View Full Version : Attack on Heartless - The Anomalous Cluster IC

2016-10-14, 01:24 AM
The OOC thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?503410-Attack-on-Heartless-The-Anomalous-Cluster-OOC)

Episode 1

A pleasant park stretches out before you, complete with a field of grass and sweet-smelling flowers, strategically-placed trees, benches, and a swing set. With everybody in the nearby area at work or school at this time of day, the place is almost totally free of intelligent influence, but the birds are singing and the squirrels playing, lending an air of tranquility and life to the place rather than one of lonesomeness.

No chipmunks though - the official records state non-sapient chipmunks went extinct a while ago. :smallfrown:

The only person there, almost seeming to blend into the nature around her, is a dark-skinned, muscular, broad-shouldered woman with muted green tones in her flowing black hair. She’s adorned in a cloak with soft, naturalistic swirls of color - by no means is it camouflage, yet she doesn’t seem out of place in her surroundings.

She seems to fit the description you were ordered to look for - supposedly one of the “illustrious Keyblade’s Chosen,” a description that paints a better image of some idealistic brat spoiled by her position than one of an elite soldier. The rest of the letter you received wasn’t much better, outright referring to the forming group of you as “specialists of the weird and abnormal” while cryptically refusing to elaborate on your overall job because it’s a “highly classified government mission.”

So, to make a long story into two short ones, whoever wrote that letter must be an incredibly boring person, and you’re getting called into a job entirely because people don’t think you’re quite normal. Fun times, huh?

So far, all you know is that you’re supposed to work together with this Keyblade’s Chosen girl and travel both around the Walls and maybe even outside them to study and deal with some “anomalous events.” Apparently their normal agents can’t keep up with the stuff that’s been going on, so they brought in you, ahem, specialists of the weird and abnormal. But hey, it pays well, you get to go on adventures, and government secrets always make for good stories to tell at home. (Wait, that doesn’t sound right…)

Any other questions you have, well, I guess there’s only one person to ask. She’s probably the one with the clearest sense of direction here, but it’s not like anybody’s around to make a fuss if you’re difficult.

So go ahead and make an entrance. However you do it, you’ll be making your first impressions. Try to make them indicative of your true selves, or, failing that, professional. :smallbiggrin:

2016-10-14, 09:10 AM
The peace of the gardeb was disturbed by the the noise of a propellor.
a golden(?!) helicopter with a $ mark flew above the park.

A wide shouldered and muscular pilot duckhttp:// http://duck-tales.com/file/personashi/zigzag-makryak/zigzag-makryak-01.png sat there next to grumpy old and rich duck.

The elder duck seemed unpleased about something, and slammed him on the head. The bigger duck just smiled apolgeticly.

A rope ledder was thrown hanging from the helicopter. The short gentelman duck pulled himself down by it, with a surprising agility with one hand. He used the second to hold his top hat and his shoulder to hold the cane.

he didn't looked pleased at all. From time to time he shouted at his pilot. Finally, still 3 meters above ground, Scrooge hooped to the ground, into a bowing pose infront of the girl. Surprisngly, the elder duck haven't broken his knees. He dusted himself off, when the helicopter setted off.
'G'd day, young l'dy" The duck said with a scottish accent and offical tone.
"I have to apologize for the rock headness of my pilot lad- the fool can't understand the diffrence between the entrance to the middle of the park! I'm still amazed that I'm still paying him... tsk tsk..." his greetings turned into a grumble.
he coughed.
"My kilts! I have forgoten' mah manners! I am go by the Scrooge Mcduck. I assume, I have been called to meet y'a... Ms....?. He has asked with a smile offering a hand for shaking.

2016-10-14, 12:16 PM
The woman's jaw dropped just a bit for a few seconds as the chopper came low and Scrooge climbed down, causing the nearby birds and squirrels to scamper away. She regained her composure while Scrooge began to introduce himself, and when he put out a hand to shake, she seemed for a moment like she was going to leave him hanging.

"You came to the briefing for a fairly secretive mission in a gold helicopter?" She said slowly in a deep, burlesque voice, less asking a question and more trying to convince herself of the reality. Then she broke out into a grin, grabbing his hand and giving him a firm handshake. "I guess that's what I signed up for. Glad to have you, Scrooge. My name's Iovita Nakajima. Vita for short."

2016-10-15, 05:05 PM
"Ohh. The mission is a secret alright. But I am going anywhere for a lot of reasons. If Ah would start sneakin' around, won't people get a suspicious? So this old duck, just trying to act casual. That all, Ms. Nakajima." Scrooge has explained while shaking her hand.

2016-10-16, 12:23 AM
A mushroom cloud of flour comes out on the distance, along with the rattling sounds of a food cart on the middle of an earthquake.
"I'm late! Too late! For a very important date!" Someone claimed exasperated, hidden from view as he pushed a multi-tiered cake on a trolley along a yellow brick road that just could not have appeared just at that moment."Oh, no! Someone will have my head for this!"

A young boy passed in front of the lady and the duck carrying the trolley, on an impeccable chef's outfit, or so it seemed, until closer inspection revealed the white clothes and white boy were the result of a fine layer of flour and glass sugar as he whizzed past them. Just at the moment when it seemed he might disappear on his way, the boy halted and observes around.

"Just where would I be supposed to go! This letter says a "Park", but there is Too much Park! I guess I'll ask this blade of grass, or that tree, or the lady just behind- Oh nuts!"

The cake trolley slowly turned around, like a heavy armored knight pushed by a runt, before appoaching ramming speed.

"Sorry, I'm late!! My name is Macaron!!" the boy said, as the yellow road fizzed away, and the little trolley's shaking wheels sank on the soil. "It will be my honor to take care of cater- WHOOOA!!"

Giant cake and boy were catapulted towards the lady.

2016-10-16, 12:45 AM
Iovita Nakajima, in a flourishing motion, attempts to spin and dodge under the cake and then pop back up to catch the flying Macaron. However, she trips on her own feet while executing the maneuver, smacking into the cake with her hand (causing it to explode all over the surroundings) and facebutting directly with the flying boy. She stumbles for a moment, her arms flailing randomly, then falls to the ground face-down. She just lays there for a few seconds, then untangles her legs and props herself up on her arms. She gives a small frown to the cake chunks that smeared from her arm onto the grass, then lifts her eyes to look at Macaron with some concern.

"Are you okay, young man? Sorry I screwed up on agility." She rubs her nose where they crashed into each other.

2016-10-16, 01:00 AM
Scrooge tsked when the crazy wonderland boy came. Well, without his First Dime, his luck sure seemed to go nuts- this lad would probabky actually be part of.the unit. he carefully stepped.few.steps to.avoid.the.flour

2016-10-17, 12:32 PM
"Owwwww..." Macaron said, spinning like a weakening top, before falling on a setting position and looking around at all the mess.

"Aahhhh... Ummmm... Merry Unbirthday!!"

2016-10-17, 03:44 PM
"By my kilts! Don't tell me, you are one of the nuttos from Wonderland!?" Scrooge has asked with a groan

2016-10-18, 11:15 PM
"Wonderland, born and raised!" Macaron said. "I'm not a nut though. But hold on!"

He dug on his pockets for a moment, bringing up a handful of nuts.

"Here! I've got almonds if you like!"

2016-10-20, 06:05 PM
Scrooge blinked, tightening his glasses to his eyes, which slided a bit earlier. He has frowned.

"For the love of money..." he has grumbled.
"Ah would not touch some loopy food from Wonderland! What is it supposed to do? To turn me into a fairy? Huh?" he pushed his cane toward Macaron's direction, as if pointing and blaming him.

2016-10-26, 04:59 PM
A young man runs up to the group covered in water and with various leaves and sticks stuck in his dripping hair. He smiles at the people gathered as he pulls the sticks from the netting tangled in his hair. "Hey everyone. I'm Lethetyne. My friends call me Lethe." He doesn't bother to offer his hand to shake or to wave in greeting, but instead leans against a nearby tree. "Let's hurry this up. I don't want to be here longer than I have to be."

2016-10-29, 09:49 AM
Lampwick was watching intently from behind a tree, trying to avoid notice, and had been for some small while. This wasn't really what he'd wanted to be doing.

Up until very recently, he'd been congratulating himself on being only a little late. Even prepared a witty comeback to have ready if she called him on it. 'I mean, she's from Sheena,' he'd reasoned, 'They're all about fashion, and I'm fashionably late. So there!' Then the unmistakeable sound of a helicopter stopped him in his tracks. 'I knew it! It's a setup!' He promptly ducked behind an oak.

Eavesdropping like a champ, Lampwick caught the rest of the exchange. It helped him work down from his paranoia. He had a certain distrust for the wealthy and privileged, but he'd grant the duck's arrival was gutsy and he was glad she had a sense of humor. So, taking a breath and making sure he looked... presentable enough, the street urchin prepared to step out.

And then a big glob of cake slammed into the side of his tree, marking Macaron's grand entrance.

Now, Lampwick was new to this whole 'telling right from wrong' thing. But even he had a vague understanding that the right thing to do would be to ask if everyone was alright. Maybe offer a handkerchief to clean off some of the cake. A show of compassion, in essence. And, to be fair to him, he managed some self-control while the duck and chef bickered.

And now a youth, who looks to have just swum into port, has strolled up to the trio and addressed them as though they weren't partly splattered with pastry.

Lampwick is only flesh and blood.

"AHAHAHAHA!" The lad staggers out from behind his tree into plain view, doubled-over with laughter; Lampwick just can't help himself. "Sorry, sorry! But really, this is the team? You look like a bakery exploded! And what, you got hauled in with the catch of the day?" He starts laughing again.

For the moment, anyway. As he nears the group, his pelvis abruptly shifts. The laughter wanes as eyes widen and arms flail, the boy suddenly off-balance. Lampwick makes an effort to keep steady before falling flat on his face with a thud. Well, more with a splat, really: his face is cushioned by a particularly large and squishy chunk of cake. His yet-unnoticed tail flicked in irritation.

2016-10-29, 05:21 PM
"Welcome Mister Lethetyne." Scrooge has greeted him with a very judgemnative stare.
"You should look at yarsalf lad!" Scrooge has scolded the laughing boy.
"Don't tell me YOU are supposed to be on this team!?" he has asked, very annoyed and snobbish

2016-10-30, 11:57 AM
I've retroactively decided that Vita will speak in dark green to distinguish her dialogue, since she'll be talking a lot. Other NPCs will maintain black text.

Vita sits there for a few seconds as insults and insanity fly around her rapidly, her face slowly twisting into a scowl. She looks at Macaron, responsible for caking up the area and now nonchalantly holding out a bag of almonds. Then at Lampwick, who came in laughing and immediately face planted and grew a tail. At Lethetyne, who apparently found it prudent to go for a swim and not clean off before showing up. And finally back at Scrooge, who had shown up in a golden helicopter and somehow managed to make each look at one of the other party members more condescending that the previous one.

"Y'know," she pipes up, "I had a nice speech prepared about companionship on the field of battle and stuff, but unless this is just a prank by the upper government, I think I may well die before we get anywhere."

Vita stands up, brushing herself off, then gives a stern look at Macaron. "And no, when I say 'die,' I'm not referring to food coloring." Her look softens as she sighs, then looks around at the group, half-guarded in case something entirely new flies at her. "It's... nice... to meet you all. Iovita Nakajima, for those who didn't catch it. Vita for short. I'm a bit scared to ask what everyone here can do, so maybe I'll let it stay a surprise."

2016-11-01, 11:14 PM
Lampwick groans, cake muffling the sound. He plants his hands, lifts his frosting-coated face out of it, and then tries to get back to his feet. It proves... harder than he thinks it should, as though his legs aren't moving as expected. But he gets upright again eventually. And in only a slightly awkward stance. It feels familiar and doesn't improve the boy's mood.

With both hands, Lampwick wipes two big globs of cake from his face, not really watching where they wind up. It reveals an expression that's one-part abashed and three-parts surly. "Yeah, well--" he starts. Then some of the frosting reaches his tongue. He pauses. "Mmm..." He takes a moment to lick his lips and another to savor the flavor.

Now at one-part abashed, one-part surly, and one-part pleasantly surprised, he takes a breath. It comes out a short laugh. "Yeah, okay. Not the best first impression, I get it. But can we maybe put off assumin' we're gonna die?" Lampwick offers a sheepish smile, buck teeth prominent. "Y'know, at least give it a few minutes after sayin' hellos."

Then something or other he once heard about manners comes back to him. The lad straightens up -- and nearly stumbles again from his tweaked physiology, tail thrashing in a moment's alarm. Clearing his throat and acting as though that hadn't just happened, he affects an exaggeratedly 'proper' grandiosity. "A pleasure to meet ya, Miss Nakajima, everyone. Lookin' forward to workin' with ya. Name's Lampwick." He extends his hand. Oblivious to the blobs of frosting dripping off it.

2016-11-02, 02:07 PM
Lethetyne eyes the group and the cake covered hand Lampwick has offered for Vita to shake. "This group is a disaster if I've ever seen one." He points toward Lampwick. "Don't like you." He then uses the same finger he used to point towards Lampwick to swipe through the cake still covering the man's body and popped the digit into his mouth, letting out a pleased hum. Pointing towards Macaron he states, "I like you though. Very good cake. Do you make cookies as well?" He continues to taste the cake coating Lampwick's body.

2016-11-02, 04:50 PM
Scrooge sighed, wiping himself with a handkerchief
"Blast my kilts! It might not end so well."
Let's just understand, what are supposed to do, and get done with it!"
Scrooge said with a weary tone

2016-11-09, 12:42 AM
"Well, alright then," Vita says, shaking Lampwick's hand and giving a frustrated look at Lethetyne when he tastes the cake off of Lampwick. "I don't know if I'm trying to interfere in powers I don't understand, but I'm going to make a tentative request that we not make enemies of one another while we're working together."

She huffs, puffing out her chest and turning to address everyone. "As Scrooge said, let's get on with it. I'll explain the situation, and try to make it quick so none of ya get bored. I'm one of the Keyblades' Chosen, sent out of Wall Sheena - not entirely of my own choice - to deal with some 'anomalous events' that have been happening in and around the kingdom. To put it simple, there's some weird magical stuff happening. Magic not working proper in some places, people and objects getting weird mutations, some entirely new phenomena that nobody knows what the deal is with, and most frightening of all, even some Heartless appearing in places they shouldn't be able to go."

She pauses and gives a serious glance to each of the gathered warriors, then continues.

"Regular agents haven't been able to find any success dealing with these problems and are even suffering fatalities, and it's becoming harder and harder for the government to cover up what's happening. So they sent me out and brought you guys in. Together, we're supposed to find these 'anomalies,' figure out what's happening, and see if we can't... Um... Make things normal again. Or at least... Make the weirdness stop being a problem."

She looks thoughtful for a moment, then nods.

"Okay, I think that's all the stuff the report told me to say. I don't have all the information either, but if there are any questions, I'll do my best to answer them," Vita offers with a half-hearted smile.

2016-11-09, 10:48 AM
Scrooge smiled with an impish spark in his eyes.
"Well you have found the right duck for d'a job." he said with pride and nostalgia.
"Just like mah good times with Huey, Dewey, and Louie... When I had to save.d'heir lil' rumps on daily basis. Ahahaha!" he chuckled still nostalgic.

"Might solve a mystery or rewrite history" we used to say..." the old duck rumbled. And then he hurried in somewhat apolgetic tone to say"Well, we have rewritten history just once, if ta be honest"

2016-11-14, 10:57 AM
Stunned, Lampwick blinks as Lethetyne begins using him to harvest a snack. The second attempt sees the Atlantican's hand smacked away as the redhead whirls for some choice words and possible fisticuffs. However, his eyes dart to the Keyblade's Chosen and he remembers his intent. The boy takes a breath and smiles insincerely. "Hey, buddy. The cake's good, but ya might like it even better from one o' the other dozen piles around here." He gestures broadly at the rest of the cake's collision course scattered about them. "Just sayin'."

Short of further assaults on his remaining layer of frosting, Lampwick's attention turns back to the larger conversation. His face sobers a little. At her mention of mutations, his tail gives a few nervous swishes. He draws in a breath then returns Vita's smile with similar enthusiasm. "Seemin' like a tall order, yeah. But hey, people are in trouble from this, so... wouldn't be right to do nothin', right?" He thinks a moment. [COLOR="#8B4513"]"Surprise Heartless and just not knowin' are big deals. So, and I know ya don't know everything, but any other details caught your interest? Good ta know what we got ahead."

Hewing to what he hopes is politeness, the cursed boy keeps his thoughts to himself on Scrooge's rambling. Those thoughts being, 'Okay. So the old bird is senile. Good ta know.' In a bid for team spirit, Lampwick gives an airy bit of encouragement: "'at's the spirit."

2016-11-15, 01:52 AM
Lethe begins to grumble at being denied easy access to a snack and instead turns to one of the other piles smeared across the park, avoiding any dirt by only skimming the tops of the piles of cake. "If that's all we need to know, let's get to it. I have work that I want to avoid doing." Looking around he eyes the assembled group. "And I'm not sure how long this group is going to be friendly with each other. We've already grown some grudges in the little time since we all met. Might be best to prove ourselves with our combat skills rather than our social skills." He pauses fro a moment before smiling. Especially since we seem to have a few odd ducks in the group." Lethe chuckles to himself while glancing at Scrooge.

2016-11-15, 02:33 PM
"Aye, indeed. That the spirit and now-" Scrooge nodded, with a hint of excitement to Lampwick.
He frowned at Lethe joke.
"Great. At least we have the spot of d'a second rate clown taken." he grumbled.

2016-11-18, 10:35 AM
Lampwick tries and fails to hold back a snort of laughter at the pun. He also seems to take Scrooge's remark as a challenge. "Aw, I think we can get by. Just gotta keep from rufflin' any feathers, gettin' tangled in seaweed, or goin' off with half-baked ideas, and we should have a lock on it."

The boy proceeds to look entirely too pleased with himself.

2016-12-04, 12:42 PM
Vita rolls her eyes momentarily, then seems to catch herself and try to stand up at professional attention.

"Well, then, if there are no questions, I say we be departing. Feel free to do what you need to prepare for the next two hours (time to create Advantages!) and then meet me at the Wall Rose gate. Some of our most alarming reports have been coming from just along the Wall on the Maria side... Something about people with magical potential but not much training going crazy if they go towards a certain spot. We're experts, though, so I don't see too much of a threat for us." She looks out over the park. "I'll be meditating somewhere with less cake if you need me in the interim."

2016-12-11, 12:34 AM
Lampwick drinks in that preview of what's to come. He tries to remain calm at Vita's reassurance. "Right. Experts." He runs his eyes over the other three fellows again. "Nothin' to worry about," he adds. He actually manages to keep a sober expression, much as his tail develops up a nervous twitch.

"So, uh. Have fun meditatin', then. See everyone in a couple hours." He staggers awkwardly out of the park and out onto the streets. He wants a change of clothes and so heads back home.

As he goes, Lampwick tries to clear his mind. He focuses on willing his hips back to normal, just as he's practiced. Successful or no, the tasseled appendage trailing behind him lingers: he can't change back what he hasn't noticed. It draws the occasional stare or smirk, which garners a muttered, "I know, I know!" from the boy, assuming it's all about the cake.

On his way he passes Greg's Butcher Shop and an idea strikes him. The proprietor isn't as thick-armed as most might assume, but he's definitely not a man to cross. And not just from the rumors of hosting a high stakes Poker game out of his back room some evenings. Greg's always had a soft spot for rapscallions misspending their youth and been fond of chatting about the latest news. So the kid stops off there on his way. "Hey, Greg! What's the cut o' the day and what's the good word?" And hey, if the cut of the day looks good, he might just mention it to his mom when he gets home.

Lampwick attempts to Carefully (+1) Create an Advantage like "Word on the Street" to grow a clue.

Ah, right. Also trying to get his cursed pelvis back where it should be. It's kinda soon, so you're welcome to rule it's too early for him to try at it. If he does, though... I think that'd be an Overcome action? Possibly Forceful (+2)...? Eh, just to keep things moving, I'll put it out there as such.

2016-12-11, 06:32 PM
Scrooge went to the closest pay phone box and started dialing.

"Hello. Am Ah speaking to Proffesor Ludwig Von Drake (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Von_Drake)?" Scrooge has asked with an offical tone.
After a positive answer, his tone softened and turned more friendly.
"Ah! Good lad! Long time no speaking to each other, mah dear brada! How things are going for you?"
Scrooge, nodded honestly interested in the new researches of his brother in law.
"Do you know something about mutation that happens to people and objects? Aye?"
Scrooge smiled.
"That sure sound intresting!" he smiled.
