this bad every day, but days like this seemed to be getting more and more frequent. As she looked into the discolored phlegm in her hands, she wondered what the hell was keeping that rabbit who had promised her a way out of wasting away like this.

As if on cue, out bounces the thing she had been waiting on, "Cosmic Harmony Eldritch Rei, there's no time to waste! We need to head to the Black Diamond Cafe right now! It's time for your first mission as part of a Magical Girl Team!"

"About time ya little vending machine prize!" She replies, rising to her feet. Even though Robunny already knew of her condition, Rei still tried to pretend she wasn't having trouble getting to her feet, and attempted to covertly wipe the mucus off of her hand on the wall behind her under the pretext of using it as leverage to get up off the ground. She starts walking casually towards the cafe, regardless of any attempts to hurry her. "So what's up? What's changed now that ya couldn't get me on a month ago?"

2016-10-15, 04:36 PM
Finally, something to shake up the daily routine! Usagi thought. Granted, most people manage that without help from weird-looking magical rodents, but for Amano Usagi that wasn't an option. Pretty much any hobby she could think of, she was pretty sure Grandfather Would Not Approve... and Usagi didn't dare confronting him on that. So far, while she was playing the role of perfect heiress in front of the family's patriarch, her sister could enjoy some freedom; and Usagi liked it that way.

"Let's go, shall we?" she smiled, hiding the excitement almost overflowing her.

Mono Vertigo
2016-10-17, 08:47 AM
"Black Diamond... oh, yeah, that café."
Mao stood up solemnly, saluting Robunny. "Yes, ma'am Robunny, ma'am", she replies with the utmost serious, "Dazzling Mao reporting! Ma'am."

None of this was really necessary, but the youngest Amano sister insisted on that amount of decorum pretty much every time she saw the tsukaima; if fighting for the forces of good against dangerous monsters didn't warrant it, what would? And you've got to pay proper respect to the being that offered you those powers for, basically, free.
Would Eri be there? What would the other Magical Girls be like?

2016-10-17, 05:02 PM
"Golden Heavenly Sunbeam Diana, there's no time to waste! We need to head to the Black Diamond Cafe right now It's time for your first mission as part of a Magical Girl Team!"

Diana glances around the room quickly, making sure no one else heard the magical rabbit calling her that embarassing name, before checking her phone and giving her hair an imperious flip. She sneers at the phone, apparently disapproving of whatever innocent message is there. With a strut borne of hours of meticulous practice, she stalks her way over to a gaggle of students surrounding a blue haired girl.

"Jeanne, I'll be getting home late tonight. Tell your mother not to worry about me." Is all Diana she says to the girl in a disinterested tone of voice, not even giving her rival time to respond to the statement before she leaves. It might cause some trouble later, but who cares. It's time to fight. Diana allows herself a small smile as she leaves school for the cafe.

'Let's hope that this is a good team.'

2016-10-17, 11:04 PM
Nagisa had to apologize profusely to Robunny following her message; she was at her shoe locker, getting her sneakers when the little tsuikaima appeared, only for "Shining Crusader Holy" to get scared, and slam the door in her benefactor's face halfway through the message.

Neither of them speak for a moment.

"Um... I thought I saw a spider?" she offers to some kid she doesn't know sparing her a glance over her sudden panic attack.

"sorry... I'm really, really sorry! I''ll be there as soon as I can!" she says with finality before (gently) re-closing the door again and hustling away, her bushy black hair swept from her eyes. Nagisa knew that Eri would be there as well as Rei and Diana... but she didn't know what kind of work expect, and to be frank, she didn't want to dwell on it. This whole situation had spiraled, and for the moment she thought that with her good friends around her, she should just go with the flow for now...

2016-10-21, 12:48 PM
Robunny hopped after Eri as quick as she could. Surpisingly, despite being a being of unkown magical power, she seemed to have a bit of trouble keeping up. Maybe the size really made a difference. I found five. Do you think that sounds alright?"

Robunny watched Rei's attempts to ignore her illness with what looked like concern in her black bead eyes. Rei's question snapped her back to the situation at hand. "Oh, I've been very busy. A magical girl these days can't fight alone, after all! The world is a dangerous place."

As the six girls approached the cafe, they began to see each other, all being led or leading another copy of Robunny. When they were close enough, the copies hopped onto a table large enough o seat all of them, and converged back into a single Robunny. "Over here!" She called out, waving to the girls. No one else at the cafe seemed to notice her though.

Mono Vertigo
2016-10-24, 03:01 AM
"Didn't know you could do that", commented Mao about Robunny's divising and re-fusing, and apparent selective invisibility.
Raising her eyes, she greeted the other girls, as if remembering the point of her coming. "Amano Mao at your service, it's an honour to meet you at last!"