View Full Version : [Fate] Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (IC)

2016-10-14, 11:39 PM
(OOC thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?503497-Fate-Expedition-to-the-Demonweb-Pits-(OOC)&p=21303272#post21303272)


All through the land, possibly all through all the lands, drow attacks on the surface dwellers are on the rise. They are ruthless and merciless, and most importantly they are all acting now, and you do not know why. But you want to.
Through your leaders, or some allies, or perhaps just a concerned someone who thought you'd want to help, you got a clue. It leads to a nearby small town from which no contact has come for a couple weeks, and you know others will go. Nobody you've met, probably, but some you know about.
It is almost night, you won't really reach the town before dawn anyway, and there is an empty, but well kept, resthouse, bearing the symbol of Fharlanghn, god of travelers.

What do you do?

2016-10-15, 05:46 AM
Well, better make a stop right here to be at top form tomorrow. And they may know things about the town.

Knowing his bloodline will definitely draw unwanted interest, Naham enters carefully.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-15, 02:01 PM
I was in the middle of a small meal as I saw him walk in. Half-Drow, much like my friend, though the other half was human. Hopefully that would allow enough immunity to not also go half-crazy. I make a mental note of the potential ally and continue with my meal. I consider approaching him, but decide to wait for a better opportunity. It would seem suspicious for two rather strange strangers to be conversing at this time. I just hope the patches of semi-scaly hide don't attract his attention like have others.

2016-10-15, 09:23 PM
I just want to point out, again, that you all know some other concerned citizens will come research this, and it's reasonable to assume this is one of those.
Or perhaps an enemy spy, in Naham's case.

Also, I apologize if this opening is weak. There is actually a better hook in the book, but it's made of 100% spoilers. I dunno what is up with that. I'll post it in its entirety when we reach that point so you see what I mean.

Anyway, 2 players down, 2 to go.

2016-10-15, 10:00 PM
Akiharu doesn't travel for a living, but he has done enough to know the symbol of the Dweller on the Horizon when he sees it. He can't help but admire the clerics that make the long routine journeys to keep these places up. They're always a welcome sight on long trips, especially for these old bones.

Upon pushing open the door, he finds view inside a lot less welcoming. A Drow scout! Using the accommodations as a convenient forward post, no doubt! A warrior with a gray goatee announces the rest of his thought in a deep, gravely voice: "Looks like I was on the right trail after all!"

The old man lunges for the elf and draws his blade up from its sheath, putting the hilt end of its edge near-

"...oh, it's you. Hrmph."

Akiharu slides the Summer sword back where it came from. He's encountered this feisty crossbreed before, helping to retake a neighboring village. A small voice in the old man's head tells him to apologize. He doesn't.

At this point, he also notices that there's another guy in here with some kind of skin condition. Probably not important.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-15, 10:09 PM
I had already leapt up from the table and made it halfway to the attacker when he sheathed his blade. It was a clear misunderstanding, and am glad it did not end in bloodshed, but it was too close of a call. I continued at a leisurely pace to them and interjected, "Might want to be a bit less twitchy when you could hurt someone you don't mean to." At this distance he could clearly see the purple scales on my face and forearms. If he decided to make eye-contact, he might also realize, by brown eyes had vertical slits for pupils. I hated making eye-contact, it alway felt awkward and uncomfortable, like getting too close into someone's personal space.

2016-10-15, 10:24 PM
"Hrrmph," the old man reiterates. "So, what's that make you then? His handler?"

Now that he gets a good look at it, Akiharu wants to ask what the heck this purple thing is and what it's doing out here, but he's still working on a way to word the question coherently.

2016-10-16, 01:45 AM
The door swings open once more to reveal a dwarf. Most people don't think of flustered young dwarf women when they think of dwarves, but that's clearly what this one is. She's dressed for trouble, with her armor, an outsize warhammer, and a shield emblazoned with a large hammer superimposed over an anvil, the holy symbol of Moradin... but she's also red in the face and muttering something to herself - sharp ears may pick up her impugning her own sense of direction.

She takes in the scene she's walked in on. A drow - no, not a drow, at least not a full-blooded one. Half-human, maybe? And then over there, an older human and another with purple patches on his skin... that would be that Argee fellow they warned her about, then. There couldn't be too many humans with scales around, no matter what you heard about the strange things their wizards did to themselves.

"Is there some sort of problem?" she asks. The way Argee and the older human are standing looks rather confrontational to her. "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, but let's not have a fight in here, please?"

2016-10-16, 04:51 AM
Clenching his fists and facing his would be attacker, Naham speaks between his teeth :

"What? You plan to do that which my demon-worshiping blood related failed to do? You're welcome to try anyway, but I don't think you're my ennemy. Neither he is, in fact."

Reality Glitch
2016-10-16, 11:54 AM
"Hrrmph," the old man reiterates. "So, what's that make you then? His handler?""Just someone concerned for the well being of all people. Besides Barfights are so cliché."

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, but let's not have a fight in here, please?"I turned to the dwarf to respond to her. "I'm glad it was just that, and that it was quickly resolved."
"What? You plan to do that which my demon-worshiping blood relatives failed to do? You're welcome to try anyway, but I don't think you're my enemy. Neither does he, in fact."Still talking to the dwarf: "Or at least I thought it was."

2016-10-16, 12:43 PM
Still here, still not much to do on my end, except I just realized if someone wants to throw the first punch you'll need (my crude rendition of) the map.
Not sure if that image hoster is any good, though, any suggestions?

Anyway, I figure Kirsa is right at the southern door, Akiharu and Naham are facing off by the table and Argee is halfway from the beds, was eating in a bed. That alright with everyone?

2016-10-16, 01:17 PM
Kirsa hurries over to try and get between the half-drow and the older human. She has no idea who's trustworthy yet but would honestly rather not have people injuring each other when the dark elves are sure to be trying to do that soon enough.

Granted, they can probably hit each other over her head, but it's the thought that counts.

"Just a misunderstanding," she repeats, rather emphatically. "We're all here for the same reason, I'm sure. Have we done introductions yet? I'm Kirsa, of Clan Blackhammer." She looks over at the scaly man again. "And you must be Argee, right?"

Fine with me, but Kirsa's going to be trying to defuse a fight.

Also Kirsa's going to be talking in blue now, this is what I get for thinking everyone had picked a color already.

2016-10-16, 03:43 PM
"Eh, quit the drama. I put the sword away, didn't I? ...hm?" The old man turns his head just enough to see the priestess clank in and start staring daggers at him. "Ah! Evening, Sister Blackhammer! You're right, of course. Just thought Naham here was someone else for a second." He nods to the half-elf and snorts to clear his sinuses before finally letting his guard down to take a seat.

"I'm Akiharu, from Dilanda village," he says primarily to Kirsa. "I traced some enemy movements to this area and decided to check on the town. You heard anything from 'em lately?"

Reality Glitch
2016-10-16, 03:56 PM
Anyway, I figure Kirsa is right at the southern door, Akiharu and Naham are facing off by the table and Argee is halfway from the beds, was eating in a bed. That alright with everyone?((O.o.C.: Argee crossed the remaining distance Naham and Aki before Kirsa walked in. I assumed the four of them were all clustered together now.
"Eh, quit the drama. I put the sword away, didn't I? ...hm?"
"Just a misunderstanding," she repeats, rather emphatically. "We're all here for the same reason, I'm sure. Have we done introductions yet? I'm Kirsa, of Clan Blackhammer." She looks over at the scaly man again. "And you must be Argee, right?"I uncrossed my arms and smileed, "I see my reputation proceeds me." I extend my right hand as a greeting, not remembering if dwaves had the same tradition. "I assume, by "the same reason" you mean all the drow acting up?"
"Ah! Evening, Sister Blackhammer! You're right, of course. Just thought Naham here was someone else for a second." He nods to the half-elf and snorts to clear his sinuses before finally letting his guard down to take a seat.

"I'm Akiharu, from Dilanda village," he says primarily to Kirsa. "I traced some enemy movements to the area and decided to check on the town. You heard anything from 'em?""Can't speak for her, but I've gotten word that it might be the doing of a dark higher power."

2016-10-16, 05:30 PM
"I'm Naham Senorlin, and I'm here for exactly that reason : trying to save the drows from the clutches of their demon-godess. That is, I don't plan on slaughtering them."

He lays an heavy gaze on the dwarf as he utters the last words.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-16, 06:01 PM
"I'm glad we share noble intent, Naham, but I have been in situations where I would not have survived had I not taken the life of another." I remembered my times in the Temple of Elemental Evil and Castle Ravenloft. Some of my previous parties were corrupted by those places and turned on me. Knowing they would have wanted their evil selves stopped was, and still is, small comfort.

2016-10-17, 12:32 PM
Kirsa shifts rather uncomfortably as Naham gives her that look. "Well, of course not. Just because they're drow doesn't mean we're not going to save as many as we can." She should have expected that, really - even apart from just being a dwarf, her clan in particular has a reputation for warring with the races of the Underdark, especially the drow.

She turns back toward Akiharu, trying to collect herself. "No, nothing. That's why they sent me, in fact. As far as we know the town has gone silent. No word for weeks."

Reality Glitch
2016-10-17, 12:36 PM
After looking uncomfortably into the distance for a brief moment I compose myself and respond to Kirsa's claim of ignorance, "Well then, we better get moving. Best not to waste time."

2016-10-17, 10:01 PM
...as the mood within the resthouse cools down and the scholar points to the exit, you all notice that the southern wall seems to be on fire. If you pay attention, you can hear the clanking of armour and weapons on the outside.

Thanks for the excellent segue, Glitch. Also, what would you say is Argee's current standing within the arcane scholarly circles?

As for the spoilers, in case I don't post before anyone wants to engage: there is a drow priestess, 2 drow barbarians and 4 ogre zombies out there. They don't know you're there, it's just that the resthouse qualifies as a temple so they are desecrating it. Perception +3 for the group for now, more stats to come.

2016-10-17, 10:14 PM
"Hrmph." We can only hope that that grunt won't turn into some kind of catch phrase. "Word of advice, I'd put the mercy talk on hold 'til you see what we're up against."

Both of his swords are back out by the time he gets to his feet.

Let's see if this works:

Perception: [roll0] +3 = 3

Knowledge(Drow): [roll1] (to determine why they would be here, though of course it's already spelled out OOC) +4 = 2

Stealth: [roll2] To sneak out and around the building to catch the mages off-guard. +3 = 1

Swordsmanship: [roll3] To attack +5 = 2

Ugh, baddest rolls

Reality Glitch
2016-10-18, 01:48 PM
((Thanks for the excellent segue, Glitch. Also, what would you say is Argee's current standing within the arcane scholarly circles?.))((Semi-controversial. Most are indifferent, but there are two vocal minorities: one that doesn't believe that what Argee is doing can be done with making him inherently evil (compelling my high concept to initiate an encounter with memebers of such a group), and one that wishes for further research into cleansing practices that are forbidden because of their ties to evil (invoking my high concept to encounter members of such a group).))
"Hrmph." We can only hope that that grunt won't turn into some kind of catch phrase. "Word of advice, I'd put the mercy talk on hold 'til you see what we're up against.""Speaking of which...."
...as the mood within the resthouse cools down and the scholar points to the exit, you all notice that the southern wall seems to be on fire. If you pay attention, you can hear the clanking of armour and weapons on the outside.Startled, Argee goes round the outside to the southern entrance to see what's going on.
As for the spoilers, in case I don't post before anyone wants to engage: there is a drow priestess, 2 drow barbarians and 4 ogre zombies out there. They don't know you're there, it's just that the resthouse qualifies as a temple so they are desecrating it. Perception +3 for the group for now, more stats to come.((Search [roll0].))

2016-10-18, 06:11 PM
"Fire? Lately I discovered that my kin love fire... I hope it's them. Really."

He starts smiling, clawing his fingers and rushing outside.


2016-10-18, 06:23 PM
silphael is the only one that got it right, 4d3-8+skill is the formula. Argee got a 0, 1 for his +1 in search, and the Good Doctor will have to reroll please.

Also, though, despite all appearances this is not d20, please don't roll without some idea of what the results should be.

And, Glitch, I meant it more in the sense that there's an npc scholar I will need to introduce and it'd be perfect if you can "know a guy that knows a guy", you know? You up for that?

Reality Glitch
2016-10-18, 06:36 PM
((silphael is the only one that got it right, 4d3-8+skill is the formula. Argee got a 0, 1 for his +1 in search, and the Good Doctor will have to reroll please.))((I also got it correct. 4d3-8 to replicate 4df, +1 for average search, +3 for the bonus you laid out makes 4d3-4.))
((Also, though, despite all appearances this is not d20, please don't roll without some idea of what the results should be.))((I'll keep that in mind for the future. Though I did expect to get a good look at the situation going on outside. Though, given that It wouldn't be a very interesting difference between failure, tie, success, and success with style, I'm unsure of why the roll was necessary. That is given my limited information as a player and understand if you've got something up your sleeve. I will do my best to avoid metagaming.))
((And, Glitch, I meant it more in the sense that there's an npc scholar I will need to introduce and it'd be perfect if you can "know a guy that knows a guy", you know? You up for that?))((Sure, and I have even given you information to help flesh out the relation, it's perfect!))

2016-10-18, 06:45 PM
Akiharu accomplishes approximately nothing.

I forgot to actually go back and interpret my rolls. I'm used to Shadowrun, which uses d6's rather than d3's.

For each die roll:
1 or 2 = -1
3 or 4 = 0
5 or 6 = +1

I've edited in the results and accounted for his skill ratings. The rolls I got were all pretty bad; it would be wrong for me to reroll them with that knowledge.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-18, 10:27 PM
((You can always spend a fate point to reroll.))

2016-10-18, 10:58 PM
Right, clarification. I wasn't saying you get +3 to perception. Actually if you pay attention I kinda said you auto-succeed at perception, because the enemy is not aware of any need for stealth. They are the ones who get a +3 result to thwarting any stealth you may want to resort to.
Sorry about the mixup. Anyone wanna retcon their reaction?

Reality Glitch
2016-10-18, 11:29 PM
((Considering they aren't tying to hide, I assume an Average Search result is sufficient to get a picture of the battlefield?))

2016-10-20, 11:52 PM
Kirsa is a little slower to react than the others, but she turns toward the south wall and follows them in that direction, peering out to try and see the source of the fire and noise. Making assumptions about just what is going on would probably be a bad idea before she gets a good look.

2016-10-21, 07:27 PM
Akiharu quick-steps out the door and takes cover at the East corner of the building, then peeks and creeps around the corner to assess the opposition.

Let's try:

[roll0] +3 for Stealth

[roll1] +3 for perception if relevant

Looks like he tried the wrong corner; a passing breeze blows a cloud of smoke around the side of the building and right into his face.

2016-10-22, 05:22 AM
As Naham rushes outside, all he tries to do is to gain a little time to get ready for a fight. His anger toward the drows is strong, but he still needs some time to cristallize it.

So basically, trying to be stealthy to have the time to create an advantage. If they are already far enough that we'll have the time to do that, then I'll instead try to create an advantage with Furious Ki. Like Bathed in Wrathfull Flames or something.

Anyway, Stealth : [roll0]

2016-10-23, 09:47 AM
Coming out through the burning doorway, you see 2 drow and 4 large undead brutes.
The ogres are just mindless zombies, clad in ill-fitting armor and wielding large tree branches. They do not react to you in any way.
The male drow is also looking somewhat mind-addled, but he does react, lunging at you with a black knife.
You hear that a second one, to your right, also charges at you, but with a lit torch instead. Seems he was still setting fire to the structure.
Both stop in their tracks at a whistle from the female. She is ridiculously tall for drow standards, wearing a long silver robe with gold embroidering in a spiderweb pattern and a necklace with the holy symbol of Lolth.
She also has a candle in her hand, which she's clearly been carving with her nails. There are some open boxes and bags around and behind her.
She looks at you with a relatively benevolent smile.

"Oh, a mutt? Hello, did not know there would be one. I do need to finish this ritual so do hurry and get your things out of there, but then you should come! The time is almost here, you know."

By actually getting out of the building, Naham automatically wins initiative. He also fails at stealth, for the same reason.
So, the stats.
The ogre zombies are just Undead Ogres, with a single stress box, Greatclub +2 and Armor +1.
The male drow are Drow Berserkers with Fortitude 2, Reflex 1, Poison Knife +3, Acrobatics +2 and Magic Resistance +1.
The girl is a Devout Follower of the Spider Queen, has Poisoned Fingernails, Magical Armour, Will 3, Fortitude 2, Fortitude 1, Reflex 1, Command Undead +4, Concentration +3, Magic Resistance +2 and Leadership +1. She also has a name, but there's nobody in the party she'd give it to, I think. Do you guys want it?

Reality Glitch
2016-10-23, 11:52 AM
((By actually getting out of the building, Naham automatically wins initiative.))((Whoa, whoa, whoa. I posted before him stating that Argee had already headed out to investigate the commotion. What gives?))

2016-10-24, 09:11 AM
((Whoa, whoa, whoa. I posted before him stating that Argee had already headed out to investigate the commotion. What gives?))
Please put ooc stuff in spoilers, or in the ooc thread, could you?

That said, your post had been before I deemed all actions "void" because of the mix-up with the dice and whatnot, remember?
It's also a bit odd that Argee'd reach the exit before Naham when you established he got there first and has been making himself comfortable.

Also, you they WOULD attack on sight, but that's a bit meta.

Still, sure, I guess you can stake a prior claim to initiative, but I'd like to hear silphael's opinion.

2016-10-25, 04:48 AM
"A mutt? You are calling me a mutt? Seriously? And you're offering me a place in whatever you're thinking? I will let you a last chance to forsake your demon goddess and turn to your last hope. I let you till I smash your face!"

Fury seems to flow in his voice, and sparkles seems to gather around him as he lets his anger free.

Trying to create the advantage Empowered by wrathful flames on myself before starting to smash faces (which should be quite straightforward, starting with the ogres, then the "slaves" then the priestess. If possible, trying not to kill them, especially if they turn to Eillistrae.

Also, rolling Furious Ki :


Edit : gonna invoke my reputation aspect for a reroll : 2 refresh remaining.

2016-10-25, 04:58 AM


Reality Glitch
2016-10-25, 11:09 AM
I came around the not-on-fire side of the building to find living drow and zombie ogres. Their collective attention on Naham. I decided to take my chance now an try to put out the fire. ((Spellcraft to Overcome/Attack (not sure which is more appropriate in this situation) the flames with a water spell to see if I can't reduce them. [roll0]))

2016-10-25, 06:59 PM
Akiharu peers around the outside corner, by the building's alternate exit. His line of sight to the action is pretty good. Even if it wasn't, that bunch is pretty hard to miss. The Elvira wannabe is almost as tall as the ogres. In addition to her obvious status as a representative of an evil cultist hierarchy, everything about her appearance is absolutely irritating to the old man.

Happily, taking out their healer first makes decent tactical sense as well. He charges up his Winter blade, guessing that the enemy is probably prepared to be walking around in hellfire.

[roll0]+4 for Craft Magic Arms and Armor, turning his blue blade into a Freezing Burst Weapon.

2016-10-25, 11:12 PM
Argee has no trouble ending the budding flames. He even gets the torch in the drow's hand, drawing a snarl of impotent fury from him as he drops the piece of no longer burning wood and readies his blade.
This also draws his leader's attention, briefly.

"Well, well, well. I try to be civil, and what do I get? Impudence, empty threats, casual blasphemy... Mostly, it is the blasphemy that taxes my benevolence, if I am to be honest. But still I shall have use for you, of course, as you can see."
She gestures vaguely in a zombie's direction as she says that, and it lunges at Naham with (relatively) surprising speed, bearing down its club on him.

For the Good Doctor:
All ok.
That dotted line thing is a fence of some sort, by the way. I think that's to keep horses and such, even the canon map isn't that well marked, but at any rate you can absolutely see over/through it.

For Reality Glitch:
Sort of an attack, arguably, but not really. The fire was currently just flavour, not even a scene aspect. I was going to have that drow spend an action to create that aspect, and then the fire would have been another character, attacking someone at random every now and then, so you'd need to have attacked to kill it. It would not get any stress or consecuences, though, so the difference is pretty much academic.
Now, normally, I would insist that you need to spend an action creating an advantage that gives you permission to cast any specific spell, unless you're carrying an aspect/stunt that already implies that. That's not really applicable here because the character never came to exist, though, so instead you get to thwart its very creation for your trouble.

For silphael:
You autosucceed at creating the aspect. Not sure why you'd think that could fail, when I specifically had her be casually racist to set you up. Also, because it makes sense that she would be. It does cost you your action, of course, but I am refunding the Fate point. You didn't name the aspect, so I'll have it be Righteous Indignation, unless someone objects.
Also, though I had the zombie apparently strike at you, mechanically that's the drow priestess attacking with her Command Undead skill. The zombies' aspect gives her permission to do this, you see. Here is the attack, because I messed up again (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?503497-Fate-Expedition-to-the-Demonweb-Pits-(OOC)&p=21337078#post21337078).

For carnackiArdent:
Why hast thou forsaken us?

For everyone (but silphael, I guess):
silphael is gone, will be gone a week, and we need to decide how to deal with that before I can resolve that attack and continue the scene. There are a few options.
Do we wait? It's until wednesday, november 2nd, if memory serves.
Should I run Naham as an NPC?
Does someone else want to run him as an NPC?
Do I just kill him here and then later Kirsa can raise him?
I can't really think of any other options, but if someone can, speak up.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-25, 11:30 PM
"Well, well, well. I try to be civil, and what do I get? Impudence, empty threats, casual blasphemy... Mostly, it is the blasphemy that taxes my benevolence, if I am to be honest. But still I shall have use for you, of course, as you can see.""Benevolence doesn't include burning people alive." ((I assume talking as a free action.))
((Now, normally, I would insist that you need to spend an action creating an advantage that gives you permission to cast any specific spell, unless you're carrying an aspect/stunt that already implies that. That's not really applicable here because the character never came to exist, though, so instead you get to thwart its very creation for your trouble.))((Argee is carrying one of those, Archivist of Dragons' Knowledge; i.e. The 3.5 base class Archivist from Heros of Horro.))

Do we wait? It's until wednesday, november 2nd, if memory serves.
Do I just kill him here and then later Kirsa can raise him?I vote one of these two....or both. :smallbiggrin:

2016-10-26, 04:23 PM
Kirsa finally manages to stumble out - she thought Akiharu's idea of going round to the other exit was a good one, but between the short legs and the heavy armor she's not nearly as quick on her feet.

She glowers as she sets eyes on the priestess. Now that is going to be a problem. Especially with those two monstrous zombies to back her up. She glances over at Akiharu. "I'll see what I can do about the zombies, but I'll need to be close to them. Watch my back?"

That said, she charges out onto the field, calling out a prayer in Dwarven. "Father Moradin, grant me the strength to cleanse the taint of death!" Her hammer is hung on her belt for now, leaving a hand free to channel a healing spell that will disrupt the necromantic energies animating the zombie.

If she can get into range in one turn, Kirsa's using Conjuration (healing) to Attack the zombie going after Naham (justified by its Ogre Zombie aspect).
(I screwed up this roll so it's now over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21339351&postcount=19))

2016-10-26, 09:14 PM
"Of course," says the old man to the priestess. The dwarven one, not the crazy drow one. The drow one he intends to cut into a pile of frozen steaks.

As the ogres are dealing with Naham on one side and Kirsa on the other, and with the drow fighters conveniently in the back after being called off, Akiharu charges into the fray right at the priestess.

There are two ways this can go.

If possible, he'll just run right behind Kirsa, then zip around her with a flourish to get at the drow leader using Swordsmanship.

If the drow leader is interposing another mook to prevent this, Akiharu can use athletics to leap over the fence rather than taking the more predictable angle. This would create an advantage: All Up In Her Business. This would hopefully Compel her to deal with him before she can focus on anyone else, and would of course be invoked on Akiharu's follow-up attack.

Here's the roll either way: [roll0], +5 for Swording or +2 for Acrobatics.

Reality Glitch
2016-10-26, 10:16 PM
Ascii map of my headcanon thus far.
O for Outhouse
[..] for bed
{ and/or } for doors
W for Well
T for Table
D for Drow Priestess
d for Drow warriors
Z for undead Ogres
A for Akiharu
K for Kirsa
N for Haham
RG for Argee (His tail needs room to breath when fighting.)
..............______{..}__________................ ........
.............|...|................|............... ........
.............|...|................}............... ........
.............|...|...TT...........}............... ........
.............|{.}|..TTTT..........|............... ........
.............|...|..TTTT..._______|............... ........
.............|...|..TTTT..|W......|............... ........
.............|...|...TT...|.......|............... ........
_____________|...|__{..}__|_______________________ ________
...................d.....N...A.................... ........
................RG................................ ........
...........................d..ZK.................. ........
.....................Z............................ ........
.......................D.......................... ........
__________________________________________________ ________

2016-11-01, 12:06 AM
The zombie's attack barely grazes the half-drow, leaving him sore but not terribly hurt. Shieldpriest Blackhammer and Akiharu then do short work of that particular undead minion, causing the priestess to take a step back, and look around.
"What are you two... Oh, right."
She whistles again, and both of the other drow begin laughing maniacally. The one by Argee immediately strikes at him with the knife, the other runs toward the human and dwarf.
+3 defense (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21355868&postcount=26) against +2 attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21337078&postcount=15), Naham gets +2 from his second stunt but I am spending the invocation of the Undead Ogres aspect already, so he marks his first physical stress box. It hits me that we don't really have a good way of keeping track of that, do we?
Also, I know I wrote "Martial Arts" in Naham's defense, but it was supposed to be "Acrobatics". Both are +4 anyway, and I finally learned not to edit posts containing dice rolls.

For the ogre's demise, didn't even bother. Their defense is +1, Kirsa's attack was a +4 and they have a single stress box, not likely. 3 zombies left.

Lastly, for the attack on Argee, well we'll see, shalln't we?
+3 for his Poison Knife skill.

Reality Glitch
2016-11-01, 09:23 AM
The [drow] by Argee immediately strikes at him with the knife, the other runs toward the human and dwarf.

((Lastly, for the attack on Argee, well we'll see, shalln't we?
(4d3-5)[2]((Mediocre Acrobatics [roll0].))

Barely dodging the knife, Argee is startled. "This isn't very benevolent behavior either!"

2016-11-02, 04:15 PM
"What? You think your minions can shield you from me? Anyway, I told you that you had till they are all down..."

Roaring his rage, Naham keeps his word : he starts with the last ogre, sending spits of flames as his fists start flying.

Well, let's attack the other zombie ogre, to refuse the priestess her use of those. Not like they are things I have to avoid killing, too ^^ So it's gonna be an... attack, if I'm not mistaken. Ki-Imbued Desolation applies here.


2016-11-03, 03:26 PM
The undead's armor takes the brunt of the attack, and breaks under its fury (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21364160&postcount=28). The smoldering remains of both broken armor and broken corpse litter the floor in front of Naham.
You can reduce that attack by 1 to gain a boost, though it's worthless because the thing it'd apply to is down. So I am assuming you don't.

Next is Akiharu's or Kirsa's turn, whichever, then Team Evil goes.

2016-11-03, 07:09 PM
Akiharu leaps into the path of the charging warrior, sweeping one blade in front of him as a horizontal parry before swiping with the glowing blue Winter Blade.

"When you're done with the zombie, go for the one in the back!" he shouts. It's directed at Kirsa, but he doesn't turn his head to look over his shoulder or anything. The enemy warrior could well conclude that the raving coot is shouting this at him for some reason.

[roll0] +5 for Swording, +2 for the free Freezing Burst activation.

Edit: = 6 total. I don't know what that result means exactly, but I think it's pretty good?

Such is Akiharu's disregard for the drow's feelings that he doesn't think to clarify who he's talking to; I could spend another fate point using Lawful Hateful to get another +2 if that's what it takes to get him out of the way.

Reality Glitch
2016-11-03, 07:47 PM
((Waiting on the G.M.'s decision regarding DF Evocation. In the meantime....))

Argee retaliates with a Magic Missile against the Drow that just tried to shank him. [roll0] "You need to learn some manners."

2016-11-04, 11:04 AM
Kirsa may be fairly certain Akiharu is talking to her, but she's less certain of just what he's directing her toward. Especially since there are still two more zombies standing, even if his blades and her magic made short work of one and Naham seems to have just made another explode.

She weaves through the combat with her shield held high, trying to get close to the priestess. In the meantime, she shouts to her over the noise of combat. "Drow priestess! I'll give you one chance - tell your men to stand down and the three of you will be spared! This doesn't have to end in death!" She doesn't include the surviving zombies - but even if they weren't undead abominations it's not like they have a sense of self anyway.

I think this would be Overcoming an Obstacle rather than a Will-based Attack or something, but Kirsa's trying to use Diplomacy at +2 to get the priestess to surrender.

2016-11-07, 04:14 PM
The drow berserker parries the incoming sword with his knife, but the aura of cold does get to him, leaving him clearly rattled, though still functional. He pushes it away and moves to get a better reach.
+4 defense (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?503497-Fate-Expedition-to-the-Demonweb-Pits-(OOC)&p=21376021#post21376021), this drow marks his 2nd Fortitude stress box.
Remaining plot to come pending carnacki and/or Glitch's responses.

2016-11-13, 12:47 PM
"Drow priestess! I'll give you one chance - tell your men to stand down and the three of you will be spared! This doesn't have to end in death!"
She smiles a strange smile, as if taking a moment to decide which of many things to say in reply.
"And when has something as simple as death been the end of anything? I should think even your kind ought to know that much, no?"
She smiles a more clear smile, then whistles another command at her living servants.
"Still, I do suppose I can take a moment to educate you. Tell me, dwarf, where is your god? Where shall he be, tomorrow? Next month? Next year?"
She waves again, and another zombie brings its club down on Argee.
"In truth, I do not know the exact time. Not this week, I think, surely I would get at least so much forewarning. But our Lady shall indeed come, and this world shall be hers. All that is left to us, in the time we have left, is to make it as presentable as we can."
Another wave, another zombie attack, on Akiharu this time.
"You know, clean up a little."
You have no idea how tempted I was to have her shout "You fool!". But no. Not yet.

Anyway, more mechanical explanations.
The two berserkers are taking a moment to buff themselves, but I had to write that as a command from her because they don't have much agency, narratively. Advantage action at +0 to gain the "On High Alert" aspect, to help their pathetic defenses.
I'd like them to use her Leadership for this, but can't really justify it, so at +0. Separately for each one, of course. Difficulty shall be +2, because that's a decent default.
The attack on argee is just a regular old zombie attack. +2 for its Greatclub.
Finally, Akiharu took a Command Undead attack, via zombie proxy, again.

2016-11-18, 03:50 AM
Kirsa grits her teeth. Why does no one ever want to take the easy way? She was hoping that, even if the priestess wasn't the reasonable kind, she valued her own sorry hide enough to surrender, but apparently they have a fanatic on their hands. "Fine. Just remember when you meet your goddess in her pit, I tried to end this peacefully."

She shifts her shield into a defensive position. "I don't need to know where my god is in his person. His power is all around me! Let me remind you who truly rules the world beneath our feet... Moradin, guide my strike!" And she charges, swinging her hammer at the mocking priestess, fully intending to wipe that smirk off her face.

Attacking the priestess with Warhammer at +3:

2016-11-18, 02:27 PM
The lumbering zombie lurches at Haru from behind as the warrior recoils to cast some lame spell. With an erratic twirl, he swings both swords into the ex-ogre's back and sends it lurching into the knife-wielding grunt.

As the warrior struggles to push the giant corpse off of himself, Akiharu lunges at the both of them with the summer blade.

[roll0] - 8 (math) +5 (swordsmanship) +2 (boost from zombie defense) = 7 vs. the warrior (and possibly the zombie at the same time, given the circumstances)

Reality Glitch
2016-11-20, 02:42 PM
She waves again, and another zombie brings its club down on Argee.
((The attack on argee is just a regular old zombie attack. +2 for its Greatclub.
(4d3-6)[2]))[quote]((Defending with Spellcraft do to Shield Spell. [roll0] Success with Style! I'll create the boost that the Ogre's Weapon is Stuck in the Ground.))[QUOTE=theUnearther;21392256]"You know, clean up a little.""Must be a fanatical neat freak to demand cleansing by fire."
((Retaliates against the zombie with Magic Missle. [roll1]))

2016-11-21, 06:36 PM
Gathering his rage into fists of flame, Naham starts flurriing toward the remaining drow warrior, striking as if his arms were lengthened by fire.

"I told you to surrender. Blame your stupid priestess!"

Now that all (or most of) zombies are down, Naham will follow what he told earlier, and take down the priestess last. So attack on one drow, with my stunt applying.


2016-12-12, 01:28 PM
And with that, both living warriors and one undead one fall to the ground.
Their leader fares much better. Her flowing robes do not feel hard, per se, but Kirsa can clearly feel that they absorbed most of the impact.
She seems almost more angry about that, as she stumbles back, looking at her immaculate clothes.
"Why... you..."
I need to know what happens to those two berserkers please. They are definitely out, not acting anymore on this scene, but I need to know whether they live or die, and it's your call.

2016-12-12, 08:30 PM
The smell of roasting meat fills the air around the ogre zombie as Akiharu's sword plunges straight through its gut and into its drow partner's chest. The berserker can just feel the rancid zombie entrails that got pushed in there. It's gross, it burns, and the blade even twists a little such that as it's pulled out, it hurts even more.

...but not for very long.


Akiharu lets the burning, dead-again zombie collapse on top of the other guy as he sets his sights on their leader.

[roll0] +4 (Knowledge(drow)) = 5 to pick out what kinds of defenses the drow priestess probably has, so he can shout it to Kirsa and give her a sort of, "I'm onto you," advantage. Or maybe just use her haughty personality against her for a, "coordinated assault," advantage if that makes more sense.

(Edited for typos in my spoiler tags.)

2016-12-15, 03:15 PM
Kirsa has to admit to being a little discouraged that smacking the priestess with a warhammer doesn't accomplish much more than rumpling her clothes. On the other hand, there's something about those robes... maybe it isn't so bad after all.

In any case, she thinks she has her off balance now. She brings the hammer around in another strike, bulling forward as the priestess steps back to add more momentum to her blow.

Another Attack with Warhammer! [roll=4d3-5]