View Full Version : Strange Aeons: Ash's Redoubt [DMOOCH]

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2016-10-13, 05:35 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Björn ... you know your name is Björn ... but for the life of you, you can't tell much more about yourself or where you just were or what you're doing here. There's over a dozen people looking just as confused as you in your clump.
Around you, you see shadows of awful, unnatural figures moving through the mist—gangly hunchbacked giants, lurching tumorheaps, spiders scuttling upon forests of legs, and other nightmares of your design. Horrifying noises, some that echo weirdly, others loud enough to be uncomfortable, accompany the shapes. Noting is in hand or prepared. What do you do?

Björn: 23.
Bangs: 21.
Brother Jomah: 20.
Eric: 18.
Zoo: 18.
Patient 601: 16.
Flair: 16.
Mack: 14.
Akbar: 12.
Zarinda: 11.
Aliendrei: 11.
Haru: 8.
Knuckles: 8.
Sam: 7.

2016-10-14, 11:46 AM
R1T23: Björn takes stock of his surroudings.

R1T21: Trying to slink back from the shadowy figures towards the others dressed as himself, a relatively non-descript young man - apart from straight bangs that falls into his eyes - finds his voice and fearfully asks (his voice barely rising to a whisper), "W-where are we? W-w-what is going on?"

His eyes continually dart between the others, the shadows, and the rest of their surroundings, not lingering long enough to fully absorb any details into his overtaxed mind.

R1T20: Brother Jomah, what do you do?Around you, you see shadows of awful, unnatural figures moving through the mist—gangly hunchbacked giants, lurching tumorheaps, spiders scuttling upon forests of legs, and other nightmares of your design. Horrifying noises, some that echo weirdly, others loud enough to be uncomfortable, accompany the shapes.
If it is your turn, or has been your turn at any point up to when initiative is called, remember that vocals are free.

Björn: 23.
Bangs: 21.
Brother Jomah: 20.
Eric: 18.
Zoo: 17.
Patient 601: 16.
Flair: 15.
The Tatterman: 14.
Mack: 13.
Akbar: 12.
Zarinda: 11.
Aliendrei: 10.
Haru: 9.
Knuckles: 8.
Sam: 7.

2016-10-14, 07:22 PM
R1T18: Eric, you delay ...

R1T17: Zoo, what do you do?

Patient 601 (action stated) on deck, Eric is delaying ...

Björn: 23.
Bangs: 21.
Brother Jomah: 20.
Eric: 18. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 17.
Patient 601: 16.
The Tatterman: 15.
Flair: 14.
Mack: 13.
Akbar: 12.
Zarinda: 11.
Aliendrei: 10.
Haru: 9.
Knuckles: 8.
Sam: 7.

2016-10-16, 09:37 PM
R1T17: Zoo shakes his head to clear it. Hadn't he just been... huh what had he been doing? Seeing the horrors of the fog he scrabbles away on all fours. He definitely didn't remember those at all. Turning away from the fog he sees the crowd. Who are these people? He calls out to them: "Do you see them too? It's not just me right? We need to go, right now."

R1T16: A voice fills another's brain, crying out with desperate enthusiasm: "Awake! Wake up, fool of a madman! Revelation is at hand!" His head is full of cotton, his eyes are refusing to focus as he slowly comes to. As the mist parts and he sees what surrounds him, wingless vultures and crocodiles built of twisted bodies, he shuts his eyes again. He whimpers softly.

A sharp phantom pain catches him on the shoulder, and he hears the voice again: "I said WAKE UP! Dreams are no refuge here!"Whirling to see what caused this pain, he finds nothing and no one touching him but he does see that surrounding him there are more than a dozen white-robed figures who hadn't even registered at first. The sense of community soothed his nerves. Until he counted them.


The nameless man starts whimpering again, but keeps his eyes open.

R1T15.5: As the second man whirls around in confusion and fear, another answers the former man's question. "Go? Just where do you think we're going to go? I don't even know you. How do I know you're not one of them trying to trick me?"

He rises to his full 6'5" and flexes to stretch his muscles. You see that he appears to be the epitome of the chiselled-chinned youth of northern peoples. Beneath the layers of grime and dirt there lies hidden a charming smile with straight white teeth and an incredible physique. However, the smile rarely appears and his haunted eyes dart around, searching the shadows. If you peer closely you can see he has an almost hunted look about him. He moves with great caution, checking every corner and crevice as he moves. His rippling muscles appear to always be in a state of contraction, like a tightly wound spring, ready to move in the blink of an eye.

R1T15.3: Another man surprises himself and those around him as a short sword of exceptional quality appears in his hand. Though he just can't seem to pick out anything that is within the mists, he is the first to notice that something is wrong with the northern youth.

R1T15: Tense as he is, there is something about this northern youth - his features and strength - that could lend themselves to a leader. Even then---

The northerner suddenly looks as if he has a spasm - his chest thrusts forth and he bends back slightly, his head tilted upwards, arm thrown wide, and bent knees taught. Something is definitely happening to him as he grimaces in pain and his body begins to shake. Pushing through one of his hands something is seen trying to force its way out from the inside. It happens at his right hip. Then, the entire right side of his face swells and distends and he lets out a scream. As his head swells, the mouth grows wider and wider until you notice that another head is forming, separating. The left arm now has two forearms/wrists/hands coming out of its elbow before the rest of the full arm separates from the elbow and there are now two arms coming from his left shoulder.

You all stand in rapt terror as with more incomprehensible growths form and finally a second form separates itself from the northern youth. Now free of whatever was inside him. The northern youth burbles one word that all hear, but only barely: "Me."

His eyes having rolled upwards in his skull, and despite no apparent wound or marks from the process, the young man seems deflated some how and falls. He doesn't fall like a proper body, but rather simply tumbles upon himself limply as if there is no mass within him and his skin is rumpled cloth.

What stands in his place is terrifying and altogether unlike any of the rest of you.
Fear and panick erupt.
You are all panicked, and on your turn you will drop anything in your hands - which only affects Eric - and go bolting directly away from this monster. Since the northern youth (Björn) was randomly rolled as the "middle person" in the group, this means that everyone will be running directly away from it ... meaning in all directions, and into the midst.
You are shaken. I will make adjustments, don't adjust your rolls. Just because you aren't panicked and running blindly into the midst doesn't mean that soiling yourself is out of the realm of realistic options.
R1T14: A tall man with black hair and green eyes (Flair) is the first to scream in terror and try to run, but he happens to have been standing next to the monster. Before he had a chance to fully turn around the creature reveals something in his hand to have a straight razor and he cuts the tall man deep across the eyes, ruining them and doing 14 ... enough to drop the man, blood and vitreous humors mixing as his vital fluids bleed forth.

R1T13: Mack, you are terrified, but you are not blindly panicked. You happen to be standing adjacent to this unholy terror. What do you do?

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Björn: 15.5.
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Flair: 14. PANICKED til end R12T15!!! DYING!!!
Mack: 13. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!
Knuckles: 8. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Sam: 7. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.

2016-10-17, 02:38 PM
R1T13: Mack slowly backs away from the rather dangerous-looking person, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor. All the while, he's trying to figure out if there's anything familiar about its visage. What is it? Where does it come from, and where is Ourolini? There's probably a book about this somewhere, and these other people are rather silly, if they're just going to stand there and wait to have their faces (or other parts) eaten, but if they want to present themselves as targets while Mack backs away slowly, he's got no issues, though he supposes that it might be considered frightfully amoral to leave these poor people to some sort of awful fate.

Having backed away a couple of paces, Mack says: "W-would you like to m-meet my friends?"
I will assume that is a withdraw action ... more than just a five-foot step, maybe 10' distance?

You don't have a clue what this is, and to be honest your mind is doing more whirling and racing than mentally cataloguing.

R1T12-T9: Four people instantly bolt in various directions, running and screaming in terror into the mist.Akbar, Zarinda, Aliendrei, & Haru.
R1T8: Knuckles, you are scared but you keep yourself from running into the dangerous yellow cloud. What do you do?

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Björn: 15.5.
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Flair: 14. PANICKED til end R12T15!!! DYING!!!
Mack: 13. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!
Knuckles: 8. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Sam: 7. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.

2016-10-19, 10:18 AM
Knuckles delays ...

R1T7: A fit, vibrant woman with dark blonde hair and freckles runs right to the man whose eyes were cut out. She tries staunching the bleeding somehow, but she is in tears and blubbering and unsure of herself.

End Round One ...

R2T21: Bangs, you are 10' from this terrifying "man." What do you do?

Zoo, you're in the hole. Feel free to post your action.

Brother Jomah and Patient 601 are both panicked and will be running into the mists.

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Flair: 14. PANICKED til end R12T15!!! DYING!!!
Mack: 13. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!
Knuckles: 8. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Jacqui: 7. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.

2016-10-19, 05:40 PM
R2T21: The suddenness of events spiraling into chaos is to much for Bangs' conscious mind to handle. Luckily for him, his instinct decides to take over. Bangs' sight is drawn to the man who was slashed in the eyes, Bangs can tell the woman over him has no clue what she is doing. A brief thought flashes through Bangs' mind wondering how he knows what should be done to aid an injured patient, but it is quickly dismissed as he focuses his attention on the man, the exercise helping Bangs ignore the chaos of the moment. The man is unconscious, and bleeding heavily, unfortunately he is too close to the creature to risk treating, and another slash like that will likely make treatment impossible. The creature must be removed.

With rough breathing, Bangs reaches a trembling arm toward the creature, unsure why he is performing the action, only that it feels 'right' toward what he wants to accomplish. Following that feeling, suddenly the nearby loose stone raises off the ground and circle Bangs' arm forming pressure in Bangs' mind like a coiled spring. All around him on the ground, the loose stones clatter as if some great energy readies itself, gathering. Bangs lets it build before he releases it sending the stone hurling toward the beast, though the stone goes spiraling high and deep into the mist. Following that, Bangs circles around the beast to get closer to the injured man, hoping to do something before he bleeds out.

R2T20: The first man to have done any speaking - the one with a hearty frame - gives a gurgling low growl of terror and runs into the mist. (Brother Jomah)

R2T17: Zoo wails in shock upon seeing the demise of the northerner. As most of the assembled flee, Zoo moves toward the man with the ruined eyes. Grabbing the man by the arms he says to the nearby woman "Hare says to go, we can tend to him later."

Zoo easily drags the man 10' down the left fork of the alley well into the mist, his scarred arms tensing at the task. Though the man weighs more than 200 lbs., if Zoo decided to heft him up and carry him he could move at a rate of 20'.

R2T16: The man who heard voices turns and runs in terror.

R2T15.3: Eric stands and runs in panic, the mysterious sword disappearing as it leaves his hand, never really noticed by its momentary wielder.

R2T15: The supernatural killer now only has the weakling who mentioned something about friends, the seemingly useless woman, and the man with thick bangs. He turns on the woman, the one who first showed mercy in this realm of horror. He steps towards her and makes a long, bloody gash along her left lower intercostals, up across her breasts, up the center of the neck, and then flicking his war razor out from under her chin as she bleeds at a massive rate. Then with a claw he tears off her face and she seems to be killed instantly. Mack, Bangs, from her blood spray you can make out the word on the ground: "up".

He now stands adjacent to Bangs.

R2T13: The weakling concentrates from where he stands and a viper materializes at the killer's feet. It attacks, and though it would normally provoke an AOO, the killer does not bother as the viper misses.

R2T8: Knuckles, you are still delaying, do you do anything?

Bangs on deck, Zoo in the hole ... feel free to state your actions.

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! Dragging Flair.
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Mack: 13. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! Summoned viper!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!
Knuckles: 8. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.

2016-10-20, 04:54 AM
R2T8: Knuckles stands a few feet away from the killer, shaken but not made to flee. She takes a deep breath and clenches her fists, her immediate thoughts torn between fleeing, leaving the others behind, and standing to fight whatever this... thing is. When it kills the other woman and turns towards Bangs, she seems spurred into action, gritting her teeth and letting out a decisive grunt, dashing forwards to try and strike the creature, hopefully stunning it in time for the others to act and either get away or take it down. It certainly looks frightening enough to need more than one opponent. It's not the best roundhouse and it easily moves slightly to keep from getting hit by the powerful woman.

End Round 2 ...

R3T21: Seeing his attack miss and another person die before him, Bangs can't help the feelings of helplessness and rage that build within him. He doesn't know who he is or what is happening, all the memories he can recall have been of pain and horror, but... he wasn't about to die without getting answers from this insane world he is in. His resolve is further strengthened when a man helps take the injured out of danger, a viper appears attacking the creature, and a women steps up to strike at the creature. Taking this as a chance to fight back against the creature, Bangs starts to move.

Wary of that creature's speed with it's blade, Bangs dives away toward the man and rolls brilliantly - hopping erratically to move out of it's range unharmed - and successful in doing so. Drawing a safe enough distance from the creature, Bangs extends his arm again, holding it with his other arm to stabilize his aim as the stones once again respond and are launched towards the creature, but the creature is incredibly agile and dodges.

R3T17: Zoo, you are in the mists, pulling precious cargo. What do you do?

Slasher on deck, Mack and his viper in the hole ... (Mack, feel free to post your action)

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! Dragging Flair.
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Mack: 13. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! Summoned viper!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!
Knuckles: 8. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.

2016-10-20, 05:07 PM
R3T17: Zoo ... feel free to take your action, but you are otherwise no longer visible to the evil as you are in the mists, but you had only gotten 20' and you still feel his presence. You are dragging the blinded man. What do you do?

R3T15: The terrifying man runs his razor deep across and around the strong brawler's abdomen to disembowel her, her viscera dangling to the ground as she falls to her knees. Though he has time to close on Bangs, the creature whose eyes are bandaged over looks directly at Bangs and instead goes to exact greater damage to the doomed woman. She manages to just look over to Bangs and whisper - her eyes glassy as if channeling something else - and gurgle "Wake." With that, the creature tears her throat out with his clawed hand. (Knuckles, that was you.) Again, everyone senses and even in their mind's eye sees this.

R3T13: Up, up, up...is the litany inside Mack's mind. I need to get up. I need to climb something. I need to get away from this...thing, and I'd really like my little viper buddy to at least SLOW THAT THING DOWN!!!

Expressionless, or at least thinking he's expressionless while he has an internal debate, Mack looks around for an escape route while withdrawing. If Ouro were here... No time to wrestle with the internal monologue, professor, find a way to make yourself uninteresting. Let someone else draw its attention.

And with that, the man heads off into the mist.

Following fast behind him is a viper that suddenly grew many times its length. In the unseen depths of the mist, the man's cry is heard "ME!"
Mack, that was you, killed by your own now-amped-out-of-control-undismissable viper.
End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T21: Bangs, Just you facing off against this thing, everyone else has left (even getting killed by their own construct in the process). What do you do?

Zoo? What do you do?

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!!
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Zoo: 17. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! Dragging Flair.
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!

2016-10-21, 03:14 AM
R4T21: Another monster? Bangs thought as the monstrous dog exits the fog nearby and attacks the thing, Maybe these two will distract each other enough for me to help the injured man?

Following that thought, Bangs moves away from the thing into the mist looking for the injured man. He finds him, he examines his condition, and tries to see if he is still alive murmuring words of comfort automatically as he does so. Unfortunately, it seems as if the man expired from his wounds, likely shock.
By "examining his condition..." this clued me in that you attempted a Heal check to actually do what you fluffed doing.
R4T17: The dog creature's neck extends like a serpent striking it's prey, its large maw barreling toward the blindfolded monster. Patches of fur and skin fall from its throat with the sudden movement. The large size and the fear Zoo is feeling, coupled with the monster's inhuman agility, is enough to miss.

R4T15: The killer steps forward and cuts the canine creature's forward underchest deep to stun it, and then takes off its snout with his hand. The dog-creature bloodily shifts back to the now ruined brown-skinned man he used to be. Bangs makes out a word in blood on the ground from where this brief, and doomed, savior had been standing (which means everyone senses this as well): "save." (Bye, Zoo.)

Bangs senses movement, and realizes that in his own terror and addled mind he rushed too quickly a pronouncement of death and bends over his patient. The man opens his eyes - terrifying blood sockets that they are - and Bangs' feels an awful pain as the man punched him in the right lung with an incalculably powerful blow. He only takes 7, but Bangs' right lung is collapsed and he is staggered. He stumbles back, barely keeping his feet, and the blinded patient stands on his feet, a look of elation and cruely covering his face - enough to be recognized by Bangs despite any ability to express from the eyes.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T21: Bangs, no doubt a little confused, the damage itself was not good but the effect of the blow was more severe. You are staggered with a collapsed right lung and now standing in front of a bloody eye socket killer with superhumanly strong fists. And you got the sense of the death from the dog-man. What do you do?

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! STAGGERED from a collapsed lung.
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15. Include fake Flair.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!

2016-10-21, 04:23 AM
R5T21: Wheezing heavily, Bangs steps back coughing as he feels the death of the dog-creature in the distance, Those who ran immediately were apparently the smart ones. Wary of the non-living thing in front of him, Bangs tries to will some strength into his partially suffocated body, and feels as though some reservoir of power is taped into right before a small surge of vitality fills him, though it could just be adrenaline masking the pain he feels.
You are healed of 5 hp, so you only have 2 hp of damage, but the staggered effect remains independent of hit point damage.
R5T15: Bloody Eyes steps up to the man who has regathered some of himself and punches him in the head for a whopping 7, enough that Bangs totally forgets what tiny little bit of history has happened up until now. He basically has amnesia on top of amnesia, and no idea why his lung hurts, doesn't remember the bandaged eye man, and doesn't remember why this terror is attacking him.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T21: Bangs, what do you do?

Bangs: 21. SHAKEN as long as he is within Tatterman's presence!!! STAGGERED from a collapsed lung.
* Immune to Tatterman's Frightful Presence.
Brother Jomah: 20. PANICKED til end R22T15!!!
Patient 601: 16. PANICKED til end R14T15!!!
Eric: 15.3. PANICKED til end R23T15!!!
The Tatterman: 15. Include fake Flair.
Akbar: 12. PANICKED til end R21T15!!!
Zarinda: 11. PANICKED til end R18T15!!!
Aliendrei: 10. PANICKED til end R13T15!!!
Haru: 9. PANICKED til end R24T15!!!

2016-10-21, 02:51 PM
R6T21: Head ringing ... lung burning ... Bangs is confused and scared. He looks fearfully at the eyeless horror before him before lurching away erratically searching for safety. It is a beautiful series of maneuvers to get away from the one, only to find that he suddenly has a horrible wound at his gut that cuts from just off-center of his left abdomen and through his intercostal muscles, and out the back. He looks up to see the man with the bandaged eyes. Bangs tries to figure out ... he wasn't there just a second ago ... how ... but all he can mutter in heaving gasps is "up" ... several times before lurching forward and falling over and his fear and consciousness now become a part of this nightmare realm.

R8 ...

The panicked run aimlessly through the yellow mists. Because it grows ever thicker it is harder to keep a straight path and many of you still running think you've passed some points before. Every now and then, you would hear someone else running and it would heighten your own fear and you would re-double your efforts. Sometimes something might zip across you just ahead of your path but not clear enough with the yellow mist to really catch anything. Every now and then it gets to be too much for some and ruined structures offer possible hiding spots or places to cower.

Brother Jomah hears something ghosting his steps to the side and he quickly changes course ... right into the path of the killer who cuts him wide open and he shouts "WAKE!" at the top of his lungs before expiring.

R18 ...

Eric is running in panic and he feels a sharp pain on the left side of his head and sees his left ear fall to the ground (8 + 1 CHA drain) and the bandaged man suddenly appear, but Eric does not stop but the bandaged man is fast and as Eric tries to escape he gets cut across the brow and blood flows into his eyes. A round or two later of running blind he trips and takes a tumble and smashes his head against a rock on the ground, spattering the ground with the word "me".

R28 ...

For a minute and a half now Patient 601 has shaken off the blind panic. There is an area that seems to be pretty defensible and he has taken to hiding, gathering strength for when--

and in the darkness, all hear the terrible death cry of a man newly acquainted with fear and pain and one word screamed out: "SAVE!"

"The last four of you..." comes a whisper heard as much in the mind as throughout this wrecked place "... have evaded me for too long. I shall reward your sweeter deaths with something special."

Whatever Akbar was doing, he is surprised as he is surprised by the bandaged man suddenly becoming visible down low, cutting with his razor deep into his foot at the point between his second and third toes inward, then up along the side of his leg. He bolts upright and thrusts his claw through Akbar's cut so deep that he grabs his spine and breaks it. Akbar gasps, "W-wake."

R28T11-9: Zarinda, Aliendrei, and Haru ... each of you separately hear this and now that the bandaged man is just 15' from you, just out of view as the mists get thicker. What do you do? All of you are free to post.

The Tatterman: 15.
Zarinda: 11.
Aliendrei: 10.
Haru: 9.

2016-10-24, 08:28 PM
R1T22: Zoo lifts himself from the ground slowly, taking in the scene before him. He turns to his cell mate and eyes him cautiously. When he's established that he is just as confused, Zoo turns back to the doctor and whispers to the man beside him "Magpie sees something good on the doctor. Do you see it?"

R1T21: Björn lurches to his feet with a cry of anguish and terror as he looks down at himself moving his hands over his entire body trying to contain the creature that is tearing... forth... from...

Upon seeing he is whole and damaged he looks around...

Seeing Jomah, he crosses. "I don't know you." Then, crossing to Mack, "But, you... I never forget a face... Mr...Ch... Ch..." and then he pales, backing away. "No... I don't know you, either."

He moves to the corner with his back to it and stares at the others and beyond the bars.

R1T20: The doctor, careful not to get near the cells without looking overly cautious, mutters various things and takes another cut along the man on the table. He screams in pain and she has a look of delight.

R1T19: Mack wakes up to the new noises. He looks quizzically at the man who stares at him, then looks away. Mack licks his gumline as though he was dislodging food after eating. Speaking of which, was he hungry? He didn't think so, but so much was unfamiliar. Looking around the cell, he takes in as much of the detail as his perception will allow, cataloging the quality of the stone and mortar, observing what type of creatures might be in the rushes at his feet, noting the smells and sounds as much as he sees and feels. Once he figures out what's going on, Mack walks to the bars to see what's going on outside. As he approaches the cell door, Mack pays close attention to the lock, wondering if he can determine what country he's in by the shape of the lock. (Alas, no.) He then decides to say something comforting to his new cellmates.

"At least we're not getting eaten by a poorly-conjured viper."

R1T18: The big man with wide fearful eyes and a tangled and matted full beard staggers to his feet and lunges at the bars to his cell.

"Let me out!" he screams at the person performing the torture in front of the cell. "You've got the wrong man! I didn't do anything!"

Frantically, he shakes and pulls on the bars with all his strength trying to escape, but these bars are sturdy, and meant to keep powerful people contained.

R1T17: Bangs sits up suddenly from his sleep, panting and covered in sweat - just sweat, mind you - before wiping it away, ignoring that it is centered around his eyes, and calming his breathing. That is, he tried to calm his breathing, but being in a cell with a man tortured in front of him doesn't evoke a feeling of serenity.

Seeing the doctor's cruel experiments, and the others cries for freedom, Bangs remains silent. He feels alone, do the others not remember who they are? Do they know each other? Do they know him? Finally his gaze rests on the doctor. Why is she doing this? Does she enjoy it? Is she going to do the same to us?

Like a moth to a flame, Bangs stares at the doctor wondering what fuels her insanity.

He does not know anyone here. He does not know if anyone knows him. She does seem to mutter nonsense about "pain response" but has no real scientific approach. She seems to enjoy this. You don't know if she is going to do the same to you. However, given her enjoyment of her "experiments" and that this poor man cannot last much longer, it is a safe bet she'll be moving on to test other creatures when her plaything is no longer playing.

Note, I will roll for information/interaction-based things, just prompt me to do so. Still, her emotions are a mix of excitement and pleasure as she goes about her work.
R1T16: Akbar awakens facing a brick wall. For a moment he thinks he's still in the alley. With that thing... He reaches under his smock and runs a hand down the knobs of his backbone, making sure that his spine is still in place. That was a dream? It seemed so real. Felt so real. He looks up and takes in the other prisoners, the bars, the jailer and the torture in progress...

Prison? What exactly had he done, apparently while tripping balls on some seriously hard drugs? Maybe they just take drugs really seriously in this town. Which is... he realizes he can't remember. Holy %@#, what the hell did I take? And why did I think that was a good idea?

He startles when his cellmate speaks up. "Something good? You see something good in here? I'm all ears. At least until Miss Manners over there cuts them off..."
R1T14: Grabbing the bars, Aliendrei keeps silent for a second, look at his cellmate (Bangs), then whispers, "Why are you doing that?"

R1T10: "Please, someone ... please," says the man wanly, "someone help me, please."

Zoo: 22.
BV: 21.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 20.
Mack: 19.
Brother Jomah: 18.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Al: 14.
Ben: 10.

2016-10-25, 07:54 AM
R2T18: The big man seems to not hear the admonishment of the torturer and his efforts to escape increase.

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" he screams as he thrashes at the bars. As he strains against the bars, his muscles bulge and he seems to grow larger. Then he definitely grows larger as his head nearly brushes the ceiling of the dank cell.

NOBODY is more surprised when this happens than the 11-foot-tall, black-bearded giant himself!
I figured out what you were doing, mainly because you prefaced it in the OOC with a question, but please do as you did non-spoilered ... that was great. Then, in spoilers give the "crunch" ... "I use the Enlarge ability ... blah-blah..." We are just getting started and I don't know your characters, and I don't feel like being a detective reading an essay ever time someone posts without giving the crunch. Thanks.

Next, FYI ... it only lasts a round, and you did it at the end of your round. This is Jomah surprised and learning about his abilities, of course, but he has to do set it up again at the beginning of his next round if he wants to make it useful.
Seeing the man grow larger, Björn realises this may be his opportunity... If he can help the... thing... muscle open the bars, perhaps he can escape and get back to... back to...Someone? Was there someone waiting for him? Yes... There is always someone waiting... Waiting to grab him... To torture him... To tear him apart... That poor man on the table... He must be helped...

Coming forward near the creature that was once a man he says, "We must help him..."
Please do the DM a favor ... use quotation marks. Thanks.
R2T17.8-.5: The doctor turns and hisses as if to say something to the cell holding the giant and she seems a little - WHUMPF!-CLANG!

Unnoticed was that the prisoner on the table, though truly bloody and weak, took advantage of her momentary distraction previously and struggled in his blood-soaked bindings and managed to get a leg free. He desperately kicked her in the small of the back right into the bars of the cell with the giant, the guy who just whispered to him (and the weaker man towards the back of the cell, pushed even further back because of the grown man). It was an unbelievably lucky strike and it crits her so that she takes 10 to the back and bonks her head on the bars for a minor concussion (1 INT & 1 WIS damage).

R2T17: Shocked out of his examination of the doctor and his intuitive knowledge of the pleasure she gains from her pursuits, and then by the sudden frackas, Bangs turns and faces his cellmate and distractedly says in a whisper, "N-nothing. Listen, that man won't last much longer, we need to help him and get out of here?"

Focusing back on the injured man as he whimpers, Bangs attempts something from the dream, the feeling of reaching out and attempting a connection to another being.
Al, it seems as if there is some type of ... something ... a sensation you've never quite felt before. It is as a tickling at the mind. Do you embrace it or shy away from it?
You almost feel, strange. Like somehow your desire to conspire with your cellmate gives you - might give you - some type of connection. It is a strange feeling. But it doesn't stop there. The victim's combat-tense body pauses for a micro-second ... and he looks right at you with a quizzical look. He nods, and when he does, you suddenly feel like you are definitely "connected" in a way that's hard to describe.

Then, it gets stranger, for in your mind you hear his voice, "Name's Ben. It's like you're trying to open a collective - tactician or vitalist? I trust you; we're connected now."

R2T16: Akbar, it is now truly active in here. The victim kicked the doctor against the far cell and it was a nasty kick. She's right on the bars as the cell with the now-giant in it. What do you do?

Aliendrei, you're posted actions from before don't work now (or rather, I am allowing you to adapt to the situation). You're on deck, what do you do?
As players you created your characters and defined a race. However, for the purposes of story, none of you actually began (at least your lives) as a witchwalker/ ifrit/ tiefling/ erinyes/ whatever. You started ... story-wise/ RP-wise ... as humans. Now, post events of the dream, you are ... different. Of course, you could have had an insanity or feral nature before that manifested as an insanity that made you believe you've been this all along anyway, so how you RP it is up to you. But for the purposes of dramatic irony, you ONLY JUST BECAME your race coming out of the dream. The fact that Al mentioned in-dream that he was "always this way" and that the dream deals with the subconscious informs that Al may very well have no idea he was ever actually human.
Zoo and BV, you are effectively delaying, so feel free to post as well.

Zoo: 22. DELAYING!!!
Mack: 19. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jomah: 18. ENLARGED ... stats not updated!
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (34:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)).
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Al: 14.

2016-10-25, 09:40 AM
R2T16: Akbar doesn't know what the man on the table has done. For all he knows the guy could be in here for shoplifting... or because they found him in the woods, in a cabin made out of the bones of dead hookers. But he does know what the woman torturing him is all about. She is enjoying her work far too much. It's not about whatever her victim deserves or does not deserve. She needs an attitude adjustment right soon. Especially before the rest of them get a turn on that table...

After his cellmate's whisper, his eyes initially go the the ring of keys on her belt. He's pretty sure he distract her, start up a conversation. He's oddly good at that... But then the fight starts and it's too late for words. The nice ones, at least. He stares at the jailer and thinks at her as hard as he can... F#@K YOU!

He then speaks strange words and moves his hands in a strange way. Nothing seems to happen from this but something seems to have rocked her world and she is dazed
With painful stare and a roll, she suffered 11 sonic damage!

R2T14: Aliendrei, what do you do?

Zoo and BV aare both on deck and in the hole, and both were delaying, so they can go anytime. Mack is also delaying and can go anytime.

Zoo: 22. DELAYING!!!
Mack: 19. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jomah: 18. ENLARGED ... stats not updated!
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (23:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Al: 14.

2016-10-25, 11:15 PM
R2T15: "Let's see... Let's see... It didn't work last time, but that's because he missed. Could it be that I really can call something out of the ether to help the man on the table? Maybe he can get the keys. Let's try again..." By the way, in quotes and non-italicized means you are talking aloud.
Mack focuses his mental energies, trying to call the viper from his dream into the cell. It should be small enough to get through the bars, and it's even likely that it could somehow move the keys off the woman's belt, but that would be kind of obvious, now wouldn't it? Perhaps another choice would make more sense.

Sure enough, a viper appears right behind the woman. When the viper arrives, Mack directs his thoughts at the viper's mind while whispering: "Avoid the larger creatures and bring me..." Mack visualizes as many things as he can which resemble lockpicks. With things getting so hectic, he wondered if Ourolini - a draconic creature that seems to be elusively hiding in his dreams - would ever be able to make an appearance. In the meantime, the viper hisses and is defensive, but doesn't really do anything.

R2T14.5: Zoo looks back and forth between the doctor and his cellmate. "Please don't freakout," he says before a flash of green light surrounds him and expands.

What emerges is the large-hooved dog from Zoo's dream, it's long neck and head poking through the bars.

R2T14: Aliendrei, what do you do?

Björn, you have been delaying, so feel free to post. Otherwise you're on deck anyway. Brother Jomah in the hole (post if you dare, but circumstances might change) ...

Brother Jomah: 18. ENLARGED ... stats not updated!
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (23:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes)
Al: 14.

2016-10-28, 09:42 AM
R2T14: Aliendrei's shouts at the doctor now turn to shouting for others to grab her keys.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: Björn continues to hold his action after seeing what has taken place outside and waiting to see what his big companion will do.

R3T18: As quickly as he grew, the bearded man returns to his normal size. Moving surprisingly quick for a big man, he reaches though the bars to grab the torturer. A torture implement and not a true weapon - in fact, not even a true torture implement, the woman wildly swings at the man with the balding pate. Between a poor weapon and the man's desire not to get hit he doesn't grab her.

Eyes still wide but no longer afraid, the man smiles at the face of his captor. "How about you let us out of here, luv?"

He speaks to his cell mates without looking away from the woman. "Get the keys!"

R3T16: The weak man in the same cell, towards the back, says, ""Little friend, go get the keys, and bring them to me!"

The snake doesn't seem to know what to do and hisses in place.

Björn, do you break your delay to try to get the keys from the woman. She's not grappled, but she does seem to be fully focused on the man trying to grab her.If you do go for the keys, roll a Dexterity check.

Björn: 21. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jomah: 18.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (23:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes)
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-10-28, 10:44 AM
R3T17.9: Björn gets his fingers on the key ... so close, so close, but he just. can't. grab. them. And she pulls away.
The DC is a 14 ... Doh!
R3T17.8: The man on the slab gets free of his bindings and flanks the woman with those in the cell.

R3T17.5: The doctor, though able to defend herself, seems to have been dazed by something for the past several seconds and there are blood trickles at her ears.

R3T17: Bangs is taken aback by the voice in his head, and doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Still, he concentrates from the relative calm on his side of the room and the man's wounds begin to knit (3).

R3T16: Akbar, what do you do?

Mack on deck, Zoo in the hole, Aliendrei delaying ...

Brother Jomah: 18.
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (23:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes)
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-10-28, 12:24 PM
R3T16: Akbar watches the others join the fight, or attempt to, and realizes that they resemble the people from his dream, or bad trip or whatever that was. And the snake. He hopes it's not that snake... But, first things first. Ms. Manners and her knives need to be put out of action. Whatever he's doing seems to be working pretty well, so he decides to keep it up. He gestures and mumbles another expletive, barely audible... but inside the jailer's head it must sound like a cannon going off...doing 7 sonic and she appears to continue to be dazed!

R3T15: Mack, what do you do?

Zoo on deck, Al (delaying) in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18.
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (16:44, Damage: 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes)
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-01, 10:38 PM
R3T15: Mack, instead of going for complex, takes a different tack as he shouts and points, "Bite the doctor. That thing! Her there! Attack!"

Now that the snake seems to get as it moves in a little to bite the doctor. She's midway through a partial crouch in her movements and it bites her in the breast for 1. It is hard to tell since she is loopy if the poison will affect her or not.

R3T14.5: Zoo lowers his head and charges the door of his cell, eager to escape. He slams into the door and cracks his skull hard for 9, causing him to reel some as the blood comes down his head.

Al is delaying ...

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T18: Brother Jomah, what do you do?

Björn on deck, tortured/badly wounded man in the hole, Aliendrei delaying (feel free to post) ...

Brother Jomah: 18.
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (11:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). DAZED til end R3T16!!!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-02, 12:26 PM
R4T18: The big man reaches through the bars and grabs the struggling Doctor, who in turn seems to reflexively shift form - albeit still held. "She" is now some type of humanoid with gray skin, a narrow head, and a sinister, noseless face. None of you know what it is, but you do see that its hands are now powerful, clawed things and she/it drops the half-shears. Oddly, though some type of shapechanger (or so it would seem), her/its clothes are still worn.

"The keys dammit! Grab her keys!" he shouts at his cellmates.

R4T17.9: Björn, what do you do?

Bloodied man on deck, doctor (currently grappled, but not longer seeming dazed) in the hole, Aliendrei delaying ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (11:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-03, 06:49 AM
R4T17.9: Björn, seeing the woman change her shape, screams and jumps back from this bizarre sight. Acting reflexively, some sort of ectoplasm comes, seemingly from nowhere and forms around his body in what appears to be plate armour. Witnessing this happening to himself causes him to jump further back and bounce into the wall in shock and yell out again.

For the "armour literate," this seems to be a highly complex, masterwork suit of half-plate. Many of the vital areas have additional thickness, and it is reticulated enough to offer protection to the joints. Once Björn has stepped back, he senses two things: first, an adrenaline boost (that's the CON bonus); and second, there is a sense that the armor is yet "unfinished" in some way, and he has a mental connection to it. Yes, he might be frightened by it, but it is filling him with boundless energy, though it does limit his mobility some.

R4T17.8: The bloodied man, flanking the grappled doctor, snatches the keys off the monster's belt and tosses the keys to Bangs' feet right there at the bars of his cell.

R4T17.5: The doctor - though now seens as a genderless grey monster than a woman - possesesses enormous strength, but she/it still can't escape Jomah's grip.

R4T17: Bangs, the keys are now at your feet. What do you do?

Akbar (currently giving the doctor the painful stare) on deck, Mack and his viper in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (11:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. 10' reach, READIED to bite!!! Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-03, 02:47 PM
R4T17: Seeing the keys drop to his feet, Bangs hurriedly grabs them and starts trying them on the lock of his cell. He manages to unlock his cell. The door is not open, but it is unlocked.

R4T16: Akbar, you are currently doing the stare-whammy on the ... whatever it is/ doctor. What do you do?

Mack and his viper on deck, Zoo in the hole, Aliendrei delaying ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (11:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-03, 04:58 PM
R4T16: The @#%$@$ is THAT?!

Looking at the creature that used to be the jailer, Akbar wonders if this place is a torture chamber...or a kitchen. Well, whatever he's doing seems to be working, so he'll keep working until that thing stops moving. Once again, the creature reels (though in this form) and it seems like it might be off-kilter again.

R4T15: Mack, unless you have a different command for your viper, it will continue to attack. What do you do?

Zoo on deck, Aliendrei (delaying) in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (5:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.
Al: 14. DELAYING!!!

2016-11-04, 09:51 PM
R4T15.5: Once again, the dog was first in action, and it somehow tinged oddly in Aliendrei's head... as if there were some odd rivalry.

As this thought creeped inside his mind, so did somehow his skin on his body. His arms slightly elongated, becoming far thinner as claws started to appear where his hands were, while his face partly turned into a muzzle as his teeth turned his mouth into a vicious jaw. At the same time, sprouts of hair appeared in some places on his body...

Once those changes ended, he started applying his newfound weapons to good use, biting and clawing at the most fragile parts of the door, but good use ends quickly as the bite against a hinge - a thick casing of metal against enamel - does 6 to Aliendrei, hurting so badly with cracked teeth (possibly two shattered) that he can't use his attack again right away. (DM will inform you when your bite is available again.)

R4T15: Mack, unless you have a different command for your viper, it will continue to attack. What do you do?

Zoo on deck (action declared and pending), Brother Jomah in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (5:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* POISONED!!! Fort DC 9 1/rd til end R8T15 or 1d2 Con; 1 save ends.
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Aliendrei: 15.5. Can't use bite again until after R6T15.5!!!
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.

2016-11-05, 01:24 PM
R4T15: Bite her some more!" shouts Mack, keeping himself safely in the back of the cell. The viper moves in and bites again for 2, though it is unknown if she suffers from poison or not. It is NOT lost to Mack's keen eyes and knowledge that the bite of the snake was incredibly powerful for its size, and it is a curious phenomenon that it should do so well.

R4T14.5: The Zoo-dog uses its massive tongue to lick up some of the blood on its face. Eager to get into the fight and escape the cell it leans its shoulder into the celldoor, hoping to force the lock, but these bars were made to hold those with the strength of ten men and they keep true.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T18: Brother Jomah, you are grappling the gray doctor. What do you do?

Björn on deck, former torture victim in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (3:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED by Brother Jomah!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Aliendrei: 15.5. Can't use bite again until after R6T15.5!!!
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.

2016-11-05, 02:01 PM
R5T18: The big man maintains his grip on the grey thing and pulls it into the bars, pinning it.

R5T17.9: Björn, the big man has successfully pinned the doctor against the bars, face/chest first. What do you do?

Torture victim on deck, doctor in the hole ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (3:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED/ PINNED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Pinned) by Brother Jomah!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Aliendrei: 15.5. Can't use bite again until after R6T15.5!!!
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.

2016-11-05, 04:04 PM
R5T17.9: Seeing an opportunity, Björn closes and drawing back one of his huge mitts he throws a punch between the bars to crunch in the strange grey creature's face for 6, causing her/it to go limp in the bearded man's grip.

R5T17.8: The former torture victim rears back with a foot and performs a coup de grace by kicking her/it in the back of the neck with a resounding crack. Its strange eyes go buggy and its head falls backwards some.

Combat Ends ...

Brother Jomah: 18. GRAPPLING!!!
Björn: 17.9.
Ben: 17.8.
Dr. Ilesi Scaen: 17.5. (3:40, Damage: 1 CON (11), 1 INT (12), 1 WIS (13)). GRAPPLED/ PINNED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Pinned) by Brother Jomah!
* Object of Akbar's hypnotic + painful stares.
Bangs: 17.
Akbar: 16.
Aliendrei: 15.5. Can't use bite again until after R6T15.5!!!
Mack: 15. Summoned viper lasts til end R11T15.
Zoo: 14.5. Large size, animalistic transformation, lunge (bestial reflexes). 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+6 for bite damage.

2016-12-06, 05:37 PM
The only thing to add about what just happened is that Zoo does suffer considerable pain from the trnasformation. He always feels pain with his magic ... "painful magic," but "considerable pain" is when it actually affects him. I rolled for the Fort save that you had forgotten (and subsequently failed).
Mack utters his words softly, but it is too soft to hear as a loud shout comes from the Captain. "GRAY!!!"

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Akbar (only), what do you do? It is 25' to one of the guards, 10' to either door (to the courtyard or the furnace room).

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20.
CG #1: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
York: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. SICKENED til end R1T10.1!!!
* Must spend MA each round to concentrate on form. Animalistic transformation with Size change: small and 60ft darkvision from the list Blank form can grant.
* 40ft land speed, scent, 1d4 bite attack, small size, and 60ft darkvision. +2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 natural armor, +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, and +4 to stealth checks.
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-07, 02:28 AM
R1T23: Akbar looks over to the commander. "We're not Grays. We're just people like you, stuck in here trying to make the best of a bad situation."

He says this like he really means it. But just in case it doesn't take, he steps over to the courtyard door and opens it. He is not yet "in" the doorway.
SA was to charm person. FA to make a 5' step. MA to open the door. No more actions to take cover in the doorway.

Also, you do not yet know the result of your charm person.
R1T22: Björn, you are just inside the furnace room with one hand holding a light-rock. Aliendrei and his fennec are in front of you in the room. You looked back when you saw green lights and saw the Zoo-shift and heard the guards. What do you do?

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20.
CG #1: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
Captain York: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. SICKENED til end R1T10.1!!!
* Must spend MA each round to concentrate on form. Animalistic transformation with Size change: small and 60ft darkvision from the list Blank form can grant.
* 40ft land speed, scent, 1d4 bite attack, small size, and 60ft darkvision. +2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 natural armor, +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, and +4 to stealth checks.
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-07, 11:23 AM
R1T22: Mack makes a point of putting combatants between himself and hostiles, then finding cover to duck behind. To best accomplish this, he pushes into the furnace room just past Björn & Al.

R1T20: Ben stands there and his form shifts. Soon, you see multiple versions of him spinning around himself and melding and splitting again. It's like everyone suddenly got drunk and there are multiple Ben's all standing in the same relative spot, but not so you can get a good bead on him. Al, Björn, and Mack don't see this (they are in the furnace room).

R1T19: The Captain shoots Zoo right in the rear haunches for 12 with his light crossbow, a function of superior accuracy! Zoo, still sporting a wound from previous, drops and instantly shifts back into his normal darker-skinned human form, unconscious and bleeding. This happens right outside the furnace room, so those guys do see this (not who shot). The Captain reloads his crossbow.
Zoo was down to 8 hit points from previous wounds. Also, because spending a spell point was not specified, it is assumed that he was going to use a MA each round to concentrate. He can't concentrate, so ...
R1T18: Ourolini (srgonzo), what do you do? No, your form cannot stabilize people bleeding out.

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
CG #1: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
Captain York: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. SICKENED til end R1T10.1!!! DYING!!!
* Must spend MA each round to concentrate on form. Animalistic transformation with Size change: small and 60ft darkvision from the list Blank form can grant.
* 40ft land speed, scent, 1d4 bite attack, small size, and 60ft darkvision. +2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 natural armor, +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, and +4 to stealth checks.
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-09, 05:50 PM
R1T18: Ourolini goes into the furnace room, following her master.

R1T15: Bangs, what do you do?

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. SICKENED til end R1T10.1!!! DYING!!!
* Must spend MA each round to concentrate on form. Animalistic transformation with Size change: small and 60ft darkvision from the list Blank form can grant.
* 40ft land speed, scent, 1d4 bite attack, small size, and 60ft darkvision. +2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 natural armor, +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, and +4 to stealth checks.
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-09, 06:45 PM
R1T15: "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Bangs yells as he moves towards Zoo, and begins administering his wounds, "Look, he's already back to his normal form, just cause he is a crazy loon that can't decide if he is a dog or a man doesn't mean you should kill him!"

Bangs successfully stabilizes Zoo.

R1T14: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1.
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-10, 10:53 PM
R1T14: Brother Jaume grabs Zoo, hefting the man over his shoulder, and carries him into the boiler room.

"Did you kill any Grays before?" presses Ben to the guards. "We did, and when they fall from their wounds don't they turn back into their waxy, faceless gray form?"

The three guards seem trained on Ben now, but don't fire, delaying for something. "Captain ...?" asks one. "What do we do?"

R1T3: Aliendrei, you and your fennec may now act (finally). What do you do?

Akbar on deck, Björn in the hole ...

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. STABLE!!!
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Fennec: 3.

2016-12-11, 10:22 PM
R1T3: Aliendrei heads back out into the hallway, and looking towards the guards he adds, "And would a Grey have taken a form so grotesque? Seriously?"

Whispering at Paneale, "And you stay close for now, they better don't take you for whatever monster lurks here."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Akbar, you are holding open the door to the courtyard, but you haven't gone out into it yet. What do you do?

Björn on deck, Mack in the hole ... (any of you may post)

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. STABLE!!!
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Paneale: 3.

2016-12-12, 12:11 AM
R2T23: Akbar steps into the doorway just far enough to shield himself. He peeks back out and shouts at the barricade, "We are NOT GRAYS. If you guys stop shooting and wait just a couple of minutes, we can go downstairs and fetch the body... or at least the head... of the one we killed, if you want some kind of proof."

R1T22: Björn, what do you do?

Mack on deck (feel free to define Ourolini's action now), Ben in the hole ...

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22.
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2).
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. STABLE!!!
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Paneale: 3.

2016-12-12, 02:00 PM
R1T21: "Oh for Pete's sake," yells Mack, "If we were Grays, wouldn't we have already started controlling your minds? I don't think any of you are wearing Zeta wave-blocking head gear, so the fact that you're not already shooting each other is just proof that we aren't them! We should be working together, man! THINK!"

R1T19: "Hold your fire!" calls the captain.

Akbar: 23.
Björn: 22. DELAYING!!!
Mack: 21.
Ben: 20. Mirror image (2). DELAYING!!!
Captain York: 19.
Ourolini: 18.
Bangs: 15.
Brother Jaume: 14.
CG #1: 12.
Zoo: 10.1. STABLE!!!
CG #2: 10.
CG #3: 8.
Al + Paneale: 3.

2016-12-18, 05:23 AM
Begin Surprise Round ...

R1T21: A tiny creature rushes forth to attack the surprised Akbar who manages to just pull his head back in time. Light comes from the creature's eyes, and his currently lit coin and an area surrounding Akbar's whole body seems to have some glow.

R1T11: An R.O.U.S. likewise rushes forth from under the boiler and bites Akbar on the ankle for 2.

R1T9: Akbar, this is what attacked you ... you have no idea what it is.
This is a surprise round, so you only have one action. There was another rat hiding under the boiler that hadn't gone yet. What do you do?

Zoo: 26. Charged!
Brother Jaume: 22.
Zoog: 21.
Mack: 19.
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2).
Ourolini: 14.
Al: 12.
Dire Rat #1: 11. Charged!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7.

2016-12-19, 03:51 AM
S1T9: Akbar jumps back from the creatures, holds out one hand and sends a spray of dazzling sparks in their direction and causing the mole-rat and the big rat to slump to the ground, seemingly asleep. "HEY! BAD THINGS ATTACKING IN HERE!"

S1T7: Too far under the boiler at the time to be in the cone, the second rat charges and misses Akbar, smacking its jaw on a pipe and hurting its mouth.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T26: Zoo, you are not in an alternate form and you are badly wounded and you do not have a vantage on whatever is happening. Do you delay or rush in where angels fear to tread?

Brother Jaume on deck, Mack in the hole ...

Zoo: 26.
Brother Jaume: 22.
Zoog: 21. Unconscious from color spray til end R3T9!!!
Mack: 19.
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2).
Ourolini: 14.
Al: 12.
Dire Rat #1: 11. Unconscious from color spray til end R4T9!!!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7. Charged. Can't bite again until R7.

2016-12-19, 06:44 PM
R1T26: Zoo stays low as he changes his form. The familiar smoke appears and emits a badger the size of a human child. Its awkward long neck marks it as unnatural. The badger-beast tenses, ready to strike should it be attacked. To Zoo's pleasant surprise, by investing a significant portion of magic into the change he is given 1 healing as his body naturally tries to fill in and cover where there was damage. Still, it is plain to see that this badger has a nasty wound.

R1T22: Brother Jaume, you are right next to Zoo (it makes sense since you would have put the wounded man next to you), and you don't see Akbar's kerfuffle. You do, however, see a riot of colorful light around the corner. What do you do?

Mack on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Zoo: 26.
* Animalistic Transformation, Size Shift: small, and Bestial Reflexes: Lunge. Lasts til end R11T26.
Brother Jaume: 22.
Zoog: 21. Unconscious from color spray til end R3T9!!!
Mack: 19.
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2).
Ourolini: 14.
Al: 12.
Dire Rat #1: 11. Unconscious from color spray til end R4T9!!!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7. Charged. Can't bite again until R7.

2016-12-26, 05:52 AM
Brother Jaume and Mack delay ...

R1T18: Seeing the strange hostile rodents, Bangs begins manipulating the energy of the earth like in his dream and conjures a needle of earth before sending it flying towards the R.O.U.S. (not the mole-rat), missing it because of its small size and the fact that Bangs is trying to not hit Akbar or anyone else.

R1T16: Björn, you would have to either used a ranged attack or dedicate to a double move to come around the other side or the equipment to get to the rat-things. What do you do?

Ben on deck, Ourolini in the hole, Brother Jaume and Mack delaying ...

Zoo: 26.
* Animalistic Transformation, Size Shift: small, and Bestial Reflexes: Lunge. Lasts til end R11T26.
Brother Jaume: 22.
Zoog: 21. Unconscious from color spray til end R3T9!!!
Mack: 19.
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2).
Ourolini: 14.
Al: 12.
Dire Rat #1: 11. Unconscious from color spray til end R4T9!!!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7. Charged. Can't bite again until R7.

2016-12-26, 07:49 AM
R1T16: Björn spends the round coming around from the opposite side and now threatens the fallen rat and mole-rat (both at his feet) and the conscious rat. He flanks with Akbar against that conscious rat.

Ben and Ourolini delay ... Aliendrei, likewise, has nowhere to go and delays ...

R1T9: Akbar, you are flanking the one waking R.O.U.S. with Björn. The unconscious rat is at this rat's feet, and the mole-rat is out of reach (also unconscious) at Björn's feet. What do you do?

The lone R.O.U.S. that is conscious (and threatening Ak-Bj) on deck, Zoo in the hole, Brother Jaume, Mack (and Ourolini), Ben, and Al delay ...

Zoo: 26.
* Animalistic Transformation, Size Shift: small, and Bestial Reflexes: Lunge. Lasts til end R11T26.
Brother Jaume: 22. DELAYING!!!
Zoog: 21. Unconscious from color spray til end R3T9!!!
Mack: 19. DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2). DELAYING!!!
Ourolini: 14. DELAYING!!!
Al: 12. DELAYING!!!
Dire Rat #1: 11. Unconscious from color spray til end R4T9!!!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7. Charged. Can't bite again until R7.

2016-12-27, 06:01 AM
R1T9: Akbar gives the rat a creepy stare. He then concentrates defensively, licks of flame forming around his right hand and he then shoots flame at the rat but it is too small and the flame gutters on the stone floor.

R1T7: The rat, seeming to have injured its mouth previously, turns to escape under the boiler, but not before Björn gives a powerful two-handed stroke with his longsword to kill the thing.

Zoo: 26.
* Animalistic Transformation, Size Shift: small, and Bestial Reflexes: Lunge. Lasts til end R11T26.
Brother Jaume: 22. DELAYING!!!
Zoog: 21. Unconscious from color spray til end R3T9!!!
Mack: 19. DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 18.
Björn: 16.
Ben: 15. Mirror image (2). DELAYING!!!
Ourolini: 14. DELAYING!!!
Al: 12. DELAYING!!!
Dire Rat #1: 11. Unconscious from color spray til end R4T9!!!
Akbar: 9. Will contract filth fever in 1 day!!!
Dire Rat #2: 7. Charged. Can't bite again until R7.

2016-12-30, 05:14 AM
Akbar, Wielder of Light, enters with Björn, Amnesiac Reader of Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Normally, it would be a fissure in a wall in a building that shows signs of structural distress. Akbar doesn't know about such things but it seems innocent enough. Björn, on the other hand, is suddenly flooded with memories of easily more than a hundred books of a genre dealing with magic and/ or technology, or even quaint villages hiding elder evils and warning bells go off in his mind. This sudden remembrance is rewarded by a memory of ... was a it a mentor, he can't remember, but it is of a disturbingly NON-human person with a bulbous head and huge, watery eyes on the side of his head - and yet wearing some type of a uniform, and this military (?) person from Björn's memory says in a gluttery-watery voice, "It's a trap!"

Sure enough, zooming forth out of the crack are two terrifying creepy crawlies that get right up to the two men before any warning could be made. The room is 10' x 10', difficult terrain, and with these things now in there the room is full.

Begin Round One (only the four primaries this round) ...

R1T25: Owing to Akbar's twitchy nature, he goes first. Because of the size of the room (he is next to Bj, and the monsters are on opposing facing), he can't quite use a cone-attack. Akbar is at a total loss as to what these monsters are, and they are each the length of a man.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1G4pRUsVcLI/TrdRvXpWh6I/AAAAAAAAANo/xQuk77Ef-dI/s1600/HouseCentipede.jpeghttp://www.mzephotos.com/wallpapers/insects/house-centipede-frontal-1280x1024.jpgAkbar, what do you do? They earned their "surprise round" by taking a move to get to both of you, meaning they are not flat-footed even though you have initiative first on this round.

Akbar: 25.
GC1: 23.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15.
Zoo: 14.
Al: 14.
Ben: 13.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2016-12-30, 10:24 AM
R1T25: "More bad things in here!" Akbar calls out. He scowls at the nearest big bug and lashes out wildly with his cane.

R1T23: Akbar's Bug bites at him with a quick motion but the sorcerer's magic protects him.

R1T11: Björn's Bug attacks the Big Dane even more impressively, but is even more stymied by the ectoplasmic armor that he wears.

R1T6: Björn, you are facing down one of these nasty creatures (and another to your FL [forward-left]) with Akbar to your immediate left. Unless you provoke AOOs to leave the room entirely, there is nowhere to go, not that you necessarily would, as you are finding that this armor that formed around you is DAMNED impressive in holding these things off. What do you do?

Akbar: 25. Painful stare at GC1.
GC1: 23.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15.
Zoo: 14.
Al: 14.
Ben: 13.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2016-12-30, 03:15 PM
R1T6: Björn brings his arm up to block the thing as it attacks and suddenly remembers he is holding a sword. So, he instead goes for the gusto and moves it at the thing. Seemingly, muscle memory kicks in and what he thinks is a wild swing changes to a practiced - but ultimately ineffective - maneuver.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 (and others) ...

R1T25: Akbar, you are putting a painful stare on your Critter. What do you do?

Akbar: 25. Painful stare at GC1.
GC1: 23.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15.
Zoo: 14.
Al: 14.
Ben: 13.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2017-01-01, 01:00 AM
R1T25: Akbar retreats through the door and sends after the monster in front of him, missing.

R1T23: The monster scuttles forth a few feet (next to Björn, and cutting off any retreat) to stand in front of Akbar (inside the room, at the doorway). The monster scores a critical on Akbar's head, its mandibles clacking in on both sides of his temples for 9, and with a light wound Akbar had before he is really unsteady now. He only just barely fights off the numbing sensation he feels from what is some type of venom.

R1T21: Brother Jaume, you can step up to Akbar's side and attack this hideous monster. It has cover from you (and you from it) because you are to the side of the doorway attacking inwards if you attack. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, Mack in the hole ... the hallways is 10' wide, so in this case it is 10' "deep" and will allow a second line behind Akbar in case of any ranged attacks.

Akbar: 25. Painful stare at GC1.
GC1: 23.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15.
Zoo: 14.
Al: 14.
Ben: 13.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2017-01-01, 08:44 PM
R1T21: Brother Jaume steps up to Akbar (south side) and unleashes a flurry of blows on the offending insect critter. His first blow is enough to disable the monster, but his second strike splatters it.

R1T18: Disgust fills Bangs as he sees that the creatures they have encountered so far merely get more and more disturbing. First murderous bipedal shapeshifters, then tentacled rodentia, and now insectoids with far, far too many legs. Luckily, Bangs has the next best thing to a thick weighty boot in this situation, high velocity rocks. But it is a terrible shot and it hits Björn in the chest with solid force, but the man's strange armor is very powerful and keeps him from injury.

R1T15: Mack, what do you do? Feel free to define Ourolini's action as well.

Zoo on deck, Al in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. Painful stare at GC1.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15.
Zoo: 14.
Al: 14.
Ben: 13.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2017-01-05, 07:42 AM
R1T15: Mack delays ...

R1T14: Seeing that the others are handling the fight well enough, Zoo stays back and out of the way. He readies himself to pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.

R1T13: Aliendrei, what do you do? There is now space to get into the room to help Björn with what you know to be an oversized version of a common house centipede.Their venom is a paralytic.
Mack is currently delaying ...

Akbar: 25. Painful stare at GC1.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12.
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2017-01-07, 12:55 AM
R1T13: Taping into his primal power, Aliendrei steps in the fight as his mouth extend into a vicious maw full of teeth, quickly adapting to the potential venom of the creature. "Watch the bites, it's poisonous..."

R1T11: The lonely monster-pede presses its attack (badly) against Björn.

R1T6: Björn, what do you do?

Ourolini on deck, Akbar on in the hole, Ben & Mack delaying ...

Akbar: 25.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12. DELAYING!!!
GC2: 11.
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5.

2017-01-07, 10:29 AM
R1T6: Not knowing what else to do, Björn swings again with a solid hit for 6!

Ourolini delays ...

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Akbar, your painful stare on the last centipede ended because it was dropped. One badly wounded 'pede left. What do you do?

Brother Jaume on deck, Bangs in the hole, Mack (+O) and Ben delaying ...

Akbar: 25.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12. DELAYING!!!
GC2: 11. (3:9).
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5. DELAYING!!!

2017-01-08, 06:04 PM
R2T25: Akbar steps back and sends another streak of flame at the remaining centipede, but he is too nervous about hitting a friend and misses.

R2T21: "Erastil guide me and strengthen my swing." With a spoken prayer Brother Jaume moves up and takes a two-handed swing at his many legged foe, but finds it quicker than he expected.

R2T18: Bangs, what do you do?

Mack (+O) and Ben delaying, Zoo on deck (and readied for an action), Al in the hole ...

Akbar: 25.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12. DELAYING!!!
GC2: 11. (3:9).
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5. DELAYING!!!

2017-01-08, 08:02 PM
R2T18: "Oh uhh, sorry..." Bangs mutters embarrassed that his shot careened so far off target as to hit Björn in the chest, luckily Björn's armor was sturdy, otherwise...

Shaking off his indecision, Bangs tries firing off another needle of rock at the centipedes, but being more mindful of hitting his friends now his aim is poor and he misses.

R2T13: Al, what do you do? You are threatening the centipede.

Mack/O and Ben delaying, centipede on deck, Björn in the hole ...

Akbar: 25.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12. DELAYING!!!
GC2: 11. (3:9).
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5. DELAYING!!!

2017-01-09, 01:00 PM
R2T13: Dashing from behind his shield, Aliendrei throws a bite at the myriapod, his teeth barely scraping off of its many plates.

R2T11: The centipede bites at Brother Jaume, but has to spend too much attention to defend itself against three attackers to really do much good.

R2T6: Björn, what do you do?

Akbar on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole, Mack/O & Ben delaying, Zoo w/ readied action ...

Akbar: 25.
Brother Jaume: 21.
Bangs: 18.
Mack: 15. DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 14. READIED: Pull any wounded allies away from the fight should they fall.
Al: 13.
Ben: 12. DELAYING!!!
GC2: 11. (3:9).
Björn: 6.
Ourolini: 5. DELAYING!!!

2017-01-10, 08:47 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Zoo, my assumption is that you are in little doggy form still (via concentration)? You are right next to the prone Gray. What do you do?

Zoo: 22. Small size, doggy form.
Bangs: 21.
Al: 20.
Ourolini: 19.
Ben: 15.
Björn: 14.
Brother Jaume: 12.
Doctor Latchke: 11.
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-12, 03:39 PM
R1T22: Zoo hops back and gives a little dog yipe that becomes a much deeper growl. His form twists and the green smoke surrounds him again and the area around him. Now in his large dog combat form (which in its growth included its mass pushing into the space where it was), Zoo takes a bite out of gray, cracking its spine on a crit to do 21 damage + 2 DEX damage, and it is only because of the cracked spine that Zoo-Hound grabs the Gray.

R1T21: Bangs, what do you do?

Zoo: 22. Grabbing Latchke!!!
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Bangs: 21.
Al: 20.
Ourolini: 19.
Ben: 15.
Björn: 14.
Brother Jaume: 12.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (23:44, 11:13 DEX). Grabbed by Latchke!!!
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-13, 04:21 PM
Not certain enough of his aim to risk firing into the grapple between Zoo and the Grey, Bangs holds back, but checks his surroundings for more Greys. If this was meant as an ambush, attempting to do so against a group as large as theirs alone is foolhardy.

R1T20: Al stands near the grappled bodies, ready to jump in if the grey were to stand back up.

R1T19: Ourolini has its wits about it and delays for orders from Mack.

R1T15: Ben unsnaps the holster holding his whip and seems to have it readied for something.

R1T14: Björn, what do you do?

Zoo: 22. Grabbing Latchke!!!
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Bangs: 21. DELAYING!!!
Al: 20. READIED to attack Gray if it stands up!!!
Ourolini: 19. DELAYING!!!
Ben: 15. READIED to trip Gray if it gets free and on its feet!!!
Björn: 14.
Brother Jaume: 12.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (23:44, 11:13 DEX). Grabbed by Latchke!!!
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-14, 02:02 PM
R1T14: As it appears she is grappled, Björn doesn't want to accidentally hit the wrong beast, so he holds.

R1T12: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

Zoo: 22. Grabbing Latchke!!!
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Bangs: 21. DELAYING!!!
Al: 20. READIED to attack Gray if it stands up!!!
Ourolini: 19. DELAYING!!!
Ben: 15. READIED to trip Gray if it gets free and on its feet!!!
Björn: 14. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 12.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (23:44, 11:13 DEX). Grabbed by Latchke!!!
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-14, 04:53 PM
R1T12: Brother Jaume steps up to the Gray, realizing that a simple five feet is a little more difficult with the rubble in the room. Pivoting his hips as he spins his heavy oak quarterstaff into a two handed grip, he swings powerfully at the creature's head and it bonks, but does no damage. In trying to do nonlethal damage, Brother Jaume sacrificed a lot of accuracy.Difficult terrain, so you moved 5', but that was equivalent to a 10' move (MA, not FA).

Also, to do nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon - such as a quarterstaff - you take a -4 penalty to your attack roll.
R1T11: The Gray, possessing surprisingly long, powerful claws, tries to shred at his captor but ends up flailing wildly, instead.

R1T10: Akbar, you are 10' away (a fine place of safety considering the proven physical power of these things and those larger-than-expected claws). What do you do?

Mack on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Zoo: 22. Grabbing Latchke!!!
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Bangs: 21. DELAYING!!!
Al: 20. READIED to attack Gray if it stands up!!!
Ourolini: 19. DELAYING!!!
Ben: 15. READIED to trip Gray if it gets free and on its feet!!!
Björn: 14. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 12. PA.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (23:44; 11:13 DEX). Grabbed by Latchke!!!
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-15, 08:19 PM
R1T10: Akbar decides not to join in the scrum on the floor. Instead he keeps his back to a wall and watches for more enemies.

R1T8: Mack, what do you do? Ourolini is currently delaying?

Zoo on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole, Bangs/ Björn are delaying, Al/ Ben have readied actions ...

Zoo: 22. Grabbing Latchke!!!
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Bangs: 21. DELAYING!!!
Al: 20. READIED to attack Gray if it stands up!!!
Ourolini: 19. DELAYING!!!
Ben: 15. READIED to trip Gray if it gets free and on its feet!!!
Björn: 14. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 12. PA.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (23:44; 11:13 DEX). Grabbed by Latchke!!!
Akbar: 10.
Mack: 8.

2017-01-17, 07:16 PM
Things seemingly well in hand, Mack and Ourolini delay ...

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Since Zoo can't really be selective about what parts of the Gray to bite as he holds it in his mouth, he tries to keep the hold and shake his prey back and forth vigorously, but the Gray is out of his bite and on the ground now.

R2T21.8-.5: Mack says something to Ourolini and Ourolini moves forward and bites the Gray in the crotch for a humiliating 9. The Gray's bulbous eyes narrow in pure hatred at the reptile.

R2T12: Brother Jaume, the thing is on the deck in front of you. What do you do?

Bangs and Björn were both delaying and may go at any time. Al and Ben have readied actions. Gray on deck (literally), Akbar in the hole ...

Zoo: 22.
* Animalistic transformation (scent), size change: large, and grab from tentacles on the bite.
Mack: 21 8.
Ourolini: 21.5.
Bangs: 21. DELAYING!!!
Al: 20. READIED to attack Gray if it stands up!!!
Ben: 15. READIED to trip Gray if it gets free and on its feet!!!
Björn: 14. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 12. PA.
Doctor Latchke: 11. (14:44; 11:13 DEX). Can only attack Ourolini. Will DC 20 save at the beginning of each round to end this effect. PRONE!!!
Akbar: 10.

2017-01-31, 04:55 AM
R1T20: As fast as Björn fired the crystal, another extrudes forth slightly. This time, he hits the ghoul in the left shoulder for 2.

R1T19: Bangs, what do you do?

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19.
Ghoul: 16.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12.
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ourolini: 5.
Al: 4.

2017-01-31, 05:46 AM
R1T19: Uncomfortable with the wiggling worm of doubt the ghoul represents, Bangs wholeheartedly agrees with it's disposal from afar and moves near Björn for a clear line of fire. Concentrating on some of the smaller stones amidst the rubble, Bangs gathers them together into a solid mass of rock before hurling the stone at the Ghoul with his will, smacking it severally for 9.

R1T16: The ghoul goes forth down the south, pushing the half-eaten corpse along with it, and gets to the man in yellow. The ghoul stands behind the helpless, wild-eyed man and says, "Try another, and this flesh bag bleeds out." To illustrate his point, he has his claws at the man's neck, ready to rip out his throat if the group tries anything.

The man, confused and frightened, whimpers, "Praise."

R1T14: Zoo, you are 20' from the ghoul, in difficult terrain. The ghoul has an obvious readied action to kill this man, and the man is so battered and wounded it looks like he could be one-and-done if you try anything.First, this is a readied action, but don't come at this like a gamer-math problem of whether or not the ghoul can do enough damage and whether the man has enough of a Constitution for a store of negative hit points so that by the time someone can stabilize-blah-blah-blah .... a helpless man has claws around his throat, threatening to slash open all manner of blood-and-air-carrying passages faster than any speed the party possesses.

Two, the ghoul seems as terrified of the group as the man in yellow is genuinely terrified ... and that's a lot. Don't try to metagame mechanical implications, because Zoo doesn't know from undead anyway (not that he remembers). Just work on that knowledge.

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19.
Ghoul: 16. (9:20).
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12.
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4.

2017-02-02, 01:34 PM
R1T14: Shifting back to his human form, Zoo holds up his hands as nonthreateningly as he can. "Whoa, let's all calm down here. This 'creature' is obviously a prisoner like us. Nobody has to die here, and this ghoul isn't on our to do list for Winters."

R1T12: Mack delays ...

R1T11: Brother Jaume?

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19.
Ghoul: 16. (9:20).
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12.
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4.

2017-02-02, 11:42 PM
R1T11: Grasping his holy symbol tightly in his fist, a flushed Brother Jaume shouts at the ghoul. "BEGONE, foul creature! Your presence is an affront to the living and to my God. Go! Soil this place with your evil no longer!"

A golden radiance burst from Brother Jaume similar to his healing burst, and crashes into the ghoul and everyone within 30'. The ghoul seems to handle the burn, which in the end only does 1 PE (positive energy) to it.

R1T10: It didn't expect that attack (though it did resist it), and it was weak. The ghoul's face turns to rage and it gives a rasping, hissing shout. Instead, it cuts the man's throat with its claw, blood burbling, and spraying out as the man gurgles.

R1T5: With a look between itself and Mack, the quadrupedal eidolon rushes in an arc to come at the ghoul from the side and snap at it with a bite.

R1T4: Al (and Paneale), you are 15' from the ghoul. What do you?

Björn on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ghoul: 16. (8:20). 10.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4.

2017-02-03, 06:10 PM
R1T4: Teeth and claws bared, Aliendrei dashes toward the ghoul, going low and biting the thing in its left shin and calf for 8 - taking out a sizable amount of flesh.

"Jaume, do whatever you can to save him!"
You just bit into necrotic flesh, roll a Fort save.

You also not only bit into flesh (hey, it's a bite!), but something that doesn't seem, taste, or feel like you'd expect from flesh. It's terrible, disgusting, horrific, and possibly damning. Roll a Sanity check (Will save).
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T20: Björn, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ghoul: 16. (1:20). 10.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4. Charged.

2017-02-04, 11:50 AM
Despite the flesh he bit into, Aliendrei does a rip-and-spit to keep it from lasting long in his mouth, being sure to swallow nothing. As horrible a concept as it is to bite such a creature, Al recognizes that Olheon provides Aliendrei with teeth like a weaponsmith provides a holy warrior with a sword, and that using one's gifts to overcome evil should never be discomfiting to the righteous.

R2T20: Foregoing his previous statement in a kind of 'do as I say, not as I do' moment, Björn closes for an attack with his sword. It is such a botched attempt that when he misses, the sword goes well past and catches him under the left ear and the neck for 4 + 1 bleed.You will suffer 1 bleed at the beginning of each round until that wound is tended to in some fashion.
R2T19: Bangs, what do you do?

Zoo on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole, Mack delaying ...

Björn: 20. 1 Bleed/ rd, Heal DC 20 to stop bleeding.
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ghoul: 16. (1:20). 10.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4. Charged.

2017-02-04, 02:02 PM
R2T19: Grimacing as Jaume's bluster causes the ghoul to make good on his threat, Bangs curses and says, "Jaume, healing burst now!"

Focusing on the dying man, Bangs reaches out to join him into the collective, trying to see if there is any spark of life left. To do this, he releases Mack (the least involved member of the group) from the collective and then includes the unconscious man.

R2T14: Zoo?

Björn: 20. 1 Bleed/ rd, Heal DC 20 to stop bleeding.
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ghoul: 16. (1:20). 10.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4. Charged.

2017-02-05, 01:25 PM
R2T14: After a few colorful comments in french, Zoo says "I'm sorry about this!" and transforms once again into the Big Dog form and closes on the ghoul.

R2T11: Brother Jaume lets loose with a healing burst (5), and then closes right in front of the unconscious man whose bleeding he stopped. Björn, likewise, is fully healed.

R2T10: The ghoul cannot possibly stand much more. Its hideous face grows all the worse as it becomes a mask of seething rage. Instead of attacking an attacker, the vile thing seeks to cause at least one death before it is destroyed. It tears into his fellow chained prisoner with teeth and claws and by the time he is done, there is no doubt that the man is dead.
A curious thing. When this man dies, you are energized! You gain 4 temporary PPs as there is something intoxicating of the pain and anguish of a life extinguished.
R2T5: Ourolini's jaws snap on the ghoul's neck, breaking it to an odd angle.

Combat Ends ...

Björn: 20.
Bangs: 19. 4 temporary PPs disappear at end of R6T10.
Zoo: 14.
Mack: 12.
Brother Jaume: 11.
Ourolini: 5.
Al (& Fennec): 4.

2017-04-03, 11:49 PM
Begin Round 1 ...

R1T20: A throwing axe from Amiri bounces off of the bodiless head and clatters to the other side of the pile.

R1T18: Akbar, what do you do? A head floating a few inches from where it was attached to the skull. You can't see the hands from where you are (only Flair from his vantage near the top of the pile).
I am not drawing a map for this combat, only truly terrible rolls could get the party to a point where you would need that in this fight.

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9.
Beheaded: 8.
Crawling Claw #1: 7.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3.

2017-04-05, 01:57 AM
R1T18: "Really?! For serious? That's how it's going to be?" Akbar makes a disgusted face at the disembodied head before sending a streak of flame its wa to blast it in the face and make it deanimate and drop onto the rubble pile, bouncing horrifically down to the ground at Akbar's feet and staring up at him with lifeless (and truly dead) eyes.

Before I forget ... everybody roll a Sanity check vs. a DC of 11. A save = no damage, fail = 1 SAN damage.
R1T13: Meanwhile, Sandra ... you hear scrabbling on the stone above. You were one of the very strong backs so you only need to make 10' worth of movement (5' up and forward) to see what is up there by flair, or 20' worth of movement (10' total travel) to be adjacent to "it/ they." What do you do?

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9.
Crawling Claw #1: 7.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3.

DESTROYED: Beheaded.

2017-04-06, 02:54 AM
Akbar stares into the dead eyes of the bodiless head and is a little disturbed by its milky gaze. Likewise, Bangs - a proponent of life - is slightly thrown by the scene.

R1T13: Curious, but prudent nonetheless, Sandra catches her allies' attention, pointing toward the ceiling top of the rubble pile near the ceiling - signifying that there is something there.

That done, she nears herself from the noise, planning to throw an eye, her hand ready to unsheat her weapon. [DM says: Wut. And Interpreting...]
Sandra steps further up the pile - now by Flair and with her greatsword unsheathed. There, she sees the half-buried corpse without a head ... or hands. She does, however, see animated hands!These are crawling hands - a type of undead creature that at first seems no different than an animated body part, and yet crawling hands possess a rudimentary, bestial intellect .... which in and of itself makes them far smarter than zombies or skeletons.
R1T12: Bangs, you don't see the hands, but were disturbed by the now "dead" head. What do you do?

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9.
Crawling Claw #1: 7.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3.

DESTROYED: Beheaded.

2017-04-09, 09:28 PM
R1T12: Worried by what else might rear it's ugly head, Bangs takes a moment to gather up stone and dust, applying it as a protective layer to his own skin. Feeling slightly safer, Bangs moves up the pile and forward to stand by Sandra. He sees the awful, skittering hands there.

R1T9: Zoo, what do you do? If you want to see whatever the others (Flair, Sandra, Bangs) are looking at, you would have to get to large size since they are blocking the way partially (and vertically). Well, you could be any size, but Large size if you want to engage with .... whatever.

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18. Slip Bonds trick implanted in self.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9.
Crawling Claw #1: 7.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3.

DESTROYED: Beheaded.

2017-04-13, 09:47 AM
R1T9: Curious about the scuffle taking place above him, Zoo disappears in a cloud of green smoke. The large dog-creature that is in his place cranes its neck to get a better vantage point. Its powerful legs tense beneath it. He sees the same creepy hands ...

R1T7: ... one of which launches itself at Flair's throat, but is swiftly struck down and destroyed by Sandra.

R1T6: Flair, one of these hand-things remains. What do you do?
You recognize that it is a "crawling hand" .... a type of undead (and all that entails). Once a crawling hand has gotten a bit of an enemy's blood, they are good at marking their quarry and tracking them. Despite their size, they are effective at grappling, and are particularly good at strangling their victims.

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18. Slip Bonds trick implanted in self.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9. Animalistic transformation, size change: large, and bestial reflexes for leaping attack.
Crawling Claw #1: 7.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3.

DESTROYED: Beheaded. Crawling Claw

2017-04-16, 11:08 PM
R1T6: Flair, who was already standing atop the pile and adjacent to the body (why the other hand tried to get him), lets loose with several flying fists, one of which hits the corpse-hand for 7.

R1T3: This one likewise launches at Flair and gets past his wall of fists to slam him in the throat for 2. Flair just manages to throw it off him so it doesn't grab him by the throat, but the brawler can tell on an instinctual level that this hand has a "feel" for Flair's gullet and would love to try again.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T20: Amiri really can't get up there so delays ...

R2T18: Akbar, you have no target that you can see. What do you do?

Sandra (up there with Flair) on deck (and can post), Zoo in the hole (likewise, feel free to post).

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18. Slip Bonds trick implanted in self.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9. Animalistic transformation, size change: large, and bestial reflexes for leaping attack.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3. (5:12).

DESTROYED: Beheaded. Crawling Claw

2017-04-17, 09:43 PM
R2T18: Akbar decides not to join the scrum at the rubble pile and watches for any other threats.

R2T13: Sandra, what do you do?

I was wrong, Bangs is now on deck, and Zoo is only now in the hole (sorry) ...

Amiri: 20.
Akbar: 18. Slip Bonds trick implanted in self. Readied action to fire ray any seen threats.
Sandra: 13.
Bangs: 12.
Zoo: 9. Animalistic transformation, size change: large, and bestial reflexes for leaping attack.
Flair: 6.
Crawling Claw #2: 3. (5:12).

DESTROYED: Beheaded. Crawling Claw

2017-04-24, 10:41 PM
Several workbenches lie crushed beneath the rubble of this room’s collapsed ceiling.

S14: Flair opens up the door to find a "tribal" ready for him. Its jaws snap at him and Flair just manages to put up a defensive block.

Begin Round One ...

R1T21: A ghoul (G3) to the north does a double move to scramble around the rubble pile to get into position.

R1T15: A third ghoul (G1) circles around and bites at Sandra.

R1T14: The ghoul that was readied for Flair (G2) lets loose with a full attack on Flair. It gnaws on his armor, and its two claws miss entirely. In fact, the third claw is so wild a miss that it tore a muscle; then again, being dead, it is entirely nonplussed by this.

R1T11: Akbar glares at the ghoul that has just attacked Flair and then vocalizes a spell, gestures and shouts with no sound but great verve. Still, the ghoul shakes its head as if someone shouted painfully in its ear.

R1T9: Flair, you just got wildly attacked by an ambush and amazingly, the Tribal failed entirely. Still, you have this terrifying view of what could've happened had it succeeded on hitting and paralyzing you on the first strike. What do you do?

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20).
G2: 14. (19:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9.
Zoo: 8. Small dog form.
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5.

2017-04-26, 01:17 AM
R1T9: Flair attempts a spinning heel kick to the closest tribal (which it blocks) before he tries to get some distance from the foul thing. In doing so, though, a claw from each ghoul there lashes out at him. His primary scores a hit for 3 just below the rib cage, and the other gets him in the upper chest for 6.

Flair, roll two Fort saves ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20). AOO used.
G2: 14. (19:20). AOO used.
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9.
Zoo: 8. Small dog form.
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5.

2017-04-26, 02:58 AM
Before Flair can so much as make a full step to clear datum, the two claws expose the man's weakness as he stands physically transfixed and rooted to the spot. Too, through Flair's active mind stuck in a helpless body, he had a premonition a second ago of a terrible death at their hands ... and it might yet come true. :eek:

R1T8: Zoo, you are currently in small dog form. Flair is paralyzed. What do you do?

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20). AOO used.
G2: 14. (19:20). AOO used.
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARAYLYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Small dog form.
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5.

2017-04-28, 10:08 PM
R1T8: In a whirl of green smoke and light the small dog disappears and is replaced with a slightly larger dog with large muscled arms sprouting from its shoulders. Seeing Flair attacked, it snarls at the tribal and drags the downed man back before moving to occupy where Flair was previously.

R1T7: Bangs, what do you do? Flair is now safely off the front lines and blocked from harm by Zoo and Sandra. G2 is clear to you, and G1 has cover.

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20). AOO used.
G2: 14. (19:20). AOO used.
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARAYLYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves.
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5.

2017-05-02, 02:53 AM
R1T7-6: Seeing how a mere scratch could down Flair, Bangs focuses on the well of power in him and draws it through the rocky crust covering his skin before sending it out and 'grafting' the defensive properties onto his allies in the front row. Hopefully, Sandra and Zoo can stand up to the paralytic effect of these creatures. In a sudden possible loss of control, while those two allies are protected, still there is an excess of rock spray that hits G2 for 8. :smallconfused:

R1T5: Sandra, what do you do?

Ghouls on deck and in the hole ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20). AOO used.
G2: 14. (11:20). AOO used.
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARAYLYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).

2017-05-03, 01:10 AM
R1T5: Closing to the front lines, Sandra utters some words as she nearly punches the fallen Flair as his wounds quickly close, as burned by brass flames: "With the help of Ragathiel, you will not fall!" She clenchs her teeth right after.

Flair feels what is probably the most powerful wash of healing he has ever felt before, easily bringing him up to full health! Since no one else in the party is wounded, the excess healing energy Bangs senses dissipates as it normally would. Mind you, being healed of wounds does nothing for the paralysis which still plagues Flair.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: G3 attacks Sandra. Even though it has to deal with cover, a claw does manage to strike her across the back of the head (she is looking back to Flair, right?) for 6 mod - about as powerful a blow as it could give without a lucky shut by severing an artery or something, and yet still its claws are diminished by the earthy covering she currently enjoys, courtesy of Bangs.

Sandra, roll a Fort save here in IC.

G1 on deck, G2 in the hole ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20).
G2: 14. (11:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARAYLYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).

2017-05-03, 12:30 PM
Sandra suddenly stops stock still, even so much as not rolling with the strike to her face as much as she should have. She is paralyzed. :eek:

R2T15: G1 now tries to eviscerate the heroic, hidebound harlot, but not before ...

Zoo, you have a chance to save Sandra's life! G1 is attempting a coup de grace on Sandra. What do you do?

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20).
G2: 14. (11:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback). PARALYZED til beginning R6T21!!!

2017-05-03, 10:58 PM
Sandra is eviscerated, her innards falling to the outer in a horrible abdominal wound. Because it is not a mental paralysis (like hold person), her paralysis is actually maintained, so now her standing corpse is a possible obstruction to friend and foe alike. Oddly enough, the minimal rock protection on her simply falls away to the ground. Everyone feels a presence leave them ... while most of you might think in terms of the spiritual, actually it is more pseudo-scientific than that.
You gain 2 temporary power points. This is not a "fluff as you like." You are a SADIST. You are finding an intoxicating, stimulating pleasure from the death of the party's life-infused warder..... roll a SAN check!
R2T14: G2 goes full throttle against Zoo now. Amazingly despite Zoo's relatively terrible (current) defenses, it misses or is blocked at each attack.

R2T11: Akbar, what do you do?

Flair is paralyzed, Zoo on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G1: 15. (20:20).
G2: 14. (11:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7. Gained 2 TPP which will disappear R6T15 if not used.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5. DEAD!!! PARALYZED til beginning R6T21!!!

2017-05-04, 11:10 PM
R2T11: Akbar shouts silently at the ghoul who has just attacked Sandra.

R2T8: Zoo howls at the ghouls. Claws extend from his strangely human hands as he steps into Sandra's space and becomes a whirlwind of teeth and nails. Both claws dig into the ghoul for a total of 12. With both hooves, Zoo does just enough to destroy the ghoul.

R2T7: Bangs, you are riding high on TPPs right now (temporary power points). What do you do?

Amiri on deck, G3 in the hole ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G2: 14. (11:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7. Gained 2 TPP which will disappear R6T15 if not used.
Amiri: 6.
Sandra: 5. DEAD!!! PARALYZED til beginning R6T21!!!


2017-05-05, 12:15 AM
R2T7: The death of Sandra and subsequent rush of emotions and what Bangs can only describe as pure unbridled LIFEFORCE which both takes his breath away and sends tingling electric shocks down his spine as she takes her last breath is... distracting... to say the least of an event that felt like a small explosion of dopamine set off in his brain. It's certainly the last thing he needs as he himself is still in danger of meeting the same fate, and Bangs doubts his own death would leave him quite so... empowered afterward.

Even more unfortunate is that his current rush of power and confidence has very little outlet that would see his foes dead. So, holding on to as much of the power that even now attempts to slip from his grasp as he can, Bangs makes use of the nearby rubble pile to deal with the killers, sending a sizable chunk flying at G2, but it skips off the doorjamb, losing power as it does so, and bounces harmlessly off of his target.

R2T6: Amiri, a simple creature, transmutes her fears to anger and with a shout launches forth at G2, but it dodges her clumsy swing.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: G3 moves up a little to have a better chance of getting at Zoo. A claw nails Zoo in the elbow of one of his odd arms but the rock covering provided by Bangs soaks it all up. Another claw scores across Zoo's side, but this time for 4 mod.

Zoo, make a Fort save ...

G2 on deck, and it will likely attempt a coup de grace if Zoo is paralyzed; Akbar in the hole ...

G3: 21. (20:20).
G2: 14. (11:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7. Gained 2 TPP which will disappear R6T15 if not used.
Amiri: 6.


2017-05-05, 06:43 PM
R3T21: .... aaaaaaand now Zoo is paralyzed.

R3T14: Sure enough, G2 attempts a coup de grace on the paralyzed pup. Fotunately, though, the raging Amiri drops the ghoul outright with a 25 damage, raging power strike.

R3T11: Akbar, what do you do? Only one ghoul remains.

G3: 21. (20:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback).
Bangs: 7. Gained 2 TPP which will disappear R6T15 if not used.
Amiri: 6. Raging, PA!


2017-05-06, 10:59 AM
R3T11: Akbar casts a spell and silently shouts at the ghoul again. Up until now, Akbar has been guessing based on reactions how badly he may or may not be hurting the ghouls. But this as the third pass, Akbar is slowly becoming convinced that he is doing nothing useful ... that for some reason his spell is having no effect on tribals.

Flair is still paralyzed ... yet still precisely placed as a pedestrian by the polymorphing pooch, who in turn is paralyzed.

R3T6: Amiri devastates the last goblin.

Combat Ends ....

G3: 21. (20:20).
Akbar: 11.
Flair: 9. PARALYZED til end R6T9!!!
Zoo: 8. Medium dog w/ Extra Arms (one set from shoulders) and hooves. DR 2/ - til end R21T7 (biofeedback). PARALYZED!!!
Bangs: 7. Gained 2 TPP which will disappear R6T15 if not used.
Amiri: 6. Raging, PA!


2017-06-14, 06:00 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T21: ...

Amiri: 21.
Bangs: 20.
G3: 19.
Flair: 18.
G2: 14. (20:20).
Zoo: 10.
Akbar: 8.
Maeni: 7.
G1: 6. (20:20).

2017-06-17, 02:44 AM
The door is open even as Flair is talking with the others. As noted before, and particularly overdriving for Zoo, the reek of sweat and rot mingles here. Multiple tables and chairs have been shattered and rebuilt into cages along the east wall (including the southern corner by the single door exit you tried to get in before), while a crate and an upended bed fitted with harnesses stand against the north.

Surprise Round ...

As Flair opens the door, two Tribals are there ready for them, surprising everybody.

S19: The one in front of Flair (G1) bites his left elbow for 5.
S16: G2 tries to claw at Amiri, but it jams its finger (not that it feels the pain).
S9: Another ghoul to the north that you don't quite see at first moves to the upright bed where a barely living survivor is chained. The tribal looks like he is threatening you with the prisoner's death!

Flair, roll a Fort save vs. paralysis ...

Begin Round One ...

R1T24: Akbar, Flair just got bitten and (is fine/ is paralyzed, depending on the Fort roll above). You don't see (hear, or otherwise perceive) the other ghoul or the chained survivor. Just these two yokels. What do you do?

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19.
Maeni: 19.
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16.
Zoo: 15.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.
Amiri: 5.

2017-06-18, 12:42 AM
R1T24: "Look out!" Akbar cries as he takes a step back, concentrates, and speaks the words to shield himself as he briefly holds a piece of cured leather.

R1T19: Amiri's opponent goes all out on her. It breaks a tooth on her sword she uses to reflexively block with, but it feels no pain and continues. It likewise fails to connect with its claws.

R1T18: Maeni, what do you do?

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19.
Maeni: 18.
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16.
Zoo: 15.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.
Amiri: 5.

2017-06-21, 04:24 AM
R1T18: Realizing she can't move into and squeeze with Bangs (and fire a fire arc), Maeni simply pulls back 10' to no longer be threatened. She moves her hands about and after taking a small pat of butter out of her pouch she casts a spell and intones a spell, and the two tribals at the door slip and fall to the ground.

R1T17: Flair, what do you do? Both ghouls in front of you slipped and fell down. A 10-foot-square area (the area bounded by the yellow dots) now has a slick-looking surface.

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19. PRONE!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. PRONE!!!
Zoo: 15.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.
Amiri: 5.

2017-06-22, 01:08 AM
R1T17: Flair throws a menacing glare and says "Drop it, you [xxxx xxx xxx]" (the last few words of that sentence being a vile invective in Infernal). He then stomps the ghoul on the ground in front of him before stepping aside. He didn't hit hard enough to do damage, but hopefully it was an impressive-enough display.

R1T16: The ghoul that Flair attempted to curb-stomp (G1) carefully stands without any interference, but doesn't fully stand. Rather, he bites Amiri in her left foot with a crit for 14! Amiri then stands stock still (paralyzed!). The ghoul continues with his claws. His first claw is so wild, he nearly slips on the greasy floor. The other claw scrapes against her neck for 4.

R1T15: Zoo, you are currently in large dog form (Lunge [Bestial Reflexes]). You can reach either of the two ghouls, but you cannot move adjacent to them (see map). Amiri is currently paralyzed. What do you do?

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19. PRONE!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. PRONE!!!
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), concentration.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-24, 02:28 AM
R1T15: Zoo freezes in place for a moment with his fangs bared before launching forward to snap at the ghoul that attacked Amiri. It's only fair, seeing as she did the same for Zoo last time. The speed of the attack is enough to get through the tribal's defenses as it takes 11 from the crushing bite.

R1T10: Bangs, what do you do?

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19. (20:20). PRONE!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20).
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.(20:20).
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-24, 03:15 AM
R1T10: Seeing Amiri freeze up, Bangs curses his inability to alleviate whatever means these creatures use to paralyze their victims and pulls Amiri away from the front line.

R1T9: "LEAVE! Or I'll bite out his throat!" the tribal in the room (G3) yells, indicating his badly-treated prisoner that is chained to the upright bed-rack.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: Akbar, what do you do?

G2 on deck (literally), Maeni in the hole ...

Akbar: 24.
G2: 19. (20:20). PRONE!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20).
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.(20:20). READIED to bite Ilki's finger off to show he means business!!!
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-26, 12:09 AM
R2T24: Akbar calls out to the unseen enemy in what he hopes is his most commanding voice, "Be careful. You wouldn't want to do something that you can't take back."

R2T19: G2 ... still prone ... delays ...

R2T18: Maeni, what do you do?

Flair on deck, G1 in the hole ... Akbar and G2 delaying, G3 readied to slaughter the prisoner (apparently) ...

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
G2: 19. (20:20). DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20).
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.(20:20). READIED to bite Ilki's finger off to show he means business!!!
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-27, 01:46 AM
R2T18: Maeni, as the other apparently suspended their fight, starts talking in the language everyone seems to know, and yet with a strange syntax, "We do not agree on a lot of things, but hear that : taking hostage won't help you. If you kill him now, you will die soon afterward, ans if we move without him, what will you do with him ? Consider that : leave the prisoner go free, stop fighting, and we won't hurt you."

R2T17: Flair steps back in front of the doorway so that the hostage-taker can see him (and vice-versa). He raises his empty hands in a symbol of nonviolence. "The lady's right; there's plenty to eat elsewhere and this morsel isn't worth it. If you take that door," he says, gesturing with his head to the door at the southern end of the room, "there will be an outside door not 30 feet away. Take it and we'll forget we saw you and you'll be free to get a bite to eat somewhere else."

His maneuver had a secondary purpose, though: If things went south, he wanted to be in position to deal with it, and he didn't have a clear line of attack from his previous position.Also from your position, Flair catches just barely from where he is standing that there is a crate to the northwest that lurches occasionally, suggesting something is trapped inside.

Also, you didn't specify a target, so you are readied to attack G1 in case hostilities apparently resume.
R2T19: G1 looks at Flair menacingly, but does not attack ...

R2T15: Zoo, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, G3 in the hole ... Bangs, be sure to note your intended action or delay of action as well, please.

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
G2: 19. (20:20). DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17. READIED to attack in case ghouls want to fight their way out!!!
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20). DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.(20:20). READIED to bite Ilki's finger off to show he means business!!!
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-27, 08:52 PM
R2T15: Zoo tenses and gives a warning growl, but otherwise does not attack.

R2T10: Bangs, what do you do?

G3 on deck, Amiri (paralyzed) in the hole ... Akbar, G2, G1 delaying ... Flair and Zoo have readied actions.

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
G2: 19. (20:20). DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17. READIED to attack in case ghouls want to fight their way out!!!
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20). DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes. READIED to bite G1 or G2 if they try to attack (IA to use Pugnacious for reach).
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9.(20:20). READIED to bite Ilki's finger off to show he means business!!!
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-27, 10:48 PM
R2T10: Grimacing at the severe wound on Amiri, Bangs takes the temporary stalemate as a chance to patch up his allies. He reaches out for Amiri's mind, if she minds she can complain when she isn't injured. Bangs easily gets through her weak mind to connect her to the collective. Flair's metabolism goes into hyper-drive to fully heal him, and Amiri heals 1.
Good call. It used to be there before the GMWM '17. It's there again on your spells sheet immediately under the class name on the right hand column. Yes, if you haven't done anything else for the day, you are assumed to be psionically focused. It would be a part of your morning routine for your psionic meditations. It's there now, though the short-column now says "N" because as of this action you are no longer psionically focused.
Though Amiri's tiny healing isn't noticed, Flair's recovery most certainly is. G1 calls out, "Yaroslava, this fella' in the funny boots just healed everything we gave him!"

R2T9: G3 bites off one of the poor prisoner's fingers. The wretch screams in pain as that ghoul calls out, "I mean business. Leave us ... NOW!"

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T18: Maeni, what do you do?

Delayers delaying, Flair on deck, Zoo in the hole (neither of their ready-triggers have occurred) ...

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
G2: 19. (20:20). DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17. READIED to attack in case ghouls want to fight their way out!!!
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20). DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes. READIED to bite G1 or G2 if they try to attack (IA to use Pugnacious for reach).
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9. (20:20).
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-06-30, 04:38 AM
R3T18: As the others talk, kinda going against her attempt, Maeni adds, "Then free him, and we will leave you in peace. We won't let you keep a prisoner if you take care of them that way."

R3T17: Almost over top of Maeni, Flair shook his head, "Then kill him. But once you do, it'll be too late. I will chase you down and break every bone in your body. I will smash your skull in until your brains are splattered on the floor. and your friends here won't be able to stop me. I mean, you just saw me heal. I'm up for spending a real long time dealing with you." He then turns his wrists to be in a more combative stance. "So what's it gonna be?"

R3T15: Zoo lets out a much louder growl as if agreeing with Flair's sentiment.

R3T10: Bangs, what do you do?

G3 (the one the speakers seem to be waiting on for reaction/ action) on deck, Amiri (paralyzed) in the hole ... Akbar and G1/G2 delaying ...

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
G2: 19. (20:20). DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
G1: 16. (9:20). DELAYING!!!
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10.
G3: 9. (20:20).
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!

2017-07-01, 02:37 AM
R3T10: Seeing a continued delay in fighting, Bangs takes the chance to connect the prisoner to the collective. Perhaps, even if it is unlikely, Bangs could heal the man allowing him to fight against his captor, or he could save him should the creature attempt to carry out it's threat. Though... a darker part of Bangs mind is preparing for the creature to make good on it's threats, releasing that euphoric thrill of power that accompanies death... to aid his allies in avenging him, of course. Sure enough, the man's addled mind is easy to add to the collective.

R3T9: "I warned you," says the ghoul inside, unfazed by the mixed messages the party sends. He performs a coup de grace by ripping out the man's throat and killing him. "Kill them!"
You gain 1 temporary PP. Roll a SAN check.
R3T8: G2, who was delaying, tries to conduct a coup de grace on Amiri, but Flair valiantly tries to stop that with a palm strike to the face. But that palm strike gets deflected and the tribal munches on her throat, doing 13. Only by the grace of her patron does she manage to just keep standing.
R3T7: G1 manages to step out of the greased area, and bites Amiri for 3 (not a coup de grace).

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T18: Maeni, what do you do?

Akbar, you have been delaying, do you do anything? Flair on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Akbar: 24. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9.
G3: 9. (20:20).
G2: 8. (20:20).
G1: 7. (9:20).
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes!!!

2017-07-01, 10:57 PM
R4T18: Eyes icy with hatred, Maeni shouts while waving her hands, "The price for that is death!"

She intones her spell and a small bead of green glowing energy misses her target G1.

R4T17: Flair groaned as the third ghoul made the wrong choice. He wasn't a guardsman sworn to uphold the law, or a paladin on a holy quest to slay every ghoul possible. He really would have let them go. But Numbnuts was too busy thinking with his stomach and his balls to take the wise course of action, and it was going to cost him and his pals everything.

Flair kicked the one still in the room between the eyes (4), slamming his heel into the other ghoul's temple (not hard enough). He then lets his momentum take him north a bit so he now stands a few feet away from them. He also realizes he is standing on a slick floor.Your fluff attack sequence was reversed of what you defined as attacks 1 and 2, so I used the fluff to define the "targets," and your spoiler defined how well you did against that chosen opponent.
R4T15: Zoo looses an unearthly howl, as claws sprout from his forepaws. He tears into the nearby ghoul with tooth and destroys it in a single bite. He then moves forward a little and with his claws one strikes true for 7.

R4T14: Akbar glares at the ghoul and without a clear shot he casts a spell of high-frequency sonics that only the ghoul can hear (1).Remember to roll your 1d6 when you cause damage to an opponent that is the subject of your painful stare. Unfortunately, I rolled '2' for you for a total 3, and it saved so still only 1 damage.
R4T10: Bangs, what do you do?

Ghouls on deck and in the hole ...

Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Akbar: 14.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9.
G3: 9. (20:20).
G2: 8. (8:20).
Amiri: 5. PARALYZED thru R5T16!!!
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes as soon as ghouls start winning.

2017-07-02, 03:53 AM
R4T10: Seeing the enemies being pushed back, Bangs gathers energy into his hands all the dust and loose stone around them starts being drawn towards Bangs colliding together into a mass before him. "Almost... ready... Firing!" Bangs warns his allies before launching the sphere of stone at the one who killed the prisoner ... and missing.
It is up to you how you RP the fact that on some level the man's death - and feeding off it in an almost calculated manner - affects you. It is only a loss of 1 SAN, but still a drop in an ever-filling bucket. Very possibly, you don't even recognize any effect. Up to you.
R4T9: G3 moves down and slips onto the ground as soon as he falls. He goes to get up, but Zoo is right there with a bite that "barely" nips the tribal's right elbow for min (7). It is that one's first wound, however, and he gets to his feet.

R4T8: Unfortunately, at nearly the same time as Zoo is reacting to the fallen ghoul, the other one uses the opening to try once again to end Amiri, biting deep into her chest and cracking ribs. Her chest cavity practically explodes. Her massive sword clangs on the ground as G2 retracts triumphantly from his bite, and Amiri flops to the ground and her presence is no longer felt in the collective.You get another 1 temporary PP from Amiri's definitive death. However, you were prepared for this, and your "profit" from this wasn't a function of calculation but of the same type of horror when Sandra was killed yesterday And let's face it, you are starting to become ... desensitized.
End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T18: Maeni, what do you do?

Flair on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Akbar: 14.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9. 1 temporary PP will last until R8T8.
G3: 9. (13:20).
G2: 8. (8:20).
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes as soon as ghouls start winning.

2017-07-04, 07:58 PM
R5T18: Maeni keeps throwing around lightning sparkles, unable to unleash her more destructive power.

R5T17: Flair screams in fury and terror; it didn't have to be this way. If they had just been smart and left, all of this could have been avoided. But now Amiri was dead and Flair had lost all semblance of being collected. He howled in indignation as he slammed his fists into the leader (with only one hitting hard enough for 2).
No, just cover ... not partial cover.
R5T15: Zoo attacks Amiri's killer with a vengeance, destroying it with a bite. Another claw on what was ostensibly the leader hits for 5. This last ghoul is barely standing now.

R5T14: Akbar, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, G3 in the hole ...

Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Akbar: 14.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9. 1 temporary PP will last until R8T8.
G3: 9. (6:20).
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes as soon as ghouls start winning.

2017-07-05, 11:30 PM
R5T14: Akbar casts a spell and shouts noiselessly at the remaining enemy one last time (1 sonic).

R5T10: Bangs, what do you do?

G3 on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Akbar: 14.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9. 1 temporary PP will last until R8T8.
G3: 9. (5:20).
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes as soon as ghouls start winning.

2017-07-06, 12:31 AM
R5T10: With only one enemy remaining, Bangs sends out another stone, looking to crush the last resistance left in their foe. Despite the incredible difficulty of the shot, it is enough to smash the ghoul in the head and drop him.

Combat Ends ...

Maeni: 18. Grease lasts for 2 minutes!
Flair: 17.
* Flair has developed GHOUL FEVER, which will affect him beginning tomorrow!!!! :smalleek:
Zoo: 15. Big Dog Form (Lunge/ Bestial Reflexes), will last 2 minutes.
Akbar: 14.
Bangs: 10. 1 temporary PP will last until end R7T9. 1 temporary PP will last until R8T8.
G3: 9. (5:20).
End of Round 3 ... Esipil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/sahkil/sahkil-esipil/) escapes as soon as ghouls start winning.

2017-07-11, 11:21 PM
Bangs and Flair open the door on Flair's signal, with the group set as Flair recommended (though Meanie might mumble a bit about burnt eyebrows, and perhaps right fully so). Inside, cracked, river-green tiles cover the walls and floors of this communal shower in wavering patterns. Dry metal spouts jut from several walls, overlooking grates in the tile floor. A sizable portion of the floor drops into a shallow pool, filled with something other than water: a vile stew of corpses and blood. The smell of rot and copper fills the air in this room. Three alcoves, providing minimal privacy, run along the south wall. In the center, a simple chair has been transformed into a gruesome throne covered with draped viscera and gnawed bones.

Surprise Round ...

S20: No sooner does the door open, revealing the scene described, then everyone's senses are assaulted by the deepest smell of the rot of death. It is enough to distract most of the group. Despite every ounce of everyone's intuition saying, "Surely there is something in here that wants to kill us!" ... yet again these bastard tribals, for that is who accost you, are damn stealthy. The Boo! factor is strong with them, and only Flair and Zoo find themselves truly "ready." Meanwhile, Maeni is a bit overwhelmed by the smell, feeling queasy and more than a little off as a one-handed tribal (K) with a necklace of a rotting hand rushes Zoo, biting deep into his shoulder for 5.

S18: Zoo, this is a surprise round, so you only have a single action available. This one-handed ghoul that bit you just came out of a charge, so is slightly off-balance. What do you do?

Klades: 20. Stealth 20. Charged!
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
G2: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G1: 6.

2017-07-12, 10:32 PM
S18: Zoo, having few options at the moment, compares bites with the tribal, munching on his left shoulder - the same relative spot as the wound he received himself - for 8.

S17: Flair, what do you do?

Klades: 20. (16:24). Charged!
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17.
G2: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G1: 6.

2017-07-12, 11:23 PM
S17: Dammit, Flair thought. We were supposed to get the drop on them! Still, he quickly sidestepped behind the charging ghoul and kicks low, but clumsily.

S16: A ghoul steps out of its hiding place from the side, now flanking Flair. The human hears this though and ducks in time.

S6: Another tribal is already there (perhaps its shadow clued Flair in?) and also bites but Flair swats his jaw to the side in time.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T20: The one with one hand - who seems like a leader despite having only one hand - turns to face Flair. He goes low just as Flair did to avoid the other, and sinks his teeth deep into Flair's intercostals with a critical for that does 9 (max) and leaves Flair breathless.

Flair, you are fatigued from the crit. Roll a saving throw vs. paralysis before the leader's claw attack.This might just be the tribal leader overall, not just of this small trio. That horrendous smell that seems to unsettle Maeni ... his greater strength and speed ... your mind calls forth stories of ghouls who are stronger versions, known as "ghasts," and they are truly terrifying creatures to behold! :eek:

Klades: 20. (16:24). Charged!
Bangs: 19.
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17.
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-13, 01:52 AM
R1T20 (Cont'd): The brutal hit, so perfectly placed, in the muscles of the torso and the lungs, stops Flair in his tracks.

"Leave him!" snarls the leader,

"But, Klade-" starts another to interrupt.

"He's got a surprise coming. Musta' been one o' our kin, but we have ta 'replenish our numbers. Now take down that dog!"

The other two tribals seem to get a knowing, evil glint in their eyes. :smallfrown:

"Klade" takes a step to the side to smile at a meek man behind the door, slashing Bangs in the groin with his claw for 5.

Bangs, roll a Fort save vs. paralysis.

R1T16: G1 steps up to Zoo and bites at him.

R1T15: Maeni, the leader's smell of carrion is so bad that it is turning your stomach and making it hard to concentrate. What do you do?
This is the sickened condition, so adjust any rolls you make as appropriate.

Klades: 20. (16:24).
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-15, 04:57 AM
R1T15: Stepping back several feet to ensure a clean shot, Maeni finally opens her mouth. "Burn!"

A line of fire spreads from her open mouth, passing pretty close to the dog, and missing by a few centimeters the paralyzed man, to finally engulf the surprised, one-handed monster for 9 fire.

R1T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Klades: 20. (7:24).
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-20, 02:48 AM
R1T12: Akbar moves to line up a clear shot and the sends a streak of flame at the enemy leader. Klades is not to be surprised by fire a second time, though, and he dodges out of the way.

R1T9: Bangs, what do you do?

Klades: 20. (7:24).
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-20, 03:27 AM
R1T9: Diving away from the enemies, Bangs attempts to distance himself. He easily pulls away from one of the tribals, and only just ducks out of the way of Klade's gluttonous bite! Now clear, Bangs sends a rock back that way, missing wildly.

R1T6: The last tribal pushes past the paralyzed pugilist to place himself before the polymorphing pooch. He bites deeply into Zoo's other shoulder for 7.

Zoo, roll me a Fort save vs. paralysis.

Klades on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Klades: 20. (7:24).
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-26, 06:55 AM
Zoo, having thrice seen the worst of what being paralyzed by a tribal can do, rallies to avoid becoming a modern art installation.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T20: Klade snarls when he sees that Zoo was "only" wounded by his ally's bite. He gives a hissing laugh to Bangs. "Oh, I'm still coming for you ... after this one."

Klade's bite misses wildly, and his claw fares little better.

R2T18: Zoo, what do you do?

G1 on deck, Maeni (sickened) in the hole ...

Klades: 20. (7:24).
Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16.
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6.

2017-07-26, 11:18 AM
R2T18: Zoo bristles at the threat made toward Bangs and lashes out with his own claws and bite at Klade. The tribal leader manages to knock away the jaws because that's what he expects. But he doesn't know how to deal with the unusual weapons Zoo is outfitted withal, and a single claw ends his reign even as another claw tears into G2 for 11.

R2T16: G1, seeing his leader go down, is now filled with hatred and tears into Zoo with full fury. He gets bit for 5, clawed for 2, and clawed for 5. At the end of that salvo, Zoo is a bleeding mess that is barely standing on his four legs ... and might yet be paralyzed!

Zoo, roll three Fort saves vs. paralaysis!

R2T15: Maeni, what do you do? (Zoo may or may not be paralyzed, depending on when you update.)

Akbar on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (20:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (9:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-07-29, 01:06 AM
R2T15: As Zoo stands bleeding, Maeni nears herself and lays a hand on him, whispering words of well-being. "You better stay alive," she says, infusing Zoo with 8, leaving him still heavily wounded but much better off.

R2T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Bangs on deck (action listed above), G2 in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (20:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (9:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-07-30, 07:56 PM
R2T12: Akbar sends some ill will at G2. It seems to have an effect, but again not quite as much as Akbar had hoped.

R2T9: Bangs, what do you do?

G2 on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (20:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-07-30, 11:44 PM
R2T9: Frightened by the creature's threat, Bangs heaves a sigh of relief as Zoo makes the creatures threats empty. However, Bangs is shocked by the severe wounds Zoo takes as a result, mustering that pool of energy within him, Bangs reaches out to buffer Zoo's lifeforce as he shouts, "Don't you dare die on me you furball!"

R2T6: G2 attacks, just managing to get Zoo with a claw for 7 (max), and yet while Zoo feels the pain and it stings, his wounds don't get any worse.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T18: Zoo, before anything else ....
Roll a Fort save vs. DC 13 or be paralyzed. It's alright to roll in OOC, but ID what the roll is. That way, if you make the save, you won't have to double-post in IC. Otherwise, it is your turn ...
G1 on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor for 3 temporary hit points for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (20:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-07-31, 07:30 AM
R3T18: Zoo, thankful for the healing, attacks again in full force. He noms on G1 with a bite, which serves best as a means to hold him briefly for a powerful blow from a claw for 10, and then only scraping with the next claw.

R3T16: G1 counters with a bite that removes the last of the excess Bangs had given Zoo. He misses wildly with his right claw, and fares little better with his next.

R3T15: Maeni, Zoo is an awful bloody mess (still and again) [and possibly paralyzed]. What do you do?

Akbar on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor for 3 temporary hit points for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (10:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-08-06, 10:07 AM
R3T15: Laying hands on Zoo again and casting a spell to give him 5, Maeni then pulls back to be sure to have some timeto see the ghoul coming.

"Stay alive just a little more..."

R3T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, G2 in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor for 3 temporary hit points for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (10:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-08-07, 01:18 AM
R3T12: Akbar tries to finish off Zoo's target with the same spell he has been using, and again the ghoul - though beaten down badly thus far - seems to be little affected by this.

R3T9: Bangs, what do you do?

G2 on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor for 3 temporary hit points for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (9:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-08-08, 02:13 AM
R3T9: Grunting that his protection was torn down so readily, Bangs once more applies a buffer on their melee combatant.

R3T6: And not a minute too soon, as G2 begins his (likely final) assault. He bites Zoo for 3, and scores a claw for 5. Again, though significantly wounded to begin with, none of these wounds really seem to do anything "more" to Zoo ... beyond force his body to fight for itself against paralysis.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T18: Zoo's powerful canine form fights against the unnatural power of the tribal's bite and claws.Roll two Fort saves vs. DC 13 or be paralyzed.Zoo, what do you do?

G1 on deck, Maeni (sickened) in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor (see sheet) for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
G1: 16. (9:20).
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast).

2017-08-10, 02:59 AM
R4T18: Zoo wearily continues his assault as his body gives out, the healing magics of his allies the only thing holding him together. Proof of this is as seen with two clumsy claw attacks, but Zoo does manage to focus for a final bite that ends G1!

R4T15: Maeni, only G2 remains. You are still sickened. What do you do?

Akbar on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor (see sheet) for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (7:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast). G1.

2017-08-11, 12:40 AM
R4T15: Her mouth smothering again, Maeni quickly steps between the wall and Zoo, makes a side step, then turns to face the ghoul just in time to vomit flame again.

"Oopsy!" Maeni taunts as the tribal manages to dodge but still takes 3 fire.

R4T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, G2 in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor (see sheet) for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (4:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast). G1.

2017-08-11, 03:35 PM
R4T12: Seeing that his spells are having little effect, Akbar tries a more direct solution against the last remaining enemy. Zoo's bulk is just too much for Akbar and his fire ray misses.The problem is that the -4 for shooting into melee does NOT account for the cover that Zoo is providing. Shooting into melee with an enemy who has cover is a -8 penalty.
R4T9: Bangs, what do you do?

G2 on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Zoo: 18. Vigor (see sheet) for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (4:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast). G1.

2017-08-11, 11:59 PM
R4T9: Moving forward next to Maeni, Bangs uses his connection with Earth to fling rubble at the remaining foe. He sends it to hard so when it misses, it ricochets back and Bangs and Maeni both hear it whizzing by their ear.

R4T6: G2, his unliving body badly devastated, is now free to unload on Zoo.

Zoo: 18. Vigor (see sheet) for 2 minutes.
* Physical Enhancement (+2 Str, +2 Dex), Big Dog Form, Bestial Reflexes (Lunge).
Flair: 17. PARALYZED til end R6T20!!!
* Contracted GHOUL FEVER which will show tomorrow!!!
Maeni: 15. SICKENED 5 minutes!!!
Akbar: 12.
Bangs: 9.
G2: 6. (4:20).

DEAD: Klades (Ghast). G1.

2017-08-23, 03:23 AM
It's like a professional K-9 CQB unit in here ...
The bestial musk is not something Zoo recognizes, and it is everywhere, however, the source begins to become a little more pronounced as Zoo leads Corbin north along the west side of the library.

Suddenly and without warning, Corbin and Zoo are surrounded and mobbed by hundreds of rats! Its like they materialized out of thin air rather than rushed in from under the bookshelves or something. :eek: Corbin takes 6, and Zoo takes 3.

Corbin and Zoo, I need both of you to each roll a Fort save ...

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Akbar ... rats! What do you do?

Akbar: 25.
Corbin: 23.
Flair: 19.
Summoned Rat Swarm
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Ratling #3: 6. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Bangs: 5.

2017-08-23, 09:15 PM
Zoo is nauseated (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Nauseated), Corbin is fine.

R1T25: Upon hearing the commotion, Akbar edges into the room and then sends a streak of flame into one side of the swarm, trying not to hit his allies. The confusion of the combat is still enough to throw off Akbar's aim.
R1T23: Corbin, you have rats all around you. What do you do?

Flair on deck (feel free to post) ...

Akbar: 25.
Corbin: 23.
Flair: 19.
Summoned Rat Swarm: (27:27).
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Ratling #3: 6. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Bangs: 5.

2017-08-24, 04:41 AM
R1T23: "Caaaaw, what the hell!"In a moment of alarm, Corbin drops his crossbow and starts thrashing and biting at the horde of freshly materialized rats that are scurrying all over him! (To his credit, he manages to do a total of 10 to the swarm).

R1T19: Flair runs next to Akbar and drops to one knee. It was going to be difficult hitting these things without hitting his allies, so he focused on his aim.

R1T18.5: The rats begin another set of biting (Corbin takes 2, Zoo takes 3).

Corbin, roll a Fort save vs. DC 12 or be distracted.Because nausea is such a bone in combat, it's one of those things I usually have a player roll. If you guys are fine with me rolling distraction saves, I'll do it for you to save time. Otherwise, I will keep pausing a bit to allow the player to roll for his own PC.
R1T15: Zoo, you are nauseated for this round. What do you do?

Maeni on deck (and may post) ...

Akbar: 25.
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Summoned Rat Swarm: 18.5 (23:27).
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Ratling #3: 6. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner.
* Used: invisibility (1)
Bangs: 5.

2017-08-25, 02:51 AM
Corbin barely manages to keep his wits about him as he is practically swim-fighting in a sea of rats.

R1T15: Zoo, losing his focus in the swarm, falls back to collect himself (and succeeds, now no longer nauseated).

R1T14: Smoldering once more, Maeni steps in front of Akbar and unleashes a stream of fire as her hands turn into coppery scale-covered-claws.

"Come over here if you dare!" Her voice is still distorted by the fire, and her eyes glims for an instant with an odd yellow-green light as she sends a wash of flame over the western flank of rats. It is a dramatic enough light that the rats do well in ducking, but the damage is still 4 fire to the mass.

R1T12.1: Rats suddenly fill the area where Maeni, Akbar, and Flair stand. They take 3, 4, and 3 (respectively).

Akbar, Maeni, Flair ... I need Fort saves from all of you (vs. DC 12, or nausea).

R1T5: Bangs, what do you do?

Akbar on deck, Corbin in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Summoned Rat Swarm #1: 18.5 (13:27).
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Ratling #3: 6. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner. DELAYING!!!
* Used: invisibility (1)
Bangs: 5.

2017-08-25, 09:57 PM
Maeni is freaking out right now in the sea of rats, but Flair and Akbar are able to keep it together.

R1T5: Stepping forward to the doorway, Bangs gathers stone from the always present rubble of these ruins and sends it flying at the nearest swarm of rats, but shredding several books on the far book shelf while really dinging up the corner of a nearby table. "Where do they keep coming from?" he shouts while looking about to avoid getting himself swarmed.

R1T4: Yet another large swath of rats appears, this time underneath Bangs!

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Akbar, what do you do?

Corbin on deck, Flair in the hole ...

Bangs, roll a Fort save vs. DC 12 or be distracted (nauseated) ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Summoned Rat Swarm #1: 18.5 (13:27).
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. NAUSEATED next round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 4.5.
Ratling #3: 4. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-08-26, 11:22 PM
R2T25: Akbar turns to face away from his companions, shouts a word and gestures at the thickest clump of rats. Dazzling lights, like a dozen flashbulbs (whatever those are) going off at once, blind that part of the swarm. He rushes through the temporary gap and starts toward the doors, but he halts when he sees the rats are in that room as well.

R2T23: Corbin, your crossbow is on the ground and you have been going full natural attacks on the rats ... with surprising success. What do you do?

Flair on deck, first rat swarm (Corbin's) in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Summoned Rat Swarm #1: 18.5 (13:27). Corbin .
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. NAUSEATED next round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. STUNNED and BLINDED til beginning of R3T25!!! Then blinded another round.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 4.5.
Ratling #3: 4. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-08-27, 04:50 PM
R2T23: Corbin continues biting and clawing at the swarm, both claws doing a total 8. He barely missed a neck sprain with the bite, though.
Thank the gods it was a Ref-based save (21 total)![

Also the bookcases reach a height of 8', and the ceiling height is 10' at the bookcases, and 12' above the main floor. So if you went onto the shelves you would have to crawl. Also, there are three rolling ladders on tracks on each side. On each side ... one is at the bottom west corner, one at the top, and one in the middle.
R2T19: Flair twists out of the way, and begins to try stomping a mudhole on the rats, but fails.

R2T18.5: Corbin gets nibbled on for 2. Corbin, roll a Fort save vs. 12 or be distracted.

R2T15: Zoo, what do you do?

Maeni (nauseated) on deck, SW rat swarm in the hole, Bangs behind that (Bangs can update if he'd like) ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Summoned Rat Swarm #1: 18.5 (5:27). Corbin.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. NAUSEATED next round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. STUNNED and BLINDED til beginning of R3T25!!! Then blinded another round.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 4.5.
Ratling #3: 4. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-08-29, 01:49 AM
R2T15: Zoo lets loose on the swarm next to him with a flurry of hooves, claws, and teeth. It only takes a single bite for the entire swarm to disappear from sight, with no bodies left behind as evidence. Zoo steps forwrd to meet Corbin.

R2T14: Freaking out from the swarms, Maeni moves north several feet to be closer to the two Rat Swarm Assassins - dog and bird both.
Yes, but the balance here is they are not "retractable," so if you want to do anything requiring precision or dexterity an interaction with an object, they need to be released - free action. This does NOT include spellcasting with somatic components, but does include spellcasting fumbling around with material components. Note that your divine focus (holy symbol of Desna) does not impact spellcasting with your claws out. Arcanist spells with any M/F component do, as do any oracle spells that might require some other component you have to get out and mess with.

Yes, with nausea you only had the move action available. Opening datum is a fine action. Also, even though the game effect is mechanically "nausea," you aren't actually nauseaous. It's freaking out because the little bastards are everywhere. Now, of course, maybe your RP your revulsion instinct high so it is nausea, but the baseline for distraction is just that ... distracted, not ill.
R2T12.5: Though Akbar got only one corner of the swarm, the overall confusion and seemingly "drunken look" of the rats throws the rest of the rats in disarray as they do nothing and seem to be all scatter-brained.

R2T5: Bangs, what do you do?

Rat swarm outside the library on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. NAUSEATED next round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. STUNNED and BLINDED til beginning of R3T25!!! Then blinded another round.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 4.5.
Ratling #3: 4. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SW corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-08-29, 02:51 AM
R2T5: Kicking off the rats gnawing at his ankles, Bangs steps into the library and slams the doors shut.
Brilliant idea. Love it, but it takes a move action per door (even if visually it is done simultaneously).
R2T4.5-.0: The rats can be heard on the other side of the door, squeaking and scratching angrily. Then, the noises on the other side of the door suddenly stop. Bangs then gets hint in the head from above by a book (3 mod, not a lot of force, but it hit just right). Looking up at the bottom corner bookshelf to the west, Bangs sees a creature looking down at him that is ratlike in appearance, if it weren't for the tiny human hands it has in lieu of paws, and the unnervingly human face with a toothy mouth.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: Akbar, you saw Bangs get pelted from above, but from your angle you can't see what hit Bangs with the book. (You'd have to back up some...) What do you do?

Corbin on deck, Flair in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow on ground.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. STUNNED and BLINDED til beginning of R3T25!!! Then blinded another round.
Ratling #2: 12. Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #3: 4. Invisible. SW bookshelf.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-08-30, 12:41 AM
R3T25: Akbar moves back to get a clear view... when he sees the creature on the bookshelf he channels his rage and disgust into a silent scream (6 sonic).

R3T23: "What the hell is that?!" Spotting the freak of nature, Corbin collects his crossbow and steps out of the swarm (even though it no longer exists there, he still "feels" the rats crawling all over him), and he lets a shot fly to to hit the thing (barely) for 9.

R3T19: Flair continues his stomping assault on the rats. His first attack is so bad it frustrates him. That only makes things worse as he is just simply wild, and then pinches a nerve in his hip from bad form!
Frustration = -4 to all attack rolls for 1 full round (including next round). No recovery but time.
Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 3 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
* Since it isn't damage, a healer (as in Heal skill, not hp-application or any other quick-bandaid fix) would have to tend to that.
R3T18: Another one of these things appears right above Maeni as she gets hit in the head for 1. Even now that Flair can see one of these horrible creatures, he has no idea what it is.

R3T15: Zoo, you don't know what these two things are, and their size and their size is such that they have improved cover from anyone adjacent, and normal cover against ranged or reach weapons. Though in dog form, you are right next to a ladder ("L") going up to the bookshelf. What do you do?

Maeni on deck, tweaked out rats in the hole...
These are "ratlings," tiny magical beasts with rat-like powers, and a bite that is razor sharp and carries disease.

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
* Frustration = -4 to all attack rolls for 1 full round (including next round). No recovery but time.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 3 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. BLINDED for this next round.
Ratling #2: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Moved down to bottom by SE corner. Currently concentrating on rat swarm.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #3: 4. (18:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-09-03, 01:33 AM
R3T15: Zoo scrambles up the ladder quickly and then practically crawls in his current dog form (Medium) to get right up to the little monster (R1).

R3T14: Maeni steps over and clambers onto a table. Though R1 is closer, R2 is not currently threatened. (Flair is adjacent, but the height advantage gives R2 total cover.) She sends out a flame arc to punish the little terror for its stupidity in attacking such a larger, stronger party (5 fire). "They're ratlings. Rat powers, stealthy. Disgusting."

R3T12.5: The rats advance on Flair, though they seem to move about blindly, more following his whomping, stomping feet as a source of targeting than what they can(not) see. His pinched nerve keeps him from getting a stomp in as they race around and begin to swarm him. He frantically moves about, so only takes 1, but they still cover him ... Flair, roll a Fort save vs. DC 12 or be distracted.

R3T5: Bangs, what do you do?

R2 on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
* Frustration = -4 to all attack rolls for 1 full round (including next round). No recovery but time.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 3 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. SE corner. BLINDED for this next round.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. Currently shares square with Bangs!
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.

2017-09-03, 11:52 AM
Flair is freaking out right now, and the rats no longer seem to be discombobulated (blinded) at all.

R3T5: Hissing as a book corner lands on the soft spot of his head, Bangs moves forward and a little bit away from the book flinging blighter and calls forth stone and earth to attack the swarm, hitting it for 6.

R3T4: The ratling in the SW corner disappears from view.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Akbar, what do you do?

Corbin on deck, Flair (nauseated) in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!!
Corbin: 23.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Frustration = -4 to all attack rolls for 1 full round (including next round). No recovery but time.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 3 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. Currently shares square with Bangs!
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf. Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-05, 12:48 AM
R4T25: Akbar steps back to where he can see the rat swarms in both rooms, but with the door shut he realizes he can only see the rats in this room. He thinks quietly for a second, and then the rats themselves are swarmed by blinking lights that scurry along the floor like glowing insects.

"Don't worry about those lights on the floor... they're mine and they won't hurt us."
Silent image is from your mesmerist side and is a psychic spell. No tongue-wagging, finger-babbling, or trinket-tossing required. :smallsmile:
R4T23: Corbin narrows his eyes and aims, trying to peg the ratling with a bolt while it's otherwise occupied chucking books. Unfortunately, its small size and the cover from bookcase (due to height differential) spoils Corbin's shot.

R4T19: Flair realizes there is only one place in the entire world where he wants to be: away from these rats. He high tails it around the table, hoping to interpose it between himself and them.

R4T18: R1 backs up five feet and gets closer to the wall (putting him out of LOS for shooters on the floor, but Maeni and Zoo are fine). It then gives Zoo a fierce look and squeaks loudly.

R4T15: Zoo, that squeak definitely carried supernatural power and terror with it, but your mind is too strong to be duped by such a creature. What do you do?

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!! Currently concentrating on silent image.
* Cast Silent Image of thousands of tiny, rapidly blinking lights covering the floor to a depth of about a foot, extending from the swarm to the west to the door. The plan is to distract the rats if possible. The lights are not thick or bright enough to hide the rats from anyone attacking them.

Corbin: 23. Crossbow unloaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 2 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (33:33).
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. Currently shares square with Bangs!
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf. Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-08, 12:26 PM
R4T15: Zoo, disappointed that the dead rat swarms disappeared before he had a chance to cook them, steps closer to the ratling to better express himself, including a bite that lands for 8.

R4T14: Maeni, what do you do?

Rat swarm on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 3 days!!! Currently concentrating on silent image.
* Cast Silent Image of thousands of tiny, rapidly blinking lights covering the floor to a depth of about a foot, extending from the swarm to the west to the door. The plan is to distract the rats if possible. The lights are not thick or bright enough to hide the rats from anyone attacking them.

Corbin: 23. Crossbow unloaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 2 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (25:33).
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. Currently shares square with Bangs!
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf. Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-11, 03:46 AM
R4T14: Maeni, prefering not to tap too much into her fire right now, simply utters a heartwarming roar (followed by the appropriate verbal and somatic components), filling the heart of her allies with courage.
You are standing on top of a table in the middle of the room, with excellent sight lines to all creatures on top of bookshelves in the corner. So, I don't know what you were really asking.
I will calculate for bless. Do not add it into your attack rolls, please.
R4T12.5: The rat swarm quickly moves eastwards to engulf Akbar and Bangs (the former missing with his walking stick as he waves wildly at the advancing rats). Akbar takes 5, and Bangs takes 4 mod. It seems that the blinking lights did not distract the rats. All of the bites on Akbar throws his concentration and his silent image ends.

R4T12-11: One of the two southern doors ... opens as if by an unseen hand! A squeaking - more distinct and specific than random - is heard at the door, and the rats outside now spill into the room and get right up to Flair (but he still remains outside of their area)!

R4T5: Bangs ... roll a save vs. Fort DC 12 (in OOC). If you fail, take your actions as nauseated. If successful, you may act normally.
Akbar on deck ... roll a Fort save vs. DC 12 or be distracted (nauseated).

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow unloaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 2 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (25:33).
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. Currently shares square with Bangs!
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (27:27).
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf. Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-14, 01:39 AM
R4T5: Finding himself overwhelmed by the swarming rats, Bangs flees to the other side of the library.

R4T4: A ratling appears, but only visible to Zoo and Maeni right now, to the SW. Zoo feels a wash of artificial fear but easily ignores it.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T25: Akbar, you are currently swarmed by rats. What do you do?

Corbin (crossbow unloaded) on deck with no visible targets, Flair (right next to a swarm of rats) in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow unloaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 2 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (25:33).
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (27:27).
Bangs: 5. His nausea will end just before his turn.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-15, 01:39 AM
R5T25: Akbar climbs onto the table and then aims another blinding flash of light at the thickest cluster of rats. His magic occurs, but the swarm seems unaffected. Akbar does now see the ratlings on the bookshelf.

R5T23: Corbin, your crossbow is unloaded, and you can't see any of the ratlings ... just the rat swarms. What do you do?

Flair on deck, R1 in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow unloaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. NAUSEATED now until the beginning of R4T12.5!!!
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 2 rounds. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (25:33).
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (27:27).
Bangs: 5. His nausea will end just before his turn.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-17, 06:11 AM
R5T23: Corbin, succumbing to good sense and peer pressure, makes a quick hop up to the table and reloads his crossbow, while keeping an eye out for the vile vermin.
"Hey, where'd they go?"

R5T19: Flair decides to head for higher ground, but not before he give these rats what for. He flips forward, slamming his legs into swarm (3) before kipping-up onto the table.
No precision damage to a swarm. Pugnacious trait is now expended. You have one more round that you'll have to deal with the pinched nerve.
R5T18: R1 skitters back a few feet, and once again the wave of fear washes over Zoo.

R5T15: Zoo, roll a Will save vs. fear (+1 bonus for bless). What are your intentions this round?

Maeni on deck, rats to the south in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 1 round. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (25:33).
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (24:27).
Bangs: 5. His nausea will end just before his turn.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-17, 12:40 PM
R5T15: Zoo steps forward, intent on ripping the ratman apart. Only a claw hits an opponent for 7, though.

R5T14: Maeni, what do you do?

Rat swarms go after ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 1 round. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (18:33).
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (24:27).
Bangs: 5. His nausea will end just before his turn.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (1), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-18, 05:04 PM
R5T14: Now that her allies are supported, Maeni steps down off the table and shoots a ray of fire, now that she's sure that no books will catch fire. "Beware the other one behind!"

Because it took her some effort to get off the table, she takes some cover with the table there and hits the SW corner for the rat swarm to the south for 13 fire, which crisps more than a few rats.Took a move action to climb down off the table. To not hit the table or Akbar, the best you could was just barely catch the swarm to the south.
R5T12.5-11: The swarm to the east proves just how adept they are at climbing as they surge up and onto the whole eastern side of the table, biting and getting Flair for 5. The swarm that Maeni just hit with fire likewise goes up the table, and now the massive library is swarmed with rat as Corbin takes 6 and Akbar takes 4.

R5T5: Seeing Akbar and Corbin really getting chewed up, Bangs sends forth healing through his collection to give them both 3. He then moves up to the center, stepping onto a chair and up onto the middle table.

R5T4: Once again, Zoo feels a wave of fear wash over him, trying to turn him from the battle.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T25: Akbar...there are rats covering the top of this massive table (including you). What do you do?roll a Fort save in the OOC vs. DC 12 or be distracted. I want you to roll there so you don't have to double-post, but you know how to run your action based on the result of that roll. A fail = nausea; a success = unaffected.

Corbin & Flair...See Akbar's note above. Roll Fort save OOC, and use the result to help guide your IC action so as to not double-post.
Corbin on deck, Flair in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
* Pinched Nerve = Reduce reach by 5' for 1 round. If at 0, he cannot attack, which means he must use Pugnacious trait, or shoot with his crossbow.
** Heal DC 20 removes this penalty.
Ratling #1: 18. (18:33).
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). SE corner.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Summoned Rat Swarm #3: 11. (11:27).
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-19, 11:55 PM
R6T25: Akbar makes a spry hop to the table just north, landing next to Bangs. He still has a bead on R1 and casts his spell. The ratling seems mentally prepared and only takes 3 sonic.

R6T23: Well, so much for good sense. Corbin gives up on trying to spot the ratlings for now and tears into the swarm again, his crossbow not quite clattering on the table as many rats cushion its fall. He is truly a feral mess of bird-man vs. rats, and by the time he is done, the whole western table is clear as every rat that was part of that swarm magically winks away. Only one swarm remains ...

R6T19: Apparently tabletops were not the place to be, as they could be reached by the swarms as well. With that in mind, Flair hops off the table and runs north, getting as much distance from them as he can. He no longer feels like he he has a pinched nerve ... perhaps some soreness, but no longer any impairment.

R6T18: R1 steps back from Zoo, and then disappears from sight.

R6T15: Zoo can no longer fight against the terror of the tiny beasties, and he turns tail and runs along the top of the bookshelf and down the ladder to the far north and lands on the ground.

R6T14: Maeni, what do you do?

Rat swarm on deck ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED for 1 more round!!!
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (21:27). East edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-20, 10:12 PM
R6T14: Starting to get an headache from the heat she's sending around, Maeni throws fire once more. "I hope that's enough..."

The rats sense the heat even before it leaves Maeni once she forms it, and the swarm only takes 6 fire, but the tabletop gets badly scorched. It wasn't enough.

R6T12.5-12: The rat swarm immediately heads west, engulfing Corbin, but not before he gets in a strike of his own for 5. He then gets nipped on by the swarm for 1.

R6T5: Bangs, what do you do?

R2 on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

Corbin, roll a Fort save vs. distraction ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED for 1 more round!!!
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-22, 01:33 PM
Corbin is overwhelmed by the rats.

R6T5: Seeing the final remaining swarm on the neighboring table, Bangs tries to do his part in ridding them of the rodential menace before moving to the far side of the table from the swarm, but his aim misses because he doesn't want to hit Corbin.

R6T4: Those on the table see R2 skittering north along the wall. Akbar suddenly feels a rush of terror wash over him.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T25: Akbar ... what do you do?
Please roll a Will save vs. fear vs. DC 12 in the OOC. You get a +1 because of bless. If you fail, you are frightened and run away. If you succeed, you may take your turn normally. You'll be shaken for 1 round, but let me do those calculations, please.
Corbin (distracted) on deck, Flair in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table. NAUSEATED this next round!!!
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED for 1 more round!!!
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (13:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-25, 03:35 AM
R7T25: Akbar shakes off the sudden sensation of dread and sends a streak of flame at the ratling, and it is Maeni's bless that just barely guides Akbar's heat to its target so it takes 6 fire.

R7T23: Corbin, you are distracted (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Nauseated) by the rats swarming you. What do you do?

Flair on deck ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table. NAUSEATED this next round!!!
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED for 1 more round!!!
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (7:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-27, 02:50 AM
R7T23: Corbin stumbles out of the swarm, tearing rats off of him as he goes.

R7T19: Flair hops onto the table to see the rat-creature, then fires off a shot. He miraculously just manages to catch the ratling for 4.

R7T18: A book goes wide over Maeni's head to land harmlessly in the mass of rats on the table. R1 now appears on the edge of the bookcase (meaning any ground targets can see him). The ratling seems to be teetering on the edge (flat-footed) from his terrible toss.

R7T15: Zoo - frightened - goes up to the doors and opens one.

R7T14: Maeni, a target just showed itself (and is flat-footed) - R1. What do you do?

Rat swarm on deck ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33). Invisible. Currently concentrating on rat swarm. SE Door.
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-09-28, 02:28 AM
R7T14: Seriously?! How did I not think about it earlier? Really?!?

"You get down here..."

With a quick finger snap, she throws a lump of butter as the ... books along the side of the upper half of the shelves becomes slippery below where the ratling is standing.She might see the edge, but she doesn't see the horizontal plane that is the top of the bookshelf, which is what you are trying to grease. You can't make a ballistic arc of your spells, and you still require LOS/ LOE.
R7T12.5: The rats now close to the eastern edge of the table to surround Corbin (again) and do 7 damage to him.

R7T12: Yet another ratling (R3) appears right at Maeni's shin as it bites into her shin for a surprising, painful 4. Blood begins to flow from her wound.

R7T5: Bangs, what do you do? You actually don't see R3 (under the level of the southern table), but you do see R1 and R2.

R2 on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

Corbin, roll a Fort save vs. DC 12 or continue to suffer from distraction!

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14. 1 BLEED per round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW bookshelf.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (2), summon swarm.

2017-10-01, 09:31 PM
R7T5: Bangs releases healing energy through the collective restoring some strength (3 hp) to both Corbin and Maeni. It is critical help to Corbin, and Maeni is now almost fully healed.

R7T4: R2 disappears from sight.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T25: Akbar, what do you do?

Corbin on deck, Flair in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14. 1 BLEED per round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-03, 12:45 AM
R8T25: Akbar sends another streak of flame at the enemy he can still see, but he just barely misses the tiny creature.

R8T23: Corbin, what do you do?

Flair on deck, R1 in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14. 1 BLEED per round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (10:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-03, 10:49 PM
R8T23: Corbin is getting worn down, but maybe his dedicated flailing can keep the swarm off the rest of the party. His weariness shows as both claw attacks are very half-hearted. In leaning over, however, his bite is right in line and he pecks at the thinning swarm for 4.

R8T19: Rather than risk hitting his colleague, Flair reloads his crossbow and gets into position to hit the rat things on top of the shelves.
That was 1 square right, 2 squares down ... not 3 squares right, 1 square down. I used your end-point desire to understand where you wanted to go.
R8T18: R1 turns invisible.

R8T15: Zoo, you are standing in front of an open doorway leading into a corridor. You just shook off the last of the fear affecting you. What do you do?

Maeni (bleeding) on deck, rat swarm in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14. 1 BLEED per round!!!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (6:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-04, 08:07 PM
R8T15: Zoo tries to shake his head clear, embarrassed that he ran from the fight. His canine form lopes back to the fray and Maeni's side.

R8T14: Maeni, you suffer 1 bleed, as that ratling seemed to have a nasty bite. What do you do?

Rat swarm on deck, R3 in the hole...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Flat-footed til end R8T18.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. FRIGHTENED until beginning of this next turn.
Maeni: 14.
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (6:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (33:33).
* Used: invisibility (1), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-05, 07:58 AM
R8T14: Maeni steps back, manifests her claws, and tries to do her part, actually slashing it for 6. "I'm not sure how long I can fight that !"

R8T12.5: The rat swarm continues to nibble on Corbin for 1.

R8T12: R3 disappears from sight.

R8T5: Bangs, what do you do?

Akbar on deck, Corbin in the hole ... Corbin, roll a Fort save or be distracted. Also, I updated your position as you desired ... which I neglected to do earlier.
HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33).
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Summoned Rat Swarm #2: 12.5. (6:27). West edge of table.
Ratling #3: 12. (27:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-06, 10:05 AM
R8T5: Seeing Corbin struggle to deal with the swarm, Bangs sends a blast of earth at the swarm ... and it finally disappears!

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T25: Akbar what do you do?

Corbin on deck, Flair in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow dropped on table, 10' in/ N.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow unloaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33).
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (27:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-08, 04:19 AM
End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T25: Seeing no more targets in view, Akbar watches and waits for a new threat.

R9T23: Corbin tosses Bangs a wave of thanks and walks over to grab his crossbow (loaded), scanning the tops of the shelves for the ratlings.

R9T19: After reloading his crossbow, Flair sweeps his crossbow around looking for a target; he has a feeling that the battle wasn't over yet.

R9T15: Zoo, what do you do?

Maeni on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Akbar: 25. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!! READIED ACTION: Fire ray vs. next visible ratling or rat swarm!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow loaded.
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible. Standing right in Corbin's square.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (27:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-12, 12:54 AM
R9T15: Zoo holds steady, waiting for a foe to appear.

R9T14: In case the fight is going to stretch longer, Maeni shields herself in arcane power.

R9T12: Flair's calf stings and he looks down and sees a ratling (R3) at his feet (on the table with him) as he gets bit for 4 ... and the wound bleeds!

R9T11: Hearing Flair's hiss of pain, Akbar turns around and shoots a fire ray at the ratling but misses.

R9T5: Bangs spends more mental power to reinforce the life-force of a few of his allies, and Zoo and Corbin feel slightly ... buoyed by some force emanating from Bangs (mentally).

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T23: Corbin, your crossbow is loaded. What do you do?

Flair (bleeding) on deck, Zoo (delaying) in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded. Vigor for 2 minutes.
Flair: 19. Martial Flexibility (Point Blank Shot) til end R10T19. Crossbow loaded. BLEED 1/rd!!!
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). Invisible. Standing right in Corbin's square.
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. DELAYING!!! Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (27:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-12, 10:27 PM
R10T24: Recovering quickly from the pain, Flair shoots at the now-visible ratling, hitting it for 8 before stepping away. Still, Flair suffers 1 bleed.
Sorry, I missed it with the post that Akbar made. It attacked invisibly, though, so there was no way to hit it before it hit you. Also, your Point Blank Shot ends on Segment 19 of this round, not in 3 rounds, so it is basically done.
R10T23: Corbin squints and takes a shot at the ratling, grazing it for 2, the reloading.

R10T18: The same thing happens to Corbin this time, as his femoral artery gets hit for 5 (removing all temp hps). The wound is bleeding.

R10T15: Zoo, you were delaying. What do you do?

Maeni (claws still manifested) on deck, R3 in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Flair: 24. Crossbow unloaded. BLEED 1/rd!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded (durable).
Ratling #1: 18. (15:33). BLEED 1/rd!!!
* Used: cause fear (2), invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Zoo: 15. DELAYING!!! Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (19:33).
* Used: invisibility (2), summon swarm.
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-14, 06:47 PM
R10T15: Zoo attacks the nearest ratling with every weapon at his disposal. He bites it for 10, then claws it for 9 and it drops, and with his claw and hooves it is a bloody grease spot by the time he is finished.

R10T14: Maeni bolts north and slashes R3 for 5.

R10T12: R3 disappears from sight.

R10T11: Akbar, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, Flair (bleeding) in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Flair: 24. Crossbow unloaded. BLEED 1/rd!!!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded (durable). BLEED 1/rd!!!
Zoo: 15. DELAYING!!! Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (14:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-16, 02:52 AM
R10T11: Akbar waits for another target to show itself.

R10T5: Once more calling upon his dwindling reserves, Bangs patches up his Flair and Corbin as best he can (3 to each, which also stops bleeding).

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T24: Flair once again drops to his knees, this time out of fatigue. Still, he reloaded his crossbow with fumbling fingers and waited for the rat bastard to show itself again.

R11T23: Corbin, you have a durable bolt loaded. What do you do?

Zoo on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Flair: 24. Crossbow loaded. READIED action to shoot a ratling, but will miss!
Corbin: 23. Crossbow loaded (durable).
Zoo: 15. DELAYING!!! Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 14. Draconic Claws manifested!
Ratling #3: 12. (14:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!! READIED action: fire ray!!!
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-20, 07:01 PM
R11T23-14: Corbin stands at attention, waiting for a ratling,to show itself, poised to fire. Zoo waits again for an enemy to appear. He whines nervously for his wounded friends, smelling more of their blood than he would like. Maeni lets her claws go and delays until one of the ratman reveals itself.

R11T12: It seems the ratling only maneuvered very slightly. Flair shouts in pain as his shin is bit into (and he fouls his shot) for 4 ... and bleeding again! Corbin shoots and misses. Akbar's fire ray only grazes the thing for 2 fire.

R11T5: Bangs, Flair is bleeding again. What do you do?

Zoo & Maeni delaying, as well as on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Zoo: 15. DELAYING!!! Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 14. DELAYING!!!
Ratling #3: 12. (14:33). Invisible.
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Flair: 11. Crossbow loaded.
Corbin: 11.5. Crossbow unloaded (durable).
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-20, 10:57 PM
R11T10: Zoo steps forward and chomps at the ratling, biting into it for 8! It squeaks like a squeaky-toy.

R11T5: Bangs, Flair is bleeding again. What do you do?

Zoo & Maeni delaying, as well as on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Maeni: 14. DELAYING!!!
Ratling #3: 12. (6:33).
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Flair: 11. Crossbow loaded.
Corbin: 11.5. Crossbow unloaded (durable).
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Zoo: 10. Vigor for 2 minutes.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-10-22, 01:21 PM
R11T9: Maeni goes past Zoo and with a spell cast in one hand, and her other hand on Flair's leg, she staunches the bleeding while healing him of 5.

R11T5: Bangs, Nobody is bleeding at this time, but plenty are wounded. What do you do?

R3 on deck, Flair (crossbow unloaded) on deck ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Ratling #3: 12. (6:33).
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Flair: 11. Crossbow unloaded.
Corbin: 11.5. Crossbow unloaded (durable).
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Zoo: 10. Vigor for 2 minutes.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-11-08, 11:23 PM
R11T5: Bangs focuses on healing the wounded, sending energy through his mental link that gives 3 healing to Akbar, Corbin, and Flair. That takes a lot out of him. "That's ... that's all I have. Sorry."

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R11T12: The ratling (carefully) concentrates on Zoo, but keeps its position.

Zoo, roll a save vs. fear vs. DC 12. You get a +1 bonus due to bless.

R11T11: Flair, your crossbow is unloaded and a ratling is at your feet. What do you do?

Corbin on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless on all.
Ratling #3: 12. (6:33).
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Flair: 11. Crossbow unloaded.
Corbin: 11.5. Crossbow unloaded (durable).
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Zoo: 10. Vigor for 2 minutes.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-11-12, 09:27 PM
R11T11: Flair wanted one more shot at the rat before Bangs rushed in. "Gimme a second, I think I've got this!" He then proceeded to attack the rat (missing) with a leg drop before rolling backwards onto his feet.

Zoo easily disregards the fearful spell.

R11T10.5: Corbin reloads and fures another durable bolt. Hes not having a good day, it seems ... until his crossbow bolt hits the ratling and it drops!

Akbar, what do you do?

Zoo ... Maeni ... Bangs?

HEROES: Bless on all.
Ratling #3: 12. (-1:33).
* Used: invisibility (3), summon swarm.
Flair: 11. Crossbow unloaded.
Corbin: 10.5. Crossbow unloaded (durable).
Akbar: 11. DISEASED: Filth fever, 2 days!!!
Zoo: 10. Vigor for 2 minutes.
Maeni: 9.
Bangs: 5.
Ratling #2: 4. (3:33). SW corner, huddling, invisible.
* Used: cause fear (3), invisibility (3), summon swarm.

2017-11-30, 10:06 PM
Akbar manifests his filth fever.

2017-12-08, 11:54 AM
The new girl opens the door. She doesn't even have time to assess the room when she is surprised by a creature 10' from her. It looks like a man, but not, and in a tattered patient gown as it charges her. His mouth opens with terrifying distention and wickedly sharp teeth and he snaps at her, missing her as she steps back just enough in shock.

Begin Round One ...

R1T26: Zoo, you are currently 10' behind the brave broad in breastplate. The tribal (G2) on the otherside is blocking entrance into the room, and unless you change anything the best you can do is attack from the left or right of your new ally with the tribal getting cover. You think you might see one more tribal in the room (G1, you don't see G3). You are currently concentrating on small dog form, though your physical enhancements are locked in for another 17 minutes. What do you do?

Brave Broad in Breastplate (digiman), roll a sanity check (Will save) ... this guy is terrifying and inhuman!

Zoo: 26. Concentrating on small dog form with darkvision. Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6.
G2: 4. (20:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-09, 02:47 AM
R1T26: Zoo flashes between forms, settling on a different dog form. He moves to the right of the doorway and waits for a chance to attack.

R1T21: Maeni, what do you do?

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6.
G2: 4. (20:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-09, 08:56 PM
R1T21: Maeni moves up to right behind Zoo. "If everything goes well, I will increase your size, giving you far more power!", she says to her new companion. She begins casting a spell, and it seems like this spell is going to take some time ...

R1T20: Bangs, what do you do?

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. Currently casting enlarge person!!!
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6.
G2: 4. (20:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-09, 09:11 PM
R1T20: Pulling on his connection to the earth, Bangs raises a wall next to the creature keeping them from swarming the doorway in that direction unless they break the wall.

R1T12: Corbin, what do you do? At your angle, you are not dealing with cover from doorjam or team members.

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. Currently casting enlarge person!!!
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6.
G2: 4. (20:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-11, 03:46 AM
R1T12: Corbin snaps a shot off at the surprise combatant (G2), hitting him for 4, then reloads, all in one smooth motion. "Guess we shoulda' knocked first, eh?"
You don't have LOS to G1, so I figured you must have meant G2 at the doorway.
R1T11: The New Girl at the door can see that another tribal inside (G1) seems to be shocked by the development and recovers its wits. It double moves to be able to be by its fellow, threatening Newbie.

R1T6: Flair, your PC's turn. What do you do? As an aside, the last of the tribals still in the room (G3), seems to be surprised.

G2 on deck, G3 in the hole ...

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. Currently casting enlarge person!!!
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6.
G2: 4. (16:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-11, 04:35 AM
R1T6: The woman unleashes a flurry of strikes at the ghoul who attacked her earlier. She drops low with an elbow drive into its left thigh for 9. She had hoped to do an elbow cross to the face when it dropped from the pain, but it doesn't respond at all like she expected and her second attack is more checked by herself re-evaluating than an overcommittal.

R4: Even with the elbow drive, most men would have tried to withdrawal, but it is as if this "man" doesn't even feel pain. It launches its head forward to bite her in the upper left arm for only 3, but this creature possibly has some type of poison as she feels the muscles in her arms stiffen. It is a pain unlike she has any sense memory of, despite her amnesia, but she manages to rally and tries to get back into a defensive posture even as it comes in with its claws, which she deftly ducks with dexterous dodging.

R3: The last tribal in the room finally takes in all that has been happening and double moves to actually be behind the berm Bangs built.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Zoo, what do you do? G2 has cover from you, and vice-versa, because of doorjamb.

Maeni, you are on deck and your enlarge person spell on Newbie will go off and you will get a round of turns as well; Bangs in the hole ...

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. Currently casting enlarge person!!!
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance.
G2: 4. (7:20).
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-15, 03:25 AM
R2T26: Zoo, the cloven-hooved dog (that's a first) rears up to clop-clop on the ghoul's head, but can't angle around the wall right. So, he holds himself against the wall with his help him brace and bites forward, managing to tear the tribal's face off to kill it!
Cover =/= total cover. And your stated action was attacking when in range, which the ghoul was. So, I am sure that if that was deconflicted you would've taken your full attack (despite cover), and I couldn't wait any more for you to post.
R2T21: Maeni, your spell ends and the new girl becomes the New Giant! But you are only just beginning. You currently have no LOS to any tribals. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, Corbin in the hole ...

Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-15, 08:59 AM
R2T21: As she cannot see anyone (hostile), Maeni utters soothing words while ensuring she stays out of harm way.

R2T20: Bangs, no visible opponents, what do you do?

Corbin on deck, G1 in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-19, 02:18 AM
R2T20: With no real shot at an opponent, Bangs decides to continue his attempts at hindering their movement, and another earthen bulwark appears on the other side of the doorjamb, facing the first.

R2T12: Corbin, you have no LOS to an opponent. What do you do?

G1 on deck, Anna in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 12.
G1: 11. (20:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-20, 07:53 PM
R2T12: Corbin takes a step back to get a better viewing angle on the choke point, and waits for a target.
Instead of passing, I will treat this as a readied action to shoot the first target that makes itself available? If I've done wrong, lemme know and I won't do that in the future, but you're fluff supports a readied action. And by taking a 5-foot step, you've given up a chance to delay your turn.
R2T11: G1 bursts through the earthen barrier to stand in the doorway and Corbin's bolt tears into its right bicep for 9. (Had he been a living target, he would've been weakened, but...) The tribal bites at Anna, but can't get past her massive armor.

R2T6: New Girl, you are big and strong!!! What do you do?

G3 on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 11.1. Unloaded.
G1: 11. (11:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-20, 09:03 PM
R2T6: She didn't quite believe Maeni's words, but she did indeed grow massive. It probably would have been better if she wasn't squished into a corner, but that's beside the point. Seeing one of the strange men ahead of her, she punted it as best she could at her new size. She has to draw back her shin slightly or risk cracking it on the lintel of the door, and when she does this her foot whumps into the tribal's chest ... but not enough to hurt it.

R2T3: G3 shreds its obstacle, but that's it.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: Zoo, you can't get to an opponent right now. What do you do?

Maeni on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 11.1. Unloaded.
G1: 11. (11:20).
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-20, 09:42 PM
R3T26: Zoo attacks around the door's threshold with a wild flailing at the closest tribal. He savagely bites the tribal's left foot for 6, a hoof hits it put fails to get past its tough hide, but then Zoo bites into the monster's left shoulder and flings it around like a rag doll, smashing it several times against both posts and lintel of the door ... destroying it.

R3T21: Maeni, you know there is one more ghoul, but none visible to you at this time. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, Corbin (unloaded) in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20.
Corbin: 11.1. Unloaded.
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-23, 04:02 AM
R3T21-11.1: Maeni, Bangs, and Corbin all wait, though Corbin reloads to ready for a clear shot.

R3T6: New Girl, what do you do?

Tribal on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 20. DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 11.1. Loaded. READIED action to shoot ghoul if there is a "clear shot."
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (20:20).

2017-12-23, 01:17 PM
R3T6: While there are benefits to being this size, it made fighting someone through a door untenable. She clapped her hands and dissolved into blue energy. It flowed over the beastly foe, and she appeared whole on the opposite side of it. She delivered a savage snap kick to it (15), though it left her tired, her arms drooping slightly.

R3T3: The tribal whips around to face the giantess that just blasted him. Her armor stops its bite but it grazes her left quad with a claw for 2. It then attacks with another claw.Okay, roll a Fort save vs. DC 13. If you fail, you are paralyzed, and its second claw will connect for 6 damage. I haven't calculated the 6 damage yet.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T26: Zoo, what do you do?

Maeni & Bangs delaying, Corbin readied to shoot, Anna on deck (yet to see if she's paralyzed or not) ...
HEROES: Bless til end R22T21!!!
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 17 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra. DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 20. DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 11.1. Loaded. READIED action to shoot ghoul if there is a "clear shot."
Anna: 6. Pugilist's stance. Enlarge person til beginning R22T21.
G3: 3. (5:20).

2018-01-14, 10:01 PM
Zoo: 26. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
Maeni: 21. Mage armor. Penumbra.
Bangs: 20. DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 11.1. Loaded.
Anna: 6.
G3: 3. (5:20).

2018-01-15, 01:28 PM
Zoo gives out a big puppy yawn, but otherwise is fine. He continues sniffing and as he passes a box he sees a vague, humanoid figure that seems to be the source of this unnatural fog. Zoo stares and blinks at the humanoid figure, and realizes he is being looked at by the thing as well. Its mouth closes, and in a second or two the fog already seems to be slightly less than before.Fluff only, the mechanics are the same.
Zoo gives an accidental bark, a reflex of caution.

Begin Round One ...

R1T21: Corbin, you hear Zoo give a warning bark. This is enough to bring your reflexes online. What do you do?There is no battle yet, but initiative is being tracked depending on what happens. Note that you don't have to move half-speed, but you do need to realize that at no time can your PC see more than 5' away, and anything adjacent to you has concealment. Please don't meta the map as such. You've gone from the stairs (that lead down to the rope going down) directly to your position since Zoo had a scent to follow.

Unlike the others, I assumed from your desire to be in back ... and to have mobility ... that you are NOT tied off for safety like the others.

Corbin: 21. Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20.
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra.

2018-01-15, 11:31 PM
R1T21: Perks up, then hunkers low, damning the poor visibility. He tosses the crossbow into his off hand and pulls his trusty knife, hoping that whatevers out there wont find him before he finds it.Since you are directly behind the party, you simply use your current position to freeze (letting the fog do the work for you as far as visibility and remaining quiet for your Stealth check.

If you look at the map, there is PLENTY to hide behind, but to balance that, you are only aware of those boxes and crates that you would have a chance of seeing (within 5' during your path).
R1T20: The humanoid lashes out at Zoo with a fist that catches the pup in the teeth for 6 and 1 CON! The second punch likewise lands for 6. Two loud thumps are heard, including yelps from Zoo-dog."My Teef!" ... Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty on the attack roll (no penalty to damage). A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty. The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
R1T19: Snips, you are tied directly to Maeni, and only have enough slack to create a 5-foot-gap if needed. What do you do?

Corbin: 21. Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20.
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty. The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).

2018-01-16, 02:18 AM
R1T19: Snips scowled at the fog; she could hit the oneirogen much better from the other side, but its accursed fog blocked her line of sight and without it, she couldn't flow into position. She instead tries to slam her heel into it - missing - before scooting around Zoo, getting into position for next time. She feels the rope between herself and Maeni grow taut.

R1T15: Zoo, the man totally surprised you with how well he could punch. Your jaw is bleeding and your teeth hurt. What do you do?

Corbin: 21. Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20.
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty. The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).

2018-01-20, 08:18 AM
R1T15: Surprised and angry, Zoo responds the way most animals would. He tries his best to cover his teeth, claws, and hooves in this fog-breather's blood. Zoo slashes the man in the hand for 8, then rears up and kicks the man in the upper right arm with a hoof for 5.

R1T8: Bangs, you cannot go more than 10' from Maeni the way you are tied off. You hear Zoo in combat with something, but see neither him nor the combatant (remember, past 5' you can't see). What do you do?

Maeni on deck, Corbin (loaded) in the hole ...

Corbin: 21. Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20. (26:39).
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).

2018-01-20, 09:08 PM
R1T8: Hearing Zoo fighting with something, and the yelp of pain from him, Bangs channels healing to him through the collective (6).

R1T6: Maeni advances to allow maximal mobility for her allies. "I'll burn it if I don't risk hitting anyone!"

Maeni no longer sees Bangs and Corbin, but does see Snips and Zoo.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: Corbin, your crossbow is loaded and you are not tied off. You only see Bangs in front of you (still), but hear the battle up ahead (to the west). What do you do?

Oneirogen on deck, snips in the hole ...

Corbin: 21. Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20. (26:39).
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). READIED to shoot fire ray if there is a clear LOS!!!

2018-01-21, 02:31 AM
R2T21: Corbin tries to cut a path through the debris, towards the front of the line, keeping his head down. Maybe he can get the jump on whatever is making all this racket. He is able to hide along a box (one square south) before he has eyes on target. With what cover he can manage he shoots at the man, hitting him in the left foot for 4.The assumption from what I read is that if you got a shot you'd take it. Unfortunately, with the fog he can't see the enemy well enough to pick out vital spots (i.e., concealment).
R2T20: The strange man doesn't pay attention to the minor wound in his foot, not even really registering pain. He slams Zoo-dog with a fist for 6, then again for another 6.

R2T19: Snips, what do you do? The rope is slack now that Maeni is next to you (remember you can't go farther than 10' from her).

Zoo on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Corbin: 21. Un-Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20. (23:39).
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). READIED to shoot fire ray if there is a clear LOS!!!

2018-01-22, 01:45 AM
R2T19: Snips grunted in frustration; she needed to get around this thing, but its accursed mist hindered her movement. The rope that was supposed to keep her safe was just getting in her way now, so she flowed her way out of it instead, moving southerly as to get a better angle against it, slamming a pair of fists against it as she does so. Her first fist strikes the man in the upper right arm for 15, causing the man to reel from a broken arm. Better yet, it was a sideways strike that served to check the man's movement, and Snips follows up with a brutal uppercut-crit for 28 that shatters the man's face and bits of broken skull shred the man's brain as his top vertebrae snap and his head is pushed back on the neck before twisting horribly.

Corbin: 21. Un-Loaded.
Oneirogen: 20. (8:39).
Snips: 19.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) for 12 more minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 8.
Maeni: 6. Mage armor. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). READIED to shoot fire ray if there is a clear LOS!!!

2018-03-07, 11:25 PM
Surprise Round ...

S16: The lizard opens its mouth to release a blood-curdling howl!

All characters, roll a Will saving throw!
This is a sonic, mind-affecting, fear effect.

Zoo: 22. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - concentration.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Voonith: 16.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded.
Bangs: 9.
Snips: 8.

2018-03-08, 12:08 AM
S15: Startled by the howl, Zoo's tail droops and his ears fold back. Unwilling to let another pack mate die, he creeps past Snips hugging the wall to his right, and when he sees the thing in front of snips, he is forced to go back to where he was. But before he can step back freely, the creature's sinuous neck lashes out and bites Zoo for 5. Luckily, only because he is currently a quadruped is Zoo able to keep his footing and not foul up Snips as he slinks back into place behind her.
Though Snips is at a corner on her forward right, it's not enough for you to go around (hard corner) without going in the creature's square. Unfortunately, though allies count as cover for the purposes of ranged attacks, they do not count as usable cover to deny AOOs...
S8: Whether Snips is too scared to move remains to be seen ...

Voonith: 16.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded.
Bangs: 9. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Snips: 8.

2018-03-08, 12:21 AM
S8: Though her muscles were tense in readiness to react, the howl from this strange creature terrifies Snips and she stands reeling from the horror.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T16: The monster's long neck lashes out and bites Snips in the abdomen just below her breastplate for 3. Its several foreclaws then lash out at her and all four hit her for a total of 9.

R1T15: Zoo, though you are suffering from some fear, you can now act more fully. It is standing in a "breech area" to keep anyone from going into where you couldn't see any walls through the mist to the east (you're coming from the south, and there will be no map for this battle because of "fog of war"). You either have to find a way to get to it from above, get to it at range (and Snips is still causing cover penalties), or be acrobatic in some way. Meanwhile, while it is hard to see the extend of Snips' injuries, you do hear her get slashed several times and you smell the new blood smell of opening wounds several times from her. What do you do?

In the meantinme, still looking from Will saves from Maeni and Corbin (though I might bot Maeni if I need since silphael hasn't been around for awhile) ...

Voonith: 16.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded.
Bangs: 9. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Snips: 8. Dazed until R1T16!!! Then, Shaken til beginning R4T16!!!

2018-03-08, 02:48 PM
R1T15: Zoo perks up at the smell of blood in the air and tries something he's never done before. His arms retract in to the dog's body as a bony horn grows from his forehead and his legs grow more muscular.

He tries to leap over Snips to skewer the creature with his new horn, but Snips - who is defending her dazed self totally by instinct - blocks her ally. Zoo ends up right where he started.Good news: You didn't suffer an AOO from the creature's long neck. Nor did you go so far as to warrant an AOO in going back to your square.

Bad News: Standing Start and crappy Acrobatics roll ... you go nowhere, attack lost.
In the meantime, Corbin and Maeni likewise are not scared senseless like Snips, but are afraid.

R1T10: Maeni delays, unable to see anything and realizing that the battle must be in a confined space, anyway.

R1T9: Corbin, do you do anything? You are pretty sure that you can't get into battle right now, at least from the information you have. You are shaken.

Bangs on deck (shaken) ...

Voonith: 16.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
Bangs: 9. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Snips: 8. Dazed until R1T16!!! Then, Shaken til beginning R4T16!!!

2018-03-10, 02:21 AM
R1T9: Corbin takes a jittery breath and readies his weapon.

R1T8: Bangs, you are shaken from that strange howl. You aren't being "fed" any information so you don't know what's going on or the challenges faced by those ahead of you. What do you do? Delay?

Snips on deck (she is no longer dazed), critter in the hole ...

Voonith: 16.
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Snips: 7. Then, Shaken til beginning R4T16!!!

2018-03-11, 02:27 AM
R1T8: Bangs wishes to step forward to allow a little give in the rope for those ahead, but is unable to do so because Corbin is there, and he is otherwise unable (or perhaps unwilling with his knocking knees) to offer up any different assistance.

R1T7: Snips slams her fists into the beast, but her fear takes away some of her commitment and she merely hits the monster's colorful scales with her first fist, and her second fist strikes so hard against a very thickly scaled portion of it that she not only does not damage, but she suffers pins and needles from her left hand. With the lizard in front of her and Zoo behind her, she has nowhere she can safely step away.
Snips took only two strikes from claws, and that is 5 damage she didn't suffer. Thanks for the reminder. However, this reminds me that EVERYONE is suffering miss chance right now because of the concealment of the yellow fog. Thanks for that reminder, too.

Next, the fumble ... you are considered sickened (as well as shaken), and you don't know the duration as your left hand has that horrible, paradoxical mix of numbness and pain.

Lastly, she has no idea what this creature is.
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T16: The lizard continues its assault, but this time entirely misses.

R2T15: Zoo, what do you do?

Maeni, Corbin, and Bangs delaying; Snips on deck, lizard in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (60:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!!
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-11, 11:09 PM
R2T15: Zoo locks onto one of the leather thongs Snips has on her breastplate that goes around each leg. As he does so, the lizard's long neck darts forth to bite Snips in her left shoulder for 4, and the rough movement with the bite is enough to knock her prone ... but at least now she is shielded by Zoo.

R2T10: Maeni, a wounded Snips is on the ground now in front of you. You can come out of delay to help her, if you wish. Do you do something, or continue to delay?

R2T7: Snips, well, that was a surprise. Okay, you are more wounded than before, but Zoo is now shielding you from the lizard-creature. Whether or not that is acceptable is up to you. You are prone. What do you do?

Corbin and Bangs delaying, Lizard on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (60:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!! PRONE!!!
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-13, 08:57 PM
R2T10: Maeni extends her hand to help the wounded Snips, healing her of a whopping 9! "Stand now."
Great roll. Snips is still wounded, but no longer in the yellow.
R2T7: As above, it's your turn ... Snips, what do you do?

Corbin and Bangs delaying, Lizard on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (60:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!! PRONE!!!
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-16, 04:38 AM
R2T7: Snips wants to slam her elbow into the thing to stagger it, but now Zoo is blocking her way to her quarry, and she can no longer see it (only Zoo in front of her and Maeni behind her). Snips at least stands, though she still is dealing with the fear of the creature privately.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T16: Zoo and the lizard snap at each other. It throws a claw wildly at Zoo, hurting its claw a little against the wall (superficially). A second claw barely scores Zoo for 2 (min), whereas the third claw hits hard for 4 (max), and the last claw does moderately (3) ... three blows landing against Zoo despite the fog.

R3T15: Dire duel to the death with these animal-like creatures. Zoo, you are facing off against this thing. What do you do?

Corbin and Bangs delaying, Maeni on deck, Snips in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (60:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!!
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-18, 09:19 AM
R3T15: Zoo lets out an angry rumble from his throat. He plants himself between Snips and the beast and strikes, hitting with only the gore hitting for 10. He thinks he should have hit with the second hoof, but the damn yellow mist fouled his strike.

R3T10: Maeni, what do you do? You can only see Snips in front of you (and Corbin behind you).

Corbin and Bangs delaying, Snips (shaken and sickened) on deck, lizard-thing in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (50:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!!
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-18, 08:44 PM
R3T10: "Bring it its end!" Carrying on her spellcasting frenzy, Maeni gives as much moral support as she can to her words.

Corbin and Bangs continue to delay ...

R3T7: Maeni's spell doesn't get rid of Snips' fear, but she does feel that her fear is feeding her fury. She does still feel pain (sickened), though. Does she do anything, or delay?

Lizard-creature on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (50:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! SICKENED til end R3T7!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-18, 10:55 PM
R3T7: "לַחֲזוֹר!" Snips said, touching Zoo and flowing him to her. She then moved forward and slammed it with her elbow for 9. Though she is enjoying feeding off her fear, now she is also no longer feeling any pain, either (no longer sickened).

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T16: The creature reels from the blow, but does not yield its ground.

R4T15: Zoo, you just got fwooshed around. It takes you a second to realize - when you look at Maeni - that somehow Snips transported you and took your place. Do you delay or do anything?You do not know the current status or success of the lizard or Snips' last attack.

Maeni on deck, Corbin and Bangs delaying, Snips in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60). STAGGERED til beginning R4T7!!!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Bangs: 8. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!! DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. SHAKEN til beginning R4T16!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-20, 01:08 AM
R4T15: Still battered and a bit confused at his sudden translocation, Zoo groggily dismisses his dog form. "We should fall back! The beast is strong and shrouded in fog. We need it in the open or we need to fill the hall with fire."

His piece said, Zoo transforms again into the armed dog and extends his claws, though Zoo is suffering from pain from the transformation. However, he is no longer affected by fear. Neither for that matter, is Maeni, Corbin, or Snips.

R4T14: Hearing Zoo's words, Bangs moves towards the exit, but only to the extent that the rope becomes taut ... which means he only moves 5' to the south. He is still suffering from his fear of the fell noise, and now he no longer sees any ally but the rope going into the yellow mist.

R4T10: Maeni is no longer scared. Zoo is in front of her, Corbin behind. Zoo is wounded. What does Maeni do?

Corbin delaying, Snips on deck, lizard-creature in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60). STAGGERED til beginning R4T7!!!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-20, 06:10 PM
R4T10: "I'm standing back Zoo, let's move!" Maeni moves to let Zoo breathe and waits there. However, she only moved south 10'. She moved well past Corbin (10') to Bangs, but unable to stay in the same square as the healer (because she is tethered to Corbin as well as Bangs), she only ended up moving 10' south. Corbin is immediately to the north, and Bangs immediately to the south, and a wall on both sides.

Corbin is currently delaying. The space immediately in front of him is clear, and Maeni is behind him now. Also, the rope that was attached to Snips is at Maeni's feet, sorta dragging in Corbin's square ... Snips is no longer attached for some reason.

R4T7: Snips, what do you do? Lizard-thing in front of you, Zoo behind you, and a call from Bangs to withdraw. You do recognize now that the Small-sized lizard's claws wouldn't catch you on a withdraw, but you are sure that its ridiculously long, sinuous neck would (10' reach). Also, because your fear left you, you no longer have anything to "feed off of" from Maeni's spell (so your stats are normal again).

Lizard on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60). STAGGERED til beginning R4T7!!!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. SHAKEN til beginning R5T16!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-20, 06:55 PM
R4T7: The creature is no longer staggered. Snips took a deep breath and readied her left fist. She was slightly out of breath, but she needed to stay put until Zoo pulled out. Once it struck, she would be ready. Her mind fills with martial inspiration.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R5T16: Bangs no longer feels fear. As Snips is in her trance, the lizard's neck snaps out at her and Snips react with a striking block - not enough to hurt it, but enough to deflect its bite. A claw scrapes off of her armor before another scrapes her neck for 2. She deflects the next two claws.

R5T15: Zoo, you just saw Snips take a light hit on the neck, even if the creature's head withdrew back into the mist away from your sight. Nobody is standing behind you. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-20, 11:37 PM
R5T15: Zoo extends his arms to lift Snips on to his back. Snips isn't willing, so Zoo backs away from the beast to give Snips a chance to run. He passes Corbin, Maeni, and Bangs, and keeps going until he ends his movement just outside the smaller hallway, entering into the larger hallway to the south.

R5T14: Bangs, you don't know how Snips is doing, but Zoo - visibly wounded - just passed you and continued beyond your sight (only 5' either way) to the south. The person you are tethered to - Corbin - must be 10' from you because you don't see him and the line is taut. Meanwhile, Maeni is between you and Corbin (she was originally tethered to Corbin from the front of the group). What do you do?

Maeni on deck, Corbin delaying, Snips in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-21, 05:36 AM
R5T14: Bangs delays where he is, though he will resist if Corbin starts pulling him into the fog. He doesn't feel comfortable abandoning Snips in the fog. He is nervously checking his collective to make sure that she can still be felt, but realizes he has no control over everyone else's perception ... merely that he can sense he is connected to the others.

R5T10: Maeni, what do you do? Corbin, who was your tie-off partner to the back, is now to the north of you, and Bangs - Corbin's tie-off partner is to your south. Bangs seems to just be standing there. The rope that was leading to Snips is slack and you feel only the slightest bit of tension from it.

Corbin delaying, Snips on deck, Lizard in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (41:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minute
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-21, 07:44 PM
R5T10: Maeni moves back forward of Corbin (which "fixes" any snarl that might end up happening with the rope), keeping a clear view to be ready to throw fire at the creature. "Be sure to move to the side, Zoo! Fire incoming!"

But then she remembered that Zoo did pass her, so in the confusion of the mist she lets loose with a fire arc. Instead of a lizard-like scream, she hears the scream of a woman and a hissing noise.
Snips, Maeni threw you off when she used Zoo's name and you take the full 8 fire. Whether because you shielded it or because the small lizard is fast, it only took 4 fire.
Corbin is delaying...

R5T7: Snips frowns ... and grimaces in pain. She was certain she could annihilate this thing if she could only see past it. Still, Zoo had fallen back and her job as pointsman was over, so she too retreats, using the fog to actually help her this time. She moves 10' to pass Maeni, then Corbin, another 10' to pass Bangs, and about 15' further south. She sees the hallway just open up (in the mist) past her, but she's not quite there yet. Zoo is just south of her now.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T16: Maeni sees a strange creature coming out of the fog ... a small lizard with a very long neck and six short, muscular legs ... and it is charging her! It pounces on her, bringing all of its weapons to bear. With her mage armor long since expired, its clumsy bite just manages to get her in her groin for 5. Maeni just barely manages to keep her feet. Its claws all come in as well. The fog does nothing to protect her as three claws hit her for a total of 9.

Everyone hears Maeni scream in terrible pain, and Corbin sees it. Maeni is still standing, but only barely.

R6T15: Zoo, you hear Maeni's plaintive cries down the hall, even as you see Snips hustling towards you (just in front of you in the foggy corridor). What do you do?

Bangs delaying, Maeni on deck, Corbin delaying, Snips in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (37:60). Charging!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. SICKENED til end R5T15!!!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-21, 09:53 PM
R6T15: Zoo reluctantly positions himself at the corner of the hallway's entrance and prepares to attack the beast if it follows. Zoo gives a loud woof hoping to draw the thing's attention.

Bangs delaying ...

R6T10: Maeni, you were just savaged by this thing, whatever it is. You can't take another good claw hit or two without dropping. It is right in front of you, and Corbin is right behind you. Other than yellow mist and walls, that is all you see. What do you do?

Corbin delaying, Snips on deck, Lizard in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (37:60). Charging!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket).
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance.

2018-03-22, 01:48 PM
R6T10: In pain, Maeni unleashes whatever she has left, releasing more fire. It catches the lizard-creature squarely for 8 fire.

Corbin delaying ...

R6T7: Snips swears as she hears Maeni's howl of pain. How had she missed her in the mist? No matter. No one was going to die today if she could help it. Determined, she heads back into the mists once more, making her way up to Corbin. She "flows" Corbin behind Bangs to protect the tengu and remove him as an impediment. As soon as Corbin materializes, she yells at him. "Get out of here! I'll hold it back as best I can! Maeni, you, too! I can't see you!"

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T16: The lizard regains its balance from its charge. It bites Maeni in her groin again for 4, disabling and tripping her. The mist fouls a crit from a claw, but another claw cuts across her belly for 4, dropping Maeni. Then another 4 after that!

R7T15: Zoo, you do not have any special knowledge of Maeni's fall. What do you do?

Bangs and Corbin delaying ... feel free to do something at any time, gents ...

Snips on deck, lizard in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). DYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).

2018-03-22, 03:04 PM
R7T15: Not seeing Maeni exit the hall since she screamed, Zoo follows the sound of Snips voice and, limited in mobility because of Corbin and Bangs, steps in front of Snips. Hopefully, he can act as back up or at worst a stretcher for a wounded ally ... such as the fallen Maeni he now sees in front of him. He grabs her and draws her to him.

R7T10: Maeni is dying.Roll a stabilization check.

Bangs and Corbin are delaying ...

Snips on deck, lizard in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Bangs: 14. DELAYING!!!
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). DYING!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7.
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).

2018-03-23, 08:24 AM
R7T10: Maeni is dying. Still.

R7T7: Snips saw Maeni bleeding in Zoo's grasp. Not again. Not today. She couldn't move both herself into position and Maeni to safety and she knew which was more important. She flowed them behind her and shouted. "Get here out of here! Fall back, all of you! I'll try and get it into a better position!"

R7T6: Hearing Maeni scream, Bangs sends a small trickle of healing her way, but fears that if injuries continue to mount he will be unable to handle them. And yet, Bangs still doesn't clear the hall to move to safety. :smallmad:

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T16: The lizard comes into view and attacks Snips. Its bite and three claws, but one of its claws crits Snips in the lower left arm for 14, dropping her. Snips falls with a grunting sigh, and her breastplate hitting the floor can be heard down the corridor.

R8T15: Zoo, you think you just heard Snips fall ... either because of the creature's ability of its bite to foul folks and trip them, or because she is past all strength. What do you do? You are currently carrying an unconscious Maeni whose status you don't quite now. Bangs is right in "front" of you, and the way is clear to the south.

Corbin delaying ... DO YOU DO ANYTHING?

Snips on deck (get ready to roll a stabilization check), Bangs in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Corbin: 9. Loaded. DELAYING!!!
Snips: 7. DYING!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-08, 07:19 PM
R7T10: Maeni is dying. Still.Please refresh yourself with the rules on dying (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions/#TOC-Dying). It is not a Fort save.
R7T7: Snips saw Maeni bleeding in Zoo's grasp. Not again. Not today. She couldn't move both herself into position and Maeni to safety and she knew which was more important. She flowed them behind her and shouted. "Get here out of here! Fall back, all of you! I'll try and get it into a better position!"

R7T6: Hearing Maeni scream, Bangs sends a small trickle of healing her way, but fears that if injuries continue to mount he will be unable to handle them. And yet, Bangs still doesn't clear the hall to move to safety. :smallmad:

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T16: The lizard comes into view and attacks Snips. Its bite and three claws, but one of its claws crits Snips in the lower left arm for 14, dropping her. Snips falls with a grunting sigh, and her breastplate hitting the floor can be heard down the corridor.

R8T15: Zoo continues out of the hall with the limp Maeni. When he gets to the entrance of the hall he places Maeni around the corner to keep her out of harm's way.

R8T14: "What the hell is this thing?" Corbin starts moving back towards the hall after zoo, keeping an eye out for pursuit. After passing Bangs, he only gets 10' farther down the corridor, because his "trailing" rope was attached to Bangs (though Bangs is now "forward" of Corbin's position).

R8T7: Snips' fate is unknown, but you don't hear her.

R8T6: Bangs, what do you do?

Lizard on deck, Zoo in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-09, 12:27 PM
R8T6: Bangs undoes the rope on him and moves out of the fog ... passing Corbin (in fog and hallway) and seeing Zoo out in the hallway.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T15: Zoo runs back into the fog, passing Corbin, and finally getting to where the lizard now shares the same space as a fallen, unmoving Snips. The monster seems to have a piece of Snips' thigh in its mouth!

R9T14: Corbin, Bangs passed you, then Zoo heading back towards battle. There is no tension on the rope on either side now, except for the weight of the slack rope. You are now wearing an annoying 15-pound tether which is now going to slow you down (putting you over encumbrance). What do you do?

Snips, roll a stabilization check, Bangs in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. DYING!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-10, 02:26 PM
R9T14: Corbin unties himself from the tether, and then moves outside the fog to Maeni.So, here's the thing: meta-knowledge. With meta knowledge, you would just be able to have done the "if" statement. But because Corbin isn't sure how far away Maeni is now, I had to go with the b-option.
R9T6: Bangs, you are in the hallway with an unmoving, prone Maeni (though she is still connected to the collective) as well as Corbin, who just came into the hallway. Zoo went back inside. What do you do?

Lizard in the hole, Zoo on deck ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. DYING!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-11, 08:05 AM
R9T6: Bangs assesses Maeni's condition, verifying that she is stable (though comatose).

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T16: The lizard howls to demoralize Zoo, not wanting to give up its meal. If the thing were bigger than it was (it is Small), perhaps it might have weakened Zoo's resolve, but the dog-thing is too pissed and focused on saving his teammate to be moved.

R10T15: Zoo, not knowing if Snips is alive or dead, tries to rend the beast. He grows a horn from his canine head and thrusts. Though powerful, the creature hops low off of Snips body next to her. A powerful claw slams against its hide before another almost gets the lizard .... were it not for the thrice-damned yellow mist. Both hooves are ineffective.

R10T14: Corbin, you are in the hallway next to Bangs and Maeni. Do you delay here or do something?

Snips, roll a stabilization check; Bangs in the hole ...

Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves. Carrying Maeni!
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. DYING!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-13, 07:25 AM
R10T14: Corbin lets out a frustrated trill and stows his crossbow. Heading back towards the sound of combat, he says to Bangs. "Gonna see if I can help. Get Maeni out of here."

Corbin ends his movement just behind Zoo (in front of him, to the north). He can't see the lizard.

R10T6: Relieved that Maeni is fine for now, Bangs looks into the mist and worries over Snips who has still not returned. Feeling for her in the collective, Bangs tries to send a pulse of healing to her with the last of his energies.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T22: Tearing around the corner from the main "nexus" of the northwestern corridors comes a small figure in a nobleman's outfit with bits of fur and jewelry: Heck Hanley. He sees Bangs and comes right up to him, eyeing the fallen figure of Maeni, then looks up at the slender Ulfen man. "What the hell was that noise, don't explain Maeni's condition or waste time. Where are the others? Short and snappy, Bangs."

R11T16: Meanwhile, the lizard unleashes its fury against Zoo. The mist foils its bite. A claw scratches Zoo for 3, but on the next claw attempt it ... strains its eye ... and out of instinct and pain the other eye shuts. It is blind. It still lashes out now, blindly. Against all odds, the last claw scores a wildly lucky crit on Zoo for 9. And now Zoo is barely on his four paws.

R11T15: Zoo, how it landed that last blow you'll never know, but it did and it almost dropped you. You are barely standing yourself now. Corbin came up behind you. What do you do?

Corbin on deck, Bangs in the hole (you can vocalize to Heck now, though) ...

Heck: 22.
Voonith: 16. (29:60). BLINDED til end R12T16!!!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-13, 08:17 AM
R11T15: Seeing the beast's condition, Zoo wastes no time and hefts Snips. The lizard, hearing commotion snaps wildly around. Zoo carries her limp form back to the hall's entrance ready to collapse himself. There, he sees Bangs and now Heck over Maeni. Given the lizard's first howl was hurting Zoo's canine ears, no doubt everyone in the complex heard the beast.

R11T14: Corbin, Zoo just passed you carrying Snips, heading towards the way out. You are alone in the misty hallway. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, Heck in the hole ...

Heck: 22.
Voonith: 16. (29:60). BLINDED til end R12T16!!!
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-16, 12:26 PM
R11T14: Not needing to be told twice, Corbin books it towards the others as fast as his little chicken legs can carry him.

R11T6: Worried that the beast will follow his companions out, Bangs moves Maeni further from the fog. He grabs hold of Maeni's underarms, and he only gets five feet because she is heavier than Bangs is strong.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T22: Heck slides a dagger out of his sleeve that has been hidden this hole time and crouches behind the wall, ready to stab whatever comes out now that Corbin is clear. "Corbin, get on the other side of the exit if you have time!"

R12T16: There is a hissing sound as something is laboring down the hallway towards the group.

R12T15: Zoo, you are horribly wounded. What do you do?

Corbin on deck, Bangs in the hole ...

Heck: 22.
Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-16, 03:16 PM
R12T15: Zoo, already carrying Snips, steps over to Maeni. He can get her weight, but he can't hold Snips on top of himself and still heft Maeni atop, let alone carry them together; he realizes without even stopping to grab Maeni. So, he moves away from the battle some with Maeni. Once he gets around the corner, Zoo realizes another obstacle he'll contend with .... the low ceiling from the obstacle of rubble to the south.

R12T14: Corbin, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, Heck readied in the hole ...

Heck: 22.
Voonith: 16. (29:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-17, 03:44 PM
R12T14: Corbin nods at Heck's suggestion and hops to the other side of the hallway. "Get ready to run, this thing tore us apart in the mist... But maybe we can slow it down a bit."

R12T6: Bangs continues to drag the wounded Maeni away from the approaching creature.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T16: The creature makes it out of the fog right between Heck and Corbin.

"Hello, little voonith," says Heck as he stabs the thing in its side for 14. "Aren't you aquatic? Whatever are you doing here?"

The thing snarls and snaps at Heck, paying no notice to the fact that a dark feathered creature stands on its other side.

R13T15: Zoo, shall I just assume that your job is wounded evac? It's your turn.

Corbin on deck (flanking the lizard with Heck), Bangs in the hole (same thing? wounded evac?) ....

Heck: 17.
Voonith: 16. (15:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-17, 09:27 PM
R13T15: Zoo continues ambulancing Snips.

R13T14: Corbin, what do you do? (Bangs has not yet taken his action as stated above.) You and Heck are flanking the lizard.

Bangs on deck (action defined), Heck in the hole ...

Heck: 17.
Voonith: 16. (15:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-04-19, 05:51 PM
R13T14: Upon seeing the lizard, Corbin assaults it with claws and beak, pouncing at it while it's attention is turned towards Heck, doing a total of 21 and dropping the voonith.

R13T6: Frustrated at his lack of progress getting Maeni out of danger, Bangs sets her down on the ground to free his hands. He calls out to Zoo, "Zoo! Come get Maeni out of here and guard her and Snips. I will help out with ranged attacks!" Glaring at the creature that harmed them, he sees the Corbin dropped it. Bangs viciously grasps for it's mind intent on getting repayment for what it's done, but its primitive mind is too alien for Bangs to establish a connection.
It takes a move action to set Maeni down, and a standard to do unwilling participant.
End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T17: Heck stabs his dagger into the voonith's small skull, finishing it off.

Combat Ends ...

Heck: 17.
Voonith: 16. (15:60).
Zoo: 15. Medium dog form: Animalistic transformation, extra limbs (arms), hooves, gore.
* Enhancement (+2 to all physical) - 11 minutes.
* "My Teef!" 1 CON damage. Your bite attacks are at a -2 penalty. A Heal DC 25 check is needed to repair his teeth (regardless of form), which would remove the bite penalty.
* The ability damage can only be healed by rest or restorative magic.
Corbin: 14. Loaded/ stowed.
Maeni: 10. Penumbra (on piece of rubble, in pocket). STABLE!!!
Snips: 7. STABLE!!!
* Swallow your fear for 10 minutes! While under fear effect, +2 morale bonus to STR & CON, +1 morale to WILL, and -2 penalty to AC.
* After images talent, so 20% miss chance (SP spent).
Bangs: 6.

2018-05-05, 08:46 AM
Zoo and Snips have both contracted filth fever, and tomorrow they will both feel the effects of ability score damage.

2018-06-04, 06:02 PM
"Yeah! Yeah, get in here and help us!" comes a call from inside.

Maeni sees three of the people inside draw closer to the door, but in the manner of backing up from the banging on the south wall. They have various weapons of opportunity in their hands.

Zoo, what do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20.
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-04, 07:04 PM
R1T16: Zoo pads into the room and goes to open the door. He takes the path that gives him the most distance between himself and the now armed occupants ... that attack him as he comes through, with cries of "Monster!" and "Mutant Dog!" following him. He gets whalloped by AO1 and AO2 for a total of 19. Zoo stumbles towards the south wall, terribly wounded. AO4 swing at him but strains himself (1 DEX) for the attempt. Zoo makes it to the wall, but is now badly wounded.

R1T15: Bangs, you saw Zoo get nailed twice and how badly wounded he is. It seems from the shouts they made that they had no expectation to see a dog-with-arms come running through. What do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-04, 09:35 PM
R1T15: Sighing as Zoo gets walloped by the people they are trying to help, Bangs sends healing towards Zoo via their mental connection and enters the room to address the crowd. "Please do not attack the man who likes to turn into animals using magic. While I can't say he is harmless, he is perfectly benign," Bangs scolds the survivors.

The sound of a wind chime playing in the wind fills the area around Bangs. A soft white light spreads from Bangs outwards to knit Zoo's wounds for 6.The commonly overlooked aspect of psionic power displays.
R1T14: "Unnatural!" cries AO3 (carrying a crowbar) as he swings at Bangs, hitting him in his right shoulder for 4 mod.

R1T11: Corbin, you don't have a bead on any of the people in the room, though you did see Zoo and Bangs get attacked. Meanwhile, there is banging on the boarded up wall at the south end of that room. What do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-06, 09:08 AM
R1T11: "Oy, quit screwing around and watch the boards! We're all on the same side here! Doggos with us!" shouts Corbin. Unwilling to take one of them down just yet over a misunderstanding, he readies himself to fire a shot at whatever the hell is going to break through the boarded up door.

R1T9: Akbar, what do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-07, 01:54 PM
R1T9: Akbar steps into the doorway and addresses the stranger who looks most like the leader.... "We are all on the same side. We shouldn't be fighting each other, friend."

R1T6: Snips, what do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-08, 05:57 PM
R1T6: Snips readies herself and gathers power to her fists. One way or another, combat will be soon joined and she needed to prepare.

R1T2: Maeni, what do you do?

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6. Fists empowered. READIED ACTION: teleport "behind" AO3 if any of the AO's attack Zoo!!!
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-11, 07:13 AM
R1T2: Maeni steps in and walks confidently toward Zoo and the other doors, and point the door that's making noise. "How about we don't kill each other? We don't want to, and we won't force you to stay. We'll fight here against those creatures, while you can ...."

As Maeni passes Bangs, the tall, white-haired, lavender-eyed, milky-white skinned non-human with slight coppery scales elicits a shriek and the occupants of that room (sans Bangs and Zoo) shriek and attack. AO4 hits Maeni in the shoulder for 10. AO1 (a cook) hits Maeni in the neck with a heavy iron pot for 13, dropping her.

Maeni now lies crumpled on the ground.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T20: "They're all monsters," shouts AO4. "Get 'em!" He swings a crowbar at Bangs and hits him in his left lower leg for 3 mod.

R2T19: The cook that dropped Maeni now swings at Bangs, almost missing were it not for flanking. Bangs gets nailed in his chest for 14 mod.

R2T17: Oddly, AO2 doesn't attack with her pot but drops it to take out what looks like a makeshift sap and she attacks (and misses).

R2T16: Zoo, what do you do?

Bangs on deck, AO3 in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19.
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14.
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6. Fists empowered. READIED ACTION: teleport "behind" AO3 if any of the AO's attack Zoo!!!
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-13, 08:18 AM
R2T16: Zoo outraged at the attack on his friends and pack mates, not to mention the misuse of cookware, lets out a stream of invective. Dog mouths don't work well for that though, and only a series of growls and barks come out as he tries to knockout the nearest of the four. Two claws miss AO3, as the man actually seems very agile and quite cagey. His bite hits for 9 NL, but then his next attacks miss.

R2T15: Bangs, you are in a bad place. What do you do?

AO3 on deck, Corbin in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22).
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (22:22, 9 NL).
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6. Fists empowered. READIED ACTION: teleport "behind" AO3 if any of the AO's attack Zoo!!!
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-13, 09:25 PM
R2T15: Tasting blood in his mouth from the blow, Bangs stumbles brilliantly somersaults back out of the room and spits out the coppery substance on his tongue. "You... murderous swine!" Bangs yells at the freaks in the room as he does his best to keep Maeni and Zoo living (+1 to Maeni, +5 to Zoo).

R2T14: AO3 steps south a few feet (out of Snips' sight), and spins her crowbar around oddly and then misses Zoo.

R2T11: Corbin, do you maintain your readied action to shoot anything trying to come through the boards? At this angle, you can only target AO3, and he has cover.

Akbar on deck, Snips in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (22:22, 9 NL).
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Snips: 6. Fists empowered. READIED ACTION: teleport "behind" AO3 if any of the AO's attack Zoo!!!
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-14, 09:03 PM
R2T13: While Snips didn't actually see the goon attack zoo, she say her take a swing and decides that it's time to move it. She flows into place behind her and prepares to strike.

R2T11: Corbin, do you continue to ready an action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards?

Akbar on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (22:22, 9 NL).
Snips: 13. Fists empowered.
Corbin: 11. READIED action to shoot at anything trying to come through the boards.
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-15, 09:01 AM
R2T11: Corbin lets out a shrill curse, then takes aim and lets a shot loose, feeling that they've run out of options. The bolt hits the man in the gut with a crit for 15, and the man is now staggered. Out of habit, Corbin reloads with another durable bolt.

R2T9: Akbar, you only see AO2 and AO4 in the preparation room to the south. All others are outside your LOS. What do you do?

Maeni on deck, AO4 in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (9:22, 9 NL).
Snips: 13. Fists empowered.
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2.

2018-06-17, 09:11 PM
R2T9: "Get back into this room if you can!"

Akbar then shouts (noiselessly) something much less pleasant at the enemy closest to him, and AO2 takes 2 NL.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T20: AO4 steps south a few feet to flank Zoo with AO3. He swings down so hard he nearly breaks the crowbar he wields (it is now a little deformed).

R3T19: AO1 takes a long way around to get behind Snips to flank Snips with AO3. He fares far better than his fellow, hitting Snips in her left shin for 8.

R3T17: AO2 steps down a little bit and swings her sap around in an odd pattern, possibly attacking Zoo (though it's hard to tell if there was a swinging forward of the sap or a committed attack).

R3T16: Zoo, you're feeling a little better than before, but you still hurt and you are still surrounded by three enemies. They seem to know where to place a cheap shot, whether with pan or crowbar. What do you do?

Bangs on deck, AO3 in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 2 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16.
Bangs: 15.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (9:22, 9 NL).
Snips: 13. Fists empowered.
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-06-20, 02:56 PM
R3T16: Zoo acts like any cornered animal would and attacks. In the fury of combat (poorly represented in a grid-system in PF), Zoo turns back to hit his attacker but his snout nails his animal form's very exposed genitalia with all of Zoo's strength. Zoo seizes up with a yelp, gives out a little whine, and falls over, unmoving.

R3T15: Seeing Zoo being surrounded, Bangs decides to step into combat himself and does a combat roll into the room. Once in place, Bangs calls upon the plentiful rubble in the room to smite AO3. AO3 staggers to the side, avoiding the spray of pebbles.

R3T14.5: Snips, you are currently being flanked. AO3 seems to be on the ropes, and Zoo is unmoving on the ground behind him. What do you do?

AO3 on deck, Corbin (durable bolt loaded) in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 2 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16. UNCONSCIOUS til end R4T16!!!
Bangs: 15.
Snips: 14.5. Fists empowered.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (9:22, 9 NL).
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-06-21, 04:59 PM
R3T14.5: Things were starting to head south, but Snips was too angry to care. This could have all been avoided if these morons would listen to reason, but no, they wanted it hard, the by God (a slight question of "Which one?" passed through her mind but went unnoticed), she'd give to to them. Maybe once she'd knocked some sense into them they'd be ready to talk. Fists lashed out at the nearest target before backing up and speaking the ancient tongue, her form seeming to blur as she does, AO3 swung his crowbar at Snips as she tried, but AO3's aim is off as he is barely standing.

R3T14: AO3 counters the other way to come aside Snips while also being in range of Bangs. He stands threateningly, ready to attack but not yet doing so.

R3T11: Corbin, AO2 has improved cover from you, AO4 has cover from you. You have no other targets. You have a durable bolt loaded. What do you do?Me defining that you reload was a gratis last round. Please remember to state you do so. I assume that durable is your "standard" use ammunition, so unless you say something, I will assume durable bolts.
Akbar on deck, AO4 in the hole ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 2 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16. UNCONSCIOUS til end R4T16!!!
Bangs: 15.
Snips: 14.5. Fists empowered.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED! READIED to strike Snips once she is flanked!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-06-22, 07:28 PM
R3T11: "Maybe it's time we get the hell out of here?" Corbin squawks at his companions in the room, while trying to provide adequate covering fire. He steps to a perfect position to get an open shot at AO2 and hits her in the hip for 3.

R3T9: Akbar, what do you do?

AO4 on deck, AO1 in the hole, Maeni and Zoo are currently down ...

AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 2 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Zoo: 16. UNCONSCIOUS til end R4T16!!!
Bangs: 15.
Snips: 14.5. Fists empowered.
AO3 (Guard): 14. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED! READIED to strike Snips once she is flanked!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-06-29, 04:05 PM
R3T9: Akbar holds his position, casts a spell, and shouts (noiselessly) again at his target (AO2), who takes 4 NL and is dazed.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T21-20: AO4 steps up to Snips, but before he attacks AO3 strikes at Snips first and crits her in the upper left arm for 22! :eek: Snips instantly drops. AO4 instead turns his attention to Bangs and hits the slender man in the chest for 8 mod. And now Bangs goes down as well, and his collective drops.

R4T19: AO1 heads out of the room, stopping and striking at Akbar as soon as he sees the red-bearded man. His frying pan gets through Akbar's magical defenses to slam the busker in the chest for 6. "Two out here," he calls. "A strange man and a bird-man with a crossbow."

R4T17: AO2 looks at the unexpected success and hits Zoo with her sap for 12 NL.

R4T16: Zoo, you just received a lot of pain by something slugging you in the head. The good news is that oddly brought you out of unconsciousness. The bad news is that it took you all of your turn to finish recovering. You are no longer unconscious, but you are prone. It's up to you if you want to play dead or try to be active. Playing dead means you have an effective DEX of 0. Even then, you'd have to try to Bluff (rolled by me) to fake them out that you are KO'd.
R4T15-14.5: Bangs and Snips, make CON checks to try to stabilize.

R4T11: Corbin, the battle has now spilled out into the kitchen where you are. At least the closest bogey doesn't have cover from doorways or the like. You have a durable bolt loaded. What do you do?

Akbar on deck, enemy survivors in the hole ...

AO3 (Guard): 21. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED!
AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 6 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar. DAZED til beginning of R4T9!!!
Zoo: 16. UNCONSCIOUS til end R4T16!!!
Bangs: 15. DYING!!!
Snips: 14.5. DYING!!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable).
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-07-04, 01:26 PM
R4T11: Corbin regards the closest opponent in frustration, dropping his crossbow, and raising his hands."This is pointless! We never were here to hurt you. Allow me to collect my wounded friends, and we'll leave. This will be nothing but a bad memory. "

R4T9: Akbar, what do you do while waiting a response to Corbin's plea?

All of the bogeys on deck and in the hole ...

AO3 (Guard): 21. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED!
AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 6 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar. DAZED til beginning of R4T9!!!
Zoo: 16. UNCONSCIOUS til end R4T16!!!
Bangs: 15. DYING!!!
Snips: 14.5. DYING!!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable), but it's on the ground.
Akbar: 9.
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-07-05, 10:09 PM
R4T9: Akbar breaks away from the enemy and retreats out of the kitchen, through the old northwest orderly station, and almost to the door that leads to the long, slender passageway leading out.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T21: AO3 (guard) stumbles out of the prep room into the kitchen. AO1 (cook) yells at him, "Some devil-bearded, dark-skinned man just ran out that way."

"Well," huffs AO3, "I'm in no condition to run after him." AO3 stumbles up towards Corbin.

R5T20: "Look!" cries AO4 coming out and taking a big circuit east and north. "A big turkey you can cook! Ivory, get out here!" AO4 gets into a spot next to two fireplaces and attacks Corbin with a crowbar but misses.

R5T19: AO1 crosses the other way to come at Corbin from the west. His frying pan slams against Corbin's chain shirt because he tried to strike with the bottom flat. Realizing the problem, AO1 adjusts his grib so next time he'll hit with the side of the pan to focus the energy.

R5T17: AO2, sees Zoo stirring and he hears her whisper to him..."This is for your own good. If the others see you moving, they won't hit you with a sap."Zoo's conscious lapses again this time as he takes 8 NL.

R5T11: Corbin, the last of the four (AO2) comes out and flanks him. Corbin is now double-flanked in the kitchen, and his crossbow is on the ground by his feet. You know from the "big turkey" comment that ending this quietly is not how they want to play it. Akbar at least ran away and the four of your aggressors are more focused on you (it's not a secret that you have a dangerous-looking beak and claws; they're not retractable). What do you do?

Akbar on deck, enemies in the hole ...

AO3 (Guard): 21. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED!
AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 6 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Bangs: 15. DYING!!!
Snips: 14.5. DYING!!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable), but it's on the ground.
Akbar: 9. 10' N of S door of orderly station (He withdrew last round).
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-07-08, 12:57 PM
R5T11: Corbin shrieks something unintelligible, then tries to leap from the middle of the madmen and dash down the hall towards Akbar. With the northern spaces all held (or having fireplaces in the way), Corbin mutters again and tries to go south, easily getting away from AO4. As he continues, the three others get an AOO on him (but none have flanking. Each and everyone entirely miss Corbin, not even grazing off of his armor. In continuing another few feet south he realizes that these guys are even more dangerous than he realized as AO3 gets another AOO against him, with this blow bouncing off of Corbin's armor this time. Now at the south wall of the kitchen Corbin tries to squeak by again, but AO3 - despite being staggered - sure has a lot in him as he finally connects with his crowbar against Corbin's head for 6. Continuing west now and getting to another door going south to the kitchen, AO3 attacks yet again and misses, losing steam. Corbin runs 10' into the room to the west.

R5T9: Just seeing Corbin coming into the room, Akbar waves to him to hurry, then casts a spell that creates smoke that will block vision. Corbin is now in this smoke, coughing (he is affected by the illusion, not that it will matter for long). Akbar bolts down the long corridor.

Corbin and Akbar, before I continue with initiative, what is your intention? To where are you withdrawing? Give your answers as in IC as character thoughts and/ or a quick shout to each other.

AO3 (Guard): 21. (9:22, 9 NL). STAGGERED!
AO4 (Guard): 20. (22:22, 16:17 DEX).
AO1 (Cook): 19. (22:22).
AO2 (Ivory Garidine): 17. (22:22, 6 NL). She threatens with a sap, not a crowbar.
Bangs: 15. DYING!!!
Snips: 14.5. DYING!!
Corbin: 11. Loaded (durable), but it's on the ground.
Akbar: 9. 10' N of S door of orderly station (He withdrew last round).
Maeni: 2. STABLE!!!

2018-08-18, 09:50 PM
"And just be aware," adds Gaye, "that little bastard ratling sorcerer kept sniping from on top of a desk on the far east side of the room."

The door is checked and Jean opens the door. On the other side of the door is a Rodent of Unusual Size(R), and another 10' behind that one! But with Former-G2's intel the party was ready enough not to be surprised.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: One of the ROUS' (DR2) runs up into the corner by the door and tries to nip at Jean but because of cover can't quite get him.

R1T20: A piece of rock from inside the room zooms at DR1 and misses. ???

R1T19: Dorn, as before, two dire rats. You know they usually carry disease with their bites, but are otherwise weak. You don't see the (likely invisible) ratling sorcerer). What do you do?

DR2: 23.
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19.
Jean: 18.
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2).
DR1: 13.
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11.
Brother Jaume: 10.
Javert: 9.

2018-08-19, 09:26 PM
R1T19: Dorn casts a spell on himself, but otherwise stands ready.

R1T18: Jean, you are facing down an ROUS. What do you do?

DR2: 23.
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19. Expeditious retreat.
Jean: 18.
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2).
DR1: 13.
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11.
Brother Jaume: 10.
Javert: 9.

2018-08-21, 03:22 AM
R1T18: Shifting into a gliding, half-focused combat stance, Jean swings his scimitar at the nearest rat and sends a thought twirling towards Javert. "Find the invisible one."
You didn't expressly state it, but your fluff leads me to believe that you are now in leaping spirit stance, so that is what I have you doing.It is a devastating cut, but DR1 does not yet drop.

R1T13: DR1 attacks Jean and misses.

R1T12: Akbar, you are well away from the battle and any vantage for it. What do you do?

DR2: 23. (9:9).
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19. Expeditious retreat.
Jean: 18. Leaping spirit stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 competence Ref saves).
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2). Currently focusing on casting summon swarm.
DR1: 13. (2:9).
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11.
Brother Jaume: 10.
Javert: 9.

2018-08-21, 06:23 PM
R1T12: "Hey, guys, remember us? No need to start fighting again...." Akbar's voice trails off after Jean's sword strikes the giant rat with a gristly thud. So much for that. He casts a spell to protect himself and waits for whatever else might come out of the library.

R1T11: Nadya delays ...

R1T10: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

Javert on deck, DR2 in the hole ...

DR2: 23. (9:9).
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19. Expeditious retreat.
Jean: 18. Leaping spirit stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 competence Ref saves).
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2). Currently focusing on casting summon swarm.
DR1: 13. (2:9).
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 10.
Javert: 9.

2018-08-21, 11:13 PM
R1T10: “Jean, try to move in so we can bring numbers to bear!" The simple warrior takes a defensive stance and readies his staff.

R1T9: Javert flies in, and in doing so provokes an AOO from both ROUS'. DR2 hits for 3, and DR1 hits for 1. Javert shrugs it off and continues and upwards until he flaps at the height of the top of the tall desk inside."I don't see any sign of him up here!"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Despite cover and his martial stance, DR2 still manages to nip Jean on the side of his abdomen for 1.

R2T20: Another bit of rock bounces towards DR1 and misses.

R2T19: Dorn, what do you do?

Jean on deck, DR1 in the hole ...

DR2: 23. (9:9).
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19. Expeditious retreat.
Jean: 18. Leaping spirit stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 competence Ref saves).
* He will contract filth fever in 3 days!!!
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor. Currently focusing on casting summon swarm.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2).
DR1: 13. (2:9). AOO used.
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 10. TD!!!
Javert: 9. He will contract filth fever in 2 days!!!

2018-08-22, 10:34 PM
R2T19: Dorn casts a spell on Jean. Jean's figure is limned by a ghostly radiance of holy power.

R2T18: Jean makes another cut down at the rat in front of him, hoping to finish it's miserable little life and buy them more room to work with, but he ends up spinning wildly.

R2T13: DR1 bites at Jean, but Dorn's spell deflects it.

R2T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Brother Jaume (total defense) on deck, Javert in the hole, Nadya delaying ...

DR2: 23. (9:9).
Heck: 20.
Dorn: 19. Expeditious retreat.
Jean: 18. Leaping spirit stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 competence Ref saves). Shield of faith (+2 defl) til beginning of R22T19!
* He will contract filth fever in 3 days!!!
Ratch Mamby: 14. (62:62).
* Current: invisibility, mage armor. Currently focusing on casting summon swarm.
* SLAs remaining: All except, invisibility (2).
DR1: 13. (2:9).
Akbar: 12.
Nadya: 11. DELAYING!!!
Brother Jaume: 10. TD!!!
Javert: 9. He will contract filth fever in 2 days!!!