View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Verdant Prince MBEG

2016-10-13, 10:08 PM
Hey all,

Thinking of dropping a Verdant Prince (MM IV, p. 172) into my game at some point in the future.

I love the Oath Bond feature and want to enter into some kind of dark bargain with a PC.

To make him a little more interesting, I want to slap on a couple of non-associated class levels to push him up to 18HD and CR 12. Druid, rogue and scout are associated classes, so I'd like to avoid those.


Cheers - T

2016-10-13, 10:34 PM
The VP has SLAs, but no native spellcasting. Adding a casting class only nets him CL 1-2 1st level spells. Bleh!

Add Warlock levels for a few handy invocations (Shatter that non-magical cold iron shortsword, See Invisibility). I'd rule that he qualifies for the Fey Heritage feats from CArc or CM (forget which), which give him several more 1/day SLAs.

He would also benefit substantially from the Natural Bond feat - with 18HD he can get a buffed animal companion even without being a druid.

2016-10-13, 10:40 PM
The Incarnum classes are always neat and he can benefit a lot from them. Necessary ToB reference. Also seconding Warlock.

2016-11-24, 10:03 PM
Warlock seems like a good fit thematically and practically. I might post the stat-block when I get a chance.

2016-12-23, 06:11 PM
Rather than start a new thread, I thought I would post on this one.

How can I turn a Fey (i.e. Verdant Prince) into an Outsider with the Evil subtype? What combo of templates (or other things) do I need? I'd rather avoid the rituals to gain subtypes from Savage Species, if possible.

2016-12-23, 06:56 PM
Rather than start a new thread, I thought I would post on this one.

How can I turn a Fey (i.e. Verdant Prince) into an Outsider with the Evil subtype? What combo of templates (or other things) do I need? I'd rather avoid the rituals to gain subtypes from Savage Species, if possible.

Dustform + Incarnate Construct + Unholy Scion?

From Sandstorm, Savage Species, and Heroes of Horror, respectively.

The problem is that unholy scion is an inherited template, so you'd want to apply that first, but it requires being a humanoid. The others are acquired.

2016-12-23, 07:04 PM
Any of the myriad ways to gain the outsider type + Divine Minion template does it.

2016-12-23, 07:07 PM
Any of the myriad ways to gain the outsider type + Divine Minion template does it.

Oh, yeah, I suppose that's simpler.

If gaining templates while under the effects of polymorph or polymorph any object is okay, you could go that route and possibly skip one or two steps.

2016-12-23, 07:19 PM
Are you asking because you want it to be thematically an outsider instead of a fey (sort of a sinister variant on Eladrin) or are you asking because that will alter some in-game effects that you have planned otherwise?

If the former... since you're the GM, you could erase the word Fey from its creature type and replace it with the words Outsider (Evil, Fey), wherein the Fey subtype does whatever you want it to do.

If the latter, I think Technetium's approach is the one you want.

2016-12-23, 09:01 PM
How can I turn a Fey (i.e. Verdant Prince) into an Outsider with the Evil subtype?

Half-fiend does it.

2016-12-23, 09:08 PM
Half-fiend does it.

Half-fiend gives the outsider type but not the evil subtype.

2016-12-23, 09:16 PM
Any of the myriad ways to gain the outsider type + Divine Minion template does it.

That looks promising.

Are you asking because you want it to be thematically an outsider instead of a fey (sort of a sinister variant on Eladrin) or are you asking because that will alter some in-game effects that you have planned otherwise?

Mainly so it will be eligible for PrCs that require an OUtsider with the Evil subtype...

2016-12-23, 09:21 PM
Mainly so it will be eligible for PrCs that require an OUtsider with the Evil subtype...

Divine Minion probably lets you do it then, yeah. Alternatively, depending on which prestige class it is you might be able to homebrew a campaign-specific prestige class that's similar that you could allow sinister Fey creatures to take. That can be tricky, though; some prestige classes you could just change the name and the creature type requirements, but others you'd have to completely overhaul how and why it works from the ground up.

John Longarrow
2016-12-23, 09:27 PM
Two things:
1) as DM you could have it go into an "Outsider Only" PRC by simply having a "Fey Only" version that is mechanically pretty identical.
2) Marshall would be a natural dip for a VP. Using an aura to add his CHA to CHA would be pretty fun for making a interpersonal expert who likes to convince people they need his help...