View Full Version : 3rd Ed Urban Adventuring

2016-10-15, 12:38 PM
I was reading the "the Speaker in Dreams" Adventure last night and it got me wondering...

How many of you Run/Play in Mostly or strictly urban campaigns?

2016-10-16, 11:55 AM
Urban campaigns aren't my group's focus, but we did just finish one. My favorite thing about it was that players' actions had long-term effects that were a persistent benefit or an unavoidable hindrance.

One player freed all the slave-stock from the local slavers(In a city where it's legal.). For the rest of the campaign, this powerful political group tried to kill him and to stymie his plans.

My own character funded the reconstruction of the city's main bridge and had the workers put his name on it. Because the bridge was prominent and essential to life in the city he became a sort of local celebrity.