View Full Version : Lords of Creation: Panoply Rising (IC Thread)

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2016-10-16, 03:45 PM
From outside the Void came a single note which became many as it passed from Elsewhere into the here and now. The Notes lingered and from their music was woven a vast Creation and at its apex was the First World, a spheroid of earth covered in water and beyond it the vast expanse of The Void. The music played until it faded, only their echoes remaining with the still lingering energy of Creation. These were the First Gods, the Primordials born not from man but from Existence itself.

2016-10-16, 03:46 PM
Jyn'Hao: Which Calls Splendor from the Void (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XrTjNOF8kw)

Jyn’Hao was the first of these echoing songs and from between the Nadir and Apex it sprang forth and draped about itself the Void as garments and breathed the cold stale air into divine lungs. Too cold, it thought quietly to itself and from the Void flared a vast cosmic flame to rival all flames. Distant it was to the First World for Jyn’Hao wished not to burn the First World and its oceans and thus it set the First World spinning about the Sun. Yet it had miscalculated...miscalculated far too much for the First World did not itself spin so only one face received the warm rays of the fiery orb.

It had miscalculated too the warmth it wished to give for the Void grew hot and even the darkness began to melt and bend and so to fix these errors it set about the creation of another orb, this one of soft silvers and cool light. It would spin about the First World and when it dipped behind the dark side it would cast its softer light onto the unseen face of Creation. This was the Moon and it offered succor to whatever might dwell in the regions that knew not the Sun.

These mechanisms would not keep themselves in motion for the other songs were other possible hands that might wring further distress on the Void and so with a sweep of a hand Jyn’Hao called forth the still fresh notes of its own birth and forged a vast forest about itself. This was the Navel of Creation which sat between the First World and the bottom of the Void and from here Jyn’Hao made its home. As it had dressed itself in the Void so too did it begin its song anew Which Calls Splendor from the Void, and like petals this new realm closed about the Navel and shielded it from the eyes of those that might come after. This new Realm was a vast forge for the petals closed not only on the Navel but all that which the Navel might have been and beneath the vast Forest of Quintessence roiled an ocean of flame and steam, of mud and cloud and it was this ocean the Forest dipped its roots.

But Jyn’Hao was not yet satisfied for it was a single being and its work yet unrealized would require many hands. From its garments it tore scraps and from the redwood trees that gave the fruit of Quintessence it fashioned crude faces and then it breathed life into these little dolls and the Shi were born. Simple beings, the Shi moved about the Void and the three Orbs with purpose inscrutable to all but themselves for even Jyn’Hao had made them not to do what it desired but to do what needed doing. Yet it cared for it's little dolls, and knew it would do what needed doing should harm befall them. Jyn’Hao had filled its kingdom with servants who cared naught for the will of their creator. Jyn’Hao was pleased. Even so, the Void was still empty and from the Navel it spread its last bit of music into the form of massive flippered beasts that shone with vigor. These Starwhal flocked between the First World and its sibling Orbs and cared not machinations of others. They were simply what they were, they were nothing more.

Only with all this done did Jyn’Hao feel satisfied and with a heavy sigh it called forth its own small home, a single pagoda at the center of the Forest of Quintessence and there it sat at the highest floor and watched its garden. From this height it waited, it waited to see what the other songs would become. It waited to see if other songs would come and speak with it. How interesting would that be?

Starting AP: 16AP

Create Land: The Sun(2AP) - The Sun is a massive orb of cosmic flame that is far from the First World. It’s yellow orange and hot enough to burn most mortals to cinders without precaution. The first World orbits about The Sun but is tidally locked. Shi work over The Sun, creating cool spots with their bodies and calling forth massive flares of the cosmic flame.

Create Land: The Moon(2AP) - The Moon is a pale silvery orb that rotates about the First World. It is a third the size of the First World and should a mortal reach it they would find it is silvery due to a thick dense layer of clouds and rain and frost. Underneath these clouds lays a verdant and unspoiled world of forest and rivers and beneath this a massive cold fresh water ocean. Shi dwell on the Moon, harvesting the rain waters and waters from the cool ocean. Where they take it is unknown.

Create Major Artifact: The Navel of Creation (5AP) - The Navel of Creation appears as a massive flat disk with a sprawling forest of ghostly redwood trees that hang heavy with fruit. These fruit are Quintessence and each is a single possible world in itself. The Navel of Creation offers a Discount on the Create Plane action.

Infuse Major Artifact: The Navel of Creation (3AP) - The Navel of Creation is infused with the power of Jyn’Hao. The Navel of Creation is now a Relic and provides an additional 1AP discount for the Create Plane Action.

Create Plane: Which Calls Splendor from the Void (2AP) - Which Calls Splendor from the Void is a massive realm divided into multiple overlapping layers all floating above a sea of constantly shifting flame, water, cloud and mud. These layers house vast empty cities of solid metal that appears as the open night sky. These layers shift and move as well and if one could possibly raise above all the layers they would appear as a massive flower with all its petals splayed. At the center of this flower is the Navel of Creation and Jy’Hao’s personal home.

Create Monstrous Life: Starwhals (1AP) - Starwhals ply the void beyond the First World, massive beasts that sparkle and shine with their own inner light. Starwhal are peaceful though will defend their herds in signs of danger. Starwhals live off the waters of the Moon and the heat of the Sun that fills the Void.

Create Monstrous Life: The Shi (1AP) - The Shi exist as transient energy born forth from the Navel of Creation. Appearing as ragged cloth with bizarre masks, the Shi stalk Which Calls Splendor from the Void and the Void itself. The Shi work in some inscrutable mechanism and even when damaged do not respond or cease their work.

Gain Domain: Creation (Planar Energy) - Create Major Artifact: Navel of Creation (5 AP), Infuse Major Artifact: The Navel of Creation (3AP), Create Plane: Which Calls Splendor from the Void (2AP) = 10AP

16AP - 2AP - 2AP - 5AP - 3AP - 2AP - 1AP - 1AP = 16AP
Current AP: 0AP

2016-10-16, 03:51 PM
Biyaha: So Sing the Waters

So it was that there was naught but brackish waters that swamped and drowned the world. All that could be; all that would be, was not and could not if the world remained as it was.

The stagnant water slowly began to stir and flow as Biyaha became conscious and self-aware. Moving through the depths of the Great Ocean and wrapping his consciousness in the waters of the First World, his exploration of the world was also one of self-exploration as he plumbed the depths of his powers and perception.

Time immeasurable passed as Biyaha traveled and grew. Thus it was that he discovered that the First World was a great orb for he had grown so large that he approached that which he had just passed moments ago.

In great consternation he roared,"Is this all? There must be more!", and he rose.

He pulled himself upward until he broke through the surface of the Great Ocean, and gazing upon the sun and moon he heard the lingering notes of ethereal music. Where the light of the sun fell upon the Great Ocean, the waters teemed with the potential of life and Biyaha was gladdened. There was more! But, perhaps more importantly, there lie almost limitless potential for much, much more in the life and lifeforms that would come! His heart sang as he rose higher and higher into the sky, wrapping the waters of Great Ocean about himself in the form of a titanic humanoid.

As he rose, land began to emerge as the waters of the First World withdrew. First there were merely scattered islands, but as he drew more and more of the brackish water to manifest himself, those islands were revealed to be the greatest peaks of long mountain ranges. Delighting in the revelation he quested ever higher and drank ever deeper. So it was that he came to where the sky met the cold, black void and discovered that the waters of the Great Ocean would rise no further. Raising his arms he ran his fingers along the bottom of the void and startled at the result. Where the water met the void it vaporized into small wispy clouds.

Strangely satisfied, he turned back to The First World to discover that the ocean had receded to reveal a contiguous landmass spanning well over half of the world. The brackish waters ran down the mountains, carving valleys, pooled into vast lakes, before eventually retreating back to what remained of the Great Ocean. A contentment fell across his heart as he realized what needed to happen for life's potential to come to be.

With tremendous strength he broke free from the Great Ocean and threw the water of his bodily manifestation against the void. Rain laden clouds raced off in every direction clearly defining the boundary between sky and void. As the rains came to the First World they fell across the great land, Dalalkan, with grasses and forests bursting from the rich soil. The waters cleansed and nourished, running off to form great rivers – The Webi carving out a deep canyon through the head lands before cascading over the great escarpment, The Upper Webiga, The Galbi flowing down from the great mountains of the west, The Bari from the mountains in the east, and the Lower Webiga where the great rivers of the First World make their way to the seas.

Starting AP = 16AP

Create Land -2AP: Dalalkan(duh-LAWL-khan)is a supercontinent that covers approximately sixty-five percent of the First World. Notable features being the semiarid savannas of the headlands and the great escarpment that separates it from the rest of the continent, the fertile steppes of the Lower Webiga river valley, the western mountains, the eastern mountains, the great northern peninsula, the massive rainforest of the far east, and the deserts of the northeast and far west. The major rivers are the Webi, the Upper Webiga, Lower Webiga, Galbi, and Bari.
Bless -1AP Steady is the Rain: The water cycle of the First World is blessed by Biyaha to be consistent and somewhat predictable, making droughts and floods fairly rare.

Remaining AP = 16AP-3AP=13AP

Black Socks
2016-10-16, 04:20 PM
A new song was created. It was light... and cheerful... and filed with joy.
Qefnera had been born. She surveyed the First World, marveling at the possibilities.
"Well, this won't do at all! I need a peaceful little place for my art! Hmm...."
She looked at the massive landmass, but then decided it would be better to make her own.
Concentrating, she raised her hands, and a medium-small island rose from the sea, situated fairly close to Dalakan. It was mostly soft, rolling hills, but peaceful woods dotted the landscape here and there.
"Beautiful! Makes me want to paint it! Speaking of which.... If I'm going to spread the beauty of art, I need some agents down there. I think I'll call them.... 'elves'."
Concentrating again, she visualized what she wanted the beings to look like, and creatures began to appear on the island. They had long, pointed ears, and looked around at the terrain.
"And finally, I'll need to introduce them to art."
And they were. Some elves had already started drawing simple images in the dirt with a rock, or arranging flowers in patterns on the ground. They were learning so quick!
Qefnera smiled. This was going to be fun.

Starting AP= 16 AP

Create Land (2 AP): Jyhennia, an island situated off the south coast of Dalakan. It's mostly fertile land, with lots of hills and valleys, but there are forests scattered among the hills as well.
Create Sapient Life (2 AP): Elves, a whimsical and art-loving race. Currently situated on Jyhennia.
Create Mundane Concept(1 AP): Art. Just simple stuff, like drawing in the dirt with a stick or smearing chalk on a cave wall.

Remaining AP: 16 AP- 5 AP= 11 AP remaining

2016-10-16, 04:43 PM

Ambe forms in the sky above the First World from a discordant harmony, two strains of song opposing and complementing each other. She stares down at the world, reaching idly for the skies. "Bland. Boring, might well be snoring. Let us make it breath. She reaches out to the rains, heating this part, spinning there, forming a great thunderstorm, which breaks over the land with a roar, soaking it in water and thunder, moving towards the elves slowly but surely. "I have made it seethe."

Starting AP= 16 AP

Curse (I guess?) Of Storms, 2AP. (sorta kinda countering the rains)

Remaining AP = 14.

Black Socks
2016-10-16, 04:51 PM
Qefnera is rudely interrupted from watching an elf try to paint by.... Is that a storm? Must be Ambe's work. Still, I'm sure she means no harm. I'll just have to talk to her.
She focuses and halts the storm, before seeking out Ambe.
"Excuse me, Ambe. I know you don't intend to slaughter my creations, but could you please not target them with storms? There's a whole uninhabited continent for you to play with."

Starting AP= 11 AP
Counter Eldest's Curse (3 AP): Stop the storm from reaching the elves.
Remaining AP: 11 AP- 3 AP= 8 AP remaining

2016-10-16, 04:58 PM

She raises an eyebrow at her sister's arrival, and then gives a quizzical look, arms crossed, at the request. "What good's a storm if nobody feels it? You must think I'm a real twit. But rest assured, sister dear, the elves had nothing to fear. Twas rain and thunder, true, but the elves it would not have slew. She does let the storm be deflected, however. No need antagonizing siblings, when they always made the most delightful friends. Or, they would, given more time in creation.

Black Socks
2016-10-16, 05:06 PM
"Oh. Thank you. I do suppose they need to learn to fend for themselves. I guess I just overreacted."
And indeed, a rain does begin to fall, forcing the elves to seek shelter.

2016-10-16, 05:10 PM
Zul and Ospal

As the sun rose so did the hawk. And when the moon soared across the sky the cat danced among the trees. The bird fell upon the feline and both twisted themselves interlocking into a primal dance. Feathers gave part to teeth as the hawk became a fox that chased the squirrel as it squirmed away. The puff tail tantalizing the jaws as it made it's escape running atop roots to gnarled to be from a world so young.

When the catch was almost sure it turned into a dove raising flight and leaving the fox looking up at the sky before it turned into a bat and gave chase once again. Both fluttered as the world turned. When the white grow to far she danced and twinkled daring or beaconing the other. If the black teeth and claws grew to close they would snap always just late enough to push the pursuit.

Such was the game of Zul and Ospal for long nights and longer days. Until they tried to bring others into their game. Zul with the form of a hare dared tigers to chase after her but she grew too fast to thrilled with the speed that she left any pursuer behind breaking her game. Ospal though couldn't find match among lesser prey. The first time he chased a bear while in the shape of a wolf he broke it with a single bite.

Both observed in curiosity as the spirit of the animal left it's body and departed. They chased after it. And suddenly they found themselves at a realm unlike the prime yet similar to it. To them it appeared to be more gray, less full, shapeless. It was inhabited by spirits, the spirits of animals that had left the world. But there were others, others that were alive, and shone with light and color making things vivid around them. The gods enjoyed the place and explored it to their hearth's content while playfully chasing one another.

16 AP

1 AP (Shared Action, feel free to add to this): The Beyond is a parallel realm to the prime material. It is vast, much, much larger than the prime, and might in fact be infinite. Despite this it is linked to the real world mirroring it, if not necessarily in a permanent form.

Objects such as geographical formations, forests, and mountains exist. Buildings exist as long as they have been around the real world long enough to create an impression on the Beyond. The Beyond reflects more than mere physical aspects, it also features emotional or psychological impressions, accentuating them.

There are two kinds of inhabitants in the Beyond, ghosts who are simple grey memories of what they were, and dreamers who are projections of what they are. Dreamers are the ones that make the Beyond feel alive, even if they are simply animals dreaming, the less dreamers there are in a particular area the more gray and blurred it becomes.

OoC: I'm leaving some stuff open for others to add to it.

2016-10-16, 05:11 PM

Ambe inclines her head in gratitude, and reaches out for the clouds. In consolation, she spreads the storm-head out, raining on the elves but with only occasional thunder, and not nearly the intensity of the full storm. That enough, sister dear, or is there else to fear?

Black Socks
2016-10-16, 05:25 PM
"Perfect, thank you! So, do you have any plans for this world? Maybe creating a new race, like I did with the elves?"
The elves had sought shelter in the trees. The dense canopy of leaves gives them protection from the rain.
Clever little folk.

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-16, 05:42 PM
A note, particularly condensed, exploded in midair, scattering little balls of light everywhere around the first world, into the firmament, across the skies.
The night, pitch black until then, lit up for the first time with a gazillion of little dots that will be called stars.

As the last particles of condensed energy escaped, rings adorned with runes never seen before started to spin, propulsed by large, dark wings, still vibrating with the original symphony. Shortly after the first few movements, a cloud formed, covering most of the features of the newborn deity before themselves lit up just like the night sky.

The deity themselves didnt move, save from the spinning of their rings and wings, as if they were asleep.
Ezoth was gazing at the sky above them, looking at those bits of themselves scattered in the dark. They mentally traced constellations, as they floated their way through the First World, until they found themselves in a strange place. Eerie...

Start: 16AP

1 AP (Shared Action): The Beyond
A place of dreams and tranquility. Stars peacefully shine in the sky above, as if their brightness and color was intensified by the eerie place.

Create Land (2AP): Stars
Stars are tiny shards of primal energy who float into the void, providing light from afar. When one star's time has come, it explodes in a supernova and leaves clouds of magic behind, from which a newborn star can rise. This cycle is very slow though, and most stars can live a hundred milleniums before they could die. They are too far for anyone to reach them, now.

End: 16-1-2= 13AP

2016-10-16, 07:17 PM
Biyaha- Jyhennia

As the rains fell across the island of Jyhennia, so did Biyaha come to learn of the land and the elves that inhabited it. The land drank its fill before the water began to pool and run off. Bending his will to the task, The Father of Waters pulled the water to a course favorable to his whim, cutting a path that ran nearly the entire length of the continent from southwest to northeast. Thus was the great crystal clear waters of the Bicoya River formed and Biyaha came to know the elves.

The elves that bathed in the Bicoya River soon learned of its mysterious powers.


Dalalkan, head of the Galbi River

Coming to the shores of the cold mountain lake Biyaha, lapped gently upon the rocky shores and gazed into the massive forest that lay cradled between the arms of the great western range. There was something majestic and untamed about the towering redwood trees that marched down to the waters edge. Of course he could follow the lesser river's course up through the mountains to the glacial lakes that fed the Galbi, but he would never stride through those forests and discover the dark mysteries that lie within.

He sent his consciousness questing beneath the canopy of the great trees, but his perception began to fail him as he left the river and lake behind. But here, beneath the great behemoths of the western forest he could feel the primal force of the wild and untamed places of the world. Stirring along the forest floor he gathered up pine needles, sticks, leaves, mud and bits of fur left behind from one of the forest's denizens. Building it up to stand upon two legs he poured into it his curiosity and the primal force that emanated from the forest. Gently he laid it down upon a bed of pine straw, and covered it with a blanket of moss. "Sleep my son, and rise to the wonderment of this world when the moon's light falls upon this place next. When you wake you will not know me, but in your heart you will recognize me if ever we meet. You are free to wander this world and discover the richness of its bounty, going places I shall never tread. You will discover and follow your own course and work miracles of which I can only dream, but for now sleep."

Enter Sathwatch

Beginning AP=13AP

Alter Land -1AP: The Bicoya River of Jyhennia. The crystalline waters of the Bicoya River cut a winding, narrow course across the continent of Jyhennia, its waters so pure as to taste sweet. The elves of Jyhennia come to feel a connection to the river as it seems to mystically bestow them with miraculous inspiration.
Bless -1AP: Font of Inspiration - The elves that bath in the sweet waters of the Bicoya River are nearly overcome with mystic inspiration and create artistic masterpieces of unearthly beauty and grace. This blessing finds the latent talents of the individual and brings it forth, driving them to create incredible paintings, music, sculptures, dances, poetry, architecture, etc...when/if these concepts are created. What effected the waters of the Bicoya has on other races is unknown...

Ending AP: 13AP - 1AP -1AP = 11AP

2016-10-16, 07:43 PM
Coming of Sathwatch

The Beast's eyes snapped open, black orbs embodied with swirling stars and endless clouds. He rose to his feet, stumbled and rose once more.

He took in his surroundings, the first intelligent life to walk the continent since the time of it's creation. He shook out his mane of fur, pine needles and leaves flying in all directions before he headed deeper into the forest.

As he stepped, his eyes darted about with curiosity. He saw more than anything, the various monkies which swung from the tree branches and screeched their songs of awe at his presence.

Stopping in a clearing, Sathwatch turned to see a group of monkies that have followed him. Their eyes lit up with wonder and many tilted their heads.

Sathwatch let out a kind chuckle before calling them forward, intelligence and wonder entering their minds as they came closer to the Lord of Wild Places.

16AP Start
-2AP Create Sapient Life (Takwa): The Takwa are a race of monkey-folk with thick and coarse hair ranging in various shade of brown and greys. On average they stand anywhere from 3-4ft in height and usually weigh no more than 90lbs. They are born with a natural sense of curiosity and a love of nature.
14AP Remaining

2016-10-16, 08:35 PM
The Takwa

Sathwatch placed a large hand upon the head of one of the Takwa and with a grunt, he spoke in a series of chirps and grunts, the language of the Takwa. "Hmmmmm...Takwa...hmmmmm... Come, follow."

So, the god led his people through the forest. He taught them how to hunt and how to forage for food and much needed supplies. He taught them how to constantly move from place to place so that they would never over harvest any one area.

Many cycles of the moon had come and passed. Sathwatch stood outside of the encampment of the Takwa which sat nestled among the trees. He watched them with eyes of pride in their success and with a fang filled smile, he faded into the trees.

14AP Start
-1AP Basic Concept(Hunting): While every society is capable, none are more skilled than the Takwa.
-1AP Basic Concept(Foraging) While every society is capable, none are more skilled than the Takwa.
-2AP Advanced Concept(Language: Takwaese): The language of the Takwa is a highly complicated series of chirps and whistles which mimic the various forms of nature from raindrops to the rustling of leaves and migrating birds.
-2AP Form Society(The Follows): While many small and separate tribes exist, The Fallows exist as the largest gathering of Takwa. They are nomadic in nature with a strong feel of personal freedom over laws and tradition. They love and respect nature, living in harmony with the thing that gives them the means to survive and never let anything go to waste. Sathwatch is their patron deity.
8AP Remaining

2016-10-16, 11:49 PM
Carakhan – Birth in the Ocean
From the void, came the song of creation. Even as the notes formed the world, in the deepest trenches it still lingered until the divine energy found a singular egg in a clutch of octopus eggs. Slowly the egg mutated, encouraged by the divine energy, until it became something entirely different. No longer was it an octopus, instead becoming the first Cephalid.
She knew from the start that She was different. Slowly She moved from Her trench, watching with detached interest as land rose from Her ocean. Instead She saw it fitting that the sea She swims through become populated with reefs fitting for Her brethren and scattered sixty-four such havens throughout the sea, most barely big enough to be a village as She laid a clutch of Her children at each. She saw no need to be rushed and took Her time before She returned to the first reef.
What She found was unacceptable. The coral grew well enough in the waters and the cephalid had no real problems having successive generations. What they did have a problem with was everyone fighting against each other for what meager scraps they could gather. She let loose an almost unnoticeable noise through the village and caused the cephalids to stop in their tracks. Slowly the entire village began to chant as one.
"Here in Her shrine, here in Her temple. Here do we toil, that we might remember. Here we reclaim, what faithless minds have stolen. Far from ourselves, She grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through Her do we see. Our arms once were idle, Now through them does She speak."
From village to village She travelled once again. In each village She saw the same chaos. In each village She let loose Her shriek; and in each village the Cephalids were left in a daze as they chanted Her praise. Tirelessly they began to work to straighten up the reefs they inhabited. Slowly a society would form under such chanting, where free will had no place.
Starting: 16 AP
Create Mundane Concept (-1 AP): Coralcrafting More a necessity than anything, the Cephalids quickly develop the means to grow and shape coral in intricate designs. At it's most basic they use it to grow jewelry to wear and buildings to live in, although in time it may be used for more offensive applications such as armor and weapons.
Create Land (-2 AP): Lustria, the Reefs Below Made up of 64 reefs scattered loosely about what remains of the sea are the cities and villages of the cephalids. Each reef is a vibrant ecosystem, even if the water outside such reefs would be otherwise unsuitable for such a thing. For now, though, the reefs shift with the creation of future landmasses and always remaining just past the horizon of the coasts of said land masses.
Create Sentient Race (-2 AP): Cephalids SQUIDFOLK HOOOOO! Although more similar to octopi in form. Nothing expressly forbids them from using the two longest tentacles as feet, or the remaining six as hands, and they all remain just as agile as the others. It’s just considered rude to do such, just as it’s rude to be completely nude. Instead they like to decorate their bodies with corals that live within their villages, weaving simple clothing out of seaweed.
Create Society (-2 AP): Lustrian Cirrina, the Ordered Temples Most, although not all, cephalids belong to the Ordered Temples. It is here that Carakhan’s Chant has taken hold and driven out the dangers of free will. In its place has been a more Socialist/Communist government, where all within share what they have for the Greater Good. See the photos attached for examples of said villages as all within them take their roles as seriously as possible.
Ending: 9 AP

2016-10-17, 01:16 AM
The Dreamer and the Song

When the music that formed the world began, it had drifted aimlessly, wandering through the Void as it searched for some thing to listen to it. For so long it went unheard, gathering more and more songs, those that would eventually become gods, to itself as it looked for something, anything to hear its tune. Days turned into years, years into centuries, and centuries into millenia, and all that had been found were more songs that added to the beautiful cacophany that slowly overtook the First Song, making it fade as it still dutifully tried to find someone to listen... for what was the purpose of music if it went unheard?

But then, just as it began to finally fade, they found the slumbering dragon.

With a brilliant crescendo, the songs began to swirl around this eternal beast and play their unique tunes, every player having their part and every note of the symphony specifically placed to be pleasing to the ears of the audience... or at least, that is what the First Song had intended. But there were some voices that were too brash, and others too meak, and while they started with a glorious symphony it soon devolved into a chaos of which song could play loudest, and which could find an opening to be heard above the rest, and the First Song was drowned within the chaotic cacophony.

But still, their audience slumbered. Its dreams undisturbed, and the terrible noise not even making it shift.

Now, whether it was merely a metaphysical phenomina, or if the music had gained some small amount of sentience in all that time, the First Song was insulted. Here it had been, echoing out for all to hear, and when it finally found a mind that could listen, that mind was sleeping?! No... no, this would not stand. Music was meant to be heard, and if it couldn't be heard, then it would be felt.

The First Song reached out into the other melodies, grasping their power and weaving it into roaring waves, crashing and swirling about the beast with thunderous fury. A sphere of water that smashed against scale and tooth and claw, and that tried to drag it under to wake the beast, so that it might hear the beauty around it.

But the dragon merely floated to the top, no matter how much water the symphony created.

Reaching into its companions for strength again, the First song in its frustration greated a swell of gravity within the watery world's center. Grasping and grabbing the Dreamer, it dragged the dragon down to the world's core, trying to squeeze and crush the breath out of the godly being. In the song's fury, it did not care for the pain it might cause, for it would be heard before it disappeared.

But the Dreamer's form held no breath, and though it wavered and rippled, there was no flesh to squeeze, and no bone to crush. And so it slept on, undisturbed by all the song had created and all of the symphonies it had spun.

And the First Song's strength began to fail it. The other melodies spun off, flung back to the void, fading, or shifting into something more than just music as the gods were born. But the First Song remained, notes lightly lingering in the waves and the air as it still desperately tried to make the being that might enjoy it hear the beauty and horrors that it held. But, now that the other songs and voices began to fade, something else could be heard in the stillness; The gentle weeping of a voice with no choir that the First Song, in all of its wrath and all of its excitement, had missed.

And its tune changed, becoming one of comfort and peace as it gathered around the beast, answering the dragon's silent pleas with its fading voice the best that it could. With the time and strength it had left the song supported the Dreamer in its melody. Once land began to form, the fading tune would gently raising the slumbering form from the sea and usher it to a cavern within the southern mountains, allowing it to rest, undisturbed for now.

The song would then finally disappear, its last note hanging in the air just long enough to hear an echo in the silence... an echo within the dreams of the sleeper. And in there would it remain, new, beautiful and ever growing and changing, the song of Creation itself would live on in the dragon, a soft whisper that those that lay beside the beast would always hear.

Alone with only its memories once more, Yag-Azreal's mind would subtly send this melody out to the denizens of this world, calling out to them in the stillness and the silent places. Only very few would hear the song, and fewer still would come to find it, but there would be some, mortals of all races, all backgrounds and types, that came to answer that gentle summons. None would disturb the resting god, but all would come to discover the secrets within creation's song. For some there would linger only madness, for others a peace and love that was unending.

And through it all, Yag-Azreal slept on. In the realm of dreams it had formed its castle, stunning spires and radiant beauty a bastion for all who were weary. Shades danced within, memories of those things that could take no form in this reality, and laughter and joy prommised within these halls.

Starting AP: 16

-1 AP: Blessing; Song of Creation
At all times Yag-Azreal is surrounded by the music of the First Song, but this song may only be heard in the silence and darkness of night. Mortals that hear this song are influenced by it, typically positively, but sometimes negatively. What matters is that they are changed.

-1 AP: Blessing; Call of Silence
Among some mortals there is a gentle call, one that whispers to the troubled, lonely and outcasts of the world. These unwanted few are called to come to the south, to form a community of those like themselves around the Void Dragon, and to make new lives in the nearly silent community. Not all of these chosen few leave their homes, and not all that partake in the pilgrimage survive the journey south, but slowly, a society will begin to grow...

-2 AP: Shared Create Plane (Create Land level); Castle of Memories
The realm of dreams holds a place within it dedicated specifically to Yag-Azreal's dreams, a place which other mortals and gods may visit if they sleep within the "walls" of the palace, but that cannot be changed by another being's dreams alone (i.e, ap must be spent to modify this castle). The palace itself is massive, covering enough area to completely dominate the southern peninsula, and almost a hundred more miles inland.

Those that enter this place may relive their memories flawlessly, and may catch fleeting specters and shades of the Void Dragon's memories, but they cannot truly view the dreams of the god. Visitors to the castle may also share their memories with one another, but such actions will be flawed and murky reflections of memory at best.

Ending AP: 12

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-17, 03:25 AM
They are above.

Flying as high as they could, Ezoth tried to go as close as they could to the stars.
And then they rested, daydreaming.
But for a deity, a dream could always become reality, if enough power was used to make it so.
And so Ezoth, in their sleep, imagined the architecture of a planetary-like structure. Jewels spun around, reflecting the many stars twinkling in the sky. The Sun was represented as a ball of pure gold, adorned with fiery etching, while the Moon was a ball of silver engraved with delicate lace-like patterns spinning around a sphere made of jade, adorned with the outlines of the lands, who represented the First World. The whole planetary would spin at the same pace as what it represented.
And the Great Planetary became.
The deity quickly noticed strange creatures also got out of his dream; they were hard to look at, since their bodies reflected the stars and galaxies. They seemed to have a strange misty composition, as some of them grew wings to fly away wherever they wanted to be, or simply turned to dust only to regain their original composition after a jewel hit them in its endless spin.

Dream Sprites... This name seems fitting.

The creatures turned to the one who created and named them. Some of them made a lullaby-like sound, garbled yet still somewhat melodious.

Start: 13AP

Create Mythical Life (4AP): Dream Sprites
Dream Sprites look like eerily owl-like creatures, with only one glowing eye whose color, although always light-colored, is unique to each individual. Their bodies do not have a clear outline, and reflect the stars above them. They speak a sort of garbled-melody like speech only themselves and their deity can understand, but can also use gestures if they absolutely need to communicate with another specie. Due to their composition, they are not affected by non-magical weapons

Create Land (2AP): The Great Planetary
The Great Planetary is visible from the fugue plane, but not from the first world. Once entering that place, one would notice that the weather is calm, as if rain stopped here. Dream orbs naturally float in, but never collide with the different pieces of the planetary. Dream Sprites watch out for that anyway.

End: 13-4-2= 7

2016-10-17, 08:48 AM
Elyana a'Lere, The Lady Love

What does love sound like? Is it hauntingly beautiful, bringing tears to your eyes? Does love sound like being truly complete, knowing that you are whole with another. Does love sound like a happy forever or the perfect moment?


Split apart from the One Note, the melody that would become Love traveled through the void, propagated through the air and ground and water of the first world, spreading out and filling creation for a brief moment. Feeling the first breaths of the world, gazing deeply into its eyes and knowing it as only a lover can. But all moments pass and the melody was carried by strange currents, pulled together the pieces of the fragment of the One Note were united and sound no longer Elyana a’Lere, The Lady Love stood upon pure and untouched land. She smiled, and took a deep breath. The last remnants of her song sang for joy and formed a brilliant shining ring on her left ring finger.

“My darling, I now pronounce us bound for life.”

But something else called to Elyana, she did not know what it was or why she felt the urge to walk in that direction, but walk she did. Passing through the heart of Dalalkan, taking in its natural beauty. When presented by a body of water that stretched beyond sight, she merely kept walking, feet sitting on top of the waves as they did the land. Until eventually the goddess stood upon the shores of Jyhennia, an elf peered down from higher up, drawn by the glowing light of Mother Marriage’s ring.

“Hello? Who might you be my dear?”

Starting AP: 16 AP
Create Major Artifact -5 AP (Anneau): This beautifully crafted wedding ring symbolises Elyana's marriage with creation. Anneau shines with a light that clearly marks it as divine. Anneau is a utility artifact for the Blessing/Curse action.
Divine Infusion -3 AP (Anneau): A further +1 AP reduction on Bless/Curse action
Create Mundane Concept -1 AP (Love): A strong feeling of affection
Create Mundane Concept -1 AP (Marriage): The joining of two lives, Marriage is a sacred commitment, bound into the very core tenets of Elyana's faith.
Gain Domain: Good (Joy)

5AP - Create Major Artifact: Anneau
3AP - Divine Infusion: Anneau
1 AP - Create Mundane Concept: Love
1 AP - Create Mundane Concept: Marriage
Remaining AP: 6 AP

Black Socks
2016-10-17, 09:50 AM
((Writing this from a phone, sorry for short post))

Elyana a'Lere, The Lady Love-Jyhennia

The elf gazes in wonder at Elyana. A strange feeling fills him, different from the joy he gets from art. It feels like.... Love.
"They call me Tree-Song. Who are you?"

2016-10-17, 04:39 PM
Lighting the night

It was the new moon as Sathwatch move through the woods of his birth with nothing but the stars in the sky which were obscured by clouds to give light. He stopped at the bottom of a massive tree, it was so old that it's trunk easily doubled in width of the others.

He placed his rough and coarse hand upon the bark and closed his eyes as he felt the uneven wood under his fingers and when he opened his eyes, they were met with glimmering light in all directions. "Hmmmmm...Thinakawii, The Glowing Woods."

8AP Start
-1AP Alter Land(Thinakawii, The Glowing Woods): The Forest which serves as the home of the Takwa is now a vast jungle comprised of thick vegetation, glowing fruits and fungi and even ferns with glowing leaves. - Think Avatar as an example.
-1AP Create Monstrous Life(Glowing Critters): In Thinakawii, many creatures and critters have been replaced by those with the same bioluminescent glow of their environment. Most of the larger creatures only glow in certain parts of their bodies, however, small things like insects tend to glow like miniature lanterns.
6AP Remaining

Taking Nature(Balance) as a domain
*2AP Created Takwa
*2AP Created Takwaese
*2AP Created The Follows
*1AP Created Hunting
*1AP Created Foraging
*1AP Created Glowing Critters
*1AP Alter Land: Thinakawii, The Glowing Wood

2016-10-17, 06:21 PM
Biyaha - Rivers of the Great Western Range

Biyaha sought the headwaters of Galbi, passing through the many lakes nestled at the feet of the great western mountain range, he turned southward between the mountains and the forests where he had set his son. The waters ran fast and turbulent, fed by cascading mountain streams beyond number. In the half-light of the 'day time' moon, the waters were clear and cold, he named the river the Dhakhso meaning restless. The moonlight dancing upon the surface of the water seemed almost playful, so he rose up and ran his fingers along the surface. Where his fingers trailed through the light upon the river, hundreds of tiny fish were born and scattered in a thousand directions. This is how the trout and the multitude of subspecies of freshwater trout came to be, and their numbers in the Dhakhso River remain plentiful regardless of how many are taken by fishermen.


Sinking back beneath the surface of the waters he continued up stream coming to a place where dozens of Takwa had gathered at the river's edge. Some were bathing while others seemed to be foraging for food. For long hours he simply watch the creatures finding great joy in their unusual speech and mannerisms. They spoke to each other in a series of chirps and whistles that seem to mimic the sound of the wind upon the trees as well as many other aspects of nature. They instantly reminded him of his son and he was nearly overcome by the urge to reveal himself and speak to them. Not yet, he told himself, but there is something pure and beautiful about them and their connection to the wilds.

Hidden among the swirling currents of the river, Biyaha moved closer to the Takwa and wove about them a blessing that would deepen their connection to the natural world. The change was instantaneous, and as one the simian people startled and moved quickly back into the forest. When they returned to their homes they discovered that the metamorphosis was universal and the source of great conversation and debate among their people. Everywhere they went they saw their fellow Takwans standing with their hands upon the trunks of the great trees, or huddled around a fern, or raising their arms for birds to land upon, or children playing with the other animals of the forest. Each of them and all future generations were gifted with the ability to sense the emotions of both the plants and animals of the forest as well as share with the plants and animals their emotions. It was a rudimentary and limited communication, but its effects were profound.

Beginning AP = 11AP
Blessing -1AP One With the World: The Takwa are gifted with Wild Empathy. It's uses are subtle, for to sense the emotions of living things that lack sentience often conveys little real meaning. However it does have many uses, perhaps the most beneficial of which is the ability to sense danger well before it ever strikes whether it is a forest fire, a great predator, or invaders that enter their forest home. A legend exists among the Takwa that the mystic waters of the Dhakhso River are somehow responsible for this ability.
Remaining AP = 11AP - 1AP = 10AP

2016-10-17, 06:36 PM
The Song of Life

Little-Bird was among her people, the Takwa a Keeper. It was her duty to keep the knowledge and songs of her people close to her heart, to be passed down from generation to generation. Such was an oral tradition with no written records.

She hung from a branch high up in the canopy, gently allowing the wind to catch her in a soft sway, her eyes closed as she drank in the beauty of the world around her. A smile creeped across her small furry face as a melody touched upon her ears...such a strange sound..beautiful and haunting all at the same time.

Little-Bird opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings for the source of the melody. She swung from branch to branch and from vine to vine on her way down. With the deftness of a lifetime of free-swimming, Little-Bird landed upon the soft glowing moss upon the Thinakawii's jungle floor.

She craned her head and listened to the melody with great intent before slowly moving forward with curiosity. Her eyes fell upon a small sapling, this is what was singing to her. She reached out five long and slender fingers to touch the sapling's single leaf and before she knew it, her lips parted and she sang in harmony with the sapling.

The sapling quickly grew, glowing with the Song of Life, soaring up to the sky with rapid and glorious success, taking Little-Bird with it. The Keeper broke out into a melodic laugh upon the new tree as new melodies constantly filled her ears in a beautiful symphony.

6AP Start
-4AP Create Mythical Concept(The Song of Life): All living things are comprised of song and melody. Some individuals are particularly tuned into The Song and are able to hear and sing along with those melodies to effect change and growth upon the world. Devoted practitioners are called Lifesingers.
-1AP Create Organization(The Keepers): Deserving of the highest respect among the Takwa, The Keepers are skilled Lifesingers who are responsible for maintaining and teaching the lore and songs of their people from generation to generation.
1AP Remaining

2016-10-17, 09:52 PM
Mirrored Songs

Sathwatch strolled through the Thinakawii without any goal or purpose in mind. He simply slipped and turned through the shadows, remaining hidden from all things. Suddenly, he was no longer there.

The Beast emerged within a plane of existence which was different and yet the same as his home. Shadows flitted about the dull colors within his sights. His star-lit eyes flickered as he took in his surroundings... deafeningly quiet as mist flowed through his fingers. His eyes closed and his lips parted, a sweet melody escaping his bestial mouth which echoed throughout the incomplete plane.. the song was wordless, instead it was a personification of Life.

1AP Start
-1AP Bless(Life in The Beyond): The Beyond is vibrant and haunting in all its ways. In some places, colors are so bright that they would blind mortal eyes and in others they exist only as pale imitations of the world. One thing remains certain, The Song of Life now echoes throughout the whole of The Beyond in a never-ending celebration of Life.
0AP Remains

2016-10-18, 04:07 AM
Elyana a'Lere, The Lady Love-Jyhennia

The elf gazes in wonder at Elyana. A strange feeling fills him, different from the joy he gets from art. It feels like.... Love.
"They call me Tree-Song. Who are you?"

Elyana a’Lere, The Lady Love – Jyhennia

“Tree-Song? What a wonderful name. I am Elyana a’Lere, goddess of love and the Allwife.”

Lady Love looked at this creature and knew that she loved its kind, and felt a slight itch as her own ears became slightly pointed, though not as long as that of the elves. She smiled at Tree-Song and took his hand.

“Are there more of your kind? I would very much like to meet them.”

Black Socks
2016-10-18, 06:02 AM
Elyana a’Lere, The Lady Love – Jyhennia

“Tree-Song? What a wonderful name. I am Elyana a’Lere, goddess of love and the Allwife.”

Lady Love looked at this creature and knew that she loved its kind, and felt a slight itch as her own ears became slightly pointed, though not as long as that of the elves. She smiled at Tree-Song and took his hand.

“Are there more of your kind? I would very much like to meet them.”

"Oh, yes, many more."
Tree-Song gives a trilling cry like a bird, and more elves leap down from nearby trees. They wear no clothing, due to having no concept of a nudity taboo, but some have decorated their hair with flowers or leaves. They move with an elegant grace.
"Who is this strange woman?" Someone in the crowd asks, out of curiosity rather than suspicion.

2016-10-18, 06:45 AM
Mirrored Songs

Sathwatch strolled through the Thinakawii without any goal or purpose in mind. He simply slipped and turned through the shadows, remaining hidden from all things. Suddenly, he was no longer there.

The Beast emerged within a plane of existence which was different and yet the same as his home. Shadows flitted about the dull colors within his sights. His star-lit eyes flickered as he took in his surroundings... deafeningly quiet as mist flowed through his fingers. His eyes closed and his lips parted, a sweet melody escaping his bestial mouth which echoed throughout the incomplete plane… the song was wordless, instead it was a personification of Life.

A white mouse sprouted from the ground under Sathwatch’s feet and started climbing his leg. It’s tiny claws tickled the god in the ascension. At the same time a black cat materialized out of Sathwatch’s shadow and started to circle the god it’s eyes intent on the mouse.

The mouse kept climbing until it rested over the hairy head. There he circled over itself twice before extending its body and standing over the godly temple.

The cat for its part kept moving circling closer and closer to Sathwatch, close enough that its short fur caressed the god’s legs. Its eyes were affixed on the mouse but somehow Sathwatch still felt watched.

You are here. Here, here. You are not like others. No. No. Different. Alien. Strange. Unusual. Fortuitous. What are you? Do you know? I don’t know. I wonder.

The mouse’s speech was fast, as if words could be barely held at its tiny mouth. Screeching in high tones and higher cadence.

2016-10-18, 08:00 AM
A white mouse sprouted from the ground under Sathwatch’s feet and started climbing his leg. It’s tiny claws tickled the god in the ascension. At the same time a black cat materialized out of Sathwatch’s shadow and started to circle the god it’s eyes intent on the mouse.

The mouse kept climbing until it rested over the hairy head. There he circled over itself twice before extending its body and standing over the godly temple.

The cat for its part kept moving circling closer and closer to Sathwatch, close enough that its short fur caressed the god’s legs. Its eyes were affixed on the mouse but somehow Sathwatch still felt watched.

You are here. Here, here. You are not like others. No. No. Different. Alien. Strange. Unusual. Fortuitous. What are you? Do you know? I don’t know. I wonder.

The mouse’s speech was fast, as if words could be barely held at its tiny mouth. Screeching in high tones and higher cadence.

The Beast's starry eyes rolled upwards to watch the mouse upon his head. With a wide bashful smile, the Lord of The Wilds spoke. "Hmmmmm.. I am Sathwatch. I am the wild places...Hmmmmm"

His large hand reached up to touch the mouse with his index finger. "Hmmmmm.. who are you?"

2016-10-18, 08:48 AM
Yag-Azreal and its first child - The Castle of Memories

As its mind rested and subconsciously created its kingdom within the Beyond, and mortals both in the dream realm and the material plane answered its silent call, Yag-Azreal's dreams delved deeper within its mind, unearthing times when it did battle time and again with an over-zealous defender of good and the innocent. Oh, so many lifetimes had passed since then, and yet, still, the memory remained. A painful chain of memories, one that the dragon began to re-live time and again. Sometimes it would claim victory over its adversary, others defeat, and one particularly humiliating memory that was still felt fresh, an open wound that caused the Dragon to cry out in its memory for one second, its form shattering and covering the entire Castle of Memories within both the physical world and the Beyond.

In that moment both of these worlds would connect, if only lightly, leaving a gateway that could be passed in between if one had the right magic. A section of land where the Veil separating realms was thin, and reflections and distant conversations happening between beings on both sides could be seen, both waking and sleeping. And sometimes, mortals could slip in between both worlds if their dreams were powerful enough... though given the nature of both realms, such a manifestation would be risky, if not out-right dangerous, for those that made the transition.

The mortals within the realms covered by Yag would be left in darkness for only a few moments, the god receding slowly into its draconic form and leaving the "Scar" behind. The few who had been within the lands it had covered would begin to take precautions to try and ensure that the dragon would not wake again, fearing the blackest of nights that had been brought upon them in that moment, and fearing that it might bring about an apocalypse should the beast awaken in truth. So, now able to look through the veil and talk with the mortals on the other side, the collective outcasts and wandering souls that had gathered so far concocted a plan, one to try and keep Yag-Azreal asleep for as long as possible. Inspired by the First Song, still coursing through their heads and spinning wondrous and terrible melodies that only they could hear, these mortals would develop a new form of magic, one similar to the Song of Life, and yet not, for this song was one of tranquility, one of command, and one of emotion. It was a varied and capricious thing that evoked sensation with its beauty... and that could embody silence, should it need. And thus, the Song of Evocation was born, and the Bardic Order formed below it, who's only task was to sing and keep the dragon from awakening, let the worlds meet their doom.

But the Scar and formation of the occult and fearful doom guardians were not the only products of Yag's relived memories. For once the dragon had fully receded back into its core, there was left behind an embodiment of a half-memory. One that was not a true re-creation of Yag's old foe and rival, but an attempt left behind by the god's latent divinity none-the-less. This god that had been created would embody actual valor and true goodness, instead of just pantomiming them and using them as an excuse for his greed. This god was Valmyr, Yag-Azreal's first child in all of the lives that it had lived... and today was the first time the Highfather would open his eyes, and see what new opportunities there lay within the world and its people.

And thus, Darklady is able to jump on in, and Valmyr is born from the pain of his progenitor. Have fun!

Starting AP: 12

-2 AP: Bridge Plane; The Scar (Prime Material and The Beyond) Along the frigid southern peninsula and within the Castle of Memory the veil between the reflection world and the prime material have been made thin. Ghostly projections of the castle can be seen on the material world, where otherwise only mountain and untamed tundra stand, and images of the specters, ephemeral reflections of reflections, and those real beings that wander the halls, dream sprites currently, can also be seen. Within the Castle of Memory, the habitations of outcast elves and takwa dot some corridors and gardens, the outcasts themselves are sometimes noticeable as faint impressions passing through walls and specters contained within, and the solitary Starwhal drawn to creation's song has drifted close can be seen and even heard within the night sky. Beings on both sides of the scar can be drawn through when they sleep, either by accident or by design, making this place one of travel between the realms.

-4 AP: Create Mythical Concept; Evocation (aka, Bardic Magic) The magic of projecting one's will upon the world through the power of music, Evocation draws upon inspiration and power from the First Song. While that song itself may have faded away, echoes of it still remain within Yag-Azreal, and the god's divinity still lends it power. Evocation acts more on the will of other living beings than it does on the physical body, nurturing and shifting a being's psyche in both helpful and detrimental ways. Currently Evocation is used by the Bards to try and keep the Dragon asleep, but other uses are slowly being discovered.

Given the nature and medium of this magic, Evocation and the Song of Life can be wielded quite easily by practitioners from either side of the fence. One dealing more with nurturing the physical and alive, the other the mind and spirit. While often a practitioner will inevitably focus on one kind of magic rather than the other, song can be used to multiple ends, and practice of both tunes of magic are "easy" to come by.

-2 AP: Create sub-concept; Song of Rest (Evocation, Song of Life) This brand of magic in particular is potent, one that allows the practitioner to perfectly mend body or mind with its tones and which promotes not only a good night's sleep, free of nightmares, but which also can put others to sleep within seconds. Master bards and the greatest of Takwa singers are the only ones able to truly grasp this peaceful melody, with others singing a shallow imitation... for this song can even make the gods and other sleepless beings rest for a while.

-1 AP: Create Organization; The Bards The bards as an organization exist to ensure that Yag-Azreal does not awaken, singing soothing lullibies to nurture and keep its fitful rest unbroken. They believe that, should the dragon gain consciousness, it will spell doom for the world, as its wrath at awakening will be too terrible for any to stand against. Of course, they are (potentially) wrong, but this is what the organization believes, and in this way this group of outcasts see themselves as protecting the world while they accidentally worship the beast they think of as the destroyer.

Ending AP: 3

2016-10-18, 11:28 AM
The Beast's starry eyes rolled upwards to watch the mouse upon his head. With a wide bashful smile, the Lord of The Wilds spoke. "Hmmmmm.. I am Sathwatch. I am the wild places...Hmmmmm"

His large hand reached up to touch the mouse with his index finger. "Hmmmmm.. who are you?"

The mouse jumped on Sathwatch's hand. And smelled with a wet nose Sathwatch's skin. It was the cat who answered though.

She is death.

He hissed the words spitting the words that somehow echoed in the world making it darker. But color returned as the mouse jumped from Sathwatch's hand atop the cat. While it fell it changed turning into a monkey that coiled it's tail and body around the cat with a warlike noise. The cat hissed as the ululating monkey tickled it. Suddenly the cat grew and turned into a wolf that subdued the monkey between its jaws and pressed it to the ground. Not for long, for the monkey disappeared and turned into a butterfly that landed atop the wolf's snout. It opened and closed it's wings slowly, mesmerizing the beast.

I am a life lived to the fullest. You can call me Zul, as he does when he isn't growling.

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-18, 12:14 PM
The Bards and the Lullabies

A few flaps echoed on the Great Planetary. The deity living here was, like most of the time, half asleep. Visions of those dreaming, of the sky, and the stars danced among the clouds around Uzoth. The flaps got closer, as a bird-like creature, a one-eyed dream that came to life, one of the first ones to get out of the Mother Dream, landed near them.
It didn't make any noise; the dreamer always notice when someone among their children wants to tell them something. The Dream Sprite only preened, waiting for its deity to wake up.
And slowly, the rings sped up. Slowly, the deity awoke from their dream.

What is that you need, Zubeneschamali ?

After a short bow, the Dream Sprite emmited chirps, clicking and whistling, garbled together.
S̵͡ţ͘ár̴rỳ͏ ͏Ơn̶̢e҉̕, ̵I̷̸͞ ̷͘n̷ę̀ed̨ ̵̛̛to̸̕͜ ͢t̶̕e͝l̡̢l̢ ̸̛y̕͜͜o͢u͟ s͏̵̡o͞m̴͟e̶͡t͞h̴͘i͏n̵g.̵̵͞


The sprite got closer, separating itself with a part of its gaseous components, which quickly regenerated. The deity caught the part of their child. And they saw the bards singing a soft melody. Something large was sleeping, but the deity could not guess if it was another deity or an incredibly large creature made by another of their kind.

Keep on watching them. They do not seem to disturb this plane, and I am curious as to what these creatures plan to do. You can go.

The sprite flew away, toward the place it saw the bards. As it landed on a high hill, its green eye stared at the small people singing the melody. Perhaps they will see it, perhaps not. For the moment, it simply folded its wings, making it appear more tangible than it actually is.

Starry one, I need to tell you something.

2016-10-18, 04:27 PM
The mouse jumped on Sathwatch's hand. And smelled with a wet nose Sathwatch's skin. It was the cat who answered though.

She is death.

He hissed the words spitting the words that somehow echoed in the world making it darker. But color returned as the mouse jumped from Sathwatch's hand atop the cat. While it fell it changed turning into a monkey that coiled it's tail and body around the cat with a warlike noise. The cat hissed as the ululating monkey tickled it. Suddenly the cat grew and turned into a wolf that subdued the monkey between its jaws and pressed it to the ground. Not for long, for the monkey disappeared and turned into a butterfly that landed atop the wolf's snout. It opened and closed it's wings slowly, mesmerizing the beast.

I am a life lived to the fullest. You can call me Zul, as he does when he isn't growling.

Sathwatch watched the two with curiosity but no further words emitted from the god's lips. These two beings were far different from the denizens of Thinakawii.

The god then turned his attention towards the landscape, drinking in the brilliant imitation of the Glowing Woods. He wondered to himself what this miraculous place was.

2016-10-18, 05:34 PM

Ambe watches as her sibling becomes absorbed in talking with one of the new creatures; elves, she thinks; debating between making herself visible or letting the other goddess have her fun. As she is, she feels the fabric of the world change, as another world is overlaid onto it. She steps behind a tree and through a rippling gate to the other world, basking in the new chaotic landscape. There were sprites, and dreamers, and those few animals that had died so far. She laughs with joy at it all, and hears it echo back to her from a thousand corners. So she whispers secrets of the world to those corners, and lets them echo about, for the clever or the stalwart to find. As they do, the wind picks up, and a light rain begins to fall, through which visions of the past, the present, and the possible future could be seen. She spins, delighted at herself, as the plane lights up, fully springing into being.

Starting AP = 14AP

Bless 1ap
To "finish" the Beyond, and impart it with minor prophecies and visions to the dreamers. Should somebody be lucid dreaming or awake in the Beyond, they would be able to use Divination far, far better than on the planet.
Create Mystical Concept 4ap
Truenaming: The use of names or runes to depict the precise nature of something, and change it. Powered by main force of will.
Create Subconcept 2ap
Divination: Through use of the runes for time, modified carefully, a speaker can view visions of the future and the past.
Gain Domain 3ap
WIP what domain exactly to get.

Note: she isn't teaching anybody. Just leaving it to be found.

Current ap = 4

2016-10-18, 10:14 PM
Biyaha - Rivers of the First World

The Father of Waters left the Takwa behind and traveled down the length of the Dhakhso River to the many lakes that pooled at the feet of the great western range. Where he went he was surrounded by a great school of trout, and he adopted their form swimming freely and luxuriating in the embrace of the physical world. As he swam he became slowly aware of an existence beyond that of The First World - swimming the rivers of this world and the echos of those same rivers in The Beyond.

Plumbing the depths of the great mountain lakes he grew many sizes, and elongated his body to surge to the lake bottom, spawning creatures that mirrored his new shape. Legend says this is how the walleye fish and its many subspecies came to inhabit the many lakes and deep fresh waters of the world. Swimming north across the lake into which the Dhakhso flowed he discovered that it was fed by another river, this one was swift and broken as it tumbled over the rock and boulder strewn bed. Again he shifted his form to adapt to the challenges of this new environment. This river, too, followed the base of the great western range, but it climbed many broken bedrock stairs as it ascended higher and higher. His body became thicker, more heavily muscled and in his mind he became focused upon nothing else but reaching it's headwaters...in that moment he forgot that he was a god as he crashed upon the rocks, leaping up the falls in his single-mindedness. Reaching the enormous upland lake he finally broke free of his trance like state, and with a tremendous sigh of relieve rested upon the lake's sprawling shores. The force of will that had sustained his earthly form spawned the salmon and its progeny to come. The river he named the Ku Dhacaan or Falling Waters, and the upland lake that seemingly ran from horizon to horizon he named Hiilweyne or The Spawning Grounds.



There upon the shores of Lake Hiilweyne he slumbered and dreamt, as he dreamt he explored the ephemeral rivers of The Beyond.

No AP, just swimming around creating mundane life and naming things.

2016-10-19, 07:14 AM
The echo in the woods

There was an echo in a forest, bouncing from tree to tree, gradually this echo slowed, deepened, finally became a thick smoke. This note, music, this echo moved like a humanoid and it knew what it desired to do, to push and see what pushed back.

“Therus, I shall be Therus, I am Therus!! And my world shall be… is law!” Therus thought to himself.

“My word will be law or it will be nothing” The god promised aloud to himself.

The pride

Therus slowly came to the end of the forest, before him was an ocean that stretched up until the horizon. The echo moved down to the water, barely, just barely his divine eyes could see a land across the sea. Therus placed his foot into the water and the gears in his devious mind began to turn, he was going to cross this water. The water tried to hold it self together on a tiny scale, the water had mass, it resisted movement. It could support some tiny weight.

The echo started to practise what seemed to be something between a run and dance. He practised on the sand, he practised and practised, his movements grow faster, and his footwork more precise. Therus looked at his trail in the sand, not a single foot print was left only small mounds of sand.

After hours of trying the echo dared to think he could do it, with a running start Therus began his running dance across the water. He travelled about 4 feet over the water before sinking down, but to the echo he knew it could be done.

Therus walked back to the shore. “This is a good start, I will run over this ocean, if only so that I may tell the worms that I have.” He thought to himself. The echo looked at the ocean, he then cleared his mind and tried again. Therus ran out over the water and back to the shore in a small arc, he then ran out in a bigger arc then a bigger one again. He tried it for hours, the arc going farther and farther each time, refining his movements, growing faster and more precise.

Finally, with a run up Therus tried to run a top the water out to the horizon. His feet were a blur of movement to mortal eyes, his dance was throwing up water, and he was moving just [just or much?] faster than a man could sprint. It was working. But there were small mistakes, reacting to a wave a little slowly, a misplaced foot, the smallest misunderstanding. These tiny little mistakes built up submerging his feet a little more and bit by bit this slowed the echo until finally, he tripped. He tumbled, the god of villains fell in the water and started to sink, slowly Therus started to swim back to the surface and treaded water.

He looked back to the shore he had started from and he looked at his goal, he was a quarter of the way there. With a sigh the echo swam back to where he had started. For every moment it took him of the hours long swim he thought how he could do it better, how he could make his movements more precise, how to fix the mistakes.

After making it to shore, a little practice and a run up Therus began his dance over the ocean once more. There were less mistakes this time and each one cost him less, but there were mistakes and each took its toll. Once again the god tripped, he tumbled, he fell and he sank, when he got to the surface, the god saw how far he had come and how far he had to go.

Half way, he was half way there, the same distance to the destination or to the start. For a moment Therus considered swimming to his destination, he honestly considered it. “NO! I’m not taking the easy way out.” The echo thought.

As Therus started to swim back to the shore he had come from something niggled in his mind while he thought how to improve the dance. It clicked when he saw his hands out front of himself, “If I can do the dance across water with my feet, why can’t I use my hands for the dance?” The echo thought.

The villain tried and practised this new form of his art, at first it looked like a fool flailing in the ocean, but slowly a precision appeared in his movements. After a few trys Therus managed to get his feet above the water and started running… about two feet before tripping and falling back into the water. A run up was needed.

The god sunk down, then with a burst of speed he swam to the surface and his destination, the second his hands broke the surface he started the dance. When his legs were above the water he started to run and he ran for hours, when his feet started to sink he used his hands.

Therus was so focused upon his movements he only noticed the shore when the water under him became sand. Chrnuch!! Therus rolled and tumbled, recovering on his back to see a snapped branch impaled though a chink in the echo’s armor. “AARRG!!!” Therus screamed in pain.

The god slowly pulled the branch from his side, then slowly stood up holding his right side. “hu…ha…ha...Mwhahahaha mwhahahaha I did it. I did it! I Therus the echo, have run across the ocean! Do you hear me worms!? I have RUN! ACROSS! THE OCEAN! Mwhahaha arhahaha AARR!” the god kneeled down clutching his side.

“I shouldn’t laugh so hard and I should look where I’m going.”

Before the fall. Jyhennia

Inside a forest of Jyhennia six little elven children were picking the most delicious, sweetest berries. Behind a tree listening to the children was the echo slowly taking an elven form.

When one of the kids checked near the tree Therus was behind, the god showed themself. The child saw a tall dark haired elf wearing black armor with a large cape and a sheathed sword. “Hello little worm, what are your friends doing here?” The voice sounded deeper than any should and seemed to echo. For each step Therus took forward the child stepped back out of fear.

Soon the echo stood before the six little elves looking down upon the little worms. As the children looked up to this dark figure they saw it was twice, maybe even three times their size. “Worms tell me what you treasure most in your pathetic little lives, So I may take it and watch you weep.” Boomed the villain, his voice echoing of the trees and ground.

The five children stood completely still, terrified of what was going on, while the sixth slowly tried to hide her berries. “Those berries, I will take those berries. You have spent this whole day in these dangerous woods gathering them. I’m going to take them and see you little worms cry as I crush them just so you don’t have them.” As he spoke he pointed at the child hiding their berries.

“Tha…that’s not… that’s not fair…” One of the kids timidly said with all their courage.

“What are you going to do about it? Grow a spine?” the god's voice echoed though their small heads.

“We’ll… we’ll fight you for them!” Another child skittishly explained.

“So be it.” Therus struck his right palm with his left hand in a fist and from it came a noise that echoed like thunder. “We will fight until the six of you yield or until I yield. If I win I take all the berries you have, if you win…” The echo’s mind thought of what he could comfortably lose. “I’ll will give each of you a portion of the berries I have collected and a means so that you will never have to forage in the woods again.”

The elves looked at each and one called “Group huddle!!” after a few moments one of the kids looked up from the huddle and asked “You won’t hurt us too bad right?”

“I will do nothing you can’t heal from.” Therus promised.

“Well… we accepted.” one of the elves stated the six of them grabbed sticks.

A menacing grin formed to Thesus’, before they knew what had happened the villain had punched one of them and sent them flying into a tree. The little elves try to overwhelm the god, but they were kids with sticks trying to hurt a man in armor that was stronger, faster and a far more skilled fighter than themselves. It was no contest the echo punched, kicked and threw them around like they were nothing, even snapping one’s stick with his bare hand just to crush their spirit.

The echo grabbed a kid by the throat, lifted them up and started to speak in a deep voice mocking them. “Mwhahaha you little worms had no idea what you were getting in to, I’m Therus the echo I have run across an ocean. What hope do you have to beat me, you can’t even hurt me. what made you think you could harm a man in armor with sticks. Mwhahaha I’ll just have to imagine how your parents will act when they see your black eyes and broken…” Therus’ voice suddenly stopped as a child struck his right side just above his hip.

The echo’s face changed to one of pain, he let lose a mighty scream of pain and dropped the kid he was holding. Therus fell down and the elves took the chance to attack, pulling hair, poking his eyes and beating the villain down with their sticks.

“This isn’t fair. I’m injured from earlier, these worms got lucky.” The echo screamed again and realised something. “I’m… I’m a god arg!!!, I might be using a mortal form using as little divine energy as possible, but I arg!!! Could have healed before. I could have <wince> used a form for more divine energy, but I didn’t because it wouldn’t be… fair.” stopped moving completely, the kids stopped, thinking they might have killed him. “If my word is to be law I… must hold myself to it as much… more then I hold others to it.”

Therus quickly looked around before looking down at the dirt. “Fair is fair… I’ve lost this, I lost because… I underestimated my injuries, I underestimated my opponents, I gloated when I could have won. I lost because of my ego…never again will my ego cost me a battle.”

While they didn’t know it the children heard the sound of a god’s ego shattering. “I…. yield” Those were the first words Therus had ever said that didn’t echo, didn’t boom, it was…quiet. “I yield to you, the six of you have beaten me.”

The echo tried stand only to reel back in pain. The villain undid his sheath and tried to stood once more this time using this sheathed sword as walking stick. Therus reached under his cloths and pulled out a number of berries that he gave to the children. Finally the god explained to the young elves to the best of his ability the practises of farming. Then once done the echo limped away to lick his wounds.

Start 16 ap

Create mundane concept (1ap): Farming

This is the techniques of planting and grouping crops, of penning and raising animals. in essence the art of growing resources. This allows many to settle in one place with greater ease as it allows renewable resources.

Create mystical concept (2ap shared with myself): this is to represent the making and developing of the mystical concept, the one that Therus used to run on water and leave no prints on the sand. I’ll complete this on my next post, hopefully before rollover.

13 ap

2016-10-19, 08:30 AM
The Living Stone

Snow crushed underfoot as Sathwatch reached the highest of peaks in the mountains north of Thinakawii. The Beast inhaled deeply as he swung is great shaggy arms out, the winds of the world whipping his fur about.

With a sigh, he took in the sights of the world and took note of all that could be seen. He nodded to himself. "Hmmmmm... should mark this mountain..hmmmmm..."

He reached down and picked up a stone, smooth and black as the deepest pit of the void. The god moved his rough fingers across it's surface before tossing it to the ground where it easily grew to be near 20 feet tall with an equally impressive girth.

"Hmmmmm .... Good mark. Mount Hatii. Hmmmmm" That being said, Bigfoot continued on his way Northward bound.

And so another nature deity is born! Welcome, Om!

2016-10-19, 02:10 PM
Sathwatch watched the two with curiosity but no further words emitted from the god's lips. These two beings were far different from the denizens of Thinakawii.

The god then turned his attention towards the landscape, drinking in the brilliant imitation of the Glowing Woods. He wondered to himself what this miraculous place was.

The two animals kept changing and playing around. They chased each other around Sathwatch tangling themselves among his legs as they grew bolder. Suddenly Zul, who had taken the form of a white hare, darted away. Instantly a black greyhound gave chase.

Catch me if you can!

The hare yelled. She flew her feet barely touching the ground tracing an ample circle around Sathwatch as if to goad him into giving chase too. After her the black hound sprinted jaws open with anticipation. As it was about to catch the pray, Zul jumped and spin on the air. The white hare graciously landed on the shadow's back and ran the other way before suddenly disappearing. The hound turned around and looked confused for a moment. It sniffed the air and paced intently around where the white hare had disappeared.

Then two white ears were suspended sideways in mid air. Zul's head came after them and the Hare cheerfully announced.

I think I've found a path.

It was like a trick of the mind. An static image, a fold in reality. And Zul had fell right through it. Soon the hound followed. They were somewhere else. Somewhere else in the Beyond that's it. It was like a cave, a corridor, a vein... They couldn't see where they had been. But they could feel it. And they could feel what laid further beyond. It felt similar. Close but not quite right. They moved forward, exploring. And on exiting they were miles from where they had entered. The landscape wasn't similar to where they had left but somehow the music resonated in a similar hue.

15 AP
3 AP Create Land + 3 AP Infuse Land: The paths are an uncharted collection of connections between points of the beyond. It is a network of passages. Navigating the paths is complicated because they don't follow logic rules. By using a path the distance between two points is not determined by how apart they are in the beyond but by how similar they are. Particularly, due to the Beyond's nature, to how similar the emotion's tied to each place are.

For the most part the paths are sheltered from the beyond, except obviously for the entrances and exits, and follows its own rules (as pointed out above). This means that unless the dream sprites take succinct effort to patrol, and chart, them they are probably mostly safe from them (except once again in entrances exits).

- AP Alter Land: The Crib at the relative center of the path's there is an interconnection of them, a bigger area so to speak, that Zul and Ospal will be using using as their den.

5 AP Create Major Artifact, The Crossroad's Key: Zul and Ospal share this artifact, although not always amicably, it changes shape as much as they do but it normally looks like a wooden key without teeth or dents. It gives the pair a 1 AP discount on create portal actions.

2 AP Lock Plane: Corporeal creatures have a hard time entering the Beyond as do incorporeal creatures have a hard time leaving the Beyond. In almost all the cases one needs to leave a body behind to enter and one cannot leave if one doesn't have a body to return to. Exception to this are gods that can no longer enter the material (they work as spiritual entities to enter, and they are too strong to be kept within) or those with the [death], [dream] domain (or similar thematic domains, if it has to do with afterlife or sleep you are probably good), as the beyond resonates more strongly with them. This does not kick out any god already in the Beyond, such as the sleeping dragon, they can stay for as long as they want to.

This effect is reduced in planar bridges creatures of the Beyond can manifest in this bridges and viceversa. And can be completely obviated by using a portal. That is one could enter the Beyond physically through a portal.

1 AP Create Portal: Jyhennia's crossroad hidden under the roots of an old oak tree this fold of space falls like a deep rabbit hole. It leads abruptly to one of the paths and is far from any normal entrance through the Beyond.

10 AP spent (Create plane [1], Create land [3], Infuse land [3], Lock plane [2], Create Portal [1]) Gain Domain: Travel (Shortcuts).

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-19, 03:01 PM
Down the Rabbit Hole

The dream sprites watched the three gods talk from afar. Their gaseous form would scatter apart if they got closer, but that didn't prevent them from trying to sate their curiosity. When the ones they were watching dissapeared in a hole under a tree, the sprites all skittered at the edge. No one was to be seen.

The blue-eyed sprite made a squeak.
D͏͡i͢s̶҉s̨á̴̢p͏̵͝é͞͝ar҉e̵d̴ ̸͝?
A red-eyed one spoke back.
Ưn̡c̸͝ǫ͘͢n̵͝c̀́͡ei͡v͜able͏̵ ̧!̷ H̷o̵ẃ͠ ́̕͝c͏a̕ǹ̵ ҉a ͝b́͏ei̷̛͟n̸̕g̨͠͡ ̨̕be҉̨͡,̡ ̸͜͜t̵̢̛he̡n̸͜͝ ̨th͠e͘͢ ̵́n̵é̡͘x̛͟͠t ͘m̵̀͟i̢͟͞n̨͞u͠t̛e,̶͟ ҉̨no͞t̛͝ ̸b̧e̵̸ ҉?̴͘!̛
The yellow eyed one, who just flew closer, sang a few words.
̾͏͔̺͇̠̣̯W̧͢h͏e͘͡ŕe̸̶ ̛ḑ͟i̧̕d̵̨ ̴͘t͘h̡́e͢y͢ ̷͡g̷ò̕ ̶͢?́
I͜͏n̴̛ t́̕҉h̴͢a͝t̨̕͠ ̀͘͏h͏̵o͝͝le̵̢.҉̨̕ ̷̕͝S͜͡҉ho͠u͏̀l̀d̸͘ ̷̷̡w̢e͠ ̸̴̴t̨̧̀el̷l̢ ͝͡Th̛̕è ̛̕S͝t͢a̡͘r̷r͜ý̀ One͏ ̴?̕
I͠ ͡d͘҉͡o̵̡n̵͘'̛t͜ k̕nǫ̷͜w͝.͝ ̢͠Ḿ҉a̷̢͞ýb̵̢͠e ͟o̸̧n͠͞e̵ ̵̨͠o̡͞͡f ̛̀͞u̶̵s̵ s͞ho̧u̡͏͠ld̵͘ ̢g̨o̢͢ ̛áf͘t̶̷͜ę̛͞r̡ ̶t͟͡h̷em͢ ͡?̵́͠
A͜r̢ȩ̶ ̵̡y̷ò̡u̵ ͘c҉̵͟r̢͘͘a̧̕̕z͜҉̡y͏̡̡ ̀͘?!̷͜ ̕G̢ę͢t̢ ҉̨t̸͢oo ̵̀͢c̶͘͞l͝o͜s͜͡e ͞͞͠à̶͡n͘d͏ ̛͟yo̧u͟ ͢͢w̨ǫu̶l̶d̛ ͟͠g̢ét̕͜ a̶͜͢n̸͢n̷̴h̢i͜l̸̴ate̕d̸̴͘ !̡͟
̧̕Ì ͏̡̛w̵͞į̵l҉͠ļ͝ ̵͠n̶̨͟o͜t҉̡. ̢͞D͟o̷ ̴n̵̶o̢͠t͟ ̧̡̢w͠ǫ͡r̶̨ŗ̛y҉͞ ̸̨͏á͞b̷ớ͜u͡t̢͟ ̨͟m̢͡e,͏̶ ̛y̶͠͏ơ̢̡u̴͏ ̵͢w҉̕o̕͘r͟҉r͢͡ỳ ̀ţoǫ͢҉ ̨͏̵m̕u̵c͞҉h̀̀.̀͟
̢͘I҉͞'̢̨m̸̡ ͘so̸r͠r̸̵͢y.̶͘͏ ͏͟͠Bu̶̢͢ţ͘ ̀p҉̀l̶̕͢e͏̸a̸̷s̷̴͟e̢͘ ̵d̶ón'͝ţ ҉tr͢͡y͝ ̡̛͡a͏̡n͠y̷t͡hin̨g҉́ ̢͝t͘͏o͏ò̸ ͟b͏͡r͠as̶͝h̵,̸̶̧ ͜u̸n͏͏d̴̴e͝͝rstơo̷͢d ̨?͟͡

The blue-eyed one opened its wings, and followed the gods, singing before completely dissapearing too.
Ù̷̢n͘d̵͘é̛r̛̕st̡o͜ó̧́ḑ. ͏

The two others only watched it fly away
̸̡̀͠An҉҉t̸a͜r͠ęs͜,̨̀ ̷̢̀s͏͟hoù̕l̶d̛ ̡Į ̢̕gó̷ t̢e̶͢l͜l̵ ͘T̴͘͜h̢́ę́͞ ̷͢S̀t̷a͘r̵r̢̧͞y̨̡ ̡͞O̷҉n̛͢è̴͠ ͜͞?̴ T͟h͏è̸y̕͟͝ ̵̡͟m͢i̷͡g̷͡h̶̡t̶ ̷̀kn̵̕͡o͜w̛ ͏w̷͜ḩ҉a͝t ̨͞t̕͠o̢͝ do͡.̢́
̶I̧ ̸҉̶d̸҉ò͢n̨͘'̴t͘ ̸̀͟th̡̛̛í͜͞n͜͜͡k͡ ͏we̶ ̡sh̸̛o͘u̴͞͠l͏͞d ̶̢͜w͠a̵k̢͞e ̷́t̵̢h̸em҉҉̛ ̕ù̵̵ṕ̧ ̸a̕͘g̡̛͠à̡́ín̶͡,̷͘ ̧̕Ş̧͟ir͟iu҉s̡.̛ ͘L͡҉et̸'s͜͝ w͟a͞i҉t̕ ̧̛f͘͞o̴r̶͟ ̶D̵͡e̴͝ņ̴e̶̸̶b̵̢͘ ͟͠to͝ ̨ço̵mę͠ ͠b͘a̡͝c̀k̷.̀҉̢

Dissapeared ?

Unconceivable. How can a being be, then the next minute not be ?

Where did they go ?
In that hole. Should we tell the Starry One ?
I don't know. Maybe one of us should go after them ?
Are you crazy ?! Get too close and you would get annhilated !
I will not. Do not worry about me, you worry too much.
̢͘I'm sorry. But please don't try anything too brash, understood ?


̀Antares, should I go tell the Starry One ? They might know what to do.
I don't think we should wake them up again, Sirius. Let's wait for Deneb to come back.

2016-10-19, 07:14 PM
The Beyond

Sathwatch watched Zul and Ospal do their ritual of running and chasing. The silent creature watched the two even up to the point where they both disappeared from view.

As soon as they disappeared, The Beast quickly although hesitatingly followed the two beings into The Paths, his tongue tasting the Song of Life as he went.

As he followed, he picked up a small stone that was rough and pourous and white as a bleached bone. He rubbed the stone between his fingers as he followed Zul and Ospal's trail.

2016-10-19, 08:44 PM
Om sat on the Mountain. Om was the mountain. A part of it, but also something greater. And as it realized this Om shook its rocky form for the first time ever. And as it did so it heard something. Distant echos of music coming from the forest far below.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, THUMP bounced the rock as it tried to match the beat of the music. It was intrigued, but found itself lacking in its ability to create the proper sounds. Well this wouldn't do at all. As Om tried to create different sounds the mountain responded to its will.

Spires rose up, and boulders hollowed as the living stone attempted to make music. Water splashed over shaped stones and the wind echoed through cliffside holes. And the air filled with the sound of song twisting and shaping into a natural melody.

This pleased Om and as it bounced in time with the rhythm of the music, its divine power and will seeped out to merge with the distorted song of life being played on the mountainside. And slowly the rocks began to sing not just as a reaction to the wind and water, but in their own time, in their own songs.

When Om saw this the mountain rumbled as the living stone chuckled with satisfaction.

Starting AP 16
(-1 AP) Alter Land: Singing Stones
The mountains north of Thinakawii become littered with strange outcroppings and fields of shaped stones. They are shaped and polished to naturally create and reflect sounds into a melody that differs according to the environment and the season.

(-2 AP) Create Sentient Life: The Sinca
The stones of the mountain have their own songs and melodies. And so they too are imbued with the Song of Life. Like their creator they are a peaceful and sedentary people content to spend their days perched on the mountains soaking in the view and singing songs to their neighbors.

Ending AP 13

2016-10-20, 04:56 PM
The Lustrian Cirrina
Slowly, Carakhan realized that She cannot be in every temple to maintain order. Instead She weaved Her power as She gazed upon Her children’s eggs. She Who Purifies Us infused eight of them with more magic than She used to create the first of Her children. With a grin, She saw that such events unfolded as She desired them to.
The first child would be known as the Grozoth. They would be the ones who spread the praise of She Who Purifies Us. As a side effect of such magical energies, She managed to introduce the concept of psionics through bleeding the magic worked its way through the rest of Her children. Thankfully it was only the Grozoth who could dominate Her children and continue Her holy work.
The other seven, and slowly the remaining mutants, turned out to be Kraken. They, like the Grozoth, are nearly four times larger than the Cephalids. Unlike the Grozoth they have little ability with psionics and instead use their increased mass and strength to crush what opposition toward the temples. It was them that gathered in the first organization of the Cirrina, the Maculosa.

Love the Denier, for She is the salvation of us. Obey Her words, for She will lead us into the light of the future. Heed Her wisdom, for She will protect us from evil. Whisper Her prayers with devotion, for they will save our souls. Honor Her servants, for they speak in Her voice. Tremble before Her majesty, for we all walk in Her eternal embrace.
Said by the cephalids of the Cirrina throughout the day while they work.
What is your life? My honor is my life. What is your fate? My duty is my fate. What is your fear? My fear is to fail. What is your reward? My salvation is my reward. What is your pledge? My pledge is eternal service.
Said by the Grozoth and answered by the one joining the Cirrina.
There is No doubt that now is our time. No victory without unity. No expansion without equilibrium. No peace when there's conflict. No conquest without control. No doubt that We will bring unity to all. Forward, for the Greater Good!
Said by the Maculosa as they defend the Cirrina.

Starting: 9 AP
Create Magical Subrace: (-2 AP) Kraken, they who defend Us. Every one to a dozen Cephalid eggs from each hatching turns out to be a Kraken instead of a male Cephalid. The indication that they are something different is evident within the first week of life when they start to grow exponentially larger than their Cephalid brethren. Still, their lifespans work out that there are never more than a hundred or so per Temple.
Create Magical Subrace: (-2 AP) Grozoth, they who control Us. As the Kraken are a mutation, so are the Grozoth. Unlike the Kraken they are limited to 64 total, one for each coral reef. They are the epitome of telepathy, able to dominate their brethren much like the Denier can, and spread Her will through the temple.
Create Mystical Concept: (-4 AP) Psionics (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Psionics) (advancing into Telepathy (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Telepathy)) While all creatures have access to the Substratus and Superstratus, only the Grozoth have access to the Id (and by extension only they can Dominate and the like). In addition using psionic abilities drains the ego of the one using it, making them more vulnerable to psychic attacks. Superstratus effects are focused more towards attacks while Substratus effects are focused more towards defenses although such isn’t entirely dependent.
Create Organization: (-1 AP) Maculosa, they who protect Us. Made up of Kraken, as well as the guards and soldiers among the Cephalid, the Maculosa serve as the main physical force of the Cirrina. Unless called upon by the Grozoth they defend the Temples from any external dangers, knowing they aren’t going to have to deal with internal dangers.
Ending: 0 AP

2016-10-20, 07:45 PM
Biyaha - Shores of Lake Hiilweyne

As Biyaha swam the dreaming currents of The Beyond, his earthly body, that of a great salmon heaved itself from the shoals of the tremendous upland lake and surged toward the bottom. The ever replenishing school of trout that followed in his wake swarmed around him. Deeper and deeper he swam, his body subtly changing as he dove. Every time he changed many of the trout would mimic his new form and swim away. Thus were born the great northern pike and the freshwater sturgeon. The wane light faded to utter darkness before he reached the icy bottom, nearly a thousand leagues below.

Rising slowly back to the surface he explored the seemingly endless shoreline, morphing between numerous sizes and form. The crappie, the pickerel, the muskellunge, the burbot, and the whitefish....yet on and on he swam. Alas he reached the mouth of the river that fed the Hiilweyne and his curiosity was sated, once again taking the form of a great salmon and making the long journey back down the Ku Dhacaan and into the lake formed by the confluence of the two great western rivers, bestowing upon it the name Kulanka or "joining".

Seeking the outflow, he came to the vast and meandering Galbi River. He followed its course as the moon passed by directly overhead trailing the pale light of day. The experience of swimming the material and The Beyond was sublime and Biyaha grew increasingly joyous and ebullient. His body sprouted four legs ending in tiny clawed digits, sleek fur, a tail, a toothy grin, a pointed nose and long whiskers. Rolling onto his back, he rollicked in the river currents with dozens of his school of trout emulating him as he swam – thus the river otter was born and is found in great numbers along the shores of the Galbi.

In his state of distraction his mind fell into the hidden Paths of The Beyond, becoming lost and disoriented. So it was that he came bodily into The Beyond as a great and turbulent river. The confusion and melancholy at being ripped from his blissful state unwittingly opened a pathway to foreign surroundings. Emerging from the Path and struggling to orient himself, he felt properties of the dream world suddenly shift as if a barrier or lock had been imposed upon the entire realm– a barrier that did not desire his presence. He began to fall. His emotions had led him to the bridge between the material world and The Beyond, and while the lock was not powerful enough to eject him from the plane it was pushing him toward The Scar with alarming speed.

So it was that Biyaha, the river, plummeted into the southern peninsula with tremendous force and ferocity. The fluidity of his form mitigated the impact only slightly. He slammed into the earth throwing entire mountains from his path while carving a deep and jagged furrow across the land over a mile deep.

His confusion quickly turned to anger and petty resentment. Who would do such a thing? Who would dare to wrong me so? The trout that remained with him coiled and hissed as they shifted into ebon serpents with venomous fangs. Thus was the water moccasin, the cottonmouth viper, born. Out of spite he continued to wreak havoc and destruction upon the land as he sought to escape this place, cleaving a deep chasm in his wake. When at last he reached the salty waters of the ocean, he brooded and plotted revenge upon whomever or whatever had closed The Beyond to him.

Across a portion of the southern peninsula of Dalalkhan was left a deep and dark chasm filled with the roiling fog and mists of The Beyond. The nexus of the The Scar is now known as Masdooxa – The Valley of the Serpent, through which flows the black waters of the Ruux or Ghost River. The walls of the canyon aren’t merely steep and treacherous, but also populated with many varieties of venomous snake, and the waters of the Ruux are teeming with water moccasins.

http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/a6ce9be236bc6914b6c23052c603347833c84eb9/c=0-142-4900-2910&r=x1683&c=3200x1680/local/-/media/2015/06/23/FortCollins/FortCollins/635706775202437043-FTC0622-4BlackCanyon-002.JPG Except for...you know, more misty and snakey, but overall pretty much like that

Beginning AP = 10AP

Alter Land – 1AP: Masdooxa(The Valley of the Serpent) – travelling the length of The Scar, this incredibly deep, dark canyon contains the Ruux(Ghost) River. The Canyon contains the physical center of the planar bridge between The Beyond and the Material Plane. In fact, physically standing in the Ruux River will allow one to exist in both the Beyond and The First World. Legend says that if you can survive the descent and enter the river you may, in fact, be able to speak with the dead(if souls are eventually created and come to reside in The Beyond) or dreaming spirits. Of course surviving such a treacherous environment is next to impossible, and leaving is even more difficult for one's mind can become quickly confused and lost in The Beyond.
Curse - 1AP: Simmering Resentment - The waters of the Ruux River are unnaturally warm, providing enough heat to make the entire valley much more hospitable than the surrounding lands.
Curse - 1AP: Serpent's Breath - Masdooxa is home to an unusual/unnatural number of species of venomous snakes. Legend has it that the mists and fog that fill the valley somehow attract and provide fertile breeding grounds for the many species of snakes that reside there.

Remaining AP = 10AP - 3AP = 7AP

2016-10-22, 01:33 AM
Mt. Hatii
As Om beat out a rhythm in the bones of the mountain the life it had created began to coalesce into groups. This was because unlike Om the Sinca were not naturally living stones, and did not have divine essence driving them. They were animated solely by the Song, and when the song ended so too did they.

They very quickly figured out however that a Sinca did not have to carry out its own Song. A group could maintain the song for a whole region with individual Sinca joining and dropping out as needed. And so the Sinca formed choirs each maintaining its own little patch of the Singing Rocks and together the Harmony of the Sinca filled the whole mountain with the rhythmic music of the stones.

And again Om was pleased.

Starting AP 13
(-2 AP) Form Society: The Sinca Harmony
The Sinca are divided into groups in various patches of the mountain who form choirs. These choirs are the basic building block of Sinca society and are essentially extended families. They spend the vast majority of their time singing and making music hence the name. This is communication, entertainment, and a vital necessity for the Sinca all rolled into one as they are animated by the Song of Life and thus must continue to sing or be sung to at all times.

Ending AP 11

2016-10-22, 04:18 AM
The Beyond

Sathwatch watched Zul and Ospal do their ritual of running and chasing. The silent creature watched the two even up to the point where they both disappeared from view.

As soon as they disappeared, The Beast quickly although hesitatingly followed the two beings into The Paths, his tongue tasting the Song of Life as he went.

As he followed, he picked up a small stone that was rough and pourous and white as a bleached bone. He rubbed the stone between his fingers as he followed Zul and Ospal's trail.

Where are we? What's this? Those were thoughts others would have voiced out loud. Zul and Ospal simply ran. The shapes around them didn't make perfect sense. It was dark, as if they bordered a precipice. Starry wisps of energy and motes of reality sometimes filtered into the darkness. Changing the space arround them with temporary dreamy illusions. All of sudden they were running in a forest, and then some steps further they were once again surrounded by darkness, just to run under a lake with fishes swimming around the hound and the hare.

Under their feet there was a path of light and limestone. It had some markings, of a tear and a fang, that illuminated themselves when someone stepped on them. Even when the corridor disappeared subsummed into the dream the marks remained somewhere to be found and mark a path, if not the path.

As they ran the hound sniffed the air keeping track of what was while the hare simply darted in apparent randomness chasing after anything that caught her interest. So when the hound stopped and turned around it took the hare a while to realize that she was no longer being chased. Zul turned back and sat on her hind legs while tugging one of her ears and shot Ospal a dubious look.

We are being followed.

I know he is pretty obvious.

I don't mean Wild Places. I mean that.

And he raised a paw towards the owl like dream sprite.
What's that? What's it doing here? Shouldn't be here. This is a pathway, not a place. No, no.

2016-10-22, 05:26 AM
The Bards and the Lullabies

A few flaps echoed on the Great Planetary. The deity living here was, like most of the time, half asleep. Visions of those dreaming, of the sky, and the stars danced among the clouds around Uzoth. The flaps got closer, as a bird-like creature, a one-eyed dream that came to life, one of the first ones to get out of the Mother Dream, landed near them.
It didn't make any noise; the dreamer always notice when someone among their children wants to tell them something. The Dream Sprite only preened, waiting for its deity to wake up.
And slowly, the rings sped up. Slowly, the deity awoke from their dream.

What is that you need, Zubeneschamali ?

After a short bow, the Dream Sprite emmited chirps, clicking and whistling, garbled together.
S̵͡ţ͘ár̴rỳ͏ ͏Ơn̶̢e҉̕, ̵I̷̸͞ ̷͘n̷ę̀ed̨ ̵̛̛to̸̕͜ ͢t̶̕e͝l̡̢l̢ ̸̛y̕͜͜o͢u͟ s͏̵̡o͞m̴͟e̶͡t͞h̴͘i͏n̵g.̵̵͞


The sprite got closer, separating itself with a part of its gaseous components, which quickly regenerated. The deity caught the part of their child. And they saw the bards singing a soft melody. Something large was sleeping, but the deity could not guess if it was another deity or an incredibly large creature made by another of their kind.

Keep on watching them. They do not seem to disturb this plane, and I am curious as to what these creatures plan to do. You can go.

The sprite flew away, toward the place it saw the bards. As it landed on a high hill, its green eye stared at the small people singing the melody. Perhaps they will see it, perhaps not. For the moment, it simply folded its wings, making it appear more tangible than it actually is.

Starry one, I need to tell you something.

The Sprite and the Bards - Cave of the Dragon

For a while the sprite went unnoticed, hidden within the castle of the dream realm among the shades and glittering light as it was. So hidden from the earth was it, that it was the Star Whal that noticed it first, and its melodic cries and circling about the location of the sprite drew the notice of two bards in particular, an elf and a takwa that had been designated as greeters. Sending their thanks to the space beast and telling it to return to its duties, the great animal having been trained to tell the bards when a new arrival to the colony appeared, the bards would walk to a space on the mountain side that happened to correspond to a bedroom within the Castle of Memories. Gently singing her companion to sleep, the elf would watch her companion disappear into the Beyond...

... and the takwa would rise, dressed and standing like a royal entertainer of old. His garb and gate influenced by the potent dream of the god about him, He-that-Sings-Honestly would slowly dance his way through the shades to try and blend in and disturb the perfect dream as little as possible. His destination was a place beside the dream sprite, and once he arrived his dance would stop and he would ask a question. Not relying on the sprite knowing his own language, Honestly would tap into a small part of the First Song's power with evocation, the song far more potent and easy to channel here given how much attention Yag-Azreal gave this place, as the takwa male shaped sound into projections of impressions and emotions.

In a desperate voice, the male would call to the dream sprite and tell it that it should not be here (and neither should he), and that this place was dangerous... but he also sent the impression of being curious about what this sprite was even here for in the first place?

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-22, 05:57 AM
Down the Rabbit Hole

Deneb saw many landscapes as they followed the gods. The sky, with the stars, forests, water...
But they noticed soon enough that they were found out. As the hound god sat and turned around, they landed, trying to make themselves as small as possible. The gas composing their body gathered in a almost spherical shape, with only two tufts of feathery-looking gas, along one prominent shining blue eye. The dream sprite sat there for a moment, before singing a few garbled yet somewhat melodious notes.

Ì̷̢ m̶͞e̢a͞n ͢n̵o ̴͏h̡̀͜a̵͠͡rm҉. ̨̀I ͠s̕imp͘̕͠ly f̶̧͘ǫ̡ļ̴̨l̵̢̧o͟͡w̵͘e͏̷d̴͝ ͜y͘o̶̶u̡ ̡͝o͘͝u͏͞t ͢͠o̢f̵͢ ̴c͟͏́ư̕ri҉os̡͠ít̢y͘͟͝.͜

The creature would flutter away if one of the gods were to step closer, and a good eye would discern that despite their tangible appearance, they were entirely gaseous, save for their eye.

I mean no harm. I simply followed you out of curiosity.

(Please note that while I put the traduction up, no one but other Dream Sprites and Ezoth can understand that.)

The Sprite and the Bards - Cave of the Dragon

The sprite nodded. Or it seemed so, since its green eye bobbed once or twice. It fluttered to the ground and drew an arrow pointing toward the Great Planetary. It then drew an arrow going toward an eye, and another arrow going from the eye toward the general directions where the other bards were. Flying back toward the other end of the arrow pointing an eye, they sat there, staring at the bard who just talked to it, seemingly expecting the other to understand them.

Ì ̧̕͟h̷o̸͠p̨e ̢͝͞yǫ̴̀ų̕͢ ͢u̧͢n̡d̵̢e̢͜͜rş͟t̸͘a͞nd͞͠ ҉̡t̡h͘͢a͏̸t̡̀.̶̴

I hope you understand that.

(Please note that while I put the traduction up, no one but other Dream Sprites and Ezoth can understand that.)

The Great Planetary

Ezoth dreamed. They dreamed of stars, constellations, sprites...
The clouds surrounding them reflected them. Lines drew themselves between the stars, slowly dissapearing before making other lines. Countless constellations were created, as nearby Dream Sprites hurriedly recorded them.
Half awake and half-asleep, the Dreamer created a library, The Starlit Library, to store the papers the sprites drew the constellations on. Soon enough, it will be filled with more and more books.

Start: 7AP

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Constellations
Drawings in the sky. Celestial connect-the-dots. Most sapient beings will draw their history among the stars, as if it recorded every loss, every victory, every event in the world. Perhaps. After all, don't we look at the sky and point at each one of them while telling the tale of the heroes who got out victorious of a fight against a monster, or about a beautiful princess saved by a hero ?
The first constellations were drawn by Ezoth, and recorded by their Dream Sprites.

Create Sub-Concept (1AP): Astrology
Some give symbols to the stars, such as the one shining over a being when they are born. This makes them look like they have more influence than they really have over the life of mortals, but who knows ? The state of a mortal is always a variable, and coincidences always happen.

Create Land (2AP): The Starlit Library
Also "The Astronomer's haven". Every ressources about dreams and celestial bodies are gathered here. Copied and maintained by Dream Sprites, the books here are in excellent shape, unless they are already-damaged originals.

Create Organization (1AP): The Recorders
The Recorders are Dream Sprites that take care of the Starlit Library and observe the stars. No astronomer can reach their talent at this, and the astronomy books they do are prized by those who study the sky too. Astronomers are invited to get their book copied here if it meets some requirements, after all, the Recorders always seek new knowledge.

Gain Domain: Astronomy (Constellations)

Land (2AP): Stars
Land (2AP): The Great Planetary
Advanced Concept (2AP): Constellations
Sub-Concept (1AP): Astrology
Land (2AP): The Starlit Library
Organization (1AP): The Recorders

Total: 10AP spent

7 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 = 1AP

2016-10-22, 08:09 PM
Mt. Hatii

As a whole, the Takwa of The Follows were exceedingly blessed with their attunement to The Song of Life. When they heard new songs coming from Mt. Hatii, many of them started moving up the mountain in response.

Music roared from their lips as The Follows climbed stone after stone with songs in their language as falling rain and gusting winds. Trees and vines sprouted up to greet their reaching hands and give the Takwa a more convenient foothold to climb up the mountain.

Takwa joined hands as they reached the Sinca, recognizing the Song for what they were and weaved their own Songs into the stone like beings, forever sustaining them with Life.

Divine Favor:The Follows(Blessing)

Free The Follows Blessing(Intertwined Life): The Takwa of The Follows forever intertwine their Song in with The Sinca, essentially granting them semi-immortality, only dying when they are killed.

2016-10-22, 09:05 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFv7_Fl1LoQ)

Jyn'Hao moved through the groves that surrounded the Navel, watching the mighty woods grow their fruit and it was satisfied. It then gazed to the First World and saw that already the gears were far in motion. It had no desire to touch upon its Creation yet hoped one day they would gaze up and wonder at the Void in wonder. So it tugged at the stars in their mooring and began some to move and in doing so began the wonder of the movement of the heavens.

It then plucked a fruit from the trees and stepped forth into the Elsewhere...a place beyond yet nearby and from within even as it tore at his flesh bore out and about him swelled a wave. This wave expanded in the Elsewhere until it became a plane all its own and it was named the Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves. It was enough, Jyn'Hao thought, and with that done it moved back to its home to rest for the Elsewhere was not a place even Gods could remain for long.

Create Plane: The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves (2AP) - The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves appears as a massive ancient series of cities under a surfaceless ocean. Kelp forests dot the terrain and vast clouds of coral float above the cities. Between the cities are massive cavern systems and various currents. The Shi ride these currents, traveling about The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves while they harvest kelp and other products of the oceans.

Create Mundane Concept: Astronomy (1AP) - Jyn’Hao is the patron for Astronomy, teaching the Elves how to chart the stars, Sun, Moon and other Astrological features of the Void.

Alter Land: Shooting Stars (1AP) - Jyn’Hao sings to errant stars, tugging them from their place in the Void to roam.

Gain Domain: Void (The Void) - Create Land: The Sun (2AP), Create Land: The Moon (2AP), Create Monstrous Life: Starwhals (1AP), Create Monstrous Life: The Shi (1AP), Create Plane: The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves (2AP), Create Mundane Concept Astronomy (1AP), Alter Land (1AP)=10AP

2016-10-23, 07:11 AM
Life Beyond Life

Sathwatch wandered off, away from the two gods and the sprite. He did not, however wander far and remained in their sights.

The God of Wild Places squatted down to dig a hole in the dirt before placing the stone he picked up earlier within. He covered the stone and began to walk away, humming and shooing the others off to make distance. Even as he did so, a sapling sprouted up from the dirt. Within moments, the tree grew and grew to amazing and breathtaking proportions.

The Tree of Life sang it's song, far louder than any song in The Beyond. Life within The Tree was so abundant that it radiated like a beacon for all to see throughout The Beyond. With a series wave s of his great big hands, like a musical conductor, The Beast brought forth a great big forest to surround the roots of The Tree...when all was done, he placed a hand on one of The Tree of Life's massive roots and let out a rumbling chuckle.

+4AP Rollover
-2AP Create Land(The Tree of Life): The Tree of Life stands as a giant beacon of Life within The Beyond. It's branches and leaves reach high and wide and it's roots sinking deep beyond measure. The Tree is teeming with The Song of Life and so large in size that it could be a continent of it's own.
-1AP Alter Land(The Forest of Life): Surrounding The Tree of Life is a vast forest where the wandering souls of beasts and animals roam.
-1AP Bless(The Living Song): Unlike other peoples and races, the Takwa will never possess souls. The Takwa are living essences of The Song of Life within vessels of flesh and when those vessels expire, they traverse the plane's and merge with The Tree of Life.
0AP Remaining

Taking Life(Plants) as a domain.
*2AP Create Land(Tree of Life)
*1AP Alter Land(The Forest of Life)
*1AP Bless(The Living Song)
*1AP Bless(Life in The Beyond)
*4AP Create Mythical Concept(The Song of Life)
*1AP Create Organization(The Keepers)

2016-10-23, 10:43 AM
Mouth of the Ruux River - Southern Peninsula

Where the mighty river god had made his way to the sea, he left behind his resentment and jealousy. Somewhat abashed he made his way along the coast looking for another inlet or river to explore, pondering how silly it was to feel wronged that someone would take what was his - The Beyond wasn't "his". He had no claim to it, and surely he could return in his dreaming state. The Beyond was a gift - a beautiful creation of others, yet another glorious experience created by his brothers and sisters, not something to be "owned". Chuckling, he came to the wide and swampy mouth of the Lower Webiga River and started the long inland journey luxuriating in the warm, placid waters.

Unbeknownst to him a coiled knot of red-eyed, black serpents writhed upon the shore where the Ruux met the ocean, and as he swam away allowing the waters to wash away his pique something inexplicable happened. Writhing and hissing the serpents moved away from the water's edge, lengthening and taking on the consistency of straw and sticks as they did so, yet it still moved, animated by some strange force and intelligence. The black and red mass of sticks finally tumbled to a stop high atop a snow-covered ridge with a sweeping view of both the southern ocean and the Valley of the Serpent -Masdooxa. As if summoned from The Beyond, a teeming cloud of magpies materialized and landed upon the silent mound of sticks. In unison they cried, "MINE!", before erupting back into the air in a flurry of feathers. Where the mass of sticks and twigs had once rested now stood a tall, gaunt goddess resplendent in beautiful garb and jewelry. From behind an extravagantly ornate mask came the single word, "Mine?"

The ruby red eyes of the mask burned with avarice and desire as the towering figure wrapped its feathered cloak tightly about its body, turned away from the sea and gestured over the vast lands with both spindly long arms, "Yes. Mine, indeed."

Beginning AP =7 +4 AP(rollover) = 11AP

A Goddess is born! Enter The Queen of Avarice.

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-23, 04:30 PM
The Starlit Library

Dream Sprites scurried around, writing each and every star, each and every constellation, each and every fallen star, and each and every thing that happened in the Void. Despite their constant study and fidgeting about, they still noticed something was off. As if the whole library lifted off the ground. And the few sprites that were close enough to check on the windows confirmed that. The Starlit Library was indeed slowly but surely floating toward the Tree of Life. The Dream Sprites were panicking. One of them was sent to ask the Starry One for help, but halfway through the flight, the Starlit Library stopped its course, hovered above the tree for a few moments, then, as if it was carefully held, landed on the tree.
Ezoth, in their sleep, placed the library higher so that it wasn't obscured by the branches. Or so the sprites thought. Who knows.
The leaves around the library turned to a strange blue hue, as if someone painted them.

The Great Planetary

But this wasn't the only thing that happened. While the Starlit Library floating off the ground and landing on the Tree of Life surely went unnoticed, few saw what also occured on the Great Planetary. Rare Dream Sprites that chose to stay on it saw their gaseous form take another shape; growing magnificent antlers and gaining another eye, Dream Stags would have another mission to accomplish: guiding lost souls toward the plane they are from, and escorting mortals back to the first world.

1 + 4 = 5AP [rollover]

Alter Land (1AP): Toward the Tree of Life
The Starlit Library is now supported by huge branches belonging to the Tree of Life. Around the construction, the leaves take on a strange blue hue, but they are perfectly healthy. The leaves regain their normal green hue when they are far enough from the Library.

Create Sub-Race (2AP): Dream Stags
Adventurers who wandered a bit too far, or stray souls seeking the afterlife, Dream Stags will be their guides. Among their swirly-patterned antlers dance visions of faraway galaxies, giving them even more of an ethereal aura. Unlike Dream Sprites however, their antlers are solid, meaning they are as able to help someone up as fighting back if threatened. They cannot emit any sound, but can talk telepathically. Great when you need to be understood by one person, not so great when you have to focus more energy if you want to talk to a crowd.

Shared Action, Advanced Concept (1AP): Astronomy
Despite rarely (or even never) having interacted, the followers of Jyn'Hao and the followers of Ezoth work toward the same field: Astronomy. While those that follow the former focus more on the celestial bodies, those that follow the latter prefer working on the stars. But united, their work aims to record most of what happens beyond the clouds.

5 - 1 - 2 - 1 = 1AP

2016-10-23, 11:22 PM
The First Expedition – Chaqua, The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves
Slowly but surely the Cirrina expanded to encompass a majority of the reefs as Grozoth guided the transition from chaos into the soothing embrace of the Denier, Kraken protected their sisters against any attempt to harm them from those cephalids that attempted to stop their holy mission of unity beneath the seas. It wasn’t until they got to the ninth remaining free city that any real trouble was encountered, that which would be called Chaqua by the Cirrina. Located deep within one of the trenches that littered the ocean in a reef that existed because Carakhan willed it so and nothing else, within the center where normally temples to She Who Purifies Us there was instead a deep hole that swallowed any heat or light from the surrounding bioluminescent natives. After the first generation was born under the Grozoth there was some confusion when a 65th Grozoth was born within the clutch.
This oddity was tasked with finally exploring the hole at the center of the 54th city to join the Cirrina. She, along with the Krakens and Cephalids from the newest clutch, swam down the hole and lost all sense of time or direction. Eventually, though, they saw a light at the end of the tunnel and emerged into something familiar yet different. Instead of Chaqua they found themselves in some cave system that they faithfully began to convert with the same style and efficiency as any other Cirrian city. It was a Kraken that would eventually realize that they were no longer on the First World and instead in some other ocean.
Time wasn’t something that they entirely understood and so the rush was never present for them. Instead they waited to further explore this new ocean until another clutch was born to properly explore the new land. The brightest minds among the Cephalids were chosen to help guide the Maculosa in their exploration. It was these psychics who first noticed the Shi. Under the orders of the Grozoth that they were Mindlinked with they observed the creatures and attempted to follow them as they slowly began to explore this vast new ocean ripe for conversion.
Starting: 4 (Rollover)
Bridge Plane (-2 AP): Chaqua serves as the bridge between The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves and the First World, at least for the Cirrinans. The portal itself is a tunnel of rock that connects the deepest reef within the First World to a relatively nondescript cave system within the Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves. On either side of the bridge is Cephalids that have taken full advantage of this entire ocean to explore and expand to.
Ending: 2 AP

2016-10-25, 07:39 AM
Mouth of the Ruux River - Southern Peninsula

Where the mighty river god had made his way to the sea, he left behind his resentment and jealousy. Somewhat abashed he made his way along the coast looking for another inlet or river to explore, pondering how silly it was to feel wronged that someone would take what was his - The Beyond wasn't "his". He had no claim to it, and surely he could return in his dreaming state. The Beyond was a gift - a beautiful creation of others, yet another glorious experience created by his brothers and sisters, not something to be "owned". Chuckling, he came to the wide and swampy mouth of the Lower Webiga River and started the long inland journey luxuriating in the warm, placid waters.

Unbeknownst to him a coiled knot of red-eyed, black serpents writhed upon the shore where the Ruux met the ocean, and as he swam away allowing the waters to wash away his pique something inexplicable happened. Writhing and hissing the serpents moved away from the water's edge, lengthening and taking on the consistency of straw and sticks as they did so, yet it still moved, animated by some strange force and intelligence. The black and red mass of sticks finally tumbled to a stop high atop a snow-covered ridge with a sweeping view of both the southern ocean and the Valley of the Serpent -Masdooxa. As if summoned from The Beyond, a teeming cloud of magpies materialized and landed upon the silent mound of sticks. In unison they cried, "MINE!", before erupting back into the air in a flurry of feathers. Where the mass of sticks and twigs had once rested now stood a tall, gaunt goddess resplendent in beautiful garb and jewelry. From behind an extravagantly ornate mask came the single word, "Mine?"

The ruby red eyes of the mask burned with avarice and desire as the towering figure wrapped its feathered cloak tightly about its body, turned away from the sea and gestured over the vast lands with both spindly long arms, "Yes. Mine, indeed."

Beginning AP =9 +4 AP(rollover) = 13AP

A Goddess is born! Enter The Queen of Avarice.

Masdooxa, The Valley of Serpents
The Beginning of Want

The world was wide. It was made of things. Trees made of branches and roots and leaves. Forests that stretched for miles, built of trees and bushes and beasts. Continents forged of rolling plains and towering mountains and deep woods. A hundred thousand million things.

So much unknown, unnamed, unloved and unowned.

The Queen of Avarice loomed over a snow-coated precipice that jutted over the great Masdooxa, her eyes burned with a dark hunger. Her mask twisted into something like a serpent, as her ruby red eyes pierced the chill air and howling wind to behold the beautiful world below.

The power of the gods, her power, surged through the mask an reforged it into something fitting of her authority- becoming a symbol of the Queen of Avarice. The ruby eyes, sharper than eagles or angles or edge of a knife, saw all that happened below her. She saw the winding, deep-scored river that twisted through the valley; and, felt the angry power that had forged it. She watched the subtle coil of a thousand snakes as they worked their way about the valley. She beheld the struggling outcasts that lived here, the small, furred folk and the hairless, sharp eared ones. And beyond that, there was something else. A flickering castle shape, just beyond perception and understanding. Something more.

Petronilla could could each one, each person, each snake, each leaf, each bend in the river. Her heart burned with a terrible need. This is where she would begin. This is where she would start the Grand Acquisition.

She looked down to her feet, clad suddenly in snake-skin boots; and saw a small stone, half covered in snow. It was utterly ordinary, utterly unnamed and unknown. She didn't care. As the Queen of Avarice lifted the rock to her face, she whispered what she had earlier shouted. The mouth of her mask twisted and coiled as her soft, husky voice uttered once more the word, "Mine."

And with that, she forged the first of her hoard. With that action she wrote the power of ownership on large, paving the way for the Acquisition of Everything.

The stone, once so normal, burned under the power of Avarice. Something rose from within it. It became something more than a simple stone. It became the ideal, the perfected thing. Under the hot eyes and dark whisper of Petronilla, it became what she perceived it to be, reflecting into reality the reason for her desire for it.

It became something.. extraordinary. It shone with a rich, green light as it shifted, becoming clear and glassy and faceted. Within it, the Song of Stone changed, becoming higher and clearer and haunting.

Petronilla looked upon the newly born emerald, no smaller than an elven fist, with the eyes of a doting mother. She listened to it's haunting refrain, to the beauty she had known lived within it. She drew it close to her mask, as if to kiss it, then whispered again, "My precious, precious thing. You are the first thing, the worthy thing. I will love you for all time, don't worry. "

The Queen of Avarice tucked the gemstone into her cloak and then looked down upon the valley. There was work to be done; and, she had better get started.

AP: 16 AP

-5 AP, Create Major Utility Artifact (The Mask of Avarice): The symbol of Petronilla, it is a constantly shifting mask that serves as her face. It has a pair of burning, ruby eyes. Through those, one's vision is expanded marvelously. They allow one a level of keenness of vision that surpasses nearly anything else, especially when looking upon things that you desire.

But that is a mere parlor trick compared to the true power of the Mask. It is the symbol of hungry, burning greed and adoration. Through it, the true nature of things you love can be drawn forth. It turns your perceptions into a reality, transforming a rusty heirloom into something astounding, or a simple stone into a beautiful gemstone.

It grants a its discount to Create Minor Artifact actions.

-3 AP, Infuse Major Artifact (The Mask of Avarice): Not simply just an artifact, it is an extension of the Queen herself.

Once a week, -2 AP to the cost of Create Minor Artifact.

-4 AP, Create Mythic Concept (Metaphysical Ownership): Owning things is somewhat more complex than a mortal might think. To truly own something is not just holding something, or keeping it, ownership is the metaphysical right that such a thing is yours. It means that reality itself bows down and says, "This is yours."

Ownership does not, necessarily, imply mastery. It does not really exert control. Owning something makes it difficult for it to be taken from your possession, either literal or metaphorical. It means that the thing will tend to return to you, if slowly. The thing will not grossly change or fly to reach you, typically, but will coincidentally end up reaching you if separated.

In general, you own something if you: Claim it as your own, It was given to you, You created it or You are responsible for it.

You can lose ownership of something if you: Willfully forsake it, Give it to someone else or Abuse, mistreat or otherwise fail to care for it.

Sapient beings typically own themselves, but can give up that ownership if they wish. Oaths of fealty, or oaths of mutual bond typically involve the exchange of, or giving up of, ownership.

A king or ruler can be said to own their kingdom; and, perhaps the people within it- but this means that they are, in turn, responsible for those people. Owning something means loving and caring for it. A failure to do either typically results in losing it.

-1 AP, Utility Artifact Charge, Create Minor Artifact (The Emerald of Song): The Emerald of Song is a beautiful thing that inspires desire in all who see it. It glimmers with all the rich greens of the forest, with every beautiful shade of the earth. It's song is that of Stone, but with greater clarity and loveliness.

The Emerald can alter and change the earth or stone if used properly. It can turn stone to gems and soil to fine powered gold. It can remake trees or plants in the form of silvery branched, emerald leaved pillars. It has no power over water or air or living, breathing animals. It cannot change sapient beings at all.

The Emerald is a Divine Favor artifact that grants an Alter Land action, limited to gem or precious metal related themes; with the other limitations implied above.

16AP - 5AP - 3AP - 4AP -1AP = 3 AP

If artifacts don't receive their first charge until after roll-overs, my final AP is instead: 1 AP.

2016-10-26, 10:21 AM
Down the Rabbit Hole

Deneb saw many landscapes as they followed the gods. The sky, with the stars, forests, water...
But they noticed soon enough that they were found out. As the hound god sat and turned around, they landed, trying to make themselves as small as possible. The gas composing their body gathered in a almost spherical shape, with only two tufts of feathery-looking gas, along one prominent shining blue eye. The dream sprite sat there for a moment, before singing a few garbled yet somewhat melodious notes.

Ì̷̢ m̶͞e̢a͞n ͢n̵o ̴͏h̡̀͜a̵͠͡rm҉. ̨̀I ͠s̕imp͘̕͠ly f̶̧͘ǫ̡ļ̴̨l̵̢̧o͟͡w̵͘e͏̷d̴͝ ͜y͘o̶̶u̡ ̡͝o͘͝u͏͞t ͢͠o̢f̵͢ ̴c͟͏́ư̕ri҉os̡͠ít̢y͘͟͝.͜

The creature would flutter away if one of the gods were to step closer, and a good eye would discern that despite their tangible appearance, they were entirely gaseous, save for their eye.

I mean no harm. I simply followed you out of curiosity.

(Please note that while I put the traduction up, no one but other Dream Sprites and Ezoth can understand that.)

The Sprite and the Bards - Cave of the Dragon

The sprite nodded. Or it seemed so, since its green eye bobbed once or twice. It fluttered to the ground and drew an arrow pointing toward the Great Planetary. It then drew an arrow going toward an eye, and another arrow going from the eye toward the general directions where the other bards were. Flying back toward the other end of the arrow pointing an eye, they sat there, staring at the bard who just talked to it, seemingly expecting the other to understand them.

Ì ̧̕͟h̷o̸͠p̨e ̢͝͞yǫ̴̀ų̕͢ ͢u̧͢n̡d̵̢e̢͜͜rş͟t̸͘a͞nd͞͠ ҉̡t̡h͘͢a͏̸t̡̀.̶̴

I hope you understand that.

(Please note that while I put the traduction up, no one but other Dream Sprites and Ezoth can understand that.)

The Great Planetary

Ezoth dreamed. They dreamed of stars, constellations, sprites...
The clouds surrounding them reflected them. Lines drew themselves between the stars, slowly dissapearing before making other lines. Countless constellations were created, as nearby Dream Sprites hurriedly recorded them.
Half awake and half-asleep, the Dreamer created a library, The Starlit Library, to store the papers the sprites drew the constellations on. Soon enough, it will be filled with more and more books.

Start: 7AP

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Constellations
Drawings in the sky. Celestial connect-the-dots. Most sapient beings will draw their history among the stars, as if it recorded every loss, every victory, every event in the world. Perhaps. After all, don't we look at the sky and point at each one of them while telling the tale of the heroes who got out victorious of a fight against a monster, or about a beautiful princess saved by a hero ?
The first constellations were drawn by Ezoth, and recorded by their Dream Sprites.

Create Sub-Concept (1AP): Astrology
Some give symbols to the stars, such as the one shining over a being when they are born. This makes them look like they have more influence than they really have over the life of mortals, but who knows ? The state of a mortal is always a variable, and coincidences always happen.

Create Land (2AP): The Starlit Library
Also "The Astronomer's haven". Every ressources about dreams and celestial bodies are gathered here. Copied and maintained by Dream Sprites, the books here are in excellent shape, unless they are already-damaged originals.

Create Organization (1AP): The Recorders
The Recorders are Dream Sprites that take care of the Starlit Library and observe the stars. No astronomer can reach their talent at this, and the astronomy books they do are prized by those who study the sky too. Astronomers are invited to get their book copied here if it meets some requirements, after all, the Recorders always seek new knowledge.

Gain Domain: Astronomy (Constellations)

Land (2AP): Stars
Land (2AP): The Great Planetary
Advanced Concept (2AP): Constellations
Sub-Concept (1AP): Astrology
Land (2AP): The Starlit Library
Organization (1AP): The Recorders

Total: 10AP spent

7 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 = 1AP

Biyaha - Shores of Lake Hiilweyne

As Biyaha swam the dreaming currents of The Beyond, his earthly body, that of a great salmon heaved itself from the shoals of the tremendous upland lake and surged toward the bottom. The ever replenishing school of trout that followed in his wake swarmed around him. Deeper and deeper he swam, his body subtly changing as he dove. Every time he changed many of the trout would mimic his new form and swim away. Thus were born the great northern pike and the freshwater sturgeon. The wane light faded to utter darkness before he reached the icy bottom, nearly a thousand leagues below.

Rising slowly back to the surface he explored the seemingly endless shoreline, morphing between numerous sizes and form. The crappie, the pickerel, the muskellunge, the burbot, and the whitefish....yet on and on he swam. Alas he reached the mouth of the river that fed the Hiilweyne and his curiosity was sated, once again taking the form of a great salmon and making the long journey back down the Ku Dhacaan and into the lake formed by the confluence of the two great western rivers, bestowing upon it the name Kulanka or "joining".

Seeking the outflow, he came to the vast and meandering Galbi River. He followed its course as the moon passed by directly overhead trailing the pale light of day. The experience of swimming the material and The Beyond was sublime and Biyaha grew increasingly joyous and ebullient. His body sprouted four legs ending in tiny clawed digits, sleek fur, a tail, a toothy grin, a pointed nose and long whiskers. Rolling onto his back, he rollicked in the river currents with dozens of his school of trout emulating him as he swam – thus the river otter was born and is found in great numbers along the shores of the Galbi.

In his state of distraction his mind fell into the hidden Paths of The Beyond, becoming lost and disoriented. So it was that he came bodily into The Beyond as a great and turbulent river. The confusion and melancholy at being ripped from his blissful state unwittingly opened a pathway to foreign surroundings. Emerging from the Path and struggling to orient himself, he felt properties of the dream world suddenly shift as if a barrier or lock had been imposed upon the entire realm– a barrier that did not desire his presence. He began to fall. His emotions had led him to the bridge between the material world and The Beyond, and while the lock was not powerful enough to eject him from the plane it was pushing him toward The Scar with alarming speed.

So it was that Biyaha, the river, plummeted into the southern peninsula with tremendous force and ferocity. The fluidity of his form mitigated the impact only slightly. He slammed into the earth throwing entire mountains from his path while carving a deep and jagged furrow across the land over a mile deep.

His confusion quickly turned to anger and petty resentment. Who would do such a thing? Who would dare to wrong me so? The trout that remained with him coiled and hissed as they shifted into ebon serpents with venomous fangs. Thus was the water moccasin, the cottonmouth viper, born. Out of spite he continued to wreak havoc and destruction upon the land as he sought to escape this place, cleaving a deep chasm in his wake. When at last he reached the salty waters of the ocean, he brooded and plotted revenge upon whomever or whatever had closed The Beyond to him.

Across a portion of the southern peninsula of Dalalkhan was left a deep and dark chasm filled with the roiling fog and mists of The Beyond. The nexus of the The Scar is now known as Masdooxa – The Valley of the Serpent, through which flows the black waters of the Ruux or Ghost River. The walls of the canyon aren’t merely steep and treacherous, but also populated with many varieties of venomous snake, and the waters of the Ruux are teeming with water moccasins.

http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/a6ce9be236bc6914b6c23052c603347833c84eb9/c=0-142-4900-2910&r=x1683&c=3200x1680/local/-/media/2015/06/23/FortCollins/FortCollins/635706775202437043-FTC0622-4BlackCanyon-002.JPG Except for...you know, more misty and snakey, but overall pretty much like that

Beginning AP = 10AP

Alter Land – 1AP: Masdooxa(The Valley of the Serpent) – travelling the length of The Scar, this incredibly deep, dark canyon contains the Ruux(Ghost) River. The Canyon contains the physical center of the planar bridge between The Beyond and the Material Plane. In fact, physically standing in the Ruux River will allow one to exist in both the Beyond and The First World. Legend says that if you can survive the descent and enter the river you may, in fact, be able to speak with the dead(if souls are eventually created and come to reside in The Beyond) or dreaming spirits. Of course surviving such a treacherous environment is next to impossible, and leaving is even more difficult for one's mind can become quickly confused and lost in The Beyond.

Remaining AP = 10AP - 1AP = 9AP

The Bard and the Sprite - Castle of Memories

Seeing that the sprite hadn't seemed to understand what he had said, Honestly would be honestly stumped on how to make his warning all the more urgent... until the god oh so thinly diffused within the plane made it clear to them both.

Shadows and shades within the darkness began to gather, swirling, grasping and cloaking both individuals as it swallowed them entirely within itself. The latent intellect of the slumbering god had recognized the dissonance the Takwa and Sprite had caused within its dream, and while it did not waken from its slumber, it was lucid enough to confront the intruders. Only able to see one another, Honestly and Zuben would soon realize that the sparks of light burning around them were not the stars but rather, hate-filled eyes, accompanied by toothy maws that spoke thousands of languages all at once. But while the mortals were surrounded by the gibbering insanity of so many voices, their own tongue would speak to them clearly, the sound coming from within their minds as they were forced to understand Yag-Azreal's divine will. And that whisper would scream louder than anything the storm of sound around them could ever hold. To them, the god said only this.

"You do not belong here."


And as swiftly as it had arrived, the god would fade back, not even having so much as twitched in its slumber due to the intervention of the Bards. But around the mortals something would have changed... the shades, those distant shadows of memory which had so casually drifted about them before, had begun to turn and look at the intruders. Within their eyes burnt that burning, yet cold and passionless hate that had glowed in the gaze of the god, and slowly... ever so slowly... they seemed to be becoming more and more real. And ever more hostile.

Looking to the sprite, Honestly would do the first thing that came to his mind and weave his most potent evocation, commanding Zuben to be calm, and then, with a soft melody, singing the sprite into slumber... from which the sprite would only awake on the mortal world, beside the elf that had helped to send the Takwa there in the first place. But the bard himself would not follow after the magical being.

For a few minutes, Beathan could have sworn that the rock had been painted red, the thin, splattering pattern confusing to her eye. But soon, she realized that the pool of crimson was growing, and the elf would back away from Zuben, just far enough to see the shadow that had been Honestly's body... before it disappeared, along with the Takwa's blood. Gone like a bad dream, and fading from the memory of the shade that had reaped the mortal soul without a second thought.

The first murder, born of the malice of a slumbering deity, had been committed within its palace. For now the Castle of Memories had become a dangerous place, and its inhabitants were no longer accepting guests. And the warning that was given to both Takwa and Sprite was the last mortal kind would ever receive.

Knowing what had happened to her companion, but unwilling to accept it, Beathan would call out to Zuben, attempting to awaken this strange cluster of stars as she asked, "Hello? Can you hear me? Are you alright?" There would be time for weeping and facing reality later, after all, none here had lived an easy life and loss was not new to them, for now the sprite before her, this strange being her companion had sacrificed himself to save, held her attention.

The Snake Charmers - Bards and Masdooxa

Of course, the creation of the great canyon did not go unnoticed by those living within the southern peninsula, and while they were a small number, the Takwa and Elves living within this place still suffered greatly for a while at the fangs of the cottonmouth. With their numbers dwindling greatly, and new arrivals especially suffering at the hands of the serpents, the bards would convene to discuss what should be done about the menace. And from this conclave did a new form of magic, one that Honestly had developed in a flash of brilliance, and that he might have been able to share had he survived.

This was a magic of commands, one that transcended language, and instead spoke to the song of creation itself that still sang silently within every living being. These Words of Power would have many uses in the coming years, but the bards would be known for using them to silence and calm the dangerous serpents of their adopted home. While never perfect, it did help the bards protect and shepherd themselves and those who would join them, and so the community began to grow. Not enough to be its own society yet... but perhaps one day, it might be.

Starting AP: 3

Rollover: +4

-1 AP; Curse: Castle of Death
The Castle of Memories has begun to react to the tampering and intrusions that mortal races have taken to it, shades and memories going out of their way to destroy such invaders, whether they be intentional or not. While mortals can still enter this dream-bound domain without being assaulted immediately, this tranquility does not last long as the castle will begin to react to their presence, before... removing the issue.

One can extend the time in which they have to enter by acting flawlessly and doing their best to blend in with the shades, but inevitably, before the end of their first day, any mortal that would dare enter this place is discovered and eradicated. Mortals have anywhere from an hour to a day to leave the Castle of Memories, depending on how they act and how much they try to inter-act with the scenery. After they are discovered, however, they have mere moments to slip back through the scar or, regardless of their composition, they will be murdered by the shades spawned from the mind of a god.

Any being killed in the Castle of Memories will be "forgotten" in half an hour, and simply disappear. Not even leaving the smallest splatter of blood (or other vital substance) on the ground after they have been slain.

-2 AP; Create Subconcept: Power Words (Evocation)
Power words are exactly what one might expect. Short, simple, single-syllable words that give creatures commands. While by no means irresistible, these words tap into the will behind them to act on the Song of Creation in all beings, attempting to dictate the actions or emotions of others for even a short while. The strength of the command depends on the skill and power of the user, rather than the potency of the word itself! While single-syllable words, such as Fear, Calm and Drop are all popular, it is because of how quickly they can be said, not because of any intrinsic power they hold. A Power Word for Confusion would work just as well as a Power Word for Dazed, for example.

For the most part, this is enough to calm tempers, or to push someone already angry over the edge. Only the greatest of master bards can command a raging beast to Stop and cause it to freeze in place, or look to the majestic Space Whal and drive it into a frothing frenzy by commanding it to Rage. Another limitation is that Power Words tend to work only en-mass on the weak-minded (read, monstrous and mundane life). Anything of greater cognizance, and it takes a good bit of doing to influence even one individual with a single word, let alone an entire group!

-1 AP; Create Paragon Subconcept: Power Word Sleep
Of all of their masteries over Evocation and the magic of the First Song, one of the greatest accomplishments that the Bards have achieved is their mastery of the lullaby, so it only makes sense that their most potent and powerful command word would be one that can temporarily force another to sleep. While not particularly potent, Power Words usually only last ten minutes at most, this is the Word that all bards are expected to learn and master first, and which is of particular use against the dangerous and wild snakes that constantly roam their homeland. Other threats can also be put to sleep, but its main use is to keep the serpentine population perfectly... placid.

Ending AP: 3

Yag-Azreal gains Music (Lullabies) For though it may yet slumber, and be a god of silence, mortals have begun to associate those doom-worshipers and the song that emanates from its core as a part of the great beast itself. And even now, in the infancy of the world, this belief is still yet enough to shape the Gods themselves.
-1 Song of Creation
-1 Call of Silence
-4 Evocation
-2 Song of Rest
-1 Bards
-1 Power Word Sleep

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-26, 07:03 PM
The Bard and the Sprite - Castle of Memories

Zuben woke up. Agitated, they warily looked around. They weren't in their plane. They weren't safe. Danger was ahead, and they couldn't go back. They couldn't go home. Despite being made of vapors and dust, they shook. For the first time they felt fear, hearing the voice of an angered deity.
They finally looked at Beathan. Their unique eye couldn't convey many feelings, but the sprite's body language clearly showed fear.

Ì̛'́m̸̵̷ ̴́͞s̢͏ơ͝rry̸.͘ Į r̸͢e͘̕a̸l͜l̴͡y͞ am͞. I ̸͠di̡dn'̸͘t҉ ͏ųń̴̛d́e͢͢rst̴҉a̡͘ǹ̛d̶ ҉w̨̛ha̵̢͝t ̸y̵ou͜ ̢m̷é͝͝a͏n͏t҉ ͝͝b̕y͏̢͢ ̧͏d̀̕͡á͞͞n̸g͠҉e̸r͟.͢

The Dream Sprite paused for a few moments, before jolting up and looking around, before flying away. Stopping a few times to let the magician follow them, they led them toward the edge of a river. The magician could have sworn that this time around, the sprite was gone for good.
A few minutes passed, before a deer-like creature stepped behind her. Its antlers were swirling in such an unnatural way, it gave away the otherworldly nature of the creature. Zuben was perched on one of its horns. In a tranquil, quiet and soft tone, the Dream Stag greeted Beathan telepathically.

Greetings. I am Ara. Zuben told me about what happened to you two, and I would like to let you know of a possible help you could get.

Ara sat near the mage. they seemed to be made of the same... gas ? as the Dream Sprite. A constellation shone faintly among its antlers.

Us Dream Sprites serve the Starry One. They aim to make the realm of dreams safe, to dreamers and deceased alike, and the recent event will be sooner or later known to them. Perhaps you and your partners could try to ask them a favor. I believe that you got your chances to gain significant help in calming down what sleeps here, as it corresponds to what we all aim to do. My duty is to guide lost souls and adventurers back to the realms they belong to, and thus I am forbidden to bring you back to the plane if you are awake. However, if you choose to sleep here, while your soul will be in the realm of dreams, I can guide Zuben toward the nearest portal to find you and help you find higher-ranked sprites to listen to your request for help.

The stag looked straight in the eyes of the mage.

Do what you want with what I just told you. I aim to make the world I guide souls in safer.

I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't understand what you meant by danger.

2016-10-26, 09:41 PM
Mt. Hatii
The Sinca celebrated their meeting with the Takwa. For though their forms differed they were joined in their love of the Song of Life.

Om was pleased by this, everything was going splendidly. In honor of the event the Living Stone spoke words of harmonious power altogether incomprehensible to the gathered mortals. And as the Words of Om rolled over the gathered people the land blossomed with great and bountiful plants beyond even what the Takwa could encourage with their own songs.

With that Om felt it was time to move on and see more of the world. And so it began to bounce higher and higher until it soared into sky towards the distant Eastern Horizon. But although the god had left the Sinca cherished the memory of its words and remembered them always.

The Lakes of Esh
Om's travels took it beyond the Galbi river to the great unmarked plains. And the Living Stone found itself a bit disappointed. It had soared over the jungles of Thinakawii and found them interesting and delightful, but here beyond the river there was nothing but flat plains stretching without end.

Om liked plains as much as the next rock, but it felt things could be more interesting than this. And so it bounced once more. High into the sky it rose and then it fell back to impact with a thundering crash. It did this again and again and again until the plains were pockmarked with craters big and small.

And then sent out its words and its will to break through the banks of the Galbi and allow water to come rushing in.

Soon the craters were no longer barren, but filled with vast amounts of water. A huge network of lakes and streams from which the sounds of chirping insects and singing birds soon rose. Much to the delight of the Living Stone.

Starting AP 11
(+4 AP) Rollover

(-1 AP) Alter Land: The Meeting Glade
A sacred glade on the mountain where the Takwa and Sinca first met. It will always resonate with the Song of Life and is an incredibly bountiful place.

(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Alter Land: The Words of Om
These are word of power that resonate with the songs of creation. Spoken by Om to bless the meeting of the Sinca and Takwa, they are remembered by the Sinca Harmony. With determined effort the Harmony can speak a fragment of a Word and invoke the living stone to shape their terrain around them.

(-1 AP) Alter Land: The Lakes of Esh
Fed off a branching of the Galbi River the formerly unmarked plates are now filled with thousands of large circular lakes. These are home to diverse wildlife and numerous rocky outcroppings around the edges of the lakes provide solid land and abundant mineral riches.
Ending AP 10

2016-10-28, 07:34 PM
Biyaha - Mouth of the Lower Webiga River

Abashed by his display of petty jealousy and impetuous behavior, The Father of Waters moved up the coast of Dalalkan to the mouth of the Lower Webiga. The estuary was enormous, sprawling across hundreds of miles. Where the ponderous and winding river deposited tons of sediment, hundreds of scattered, marshy islands sprang up. The vast delta was rich with life of all kinds. Biyaha added dozens of species of tropical freshwater fish as he entered the great river. Desiring a view of the land from above, he lifted his fluid form into the air, appearing as a great tidal wave threatening to drown the land. With a sigh of contentment he settled back into the river. Many of the school of trout that swirled about him and mirrored his thoughts and form were expelled with his great sigh, sprouted wings, long legs, and strangely shaped beaks before fluttering down across the river delta. Thus were flamingos, cranes, herons, pelicans, and the ibis birthed into the world.


As he lowered himself back to the waters he sank deep into the mud of the massive river, the trout that he left behind sprouted many legs, claws and their flesh hardened into shells. Thus can dozens of species of freshwater crabs be found along the banks of the Lower Webiga. By the time he made his way to the great inland sea into which the Bari River drained, he had spawned the many subspecies of catfish, carp, bluegill, bass, herring, shad, and sunfish as well as crayfish, a variety of mussels, and both the river and grass shrimp. The sea he named the Syman or Flatwater Sea.


Beginning AP = 11

2016-10-29, 10:00 AM
Therus’ first kill

Therus slowly walked down a forest path forming plans and randomly checking to make sure that his injuries were healed. The god’s mind was deep in thought. “Mortals can’t heal to the ability of a god. What happens if their heat stops, what happens when they lungs are filled with water, what happens when their last drop of blood flows out of their body?”

There was a rustling in a bush which interrupted his thoughts. “Reveal yourself to me little worm, I have little patience for those that cower.” Therus’ voice boomed and echoed.

An elven man holding a club came for the bush faking a courageous face. More bandits came up from their hiding spots, there were thirteen of them in total surrounding Therus. “Since you asked so nicely. Give us all your gold or we’ll break your arms and legs!” The bandits massive leader threatened.

Without a second thought the echo reached into his coat and threw a sack of chunks and dust of gold. “There, my time is more valuable than some shiny metal” Therus explained as the leader had the air knocked out of them by the surprisingly heavy sack. “Now if that’s done, get out of my way!” The god’s voice seemed to echo though the forest. A number of the bandits stepped back in fear.

“No! we’re not letting you go just like that. I think you need a broken arm. Get him!” The bandit captain yelled. One of the bandits charged, trying to strike with their clubs only for Therus to block the elves strike mid swing with his arm. The echo kicked the poor bandit in the knee bending their leg backwards as the bandit cried in pain. While one of the bandits limped back, another ran forth starting a mighty swing, Therus simply stomped and a hunk of dirt made the elf swing wide. Before the elf knew what was happening the echo’s hand slammed him into the god’s armored knee.

As the elf fell to the ground holding her bloody and broken face, the other bandits tried to help their injured and realized. They couldn’t fight this. They back off. “Get in there! If you don’t I’ll do two…no four times worse than he can do to you!” The leader yelled.

The bandits with fear on their faces charged as a group and quickly discovered that they couldn’t fight the echo. The bandits had padded armor, strong clubs and had been in many different fights. Most days that was enough, enough to win, today was not most days, today the bandits might as well been kids with sticks against armored solders.

While Therus fought something echoed in his mind, a thought he couldn’t quite pin down. With a sudden realisation the god vaulted out of the melee and walked over to the bandit leader, the only one not in the fight. As tried to follow but Therus stomped the ground and with a rumble a wall of dirt lifted from the ground. “I should have realised this far earlier, but these men and women aren’t terrified of me, the man with a voice that rattles in their head, the man that can shift the ground. No they’re scared of you, the strong worm. They’ll only give up when you can’t hurt them so…” The god smashed his fist together and there was a sound like thunder. “little worm let’s see if you’re worth my time.”

The bandit leader swung slow and Therus easily dodged, swing, dodge, swing, dodge. A look of disappointment formed upon the echo’s face as he dodged a swing nearly identical to the last. “Why did you take on such a dangers occupation, what drove you to this point?” Therus asked hoping against hope that there was something that would make this foe something.

“Gold, wealth, I desire them. why should I not take them?” The bandit leader explained.

The god caught the leaders club and sighed. “…you have worn my patience very thin. You have lied to me, you have ordered your tools to attack me after I did as you asked. Then I thought maybe you could put up a fight, but all you have is strength, you’re slow, you have very little skill. And no initiative, you’ve only done two strikes, when they didn’t work you did them again. Your tools, your underlings are deserving for my time, they have skill, they have a reason more than money, I can see it in their eyes.”

Therus hand splintered the leader’s club, as the dirt wall crumbled and fell into the ground it had risen from. “They are worthy of hours of battle with the god of villains. You are not deserving of a second more of my time!” With that the echo punch the bandit leader. A wave moved thought the bandit’s flesh that broke almost every bone he had.

The leader let lose an ear piercing scream of pain as he fell down and started to cough. The villain looked back at the bandits as they made splints and bandaging wounds. “Are any of you worms going to stop me from leaving?” The bandits seeing their leader was in no place to deliver threats moved from the path with speed.

After a moment of pause and a cough of blood from the former leader Therus asked a second question. “Are any of you worms going to help your leader?” Therus asked gesturing to the broken body besides him.

The was a long near silence with an occasional cough, only interrupted by one of the elven bandits “… no… he’s not my leader anymore and I’m not helping him.” Followed by the agreement of the rest of the bandits.

Therus stood over the former leader. “You should have been more respectful of your tools. Now you’re slow drowning on your own blood” The echo said before leaving.

The call to adventure.

In a small isolated elven village soldiers in dark armor that covered there face worked to burn the forests around the village. This faceless army harvested the inmate crop of the village, then threw their harvest into mighty bon fires while others scattered salt across the fields. Every domestic animal from dog to cow had their throat slit then the body held up to drain of blood before being thrown upon the bon fires.

In the cemetery the dark army dug graves, wrote names on head stones and held funerals for each buried. For each one at less two soldiers stood as if grieving relatives. The ceremonies were done with great respect and caution to insure that they were genuine funerals. It was almost touching if not for the fact that the soldiers had killed most that they buried.

Therus stood before the children of the village, his cape flowing in the wind of ash and the smell of burning flesh. Scribes took down the names of the children and whom their parents were, as the kids stood in a line.

“I’m sure many of you believe this to be the worst day of your lives…” The god’s unsettlingly deep voice boomed like thunder. “But while this is a terrible day in your lives, fortune will have smiled upon you if it’s the worst one you will ever live. Your parents are dead, for most of you every adult you ever known is dead and any pet you had alive in the morning is being burned. But…”

Therus’ speech was interrupted by an elven women running out of one of the home screaming for help. Soon a soldier left the same house adjusting his pants then grabbing the women.

“What is going on here?” Therus asked the solider.

“Well, we’re killing them right? So I though why not have some fun with them?” The solider replied trying to improve his grip on the woman.

The echo placed his left hand on the soldier's shoulder and his right hand on his sword. “I had some very simple rules, I made sure you know them and that no order would override them…” in the blink of an eye there was a ‘swoosh’ and Therus’ bloodless sword was next to the women’s and the solders neck. “… there simple standards, they separate us from the trash. Little things like not taking slaves or seducing unwilling parties.”

The soldier’s head fell from his shoulders while his grip released and his body fell. Blood slow oozed from both pieces of his neck. “Little, simple things that make us villains instead of monsters.”

The god looked at the women. “I’m terribly sorry about this, he was only meant to kill you not do this… I know this might be hard but is there a way you wish to die?” The god sheathed his sword as he waited.

There was a moment of silence before the women looked as one of the children then spoke. “… not in front of my child…”

“I understand, this way” Therus gesture to a house with an open door. The mother moved slowly building her courage, the villain simply walked into the house then closed the door when the woman entered. After a few quite moments the door opened, Therus walked out holding a covered body then sheathing his now bloody sword.

“Minion have this woman’s body buried with respect like the others.” The echo ordered one soldiers and gave them the body. Therus stood before the children then continued this speech. “Sorry about that. As I was saying while today is a horrible day in your little lives. But the worst will come. In the days, weeks, mouths, years to come you will suffer in ways you never could have imagined before this day. Many of you will die, starvation, arguments that go too far and depression will end many of your lives.

Through it all, through the pain, the nightmares, I want you to remember this… I Therus the echo am the reason of every second of it. Don’t let my minions, my tools confuse your simple minds, every second of pain, every death is my work. Just as you don’t blame the hammer for the smith’s work, you shouldn’t blame the soldiers for my work.”

Some of the children were crying, some asked for their parents that wouldn’t come, some looked at their feet feeling the weight of the world and others wear fake faces of bravery. “Before I and my men leave you here, I have some word for you to think on. In this world there are three, the heroes, the beasts and the monsters. The beasts are those that harm others to protect and sustain themselves and their kin. Heroes are those that harm others to help who ever needs it, few with no fear the risks it is to themselves. Monsters… monsters harm not for their own needs or those they care for, but simple because they desire it. I’m a monster, I need no food nor water and your village posed no threat to me. My tools, my minions are beasts they do as I ask so that they and those they care for each and are safe.

Whether you are a hero, beast or monster will be decided by your actions, not your words nor your thoughts.” the god’s words echoed off the homes of a once great village as his cape flowing in the wind of ash and the smell of burning flesh.

After many hour hours Therus and his men marched out of the village, leaving orphans to try to find their way in the world.

16 ap

Create advance concept (2ap): writing

The simple practice of using a number of symbols to represent noises, then using groups of these symbols to represent words. The first version of this practice made by Therus focus on proper nouns (people’s names) and the connections between people.

Create organisation (1ap): the solus

This group has no leader or hierarchy, in fact most members have no idea who other members are. The only linking factor between the members is that Therus came to their village kill all adults there and destroyed all nearby food sources.

The members of the solus often die from wild beasts or starvation. Of the few that make it to adult hood most either try to the best of their ability to forget their childhoods, seek revenge upon Therus, try to spare others from the horrors of this world or stop living with the pain by no longer living.

It is said that each generation the children of a village join the solus.

Create organisation (1ap): the dark army

This army recognisable by their black armor and faceless helmets. While this force was mostly made of elves at first, this is accepting, if you can pass a physical exam, are loyal to Therus you may join. There are a number of rules members of this order are expected to follow. Here’s a few:

• Therus’ word is the highest authority and can overrule any order and rule.

• Any member of the group holds the right to leave the organisation at any time and fearing no repercussions for doing so. Those that leave are even assisted in the process of doing so, to insure they have the best chance.

• Soldiers are requested to show both enemies and victims respect, though this can be ignored to a degree for self-preservation (including helping others of the organisation).

• Soldiers are not to preform harm for fun and when orders require harming others (which is most of the time) they are to perform the least amount of harm required by orders and self-preservation (including helping others of the organisation).

• Failure holds no penalty (by its self), while incompetence and sloth holds minor penalties. But treason and deceit to either subordinates or underlings hold harsh penalties and are not tolerated.

• Underlings are never to be slaves or similar.

Create mystical concept (4ap): Seishin undo

This art is known by many names Seishin undo (the one used in ooc), the movement of battle, the great dance and more. This art largely involves rapid and skillful movement to produce supernatural effects. However, to use this art one must be sentient (or close enough), a supernatural force in their body (magic energies, spark of life/souls or divine energy) and the ability to move under their own power.

There are two common ways this art it learned, be highly skilled in fighting and/or dance picking up some techniques naturally. The other way is to be taught a technique and master mundane combat and/or dance techniques as you go.

Example techniques

Traveling strike: This allows the force of a swing or strike to travel though a medium (like air). This force will push or crush anything in its way.

Razer strike: Like traveling strike but it cuts instead of crushing and its cutting power is greater than most mundane means.

Earth wave: This technique allows one to strike a medium (like stone) and send force though the medium causing fractures and launching parts of the medium.

Echo wall: This is using a skill like traveling strike to form very temporary barrier of force. This technique is one of the greatest ways to counter traveling strike.

Earth shield: This is using a technique similar to earth wave and can be make walls/shields of a medium (like stone or iron) that can move with the user.

Hidden wave: this technique allows traveling strike or earth wave to travel though a medium only expending force at selected points. This means one can easily hide the technique they are using or that they are using one at all, excluding the points where the force is exerted.

The hundred strikes: this technique is about attacking at a ludicrously rapid speed but no priory targeting. Looks like ether a hundred strikes with in a second or just a blur of moment.

Hundred hand wall: like the hundred strikes but rapid blocking and parry instead of attacking. No choice in what you block or how you block, you just do.

Hit nothing but air: Like hundred hand wall but dodging attacks, again little control in how or what you dodge only if you dodge using this technique.

synchronized strike: this technique allows one to strike two places at the same time with the same part of their weapon (sword, axe or fists).

Synchronized defence: this is similar to synchronized strike, it allows one two block two different attacks at the same time using the same area of a shield (or what you use to block).

Trackless step: This technique allows one to exert less force on what they are walking on (reduced the notability and depth of foot prints) and cause there tracks to look nothing like foot prints.

Dance of x: (where x is a medium, like water, mud or sand) This technique can cause a medium or structure that shouldn’t support your weight, support your weight or collapse slower.

Wall running: This technique can cause one to be pulled to a surface they can touch, allowing one to run across walls or ceilings.

Air jump: This technique allows one to jump off the air its self.

Gliding dance: with this technique one can cause the air to slow their movement, allowing one to guide though the air.

The perfect dodge: by using a sudden burst of speed one can make themselves cease to exist for a fraction of a second. It’s called the perfect dodge for the fact that if it doesn’t exist it can’t it can’t be hit. (barring divine intervention)

This art has a number of weakness; first this art needs movement as such anything that would slow movement could stop/limit its use. (like being in water, tied hands or armor) Second a number of techniques require constant movement meaning that they can be quite tiering.
16ap-2-1-1-4 =8ap

2016-10-29, 09:07 PM
Roars of Thinakawii

Sathwatch departed from The Beyond and made his way deep into the glowing jungle that was Thinakawii. The jungle was a serene place, quiet and wild beyond imagination with nothing more than an odd rustle of leaves or the occasional bird chirping in the distance. Sathwatch raised his great shaggy head up among the treetops and cast his eyes about. "There is no challenge here. The Takwa will not grow...Hmmmm.... Let's see."

The Beast climbed up a tree and grabbed hold of a group of small monkeys, cupping them in his massive saucer-sized hands. He enclosed his fingers around them before placing his lips over the opening and blowing upon the monkeys. His hands shuddered, his fingers parted and he let the new beasts fall to the ground.

They fell down upon the jungle underbrush, mighty paws landing with hardly a thud, whispers of growls emitting from the darkness as great felines rose up and darted in all directions. Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards and Cheetahs and even the elusive Glow-Cat now inhabited Thinakawii and the plains beyond. It was on the side of the world which was bathed in moonlight and absent of the Sun where these great cats roamed and made their territory.

"Go..Hmmm... Go...." said The Beast as he climbed up even higher, resting above the canopy. He turned his eyes up to the stars and simply watched their patterns.

4AP Start
-0AP Create Mundane Life(Big Cats): Lions, Tigers, Leopards etc. etc.
-1AP Create Monstrous Life(Glow Cat): The Glow-Cat is a massive feline predator, easily twice the size of a full grown tiger with razor sharp claws and fangs. They are solid white save for their spine which gives off a noticeable blue glow. They can dim this glow to assist with stealth and make it even brighter in displays of dominance.
3AP Remaining

Black Socks
2016-10-30, 01:58 PM
Qefnera, the Muse

Qefnera had just gotten back from a little expedition over the main continent. It was beautiful, but she preferred Jyhennia.
Upon arriving, she frowned. The elves were still living in anarchy, with no society.
But that changed, with a simple action.

The elves, having gotten used to sheltering in trees, built their homes there. They were governed by a council of the wisest, and anyone who disagreed was free to leave the village and build a new one elsewhere. The new village formed a new council, and those who disagreed left again, with the result that elven villages spread quickly throughout the forest.
Despite the method of being formed, the villages were mostly peaceful. The general attitude was that, with food aplenty and no immediate dangers, there was nothing worth getting worked up about. Art was the main pursuit, with painting and song being the most common expressions.

And thus was the way of life in the society of Glaiwyn.

Starting AP= 8 AP
Rollover gives +4= 12 AP
Form Society (2 AP): The elven society of Glaiwyn. Situated on Jyhennia, described above.
12 - 2 = 10
Remaining AP= 10

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-30, 02:32 PM

Dreams and Art both belonged to the realm of the mind, one was from the subconcsious, while the other could choose to take inspiration from the former. Dream Sprites could make the difference between someone creative dreaming, and another.
Not that dreams made by those that didn't devote their life to art were less beautiful; logical minds often had structures pivoting in complete harmony between each pieces, while brave souls fought glorious wars against their archenemy.
But creative minds always had something else, something unseen before. Dream Sprites often take great pleasure in looking at dreams like these, it felt like opening a curiosity to them.
Far from being forgotten, the island where so many creative souls live had some Dream Stags guarding its wonders.
A huge Dream Stag in particular, bigger and stiffer than its mainland counterparts laid down on the moss, watching the mortals create and play. Ursa's ears averted themselve, looking for any lost soul that might need to find a way toward a portal to the Fugue Plane.

Brushes moved, as elfs looked at the starry creature. Ursa wasn't afraid. One of their ear only directed itself toward their back, but that was it. The Stag didn't bother talking. Doing so with lots of creatures at once is difficult and tiring. They await for a question or a remark from those that found them. A word echoed in the heads of the elfs, faintly.


1 + 4 = 5AP [rollover]

Black Socks
2016-10-30, 03:31 PM

Dreams and Art both belonged to the realm of the mind, one was from the subconcsious, while the other could choose to take inspiration from the former. Dream Sprites could make the difference between someone creative dreaming, and another.
Not that dreams made by those that didn't devote their life to art were less beautiful; logical minds often had structures pivoting in complete harmony between each pieces, while brave souls fought glorious wars against their archenemy.
But creative minds always had something else, something unseen before. Dream Sprites often take great pleasure in looking at dreams like these, it felt like opening a curiosity to them.
Far from being forgotten, the island where so many creative souls live had some Dream Stags guarding its wonders.
A huge Dream Stag in particular, bigger and stiffer than its mainland counterparts laid down on the moss, watching the mortals create and play. Ursa's ears averted themselve, looking for any lost soul that might need to find a way toward a portal to the Fugue Plane.

Brushes moved, as elfs looked at the starry creature. Ursa wasn't afraid. One of their ear only directed itself toward their back, but that was it. The Stag didn't bother talking. Doing so with lots of creatures at once is difficult and tiring. They await for a question or a remark from those that found them. A word echoed in the heads of the elfs, faintly.


1 + 4 = 5AP [rollover]

One of the council members steps forward. Somewhere along the line the elves picked up clothing, and so he appears to be wrapped in a giant leaf, wearing it like a kilt. He appears curious, not suspicious, as to what this strange creature might be.

"Hello. Who might you be?"

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-30, 04:02 PM

I am Ursa. You found a Dream Stag, a guide. Who are you, elf, what do you need ?

Strangely only the council member heard the voice, as if someone spoke directly into their mind. The Stag rose up in all its height, standing a few inches above the elves with its magnificient antlers. Stars glimmered on its coat as if the whole creature was a patch of the night sky.

The Great Planetary

Ezoth dreamed, lulled by the echoes of melodies Zuben bought to them. The deity dreamed of a cave glittering like the night sky, full of gems and crystal reflecting the light around them. The colors shining on the wall danced along the shadows in an harmonic and coordinated valtz, as if every move was calculated. And Ezoth watched, thinking about constellations while observing the elegance of the colors. Each jewel shone with a hue unique to it, contrasting with the neighbour gems and making a colorful visual symphony.
A synchromy.
The deity abruptly woke up. Something pushed them out of a dream that was already no longer theirs. Althrough slightly offended, they were curious, gazing at the dream bubble that was already changing its shape, as if it gained its own mind. It grew more solid, falling on one of the numerous rings of the great planetary when it became too heavy, not far from the center where Ezoth was.
The crystals representing the stars shone brighter around the solidified dream bubble.
Ezoth watched as a new deity, Auron, came to be.

And thus Auron, the Crystal King, demigod of Earth and Order is born.

Black Socks
2016-10-30, 06:33 PM

I am Ursa. You found a Dream Stag, a guide. Who are you, elf, what do you need ?

Strangely only the council member heard the voice, as if someone spoke directly into their mind. The Stag rose up in all its height, standing a few inches above the elves with its magnificient antlers. Stars glimmered on its coat as if the whole creature was a patch of the night sky.

"My name is Star-Flower. I am in need of nothing. Life is good here in Gaiwyn, and we have all that we need."

2016-10-30, 08:35 PM
The Great Planetary

Ezoth dreamed, lulled by the echoes of melodies Zuben bought to them. The deity dreamed of a cave glittering like the night sky, full of gems and crystal reflecting the light around them. The colors shining on the wall danced along the shadows in an harmonic and coordinated valtz, as if every move was calculated. And Ezoth watched, thinking about constellations while observing the elegance of the colors. Each jewel shone with a hue unique to it, contrasting with the neighbour gems and making a colorful visual symphony.
A synchromy.
The deity abruptly woke up. Something pushed them out of a dream that was already no longer theirs. Althrough slightly offended, they were curious, gazing at the dream bubble that was already changing its shape, as if it gained its own mind. It grew more solid, falling on one of the numerous rings of the great planetary when it became too heavy, not far from the center where Ezoth was.
The crystals representing the stars shone brighter around the solidified dream bubble.
Ezoth watched as a new deity, Auron, came to be.

A Crystal God Begin

Light, flashes of it, colors of various kinds, a world before the eye of a new god. From nothing into something, and with it, a flood of sensation. It would take him a moment for it to all process, in the meantime, his body coalesced into it's solid form. Long hair, down to his thighs, thick and curly, flowed down his head as the entire body formed. Emerald eyes gleamed, dark skin, heavily tanned, but smooth and pure touched to the ground. Lean muscles formed under the skin, and a long coat, with simple tunic and trousers, though soft, they were also tough, beneath. Despite the soft appearance, beneath it all, Auron was made of crystal.

After a moment, he raised his head, and rose from the floor. He was tall, eight feet, and while lean, he was well muscled, and his eyes gleamed with a not-so-pure light. Looking back down at himself, deep blue crystal armor rippled over his form, beneath the coat he now wore, at his hip, a simple long-sword of polished topaz at his side, handled for use with both one and two hands. On his back, a shield, squally simple, of a lighter shade of the same crystal making up his armor. No helmet, his hair was let free, and has face was clean shaven.

He looked around, observing his surroundings, and tilted his head at Ezoth before him.

"I am guessing that you are the closet thing to father that I have."

His voice matched the rest of him, fairly androgynous, and light, but not without something within that set skin crawling, and hairs on necks rising.

2016-10-30, 09:56 PM
South of Thinakawii, The Wild Plains

Sathwatch ranged out to the southern edge of the jungle home of the Takwa. His eyes came to settle upon the great Wild Plains and a toothy smile came across his face.

He ran.

His great and furry mane thrashed in the wind. His large clumsy looking feet moved with supernatural grace as they crushed the dirt and grass with every step. He ran and ran..a great wide path was formed as a number of beasts, predator and prey alike followed in his steps, each wild creature of The Wild Plains fell into it's own step. Every creature making it's own migratory path.

Finally, when Sathwatch came to a stop, only one group of creatures of the plains managed to keep up with him. He cast his eyes over them and a grin crossed his face again. "Hmmmmm... Cheenari...Hmmmmm... Forever fast... Forever Wild."

At his words, the great spotted cats rose to their hind legs. Paws shaped into hands and spines became erect. Fastest in the plains, greatest of all predators.

3AP Start
-1AP Bless(The Great Migratory Path): Each beast, each creature within The Wild Plains falls into a circular migratory path in the Wild Plains. Prey follows the graze, predator follows prey and scavengers follow both.
-2AP Create Sentient Life(The Cheenari): The Cheenari are a race of cheetah-folk. They are exceedingly fast and athletic with great agility, nomadic in nature. They are currently the only sentient race in The Wild Plains.
0AP Remains

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-31, 06:09 PM

Ursa tilted their head. Their mission didn't state they couldn't talk with the mortals that werent seeking to break the rules of the Great Planetary. Why not.

I understand. This place looks wonderful. Perhaps you came here out of curiosity ?

A Crystal God Begin

Ezoth looked at the newborn deity. Or it seemed so. They weren't used to be seen by another deity, nor let alone see another deity. Unlike Auron, Ezoth didn't have a face per se, but their various body part spinned at different paces, conveying some feeling. Right now, they were spinning slowly. Thoughtful, the god of Stars and Dreams didn't move or speak. But before Auron could find it unnerving, the rings that are part of their body spun faster.

Perhaps. You are indeed born from what used to be my dream, but it became yours as soon as you manifested, Crystal king.

The voice resonated within the Great Planetary, as if the whole place was talking to the newborn god.

2016-10-31, 10:38 PM
A Crystal God Begins

Ezoth looked at the newborn deity. Or it seemed so. They weren't used to be seen by another deity, nor let alone see another deity. Unlike Auron, Ezoth didn't have a face per se, but their various body part spinned at different paces, conveying some feeling. Right now, they were spinning slowly. Thoughtful, the god of Stars and Dreams didn't move or speak. But before Auron could find it unnerving, the rings that are part of their body spun faster.

Perhaps. You are indeed born from what used to be my dream, but it became yours as soon as you manifested, Crystal king.

The voice resonated within the Great Planetary, as if the whole place was talking to the newborn god.

Taking a Tour

Auron cocked his head slightly, and then turned, fading out. He had a new world to explore, and his father seemed a bit to....lax for Auron to want to spend much time around him. Instead, he turned his focus to the universe as it was, He watched, high above the world, his eyes open, ears listening, taking in everything. He spent a long time watching, a scowl growing ever deeper on his face. He had watched, waited, and listened, and he had found the world wanting.

He descended down, deep in thought the entire time, watching closely the world around him even now, as much as he could. Touching to the ground west of a lake that bordered a jungle, and south of said jungle was a vast plain, both full of chaotic, wild creatures. The mountain would keep what he had at bay until they were ready, for now, he looked out into the forest that lay between two branching arms of the range. Far down they faded into hills, then finally, more plains, leaving the west These plains were far more barren, but once you crossed them, you'd eventually reach the coast.

At the base of the mountain, his back turned to it, and the lake further behind, he stood and smiled, small though it was. A ruby dagger formed in his hand, and the armor on his left arm faded, for now. Dragging the dagger across his skin, he let his blood flow into the ground, where it disappeared quickly, as if the ground itself desired his blood.

"Rise my children, rise into a world that sorely needs you. Take the gifts I give you, the knowledge I impart, and the world itself will bow before you."[/I]

Figures began rising from the soil, tall, and lean, similar to Auron. Well muscled, and with eyes just as calculating as his, he looked around and chuckled a little. He hadn't gotten it quite right, the balance between male and female was off. Instead of 1:1 like he had intended, it was 2:1, putting more of the women on the field. No matter, it would change nothing. Like him, they appeared soft, and fleshy, but beneath the exterior they had bones of crystals, and while their hearts were not ice, indeed, they could love, laugh, sing, cry, for these things he felt could, despite the inherent chaos, when used right, bring further unity.

"You are my people, the Tradian. Before you is a land untamed, bridled with everything you need to prosper, and spread. Behind this peak, and beyond the lake, is one of several wild people that inhabit this world. In time, you will conquer some, or all of them, but when you do, hear this. I forbid slavery, any people that can freely work within the order you will build shall be one of my children, same as you. Until such a time, I have two other laws to lay down, everything else, I leave to you. Secondly, you shall allow free worship in these lands, I am not the only god in this world, and in time, the others will find you. You may worship them, or reject them, but do not let these new ideas threaten what you are meant to build. Finally and most importantly, do not poison the lann or the water. Take what you need, but always insure that it can continue to be used, poisoning your land, present or future, will only spell your doom."

He took two strides over to the tallest of the Tradian standing, and to her forehead, he imparted knowledge. It flowed from her, and into the rest of the Tradian. Knowledge of how to harness the world around them, and even of a sohilciety they were given.

With that, he turned, and left. There was still much of the world to see, other gods to meet, and his people needed time to adapt, and use what he had taught.

Staring AP: 16

-2 AP; Create Sapient Life (2AP); The Tradian - A tall (Six foot is below average), and lean race. Their hair, and eyes are much like their fathers, long, thick, and full; clear, crystalline, and calculating. They are deeply tanned, and clever, they are perhaps, a little easily distracted. In spite of this, the more of them there are working together, the more efficient they are. Incredibly social, and in love with the various arts, though they tend to invest in.....darker themes.

- 1 AP; Create Organization (1AP); The Topaz Knights - The Topaz Knights are an elite group of Tradian warriors, separate from the military proper, though more often then not they also hold rank in the military. Clad in yellow, and like Tradian society as a whole, caring little for sex, they wield long-swords like Auron, and take train seriously all year round.

-1AP; Create Organization (1AP); The Sapphire Scribes - Don't let the name fool you, they are as dangerous as their Topaz counterparts. Warrior-Priests and Mages dedicated to Auron, they are the elite lore keepers of Tradian society. While still in it's infancy compared to the Topaz Knights, due to a lack of magical knowledge in the world, they still hold great sway in Tradian society.

-2 AP; Form Society (2AP); Geode - Geode, named for the wide variety of crystal bones in the Tradian people, seen through their teeth, is in it's infancy, but already it has shown it's strength. Nobility, and Democracy are concepts both lost in Geode. Instead, it is ruled by four individuals, each the best of their respective overview. Economics, Military, Knowledge, and Civics. The best general, merchant, theologian/scientist, and governor that they can find. There is, however, a hierarchy within, at the bottom is the civics leader, in the middle is the scribe and merchant, and on top of it all, the military commander.

*-1 AP; Create Mundane Concept (1AP); Mining - Tradian miners are masters of pulling resources from the ground, though they still do everything they can to obey Auron's command to poison the soil and water.*

*-1 AP; Create Mundane Concept (1AP); Masonry - The Tradian People are well suited to crafting stone, and can create marvelous works from them*

*-1 AP; Create Mundane Concept (1AP); Smithing - Tradian works are among the best iron, and bronze creations in the world. Word has it they continue to strengthen the metal even to this day.*

*-1 AP; Create Mundane Concept (1AP); Music - While art is nothing new in the world, the Tradian people have taken it a step further by taming music to mortal whims. Tradian music tends to be haunting, and dedicated to those that have passed on.*

*-2 AP; Create Advanced Concept (2AP); Architectural Engineering - Just as they may use stone, they have turned it into an artform, and a means of insuring their works last for generations, and even protect them in war.*

*-2 AP; Create Advanced Concept (2AP); Code of Laws - Order is the center of society, and the Tardian laws are well kept, and monitored. It is who they are, and keeps them from descending into chaos.*

*-2 AP; Create Advanced Concept (2AP); Tardian - Their language is named after their own race, a haunting, and eloquent language the hides the somewhat sinister nature most of the race has.*

Gain Domain (10AP, indicated by * * around the used actions) - Civilization (Progress)
16 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 16 AP Spent

0 AP Left

2016-11-02, 07:38 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Not far from Geode, a group of Takwa crossed over the river. They were simple hunters of The Follows who were capable of some minor Songs. They used this to weave the plains around them, grass and seed rising up to conceal their forms from prey and predator alike.

They came to a halt as they saw Geode in the distance and spoke among each other in hushed whispers and low whistles. "What is that?"

Black Socks
2016-11-02, 07:50 PM

Ursa tilted their head. Their mission didn't state they couldn't talk with the mortals that werent seeking to break the rules of the Great Planetary. Why not.

I understand. This place looks wonderful. Perhaps you came here out of curiosity ?

"We were created here by our great Muse, lady Qefnera." Star-Flower replied, his voice taking on a reverent tone when he spoke of Qefnera.

2016-11-02, 08:15 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Not far from Geode, a group of Takwa crossed over the river. They were simple hunters of The Follows who were capable of some minor Songs. They used this to weave the plains around them, grass and seed rising up to conceal their forms from prey and predator alike.

They came to a halt as they saw Geode in the distance and spoke among each other in hushed whispers and low whistles. "What is that?"

Of Civilization and The Wild

A group of three Tradian strayed far from their little village not far from, spears in hand. All three were women, tall and proud, who wore their hair long and free. Two had black hair, while the third, taller, and leading the three, had bright red hair, and ruby teeth. The two behind her were twins, and while they muttered between themselves, obviously tracking something, there are flashes of green light from their emerald teeth. Their clothes were simple, formed mostly from woven grass, though one wore the tanned hide of a previous kill, it's pointed teeth around her neck as a trophy. While they did not have magic, they were proficient and skilled hunters in their own right, their spears of bronze had simple leather coverings to prevent flashes of light from revealing them. The lead also had a simple bow, made of horn, and arrows with plain white feathers. They didn't notice the little Takwa at all, so focused were they on their task at hand.

"Brita, the herd has already moved west, are you sure that there's any left here?"

"Quiet, I know I saw a particularly male yesterday, if we can fell it, it'll give us plenty of meat to be able to trade."

"Yeah sure, I'm going to see if I can't snag something smaller for dinner so this wasn't a total waste of time."

2016-11-02, 08:30 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

The Takwa watched the Tradian women with interest from their spot in the grass. Years spent amongst nature had given them the insight they needed to see that these three were hunters, although clearly lacking in the skill that the Takwa possessed.

A shrill whistle echoed across the Plains, a simple tune that was easily memorized. It's was a Song of Life which drew upon the primal energies of the world and caused a flock of quail to rise up from the brush over the trio's heads.

Feathers and beaks swirled about the three in such a manner that was both beautiful to the eye and rendered the quail as simple targets for any form of net, spear or arrow.

2016-11-02, 08:53 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

The Takwa watched the Tradian women with interest from their spot in the grass. Years spent amongst nature had given them the insight they needed to see that these three were hunters, although clearly lacking in the skill that the Takwa possessed.

A shrill whistle echoed across the Plains, a simple tune that was easily memorized. It's was a Song of Life which drew upon the primal energies of the world and caused a flock of quail to rise up from the brush over the trio's heads.

Feathers and beaks swirled about the three in such a manner that was both beautiful to the eye and rendered the quail as simple targets for any form of net, spear or arrow.

Of Civilization and The Wild

The twins, Clia and Ertria, threw their spears fairly instinctively, they both scored hits, and quickly collected the quail and their spears, tying the birds to their belts. Brita on the other hand, craned her head from the direction the whistle came in, an unfamiliar noise, and one that had came just before the quail. She had her suspicions now.

"Clia, Ertria, down now. There's something new out there."

The twins nearly argued with Brita, but when they noticed just how serious her face was, they dropped without complaint, eyes scanning the grass. They split, Brita moving in a near straight line while the other two, smaller as they were (though they were still easily six foot two), spread out on either side. all of them were hoping to catch sight of the newcomers. After all, it might be a warband from one of the larger cities.

2016-11-02, 09:00 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Even as the hunters began to spread out, a melody swept through the area in a haunting and beautiful symphony which brought to mind vast forests and endless torrents of rain. The Takwa called forth the Song of Life and the grass grew impossibly tall and thick. Attempting to wade through it would be like trying to walk through a thick wall of mud.

One of the Takwa called out from the grass in the tongue of their people, chirps and whistles like wind rustling across the grass. "Hairless! Take your gift and be happy!"

2016-11-02, 09:21 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Even as the hunters began to spread out, a melody swept through the area in a haunting and beautiful symphony which brought to mind vast forests and endless torrents of rain. The Takwa called forth the Song of Life and the grass grew impossibly tall and thick. Attempting to wade through it would be like trying to walk through a thick wall of mud.

One of the Takwa called out from the grass in the tongue of their people, chirps and whistles like wind rustling across the grass. "Hairless! Take your gift and be happy!"

Brita jumped back as the grass in in front of her suddenly grew, she kept her calm compared Clia and Ertria who let out audible shrieks.

"Keep it together you two! We are the only defenders our village currently has, all the soldiers are in the town. I don't think that this is from a rival warband, this is magic of some kind, and the Scribes don't usually get involved in these affairs, according to the merchants. This is new, get out your clearing knives, and start cutting."

She did what she yelled to them, unable to tell what the chirps and whistles meant, not knowing they were a language. Instead, adding the haunting Tradian language to the fray. With bronze knives in hand, the three started hacking away at the grass. Even if they didn't find anything, the weavers would appreciate as much grass as they could work with. The Twins, though obeying, were obviously frightened, they began making progress, faster than just wading through, but slower than their original stalk.

2016-11-02, 09:31 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Fits of giggle and laughter echoed across the area as the Takwa watched on. These new people were becoming increasingly entertaining to them.

More whistles and songs echoed across the clearing and the tall grass simply parted to reveal a path large enough for a single hunter to walk through and at the end of the path was a 2ft tall grey furred monkey in a loin cloth with what appeared to be a strip of leather tied to his waistband next to a leather pouch.

The Takwa touched the fingers of his left hand to his forehead.

2016-11-02, 09:51 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Fits of giggle and laughter echoed across the area as the Takwa watched on. These new people were becoming increasingly entertaining to them.

More whistles and songs echoed across the clearing and the tall grass simply parted to reveal a path large enough for a single hunter to walk through and at the end of the path was a 2ft tall grey furred monkey in a loin cloth with what appeared to be a strip of leather tied to his waistband next to a leather pouch.

The Takwa touched the fingers of his left hand to his forehead.

Brita froze for a second, and then sheathed her dagger, clutching the spear in both hands. Her spear was beaten and worn, it was only bronze after all, but it was still sharp, and glinted in the sunlight. Gritting her teeth, and calming her aggressive instincts, Brita move forward slowly and carefully, spear ready to deal with any threat.

"Who, and what are you?"

She called in the Tardian language. The twins meanwhile, slowed their progress, listening more carefully.

2016-11-02, 10:11 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

The Takwa giggled before pursing his lips together and repeating the song which called forth the quail and the birds immediately took to the air again.

For a few short moments, the Takwa continued his song and when he ended it, the quail dropped back into the brush. He repeated the song again, much slower, instructional, pausing in hopes that Brita would pick up on it.

The other Takwa watched from their hidden spots in silence. They too wondered if the hunters were capable of The Song of Life.

2016-11-02, 10:33 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

The Takwa giggled before pursing his lips together and repeating the song which called forth the quail and the birds immediately took to the air again.

For a few short moments, the Takwa continued his song and when he ended it, the quail dropped back into the brush. He repeated the song again, much slower, instructional, pausing in hopes that Brita would pick up on it.

The other Takwa watched from their hidden spots in silence. They too wondered if the hunters were capable of The Song of Life.

Of Civilization and The Wild

Brita growled, and dropped into a defensive posture, easily recognizing the source of the magic. She never trusted the stuff.

"Begone foul shaman!"

Clia on the other hand, cocked her head, and responded to the whistles with a near match of her own, only off by a little, she stopped carving a path as she tried a second time, getting a little closer, but still not perfect. Her sister on the other hand froze, eyes wide, her teeth bared in both fear, and anger. She had never trusted the Scribes when they showed up, why would she trust a completely strange magic with a strange master.

2016-11-03, 07:25 AM
Of Civilization and the Wild

At the sudden aggression, the Takwa disappeared into the brush. He was after all not built for combat at all.

When Clia intoned the song, although imperfectly the primal energies of the world responded to her. She could feel for the instant of her song, the life which surrounded her in every direction and those spots of life that were the quail when they once again took flight, although lacking in the perfect circular pattern when coaxed by the Takwa.

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-03, 09:38 AM

I see. So you're the elfs, Her creation.

The Stag nodded.

Tell me, I saw a glimpse of your dreams, for all this creativity, are you inspired by the verdant forests surrounding you ? Do you look at the sky ? Perhaps your Goddess inspired you.

You see, I am, well, we sprites are intrigued by what makes your dreams so colorful. How comes you imagine things ? Creativity is such a wonderful gift you have been given. Treasure it.

The Stag suddendly turned its head. A cry for guidance, a lost soul. Ursa could recognise it among a thousand voices.

Farewell. May your dreams and art be always a source of curiosity and wonder.

And the Dream Stag dissapeared among the bushes, following the voice of the soul. Althrough brief, this encounter was interesting. But duty called, and lost souls must be guided back into the Fugue plane before they wander off too far.


Two Dream Sprites landed on a branch. One was smaller with a yellow eye, while the other, probably older, had a red eye. They might have wandered off a bit too far, but Dream Stags were never too far to show them the way back to their plane. They both decided to wander in that world where dreamers lived, unknown to them.
Some Takwas caught a sight of the two creatures. After all, their appearance clearly showed that they werent quite a part of the scenery.

H̷e̵̛͜ll̀̀o ?̧͠

Hello ?

2016-11-03, 11:39 AM
Of Civilization and the Wild

At the sudden aggression, the Takwa disappeared into the brush. He was after all not built for combat at all.

When Clia intoned the song, although imperfectly the primal energies of the world responded to her. She could feel for the instant of her song, the life which surrounded her in every direction and those spots of life that were the quail when they once again took flight, although lacking in the perfect circular pattern when coaxed by the Takwa.

Brita stalked forward, this little stealthy thing may have magic, but there's always a trace, if she looked long, and hard enough, she would be able to find it, even if it took days. Ertria, meanwhile, threw her hands in the air and stomped off. Magic monkey people was to much, even for her. She'd tell the village about it, and with the quail she'd scored, she now had a meal, and some feathers to do....something with, right now, she had no real idea.

Clia watched, slightly amazed at what she had called forth, if imperfectly. She smiled, this would take her far, if she could figure it out enough, she might even be able to join the Scribes and go to the capital. Brita meanwhile, had always dreamed of being a Topaz Knight, but first she had to afford the armor just to become a normal soldier.

2016-11-03, 09:01 PM
Monkey and The Dreams

The Takwa who were bathing in a small stream collectively stopped what they were doing and as a whole looked up at the creatures who have come to visit them.

Instinctively, more than a few darted off and disappeared into the bushes, the Keepers among them, however stayed.

One such Keeper, an elder Takwa with brown and greying fur rose up from the water and touched his fingers to his head in greeting of the dream sprites and spoke in the Takwa language in a series of chirps and whistles. "Greetings, strange ones. What brings you here?"

Of Civilization and The Wild

Little was left of the encounter. No matter how hard the huntress tried, she would not find any tracks left behind by the people who invented the very art of hunting.

However, if she were to look close enough, she would find a small leaf. It's veins glowed a very feint fluorescent green and maybe perhaps she knew from whence it came.

2016-11-03, 09:52 PM
Of Civilization and The Wild

Little was left of the encounter. No matter how hard the huntress tried, she would not find any tracks left behind by the people who invented the very art of hunting.

However, if she were to look close enough, she would find a small leaf. It's veins glowed a very feint fluorescent green and maybe perhaps she knew from whence it came.

Of Civilization and The Wild

Brita picked up the leaf, and carefully tucked it in her pouch. Standing the spear up, point in the ground, she drew her bow, and selected a very special arrow. Notching it, she fired it at an angle back towards the village, and it whistled through the air, shrill but clear on the flat land. It was a signal, pure and perfect, for the village to be ready for big news. She turned away, what was one shaman, when she know had a hint at where they had come from? Trade was possible, but so were.....many, many other things. Regardless, this would improve her standing, maybe she'd even get a shot at becoming a real soldier. Besides, Clia had learned something new, and Ertria would likely want to go back to the village. She wasn't cut out for this sort of confrontation, so she'd need to go home.

Brita released three more arrows, normal ones, and took down some Quail, she had been watching where they were landing. Collecting them, she headed back to the village, she had a meal, and then some, as well.

2016-11-03, 11:35 PM
Throughout the Cirrina
Slowly the Cephalids grew better at psionics as each successive generation became entrenched in the telepathic link of the Grozoth. After a couple generations they were even able to finally find out how to combine the natural camouflage that they used to communicate with each other with the psionics that now permeated their society. Against their own they used such illusions and glamours as a means to communicate beyond telepathy. Against the dangers of their homes, though, the Maculosa found their ideal solution for dangers that they didn’t wish to kill using the Kraken.
Starting: 6 (4 + 2 Rollover)
Create Subconcept (-2 AP): Illusions (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Illusions) (and Glamours (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Glamours)) as a subconcept of Psionics. As with mind control or the like, the higher abilities are restricted to perhaps a handful of individuals, with most practitioners among the Cephalids using it as a means of communication as opposed to language. Against any enemies they happen to encounter they use said illusions to bolster what camouflage they've maintained from the octopi forebears to hide or bolster what ink they've managed to maintain through the generations to distract that which wishes them harm.
Ending: 4 AP

2016-11-04, 04:39 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Roaring Hall of Woven Flame (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saI4GRAPlXk)

Jyn'Hao moved yet through the elsewhere, finding another realm to plant the seeds of the Cradle. Here bloomed The Roaring Hall of Woven Flame, a realm of heat and destruction that only the Shi could walk unshielded. Jyn'Hao was pleased for this countered the calm of Placid Vestabule and there was order once again in the roaring confines of the planes. It was here too that Jyn'Hao planted another seed, this of purest Nocturne, a substance dense and hard yet waiting for those who could work its form into beauty.


Create Plane: The Roaring Hall of Woven Flame (2AP) - The Roaring Hall of Woven Flame appears like it was once a vast planar city made of solid night now destroyed by oceans and rivers of cosmic fire. The entire plane is a vast maelstrom with the city at its center and at the center of the city is a towering monument of Nocturne that pulses and bleeds. Shi walk the ruined streets in their unknown purpose.

Create Advanced Concept: Nocturne (2AP) - Nocturne is both an ore and refined metal that can be found in the various planes formed by The Navel of Creation. Nocturne can be either a solid, liquid, gas or plasma depending on where it’s found however if Nocturne is ever brought to the First World it becomes a solid matte black ore. This ore can then be processed like any normal metal though requires incredibly high heat. Weapons and armor made out of Nocturne are far lighter and more durable than their iron or steel and unlike other metals can be spun into incredibly delicate fibers and be made into regular clothing, nets or other fabric tools.


2016-11-04, 07:57 PM
Biyaha - Syman Sea

The Father of Waters tarried in the Syman Sea for countless years. Something about the placid, warm waters soothed his restless spirit and called to him to cease his endless wandering. For time indeterminate he floated aimlessly, letting the gentle currents push him back and forth in his torpidity. As had occurred countless times before his wondering thoughts and moods led to a slow physical transformation. He became a great reptilian beast with a toothy elongated snout, long powerful tail, and truncated legs ending in webbed claws. Thus it is that the southern waters of the Syman Sea contain a prodigious number of alligators.

Biyaha drifted north across the sprawling waters surrounded by a congregation of gators. Thinking back about his trek across the western lands he recalled fondly his brief and furtive interaction with the Takwa. As he came to the mouth of the Upper Webiga, he slowed to study the creatures around him. In a flourish, he swirled around the alligators before withdrawing to watch the slow change that overcame them. The legs lengthened noticeably while the snout and teeth changed more subtly, but perhaps more importantly their brains became infinitely more complex as they gained self-awareness.

As the gatormen swam to shore with quick and violent thrusts of their tails, Biyaha watched intently as they rose up out of the water to walk erect. The largest male among them pointed toward a clump of cypress trees growing along the swampy shoreline, communicating to the others in a series of deep rumbling growls, bellows, and hisses.

Thinking to protect this new sentient life, The Father of Waters carved a second course for the Upper Webiga, creating an island sanctuary for them.

Beginning AP 11+4(rollover) = 15AP

Create Sapient Life -2AP: Yaxin(Gator Man): Yaxin are a species of long lived humanoid alligators. They have the following characteristics:

Life span: 275 to 325 years
The average middle aged male stands approximately eight feet tall and weighs about 600 lbs.
No innate magical abilities
Thick scaly hide and powerful tail
Natural weapons consisting of tail, claws, and their greatest weapon is their bite
Males and females mate for life(live birth, not hatched from eggs)
Terrific swimmers, but ponderously slow overland speed, in both the water and on land they prefer to stay still and quiet before lunging at their enemies with incredible quickness
Due to their ponderous movements and slow speech, most believe them to be rather stupid or simple creatures
Despite their physically intimidating features, the Yaxin are a peaceful and docile people, slow to anger, cautious and deliberate in their decision making
Alter Land - 1AP: Meelamman(The Safe Place) Island at the mouth of the Upper Webiga
Create Advanced Concept - 2AP: Yaxia: The language of the Yaxin.
Yaxia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_yyvTRVoZQ)

Remaining AP: 15AP -2AP -1AP -2AP = 10AP

2016-11-04, 09:37 PM
Mt. Hatii
As the yeas went by the Sinca became curious. The Song of Life had animated them, and given them new life where there had been none before. But what if they changed some of the rhythms. What if they used it on the mountain itself.

And so the Sinca attempted to wake the mountain, but they were not gods, and their changing songs did not have such power. What it did have however was the power to shape and change the rock and stone. And so the Harmony of the Sinca sang the Song of Stone, and while it had not done what they had expected their new found ability to call forth stones and shape minerals into pleasing arrangements was of great use.

The Lakes of Esh
Om sat in the Lakes of Esh bored of all the jumping and crashing it had had to do to form the land into the shape it desired. But as it listened to the waters trickle and chime it grew dissatisfied. The sounds of life and nature were all well and good, but it did not match the songs it had once heard.

And so once more Om began to make the lands sing. This time however the main component was the rush of water and the lapping of waves in a liquid melody. And where the singers of the mountains were hard and stony those who joined their voices to the melodies of Esh were fluid and shifting.

These were the people of the lakes. A people of mud and slime who rushed through the waters and hunted at the lake edges. And of course they sung the Song of Life. And though it was a different tune than the people of the mountains the Living Stone was pleased with its new creations.

Starting AP 10
(+4 AP) Rollover

(-2 AP) Subconcept of Song of Life: Song of Stone
Where the Song of Life rejuvenates and provides motivation for living things the Sinca have synthesized it through their mineral bodies to affect the stones and minerals in the ground as well. With the Song of Stone they can call forth metals and encourage new deposits to grow.

(-2 AP) Create Sapient Life: The Slimnia
A race of oozing beings made up of swamp water and silt. The Slimnia's forms are malleable and ever changing. They make their homes on the lake bottoms of Esh and hunt the wildlife that lives there.

(-2 AP) Create Society: The Lake People
The society of the Slimnias is one of trade and gossip. It is as fluid as the waterways they live and the Slimnia themselves. Often an individual slimnian will not live in one place, but travel the lakes adding a little bit to the rock dwellings on the lake bottoms it uses and trading with other slimnians for songs and juicy gossip.

Ending AP 8

2016-11-04, 10:51 PM
Biyaha - Syman Sea

Biyaha swirled in a circuitous path around the island home of the Yaxin people, watching their curious endeavors with ever increasing fascination. A strange paternal instinct began to manifest within his fluid essence as a single, pure note that to his surprise grew so rapidly that it became uncontrollable. When he felt he could no longer contain it, he raised himself from the waters, threw back his head, and issued a clarion cry - a note so pure it could only be heard by the gods; his brothers and sisters. That single note conveyed the beauty and significance of First World and all of its living things. The Father of Waters lowered his head. There was no reaction from the world around him, for no living thing could hear the call, nor could they comprehend it if they had. Biyaha, however, was still and silent as he waited to see if others like him would take up the note and carry it on.

Beginning AP = 10AP

Form Pantheon -1 AP: Ra'iisul(The Prime) - Gods and Goddesses who invest themselves in shaping the First World and/or its many diverse life forms. Good, evil, creator, destroyer, protector, servitor, or conqueror - it matters not. All that matters is that the god or goddess be "invested" in the First World. As such, at least one god or goddess must maintain the Prime Note at all times. One god must forfeit their weekly PAP to maintain the note, and each member of The Ra'iisul must take a turn. IF we get to the requisite number to qualify for PAP, Biyaha will carry the note for the first week.
Remaining AP = 10AP -1P = 9AP

2016-11-05, 01:14 AM
[redacted please ignore]

2016-11-05, 06:34 AM
The march of stone.

Therus needed minions to do the simple small tasks, so The dark army was founded. The dark army needed food, armor, weapons and a place for their kin to live, so the echoing eclipse came to be.

Therus moved to find foes and victims, so the dark army had to march and such the echoing eclipse was nomadic.

On this day the convoy marched on, the people and houses cared their tents and supplies. The murmur of people making small talk could be herd, speaking and asking. “Where are we going this time?” “Will the weather stay fair this cycle?” “When are we going to trade next?” could be herd.

The Echo raised a closed fist above his head signalling the convoy to stop and stop they did. A solider of the dark army asked the question he always asked whenever they stopped. “Am I to tell the people to set up camp or are we just pausing the march?”

“You worms are to set up long term camp.” The god’s voice echoed and was herd by all of the convoy.

There was little confusion, here there was only a few tree and a natural quarry. No villages to parlay or terrorize, no home for a hero nor valuable reasons to gather and trade. Therus grabbed a massive stone, then sliced it into seemingly perfect bricks and then the god started to place the bricks. Once done placing the bricks the echo grabbed another stone and started again and repeated it again.

Over the course of days, the god build four mighty pillars then top the pillars he built massive castle. Therus with his work done he stood before his followers. “Listen to me worms I have noticed a number of problems with the march. You can do very little work while marching and can only march for so long. Now none of this is your fault, you are just flesh and blood, but I have decided we’re not going to endure these problems any longer. So I have built this castle.”

The echo guested to the stone structure behind him and uttered one mighty word. “Kneel!” And so the castle’s pillars bent like the legs of an animal kneeling down, its entrance touching the ground. The god turned to his owe struck followers and continued to speak. “It shall march while you, little worms will make your homes inside it.”


From society (2ap): the echoing eclipse

This society has two core rules, Therus’ word is law and any that wish to leave the society can do so fearing no repercussions for doing so. All most every man, woman and child of this group has a family member or friend is a member of the dark army.

Despite being the people of the god of villainy, the echoing eclipse aren’t evil or preform evil acts, besides supporting the dark army. They are just normal people living there lives.

Create land (2ap): the marching castle

This castle of stone is larger than most mortals could build (but in terms of gods it’s not that big) and it marches on its four pillars like they were legs. Oddly despite its sized and weight the castle has very shallow foot prints, walk over water and atop trees only braking branches.

The castle is not intelligent in anyway; it simply follows orders by ether the helmsman (the person most loyal to Therus (that isn’t Therus) in the control room of the castle) or Therus who only need to speak to the castle. Like most chains of command involving Therus, the god of overrules all others and their orders.

Weave plane (4ap): halls of the marching castle

The rooms and halls of the marching castle act in odd ways, there are halls and rooms larger than the castle’s outer walls. Halls can turn right four times and never led to themselves, adjacent rooms that should overlap do not, stairs that go down but led to higher rooms.

Due to the nature of the castle halls and rooms, the castle is not only bigger on the inside but is functionally infinite.

Bridge plane (2ap): the doors of the marching castle

While the outer and inner walls of the castle seem to be within the same plane they are upon two different planes. The outer castle normally resides on the first world, while its halls are a plane unto them self. (see above)

Bearing magic and gods the only way to enter or leave the castle it though its doors and windows. Attempts to break down the walls of the castle to enter or leave it are met with odd realities. Those that brake the walls from the inside find an empty void stretching out infinity from the hole in the wall. those that brake the walls from the outside find layer after layer of bricks until they reach the other side of the castle, never finding the structure internal areas.

Gain domain: structure (fortification)

From society (2ap): the echoing eclipse
Create land (2ap): the marching castle
Weave plane (4ap): halls of the marching castle
Bridge plane (2ap): the doors of the marching castle


2016-11-05, 11:42 AM
Biyaha - Syman Sea

Biyaha swirled in a circuitous path around the island home of the Yaxin people, watching their curious endeavors with ever increasing fascination. A strange paternal instinct began to manifest within his fluid essence as a single, pure note that to his surprise grew so rapidly that it became uncontrollable. When he felt he could no longer contain it, he raised himself from the waters, threw back his head, and issued a clarion cry - a note so pure it could only be heard by the gods; his brothers and sisters. That single note conveyed the beauty and significance of First World and all of its living things. The Father of Waters lowered his head. There was no reaction from the world around him, for no living thing could hear the call, nor could they comprehend it if they had. Biyaha, however, was still and silent as he waited to see if others like him would take up the note and carry it on.

Beginning AP = 10AP

Form Pantheon -1 AP: Ra'iisul(The Prime) - Gods and Goddesses who invest themselves in shaping the First World and/or its many diverse life forms. Good, evil, creator, destroyer, protector, servitor, or conqueror - it matters not. All that matters is that the god or goddess be "invested" in the First World. As such, at least one god or goddess must maintain the Prime Note at all times. One god must forfeit their weekly PAP to maintain the note, and each member of The Ra'iisul must take a turn. IF we get to the requisite number to qualify for PAP, Biyaha will carry the note for the first week.
Remaining AP = 10AP -1P = 9AP

Divine Call

Auron strode through the plains, observing the many species that had already cropped up in this world. One had already found his own children, he'd have to watch that, it may have some interesting consequences towards the cogs of the machine he had created. There was an echo, it was no.....wait, that wasn't an echo. It was a call, and he could feel the divinity permeating it. He listened, and he answered, appearing before Biyaha, his own energy already swirling to join the call.

"You have called, and it seems I am the first to answer. My name is Auron, and I am called The Crystal King."


Form Pantheon -1 AP: Ra'iisul(The Prime)[/B] - Gods and Goddesses who invest themselves in shaping the First World and/or its many diverse life forms. Good, evil, creator, destroyer, protector, servitor, or conqueror - it matters not. All that matters is that the god or goddess be "invested" in the First World. As such, at least one god or goddess must maintain the Prime Note at all times. One god must forfeit their weekly PAP to maintain the note, and each member of The Ra'iisul must take a turn. IF we get to the requisite number to qualify for PAP, Biyaha will carry the note for the first week.

4 - 1 = 3

3 AP Left

2016-11-05, 02:20 PM
Divine Call

Squatting amongst the tall grass of The Wild Plains, Sathwatch cocked his head at the sound of his as of yet unknown father's voice which echoed across the world.

The Beast stood up and tossed his hairy mane back before letting out a resounding cry in response. His was wild and untamed, as it should be.

0AP Start
+4AP Rollover
-1AP Join Pantheon(Ra'iisul): The Circle is complete and we now have our first pantheon!
3AP Remaining

2016-11-05, 04:45 PM
The Wild Pact

Hidden deep within the trees of Thinakawii, a group of Takwa came together from amongst The Follows and beyond.

The eldest among them stood, he spoke with authority as the Takwa respected age and experience above all else. "He warned us. He told us that civilization would come with their order and their buildings. We, however will NOT lose faith, brothers and sisters."

He drew out his hunting knife and slashed it across his palm. Blood red began to drop forth as he squeezed that hand into a fist and the other Takwa did likewise. "We of the Wild Pact shall not succumb to civilization and order. We will protect and guide our people so that we might live as Sathwatch has taught us! This I swear!"

With those words of bonding, The Eldest raised his hand up into the air and the others did the same in response, echoing his vow. "This we swear."

3AP 1PAP Start

-1PAP Create Organization(The Wild Pact): Led by The Eldest, The Wild Pact is a collection of family heads and skilled hunters who act as ambassadors between the tribes, leaders and defenders of Thinakawii. Most folk refer to members of The Wild Pact as Scars due to the nature of their bonding ritual which requires the initiate to slice his own hand open and drip it on the ground.

3AP 0PAP Remaining

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-05, 04:58 PM
Monkey and The Dreams

The Dream Sprites looked at eachother. There clearly was a language barrier. Flying down their branch and landing on a stone at the Takwas eye-level, they stared at the hairy creatures. The small one, apparently the youngest, drew strange patterns on the bare ground, unlike any of the Takwas saw. It looked like a lot of circles intricated in eachother, much like a planetary.
The other one seemed to sigh, before spinning its face... eye... whatever was its head clockwise in an eerie way before emitting some kind of speech. It sounded like bird songs garbled yet still melodious.

T̡̡h͜ey ͢͠do̢̕ņ'҉t͘ ̷̸k͘͟͠n̷ów ̶̸t̵͘he͡ ̸͝Gr͞͞e̶͘a̸t̡́ ̀͝Pļ̸a͘ńe̕͠t͝a̕ŕ͝y̴̕,̛̀͡ ̶͏͠Ś̛i̷͝r̵i̢͡u͘͏s.͏ L͘et̛ ̴m͝͝e̵ ̛͜h̀̕a͘͢͟nd̛l̛͠è̕ ̸͘t̴h́́͡a̸t.̀͟
̴Ó͜h҉,͏͜ ̴̧ve̶͢r̸y ̸w͘͟è̀͠ll̛͢.

The small sprite flew back to the stone, only for the red-eyed one to land and draw on the ground. It drew the silhouette of a Dream Sprite, with an arrow going from it to the previous drawing.
It then drew a hairy humanoid figure (supposedly a Takwa) and drew an arrow going from the Takwa figure to an empty spot on the soil. It seemed that the sprite wants the Takwa to draw here; pecking the ground to show them they could do so right there.
The smaller sprite looked from the drawing to the Takwas and back, with curiosity.

They don't know the Great Planetary, Sirius. Let me handle that.
Oh, very well.
5 + 4 = 9AP [rollover]

2016-11-05, 08:24 PM
Divine Call

Auron strode through the plains, observing the many species that had already cropped up in this world. One had already found his own children, he'd have to watch that, it may have some interesting consequences towards the cogs of the machine he had created. There was an echo, it was no.....wait, that wasn't an echo. It was a call, and he could feel the divinity permeating it. He listened, and he answered, appearing before Biyaha, his own energy already swirling to join the call.

"You have called, and it seems I am the first to answer. My name is Auron, and I am called The Crystal King."


Form Pantheon -1 AP: Ra'iisul(The Prime)[/B] - Gods and Goddesses who invest themselves in shaping the First World and/or its many diverse life forms. Good, evil, creator, destroyer, protector, servitor, or conqueror - it matters not. All that matters is that the god or goddess be "invested" in the First World. As such, at least one god or goddess must maintain the Prime Note at all times. One god must forfeit their weekly PAP to maintain the note, and each member of The Ra'iisul must take a turn. IF we get to the requisite number to qualify for PAP, Biyaha will carry the note for the first week.

4 - 1 = 3

3 AP Left

Biyaha - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

A column of water rose up out of the wide river fashioning itself into the figure of an old man, not very large, nor particular imposing. In a slow and gentle voice, "Greetings to you Crystal King. You may refer to me as The Old Man of the Waters if it pleases you. I have seemingly lived for an age and have spoken to no one. I know naught of my true origins or even my name. Something moved within me to call out...an...unexpected emotional outburst to be certain."

As his son, Sathwatch joined his voice to the Prime Note, the old man smiled with contentment. Turning back to The Crystal King, "It is strange. My interest in this place was barely surpassing that of idle curiosity until I gifted these people with self-awareness. Now....now, I find myself no longer...detached. Its as if I've formed some sort of...emotional connection to The World. Tell me, Auron, have you experienced the same? What stirs in your heart that you would join your note to mine."

Beginning AP = 9AP + 1PAP +4AP(rollover) =13AP +1PAP

The Prime Note -1 PAP: Biyaha will carry the note that connects the Ra'iisul to The First World.

Ending AP = 13AP +1PAP - 1PAP = 13AP

2016-11-06, 06:29 AM
Monkey and The Dreams

The Keeper laughed at the sight of what the dream sprite was doing. He waved another Takwa in close to observe the drawing with him, whispering from ear to ear with excitement. Finally satisfied with what they have come up with, the younger Takwa stepped forward and placed a firm foot into the dirt where the blank space lie and when he removed it, only a footprint remained.

The older Takwa stepped up to the drawing before pointing at the image of the Takwa and stated "Takwa"

He then moved his hand over the footprint before stating "Sathwatch"

The City of Wanderers

In the Wild Plains along the great migration path, the Cheetari have come to gather in one spot. As time went by and their numbers increased, the beastfolk of the plains started to pitch down tents and yurts in all the shapes and colors of the sky. Nothing, however was permanent as when one tribe left, they would pick up their tents and other gear before moving on just as another tribe would plant their belongings in place of the departing tribe.

Clawholme, was the name of this great city of tents and wanderers. There was no true order beyond the respect and love between Cheetari. One exception being the Council of The Claw which was formed by the bravest and most capable of hunters among the five tribes which stayed together in Clawholme at any point in time. It was theirs to make the hard choices and to preside of the various rites and ceremonies of their people.

3AP 0PAP Start

-2AP Form Society(Clawholme): Along the migration path in The Wild Plains is the tent city of Clawholme. It is comprised of 5 different tribes at any point in time, constantly switching out with other tribes as the Cheetari continue to migrate throughout the year. Clawholme is a place where Chaos reigns and only the good will of the Cheetari and The Council of The Claw keeps the society from devolving into something horrible.
-1AP Form Organization(Council of The Claw): The Council of The Claw is the ruling body of Clawholme which is comprised of the 5 most skilled and brave hunters from each of the 5 tribes which make up Clawholme. They exist primarily to make the difficult decisions and to oversee ceremonies. They rely on the respect of their fellow hunters to ensure that their will is done.
0AP 0PAP Remaining

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-06, 07:54 AM
Monkey and The Dreams

Happy that they have been understood, the small sprite repeated the words of the Takwa.


It fluttered near the younger Takwa and excitedly drew constellations on the ground. Dots connected to other dots with fine lines, intricated connect-the-dots that a deity started to do before the birth of that Dream Sprite. After a final drawing, it circled all the constellations, and drew an arrow going from the constellations to the planetary.

T̴͟h̶e̶̷͝ ̕S͞t̡a̸͘͝r͢r̸͘ỳ Ó̸ne̕͘.͏

Their garbled speech was hardly understandable, but the Takwa's mastery in singing was more than enough to guess that those strange creatures were happy to meet them.


The Starry One.

2016-11-06, 11:08 AM
Biyaha - Meelamman

The Yaxin immediately set about building a settlement upon the swampy shores of the Syman Sea. Led by their Doyen, Boqor The Wise, they crafted from wood and thatch a series of raised walkways, homes, meeting places, and shops. The tiny settlement soon grew into a thriving center for the Yaxin people and was named for the isle upon which it was built, Meelamman - The Safe Place.


Beginning AP =13AP

Form Society -2AP: Meelamman A patriarchal society divided into several clans led by chieftains, with the eldest(Boqor) acting as Doyen . Named for both the isle and city upon which the Yaxin are located.
Raise Hero -2AP: The Doyen -Boqor The Wise, is the first Doyen of the Yaxin and Meelamman. The leadership of the Yaxin is passed down through Boqor's bloodlines, therefore when Boqor dies, his eldest son will become Doyen and as such act as a "Hero" in game terms.
Claim Life Panoply: Biyaha's Blessings now count as +1AP Blessings

Dalalkan 2AP
Bicoya River 1AP
Meelamman 1AP
Steady is the Rain 1AP
Font of Inspiration 1AP
One With the World 1AP
Yaxin 2AP
Ra'iisul 1AP

Remaining AP = 13AP -2AP -2AP = 9AP

2016-11-06, 08:22 PM
Carakhan Responding to the Call
She Who Purifies Us watched as Her children spread throughout the First World and Cascading Waves. A smile crept over Her mouth as She continued to subtly alter Chaqua to make sure it would remain the ideal seat for either side of the hole. While They worked on the means to communicate beyond the song that permeated the worlds the Denier heard an odd note from beyond the confines of Her seas. Slowly She drifted toward the sound and away from Her children and crested over the water to view the dry land above for the first time.
She was obviously confused at what She saw, taking a cycle to comprehend how anything could not have tentacles. Then She decided to finally leave the ocean and approach the strange source of the sound. She refused to leave the water, thankful that someone else was apparently made of water, and attempted to figure out how to communicate to something besides with telepathy or camouflage. Bobbing in the water for a solid minute She finally blubbed out "Greeting Strangers. Did one of you call?" She then ducked back under the water before Her skin had a chance to dry out, seeing as how Octopi shouldn't be out of the water for too long.
Starting: 8 (4 + 4 Rollover)

2016-11-06, 10:23 PM
Monkey and The Dreams

The two Takwa glanced at each other, befuddled and clearly confused. They immediately began chittering between themselves in a rapid series of clicks, chirps and whistles.


"St-Stary One?"

"These creatures are strange, Pick."

"Yes. Maybe take them back to The Follows?"

"Mm..Maybe... Help them learn our words so we can actually talk."

"Dirt drawing like babes is getting old..quick."

The elder of the two Takwa made a clicking noise with his mouth and snapped his fingers together, motioning for the Dream Sprites to follow. "Come, Strange Ones. Come."

2016-11-06, 10:43 PM
Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

Before Auron could answer The Father of Waters' question, another made herself known to the two gods. Biyaha reached out a watery hand, drawing the surface of the great river up so that She Who Purifies was suspended in a great flowing hemisphere of water, visible to both he and The Crystal King, yet free to move about as she wished.

The cascading waters of his form stilled as he spoke deliberately and softly, "Welcome She who dwells in the salty depths. T'was I who called out although I cannot claim that the decision was entirely mine. The Prime Note that drew you here came from within me, but inexplicably was not of my making.....I know to say such a thing likely paints me a fool, but I sense that The World has laid claim to me....not I to it. I am overcome with a desire to play a part in shaping the....destiny of this place any its many iterations of...life and potential."

With a sweeping gesture of his arm that unleashed a spray of river water he motioned to Auron, "This is the one that names himself The Crystal King, and I am the Old Man of the Waters. Could it be that you and he, like my son, have heard the Prime Note and feel the same?"

2016-11-07, 10:18 AM
The Bard and the Sprite - Castle of Memories

Zuben woke up. Agitated, they warily looked around. They weren't in their plane. They weren't safe. Danger was ahead, and they couldn't go back. They couldn't go home. Despite being made of vapors and dust, they shook. For the first time they felt fear, hearing the voice of an angered deity.
They finally looked at Beathan. Their unique eye couldn't convey many feelings, but the sprite's body language clearly showed fear.

Ì̛'́m̸̵̷ ̴́͞s̢͏ơ͝rry̸.͘ Į r̸͢e͘̕a̸l͜l̴͡y͞ am͞. I ̸͠di̡dn'̸͘t҉ ͏ųń̴̛d́e͢͢rst̴҉a̡͘ǹ̛d̶ ҉w̨̛ha̵̢͝t ̸y̵ou͜ ̢m̷é͝͝a͏n͏t҉ ͝͝b̕y͏̢͢ ̧͏d̀̕͡á͞͞n̸g͠҉e̸r͟.͢

The Dream Sprite paused for a few moments, before jolting up and looking around, before flying away. Stopping a few times to let the magician follow them, they led them toward the edge of a river. The magician could have sworn that this time around, the sprite was gone for good.
A few minutes passed, before a deer-like creature stepped behind her. Its antlers were swirling in such an unnatural way, it gave away the otherworldly nature of the creature. Zuben was perched on one of its horns. In a tranquil, quiet and soft tone, the Dream Stag greeted Beathan telepathically.

Greetings. I am Ara. Zuben told me about what happened to you two, and I would like to let you know of a possible help you could get.

Ara sat near the mage. they seemed to be made of the same... gas ? as the Dream Sprite. A constellation shone faintly among its antlers.

Us Dream Sprites serve the Starry One. They aim to make the realm of dreams safe, to dreamers and deceased alike, and the recent event will be sooner or later known to them. Perhaps you and your partners could try to ask them a favor. I believe that you got your chances to gain significant help in calming down what sleeps here, as it corresponds to what we all aim to do. My duty is to guide lost souls and adventurers back to the realms they belong to, and thus I am forbidden to bring you back to the plane if you are awake. However, if you choose to sleep here, while your soul will be in the realm of dreams, I can guide Zuben toward the nearest portal to find you and help you find higher-ranked sprites to listen to your request for help.

The stag looked straight in the eyes of the mage.

Do what you want with what I just told you. I aim to make the world I guide souls in safer.

I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't understand what you meant by danger.

The Bard and the Sprite - the Edge of the Mists

The appearance of the creature had the bad draw up, defensive. The serpents of this place had made all mortals living in the area wary of new forms of life, and while these star-studded beings were not apparently hostile... Beathan decided that she might be getting too paranoid for her own good. After all, these strange, new beings could just be concerned about the star-studded beast, as the Bards were. But then again, both of them were studded with stars...

And so, the elf decided on a friendly caution, just to make sure she wasn't caught off-guard. Keeping a few of her Evocations handy, the bard would nod to the stag and state, "All right... I will follow you to your master, and listen to what they have to say. Any assistance with the dragon would be most welcome." Of course, said vocally the message might not be understood, so the bard infused just the smallest amount of consent and acceptance into her words with her magic, hoping to be understood where her companion had not been.

They really needed to figure out how to speak with one another without using telepathy, and soon. Otherwise, this could get inconvenient quite quickly.

The Bards and the Beast - Resting place of the Void Dragon

The world was starting to become more loud.

Undetectable to those mortals that resided around it, the dragon would hear murmurs and cries from far distant shores, and its body would twitch and shift in its sleep. The bards began to work hurriedly, still singing and chanting, but now working in chorus to each other, their choir layering the magics to command the god's slumbering mind to remain as such. However, even this small disturbance was enough to let small mumbling whispers from the god escape into the world at large. And it was enough time for the god to ferment its spirit within the heart of the Castle of Memories, forming a throne upon which the dragon slumbered, lazy and without a care in the world!

Of course, the world itself would suddenly have very many cares. Small storms of babbling memories from times unmade and universes forgotten would drift through the world, both a boon and a bane as it traveled. For these whispers and voices would spread a tongue that all could learn, a universal language... but at the same time, it would bring a babbling madness. Only those who were exhausted and strained, pushed to their limit would be broken by this terror. But once broken, they would be terrors of the night. Night shriekers, their bodies warped along with their minds in the same moment, would prowl, solitary hunters that tried oh so desperately to make others hear that endless cacophony in their heads, the sounds of voices that only they could hear, and try to embody in their blood-curdling shrieks.

And the Bards, swiftly moving to destroy the few Night Shriekers that they could, took this as a sign that they had to become yet more proactive.

Starting AP: 3

Rollover x2: +8 AP

-3 AP: Infuse Plane; The Beyond (Castle of Memories in particular): Throne of the Night Lord Being the center of its own, slumbering, reality, the Castle of Memories is literally the mind of Yag-Azreal, crafted from its thoughts and dreams. It was only a matter of time before the Dreamer became infused to its creation, and this is personified by its keep becoming only all the more large and grand, with a throne that the dragon god sleeps upon placed within its center. For the most part the infusion is limited to the Castle of Memories, but given the nature of the Beyond this does allow Yag- Azreal to shape the dream-like world to a minor degree... if it were awake enough to actually care.

-2 AP: Subconcept; Chorus magic (Evocation): Working together and matching their songs, practitioners of Evocation and all of its branches can amplify their magic. Lead by a conductor, their words being the central pillar that others can empower, these cabals of magic-users are capable of minor wonders, and powerful commands that would normally be far beyond a solitary mage of most skill levels. This technique is only use able by adepts and masters, the later of which are typically the conductors, given their already great power and mastery over the Evocative field.

-2 AP: Create Advanced Concept; Common Common is a language that all sentient and magical beings can learn and understand, though it takes them time, effort and training to do so. The Bards are expected to master this language as part of their courses, since they must deal with a large number of races.

-1 AP: Create Monstrous Race; Night Shriekers: Night Shriekers are poor, unfortunate souls that listened too closely to the mad whisperings of a grieving god. Few in number, these beings have been twisted to have skin as black as the moonless sky, and wings of shadows that twist and bend, allowing them to fly. Being from sentient races, Shriekers are often found in densely populated areas, lurking in the darkness and waiting for true night before they strike, dragging their victims away with a heart-stopping scream into the darkness.

Their insanity has driven all normal logic and thought from their minds, making them obsessed with finding and "sharing" their madness with another being. What a Night Shrieker truly desires, their one purpose in their non-life, is for the noise to stop... or for at least one other being to hear it as well. Fortunately, they seem unable to spread their infection, no matter how many beings they drag off to their nest and forcefully try to understand. Unfortunately, they no longer require food or sustenance, and forget that their "guests" need something to sustain themselves, causing other beings to starve to death, eventually leaving a large charnal pit of decomposing bodies behind. Also unfortunately, while they seem to be solitary, as if they block others of their kind from existing within a mile radius, they do tend to pop up again from the desperate, depressed and truly exhausted beings of the world that happen to hear echos of Yag-Azreal's "gift" of languages.

So, even if one is slain, it is only a matter of time before a new one takes its place, and the screams and killings begin again...

The Night Shrieker's greatest threat is the aspect it is named after, the blood-curdling scream that can literally stop hearts and drive away the weak of faith in one, supernatural note. While not lethal in itself this paralyzing sound can cause those with weak hearts to go into cardiac arrest, making the old and the infirm especially weary of these night-time monstrosities. Usually, though, this scream will merely paralyze the victim by making the heart skip two beats, driving mortals to the edge of consciousness, but keeping them awake despite this, to be abducted for whatever unintentionally cruel and unusual things the Shrieker has in store for them.

Night Shriekers are a form of Undead, and will not possess souls once they are created. The soul leaves the body when the body is twisted beyond being able to hold it any more.

Ending AP: 3

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-07, 01:25 PM
Monkey and The Dreams

You unde͢rstand ͠us͘ ́?!
̢T͡h̨at'͡s g͟ra͞nd̸ ͠!̵ ̷I͘'͟m ̡s̶o̡ ҉g҉la͝d̡ ̢a͢n̷ơth̷er̵ c͠reat̵ur͠e ùnde͏ŗst̸and̵s ưs ̶!͠ ̛I͜ sa͠w͜ ́a͡ f̨ȩw̸ o͢f ͏yo҉u s̨i̕ngin̨g a̸n̵d̷ th̨o͠ug̵ht ̕t͠ha͟t t̶h̨i̕s k̶in҉d̢ of̷ ma̴gic i̶s ǵe͡n̢iuś ! ̀Do̢ you ̢s̕t̕u̶dy͜ t̴he̶ star͘s̷ ̕t̷o͠o͡ ̀? ̶

The small sprite fluttered around excitedly, looking at each Takwa they could see. Antares seemed to emit a sigh, before sending a small, almost invisible cloud of sprite gas to get Sirius' attention.

͝..̨.Calm down͜,͡ ͡y͜o̸un̶g ͏ǫne͟.̢

They both sat at respectful distance in front of who they presumed to be the Takwas leader. Silent, they only stared. Which was a bit strange considering how fast the small sprite talked and moved a few seconds ago.

You understand us ?!
That's grand ! I'm so glad another creature understands us ! I saw a few of you singing and thought that this kind of magic is genius ! Do you study the stars too ?

...Calm down, young one.

The Bard and the Sprite - the Edge of the Mists

As the bard's soul traveled to the dream plane, the stag led the sprite to a nearby portal. It wasn't long until Zuben joined the bard, as it landed on her shoulder. Should she choose to shoo it away, the gaseous owl would simply opt to fly in front of her, leading her toward a giant planetary. But as soon as it was in sight, the Dream Sprite landed, emitting a strangled chirp.

T͢͟͟h͘͘͟e̶̵̸y̨͝ ̶̨͢a̴͏́͢r̵̛͢ę͜͞ ̸̛n͝҉͟o҉҉͏̴͞t́͠ ̷͏͟҉h̴̨̕͢ȩ̴ŗ̸e͏̢ ̶̧̀͠͡?̷̴̢!̧́
Wh͝a͜t ͟ha̕p̡pen̨ed ͞?͜!͞

Indeed, the great planetary was lacking the clouds of spatial gas, normally at the center of the structure. But a quick look around was enough to locate where they were; going toward the Castle of Memories. Zuben looked worried. They spoke slowly so that the bard could at least catch a few words of their explanations.

T́he ǫnly r̢e̕aso҉n ͠t̷h͡ey wo͜u͡l͘d m͞ov̨e a̡ẁa̕y ̛wǫu̕ld b̷e͝ w҉hen the̢y j͡udge̸ t͘ha͢t ̨th̕e̴ ̡pl͠a̕ńe is ͜d͠i҉s̕t̶urbed ͟and ̸d̸r͡ea͝mer̶ś mi͠g͟h͟t͘ ̷b̡e̕ ̵un͟sa̶f̸e̡ i͏f̶ t͘h͠e s̵i̷t͏u̸atio̴n҉ ͠isn͢'t҉ ͞r̶ectìf͟ied.

The spatial clouds were now hovering, far enough to not affect too much dreams, but close enough to interact with the place. Yag-Azreal could still feel the godly presence, but not for long.

They are not here ?!
What happened ?!

The only reason they would move away would be when they judge that the plane is disturbed and dreamers might be unsafe if the situation isn't rectified.

Of Dreams and Nightmares

Ezoth woke up. Another generation of Dream Sprites escaped their dream, perhaps earlier than they intended. The deity felt something was wrong. Souls were harrassed where the Castle of Dreams was. This annoyed them greatly. The Fugue plane was a place of peace, especially for souls and dreamers. But this wasn't the work of some foolish mortal. This was the work of a god.
Passing through the numerous rings composing the Great Planetary without disturbing any, Ezoth made their way toward the Castle of Dreams, hiding their body behind stars and gas that could be found far away from here.
The Starry One simply hovered, observing. They listened to the dragon sleep, muttering words. They looked at the bards fighting the Night Shriekers. They felt Dream Stags desesperately trying to contain the creatures to protect the Dream Bubbles.

Strange creatures rained down below the deity, and started helping the bards push the living nightmares away, as they started working on gathering some power. A bless.
Ezoth didn't take it kindly that their domain was harmed, but they could understand that it didn't require a fight to be fixed. They only stayed, stationary, watching over the Castle of Dreams. Some would say to ensure that the dreaming ones and deceased ones stayed safe while the bless took effect. Others would say to be available to conversations should the Dragon need to say something.


Bless (1AP): Silence
The Castle of Dreams is eerily silent, save for the lullabies of the bards and the mumbling of the sleeping god living here. Thanks to Ezoth's divine power, noises coming from the First World are made quieter, almost silent near the castle. The farther one is from the Castle of Dreams, the more they can hear sounds.

Create Sub-Race (2AP): Dream Guardians
At first, they look like deep blue stones that stand up in circles, especially around the Castle of Dreams. Once they leave their dormant state, the stone separates in many spinning shards, the biggest ones forming pseudo-limbs while a line of three blue eyes light up on what is assumed to be their face. Despite looking like constructs, they have sentience and empathy. They are just often seen dealing in a very direct way with troublemakers who didn't follow a Dream Stag's warnings.

9 - 1 - 2 = 6AP

2016-11-07, 05:08 PM
Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

Before Auron could answer The Father of Waters' question, another made herself known to the two gods. Biyaha reached out a watery hand, drawing the surface of the great river up so that She Who Purifies was suspended in a great flowing hemisphere of water, visible to both he and The Crystal King, yet free to move about as she wished.

The cascading waters of his form stilled as he spoke deliberately and softly, "Welcome She who dwells in the salty depths. T'was I who called out although I cannot claim that the decision was entirely mine. The Prime Note that drew you here came from within me, but inexplicably was not of my making.....I know to say such a thing likely paints me a fool, but I sense that The World has laid claim to me....not I to it. I am overcome with a desire to play a part in shaping the....destiny of this place any its many iterations of...life and potential."

With a sweeping gesture of his arm that unleashed a spray of river water he motioned to Auron, "This is the one that names himself The Crystal King, and I am the Old Man of the Waters. Could it be that you and he, like my son, have heard the Prime Note and feel the same?"

Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga
Slowly She shifted within the orb, learning the means to manipulate the water now that She realizes that there is such a thing as music and not the shimmer of changing colors. Almost silently She whistled, outside of the hearing range of those who breath the dry air, causing the orb the wobble and threaten to break. With a nod She sent out a mental note that Her children should investigate the Song of Life and find the means to manipulate water where it once was absent. Her skin shimmered from the base indigo to a more violet hue as She realized that these deities had experienced something She had little experience with.
She once again blubbed out, hating the motion of speaking and longing instead to join Her children in their telepathic link, "This is...interesting. It is good to know that another deity shares the waters with me, though. I will do what I can to insure that the oceans of this world remain pure. As for titles, My children like to refer to Me as She Who Purifies Us."
The Cephalids meanwhile begin the task of turning the whistle into something more physical versus their psionics or illusions. While most of the effects weren't obvious seeing as how they were surrounded by water at all times, the scouts that began to pop up at the edge of coasts throughout the First World found they could influence the tides or down the odd bird that flew over their domain. From there it was a matter of time before they began to fully explore Aquamancy. As with domination, it was soon discovered that only the Grozoth currently could create demenses, which each did over their own temple and surrounding laborers, while others could perform relatively minor magics with ice and water.

Starting: 8
Join Pantheon (-1 AP): Ra'iisul - The Prime Carakhan joins the pantheon with the promise of protecting the oceans (by introducing them to the error in their ways with Ice and Illusion).
Create Subconcept (-2 AP): The Song of Water also known as Aquamancy (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Aquamancy). As with all the other concepts I create and steal from Lusternia, Demense related spells are limited (currently) to Grozoth who then turn their respective temples/villages into their demense. Your run of the mill Cephalid, however, can at best create a staff of water to defend themselves with.
Ending: 5 AP, 1PAP

2016-11-07, 09:13 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRP_3TYVahw)

Jyn'Hao stepped yet further into the Elsewhere, leaving the swirling chaos of flames behind and with another seed from the Navel of Creation birthed forth a realm of cold tunnels and warm caverns that stretched out like the roots of a gnarled tree. Here Jyn'Hao sent his Shi to mine the Nocturne that would make up the many plans he had in mind for the future, for industry was a slow thing greased by time and struggle.

From the stone Jyn'Hao breathed life for stone was ordered and from stone the greatest of walls were made. So naturally a God of law and society would be born within The Calamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam. It was simply how things were.

Create Plane: The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam (2AP) - The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam appears as an endless series of well maintained tunnels and large well lit caves lined with glittering gems and material wealth in the form of metals and fertile soil. Each cave is in truth a massive quarry where Nocturne is harvested by Shi. Large caverns dwell inside the Plane that appear to be forests and mountain glades, each large enough to support their own unique ecosystem and lit by various large glowing crystals.

4AP - 2AP = 2AP

2016-11-07, 11:01 PM
Mouth of the Upper Webgia

Auron circled the two, quiet and thoughtful. He didn't know what to really think of these two. They were so different from him. For one thing, he was a being of crystal, of order and structure. He thought the newest arrival, the one from the oceans, was similar to him in that respect, but the other, the caller. He was...lax, at least from the sens Auron got so far. It was intriguing, someone so different from him, but he knew there was even more different out there, he'd just yet to meet them.

"To call my joining adding a note is to imply we are all part of a symphony, but we are not. There is no harmony, we are more akin to the birds in a forest, or the insects in the grass. Each with a unique voice, but not ones that will always, or perhaps, ever seem to harmonize across different tones. I am order, and crystal. My children shape the world to their whim, not the other way around."

2016-11-08, 07:58 AM
Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

Biyaha listened to Carakhan and Auron in turn, noting the subtle changes in the Prime Note as they spoke. For long moments the shifting tone echoed behind the silence as he carefully weighed the import of their words. He watched the Yaxin toil at the task of building shelter for their fledgling community, lost in thought, and outwardly seeming to have lost interest in further discussion.

When at last he spoke, the timbre of the Prime Note returned to that which it first was, "Harmony means naught to me. T'is likely that you are correct Crystal King. When you speak, the Prime Note seems altered to my ear, but not displeasing. The same is true for you....She Who Purifies. There is distinct beauty expressed in order, structure, and purity; a beauty that is no wholly dissimilar to the beauty of disorder, liberty, and individuality in that it is an expression of our divinity."

Turning away from the Yaxin to look at the other gods, "Curious to me, that while you speak in different notes, you both named beings of this world 'your children' and spoke of The First World in a proprietary manner. This is a thing I had not considered, but it pleases me. We are more alike than dislike. The dissimilarity in our interpretation of the Prime Note may not create harmony, but the music will be ours.....as it should be."

2016-11-08, 10:42 AM
Of Monkey and Dreams

After the Dream Sprites spent some time among the Takwa, it was only natural that monkey-folk and strange dream creatures came to understand each other... perhaps both languages were taught amongst the two species.

The Takwa of The Follows had no true centralized leader, instead it was from among the Wild Pact where the Eldest of all Takwa would rise up as a spiritual advisor, vaguely understandable to an outsider as the leader. At this time, the Elder was a practically ancient Takwa named Sithwana, his brow furrowed and many wrinkles creased across his face where fur was not present.

Sithwana sat upon a strangely shaped chair sung into shape, a living piece of natural furniture with healthy leaves which fanned behind him like the tail feathers of a peacock. The Elder offered a smile and said in response. "All things take time but understanding is not hard to achieve when one's mind is open to the possibility."

He then looked up at the jungle canopy, the stars blocked from view by the thick vegetation. "The Lights in The Sky have never been a focus of our people. Our lives are down here."

Sithwana made a gesture over the whole of the settlement of Takwa. "Our lives are here among the trees with earth beneath our feet and bountiful foods within our bellies. We find balance and peace in the wild places and follow in the footsteps of the hidden god, Sathwatch who is our divine father."

2016-11-09, 03:23 PM
Aldwin the Urbane

While new, Aldwin had been slowly growing in and among the villages that were blossoming from the grounds of the world. Each had its own pulse, weak but felt by those that dwelt within it. They were still infants, mere children that would continue to grow but they needed someone to lead them into growing powerful and strong. Cities with men and women coursing through their veins carrying the goods vital to their success to and fro.

These small hamlets and villages grow almost at random, as though each building is put as it is needed, and in whatever space is available. As it grows, it shall feel great pains from this.

Rather than amending these cities, a different path would be sought. A grand city would be the foundation and example for all others. A holy city where the believers of all gods would visit and lay their works and spread word of the city to all others. It would be the template upon which others would build a city.

Aldwin began carving it from the bones of the earth, pulling stone and clay from the ground, altering it into shape on sanctified territory. A great city was built near the mouth of the lower Webiga near the coast. Rather than populating this new city with a race of his own creation, he added a faint pull to it, that pilgrims of the races most suited to it might come and live within it or reject it as they see fit so that more would spread the words and ideas within.

AP = 16

Divine Infusion: Lower Webiga coast, Divine City of Phari (3AP) A large span of land created to house the divine city of Phari. The land is imbued with traits encouraging visitors from afar to come to the city either to settle or to witness it.
Alter Land: Phari (0) The land has been pulled and moulded countless times into the shape of a city built from the very bones of the earth.
Create Advanced Concept: City Planning (2) One cannot simply place buildings down one beside the other, there must be design within the madness.

AP= 16-3-0-2 = 11 AP

2016-11-12, 06:22 PM
Mouth of the Upper Webgia

Auron circled the two, quiet and thoughtful. He didn't know what to really think of these two. They were so different from him. For one thing, he was a being of crystal, of order and structure. He thought the newest arrival, the one from the oceans, was similar to him in that respect, but the other, the caller. He was...lax, at least from the sens Auron got so far. It was intriguing, someone so different from him, but he knew there was even more different out there, he'd just yet to meet them.

"To call my joining adding a note is to imply we are all part of a symphony, but we are not. There is no harmony, we are more akin to the birds in a forest, or the insects in the grass. Each with a unique voice, but not ones that will always, or perhaps, ever seem to harmonize across different tones. I am order, and crystal. My children shape the world to their whim, not the other way around."

Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

Biyaha listened to Carakhan and Auron in turn, noting the subtle changes in the Prime Note as they spoke. For long moments the shifting tone echoed behind the silence as he carefully weighed the import of their words. He watched the Yaxin toil at the task of building shelter for their fledgling community, lost in thought, and outwardly seeming to have lost interest in further discussion.

When at last he spoke, the timbre of the Prime Note returned to that which it first was, "Harmony means naught to me. T'is likely that you are correct Crystal King. When you speak, the Prime Note seems altered to my ear, but not displeasing. The same is true for you....She Who Purifies. There is distinct beauty expressed in order, structure, and purity; a beauty that is no wholly dissimilar to the beauty of disorder, liberty, and individuality in that it is an expression of our divinity."

Turning away from the Yaxin to look at the other gods, "Curious to me, that while you speak in different notes, you both named beings of this world 'your children' and spoke of The First World in a proprietary manner. This is a thing I had not considered, but it pleases me. We are more alike than dislike. The dissimilarity in our interpretation of the Prime Note may not create harmony, but the music will be ours.....as it should be."
Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga
Carakhan blinked Her eyes at mention of calling Her children that and burbled in confusion "In My case they are just that. Born from the womb, touched by My thoughts, guided by My chosen ones. We may not use many crystals currently, for there is a lack of such material in the ocean, but I have guided My children to work their reefs like I am sure your children shape their homes. Let me attempt to hold the note now."
At Her whim She took over maintenance of the Prime Note. Deep and powerful like a whale's call it spread through the sea and into the core of the world. Yet there was just the lightest hint of telepathy, a call for the creatures of the first world to be harmonious and work together. As the Note and backdrop filled the world She burbled "That will do. If there is nothing else I wish to join My children in exploring these waterways and strange tentacle-less creatures."
Starting: 9 AP (4+5 Rollover), 1 PAP
Bless (-1 PAP): The Prime Note Carakhan takes the Prime Note this rollover and...
Bless (-2 AP): The Mindful Way Sentient or otherwise intelligent beings find a greater benefit working together. Furthermore they find their comrades seem to know in advance when they need something and provide without being asked, more so if they are a part of a telepathic network like the cephalids.
Ending: 7 AP

2016-11-12, 10:45 PM
The Unicorn

Moving out of the dark side of the First World, Sathwatch found himself in the open plains to the North and East of the Lakes of Esh. His long gait allowed him to move quickly across river, rock, stone grass and stone alike while occasionally leaving a large clumsy looking footprint behind.

When he arrived in the plains, he took notice of a herd of horses and watched them for a time. A smile crossed his face as he stepped forward with an outstretched hand towards the beautiful stallion who seemed to lead the herd. Sathwatch placed a gentle finger upon the creature's forehead and whispered. "Hmmm... beautiful one...hmmm.... I've a gift for you and yours. Do you want it? Hmmm?"

With a soft neigh, the stallion bobbed his head in response to The Beast's question. A chuckle echoed out of Sathwatch's lips and a brilliant light filled the plains. When the horses opened their eyes, they were horses no more. No, instead their hair and manes turned white as snow and magnificent horns jutted from their foreheads, glowing and singing the Song of Life of their own accord.

The unicorns turned to look upon each other in wonder and awe of the beauty and magic that had been bestowed upon them. They were both confused and grateful all at the same time as they bobbed their heads in awe of what had happened.

0AP 0PAP Start
+4AP +1PAP Rollover
-4AP Create Mythical Life(Unicorns): Unicorns are magical horses who live in bright and beautiful places. Their hair and manes are solid white and are naturally predisposed towards Chaotic Good in alignment. Their horns grow from their foreheads, spiral, gold and glowing while naturally radiating the Song of Life. Everywhere a unicorn goes, flowers and all manner of flora sprout up and thrive.
0AP, 1PAP Remaining

2016-11-13, 06:19 AM
The march of water.

The marching castle did as its name it marched, but not across land. But the sea its self. The castle’s mighty pillars sunk down a few feet below the surface before rising above the waves in its walking motion.

Atop the castles tallest tower hung a massive banner of the god of villainy. For here Therus looked out to the horizon, soon his army what return to where he come from, soon a new land would know his wrath. Soon.

Life in the halls.

Children played in the halls of the castle, school was done for the day and before they returned home. After a few hours, the light crystals started to dim, the day was over and the children needed to go home.

The each and every light crystal was built by Therus, they brought light and heat letting plants grow. The only other fact the people know of them was: if they were in a home you could order their light or darkness, if not in a home they followed Therus’ cycle.

The crystals diming called the end of something else, the people of a suburb were voting if they should build a well. While none of them knew how Therus build these wells or how these wells draw unlimited water inside of castle.

But they knew it would have a cost, so they had debated if there was a need for the well. As the debate came to a close, an elf spoke of how he had not drank water of days but was not thirsty. And so it was the realisation that they had not known thirst in days had mad the vote fail, ever though none know why they need far less water.

Forging a wall mightier than iron.

Inside of a massive room who’s high ceiling was not held up by any pillars, numerus recruits of the dark army were being trained. Trained to fight, trained to heal, trained to build and trained to destroy.

While the training drills were relatively safe, there were still mistakes and injuries. To the experienced soldiers each mistake was a chance to improve the drills, make them safer and make morale error (human error but at this time the dark army is completely made of elves) a reduced factor.

The trainees noticed weird elements (or what they thought to be weird) concerning injuries. The deepest wounds draw little blood, an elf with a severed hand was met with the words “It while grow back.” and it did to the elf’s shock.

A starker of the Night.

While Therus looked over a number of maps two soldiers of the dark army arrived at the rooms door. “sir… um … you see… well…” One of the soldiers tried to speak though their stuttering and cowering.

“Out with it worm. I would rather you speak the greatest treason or the most foolish idea then umm and err, wasting my time beating around the bush.” Therus explained looking dead into the soldier’s eyes.

“Well, sir we have been investigating three disappearances over the last two weeks and well… we have after a week and bit of looking in to it have nothing, no clues no leads. Please forgive our incompetence, it’s my…”

“You two foot soldiers are forgiven, in future go to your superiors the moment a task seems above your skill. There is no shame in failure only in failing to inform your superiors of your failings.” The echo’s words seemed to have genuine compassion in their deep echo.

Therus walked over to a wall, punched it and held his fist to the wall. one of soldiers speaking though his helmet asked. “Sir what are you…”

“Feeling the echoes of the castle.” The god interpreted. “It would appear we have a lead, come underlings.” He continued after a few moments.

The god followed by the two soldiers moved though the twisting corridors of the castle of hours slowly reaching deeper and darker areas. Until they reached an alleyway whose light crystals had been ripped from the alley’s walls and dumped at its opening. And from the alley came twisted, horrific, wrong noises that send chills down the spines of the soldiers.

Therus walked into the dark alley not so much as flinching as the screaming echoed through the air. “You two tools find your spines and follow me or stain there.” The minions looked at each other, their black helmets hiding to dreed of their faces and yet they dared to follow their leader in.

Inside the inky darkness they found the barely alive bodies of a mother and a daughter on the cold stone floor. Then there was it. A creature with skin as dark as the void its self, a twisted body and wings of darkness and madness.

The mad undead let loss a scream of madness that was more herd by the soul than the ears. The soldiers fell to their knees trying to cover their ears underneath their helmets and Therus stood like a statue. Anger formed across the god’s face, his eyes making a gaze that would stop a man in his tracks.

The night shrieker leaped forward half flying, half jumping, only for its neck to be caught by the echo. The beast clawed finding armor and scratching the god’s check. The villain’s unblinking eyes looked it to the eyes of eldritch creature and he known what it was or what it had once been.

“Have the silence you crave.” Therus crushed the shrieker’s neck whit such speed and force that it’s neck practically exploded. The dead body slid and fell to the ground, its wings practically felling apart.

“Soldiers when you are able these worms need water” The god ordered gesturing to the women and the child. There leader’s words seemed to easy the soldier’s plain and so the soldiers slowly stood up, then they gave their water to the victims. “We have found the missing worms you minions seek.”

“With all due respect there are two people here, but we are looking for three.” The soldier that had barely spoken questioned.

“Sir what… what was that thing?” The more vocal soldier asked.

“… That was what happened to the third missing worm. Twisted in to that thing, killed be the proses.” Therus explained to the shocked soldiers.

Never again will one of my followers be taken like this.

6ap+4ap = 10ap

Advanced concept (2ap): schooling

While teaching the young is done by most people in existence, this concept is about organizing the proses and having professionals do the teaching.

Blessing (1ap): No rest for the witched.

Those loyal to Therus (this will be showing up a bit) need dramatically less rest to remain or become healthy than normal people. Not mealy is the amount of rest need reduced but also the frequency and quality needed for the same effect.

While this blessing’s effect is most noticeable while sleep, it effects all forms of rest including naps and caching one’s breath.

Blessing (1ap): Butter over too much bread.

Those loyal to Therus require less food, less water, less air, less whatever they need to consume to live healthily. Smaller quantities are needed and they are need less frequently.

This blessing can affects any need that a being needs on a regular basis and comes from outside the being. Of example if one needs to devour a soul ever hundred years or if one needs a douse of medicine regularly, in both of these cases this blessing will help.

Blessing (1ap): Nine lives.

Those loyal to Therus stabiles at great speed and more often than most others. Those effected by this blessing can be taken out of a fight as easily as any other but killing them is extremely difficult.

One under this blessing generally stays alive while they major organs are in their body, are mostly in their area and only in a few pieces.

This blessing also allows those loyal to Therus to recover/heal from injures they normally couldn’t with a lot of time. (As surviving is important but means very little if you’re a left as a vegetable, at least as far Therus cares.)

Blessing (1ap): Unbreakable loyalty.

Those loyal to Therus have their minds warded against super natural forces. For most of those loyal of the echo this makes them “practically immune” to mind effecting forces, but this “immunity” can be beaten by powerful supernatural forces.

However, those that are truly loyal to Therus (or the echoing eclipse) are completely immune (no quotation marks) to mind effecting forces barring the force of gods. (generally speaking ap style force).


Black Socks
2016-11-13, 09:26 AM
Up in the sky

"It's so dark." The Muse complained. "But I am not equipped to deal with this."
An idea struck her. Grabbing some clay, she molded it into the shape of a five-pointed star.
"There's the shape, but it needs some glow.... hm...."
Qefnera took flight again, soaring to the moon. She broke a small piece of it off.
"I do hope they don't mind....
She withdrew to her studio and worked for a while, fashioning the star and crystal into one glowing celestial body.
"And theeeeeeeeere we go!
She paused for a moment to admire her work, then flung the star into the darkness, where it shone magnificently, lighting the way.
"And may your light guide the path forevermore."

2016-11-14, 06:28 AM
Being beautiful is really connected to taking good care of the body’s overall health. Below are some great ways to keep the body in top condition, which also result in getting one’s natural beauty emerge!

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-14, 03:57 PM
Of Monkey and Dreams

After the Dream Sprites spent some time among the Takwa, it was only natural that monkey-folk and strange dream creatures came to understand each other... perhaps both languages were taught amongst the two species.

The Takwa of The Follows had no true centralized leader, instead it was from among the Wild Pact where the Eldest of all Takwa would rise up as a spiritual advisor, vaguely understandable to an outsider as the leader. At this time, the Elder was a practically ancient Takwa named Sithwana, his brow furrowed and many wrinkles creased across his face where fur was not present.

Sithwana sat upon a strangely shaped chair sung into shape, a living piece of natural furniture with healthy leaves which fanned behind him like the tail feathers of a peacock. The Elder offered a smile and said in response. "All things take time but understanding is not hard to achieve when one's mind is open to the possibility."

He then looked up at the jungle canopy, the stars blocked from view by the thick vegetation. "The Lights in The Sky have never been a focus of our people. Our lives are down here."

Sithwana made a gesture over the whole of the settlement of Takwa. "Our lives are here among the trees with earth beneath our feet and bountiful foods within our bellies. We find balance and peace in the wild places and follow in the footsteps of the hidden god, Sathwatch who is our divine father."

The Dream Sprites were unused to seeing living beings bending the growth of plants to their will, and Sirius would have returned to fluttering excitedly around the Takwas if their red-eyed comrade didn't gestured to them to sit back down.
Antares looked thoughtful, gazing with their red eye toward the canopy at the same time as the elder, then returning to looking back at them.

I see. You surely know more than us about the First World's flora and fauna, and while the stars glittering in the firmament might not be your focus, perhaps you would be interested in having some knowledge about them at your hand ? Us Dream Sprite make a life out of studying the skies, perhaps we could exchange our knowledge, some of us could help your people predict the path of celestial bodies, while your people teach us about some of the creatures that live in the forests.

The body of the sprite shook a bit.

Of course, the choice is up to you, I do not wish to sound demanding or desesperate.

Although they weren't walking or flying away, Sirius was looking around, still thrilled by the sight of something new, otherworldly to them as they are born and lived most of their life in the Fugue plane.

The Great Planetary

Ezoth wasn't sleeping. They were at the center of the Great Planetary, but they seemed to fucus on a particular portal. It was one of the ephemeral portals that randomly spawn in the plane, created by Zul and Ospal before they fell. Deneb indeed came back before their death to report, but didn't feel their presence anymore after coming back. The Starlit One promoted the blue-eyed sprite to a stag appearance, and sent them back again, this time to help the Dream Stags on this plane to locate the portals spawning for those on the First World to lead souls to.
And one was just about to open, in a small lake near the Great Planetary. According to the deity's own calculations, it would lead to a surface of water right below the moon.
As soon as they saw the first typical white flashes, Ezoth gathered their power in a small, pressured dot of divine power.
The portal opened, giving a view of the starry sky, with the moon's reflection in the center of the portal, making it look like an eerie eye with a pale iris.
And the deity of sleep shot a single fine beam toward the portal, perfectly aimed at the moon. It was seen going through the portal, before dissapearing on the surface of the moon.

A small step for the Sprite, a huge leap for Dream Sprites.

As if it was another meteor, the ray of light stroke the ground. Soon enough, a magical shield surrounded the crater, making a sphere-like place for the Dream Sprites to settle in soon. The landscape was altered by divine power inside, creating a landscape of purple grassy plains stopping at the edge of the shield. A single pond was in the middle of the land, and shone with magic, as it served as a portal linking the moon on the Great Planetary and the real moon. The deity finally built a library, the Selenite Library, around the pond. Dream Sprites and Dream Guardians travelled toward that new place. Their first moments were spent looking at the First World from Luna.

6 + 4 = 10AP [rollover]
Alter Land (1AP): Luna
The first city that Dream Sprites can claim as theirs. Of course, they are more than welcome and still required to work on the Great Planetary, but Luna is a place where they can look at the night sky all they want, without being interrupted by other deities or creatures. It cannot be seen from the first world without technology it doesn't have yet, but should one make a telescope, they would see a pale blue or violet spot on the moon. It doesn't have native fauna yet, and its only feature is the Selenite Library, dominant landmark in a purple grassland. Of course, sprites could bring fauna and flora they might want to study, and they could built cities. But right now they are happy to have this new place to stargaze in. The whole place is surrounded by a shield blocking air in for the purple grass to thrive.

Alter Land (1AP): The Barrier
An invisible shield surrounding the area modified by Ezoth on the moon. It isn't affected by spells that dispel magic nor can be broken. Ezoth only can change the properties of the Barrier. It protects Luna from meteorites (although very small ones that are harmless can come through), and keeps the air in.

Create Portal (2AP): Luna (Selenite Pond) - The Great Planetary (Moon)
Whispering a prayer to Ezoth while standing on a circle adorned with the latter deity's symbol on the gem representing the moon on the Great Planetary, or while diving into the Selenite Pond can open a portal between these two places. It stays open during 12 minutes before closing again. Of course, gods do not need to say the prayer and can pass through at will... if Ezoth lets them.

Gain Domain: Dream Sprites (Outsiders)

Mythical Life (4AP): Dream Sprites
Sub-Race (2AP): Dream Stags
Sub-Race (2AP): Dream Guardians
Land (1AP): Luna
Land (1AP): The Barrier

Total: 10AP spent

10 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 6AP

Grand Arbiter
2016-11-14, 08:29 PM
A New Light.

The star shone bright over Jyhennia that night, providing a bright light across the land. Come the next, however, it was nowhere to be seen. As elves gazed into the sky wondering where the light was, a soft glow began to shine in the sky, drifting gently down to earth. Several who witnessed the light's descent went to try to get a closer look. Following it's fall, some walked for miles before observing the light settling down just over a grassy knoll. When the first elves rose over the crest of the hill, they saw not a star, but a humanoid figure dressed in white robes. As the crowd gathered the figure bowed towards them.
- Greetings one and all, fair elves. I am Jericho, the Lightbringer.
Jericho then waved his arm in a sweeping gesture, and several blinking motes of light stirred from the grass into the air, dancing in the gentle breeze. A flick of his wrist quickly followed and strands of lights spread out among the crowd, fading into the night beyond. The elves on the edge of the gathering were the first to notice that their sight was now less hindered by the dark.
- A humble gift, of light in the dark.
After the murmuring of the assembled elves faded, Jericho spoke again.
- Is your goddess nearby? I would be honored to speak with her.
Another faint wave of his hand, and the motes of light appear to spread into the hills and woods, still softly glowing.

16 AP starting:

Blessing: Beauty of the Night (1 AP): The splendor of the land of the elves will be less hindered by day's end. The elves of Jyhennia may now see clearly at night by the light of the stars above, or similarly dim illumination. They also may rest in a meditative trance for four hours, instead of the common sleeping for eight, allowing them to experience their land both at day and night.

Create Life: Lights in the night (1 AP): Lightning bugs, and similar small creatures with a faint glow. Small motes of light in the night, they provide a beautiful sight when they gather together. While present on both Jyhennia and the mainland, those in Jyhennia can gather into far more magnificent displays.

16-1-1=14 AP ending

2016-11-14, 09:10 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOHS8-4J-7g)

Jyn'Hao stepped yet further into the Elsewhere, leaving the cold halls of the Loam and into an expanse without end. These were The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog and from the planted seed sprung forth vast storms and cities that hung in the sky with a delicate air. It would perhaps be the final movement of a great wheel yet it was uneven and with another twist the God was gone leaving azure skies to reign forever.

Jyn'Hao: The Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L1g_NeCeCc)

Jyn'Hao stepped yet further into the Elsewhere, far from the clear and beautiful skies above to a place of darkness and the absence of even cold. It was here in the Moonlight Grove that the God birthed forth another life. It had born forth a God of order and so now it would call from the cold light of a dozen moons that hung in the skies of this place a God of...something else. Rebek, The Silent Servant was born.

Jyn'Hao: Which Calls Splendor from the Void

And so it was that finally Jyn'Hao returned home to its vast city and gazed out over the Navel of Creation. The Fruits of the trees glistened and the Shi moved hurridly to harvest them. The first phase was complete, and so it would turn its attention to the next phase. For the planes were empty and sang out to be filled. The Great Harvest would begin soon.

Create Plane: The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog (4AP) - The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog is a vast clear blue land dotted by fog banks, towering thundercells and peaceful cloud banks. Floating cities of Nocturne drift on air currents, held aloft by balloons made of the same Nocturne which are constantly kept filled by Shi. The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog also houses vast turbines which collect the lightning of the many storms that sweep its skies which in turn is pumped into the many sky cities for unknown purposes.

Gain Domain: Planes (The Elemental Planes) - Create Plane: The Roaring Hall of Woven Flame (2AP), Create Advanced Concept: Nocturne (2AP), Create Plane: The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam (2AP), Create Plane: The Whispered Chamber of Outer Fog (4AP)

Create Plane: The Moonligt Grove of Broken Lilies (2AP) - The Moonlit Grove of Broken Lilies is a source of cold light and outer darkness, a realm of shadow and sorrow and for the dead.

Black Socks
2016-11-14, 09:19 PM
A New Light.

The star shone bright over Jyhennia that night, providing a bright light across the land. Come the next, however, it was nowhere to be seen. As elves gazed into the sky wondering where the light was, a soft glow began to shine in the sky, drifting gently down to earth. Several who witnessed the light's descent went to try to get a closer look. Following it's fall, some walked for miles before observing the light settling down just over a grassy knoll. When the first elves rose over the crest of the hill, they saw not a star, but a humanoid figure dressed in white robes. As the crowd gathered the figure bowed towards them.
- Greetings one and all, fair elves. I am Jericho, the Lightbringer.
Jericho then waved his arm in a sweeping gesture, and several blinking motes of light stirred from the grass into the air, dancing in the gentle breeze. A flick of his wrist quickly followed and strands of lights spread out among the crowd, fading into the night beyond. The elves on the edge of the gathering were the first to notice that their sight was now less hindered by the dark.
- A humble gift, of light in the dark.
After the murmuring of the assembled elves faded, Jericho spoke again.
- Is your goddess nearby? I would be honored to speak with her.
Another faint wave of his hand, and the motes of light appear to spread into the hills and woods, still softly glowing.
Qefnera hears the call, and answers it.
A pillar of harmless purple sparks swirls up from the ground, spiraling into the sky, before swooping back down and compressing into the Muse's form- an elven woman in a pale dress and chocolate hair, with a pair of angelic wings sprouting from her back.
"Hello, my child. I see you have met my creations. But there's no need to think of me as the one goddess they have. After all, they need more than just me to guide them."

2016-11-15, 08:14 PM
Lake Hilweyne

Sathwatch sat upon a log on the southern bank of the lake. The god looked between his legs in slight curiosity, a serpent's nest which was destroyed by some other river-based creature. All of the eggs were smashed except for one.

Sathwatch extended a finger to gently touch the egg, imparting some of his own divinity into it before swifty standing up and disappearing back into the wilderness.

The egg began to shake and quiver.

Welcome to the game, Sin!

2016-11-16, 02:30 AM
Leaving the nest.

When the marching castle made landfall, it knelt down. There was a number of parents at the front gate getting ready to say goodbye to their children, for now. Therus had dictated that whenever a child that had known only his rule came of age, they were to spend a year outside his rule.

For reasons most obvious Therus had those that came of age while the castle was at sea wait until land fall before leaving.

The purpose for this rite of passage was simple, for the young to discover if they would be willing to live under Therus or to free of his rule.

The marching castle in the wild plains.

The great castle strode across the grass plains. On its battlements a small number of elves looked out over the savanna, at the grass plains with barely a tree, at the animals they knew not the name of. Scribes wrote down all they saw, recording anything and everything.

“Halt.” The word deeper than any noise should be, echoed across the castle’s battlements and the plains themselves. The marching castle hearing its creator’s words came to a complete stop.

“I know you are down there, show your selves.” Therus demanded as he scanned the savanna and his cape flowed in the wind.


Blessing (1ap): The castle of the loyal

Those loyal to Therus can always find the marching castle if they seek it. In fact, those loyal to Therus can journey to the castle in far less time and ignoring many obstacles in their way. (sometimes including plane boundaries)

Despite the effects of this blessing, it acts actions are quite subtle. One simply walks for days and they never see the obstacles, they never notice how far they walk.

Blessing (1ap): Fortunes deference

Those loyal to Therus have better fortune in matters of life or death. They find shelter in storms, find animals when at the brink of starvation and sometimes the blade coming for their neck slows down.

However, this luck has a number of conditions, one must always work for its benefit, the blessing gives the option but one must take it. And this blessing only helps on in matters of their own life and death. Finally, it is never an absolute, luck never is, it’s a chance and one might not get it.


2016-11-16, 05:46 PM
Lake Hilweyne

Sathwatch sat upon a log on the southern bank of the lake. The god looked between his legs in slight curiosity, a serpent's nest which was destroyed by some other river-based creature. All of the eggs were smashed except for one.

Sathwatch extended a finger to gently touch the egg, imparting some of his own divinity into it before swifty standing up and disappearing back into the wilderness.

The egg began to shake and quiver.

Welcome to the game, Sin!

A new God is born

Upon the Riverbank's of the webiga within a ruined nest there lay a solitary egg, touched by a roaming Deity it was injected with the own magic of the gods, making a once ordinary serpent something else. Something...more.

As the Deity walked away, mud from the river bank began slowly shifting forward as if attracted to the now special and unique entity within the egg, wrapping around it again and again growing larger and larger still until there lay a considerably larger egg made of mud and stone. The egg lay there silent once more.

Day turned to night and night turned to day once again before the egg began to move.

Swaying back and forth, cracks appeared on its surface spreading across it like a spiders web. Suddenly with what felt like the booming of thunder the egg exploded flinging pieces of shell around.

Where once stood an egg there now stood a Dragon, head bowed, as red as blood. The Disoriented Dragon stumbled a bit, catching his feet he lifted his head to the sky, giving a great and mighty cry that shook the world around him. A new God was born and his name was Sin.

The First Volcano and The Ever Burning Flame of The First World are born[b/]

Shaking himself Sin extended his wings, flying into the sky. Everything was new, everything was exciting but also everything was slightly too cold for his taste. He needed heat. He loved heat.

Spotting a nearby Mountain, Sin gave a mighty flex of his wings sending him towards the gigantic piece of land. Landing on the tip of the mountain he gripped it with his claws, finding purchase.

Too small, much to Small He mumbled to himself as he looked down around the mountain. I'll just have to make it bigger then! and with that he gave gave a mighty roar imbued with his own draconic magic.

The world around him began to shake, tremors spread across the ground as the mountain grew taller and wider, hollowing out downwards until it reached the core of the world. Flinging himself downwards he flew down until he reached the center. Once again focusing his power he breathed out a large column of flame downward into the center of the world heating it until the very stone and metal began to melt and flow, there in the very center there lay a flame, burning as hot as ever, keeping the earth around it hot and flowing, sending pressure up around it and carving out tunnels.

[B] Flame Lizards

As Sin floated through his newly made land of molten earth and metal he looked about himself.

A world such as this requires life and life there shall be. reaching down into the flame that he produced he grabbed a palm full of it and brought it up to his face. Gently he blew on the flame within his hand breathing his power into it making it smaller until 100s of miniscule flames burned on his palm. Slowly they began to take shape, growing heads and legs and tails.

These creatures looked around rolling around in his palm as they investigated there new surroundings. Sin chuckled to himself as he observed them.

You are the first of my children and this shall be your home. go on, explore and spread, i expect much from you all. With that he turned his hand allowing these Flame Lizards to slip into the molten world so that they may explore for themselves.

16Ap-1Ap-4ap-1ap=10Ap remaining
1ap alter Land: The first volcano-It is exactly that. once a mountain range now a super volcano that is the home of the dragon Sin and the future home of the Scaled Kin once they come into existence.

4ap-The Ever Burning Flame of The First world- The now aflame and melting core of the world. The Ever Burning Flame of The First world is a land of extreme heat that few will ever see. it spans the entire underside of the world deep within the core and is home to Flame Lizards and other kinds of creatures of flame. Channels are carved out by Salamanders and heat, sometimes bursting out of the ground creating new volcanos alor geysers around the world. The Scaled Kin train there bodies so that they may survive this blistering heat so that they may harvest some of the precious material at the core to make there arms and armor.(spoilers for the futureeee)

1ap-Flame Lizards- Flame Lizards are monstrous creatures 25-30 feet long that are reathed in flames. It is said that if a Flame Lizards flame is put out one can see there jewel encrusted bright white and purple scales underneath. Though not typically aggressive a Flame Lizard will defend itself and its home bravely and thoroughly often spraying flames from its mouth to kill intruders or to scare them away. A Flame Lizards Flame Typically switches from red to blue to purple when enraged as a warning to others to back away before they get sprayed with liquid flame. Many blacksmiths dream of befriending a Flame Lizard in the hopes of allowing them to sleep in there forges as the flames on a flame lizards back are hot enough to melt even the most difficult of metals. Flame Lizards do not mind this much as there Handlers usually feed them very well because a happy Lizard is a happy Work station. Those magically oriented and powerfull enough to find a Flame lizard long enough to befriend them usually use them to heat there homes, cities, or to power there magical devices. Salamanders being created from the very burning core of the world enjoy living in volcanoes or by geysers, every now and then walking around the edge to explore. Sometimes theyd create there own volcanoes or geysers by accident by tunneling up to the surface and allowing the heated earth underneath them to burst out.


2016-11-16, 11:07 PM
The Marching Castle in The Wild Plains

From the tall grass of the plains, a tribe of Cheenari emerged from practically nowhere. They were as humanoid cheetahs with mud and paint smeared across their fur in elaborate designs. They wore nothing more than leather loincloths. Each of them held crude stone spears in hand and from their waits hung axe's of the same material.

Yellow eyes gathered as one, directed at the castle in a mixture of curiosity and alarm. Chatter erupted among the tribe and an elder Cheenari placed a hand upon the shoulder of a young hunter whom quickly darted off in the direction of Clawholme.

2016-11-16, 11:53 PM
Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga

As Carakhan took up the Prime Note, it shifted in both pitch and tone in a way that The Father of Waters found pleasing. The blessing she imparted upon the world had a profound effect upon the Yaxin. The stilted city of Meelamman grew rapidly as construction, trade and commerce thrived. Biyaha watched silently, lurking in the swirling eddies of the Lower Webiga river and the Syman Sea. Having observed Boqor the Wise, Doyen of the Yaxin clans for many years, he reached out and called to him one night under the pale light of the midday moon. The venerable figure rose from his bed and walked out onto a pier over the tranquil waters of the Syman Sea. As he looked down he could make out the face of what appeared to be a great salmon just beneath the surface of the water. The Salmon spoke to him, "Boqor, the honorific bestowed upon you by your people is fitting for you truly are wise and have led your people well. As all that lives upon The First World your days will run out, but I would see your wisdom both enhanced and retained by your bloodlines. I gift you this simple talisman as a divine favor to be passed down through your kin. May its insights preserve the peace and prosperity you have wrought."

The Salmon swam away with a flick of its tail, as Boqor slowly raised his hand to his neck to discover a simple segmented torc of hammered bronze.

The next morning Boqor took a handful of Meelamman's best carpenters and set about designing a swift, agile river craft known as the Doon.

Biyaha had grown fond, and perhaps too attached to Boqor, so it was that many years later as the now nearly ancient Yaxin slept fitfully the Crane visited him in his dreams. "Boqor, you will not rise in the morning as you have for all these years. Your time upon this world has run its course, like the great river that travels to the seas. That which you know, that which you feel, and that which you have experienced shall, however, live on forever. Leave behind your aching and infirmed body and remain here in The Beyond. The spark of life be not extinguished but rather transcendent."

Beginning AP = 9AP + 4AP(rollover) + 1PAP

Create Minor Artifact - 3AP: Divine Favor - The Torq of Insight grants a -1AP discount to Create Mundane Concept.
Create Mundane Concept -1 Divine Favor Charge: The Doon is a swift, single-masted, river craft.
Create Mythical Concept -1PAP(split cost????): Souls. The consciousness of sapient life of the First World may crossover into The Beyond when they die.

Remaining AP = 13AP - 3AP - 1 PAP = 10AP

2016-11-17, 10:19 AM
Rebek, the Silent Servant walks the land. A silent figure, walking endlessly and untiring and apparently without aim. A trail of her journey would show no apparent purpose to her journeys across the First World and that onlooker would be left unclear whether the fact that her meanderings, slow yet unceasing, brought her one after the other close to each civilization of the First World was deliberate or not.

Most of the time she observed from a distance, only rarely did she interact. Directly at least. As she observed she began to shape new concepts to fill gaps. In her wake, though perhaps not all realised it was her doing, people began to ritualise their treatment of corpses. While, of course, there had always been some method of removing them and in some cases even simple objects of remembrance to them, those that were affected by Rebek's creation began to develop in depth rituals and superstitions around how to properly handle bodies.

Disease didn't exist so there was no risk to improper handling of corpses, but nevertheless a professional class began to emerge in places; specialists in their culture's particular funerary practices. After a moment, Rebek wove more changes to aid them - allowing bodies to over time waste away to nothingness, fading in to incorporeality. In time, she would progress that, but not now. She was still travelling.

It was rare that she interacted directly, but not unheard of. Walking alongside a beach one day, she knelt alongside something that had been washed up. The body of a Cephalid, battered and torn through whatever tribulations had killed in, lay there. She squatted by it for many days before eventually straightening and starting to walk away. As she did so it twitched and spasmed in to...if not life at least mobility. It didn't know it, it didn't know anything, but it was the start of a new species on the First World. Mindless creatures, capable only of following orders, incapable of refusing or twisting them. The perfect servants, the First World's premier species. Now that it had been introduced to the Cephalids, others would follow it. With no infection or contagion, no way of predicting or controlling, other Cephalid corpses would not fade away - instead they would arise in the same way as this one had.

As she was walking away her attention was drawn to something. A broken coral necklace also lay on the beach, presumably ripped from the Cephalid's body by the action of the wind and sea. She stared at it for a moment then out to see and her now-out-of-sight new creation. Then nodded to herself and subtly warped it.

At one point, she cocked her head as if hearing something and then turned abruptly, the only time her walk seemed to have any purpose or direction. Many days walk in a dead line brought her to a low bluff overlooking a plain and a gigantic moving castle. She stood atop the bluff for days, watching the castle until it moved out of view, even a good few hours watching the horizon where it had disappeared. Mindless, and following instructions. Interesting. More could be done with that concept, but not now. Now she was travelling. Her attention flicked down to the plains itself where she saw a fast moving group of humaoids speckled like cheetahs. She reached out to them and left an instruction in the song of the world that the next to die would arise like the Cephalid had. The second of her new superior species. Others would follow it as they had the Cephalid. After watching the Cheenari group for a moment longer she adjusted the still-to-be-raised corpse further to ensure its usefulness as a servant.

She continued her walk, but remained an observer in all further interactions before eventually, her appetite for knowledge of the First World sated for now, returned to the The Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies. There was work to do here, as well, but for the moment she simply stood motionless.

AP: 16 PAP: 0

-1AP Create Concept - Funeral Rites:
The specific realisation varies from culture to culture, but the idea of some sort of ceremony or ritual, and the associated specialists, to mark the exit of a life from the First World begins to take hold.

-1 AP Blessing - Corpse Incorporeality:
Corpses on the First World do not decay and rot as they do in more prosaic worlds. Instead, over time (the time differs for each race, but is fixed for all members of that race) the corpse progressively fades out of existence, leaving no residue or remnants. It does not go anywhere, simply disappears.

-1AP Create Monstrous Life- Zombies:
Some corpses do not fade away, instead they arise a couple of days after death as a zombie. This only happens, to date, in the Cephalids and Cheenari as the first individual must be raised by Rebek herself, after that the process proceeds on its own.

These zombies are mindless, silent creatures that exist only to follow instructions. They can't understand any language but can be pointed to go in various directions by any sentient creature (or, in fact, a sufficiently detailed picture or illusion. Nothing too abstract, but anything that might fool an observer even if only for a brief second would be enough.) With care, they can be used to carry stuff around so long as someone is on each end of the route - someone to place the whatever-is-being-carried in the zombie's arms at one end, someone to unload it at the other. They walk in straight lines and if they encounter an obstacle they'll simply continue walking in to it until given another instruction. They struggle with uneven ground and walk slightly slower than an average human.

Zombies decay, normally - affected by the ambient temperature, humidity, etc and totally unaffected by Corpse Incorporeality.

-1 AP Blessing
Cephalid-based zombies have some innate, instinctive coral crafting. If the raw materials are near them and they do not have other instructions they will - instinctively and mindlessly - begin to create small coral items. Rarely is anything larger than a hand created, and never is there any cooporation. Some zombies do seem to "specialise" in some way though - one might consistently produce necklaces while another has a high chance of making fishhooks.

-1 AP Blessing
Cheenari-based zombies are capable of an incredible turn of speed over short distances. While undoubtedly the slowest of a band of Cheenari they are at least able to keep up enough to not be useless.

Base AP = 16 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 = 11
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-17, 02:24 PM

Dream Sprites were fond of order. Everything should be as tidy as possible, for both utility and aesthetics. Slowly but surely, little mandala-like streets were drawn in the soil and surrounding the Selenite Library, as small houses sprouted from the ground. Little mosses growing naturally on the houses lit up the streets. Gatherings became organizations, and organisations became a society. Soon enough, Dream Sprites living on Luna would read, hear and look at things from the first world, ranging from painting and other forms of art to books about some common wildlife, passing by a few rumors about squid-people.
Meanwhile, some stayed in the library and studied wonders of the first world. Namely, plants. Those strange beings didn't move or talk, yet grew on soil in the right condition. Ideal test living beings to bring, as they dont try to flee...
Others focused on languages, as it became apparent that they had some... difficulties talking with foreign races. Eventually, some of them, through contact with Takwas, Elves, and more, learned the languages and teached it to others of their kind.


From now on, Dream Sprites have a 75% chance of knowing common, 40% chance of knowing elven and 25% of knowing takwanese. Other languages are possible but are rarer.

Form Society (2AP): Lunars
Dream Sprites living in Luna are known for their insatiable curiosity. Most specialise in one kind of knowledge (mostly astronomy). They are working on learning how things work, and are rapidly developping new fields. They'll measure, test and write about anything they never saw. Of course, some laws were written to avoid mistakes that could lead to tension between them and other cultures, and one tells them to mess as little as possible with their environment. Some could feel... spied on at times. But Lunars are peaceful and will flee if they detect any threat, so just raising a weapon in the direction of one is enough to make it go away.

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Mathematics
It started with adding a leaf to another, and ended with confusing intricated numbers accompanied with letters and strange shapes. It's easy once one knows the rules, but there are more and more the farther you dwell into complicated things. Oh well.
While Dream Sprites aren't stingy with their knowledge (just don't hurt the books) and other races could learn it from them, they seem to have a natural talent at remembering every rule of mathematics while being very quick thinkers.

Create Mythical Concept (1AP, shared) Souls

6 - 2 - 2 - 1 = 1AP

Grand Arbiter
2016-11-17, 06:36 PM
Qefnera hears the call, and answers it.
A pillar of harmless purple sparks swirls up from the ground, spiraling into the sky, before swooping back down and compressing into the Muse's form- an elven woman in a pale dress and chocolate hair, with a pair of angelic wings sprouting from her back.
"Hello, my child. I see you have met my creations. But there's no need to think of me as the one goddess they have. After all, they need more than just me to guide them."

Guidance is a specialty of mine, dear Muse, and I would be honored to aid them. I may have a few ideas to discuss with you soon.
*Jericho's gaze wanders off into the distance.*
...Right now, however, there is something...calling me. I will endeavor to return soon.
Jericho begins to rises into the sky.
Take care, fair Muse. Until we meet again.

New Light

Jericho descends onto the slopes of a mountain. A towering peak, covered in stone and snow, a vast distance away from the elven lands. A small stream flows down the mountainside, carrying a subtle tune in its babbling waters. Jericho follows it upwards.

At the snowline, where the water started, there was a glow beneath the snow. Bending over, and brushing away the snow, there was an opening, alight with a dull glow. Gazing into the plane beyond the opening, Jericho thought to himself, This place and I are alike, shining with an inner light. ...Perhaps that is why I felt it's call...
Upon trying to walk through the opening, however, he hit something hard. A barrier or some sort, clear as the air itself stood in his way. He tried to push, but the barrier held firm. It could not be pulled either, lacking any sort of prominence to grasp. Stepping back, Jericho paced and pondered his predicament.
...That wouldn't quite work...
...nor that...
...sun and moon above, definitely not that...
*his brow furrows*
...Maybe...I think... Let's try this.
Turning to face the opening in the mountain, Jericho closed his eyes and began humming a soft tune. As Jericho hummed, he raised his hands towards the barrier. Calling to the energies of the plane, the barrier began to change. It gained color, a white as pure as newly fallen snow. It then changed in shape, becoming an ornate doorway, with a pair of lanterns to light the entrance.

After standing and admiring his handiwork, Jericho opened the ornate double doors, and gazed into the plane. Bright light shone forth, and a song rang out into the night. It was a song of life and light, tranquil peace, and most importantly, hope.
The future of the world shall be bright...

starting AP: 14

Weave Plane: Atheris: (4AP): Atheris is a plane of positive energy and light; a place of peace and healing. It is the source of healing magic and the energy of souls. Spending time in Atheris can and will heal wounds, often doing so faster than natural healing on the material plane. A creature's need for food and water is paused while in Atheris. There is no known hazard for living long-term in Atheris.
Atheris is largely featureless, same for large fonts of healing magic, and The Shining Gate.
Atheris's energies are anathema to undead, inflicting damage instead of healing them.

Create Portal: The Shining Gate: (2 AP): Atop the highest mountain at the source of the Webi River lay the Shining Gate, a portal to the heart of Atheris.

Create Mythical Concept: Souls: (1AP, shared): The energy to create souls originates from Atheris.

Create Mythical Concept: Healing Magic: (4AP): Healing magic draws upon the energize of Atheris to mend body and soul. The most learned among those schooled in the healing arts(healers) may even bring back the dead. Healing Magic is anathema to undead, inflicting damage instead of healing them.

Create Mundane Concept: Hope: (1AP): Hope is a powerful emotion, capable of sustaining an individual when all seems lost. It is a belief that all will be well, an idea or dream of a great future, and more.


2016-11-17, 09:10 PM
The Unnatural

It was a normal everyday Cheenari funeral which was occurring. As per tradition, the dead was laid out on a piece of hide to bathe in the moonlight and to be reabsorbed back into the land.

The Feathered Tribe gathered around and whispered their prayers, coaxing and guiding the departed's song into the great tree in the beyond but they were in for a surprise.

Without warning, the Cheenari corpse sat up, his eyes lifeless and dead, his fur was pale and his skin taught across his muscular frame..he was definitely dead.. but here he was, sitting..moaning..devoid of life.

The tribe as a whole gasped in disbelief and then confusion...and then...anger.

"What foulness!?" One of them cried out.

"This is wrong! This is not right!" Another said in response.

"The dead stay dead and move on! This cannot be!" Shouted the lead hunter and with a mighty swing, he grabbed ahold of a burning torch and shoved it into the zombie. Fire quickly rose and within seconds, the zombie was nothing but ashes.

The Feathered Tribe collectively cried out as the ashes smouldered. Their souls were heavy and their hearts were burdened by the revelation of unlife. They would not let such things persist!

0AP, 1PAP Start
-1PAP Curse(The Burning Dead): Undead creatures are vulnerable to fire. When burned, they quickly turn to ash.
0AP, 0PAP Remains

2016-11-18, 04:45 AM
The Marching Castle in The Wild Plains

From the tall grass of the plains, a tribe of Cheenari emerged from practically nowhere. They were as humanoid cheetahs with mud and paint smeared across their fur in elaborate designs. They wore nothing more than leather loincloths. Each of them held crude stone spears in hand and from their waits hung axe's of the same material.

Yellow eyes gathered as one, directed at the castle in a mixture of curiosity and alarm. Chatter erupted among the tribe and an elder Cheenari placed a hand upon the shoulder of a young hunter whom quickly darted off in the direction of Clawholme.

Meeting of two worlds, The Wild Plains.

The elves in their black dyed clothes and the soldiers in dark painted armor looked down at Cheenari. They heard the chatter and could make out that the creators were humanoid but the height made it hard to work out the words or the shapes.

Yet scribes tried to write down what they could and the elves start to chatter about what the humanoids below them were. Therus walked to the castles ledge and leaned over it. “Worms. Who are you? What are you?” Therus’ words boomed and echoed, sounding more like thunder than words of man.

Oddly while the echo spoke elvish, the Cheenari understood his words as though they of their own tongue.

2016-11-18, 09:08 AM
Meeting of Two Worlds, The Wild Plains

The Cheenari lead hunter stepped forward and with a slap of a fist upon his chest in greeting, he intoned in a series of whistles and chirps "Stoneriders! We are Cheenari of The Longstrider Tribe! We are the chasers upon the Path!"

He offered a slight bow of his head and continued. "Come hither for there is much meat and plenty beasts to be had for all, blessed is He That Leaves Prints!"

Black Socks
2016-11-18, 11:40 AM
A new deity

The group of elves, a few dozen strong, were not sure what had compelled them to make this journey to the Bicoya river, but they had. Now, the group set up camp.
They paused. The same feeling was now compelling them to bathe.
And so they did.
As they submerged in the water, they burst into song as one.
"Do re mi fa so la ti do.... do ti la so fa mi re do...."
Such a beautiful song. :smallbiggrin:
The song continued, gaining more layers and subtle melodies.
One could almost say the song took on a life of it's own.
And then it did.
A steady beat came into existence. It sounded like.... a massive heartbeat.
Which is exactly what it was.
Layal appeared above the elves, shimmering with divine energy. Its heartbeat added a rhythm to the previously free-flowing song. The elves, moving in unison, began a dance.

Layal has been created.


In another part of Jyhennia, the elves bowed their heads in mourning. A great musician was passing away.
The musician felt a profound sense of longing. He had been in the middle of most beautiful song, his magnum opus, when he had been struck with the illness. Even as the elves whispered comforting words to the young ones, he died.
But Qefnera intervened. She took his soul in hand, and spoke to it.
"Your work is not done. I shall allow you to go back and finish it. May your music bring joy to your kin."
And thus he did.

Create Mythical Concept: Souls: (1AP, shared): Not all undead are vicious monsters. When one dies with something very, very important unfinished, one can come back as a ghost. Although ghosts, for the most part, cannot harm the living, they can communicate and interact with objects. But once the work they came back for has been done, they will truly move on.
10 AP- 1 AP= 9 AP
9 AP + 4 AP (rollover)= 13 AP

2016-11-18, 02:31 PM
Layal spread its arms wide as it floated above the elves, luxuriating in the divine energy coursing through it. The brilliance subsided as the newborn deity floated to the ground settling cross-legged at the edge of the river. The god was bald and quite naked, its light brown skin easily blending in with the earth and the rocks. As the elves danced, so it watched, clapping its hands to keep the rhythm strong. At last, it stood up, bowing to the elves with a smile and began walking downriver. The elves who witnessed its birth wondered for a while at the event, and eventually moved on. As they did, they found that their steps barely left tracks in the soft soil by the river and never so much as snapped a fallen twig lying on the forest floor. Their bodies felt light and graceful, and they delighted for a while in joyous leaps and flips, bounding and bouncing all the way home.

The elves have been blessed with unusual grace and agility. They can move unheard over most terrains, they have great balance and they find it easier to evade attacks. And they are great at dancing.

Layal kept following the Bicoya River until it reached the sea. There, on the beach, it paused, gazing at the landmass that its divine sight revealed. The island of the elves was very nice, no doubt about it, but a little bit... untidy. All those trees and rocks and hills growing haphazardly all over the land, Layal was just itching to set them into more pleasing patterns. But the elves had been gracious hosts, well, more than hosts if it thought about it, and it would be terribly impolite to rearrange the furniture when you're a guest. Besides, Layal had a feeling that the elves liked their island just fine as it was. So the god paced up and down the beach, idly picking up stones and shells as it pondered the matter of the other land. Perhaps it would be bigger, perhaps it could find some unclaimed, uninhabited corner to decorate to its heart's content. But how to get there? The floating had been nice, but it wasn't sure it would be able to do it again, and besides it didn't seem very fast. Swimming looked like a tiring proposition, what with water resistance and all. As it paced, its gaze suddenly fell to the fistful of pebbles and seashells in its fist. With a sudden smile, it tossed them high, high into the air, their trajectories arcing over the waves, light glinting off their polished shapes as they fell into the ocean. Happy to have found a way, it leaped after the stones, soaring up and up until it could see a good deal of the landmass to the northeast and the entire island of the elves was visible beneath. The stones and shells whistled as they fell, growing larger and larger until at last they splashed into the ocean, a large archipelago floating halfway between the island and the continent. Layal hovered weightless for a moment before gravity reasserted itself and the god began its descent towards the group of islands, intent on using them as a springboard for its next leap, the one that would take it to its destination. But as it fell towards them, it noticed the particular pattern in which they had fallen and countless variations on that pattern sparked in its mind. Distracted, it landed lightly on the one sitting at the center, the second leap and the continent all forgotten.

What if... move this one here, and these three just so. Why, the possibilities are almost endless!

The god spent several cycles rearranging the islands in patterns simple and complicated, until it was again distracted by a few seabirds setting down on the unexpected bit of land, squawking noisily. It cocked its head and regarded the birds, the fingers of one hand tapping a measure against its chin. Why, yes, that would be lovely. But birds... no, I don't think so. Looking about, it noticed a few ants scurrying over the ground, busy on who knows what endeavour. Lying down on its stomach, Layal regarded them for a few more cycles, thoughts turning in its head. At last, it gently blew over the ants and stood back as the insects... grew and transformed. Their heads larger, to contain a proper brain. On their front limbs, many clever, articulate claws to hold and manipulate things. The antennae long and feathered, to feel the slightest vibration in the air and thus perceive the rhythm and music of the world. Their carapaces... ah, now! That dull red-brown would not do at all. Colours, brilliant colours! Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, blue - all shimmering with iridescence. Satisfied, the god smiled and clapped its hands once. Then stopped abruptly, another thought having entered its mind. I wonder if you can dance... Drawing on their memories of the roles they had played in the anthill, Layal led its new creations in a measured dance, the colours coming together, breaking apart and mingling in ever new configurations. The air rippled with the god's laughter as it let its pleasure and love wash over its children. Very good, my... my... my K'isimira!

But they were so few. Barely three dozen, not enough to make a truly grand pattern. So Layal set about correcting that, guiding the K'isimira into building a nest and organizing themselves, so that they may thrive and multiply. The island archipelago the god gave over to them, to settle and shape according to their needs and their god's will. Not wanting their brilliant colours to fade, it set down rules about their work and their society, assigning to each colour a task: blue were the sages, red the artists, yellow the merchants; then the orange soldiers, the green farmers and fishers, and the purple craftsmen. The K'isimira set to their tasks and started growing in their numbers, populating the islands of Kusi. In their joy, they often gave thanks to their creator by coming together and arranging their bodies into patterns pleasing to their maker, shifting from one shape to the next with flawless coordination.

Thus Layal settled them, and fearful that they would leave the islands and ruin his patterns, it set about them a commandment that none of them were ever to leave the place of their birth. However, the god wanted to share the beauty of its creation with others, so it left the K'isimira to their own devices for a while as it roamed about the lands, seeking other beings. Thus it met the other intelligent races and bid them to come see the marvels of the islands. But not all of them could swim that well, and for that long, so the god set to give them a means by which to travel to its archipelago. The doons floating up and down the rivers sparked an idea in its mind; what floated on river water could just as well float on ocean water, it was all a matter of propulsion, steering and - well, navigation.

Starting AP & PAP: 16 AP & 0 PAP
-1 AP: Bestow blessing (Light Is Their Step) - the elves have been blessed with unusual agility and grace.
-2 AP: Create land - Kusi, an archipelago of floating islands situated to the north of Jyhennia and to southwest of the Lower Webiga delta, at equal distance between Jyhennia and Dalalkan. The archipelago contains 36 islands of various sizes and shapes and has a mediterranean climate. Some islands have fertile soil suitable for farming, while others are densely forested with various species of hard or aromatic woods. Yet others have deposits of stone, metals or fine white clay, while sand is found in abundance on the myriad beaches.
-2 AP: Create sapient life - the K'isimira, a race of giant, intelligent ant-like beings. The K'isimirra are highly organized and communicate through pheromones or minute vibrations of their antennae. They can use both pairs of frontal limbs to manipulate objects, which makes them excellent craftsmen and artists.
- 2 AP: Form society - the K'isimira society is organized into a rigid caste system, based on the colour of the carapace. While normally an ant is born into its caste, the K'isimira get to choose their desired path before reaching adulthood. Their choice determines what colour their body will take (immature K'isimira are white, and so are the queens). The K'isimira breed mostly like ants - the queens mate once in a nuptial flight, then lay eggs during their fertile period.
- 1 AP: Bestow curse - the K'isimira can never leave their native lands.
- 3 AP: Divine Infusion - Layal has made Kusi a very attractive place for other sapient races, wishing for others to witness its creations.
- 1 AP: Create Mundane Concept - Dance. Layal is very fond of the patterns that can be found in dancing, either in the movements of the individual or in the configurations created by a group.
- 1 AP: Create Mundane - Sailing. This is a more advanced form of watercraft, allowing the traversal of large bodies of water, including the ocean.
- 2 AP: Create Advanced Concept - Geometry. The arrangement of the K'isimira as they dance their sacred danced reveals many simple and complex geometric forms.
Expended AP: 15
Remaining AP: 1

2016-11-18, 05:20 PM
Rebek, the Silent Servant sat alone in the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies. Alone through both inclination and circumstance as nothing but her existed in that place. Yet. After an unknown and unknowable amount of time he stood and walked to the centre of the place, inasmuch as it had a centre.

Around him, walls of grey stone arose, made of colossal bricks each many times the size of a human. The "outside" of the structure she was creating faded in to nothingness, the entire plane was one building. One building larger than anything that existed in the First World though. The room she was standing in was large enough that from the centre none of the walls could be seen and the vaulted roof was hundreds of metres above her head. And it was not the entirety of the plane. Huge arched iron doors, ten metres high and six wide at their base, led off all four walls at regular intervals. The only difference between them was an embossed symbol, different on each. Despite the fact that those symbols had never been seen before know, the knowledge of what they meant was granted to any who entered the plane: each represented a different race. One for each of the sentient races of the First World with countless doors left unmarked for those that would follow.

Each door led to a colossal vaulted hall. At this time, each hall was empty.

A human sized throne appeared in the middle of the central hall. Anyone who sat in it who claimed some degree of authority - be that through being divine, through being a mortal ruler or some other method, would find that their livery, symbols and heraldry appeared on it for the duration of their seat. Rebek himself never sat there, he sat on the floor by its feet when he was present. Finally, and with an audible pop, the air drained from the plane leaving a nothingness behind it that on other worlds would be called a vacuum.

With the plane arranged, it was time to return to his travels in the First World. A black featureless circle opened up a few metres in front of the throne, and unseen by anyone, a similar one opened on at the very south of the First World's major landmass, where the almost frozen Ruux River met the almost frozen southern ocean. Travel between the two places would be easier, and Rebek widened the portal to allow a thin trickle of cold and air to pass in to his plane and this place to start influencing the First World.

He walked forwards and as he stepped in to the circle, disappeared from one place and appeared in another. Stood suddenly in the frozen southern wastes. Barely had his step finished when the land started shifting around him.

First the land leveled and became more uniform, minor variations in gradient fading away to leave a perfectly level snowy plane, suddenly denuded of boulders and any other remarkable features. A bridge, apparently natural, certainly showing no sign of being worked by human hands - inseparable from the bedrock, grew to span the Ruux river. On the eastern side where the portal was huge rooms with vaulted roofs grew from the bedrock, again no signs on them of having been worked by human hands. On several of them was a repeat of the racial symbols worked in to a repeating frieze around two metres up the exterior wall. Others, the vast majority, were blank.

As he walked across the bridge the land on the western bank became similarly flat and featureless. Small buildings began to rise; as with everything else in this place featureless and apparently grown from the bedrock. Homes, blacksmith's forges, municipal buildings, workshops and stores - enough to house a small town of a few thousand people but all empty, cold and lifeless - home only to the thin air of this place.

With that done, he began the long walk north. He needed to check on his creations and evaluate where more should be made.

AP: 11 PAP: 0

-1 Alter Land
Changing the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies as described above (paragraphs 2-4).

-2 Create Portal
From the centre of the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies to a spot on the eastern bank of the Ruux River, less than ten metres from where it meets the sea.

-2 Bridge Plane
Bridge between the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies and the First World centred on the portal locations above.

-1 Alter Land
Altering the area around the First World side of the portal as described above (paragraphs 7-8)

Base AP = 11 -1 -2 -2 -1= 5
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Kittenmancer's creatures, when they come
DanteTheDragon's creatures when they come
Gunhaven's other races
Possibly hatter's other races - tbd
ArcaneStomper's races

2016-11-18, 06:08 PM
The Shifting of Order
As the dead rose, so too did a pair of organizations to help further complement the Maculosa: the Sepioidea and the Marginatus. The Sepioidea were made up of the Grozoth, as well as those cephalids who helped guide their undead comrades in their various tasks, and were primarily focused on welcoming any wild cephalids or desiring outsiders into the fold of She Who Purifies Us. The Marginatus are made up of the zombies that rise from within the cities and the cephalids otherwise tasked with building and maintaining their cities of coral and stone. Together the three organizations made up the vast majority of Her children’s lifestyles, leaving little freedom for any who follow her to also be free of any such calling.
More subtle was the schism between the First World and The Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves. Within the Cascading Waves the original mission of exploration under the waves still held strong and thus the Lustrian Cirrina continued to call the ruins and reefs home as they continued to expand to every nook and cranny of such a plane. On the First World, however, a separate philosophy began to grow with the rising use of undead aid. With the zombies the Cephalid could finally fully function outside of the water instead of keeping to the coasts. Calling themselves the Khemrian Adopus they took it upon themselves to instead work towards exploring beyond the coasts they inhabit. The city of Chaqua, however, remained blissfully unaffiliated with either society and instead continued to serve as the base for all Cephalid civilization that followed the Denier.

Biyaha, Auron, and Carakhan - Mouth of the Upper Webiga
Slowly She could feel Her connection to the First World weaken. She looked around with a smile, using one last bit of divine energy to directly affect Her children, as they found they could safely leave the beaches for longer journeys. In fact the coral they so loved could survive in almost any humid condition as opposed to being limited to beaches, wherever the Cephalids who tended to it could continue to have moist skin. She plopped out of the bubble of water and glubbed ”I feel my time here is drawing to an end. However I can assure you that I will continue to guide and protect the seas of the first world from the Placid Vestibule of Cascading Waves.”

Starting: 7
Bless (-1 AP): Coral Longevity: The Coral and Cephalids are no longer tied directly to being underneath the waves. Much like how real life coral and octopi can survive for brief periods (as tides drop or as they scuttle to other ponds) the main qualifier to seeing either underwater object is now dependent on moisture. As long as there’s a connection to the sea and the air is wet enough (around the level of a rainforest or swamp) there is now coral creeping onto land and Cephalids soon following.
Create Organization (-1 AP): Sepioidea, they who guide Us, is made up of Grozoth and the higher ranking telepaths or illusionists among the Cephalids. It is they who ultimately interpret Carakhan’s message of unity and help guide their comrades to a brighter tomorrow.
Create Organization (-1 AP): Marginatus, those that build, is made up of the Cephalids most focused with the Song of Water and Coralcrafting as well as the zombies. They are the ones who design the cities with the Sepioidea’s guidance and the ones who create the items the Cephalids use.
Create Society (-2 AP): Khemrian Adopus, the Creeping Tide, is the society that exists within the First World now (while the Lustrian Cirrina exist within the Cascading Waves). They have no qualms using their dead comrades to help expand their society into the rainforests, swamps, and other wet areas that octopi normally aren’t found.
Ending: 2

Let’s get them domains finally and ascend!
Magic (Psionics)
4: Psionics Mystical Concept
2: Illusion Subconcept
2: Grozoth Subrace
2: Mindful Bless

Seafolk (Cephalid)
2: Lustrian Cirrina Society
2: Khemrian Adopus Society
2: Cephalid Sentient Race
2: Kraken Subrace
1: Maculosa Organization
1: Sepioidea Organization

Ocean (Coral)
2: The Song of Water Subconcept
2: Coral Reefs Create Land
2: Bridge Plane between First World and Cascading Waves
1: Marginatus Organization
1: The Prime Pantheon
1: Coralcrafting Mundane Concept
1: Coral Longevity Bless

2016-11-19, 03:24 AM
Meeting of Two Worlds, The Wild Plains

The Cheenari lead hunter stepped forward and with a slap of a fist upon his chest in greeting, he intoned in a series of whistles and chirps "Stoneriders! We are Cheenari of The Longstrider Tribe! We are the chasers upon the Path!"

He offered a slight bow of his head and continued. "Come hither for there is much meat and plenty beasts to be had for all, blessed is He That Leaves Prints!"

The castle that kneels.

“Inside.” The word didn’t quite reach the cheenari’s ears, but the elves heard it and started grabbing their belongings. They moved quickly and carefully moved inside the doors of the castle ensuring nothing was past lines drawn around door frames.

“Kneel.” The castle lowered itself with a speed unnatural to a structure of its size. As the mighty pillars bent they kicked up dust with currents of wind strong enough to knock a man down. Even as the castle swayed and leaned, Therus stood unshifting as though he was part of the stone architecture.

“I have no need of your food worms.” Standing on the castle’s platform but a few feet above the ground, was an elven man in fine armor as dark as the void and a flowing cape. “The worms that bend their knee to I, may have need and more respect of this food.” The echo turned to the door, gesturing to the elves. “Parley. Trade.” With those words, a solder sheathed their weapon and a number of people went to grab items for trade.

“Who is ‘He That Leaves Prints’?” Therus looked in to lead hunter’s yellow eyes speaking cheearien (if that’s what their language is) to which the god’s followers understood as thought it was their own tongue.

claim domain: community (family)
1ap the solus,
2ap schooling
1ap the castle of the loyal
1ap unbreakable loyalty
1ap the dark army
2ap writing
1ap nine lives
1ap farming

Therus is both a destroyer and ally to families, those loyal to him often find family is not just who you share blood with. Many of his victims have their family lost or broken, sometimes they find a new family (or kinship) after disaster.

2016-11-19, 04:50 AM
The Mountain of Fire
In time Om felt it was time to move on from the Lakes of Esh. Heaving itself out of the pool it had lain in for so long the divine stone began rolling east. For many days it traveled across the vast river system of Esh until it reached the forest and foothills of a great mountain.

Om was made melancholy at this. For it remembered the first mountain it had sat on, and the good times it had had there. Deciding to explore this new mountain, and maybe make some more good memories Om rolled up the slopes. Except that this mountain seemed different. It was hotter, and in some places the rocks flowed like water. Om was intrigued and kept rolling up the mountain. When Om reached the peak it was somewhat surprised to find a great shaft leading downwards and filled with yet more flowing stone.

Om, being a somewhat curious god, did not hesitate to roll over the edge and fall into the shaft. It was even more surprised with how long the fall was. Down and down it fell into a vast world of fire. Om rolled through great caverns, and hopped across lakes made not of fire, but molten rock. It was pleased to see the splashing of stone that its impact made. In relatively cooler areas it marveled at crystal growths and watched the hulking beasts that inhabited this land play.

And Om laughed, for it found this land to be good and right. And its laughter flowed through the molten stone and rocks. It set in motion a new song one of quick rhythms and passionate beats. And from the song and fiery stones rose a new race. Imbued with divine passion they flowed out of the lakes and began to explore the tunnels deep under the earth. Born of laughter and fire they were a boisterous people and passionate people. And the many tribes of the Cline began to spread throughout the underside of the world.

As Om watched its newest creations make a place for themselves it began to shiver and shake. Flakes of the living stone began to shard off of it, and it became worried. For it didn't know what the cause was. It began pouring a bit of song into the shards in the hopes that they would reattach, but without warning the divine stone was snatched up be powerful forces and ripped out of the ground it so loved.

Hurriedly the Living Stone poured the bit of divine essence it could spare into the largest shard it had shed. And from that shard formed Plo, the Living Pebble, whose first memory was its progenitor god vanishing into the ether.

The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam:
The being the Living Stone it was only natural that Om was deposited into the very plane of stone when it was forcibly ejected from the first world. Despite its connection with its surrounding however the Living Stone was not happy. Indeed for the first time in its life the Living Stone raged.

Starting AP 8
(+4 AP) Rollover
(+4 AP) Rollover

(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Create Mundane Concept: The Spring of Knowledge
The pool in which Om spent its time in the Esh has been filled with a spark of divine knowledge. Anyone who drinks from it will be filled with inspiration and a ideas. Not all of them are practical, but its almost guaranteed that something of use will be discovered.

(-4 AP) Create Mythical Life: The Crine
Beings of lava the Crine live only in areas of great heat such as the Ever Burning Flame. They are a hardy people and enjoy exploring the vast expanse of the Ever Burning Flame.

(-2 AP) Form Society: The Lava Tribes
The Crine are divided into several tribes that wander the core of the world. They are semi nomadic spending years and decades in the same place, but ever so slowly following the lava flows to new locations.

(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Bless/Curse: The Melancholic Shard
A fragment of Om's very being that broke off when it was in a reflective mood. The shard can be tuned to call on Om's happy memories or its sadness to imbue positive or negative a user with positive or negative energy, which they can then release through a song affecting a target. Channeling the power of a god like this generally burns out the mortal using it. So the Crine view it as a last resort.

(-4 AP) Create Avatar: Plo, the Living Pebble
A tiny fragment of Om, which broke off as Om felt itself start to slip out of the First World. Plo is charged with caring for the earth as Om did, and being the intermediary between the Living Stone and those who worship it.

Gain Domain: Earth (Life)
(-2 AP) Create Sentient Life: The Sinca
(-2 AP) Create Sapient Life: The Slimnia
(-4 AP) Create Mythical Life: The Crine
(-2 AP) Subconcept of Song of Life: Song of Stone

Gain Domain: Civilization(Tribes)
(-2 AP) Form Society: The Sinca Harmony
(-2 AP) Form Society: The Lake People
(-2 AP) Form Society: The Lava Tribes
(-4 AP) Create Avatar: Plo, the Living Pebble

Gain Domain: Nature(Shamanism)
(-1 AP) Alter Land: The Meeting Glade
(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Alter Land: The Words of Om
(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Create Mundane Concept: The Spring of Knowledge
(-3 AP) Divine Favor - Bless/Curse: The Melancholic Shard

Unused Action
(-1 AP) Alter Land: Singing Stones
(-1 AP) Alter Land: The Lakes of Esh

Ending AP 0

2016-11-19, 06:32 AM
The Scales of the Father Shall birth the Scaled Kin

Sin lay upon the banks of the webiga River. His birth place always did help him think. Looking around he muttered to himself, how should I make them, how should I make them. His eyes came to rest on his claws resting in the mud of the riverbank.

His scales shimmered in the light of the sun like jewelry. hmmm maybe. Just maybe.

Standing, he stretched his muscles before focusing. Slowly one by one his old scales began to fall off, being replaced by new ones. The smaller scales coming off easily while the biggest Scales took the most time.

They were organized in rows depending on there size, smallest in the front, biggest in the back. Focusing his power Sin slowly breathed out, A plume of constant flame bathing the scales, imbuing them with power, imbuing them with life.

Slowly they began to take shape, to morph into creatures the size of a small adult man, about 5'2 or so. They were lizard like but stood on there back legs with sharp fangs and flicking tongues. They were thin and fragile looking, shaking in the sunlight.

Sin observed them curiosly Well then...you are not quite how I had expected but you are my children all the same and I shall raise you to be strong

They looked up at the huge mass that was there father before dashing forward, climbing up his legs until they reached his back, settling in and falling asleep.
Laughing he said very well very well off we go, youll be hungry soon enough I'm sure and with that he walked off into the Jungle.

As the days went by he noticed the differences between them, some ate more and more while others are less but became more energetic and curios of things and yet again others picked up language fairly quickly communicating and planning amongst themselves. Sin had been woken up many a time by a coordinated surprise attack by his children, led at all times by the talkative ones.

These were the first of the Scaled kin. Sons and daughters of Sin.

10 Ap -2 Ap= 8 Ap

2Ap create Sapient Life (Scaled kin Adolescent)- Scaled Kin begin there lives all looking the same. Thin 5 foot tall bipedal Red Lizard men that seemed almost fragile. Though there beginnings may seem humorous they are far from weak and laughable. Many a man has laughed and made fun of Scaled Kin assuming that these humanoids would always be this way only to regret there words when they come face to face with its much larger and more intimidating parents. Scaled Kin stay in there adolescent stages far longer than the typical human, usually taking 60-70 years for an scaled kin to mature. When one grows up, drastic changes may happen depending on what variant of its species it may become, be it Swift Kin, Blue Scale Kin or Thunder Kin. A unmutated Scale Kin grows to look much like the Blue Scale Kin without the prominent Blue scaling patterns on the face. The mutation ratio is quite low usually Having one mutated scaled Kin in every 100.

"you laugh now but that's still a wee child, wait until you get a load of his older brothers, especially The Thunder Kin bastards. Makes a man damn near soil himself when one of those brutes roars at em. The Swift Kin are smaller even then the children but that does matter when you discover when you realize you have a dagger sticking out of your chest from a creature you didn't hear coming. Sneak into your bedchamber without you even realizing it they will. As for the Blue Scaled Kin well, not as large, loud or intimidating as the Thunder Kin, or as Swift and silent as the Swift Kin, but I have a feeling that those bastards are the ones that are truly in charge, when they look at you, you feel like you are trapped in a room with the reaper of Death, like they know just exactly how to tear you apart. Those lad, those are the true elites, trained in combat and leading the rest of those Dragon Children. Be careful when you poke fun at the children Boyo. Youll never know what you'll get with them. Thank the gods there's only a few of the special ones." - A conversation between a veteran soldier and a new recruit In the Smashed Elf In(the inn sign has a drunken elf holding a tankard to his lips)

I'll writw up the Variants when the rollover happens as I do not have enough AP to flush them all out.

2016-11-19, 06:51 AM
Rebek, the Silent Servant continued its walk north. The First World was beginning to teem with life and there was much work to be done. Even a being devoted to servitude could become exhausted and after many days walk and thought it paused.

Kneeling it shaped a circlet out of the stone, giving it a silvery sheen as it worked. Thin, a uniform width, it was only a simple circle until it was placed on Rebek's head. At which point, it poured it's power in to the circlet; transforming it in an instant from a simple rock shape to one of the most potent items on the First World. The Circlet of the Servant could be used by its bearer to shape the zombies and other undead, drawing on its own power rather than the wielders. Rebek was certain that it would not take long to repay the energy it had spent in creation.

With that done, and all but exhausted from the effort used in creating it, Rebek moved towards where it had created the first of its creatures. It did not reach the shore, though, before finding that its creations were being put to work. In so far as a being like Rebek could be satisfied, it was satisfied to see it Cephalid zombies on land, being used in exploration.

Drawing on the powers of the Circlet, Rebek touched them briefly, heightening their usefulness. Their exploration was being limited by their inability to communicate their findings and so she heightened their facility with coralcrafting to enable them to give a record of their discoveries.

There was more work to be done here, but there was always more work to be done. Such was the nature of servitude.

AP: 5 PAP: 0

-5 AP Create Major Artifact:
The Circlet of the Servant: Utility artifact giving -1 AP cost to blessings of undead.

-0 AP (cost paid by artifact) Blessing:
Cephalid zombies that are used in exploration are able to sculpt dioramas. They lack the mind to lie, and have no understanding of what they have seen. But, given time for they are clumsy, they can produce a series of coral sculptures of what they have seen on their travels. The major drawback is they have no sense of priority - if an explorer saw sixty trees, three monkeys, a plant, eight clouds, the sun, a river, a different part of the same river and an advancing army coming to destroy everything it would dutifully recount its findings in order meaning it might take days before the interesting part was reached.

Base AP = 5 -5 -0 = 0
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Kittenmancer's creatures
DanteTheDragon's creatures
Gunhaven's grozath
Work on Gunhaven's non-exploration Cephalid
Possibly hatter's other races - tbd
ArcaneStomper's races (lava guys will need to be made fireproof)



Towards Death(Corpses) 5/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 5/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 0/10:

2016-11-19, 11:11 AM
The Bard and the Sprite - the Edge of the Mists

As the bard's soul traveled to the dream plane, the stag led the sprite to a nearby portal. It wasn't long until Zuben joined the bard, as it landed on her shoulder. Should she choose to shoo it away, the gaseous owl would simply opt to fly in front of her, leading her toward a giant planetary. But as soon as it was in sight, the Dream Sprite landed, emitting a strangled chirp.

T͢͟͟h͘͘͟e̶̵̸y̨͝ ̶̨͢a̴͏́͢r̵̛͢ę͜͞ ̸̛n͝҉͟o҉҉͏̴͞t́͠ ̷͏͟҉h̴̨̕͢ȩ̴ŗ̸e͏̢ ̶̧̀͠͡?̷̴̢!̧́
Wh͝a͜t ͟ha̕p̡pen̨ed ͞?͜!͞

Indeed, the great planetary was lacking the clouds of spatial gas, normally at the center of the structure. But a quick look around was enough to locate where they were; going toward the Castle of Memories. Zuben looked worried. They spoke slowly so that the bard could at least catch a few words of their explanations.

T́he ǫnly r̢e̕aso҉n ͠t̷h͡ey wo͜u͡l͘d m͞ov̨e a̡ẁa̕y ̛wǫu̕ld b̷e͝ w҉hen the̢y j͡udge̸ t͘ha͢t ̨th̕e̴ ̡pl͠a̕ńe is ͜d͠i҉s̕t̶urbed ͟and ̸d̸r͡ea͝mer̶ś mi͠g͟h͟t͘ ̷b̡e̕ ̵un͟sa̶f̸e̡ i͏f̶ t͘h͠e s̵i̷t͏u̸atio̴n҉ ͠isn͢'t҉ ͞r̶ectìf͟ied.

The spatial clouds were now hovering, far enough to not affect too much dreams, but close enough to interact with the place. Yag-Azreal could still feel the godly presence, but not for long.

They are not here ?!
What happened ?!

The only reason they would move away would be when they judge that the plane is disturbed and dreamers might be unsafe if the situation isn't rectified.

Of Dreams and Nightmares

Ezoth woke up. Another generation of Dream Sprites escaped their dream, perhaps earlier than they intended. The deity felt something was wrong. Souls were harrassed where the Castle of Dreams was. This annoyed them greatly. The Fugue plane was a place of peace, especially for souls and dreamers. But this wasn't the work of some foolish mortal. This was the work of a god.
Passing through the numerous rings composing the Great Planetary without disturbing any, Ezoth made their way toward the Castle of Dreams, hiding their body behind stars and gas that could be found far away from here.
The Starry One simply hovered, observing. They listened to the dragon sleep, muttering words. They looked at the bards fighting the Night Shriekers. They felt Dream Stags desesperately trying to contain the creatures to protect the Dream Bubbles.

Strange creatures rained down below the deity, and started helping the bards push the living nightmares away, as they started working on gathering some power. A bless.
Ezoth didn't take it kindly that their domain was harmed, but they could understand that it didn't require a fight to be fixed. They only stayed, stationary, watching over the Castle of Dreams. Some would say to ensure that the dreaming ones and deceased ones stayed safe while the bless took effect. Others would say to be available to conversations should the Dragon need to say something.

The Bard and the Sprites - Realm of Dreams

Allowing the sprite to ride her dream-self's shoulder for now, not letting her slight distrust for these beings show yet, Beathan would allow them to lead her to the tower... or, more exactly, allow the tower to come to them! Of course, being just above the Castle of Memories would make the elf noticeably distraught, especially after such a short time after her companion's demise, but the bard would steel herself as much as possible, and walk towards the observatory to talk with the apparent master of these sprites. Her, Beathan! One of the founders, sure, but definitely not the leader of the Bards! What was she going to say? What kind of impression would her dreaming mind make?

"Come now woman, you are a Bard! Weaving words is literally your job..." She would mumble, standing on the precipice of Ezoth's domain. But all thought would disappear when she and the others would hear the whisper of the God below them. For it flowed and shaped itself from the silence like so much oil on water.

The Dreaming God, The Sprites, Ezoth - Above the Castle

As the silence grew, and all of the lords and ladies within the Castle of Memories, and all their chatter and the sounds of party would fade, so too would any semblance of what might be considered comfort. Now, without any distractions, the malice and wrath present from the recently-disturbed mind would be made bare... but slowly, that too would fade, just as the few mortals who had "invaded" this dream had. The sprites gathered above the silence would be left to look down at the Castle as it became truly peaceful, silent shapes gliding to and fro in their eerie revelry, undisturbed.

But the slumbering mind took notice of the life just at the edges of its dream, those things flying above its castle, and to them would a voice come from the silence. A low, twisting nether that was not sound, yet, that still they heard as clearly as if it had been spoken. As if the silence itself shaped the words in their mind. "Are you able to bring them back?" This Silence would ask, as if it already knew the answer.

After receiving... well, silence in return, the still-slumbering mind would say, "No... of course not. Then go away, and leave me alone." And, lest a divine presence (and nothing short of it) stop it, the Silence would withdraw once more into its dreams. Lingering, content. But... not quite able to fully cast away the thread of consciousness that still refused to join it once more in its sleep. And still, the First Song would drift from the Castle of Memories, felt, but not heard, even within the dream realm all about them.

The Bards and Stags - Combating the Shriekers

The first true undead of this world posed quite a problem for the fledgeling community of world-shapers. So reliant had they become on their Evocative techniques, that when a creature came about that could freeze their blood within its veins, and stop the waggling of their tongue, the Bards were unable to handle them without the assistance of the Stags. The Dream Stags, more resilient to the paralyzing terror than the flesh-and-blood elves and Takwa by their very nature, would be able to drive off the first three Night Shriekers to arise, but without divine intervention, the dreamless and insane creatures would escape into the blackness of true night before they could be destroyed.

And so, the Bards came up with a new idea. Taking a risk and studying the dreams of Yag-Azreal as it slumbered, always careful to return after two hours had passed, the clever mortals would find beings and creations without minds, without true bodies... and without fear. Beings made of the very elements themselves. The perfect guardians against this growing threat. And so, devising new words of power, binding and control, the Bards would create and leash the first Elementals from the very earth, water, and fire around them.

Of course, the Bards thought they crafted these beings from the world around them, and the power of the First Song, for none yet knew that other planes besides the Beyond existed. But in truth, without even knowing, they had reached into the other elemental planes, and from them pulled out a semblance of life. And, perhaps without meaning to, they gave the First Song, and the one that sustained it, more chords to strengthen and change themselves.

The Council of Frostrim

As more and more beings within the teaming life of the First World were born, so too did more beings begin to gather to the side of the Void Dragon, and the community and welcoming members of the Bards would slowly begin to grow. Until, eventually, there was a true society rising about them. With the Bards at its head, this society would be shaped to ensuring both that the Dragon would be kept appeased in its silent slumber on the First World, and second to making sure that there would be room for anyone within... as long as those individuals did not try to harm the community itself. Any race was welcome, be they Elf, Takwa, Scaled Kin and, in their own special ways, Dream Stags, dream Sprites, Zombies and Elementals would all function within the society, working together to make the place strong.

The zombies in particular were something of a revolution within Frostrim, as suddenly, they had mindless, nearly-perpetually frozen and thus preserved corpses they they could use to do their menial labor. Evocation in particular gave the bards incredible influence over the walking dead, as there was no will to resist the command. Once a command word was given, they simply... did, and they kept on doing until a new command word replaced it. While members of the community were never used for this, sometimes there were bodies found from travelers who didn't make it to Frostrim, and which rose from the dead. These were the work force, mostly just for hauling and walking through the adder-filled mists to obtain water, but also they were used to farrow farm fields near the heat-giving rivers running along the length of the Scar, and once all other duties were attended to some Zombies would be set up at look-out stations and blind corners within the mountains, which only had one task: Once they saw a new mortal, they would go and fetch the look-out party at that station, so that the Bards could properly welcome the newcomers!

Starting AP: 3

Rollover: +8

-1 AP: Create Monstrous Life: Elementals: Elementals are what you see on the can. Functioning like the D&D equivalents, elementals are simple, near-mindless spirits created and bound by Evocation techniques. While they only exist upon the mortal plane (currently), and only within Frostrim in particular, these beings are actually the physical manifestations of other planes upon the mortal realm. Mostly used as powerful guardians, Elementals also possess other uses, such as being fuel sources (fire), temporary building supports (earth) or even healers (positive energy)! As more planes arise, so too shall new breeds of elementals.

Elementals without a master simply cease to exist, their entire being sustained by power words which only possess any "will" as long as the being that created them is alive to give the elementals their own life and spark, so one should not expect to encounter these beings out in the wild barring the freakish circumstance of a Bard becoming a Night Shrieker. If this happens, then that is the only time when an "uncontrolled" elemental, as insane as its master, might be found.

-1 AP: Create Subconcept: Elemental Bindings (Evocation; Power Words) Elemental Bindings allow bards to create, shape and control the elementals that now exist. This is simply how the elemental beings are created and function, and might one day become the basis for summoning magic, if the bards discover that their bindings actually pull their power from other realms than the Prime.

-1 AP: Create Subconcept; Simple Commands (Evocation; Power Words) The bards use this technique to imprint commands that are complex, but easily carried out, onto mindless beings such as Elementals, Zombies or anything of the like that may come about in the future. Simple commands are things that can be done without any special form of training, say, hauling buckets of water, tilling a field or picking crops, protecting the "master" and their community from wild animals, or setting a trigger that makes them "fetch" an individual.

-2 AP: Form Society; The Council of Frostrim: Read the description above, gosh darnit. I'm far too sleepy to post it a second time with slightly different words! :smalltongue:

Gain Domain: The Planes (Manipulation) For the Dragon in its slumber still bridged many places, and its unwitting followers connected its silent song to many places in their cleverness. Such that Yag-Azreal grew, and gained some influence over the planes of the world. Lest it be awoken, however, these places would be left unchanged but by the slumbering mind of an old, forgotten deity...
-2 (5) AP Castle of Memories (Infused for +3)
-2 AP Bridge plane; The Scar
-1 AP Curse; Castle of Death
-1 AP Monstrous Life; Elementals
-1 AP Subconcept; Elemental Bindings

Ending AP: 6, 1 infused plane action

I have way, waaaaaaaay more AP invested in getting a Magic (Evocation) domain than I need. However, I would like to wake Yag-Azreal up before then, so that I have a chance to create an avatar before being kicked off of the mortal plane. So, open invitation to anyone! Do something... big. Something that could potentially wake the sleeper from its slumber...

Also, I am suuuuuuuuuuuper slow. Sorry about that, all. x.x

2016-11-19, 09:58 PM
Meeting of Two Worlds

The Cheenari spoke the same language as the Takwa who lived in the jungle north of their current position. Whistles and chirps and clicks flew across the gathering of Cheenari. Excitement filled the air and although they were unable to verbally communicate with the elves, trading commenced without much difficulty.

The Cheenari brought forth many meats and furs of all kinds, some even seeming to possess their own natural glow.

The lead hunter stared back at Therus and replied rather simply. "Big Foot. He is Sathwatch... He is unseen."

Of The Wyrg

Sathwatch raced across the open plains with a spear in hand, his eyes were fixed upon a majestic stag and his feet pounded upon the dirt. His arm arched and his muscles buldged as he prepared to toss his spear but before he could do so, a great wolf slammed into his prey without warning.

Fang, claw and fur ripped into the stag's hide with hunger and without any sense of mercy. The giant wolf, easily the size of a horse was joined by four others who joined in the slaughter. Blood splattered but none was allowed to go to waste.

Leaning on his spear, his chest heaving from the chase, Sathwatch watched as the wolves consumed every last peace of meat, bone and even the antlers. He admired their power and so he reached forth an arm and proclaimed "Wyrg."

0AP, 0PAP Start
+4AP, +1PAP Rollover
-1PAP Sathwatch carries The Note for this week, adding the chaotic and raw powers of nature.
-2AP Create Sentient Life(The Wyrg): The Wyrg are intelligent wolves that are easily the size of horses. Although incapable of actual speech, they are able to seamlessly communicate with each other in ways that can be quite unsettling. By instinct, they only kill for food and when they do kill, absolutely nothing goes to waste.
-1AP Bless(Call of The Wyrg): The Wyrg communicate effortlessly as if each member of an individual pack can read each others' minds.
+1AP, 0PAP Remaining

Claiming Animal(Beasts)

1AP Create Monstrous Life: Glow Cats
1AP Bless: The Migratory Path
2AP Create Sentient Life: The Cheenari
2AP Form Society: Clawholme
1AP Form Organization: Council of The Claw
2AP Create Sentient Life: The Wyrg
1AP Bless: Call of The Wyrg

2016-11-19, 10:48 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Chorus of Gears

From the Navel of Creation Jyn'Hao stepped deep into the Grove and from the trees pulled forth branches fashioning them into gears. These were placed within the Void and the Heavens shifted, raining down massive balls of flaming Nocturne upon the First World and the largest continent leaving horrible scars across the land. These Gears continued to turn and much like the rotation of the heavens so too were they linked.

AP: 5

Weave Plane - The Chorus of Gears -2AP: The Plane of Order, a realm of interconnected gear islands and the constant ticking of time itself.

Curse - Nocturne Shower -1AP: As the Heavens move, meteors made of pure Nocturne fall to the First World.

Bridge Plane - The Chorus of Gears and the Sun and Moon: The Chorus of Gears can be entered through either the Sun or the Moon depending on the position of the First World and the other planetary bodies. Only those who have studied the skies may know of these conditions.

5AP - 5AP = 0AP

2016-11-20, 03:03 AM
Meeting of Two Worlds

The Cheenari spoke the same language as the Takwa who lived in the jungle north of their current position. Whistles and chirps and clicks flew across the gathering of Cheenari. Excitement filled the air and although they were unable to verbally communicate with the elves, trading commenced without much difficulty.

The Cheenari brought forth many meats and furs of all kinds, some even seeming to possess their own natural glow.

The lead hunter stared back at Therus and replied rather simply. "Big Foot. He is Sathwatch... He is unseen."

Rosetta Stone.

The elves came forth with tools, foods made of grains and works of art. Including simple paintings, metal jewellery, books of fiction and fact, after all elves will be elves (even if they serve the god of villainy). Scribes tried to lean the cheenari’s language, some tried to teach their own tongue and some took on the major task of teaching the written word.

The quiet moment was interrupted by Therus’ deep voice speaking cheenari’s words, once again language was not a problem. The echo then started speaking elven words and so it became crystal clear what he was doing. He was acting as a key stone of the translation enough.

Therus then jumped down from his platform, his cape following his fall and landing. “Forgive me worm, it seems the worms needed some help understanding each other. What does this Sathwatch stand for and what have they done?”

2ap + 4ap(rollover) = 6ap

2016-11-20, 08:00 AM
Rebek, the Silent Servant saw increasingly more of her creatures as she moved towards the shore. It was clear that whatever mind or power was behind these sea creatures was making excellent use of her servants, and she was pleased. She walked alongside one for a while as it slithered back to make its report and gently teased through the collection of imprints that had been left on it. There was nothing of a "memory" there, not really, but she could gain something at least. There was an organisation within the living members that oversaw the zombies, for example. And that there were other races within the society of the Cephalids. It wasn't much to go on, but it was something. Calling on the powers of her circlet she made further changes to the Cephalid zombies and then from herself made a change to one of the other races. The temptation to stay and work more here was strong, but other races needed her aid.

It was hard, though, knowing exactly what people wanted from her creations and as she moved away from the Cephalid zombie she sent a ripple through the world. Let people tell her what was needed. From that moment on, the first time someone, deliberately or otherwise, gave a command to a zombie they would receive a mental flash of information. The name "Rebek" and the location of the empty city on the mouth of the Ruux River, far to the south.

Her travels towards the Cheenari to check on their progress was interrupted on a pleasant ridge. As she moved to walk around a boulder she became suddenly aware that it was, in fact, a living being sat watching the landscape below. She hurriedly moved away from it and observed it from a distance for a while. A stationary folk, if this one was any model. Having to go and fetch food must be a constant minor nuisance she surmised and extended her blessing to this race in hopes of alleviating it slightly.

All but exhausted again, her voyage headed south for the Necropolis and form there the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies. But now that lonely place wasn't lonely. Something in the nature of the plane seemingly attracted the souls of the dead and she watched them flit around for a moment before coming to a decision. Souls would no longer be immune to the entropy of her home plane, only without a physical body to erode it would instead erode their will and sense of self. The longer a soul stayed near negative energy, the quicker this irreversible process would run until, eventually, they were mindless.

And now it was time to rest.

AP: 0 PAP: 0

+4 AP - Rollover

-0 AP (provided by artifact) Blessing Living members of the Marginatus can use psionics to give instructions to zombies attached to that organisation. Instructions must be simple and incapable of being misunderstood or the zombie will stand motionless, but more complex instructions can be given through this method than through simple gestures.

-1 AP Blessing Kraken zombies exist. The first Kraken to die will rise, after that it will continue in the same manner as other races - a seemingly random chance of corpses rising rather than fading away. Living things hold back some of their strength in order not to strain or tear muscles. Zombies in general don't, Kraken zombies even less so. Their strength is terrifying, as much stronger than a Kraken as a Kraken is to a Cephalid.

-1AP Blessing - The Controller's Call The first time a living being gives a command to a zombie the name "Rebek" and the location of the altered land in the far south is given to them in a flash. This only occurs once per individual, but always occurs.

-1 AP Blessing Sinca zombies exist. The first Sinca to die will rise, after that it will continue in the same manner as other races - a seemingly random choice of corpses rising rather than fading away. Sinca zombies have a simple subroutine already implanted in them - if not given other instructions they will find food and take it to a living Sinca, removing the need for them to break their quiet enjoyment of the landscape.

-1AP Blessing - Souls affected by Negative Energy Soul's wills are eroded in a steadily quickening process by negative energy until they are completely mindless with no intelligence or sense of self.

Base AP = 4 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1= 0
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Kittenmancer's creatures
DanteTheDragon's creatures
Gunhaven's grozath
Possibly hatter's other races - tbd
ArcaneStomper's mud and lava guys (lava guys will need to be made fireproof)



Towards Death(Corpses) 7/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)
1 - Blessing (Kraken Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Sinca Zombies)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 6/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)
1 - Blessing (Negative Energy effect on souls)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 1/10:
1 - Blessing (The Controller's Call)

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-20, 08:37 AM
The Bard and the Sprites

Zuben looked back and forth between the castle and Ezoth going back to sitting at the center of the Great Planetary. They seemed to whisper something that sounded like a prayer before flying off the shoulder of Beathan to sit in front of her. The sprite's green eye shone twice before talking.

̸A̡re you g̛o͞ing ̵t̴o͝ j̧oi͟n͘ y̶o͘ur̷ b̧r͞ét͜h͡ren on͏ ̴ţh̶e̡ b̧at̵tl͠e ͡?̵ ̶O͏r̕ do͜ y̵ou w͝i͘s͘h̸ t͏o̶ ͞wak͜e u̵p̛ ̕?̸ ͝I͢ can ̀g̶u͘i̵d̸é yo̴u ̕towar̛d̨ w̕h̵a̛t̵ yǫu҉ ̛w҉a̷n͏t ̴i̶n͟ bot́h ca̷s͢és̕,͞ b̀ut ̧I͢ a͏m ņeȩd̀ed ͜s̕oo͏n. ̀D́réa͏m͘ S͡prit́e͞s fight a͜g̢aìns̴t ͡wḩa̡t͞ev͘er t̨ro̸úb̧le͡s the͝ ̨seren͜ity of t͠h̶is͟ pl̀a͘ce, we'll̷ ḩe̷ĺṕ y̧o̴u.

Their eye continued shining bright green, emitting short flashes at regular intervals. Should Beathan look toward where Zuben is, she would notice their blinks are responded to by faraway differently-colored blinks.

Are you going to join your brethren on the battle ? Or do you wish to wake up ? I can guide you toward what you want in both cases, but I am needed soon. Dream Sprites fight against whatever troubles the serenity of this place, we'll help you.

The Bards and Stags - Combating the Shriekers

The Dream Guardians stood, motionless. They looked like random pillar-like stones that were an eerie blue color, but what is not eerie in this plane ? They didn't move when bards hid behind them to take cover and get some safety, but as soon as a Night Shrieker approached one of them, it snapped awake. One after the other, from the bottom to the top one, their eyes shone like glyphs as the guardian elevated itself from the ground. Nearby rocks floated around it.
Arcane beams were shot to make the nightmares back away and retreat back to where they came from. Some could have slipped behind them, as the only fast thing about them was their beams, but Dream Stags took care of them with the help of bards.
If this effort wasn't making the Night Shriekers go backwards, it was certainly enough to maintain a wall to make sure none of them could harm dreamers.


Safe in their city, Dream Sprites were quickly developping. Books were filling the library, who seemed to never lack space, as they kept on deciphering what they saw and felt. Science came to be; perhaps to someday be shared with creatures of the First World...
On the other hand, new Dream Sprites who just came here via the Great Planetary came in to study, looking at the books of the Selenite Library and questioning fundamental questions.

1 + 4 = 5AP [rollover]

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Science
The art of looking at something and saying "Yes but why ? How does it work ?" before trying to find out by using practical methods, math, ingeniosity and luck. Right now it is focused on physics, but maybe someone could make sub-concepts to specialise in...

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Philosophy
"If we all sense something different, as one can taste an apple and say it is sour while someone else who tasted the same apple can say it is sweet, then how can we sense truth ? Is our viewpoint just a facet of truth, or is it us trying to make sense of what we feel ?"
...Foreigners are quickly lost with these kinds of questions.

5 - 2 - 2 = 1AP

2016-11-20, 02:23 PM
Biyaha - Exploring the Upper Webiga

Leaving the Yaxin of Meelamman behind, The Father of Waters traveled a short distance up the river before coming to the cool, clear waters of another vast inland sea. Swimming the depths of the sea, he instantly recognized the waters of the Galbi River as well as the vast array of freshwater species he had spawned in the far western waters. He named this sea the Qabow Sea, meaning Cool Waters.

Biyaha left the Qabow Sea behind and ascended the Upper Webiga, coming to a land of deep shadows where the scattered forests dotted the shores of the river. For ages untold this had been a land that lie between the moon's pale light and the distant rays of the sun. Light seemed to blaze on the edge of the horizon, lurking forever beyond reach. The shadows deepened until the land was blanketed in near total darkness as he came to lake at the base of a towering escarpment. The waters of the Webiga river tumbled down the face of a sheer cliff that rose thousands of feet into the air before pooling here in the dark lake waters. Standing in the falls, he rose up out of the waters to gaze upward at the blazing horizon that held the sun at bay. He tarried here for a time exploring the dark waters of the lake which he named Lake Habeenka, meaning The Night's Edge. The escarpment that rose far above and stretched east and west as far as the eye could see, he named Subax Gaari, meaning Morning Reach.

He studied the towering falls, naming them Kacaya Falls, or Soaring Waters, before leaping upward, but his heart sank as he slowed and began to tumble downward before reaching the top. He scrambled to grab onto the cliff face and propel himself upward again, but soon his upward momentum stalled again. Thus it was that he climbed the escarpment only by pushing off of the cliff, and as he did so The First World itself began to move. When, at last, he finally crested the falls to bask in the sun's rays it appeared to be moving away to disappear over the distant mountains.

Starting AP = 10AP + 4AP(rollover) + 1PAP + 1 Divine Favor Charge

Bless - 1PAP: Day Turns to Night - The First World now rotates slowly on an imaginary axis creating the endless cycle of day and night. Each rotation of the world lasts approximately thirty hours. The sun rises in the southwest and sets in the northeast seeming to follow the course of the Lower Webiga, Upper Webiga, and Webi rivers.

Remaining AP = 14AP + 1 Divine Favor Charge

2016-11-20, 03:26 PM
Layal travelled all over Dalalkan, enjoying the landscape teeming with life, watching the other sentient races and marvelling at their diversity. It saw cities, villages and nomadic tribes, heard half a dozen languages and delighted in the daily going-ons of these peoples. But it also took note of the marching castle and its army. swiftly, it returned to the archipelago it had created, thinking on how its children may best protect themselves should someone visit with less than peaceful intentions.

So it set to work, selecting the very best dancers and soldiers from the K'isimira and setting them to train together and learn for each other. Thus they developed a form of movement that was as much art as fighting, bodies moving with exceptional grace, agility and self-possession, reacting to the most minute changes in their opponent. Their style was one of constant motion, always reacting to their opponent, luring them with feints and employing acrobatic leaps and spins. Such elite warriors became known as Kiswara. They trained mostly among themselves, but also helped instruct the regular soldiers and, really, anyone who would want to learn. Often they would put up public performances, executing ever more daring and spectacular movements and maneuvers.

Satisfied, Layal left Kusi again, for the god had heard the song, the beautiful song that changed a little every few cycles. Following its source, it found a fellowship and sense of purpose that spoke to it, spoke of a deep connection to this lovely world full of possibilities. Merging a portion of its being into it, Layal already began to think on how it could be enriched. The current harmony was wild and joyful; that was a good start, it could grow it into something a little more stately and ordered. But for now, it didn't want to interfere with it.

Starting AP: 1 AP + 4 AP (rollover) = 5 AP, 0 PAP
-1 AP: Create Organization - the Kiswara, an order of martial arts practitioners acting as elite soldiers and public performers.
-2 AP: Create Advanced Concept - martial arts. The particular form of martial arts practiced by the K'isimira is more like capoeira, relying on constant movement, athletics and acrobatics.
-1 AP: Join Pantheon - The Prime. Layal is happy to carry the note next week after the rollover.
Remaining AP: 1 AP, 0 PAP

2016-11-20, 11:23 PM
Meeting of Two Worlds

The lead hunter smiled, displaying a fine set of fangs before stating "Sathwatch is The Wild Places. Sathwatch is the one who created us. It is he that has breathed life into the beasts that crawl and slither and walk. It is he who has infused the world with The Song of Life."

The Firewalkers

Among the Cheenari, the emergence of the undead in their midst has become increasingly disturbing and troubling and so when the tribes gathered within Clawholme, a special gathering was held.

The undead were viewed as a curse. They were unnatural and needed to be purged from the world. The Cheenari gathered together skilled warriors and outfitted them with red leathers and red warpaint. Their spears and their blades were decorated with red plumes and feathers. These hunters were named, The Firewalkers.

The Firewalkers lived and trained with no tribal barrier and no migrations for the pure purpose of destroying undead and restoring purity to the natural order.

1AP, 0PAP Start
-1AP Create Organization(The Firewalkers): A Cheenari organization focused solely on hunting and destroying undead. They are specialists who spend their whole lives training for their holy purpose.
0AP, 0PAP Remaining

2016-11-21, 06:09 AM
Meeting of Two Worlds

The lead hunter smiled, displaying a fine set of fangs before stating "Sathwatch is The Wild Places. Sathwatch is the one who created us. It is he that has breathed life into the beasts that crawl and slither and walk. It is he who has infused the world with The Song of Life."

The Firewalkers

Among the Cheenari, the emergence of the undead in their midst has become increasingly disturbing and troubling and so when the tribes gathered within Clawholme, a special gathering was held.

The undead were viewed as a curse. They were unnatural and needed to be purged from the world. The Cheenari gathered together skilled warriors and outfitted them with red leathers and red warpaint. Their spears and their blades were decorated with red plumes and feathers. These hunters were named, The Firewalkers.

The Firewalkers lived and trained with no tribal barrier and no migrations for the pure purpose of destroying undead and restoring purity to the natural order.

Questions and Answers.

Without blinking Therus raised his foot, slammed it down and the ground shook. There was a moment of silence as the ground started to settle, Therus’ face turned to disappointment. “Your first statement was hypothetical wasn’t it?” Even as the echo asked he seemed sure of the sure of the answer.

The elves were hardly slowed by the shaking ground, blessing of a different god helped them greatly. They had made great progress, many words had been translated but syntax was still a work in progress. The scribes were ever writing down cheenari stories, some details were lost in translation, in there the elves shared their own stories.

Therus turned to lead hunter. “I have realised that I never introduced myself. Forgive me for that. I’m Therus, the echo, he that has run across the ocean, builder of the marching castle, leader of the echoing eclipse and high commander of the dark army. If it is easy for you just call me Therus. If I may ask to what is your name, what titles do you hold?”

The god paused for a moment. “You have answered many of my questions, so I will try to answer whatever questions you or the others hold.”

2016-11-21, 09:37 PM
To Touch The First World Again
Carakhan found Herself once again in the Cascading Waves, although this time she couldn’t transition back to the First World’s version of Chaqua. So She began to work once again, shaping the Grozoth to be better suited on the land they could now explore. Furthermore She knew that these newest subrace would need to be best suited for dealing with the dead rising, something that She wasn’t going to throw away as long as it benefited Her children.
She removed all but four limbs and a head, since that seemed to be the normal number for landlubbers. She decided to tip the forelimbs with the tentacles that She so loved while the hindlimbs were tipped with webbed feet to better propel it through the water. With them the Eldrazi could better explore this new land while simultaneously being decent in the water. Whereas the Grozoth were Her voice with Her living children, the Eldrazi would be the voice for the dead; including each tentacle tipped with a specialized sensor to better observe and guide the cephalid zombies.
The first one She imbued more of Her power, whispering into its mind ”You will be My avatar, My voice on the first world. Remember that you act with My blessing, Illith.” With Her command still echoing in the creature’s mind it left the Cascading Waves with the rest of the dead that rose on the other side. It took a day for the command to echo through the Khemrian Adopus before they accepted the newest member, and the Tentacled Mistress’s form upon the first world.
Slowly Illith emerged from the sea at the head of a large contingency of the dead and into the jungle to the northwest. It was here that Illith and the few Eldrazi that were created with It found another blessing gifted upon them by the Creeping Polyp. Where they walked the forest was fundamentally changed, an almost straw color dusting over the land they lurched through. Yet within a day the dust began to bloom with life, coral beginning to grow in the moist environment. The peninsula began to team with life that wasn’t entirely fitting for the rest of the jungle.
Illith watched the change with a satisfied eye. Together with a score of cephalid and kraken zombies It moved down the coast to explore what the source of such a gift was.

To Thank the Creator – Illith in the Necropolis
The dead moved down toward the images given, guided by the mindlink shared by all the Grozoth and who in turn linked with the Cephalid they guided and spread the praises of the Denier. A week after Zandri was formed Illith spotted the village the nearest city spoke of. Illith guided the zombies up to the coast, the living waiting within the water to see what would happen. Slowly the singular living being and the group of dead entered the village. The same almost straw color dust followed Illith as they began to explore the empty town.
Starting: 7 (5 + 2 Rollover), 1 PAP
Create Subrace (-2 AP): Eldrazi, They Who Guide the Dead, are like the Grozoth for the zombies that pop up. Where the Grozoth are able to dominate and control the Cephalids and Kraken, the Eldrazi have been designed to guide the zombies in the most efficient manner possible. At any one point they can gather reports from up to sixteen Cephalid scouts and then give them orders, processing what they find in the lands above.
Blessing (-1 AP): The Changing Dust Where the Eldrazi walk above the seas, straw colored dust is left behind. The dust itself isn’t dangerous to what it lands on and is otherwise unharmful if consumed. What can be assumed is that it grants coral something to grow on outside of the water because roughly a day later polyps begin to form if the area gets some form of water. Even if it doesn’t, the Eldrazi are Experts in the Song of Water and able to summon forth rains to help encourage the underwater creatures to grow in the land above.
Create Avatar (-4 AP): Illith, the First Eldrazi, is the idealized form of the Tentacled Mistress’s newest attempt at life. While It doesn’t appear any different to those outside of Cephalid society from any other monstrosity that the sea spawns, Illith seems to speak with an authority that carries just a hint of what the Cephalids deal with at all points in their lives while they are under the guidance of a Grozoth.
Alter Land (-1 PAP): Zandri, the Teeming Jungle, is the epitome of what happens with the newfound longevity enjoyed by coral in a wet environment combined with the dust left behind by Eldrazi. For a real life comparison on size, it’s about the size of Algeria (or the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming if you want to go with the Mountain States) and is home to what you’d generally find in a jungle with one minor alteration. The land is home to far more amphibians than in other areas of the greater eastern jungle, owing to the fact that the land is almost constantly being rained on. Thankfully the coral serve as a fairly clear border in case people decide to explore the land.
Ending: 0 AP

2016-11-21, 11:49 PM
Aldwin The Urbane

Far across from the empty city of Phari, Aldwin could perceive the beginnings of another city. Observing it, the peoples of it were strange indeed. Intelligent enough to grasp the fundamentals of city building they had created dwellings for themselves but it was as yet incomplete. There was more that could be done to improve upon it and though it would be within the grasp of the god of cities to shape it himself another path was to be chosen. Champions of the cause would be found, far far away from Phari that would be imbued with inspiration and knowledge. This knowledge they would pass down their lines and so their way would continue.

Two were chosen so that one should not raise the city in their image unchecked.

Already it appeared the denizens of this strange dwelling were changing, preparing perhaps for some momentary darkness in the lands of mortals. Perhaps then, others would be clustering together to become strong in numbers.

Starting: 16

Raise Hero: -2AP: Aldwin blessed one of the Cephalids that had potential to become a great artist with knowledge and inspiration. Not only in knowing how to create a city but also in the managing of a city of his fellow peoples. This one would have visions of curved domes, tall and graceful pillars and winding paths lined by peoples free to go about their day in leisure.
Raise Hero: -2AP: Aldwin blessed one of the Cephalids that had potential to become a great scientific thinker with knowledge and inspiration. Noe only in knowing how to create a city but also in the managing of a city of his fellow peoples. This one would have visions of city blocks spaced perfectly, roads that facilitated the movement of goods and traffic, and homes which could house many without taking up space.
Create advanced concept (Politics): -2AP: Aldwin has created the first political rivalry born among two who have differing opinions of the direction of their people.

AP 16-2-2-2= 10 AP

2016-11-22, 04:47 AM
Rebek, the Silent Servant spent time on the First World. On his return he had noticed something...strange...in the Necropolis and now the worst of his exhaustion was behind him he had energy to investigate.

A vaguely human-shaped mound of snow lay in the otherwise perfectly smooth plain of the Necropolis and Rebek stood over it, watching thoughtfully. The most likely explanation, hhe felt, was that channeling so much of her power in to this place had created, or woke, or altered, or...some other possibility, he wasn't sure - but it had somehow brought about this figure.

Working quickly he shaped snow to flesh out and give definition to the figure. No sculptor - the living, creative world of art where one takes ultimate authority over shaping something being almost antithetical to his world of death, mindlessness and servitude, but it didn't appear to matter. It was less sculpting and more....more realising something that was already there. This handful of snow went there because there was simply no other place it could be.

Even with that, though, when he stepped back to regard the finished product it wasn't clear what he had made. Was it a young woman with flowing hair? Maybe. But sometimes it looked like one of the great bears of this place. Sometimes, albeit rarely, an old woman clutching a staff. He stepped back to give it space: doubtless it would take the form it would.

You're finished he announced and then, even a being as taciturn as he felt the need to say more at this time. Welcome to the First World. I am Rebek.

Mahara, The Queen of Winter was in the First World

And once again welcome to the game, Artemis97. Feel free to reply or not as you choose.

An unknown amount of time later, for Rebek rarely noticed the passing of time in this unchanging landscape, his attention was taken by movement in the western half of the Necropolis. Visitors. His first. And - and he would be happy if he were more emotional - a number of his creations. The aquatic ones he had worked so hard on, surrounding another being. One that was clearly related but different. Was this one of the other races that he had sensed from the "mind" of his creation earlier? Not the race he had blesses, he was sure of that. He had felt that they were larger.

Regardless. He walked over with slow, sedate steps and stood a distance away - close enough to allow communication, far enough away to give no threat.

Welcome. I am Rebek. The Necropolis is incomplete, for which I apologise. Further, it is not adapted to aquatic life which was an oversight. Again, I apologise. Regardless, you are welcome to stay here as long as you wish. I will adapt it to better suit your needs.

Due to the slow bleeding of natures between the Moonlight Grove of Broken Lilies and the Necropolis it wasn't unheard of for souls to leak from the former to the latter. This was by design, and Rebek never took any action around it. Or never until now, at least. One nearby, lounging in the frigid waters, was of a race he didn't recognise. Not in itself surprising, his walks had covered the tiniest fraction of the First World. But there was no point in letting an opportunity go to waste. With an infinitesimal flex of his divine will, she extended the gift of servitude to this new race, making a mental note to track down their home and determine how to best serve them when she had rested. The Yaxin begin to rise.

2016-11-22, 10:30 AM
The Bard and the Sprites

Zuben looked back and forth between the castle and Ezoth going back to sitting at the center of the Great Planetary. They seemed to whisper something that sounded like a prayer before flying off the shoulder of Beathan to sit in front of her. The sprite's green eye shone twice before talking.

̸A̡re you g̛o͞ing ̵t̴o͝ j̧oi͟n͘ y̶o͘ur̷ b̧r͞ét͜h͡ren on͏ ̴ţh̶e̡ b̧at̵tl͠e ͡?̵ ̶O͏r̕ do͜ y̵ou w͝i͘s͘h̸ t͏o̶ ͞wak͜e u̵p̛ ̕?̸ ͝I͢ can ̀g̶u͘i̵d̸é yo̴u ̕towar̛d̨ w̕h̵a̛t̵ yǫu҉ ̛w҉a̷n͏t ̴i̶n͟ bot́h ca̷s͢és̕,͞ b̀ut ̧I͢ a͏m ņeȩd̀ed ͜s̕oo͏n. ̀D́réa͏m͘ S͡prit́e͞s fight a͜g̢aìns̴t ͡wḩa̡t͞ev͘er t̨ro̸úb̧le͡s the͝ ̨seren͜ity of t͠h̶is͟ pl̀a͘ce, we'll̷ ḩe̷ĺṕ y̧o̴u.

Their eye continued shining bright green, emitting short flashes at regular intervals. Should Beathan look toward where Zuben is, she would notice their blinks are responded to by faraway differently-colored blinks.

Are you going to join your brethren on the battle ? Or do you wish to wake up ? I can guide you toward what you want in both cases, but I am needed soon. Dream Sprites fight against whatever troubles the serenity of this place, we'll help you.

The Bards and Stags - Combating the Shriekers

The Dream Guardians stood, motionless. They looked like random pillar-like stones that were an eerie blue color, but what is not eerie in this plane ? They didn't move when bards hid behind them to take cover and get some safety, but as soon as a Night Shrieker approached one of them, it snapped awake. One after the other, from the bottom to the top one, their eyes shone like glyphs as the guardian elevated itself from the ground. Nearby rocks floated around it.
Arcane beams were shot to make the nightmares back away and retreat back to where they came from. Some could have slipped behind them, as the only fast thing about them was their beams, but Dream Stags took care of them with the help of bards.
If this effort wasn't making the Night Shriekers go backwards, it was certainly enough to maintain a wall to make sure none of them could harm dreamers.


Safe in their city, Dream Sprites were quickly developping. Books were filling the library, who seemed to never lack space, as they kept on deciphering what they saw and felt. Science came to be; perhaps to someday be shared with creatures of the First World...
On the other hand, new Dream Sprites who just came here via the Great Planetary came in to study, looking at the books of the Selenite Library and questioning fundamental questions.

The Slumbering God - Castle of Memories

In its slumber, Yag-Azreal stirred. Once more, its physical body began to shift, and the Bards around it took to plying their magic to once more entrap the great beast, keeping it from truly awakening while the god's mind entered a state of half-wakefulness because of the presence of... something. Something powerful. And something close. Memories and imaged of gods dead and passed would flash through the Castle of memories, shadows streaming from every part of the Lurker in the Night representing these shades on the mortal world as the dragon searched rabidly throughout its domain for the interloper. The threat to its peace.

It wasn't until it had calmed and let its mostly-dormant mind just feel for the presence that the god would realize where it had come. For the song that the bards drew power from, and that rang forth from this slumbering deity, had connected Yag to its unknowing disciples in a manner that neither truly realized. And there was a bard standing upon the precipice of another deity's domain... a domain that hovered just above the Sleeper's palace. Above its fortress where it was supposed to be safe from such disturbances. And with a silent snarl, the small part of the dragon's mind that had awoken would reach out for the mind of its mortal implement...

The Bard and the Sprites - The Library

Beathan opened her mouth to address the sprite that spoke to her, about to answer in common to the starry creature that she wished to speak with its master, and to perhaps work out a deal with that entity, before the unthinkable happened. Just before she spoke, her voice failed, the breath of her dream caught in her throat as slowly she turned around. There, visible only to the dreaming elf, was an orb. The eye of the deity of destruction that she had sworn to keep slumbering. And it was open, staring into her very being with its nebula-studded iris. Staring at her.

To the sprites gathered around, Beathan's dream-self would seem to flicker, shudder, flash and twist, for one moment becoming nearly-endless and letting out a thin, airy scream before, just as suddenly, settling back into its normal shell. But something about her was different. And when she turned to face them, eyes black and bleeding out the night, they would know that they no longer spoke to the elf who had once inhabited this dream-body. Though she may still yet exist somewhere, Beathan was not the one to speak when her mouth opened, and from the silence that came from this, a voice commanded them, "Do not think to stand in my way. It is with your master that I will speak, not you. Go back to doing... whatever you were doing before."

And then the dreamer was gone, a fading shadow that entered Ezoth's tower, searching for the lingering divinity it had felt within this place like a hound sniffing for blood. Only when she was found would the deity's host reform, and to Ezoth directly would Yag-Azreal's first words spoken to a god be whispered and apparent in the stillest of places. "You are not welcome here..." Followed shortly thereafter by, "What do you want?"

The Bards and the Dream Guardians - Dealing with the Night Shriekers

With the assistance of the stags and their allies, the Bards would rally their defenses and easily drive the Shriekers off, night after night. Though the magical fear that the monstrous beings unleashed would shake even the stags, it was not enough to drive those beings to their knees, and the Bards employed their circle magic in a new way. Working together, they created a counter-note to the screams, one that stopped the horrendous song before it could sap the will, and paralyze the body. And with that, they could fight back against the undead creature, and the Shriekers were driven back into the night, lest they be destroyed. But nightly, the attacks came again and again. And the Bards knew that they needed a more... permanent solution to their problem. And so, the first Fire elementals were born. created to hunt down the undead abominations known as Night Shriekers, these elemental "spirits" would be tireless in their pursuit, the Simple Commands given to them sending them out to find and touch the Night Shriekers with their immolative bodies.

Another week passed, but after that all three Shriekers were gone. And the bards could relax for a time, simply allowing their population to grow, and their people to study. Every once in a while a new Shrieker would rise from the populace once more, and Frostrim would once again be bent towards defending themselves, but they would eventually grow used to this, and soon the Shriekers would only be a passing threat. A sign of what would happen, should the Dragon, the progenitor of these nightmares, truly awaken...

The Castle of Memories

And perhaps they were right about something, at least. For as the dragon has once again begun to awaken, more nightmare-spawn had been unleashed. The shades of half-remembered gods, let loose to search the castle for the divine intruder, had taken on true forms. Evil and twisted though they might be, these forms would resemble the deities that they had once been, from noble kings to craven fools, all of them had been created for once purpose. To find intruders... and to bring them to their progenitor. Any that resisted would be... "dealt with" on the spot.

Starting AP: 6, 1 infused plane

-1 AP: Create Subconcept; Counternote (Choral magic) A concept created by the Bards, this Evocative technique can be outside outside of the mage-circles that these spellcasters will become known for. However, it works best when there are multiple voices and words lending the director strength, and this fact has not been lost. Simply put, this magic is used to counter and negate the effects of a magical/ supernatural phenomina based on music or sound before it can actually take affect. It stops the sound in the throat of the caster, stilling tongue and voice simultaneously, and causing their magic to fail.

When used with a choir, this is hardly a feat for the Evolker and requires only a muttered command to stop anything they could reasonably accomplish themselves. Alone, however, performing such a feat requires much of the Bard's concentration. Multiple words, shouted out in quick succession and with all of heir magic directed at one being, can counter the spell being uttered. Supernatural abilities are completely beyond the individual bard's counternote, and are still a struggle for the Conductor of a Choir to handle.

-1 AP: Create Monstrous Life; The Shades of the Castle Now given proper form to at least a few beings, these nightmarish entities that stalk the halls of the Castle of Memories are, by their very nature, something born of fear. The near-mindless half-memories of gods and similar beings, these monstrosities have but one purpose: To hunt down and drag all intruders to Yag-Azreal for judgement. If any being resists them, then their nightmarish forms are unleashed, and the sanity-blasting power that they possess is bent on eradicating the intruder fully.

IMPORTANT NOTE: With these creatures now existing, the Castle of Death curse is now changed. Instead of killing intruders itself after an amount of time, intruders are instead hunted by these beings. The times remain the same, and the methods to avoid detection are as well, but the outcome of overstaying one's welcome is changed from instant death, to a chance of death, with a possible outcome of just being dragged to face the progenitor of these monsters instead. Because that is so much better, right?

-Divine Infusion: Blessing; Echoes of the First Song Yag-Azreal can enter the mind of any being which practices Evocation, and who is upon the Beyond. This does not give it omnipotence, far from it in fact, as the Lurker in the Night has to actually possess the mind that it wishes to glean knowledge from, but it does allow it to sense where those beings are when they sleep, when those beings wake, and when they draw close to a deity. All through their connection to the First Song, the source of all of their Evocative magics.

To a lesser degree, this allows the Void Dragon to also feel the presence of Night Shriekers and those who are also affected by the Call of Silence, as both of these beings are also influenced by the First Song. However this cannot not go beyond that general feeling, as they have not truly joined with the First Song, but rather have been acted upon by it, and are continued to be acted upon.

Ending AP: 4

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-22, 12:42 PM
The Bard and the Sprites - The Great Planetary

The sprites quickly noticed the change. Something... way more powerful than they were was going toward the Starry One. Albeit some still followed where the Dragon's puppet was going, most returned to their activities, understanding that they wouldn't have a chance to survive would they try to prevent them from going ahead. Right before Beathan (or at least her body) could see Ezoth themselves, she could notice stags who followed her returning from the place the deity was resting in. They probably warned them that someone was coming their way.
A cloud of cosmic gas along with twinkling stars was in the center of the Great Planetary, in front of Beathan. Often, part of a wing could be seen before it would hide back into the cloud.
A voice resonated within the planetary, sounding slightly offended by the first sentence.

You entered the Great Planetary, my planetary. It was already there when I silenced the sounds causing the nightmares, your nightmares to appear.
After a pause, Ezoth continued to speak, taking this time an inquisitive tone.

You are the Sleeper, am I right ? While I have no desire to fight you, nightmares coming from your castle are disturbing dreamers that dwell here. My duty is to make sure this place is as peaceful as possible for those that seek rest, and the only thing I would want from you is to contain nightmares attacking my sprites and the bards.
Perhaps I could help you if you did so.

The First World spins.

Thousands of tiny sprites hurried. Everything had to be changed. Somehow a deity made the first world spin. Or a meteor triggered it. Dream Sprites took measurements outside of the Fugue Plane, while those dwelling in Luna shared what they could to make the transition as smooth as possible. The Great Planetary's "First World" gem started spinning.
And some sprites stayed on the First World, trying to locate its exact pole.

A small group of about a hundred or less Dream Sprites led by Deneb the Dream Stag are trying to locate the north pole (or south pole, whatever pole on the opposite of Necropolis) to find a place for an observatory. They'll be done by next rollover, I just need to know if the north pole is on land or sea.

2016-11-22, 06:38 PM
Yag-Azreal and Ezoth - The Great Planetary

Yag-Azreal was silent for a time, truly so. Considering. And, as far as it was capable of expressing with the face of its mortal host, the deity would look... confused. Glancing out at the Castle of Memories, seeing only the glittering wonder and the visions of fantastic worlds past and gone, Yag-Azreal would whisper, "Nightmares? I never wanted to cause Nightmares..." It would whisper, looking back to the other deity. The tears of inky black night would continue to roll down Beathan's cheeks, dripping on the floor before they disappear to join the black skies about them, and the god shedding these tears would say, "I just wanted to be left alone. Left to my dreams, and my memories. Memories of so many people and places that are now gone-"

Blinking, Yag-Azreal would look down at the world, and then back up at the other deity. In confusion, the Lurker would ask, "The world isn't spinning yet? What are you children even... no. I told myself I would not..." Shaking Beathan's head, Yag would state, "This is your world, and your decisions, young god. I will do my best to abide by your wishes while I visit this larger dream you call reality. What would you have me do?"

2016-11-22, 06:39 PM
The figure stands upright, fluffy snow cascading off pale skin. A young woman stood, long straight white hair blowing in the wind. Only twinkling ice crystals adorned her flesh. Eyes, a deep crystal blue, opened, blinking. She took in her surroundings before speaking.

"Greetings, Rebek" She says. "I am Mahara. What is this place? The First World you called it? I think it will do." She decides, a smile settling on her perfect lips.

2016-11-22, 07:02 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Chorus of Gears - The Birth of Oldarac

Jyn'Hao yet lingered in the Plane of Order and Creation, and from the mighty gears wove another that could weave itself for Creation needed one who could make. So it was that from with the gears Jyn'Hao breathed life and from the depths of the Faceted Loam he drew mighty stones and cleaved them together. It was such that Oldarac the Smith was born at the center of the Chorus. Then, with its mind yet wandering to further creations, Jyn'Hao took its leave Elsewhere.

2016-11-22, 11:13 PM
Questions and Answers.

Without blinking Therus raised his foot, slammed it down and the ground shook. There was a moment of silence as the ground started to settle, Therus’ face turned to disappointment. “Your first statement was hypothetical wasn’t it?” Even as the echo asked he seemed sure of the sure of the answer.

The elves were hardly slowed by the shaking ground, blessing of a different god helped them greatly. They had made great progress, many words had been translated but syntax was still a work in progress. The scribes were ever writing down cheenari stories, some details were lost in translation, in there the elves shared their own stories.

Therus turned to lead hunter. “I have realised that I never introduced myself. Forgive me for that. I’m Therus, the echo, he that has run across the ocean, builder of the marching castle, leader of the echoing eclipse and high commander of the dark army. If it is easy for you just call me Therus. If I may ask to what is your name, what titles do you hold?”

The god paused for a moment. “You have answered many of my questions, so I will try to answer whatever questions you or the others hold.”

The Cheenari collectively took a step back at Thersus' outburst. They glanced about, curious at what had just happened and then the lead hunter once again fixed his eyes upon the god. "It was not. Sathwatch is the wild places, without a doubt."

The lead hunter raised himself upright and planted the butt of his spear into the ground and stated"I am Thaack Son of Rrath. I am the current lead hunter of this tribe."

2016-11-22, 11:21 PM
Biyaha - Kacaya Falls

As the sun disappeared over the distant mountains, The Father of Waters sat upon the edge of the great escarpment and looked back over the lands he had traveled. Appearing as a bent and wizened old man formed of flowing water he trailed his legs over the edge of the falls, watching curiously the flaming orbs that rained down across the land. They lit the sky and illuminated the night in a dazzling array of colors. Those that hit the waters were extinguished and sank, but those that hit the earth wreaked untold havoc upon the lands and its many peoples. That this was the manifestation of someone's divine will was plainly obvious, and Biyaha would not interfere. He reached far into the night sky and plucked one of the flaming orbs from the air. He played his hand across the meteor, dowsing its flame to reveal a dark and alien metal.

This was a curious thing, for although the meteors rained fire and destruction down upon Dalalkan, Biyaha also sensed within them a tremendous potential. They could, in fact, be a boon for the people that unlocked their mysteries. As he pondered, he felt his nearly insatiable desire to continue his exploration of the world depart his body, manifesting itself as a physical thing. Biyaha melted back into the waters and tumbled down the Kacaya Falls, but upon the shores of the Webi River stood a silent figure staring down the length of the Subax Gaari. Thus did the Nameless Wanderer come to be.

2016-11-23, 01:36 AM
An unknown amount of time later, for Rebek rarely noticed the passing of time in this unchanging landscape, his attention was taken by movement in the western half of the Necropolis. Visitors. His first. And - and he would be happy if he were more emotional - a number of his creations. The aquatic ones he had worked so hard on, surrounding another being. One that was clearly related but different. Was this one of the other races that he had sensed from the "mind" of his creation earlier? Not the race he had blesses, he was sure of that. He had felt that they were larger.

Regardless. He walked over with slow, sedate steps and stood a distance away - close enough to allow communication, far enough away to give no threat.

Welcome. I am Rebek. The Necropolis is incomplete, for which I apologise. Further, it is not adapted to aquatic life which was an oversight. Again, I apologise. Regardless, you are welcome to stay here as long as you wish. I will adapt it to better suit your needs.

The leader among them looked around before settling it's bony face on Rebek. Just as slowly as Rebek approached, Illith rose It's right limb, spread out It's tentacles and let out a low bellow, much like a whale. A moment later clouds began to grow and a light rain began to fall to which It cocked It's head. The dust that followed it appeared to slowly begin to grow polyps, corals starting to snake their way out of the water and along the path the explorers walked. It seemed to process language for a moment, making several more low sounds before it settled on an actual voice.
It's voice was deep and seemed to shake the tentacles of It's fellows. "We...I am Illith, the First Eldrazi and chosen of Carakhan. She Who Purifies Us can no longer walk upon this land and has created Us to better direct the blessings you have bestowed upon Us. Such is the power of the Creeping Polyps and what We suspect you possess as well. However there is no need to apologize to Us. We..." It motioned toward Itself and the zombies before It continued "can live in such environs until We make it suitable for others."

2016-11-23, 12:03 PM
Oldarac - Lost in Wander
Oldarac awoke to the awe of his surroundings but rather than rather than a dazed wanderlust he was filled by understanding and purpose. He studied the machinations and understood them, as complicated and unusual as they were. He lost track of time and space and was completely taken away until he found himself elsewhere.

His surroundings were replaced by the bleak and harsh ones experienced by mortals. He would have to understand this place and wandered the world to learn from any who would teach him. Time flickered by, he did not know how long as it meant nothing to him, but eventually his determination returned to him.

The Awakening of the Dvergr
The ground shook as Oldarac walked, the thuds echoed though the mountain valleys. There was something here he could feel it, he wasn't sure what but he would know it when he saw it. He was driven on by a familiar melody, the whirl of machines and the clink of gears. As he climbed he noticed a melon sized rock, emotionless he picked it up and carried on walking.

He traveled through the mountain range, hiking at a steady unrelenting pace for days. He smoothed and scratched symbols into his small boulder as he walked, this was without thought but with great purpose. After a few weeks he reached yet another snow capped peak and looked across the massive valley at his target, which he decided to call Mount Vrunkur, knowing for the first time that he was nearly there.

Two days later, in a violent blizzard part way up the mountain, he reached a giant snowfall which clearly covered the entrance of a cave. He took great armfuls of ice, throwing them to the side to clear a path until he had enough space to get inside. He found what he was looking for, two 10ft intertwined spires of one of pure iron and the other of pure lead bursting from the ground. He got to work breaking and bending the iron to form a large anvil and broke off a few small shards of lead which he collected in a stone basin.

Once the lead off-cuts were collected together he filled the bowl with runes of Heat, Fuel and Purity which erupted with power and consumed the metal in flames. He collected some of the liquid lead in his hands then poured it into the symbols he had scratched on his rock, filling the runes for Observation, Understanding and Thought. They glowed blue as the metal cooled showing that the earth accepted this use of it's energy.

Oldarac took the large stone outside, the snow storm had long since cleared, to show it the view. "All of this will be yours be yours one day, you will turn it in to a grand machine. Everything will work together in harmony, I will show you how." After this brief distraction to imprint base beliefs he returned inside to finish his creation. He assembled a body and limbs, based on his own, being careful to show the head what to do. He inscribed an array of runes based on the functions of the parts and when he was done he bound it to the head with an impressive beard of iron wire.

And then there were two. With Oldarac's guidance the population grew at an exponential rate until it became a noticeable force in an otherwise fairly sparse region.

Starting AP = 16AP
Create Mythical Concept (4AP) - Runic Magic
Runes can transfer energy trapped within the earth to power objects. The act of picking the correct combination of runes and etching them exactly is just as difficult as encouraging the energy to wake up and be useful rather than just stay dormant.
Create Sentient Race (2AP) - Dvergr
Short (4ft tall) humanoid figures made of stone and bound by metallic runes. Exist to serve a purpose which currently is to create more of themselves. (But don't most creatures just exist to reproduce)
They currently inhabit in the area surrounding Mount Vrunkur, the largest mountain in the northwest mountain range before the peninsular (directly south of the compass).
Remaining AP = 16 - 4 - 2 = 10AP

2016-11-23, 12:10 PM
The Tools of the Wanderer
The Wanderer existed. Sounds, smells, textures, tastes and sights assaulted his newfound senses. For some time he stood, dumbstruck by the world in which he now lived. He knew the names of the things around him, the ground and sky and trees and river. He knew some small things about them, that the trees grew and the river flowed. But this was not enough. He wanted to know everything about them. Why did the trees grow and the river flow? Where did they come from? Perhaps, given time, he could learn these things himself. Perhaps he could learn all things. But that would take time. For a moment he pondered: how might he learn? Well, perhaps there were others. Yes! Surely he was not the only being in existence. Perhaps there were others, who already knew these things. He would find them, and ask them to teach him. And along the way, he would learn all he could in his travels, answers to his questions as well as new questions that he had not yet thought to ask.

He decided he would need tools to aid him. So he went to a nearby tree and broke from it a strong branch, and for the first time the Wanderer tested his divine powers. In his hand the branch smoothed and changed shape, becoming a solid walking staff. He was content with this. He needed now only a way to record what he learned, to ensure that he would not forget, and so that he could teach it to others (for what is the good of knowledge if not shared?). He thought for a moment, and a flash of inspiration hit him. So he went to the riverbank, where he found a cow drinking from the waters. Taking his staff, he struck the animal down. He willed its hide to become leather, and taking some of this he returned to the tree from which he made his staff. Once there, he felled the tree and willed it to become paper. Taking this and the leather, he bound a simple book, and upon it's cover appeared the words On the Travels of a Nameless Wanderer. A fitting title, he thought, for both the book and he. Thus, taking these tools the being that called itself the Nameless Wanderer set off along the course of the Upper Webiga, letting his feet take him where they may.

The Wanderer's First Travelling Companions
The Wanderer had been travelling for many days, and had learned of many new things. Countless animals and plants he had seen, and though he new almost nothing of them save their names, he was pleased nonetheless. Oh, how many questions he would have when he found someone to talk to! He hoped they would be accommodating. Of one more thing did the Wanderer learn in this time: loneliness. At first he had not been able to pinpoint the cause of this new emotion which he felt. But as he ponderer it, his understanding grew. So at last he decided the course of action he must take. Speaking aloud for the first time, he said "I must find myself a companion, to share in my travels." As he thought this, he came upon a pack of wolves who were feasting upon a fallen deer. They turned to face him with blood-stained muzzles, hunger in their eyes. "Hmmmmmmm..."
As the wolves bean to growl, he raised his hand and called upon his godly magic. He willed the wolves to take more pleasing forms, less monstrous and wild. And thus were the first dogs brought into the world. He spent some time there, training his new creations, and when he was done he said "These shall make fine companions indeed." And so it was that the Wanderer evermore had an affinity for all domesticated canines, commanding them wordlessly and overriding any other loyalty or compulsion. For the rest of his travels, whenever the Wanderer came across any number of wolves, he would change them into a new breed of dogs.

-5 AP (Create Major Utility Artifact):The Wanderer's Staff The Wanderer's simple carved walking stick is actually an artifact of great power, discounting the Create Portal action. The Staff allows it bearer to wander across all planes, and to blaze a trail for all those who wish to come after.
-5 AP (Create Major Utility Artifact): On the Travels of a Nameless Wanderer Much like his walking stick, the Wanderer's mundane-looking book is a tool of great power, discounting the Bless/Curse action. The Wanderer is not an ungrateful deity, and is fond of rewarding those who aid him. In addition, the owner of the Travels can speak and understand any spoken language, but does not know how to write any unless taught. The Travels allows one to learn from any being one comes across, bridging the formidable language gap.
-4 AP (Create Mythical Life): The Wanderer's Pack The original nine wolves blessed by the Wanderer, they are eternally-youthful hounds, and are immune to all disease (should such a thing ever come to be). They are highly intelligent (sentient, but they never allow others to learn this) and can understand speech (though they cannot speak), though they answer only to the commands of the Wanderer himself. Their howls are hauntingly musical and carry many miles. At least one of these hounds can be found by the Wanderer's side at all times, and the others are always within howling distance. They are:

Fenrir (alpha, male)
Cerberus (male)
Baskerville (female)
Anubis (male, solemn and quiet)
Scylla (female)
Martha (female)
Lupa (female)
Freki (male, twin of Geri)
Geri (male, twin of Freki)

AP Acounting: Starting 16 AP - 5 AP - 5 AP - 4 AP = 2 AP

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-23, 02:00 PM
Yag-Azreal and Ezoth - The Great Planetary

Yag-Azreal was silent for a time, truly so. Considering. And, as far as it was capable of expressing with the face of its mortal host, the deity would look... confused. Glancing out at the Castle of Memories, seeing only the glittering wonder and the visions of fantastic worlds past and gone, Yag-Azreal would whisper, "Nightmares? I never wanted to cause Nightmares..." It would whisper, looking back to the other deity. The tears of inky black night would continue to roll down Beathan's cheeks, dripping on the floor before they disappear to join the black skies about them, and the god shedding these tears would say, "I just wanted to be left alone. Left to my dreams, and my memories. Memories of so many people and places that are now gone-"

Blinking, Yag-Azreal would look down at the world, and then back up at the other deity. In confusion, the Lurker would ask, "The world isn't spinning yet? What are you children even... no. I told myself I would not..." Shaking Beathan's head, Yag would state, "This is your world, and your decisions, young god. I will do my best to abide by your wishes while I visit this larger dream you call reality. What would you have me do?"

Yag-Azreal and Ezoth - The Great Planetary

The movements of Ezoth slowed down, then stopped for a few seconds before going back to their usual rythm.
A deity in need could become an ally indeed. If help is provided.

I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ezoth, known as the Starlit One to Dream Sprites. My duty is to protect dreamers from nightmares and ensure souls get a peaceful place to rest in when they come here.

They paused.

You do not sound like you made the nightmares on purpose, and perhaps you could let me help you, who tries to find rest and peace in your sleep, so that events like this would be less likely to happen. Perhaps you could introduce yourself.

Althrough Ezoth was hard to read as they lacked a proper "face" in their appearance, some hints of concern could be heard through their voice when Yag-Azreal started to cry.

2016-11-23, 02:05 PM
The figure stands upright, fluffy snow cascading off pale skin. A young woman stood, long straight white hair blowing in the wind. Only twinkling ice crystals adorned her flesh. Eyes, a deep crystal blue, opened, blinking. She took in her surroundings before speaking.

"Greetings, Rebek" She says. "I am Mahara. What is this place? The First World you called it? I think it will do." She decides, a smile settling on her perfect lips.

I did not name it, the First World is simply what it is called. There is accommodation in the Necropolis if you wish it it points behind it to a stone town and I believe there is also a settlement that way it gestures in the direction of Frostrim though I have not visited.

Is there anything else you need?

The leader among them looked around before settling it's bony face on Rebek. Just as slowly as Rebek approached, Illith rose It's right limb, spread out It's tentacles and let out a low bellow, much like a whale. A moment later clouds began to grow and a light rain began to fall to which It cocked It's head. The dust that followed it appeared to slowly begin to grow polyps, corals starting to snake their way out of the water and along the path the explorers walked. It seemed to process language for a moment, making several more low sounds before it settled on an actual voice.
It's voice was deep and seemed to shake the tentacles of It's fellows. "We...I am Illith, the First Eldrazi and chosen of Carakhan. She Who Purifies Us can no longer walk upon this land and has created Us to better direct the blessings you have bestowed upon Us. Such is the power of the Creeping Polyps and what We suspect you possess as well. However there is no need to apologize to Us. We..." It motioned toward Itself and the zombies before It continued "can live in such environs until We make it suitable for others."

There is no need to exert yourself. Simply let me know your needs and they will be met. It walks over to the closest zombie and squats to examine it for a moment. The salt in the sea is grinding away at their joints. I will rectify that. Are they useful to you? I have tried to anticipate your needs, but lacking clear directions it was difficult. I am glad you have come.

She Who Purifies Us is your leader? Does she have insignia? Once I have created some more suitable dwellings, let me know her heraldry and I will decorate it as appropriate. This it sketches a symbol out in the snow with its foot is the symbol I have assigned for this type and there is another, bigger, type which I have assigned this - another foot-sketch - symbol. In time your dead will rest with and be cared for by me.

2016-11-23, 05:07 PM
As the ages passed Sins children stayed much the same, eating, sleeping, playing and so forth. He had become accustomed to it and didn't think much of it anymore. He was awoken in the night by the sounds of scratching.

His children had started digging burrows in the ground widening it larger and larger until a person could lay down comfortably inside. Watching them he grew more and more curious as each of them dug there own pit before filling it with molten earth and then crawled into it. Time passed and soon the molten earth began to cool, Sin kept it molten by breathing his flame upon it, 7 days and 7 nights he kept at it until finally his children began to burst forth one by one, changed forever more.

The first to emerge, covered in bits and pieces of molten earth were the Swift foot Scales kin. Smaller than the adolescents Sin assumed there was a problem until after shaking itself free of its molten confines it darted off into the night attempting to catch it with his claws he was surprised to find that it was able to nimbly dodge between his fingers before scurrying off to find food.

Standing at 4 feet tall The Swift foot Scaled Kin are considerably smaller than even children scaled kin. In exchange for there smaller stature that have instead become extremely nimble and fast. While not as fast as the Cheenari or as graceful as the elves, the Swift Foot beats them in shear nimble dexterity able to turn and dodge around and through objects almost effortlessly. This makes then especially adept in thick jungles where one has to squeeze through trees and dash around them as they chase down some of the most elusive prey.

Being some of the quietest and stealthiest of hunters, Swift Foots are naturally inclined to become rouges or assassin's much of the time being able to sneak past people without ever being noticed. In case of emergencies Swift Foots spit a poison they produce in a specialized pouch in there throats causing blindness and hallucinations if struck in the eyes.

The next to appear were the normal Scaled Kin. Roughly 6 foot even they were muscular Reptilian men that looked around curiously experimenting, seeing how there new bodies work.

Scaled Kin adults are not much different than Humans except in the fact that they are stronger usually. The work force of the tribe they are equally practiced in building as in fighting. They make up the majority of scaled kin armies and relish a challenge.


An adult scaled kin surrounded by two Swift Foots.


A scaled kin army on the warpath.

The third to emerge were gigantic brutes of muscle and scale, roaring to the skies in challenge. These were the Thunder Kin aptly named for there roars and intimidating looks.



Twice as big as Scaled Kin adults and 3 times as aggressive, the 12 foot tall Thunder Kin can almost exclusively be found in the Arenas or in the midst of the battlefield. Bred for war they make excellent shock Troopers usually leading the charge and bursting into enemy lines causing havoc within enemy tanks usually crushing enemies with there huge war clubs or there boned tails.

Capable of breathing fire there are few men able to stand firmly and unafraid in front of them.

Thunder kin enjoy going into battle with as little armor as possible, there thick scaled hides protecting them from most mundane weaponry. Though terrifying to fight they aren't particularly the fastest fighters around.

And Finally lastly out of the entire group came the Blue Scaled Kin, climbing out of there pits slowly and calmly. The other scaled kin immediately bowing to them, even the Hulking Thunder Kin. There red bodies speckled with blue scales they looked around calculatingly.



Calculating, ruthless and extremely intelligent Blue Scaled Kin are The leaders of The Scaled Kin often seen leading the armies or controlling the day to day duties of the tribes. Stronger and Faster than the average Scaled Kin they are a terror on the battlefield often wearing intimidating armor. Learned in the arts of warfare they and much more dangerous than the Thunder Kin. Able to breath fire they are as easily adept at fighting groups they are fighting in single combat making even thunder kin hesitate to fight them. There Bloodline full of power they have abilities even they themselves do not know of yet

12ap-2-2-2=6ap remaining

2016-11-23, 11:20 PM
Meelamman - The Darkest Hour

The reign of Boqor II was a troubled time for the Yaxin of Meelamman. The peaceful prosperity that his father had carved out for their people proved difficult to maintain in a rapidly changing world. There had long been a strange compulsion that drove a small number of the people to abandon their homes to embark upon a pilgrimage to the southeast. No one knew whatever became of those lonely individuals or what it was that they sought, and no real effort had been mounted to discover the cause of their leaving due to the fact that those that left were generally solitary and forlorn.
These are the Yaxin that journey to The Scar to join the Frostrim society

While that was troubling, it was deemed nothing more than a forgotten oddity when the shrieking horror in the night arrived. Something dark and sinister began terrorizing the Yaxin community, with its blood-curdling screams that accompanied an ever growing number of disappearances. Boqor II had ordered great bonfires be lit every true night, guards were posted around the island, and a curfew was strictly enforced. None of that, however, seemed to have any effect, except for the people grew increasingly paranoid and harried. What began as whispered criticisms, soon threatened to become a full blown insurrection.
Night Shrieker plaguing the Yaxin.

The pale and perpetual light that illuminated the northeastern horizon began to fade, giving way to the darkest of nights. The shrieking horror could be heard above the settlement, followed by the footfalls of the guards giving up their pretense and fleeing for cover. Boqor gathered his wife and children, and as they huddled together a tremendous impact and enormous *SPLASH* rocked the Yaxin settlement. Gathering what courage he had, Boqor rose and went to the window. Another impact and *SPLASH*, this time more distant, was enough to motivate him to leave the relative safety of his house and walk out onto the piers and walkways of Meelamman.
Nocturne shower!

To his shock and dismay, the night sky was struck through with a hail of blazing meteors crashing to the earth. The piers pitched and rocked with every impact, wildfires raged upon the shoreline, and enormous waves began crashing against the buildings and piers threatening to wash the entire city away. He reeled backwards as one of the meteorites slammed into a nearby building, smashing it to bits, creating a rain of swampy water and flaming timbers. He scrambled back into his house, gathered his family and fled with dozens of other panicked families into the woods across the river.

The Yaxin took small comfort in the fact that the catastrophic event had apparently driven away the shrieking horror, they were simply too shell-shocked to even consider such things. How many hours passed, he did not know, but as his people huddled together helplessly, the southern horizon began to glow, growing brighter and brighter. A great sphere of pure light crested the horizon and ascended into the sky. In the light of the first day, Boqor took stock of what remained of Meelamman. That which was still standing was aflame, and hundreds of bodies lay where they had washed up upon the shore. It was too much, and his shoulders shuddered as he began to weep.
The day/night cycle begins.

A distant scream snapped him back to reality. It was then that he noticed that several of the dead had begun to rise and with an odd shambling gait were walking toward him.
Ack! Zombies too.

2016-11-24, 12:52 AM
The Cheenari collectively took a step back at Thersus' outburst. They glanced about, curious at what had just happened and then the lead hunter once again fixed his eyes upon the god. "It was not. Sathwatch is the wild places, without a doubt."

The lead hunter raised himself upright and planted the butt of his spear into the ground and stated"I am Thaack Son of Rrath. I am the current lead hunter of this tribe."

Meeting of two worlds.

“Thaack son of Rrath, I do not understand. Perhaps I am an ignorant fool but your claim that the Sathwatch is the wild plains, is something I have trouble believing. I have shaken the savanar, this wild plain and no answer, no echo suggesting that this was anything but normal ground.”

Therus paused for a moment. “Please explain how the sathwatch… is the wild plains. What has it done for you little worms?” Something in the booming voice seemed to be unsure.

2016-11-24, 08:33 AM
Meeting of two worlds.

“Thaack son of Rrath, I do not understand. Perhaps I am an ignorant fool but your claim that the Sathwatch is the wild plains, is something I have trouble believing. I have shaken the savanar, this wild plain and no answer, no echo suggesting that this was anything but normal ground.”

Therus paused for a moment. “Please explain how the sathwatch… is the wild plains. What has it done for you little worms?” Something in the booming voice seemed to be unsure.

Thaack took a step forward and intoned with a voice which bordered on the musical side before stating. "That is because you call upon him the wrong way."

And so, Thaack displayed for Thesis, a thing which has seldom been seen or heard elsewhere. He called upon The Song of Life as music rippled forward. The winds responded to his call, carrying the scent of Wild flowers. The earth shook and sapling's rose from the earth and grew into trees which bore brilliantly colored fruit that glowed.

He ended his song and explained further"Sathwatch is not the wild places in the sense that he is physically the earth, the grass and the trees and beasts. He is the very spirit of life within these places and through The Song of Life, The Cheenari and even more so, The Takwa connect to our Creator."

The hunter then reached a hand out to catch a fruit as it fell from a tree before biting into it. "I do have a question for you. What is an ocean? What is beyond it? Why leave that behind to come here?"

2016-11-24, 10:32 AM
There is no need to exert yourself. Simply let me know your needs and they will be met. It walks over to the closest zombie and squats to examine it for a moment. The salt in the sea is grinding away at their joints. I will rectify that. Are they useful to you? I have tried to anticipate your needs, but lacking clear directions it was difficult. I am glad you have come.

She Who Purifies Us is your leader? Does she have insignia? Once I have created some more suitable dwellings, let me know her heraldry and I will decorate it as appropriate. This it sketches a symbol out in the snow with its foot is the symbol I have assigned for this type and there is another, bigger, type which I have assigned this - another foot-sketch - symbol. In time your dead will rest with and be cared for by me.

Meelamman - The Darkest Hour

The reign of Boqor II was a troubled time for the Yaxin of Meelamman. The peaceful prosperity that his father had carved out for their people proved difficult to maintain in a rapidly changing world. There had long been a strange compulsion that drove a small number of the people to abandon their homes to embark upon a pilgrimage to the southeast. No one knew whatever became of those lonely individuals or what it was that they sought, and no real effort had been mounted to discover the cause of their leaving due to the fact that those that left were generally solitary and forlorn.
These are the Yaxin that journey to The Scar to join the Frostrim society

While that was troubling, it was deemed nothing more than a forgotten oddity when the shrieking horror in the night arrived. Something dark and sinister began terrorizing the Yaxin community, with its blood-curdling screams that accompanied an ever growing number of disappearances. Boqor II had ordered great bonfires be lit every true night, guards were posted around the island, and a curfew was strictly enforced. None of that, however, seemed to have any effect, except for the people grew increasingly paranoid and harried. What began as whispered criticisms, soon threatened to become a full blown insurrection.
Night Shrieker plaguing the Yaxin.

The pale and perpetual light that illuminated the northeastern horizon began to fade, giving way to the darkest of nights. The shrieking horror could be heard above the settlement, followed by the footfalls of the guards giving up their pretense and fleeing for cover. Boqor gathered his wife and children, and as they huddled together a tremendous impact and enormous *SPLASH* rocked the Yaxin settlement. Gathering what courage he had, Boqor rose and went to the window. Another impact and *SPLASH*, this time more distant, was enough to motivate him to leave the relative safety of his house and walk out onto the piers and walkways of Meelamman.
Nocturne shower!

To his shock and dismay, the night sky was struck through with a hail of blazing meteors crashing to the earth. The piers pitched and rocked with every impact, wildfires raged upon the shoreline, and enormous waves began crashing against the buildings and piers threatening to wash the entire city away. He reeled backwards as one of the meteorites slammed into a nearby building, smashing it to bits, creating a rain of swampy water and flaming timbers. He scrambled back into his house, gathered his family and fled with dozens of other panicked families into the woods across the river.

The Yaxin took small comfort in the fact that the catastrophic event had apparently driven away the shrieking horror, they were simply too shell-shocked to even consider such things. How many hours passed, he did not know, but as his people huddled together helplessly, the southern horizon began to glow, growing brighter and brighter. A great sphere of pure light crested the horizon and ascended into the sky. In the light of the first day, Boqor took stock of what remained of Meelamman. That which was still standing was aflame, and hundreds of bodies lay where they had washed up upon the shore. It was too much, and his shoulders shuddered as he began to weep.
The day/night cycle begins.

A distant scream snapped him back to reality. It was then that he noticed that several of the dead had begun to rise and with an odd shambling gait were walking toward him.
Ack! Zombies too.
Necropolis - Illith and Rebek
Illith seemed to take a moment to process what was said before It touched six of the zombies who shambled into the water. It watched them go before It turned back to Rebek and spoke in the same deep voice. "You do not need to worry about Us for She has granted Us the means to expand. Your gift has helped Us greatly in that capacity for otherwise We were limited to the coasts and seas of this land. They..." It motioned with one set of tentacles at the zombies that entered the water and continued "will spread your symbol and fetch Her symbol so that you may see it."
At mention of the symbol a pair of zombies return, each with a slightly different symbol. The one on the right is a still living Cephalid, or what could be assumed to be a Cephalid, egg cupped in crafted coral of purples and blues. The one on the left at first resembles the one on the right but on closer examination it's clear it's simply several pieces of coral that have been carved to look as if an egg is resting within. Illith spoke again while motioning to the one on the left "We feel that this one is more suited for such environs. As for what happens with Our dead or when the sea claims your gifts, We care not. We exist to serve Her will."

Meelamman - Khermian Adopus Expedition and Yaxin
Amidst all the chaos came a mass of shapes underneath the lake. Under the cries was the sound of what could be a whale as slowly clouds began to form in the night sky and a light rain began to fall. Several shapes broke off from the greater pack to investigate the shores and seemed to pause seeing what created the float city that was now in shambles, an Eldrazi approaching the zombies and reaching out with one blue and purple set of tentacles to touch them while a Grozoth popped her pair of heads out of the lake and looked at the strange creatures. For just long enough to be concerning they remained silent until finally the Grozoth bowed her head and the Eldrazi turned to face the Yaxin with it's bony head.
The Eldrazi was the one to speak in a deep voice of their preferred language that seemed to shake those involved to the core. "We realize now is a bad time to explore. We mean no harm though, we simply wish to help provide aid and order in what appears to be a chaotic time. We are the Khermian Adopus, explorers of the Creeping Polyps. This one..." It motioned with a tentacle to one of the Yaxin Zombies "mentions you are known as the Yaxin? We are unsure if we got that correct though."

2016-11-24, 01:10 PM
Meelamman - Strange Days

The animated dead figures shambled toward the growing community of displaced Yaxin and....stopped. They stood stock still with vapid, soulless expression on their reptilian faces, making no attempt to communicate with those that were once their kin. Horrified, Boqor II retreated to huddle with his family, but his eldest son placed a hand upon his father's shoulder and strode forward to examine the zombies. He gathered a number of the guardsmen of the assembled tribes and had them begin to move the zombies away from the survivors of the calamitous long night. Quietly addressing the warriors, "My father is...ill, but the people need comfort and leadership. Take the...dead beyond the grove of trees, and be gentle with them, while they appear to be no threat, they were once someone's father, mother, son, or daughter. The last thing these people need is to see the remains of their loved one's mistreated."

As the newly risen sun disappeared behind rain laden clouds, Boqor III returned to his parents. Looking long at his father and noting his blank expression he turned to his mother,"See after father. I'm afraid recent events have overcome his sense of self...." Another scream followed by shouts of "Monster!" cut him short. He whirled to see a strange and oddly formed creature rise up from the waters of the Syman Sea and speak.

"We realize now is a bad time to explore. We mean no harm though, we simply wish to help provide aid and order in what appears to be a chaotic time. We are the Khermian Adopus, explorers of the Creeping Polyps. This one..." It motioned with a tentacle to one of the Yaxin Zombies "mentions you are known as the Yaxin? We are unsure if we got that correct though."

Casting a quick look about at the huddled adults to see if anyone would respond, and seeing none, Boqor III approached the shoreline speaking with a calm and confident tone, "We are indeed the Yaxin. Your words are ours, but your form is alien to us. It is our way to welcome guests into our homes, offering rest and succor to other in their time of need. Alas, however, you come to us in an hour of some...unusual difficulty. The night fell darker than any true night in history, and then the heavens rained fire and destruction across the sea and land. Nonetheless, I offer you our traditional greeting." Bowing at the waist with open hands extended, "If you are well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of what we can offer. The people of the...er...Khermian Adopus are welcome."

Casting a glance at the Yaxin zombie that the creature had touched, "It is not my right to ask anything not freely offered from a guest, but what know you of the...walking dead. Such a thing was unknown to me and our people until this very day. Was it you that brought them forth? From whence does the great orb arise in the sky to cast its harsh and garish gaze upon us? You arrival seems to coincide with events of great portent."

As a pearly white crane alighted upon the swampy shoreline, murmurs and whispers of admiration swept across the Yaxin encampment referring to "Boqor The Younger".

2016-11-24, 01:15 PM
The Nocturne Shard
As the Wanderer traveled along the Upper Webiga, he found that the land was pitted in many places by the impact of numerous meteorites when he first came upon such a place, he stopped to investigate, and found the meteorites to be composed of some strange metal. "Nocturne..." he said to himself, the name coming to him as it sometimes did. He took is staff and struck the meteorite, causing a piece to break off. Picking it up, he found it to be about the size and shape of a dagger, though rough and dull. It could be useful, but he had over-exerted himself while testing out his powers. Further testing would have to wait. He tucked the shard into his belt and carried on.

Meelamman and the First Dawn
It was some days after when the Wanderer began to draw near to the place where Meelamman lay, though he knew not of such a place, and his finding of it was naught but luck. Before he arrived, however, a great sphere if light began to rise over the southwestern horizon. The Pack howled to the sky, offering ts challenge to this strange thing. The Sun, the Wanderer thought. What a strange thing. It intrigued him. One more thing to ask questions of. Still, his eyes had grown accustomed to darkness, and would require time to adjust to this new, blinding arrival. So he grabbed some reeds from the riverbank and wove himself a wide-brimmed hat.
It was then that he saw smoke rising over the horizon, from the place where the unknown Meelaman lay. So he said to the hound which was with him, the one he had called Cerberus, and said, "Go and see what that is. If it danger, offer the warning howl. If it is a being which may be spoken to, offer the celebration howl. Otherwise, return." The hound bounded off towards the fire, and the Wanderer settled himself down upon a boulder to wait.

Meelamman - Strange Days

The animated dead figures shambled toward the growing community of displaced Yaxin and....stopped. They stood stock still with vapid, soulless expression on their reptilian faces, making no attempt to communicate with those that were once their kin. Horrified, Boqor II retreated to huddle with his family, but his eldest son placed a hand upon his father's shoulder and strode forward to examine the zombies. He gathered a number of the guardsmen of the assembled tribes and had them begin to move the zombies away from the survivors of the calamitous long night. Quietly addressing the warriors, "My father is...ill, but the people need comfort and leadership. Take the...dead beyond the grove of trees, and be gentle with them, while they appear to be no threat, they were once someone's father, mother, son, or daughter. The last thing these people need is to see the remains of their loved one's mistreated."

As the newly risen sun disappeared behind rain laden clouds, Boqor III returned to his parents. Looking long at his father and noting his blank expression he turned to his mother,"See after father. I'm afraid recent events have overcome his sense of self...." Another scream followed by shouts of "Monster!" cut him short. He whirled to see a strange and oddly formed creature rise up from the waters of the Syman Sea and speak.

Casting a quick look about at the huddled adults to see if anyone would respond, and seeing none, Boqor III approached the shoreline speaking with a calm and confident tone, "We are indeed the Yaxin. Your words are ours, but your form is alien to us. It is our way to welcome guests into our homes, offering rest and succor to other in their time of need. Alas, however, you come to us in an hour of some...unusual difficulty. Nonetheless, I offer you our traditional greeting." Bowing at the waist with open hands extended, "If you are well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of what we can offer. The people of the...er...Khermian Adopus are welcome."

Casting a glance at the Yaxin zombie that the creature had touched, "It is not my right to ask anything not freely offered from a guest, but what know you of the...walking dead. Such a thing was unknown to me and our people until this very day? Was it you that brought them forth?"

As a pearly white crane alighted upon the swampy shoreline, murmurs and whispers of admiration swept across the Yaxin encampment referring to "Boqor The Younger".

It was then that a long, and musical howl echoed over the land. As it's sound fell upon the crocodile-folk, they felt their spirits uplifted by its joyous notes. Though the terrors of recent times had far from left them, they now found themselves to be less affected.
Miles away, the Wanderer smiled and rose. His spirit, too, was elated. The celebration howl had been offer. His questions would at last have answers!

-0 AP (Bless, Payed for with On the Travels of a Nameless Wanderer): The Celebration Howl The uplifting song of the Celebration Howl has touched the very souls of the Yaxin. It is now far more difficult for them to fall into despair, and they will remain hopeful through even the worst of disasters.

Didn't actually spend any AP, so still sitting at a mighty 2.

2016-11-24, 01:35 PM

As Boqor the Younger waited for a response to his queries, an other-worldly howl echoed over the waters of the Syman Sea. It was an oddly heartening note that seemed to wake the Yaxin from their shocked stupor. The ragged encampment began to move as men, women, and children began to rouse themselves and set about gathering up what remained of their belongings. Several menfolk started gathering up wood for cook fires, as the womenfolk tended to the wounded and distressed. It wasn't long before the laughter of children and the aroma of numerous stewpost wafted from the refugee camp.

Had anyone taken the time to notice, the solitary crane crooked its head at the howl before nodding and returning to its apparent absent-mind examination of the shoreline.

2016-11-24, 02:00 PM
Necropolis - Illith and Rebek
Illith seemed to take a moment to process what was said before It touched six of the zombies who shambled into the water. It watched them go before It turned back to Rebek and spoke in the same deep voice. "You do not need to worry about Us for She has granted Us the means to expand. Your gift has helped Us greatly in that capacity for otherwise We were limited to the coasts and seas of this land. They..." It motioned with one set of tentacles at the zombies that entered the water and continued "will spread your symbol and fetch Her symbol so that you may see it."
At mention of the symbol a pair of zombies return, each with a slightly different symbol. The one on the right is a still living Cephalid, or what could be assumed to be a Cephalid, egg cupped in crafted coral of purples and blues. The one on the left at first resembles the one on the right but on closer examination it's clear it's simply several pieces of coral that have been carved to look as if an egg is resting within. Illith spoke again while motioning to the one on the left "We feel that this one is more suited for such environs. As for what happens with Our dead or when the sea claims your gifts, We care not. We exist to serve Her will."

Rebek inspects the egg carefully and, if allowed, takes it to turn it over in her hands and examine it from all angles. She does interrupt her examination to give a brief, approving, nod at the mention of existing only to serve Her will, though.

I will see your insignia is spread across your dwellings. Sadly, I need to rest before I can fully realise that, for which I apologise. As I have said, the Necropolis is not complete and there are some things that require more of my energy than they ultimately will.

I am glad you are communicating well with them. Giving them a full knowledge of language would impede their utility - I do not wish to introduce even so minor a choice as "what to say next" - but your mental powers seem adept at overcoming that. There are likely other methods being trialled in the world, although I have gifted but a tiny few of the races so far: some rock creatures, some fast moving spotted creatures and two of the races within your domain. I understand there is a third and now she gestures at Ilith a fourth. But your type, I think, would not be suitable. I am excited if she is, her voice doesn't show it at all to see what the other races have done with my creatures. May I share our techniques and successes with them? It may inspire them.

2016-11-24, 05:37 PM
Biyaha - Headwaters of the Webi

Ascending the soaring heights of Kacaya Falls, The Father of Waters traveled across the uplands flowing toward the distant mountains. Here the river was warm and murky due to the rich, loamy soil of the surrounding savannas. For a time he forgot himself and his purpose, if indeed he had one. He lay hidden just below the waters watching the grazing herds of the uplands approach the waters edge, and driven by a sudden insatiable hunger, assumed a form similar to that of the great alligators of the Syman Sea. Lunging from the water's edge he snapped his mighty jaws down upon an unsuspecting wildebeest, dragging it to the depths of the river where he rolled and tumbled until the life ran out of the poor beast. The blood-lust of his sudden and inexplicable appetite grew as he feasted on his kill serving onlty to turn his mood more hostile and vicious. Thus was the freshwater crocodile introduced to the savannas adjacent to the Webi River.


Having exorcised his strange and foul mood, Biyaha left behind the open savanna and continued upriver until he came to a lake at the foot of the northeastern mountains. He scanned the ridge of jagged, black stone peaks and named them Qydoxans or Black Spires. In the east soared an enormous mountain of fire, but to the west arose a great snowcapped peak gleaming with a beautiful light. Biyaha went west, following the ever diminishing waters that fed the headwaters of the Webi, until he ascended the shining mountain. There above the tree line, his form had become thin and shallow as he stretched out upon the thousands of tiny rivulets of melting snow, but before him arose a massive pair of shining gates. He pulled upon the melting mountain snow to craft for himself a body to approach the gates. It was a thing he had never attempted before resulting in a ugly, clumsy form that shambled awkwardly toward the gates. Placing his hands upon the gate he instantly recognized the energy contained within, and the source of the light. This was the wellspring from whence souls arose; souls that he himself had helped craft.

Standing there with his lumpy, ill-formed hand of snow upon The Shining Gate Biyaha gazed out over the lands of Dalalkan. The souls of the sentient peoples of the world sparkled across the landscape like sunlight flickering over a vast ocean. Looking closer, however, he could make out the softly glowing spirits of the multitude of the First World's mundane life; that which lived yet lacked the consciousness often defined as sentience. Life forms beyond counting, many of which possessed a sense of self, instincts, emotions and even awareness of concepts such as community and selflessness. As he looked on, he witnessed many of softly glowing lights snuffed by death, and the minuscule flashes of new spirits being born.

"For those simpler lifeforms that are born, struggle, live, and die there is no life beyond the First World, which is as it should be. However, let their lives and struggles go not forgotten, but rather woven back into the tapestry of the land, the water, the sky, and stones of the world."

Beginning AP = 14 AP + 1DF Charge

-2 AP Create Mythical Sub-Concept(Souls+Song of Life): Animism - Even the simplest mundane lifeforms are possessed of "spirits" that do not vanish upon their death, but rather infuse The First World itself with a rudimentary form of collective consciousness. The water, the earth, the wind, and the stones of the First World do not become a living thing, but rather a repository for the departed spirits of mundane lifeforms. This is likely to have a significant impact on many forms of sentient life such as the Sinica and the Takwa, as well as any other lifeform that has the ability to commune with nature or tap into this "collective consciousness" by utilizing the Song of Life.

Ending AP = 14AP -2AP = 12AP + 1DF Charge

2016-11-25, 02:05 AM
Thaack took a step forward and intoned with a voice which bordered on the musical side before stating. "That is because you call upon him the wrong way."

And so, Thaack displayed for Thesis, a thing which has seldom been seen or heard elsewhere. He called upon The Song of Life as music rippled forward. The winds responded to his call, carrying the scent of Wild flowers. The earth shook and sapling's rose from the earth and grew into trees which bore brilliantly colored fruit that glowed.

He ended his song and explained further"Sathwatch is not the wild places in the sense that he is physically the earth, the grass and the trees and beasts. He is the very spirit of life within these places and through The Song of Life, The Cheenari and even more so, The Takwa connect to our Creator."

The hunter then reached a hand out to catch a fruit as it fell from a tree before biting into it. "I do have a question for you. What is an ocean? What is beyond it? Why leave that behind to come here?"

Answers and the song of life.

While the elves and cheenari traded, the god pondered Thaack’s words. A deep hum came from Therus, it seemed like notes of the song of life but echoed hundreds of times. The sapling started to shake then grow and finally its branches started to twist.

This will be very useful, I had never considered mortals could use an art like this. Therus looked down at the lead hunter’s face. “I did not considered the Sathwatch to be that sort of entity and I don’t know why I didn’t consider it. To answer your questions: an ocean is like a vast lake, many of them streak to the horizon and are deeper than most mountains are tall.

As for what lies beyond the ocean why crossed, is the island Jyhennia, a realm of forests and the home land of the elves. The reason I left this realm is to find mortal worms, see how they squirm and have a little fun along the way. I can’t give one singular reason why the worms that follow I choose to, for there are countless reasons.”

2016-11-25, 08:32 PM
Biyaha - The Shining Gate

Turning back to the Shining Gate, Biyaha pushed open the portal and entered Atheris, the realm of purity and light. While infused with positive energy and glowing with life, the plane was almost entirely featureless. The Father of Waters pulled at the snows of the mountain, growing exponentially and then collapsing back into his more accustom form of a giant meandering river. He lay down across Atheris, leaving behind a river of pure streaming light that cut its path through a world teeming with life's potential. The river of light that flows through Atheris is known as The Isha, or The Source.


From the Isha arose a long flowing and fluid arm that pulled closed the Shining Gate, then withdrew into the river of light. The Father of Waters sped across Atheris, carried upon the currents of the luminous river until he experienced the euphoria of an age passed when he once traversed the waters of The Beyond. He pushed through the boundaries of Atheris and flowed into The Beyond. Here in the realm of dreams he found himself in the waters of Lake Habeenka at the base of the Kacaya Falls.

The disorientation he felt during his one and only previous visit to The Beyond returned, but this time he found travelling the plane much easier. Having grown in power and experience he was now able to manipulate the properties of the Realm of Dreams, willing himself where he wanted to go. This time when he stumbled upon the Paths of the Beyond, he knew where he wanted to go and how to get there. So it was that he returned to The Scar, flowing through the inky waters of the Ruux River. Pushing up the Masdooxa, Valley of the Serpent he sought the headwaters of the dark and foreboding river. Came he at last to a black lake just outside The Scar, where the waters of the Ruux gathered in the shadows and silence of The Beyond's iteration of the Southern Mountains. As he pooled into the lake that he named The Murug , or Lake of Sorrow, he was nearly overcome with grief and sorrow, feeling only loss and the pull of death. As he had upon the plane of Atheris, he pushed through the boundaries of The Beyond and spilled into The Moonlit Grove of Broken Lilies.

Here he found a realm of cold darkness, grief, and death. As he had upon Atheris, he carved a channel across the plane, this time creating a river of pure inky darkness. The River Dhiman, or River of Death. Unlike the winding natural rivers of The First World and even the Isha upon Atheris, the River Dhiman cut through the immense empty palace crafted by Rebek the Silent. It was a straight and narrow channel of static black waters running the length of the realm before connecting with the black featureless circle that was the portal to The First World. Biyaha left behind The Moonlit Grove of Broken Lilies, and flowed into the Ruux River near the city of Necropolis.


Starting AP = 12AP + DF Charge

-1AP Alter Land: Isha River - River of pure light that traverses Atheris.
-2AP Create Portal: The Hallowed Falls - Atheris is linked to The Beyond. The portal opens into Atheris opposite the Shining Gate, and opens into the Beyond at the base of Kacaya Falls.
-1AP Alter Land: Dhiman River - River of pure darkness that traverses the Moonlit Grove of Broken Lilies.
-2AP Create Portal: Vestibule of Damnation -The Moonlit Grove of Broken Lilies is linked to The Beyond. The Portal opens within the nameless palace of Rebek opposite the portal to the First World. In the Beyond the portal opens in the waters of Lake Murug.

Death Panoply

Serpent's Breath 1AP
Simmering Resentment 1AP
Masdooxa(Valley of the Serpent) 1AP
Dhiman River 1AP
Animism 2AP
The Hallowed Falls 2AP
The Vestibule of Damnation 2AP

Claim Domain: Life(Yaxin)

Isha River 1AP
Yaxia 2AP
Meelamman 2AP
The Doyen 2AP
Torc of Insight 3AP

Ending AP = 12AP -1AP -1AP - 2AP -2AP = 6AP + DF Charge

2016-11-26, 11:00 AM
Yag-Azreal and Ezoth - The Great Planetary

The movements of Ezoth slowed down, then stopped for a few seconds before going back to their usual rythm.
A deity in need could become an ally indeed. If help is provided.

I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ezoth, known as the Starlit One to Dream Sprites. My duty is to protect dreamers from nightmares and ensure souls get a peaceful place to rest in when they come here.

They paused.

You do not sound like you made the nightmares on purpose, and perhaps you could let me help you, who tries to find rest and peace in your sleep, so that events like this would be less likely to happen. Perhaps you could introduce yourself.

Althrough Ezoth was hard to read as they lacked a proper "face" in their appearance, some hints of concern could be heard through their voice when Yag-Azreal started to cry.

The Sleeping God and the Dreamer - The Grand Observatory

Now is was the Lurker's turn to gaze upon the other god, its ancient eyes judging and considering the younger god before it. Naive, kind, young and well-intentioned. And that name, the starry one... in this other god, Yag-Azreal saw itself, freshly born, wide-eyed and innocent, looking out into the world at and how they could change it. And the next tear to fall down Beathan's cheek was for Ezoth. "Child..." The Lurker would say, hesitating for just a moment before saying something entirely different. "I have many, many names, gathered from worlds and dreams so numerous that the constelations in your form would be tiny in comparison." It would begin, silent voice sounding tired... and somehow bitter. "One, I was Gaia, Creation's Breath. Another, Nulles, the hand of Oblivion. The dragon, the prince, the shapeless void. The guardian of dreams, and the father of nightmares. They are old hats to me now..." The dull glimmer of stars would twinkle from within the deitie's eyes as it began to list name after name, some in languages that could not be comprehended, and others that spoke as if from the throats of a chorus of singers. Titles and names that no longer held any meaning.

Noticing that the world began to turn, and that dawn was rising along the horizon of the Beyond, the conscious fragment of the deity would begin to move its host to the window, some small part of it looking forward to welcoming in the first true dawn. Gesturing to Ezoth, the Sleeper would whisper, "Ah, the first real sunrise... in every life, and every world, this has always been my favorite. Perhaps, this I shall remember as well. Do you wish to join me?" It would ask, stopping its rambling to awate the response of its conversation partner. Turning to watch the sky turn from violet, to red, to that white gold that it had grown to know on so many worlds, an eagerness to see how this one was different present that the god would not admit to, the Sleeper would sigh and lean Beathan's sleep-body against the window cill.

"But if a solitary name and the titles that go with it are required, then I suppose that you sould call me by the names that the mortals of this world have called me." Looking into Beathan's mind, the ancient god would tell its younger companion, "I am Yag-Azreal, the Void Dragon, the Weeping God, the... Lurker in the Darkness... World Eater..." The silence would become truly still, even the night god's own paradoxical words no longer present within the lack of noise as it realized, "Even as I slumber, they think of me as a monster?"

As this realization began to sink in, the first rays of daylight struck Beathan's face. The light poured into her eyes, searing away the tears as they ripped into the being possessing her body, and then the dragon began to scream. A true sound, blood-curdling and wracked with pain, would come from the bard as her shadow writhed and twisted like a living thing, the god within the elf's body struggling and scrambling as it tried to find a place away from the burning agony that was the morning.

Wrenching itself from Beathan, while also writhing throughout the castle of memories, the rapidly-awakening god would scream loud enough to be heard through the silence permiating its castle. The dragon would take form within the Observatory, leaving its mortal host tocollapse to the ground as tendrils of shadow ripped shelves from the walls, and the god hid itself from the light within deeper, darker shadows, under a mountain of books and furniture. From deep, deep within the clutter, Yag-Azreal's voice would hiss, "Who... did... this... to... me?" Its voice was unmasked, unbridled fury. While power was gathering to the dragon as it awoke the shapeless body of the beast writhing and flailing through the land of the Beyond below them, and the dragon would turn its gaze to Ezoth. The silence that followed would demand answers that the young god could not give to their elder, for there was none to be had.

I know that no one cursed Yag-Azreal, and that technically daylight has no actual harmful effects on it. However, I'm playing it so that the Void (Night) domain makes the Lurker vulnerable to pure sunlight, and it does not know that this is the reason why.

The Bards - The rain of Death

Before the sun had truly begun to rise for them, the mortal council of Frostrim being at a lower altitude, and thus discovering true daylight later than the god they foolishly tried to contain, the dragon would begin to thrash and scream out in pain. Every attempt to calm it was rebuked, every spell shattered and inverted to bind the bards as the beast began to rise, and even the masters of the First Song, in their full Choirs, would find themselves struggling to even stand as a true Note from the song that had sparked creation itself rang out. Pure, true, and giving an irresistable command, it would free the immortal avatar from its bindings, and allow another shard of the awakening intellect to command the mortals gathered around it, "Fools, have you any idea what you have done?! Go out, stop wasting your time and magic with me, and save as many of your companions as you can!"

The bards, confused almost as much at the command as they were at the fact that the glimmering beast had not consumed them all, would begin to leave the cavern... only to be met with a flood of the injured, dying and fleeing refugees of Frostrim. Upon the First World, the Nocturne Showers had begun, and already they wrecked a terrible tole upon the southern peninsula's living. With the dragon's forewarning, and the assistance of the masters (who found their power oddly bolstered with the dragon's awakening... as if it were fully focused), 3/4 of the citizens of Frostrim managed to survive the Night when Death burnt through the sky, as the event would come to be called. Hiding within the Dragon's cave, sheltered from the storm for the moment and yet fearing collapse, word of the god's awakening would spread like wildfire.

Some said that the world was ending, and that the fire and rock falling from the sky was the World Eater's first action in enacting its judgement. Others called them fools, and proclaimed that the Lurker had only stirred when disaster was about to strike as a warning to the bards and the rest of the mortals it had gathered. And still others cried out that it was the Dragon's revenge upon them for enslaving it to its slumber, while they stole their magic and power from it.

But all through their arguing, there would be a silent group that had gathered to Yag-Azreal itself as it sat at the entrance to the cavern. The nebulas in its eyes swirled with its hatred, burning brighter and hotter as the dawn began to reach the flattened towns and communities that had been errected. The Nocturne Showers had ended, yes... but the dragon still sat, and its wrath for the dawn was shared by the mortals that sat beside it. One by one, these councilors would return to their community, and soon all would know and all would rally behind one idea: Yag-Azreal had not sent the Nocturne Showers, but they had heralded the dawn, and the sun is what had awoken the dragon in the first place. And so all of them began to grow to resent, and soon hate this glowing orb, as their god hated its creator. And so, Frostrim moved themselves below the mountains, where Night Shriekers could not pose any threat, and where they could escape the sun's hellish gaze. Only at night would they leave the caverns, but each of them carried with them a promise from the dragon...

They need not frear the light for much longer.

The Dragon in its Lair - Castle of Memories

The few bards and other individuals foolish enough to try fleeing into the Castle of Memories would not return to tell the tail, for the rain of death was present there as well. Even so, some might have lived... were it not for the writhing god that was within as well. The castle might have been mostly spared, had not Yag-Azreal, in its agony, flown into a blind fury, a rampage that only ended once the sun had reached its Zenith. Half of the castle, and all living beings besides a few of the shades that had managed to escape, lay scattered and shattered along the Beyond, leaving the castle in ruins, and dozens more dead. Yag-Azreal's main core lurked within the keep, which had been remarkably left untouched, orbs hovering in the deepest darkness it could find. And there the god Lurked... and waited for its opportunity.

Starting AP: 4

-4 AP: Create Avatar: Yag-Azreal now has an avatar within the mortal world, with many (if not all) of the capabilities and forms its progenitor possesses. Is is currently within the Southern Peninsula, and is protecting the community of Frostrim from harm.

Gain Domain: Magic (Evocation) For the Void Dragon carries in it the First Song itself, and from this does the magic of the Bards flow. It was only a matter of when the song woukd become a part of the dragon's being, and thereby an eternal part of the creature's unnaturally long life.
-4 AP Mythical concept Evocation
-2 AP sub concept Choral Magic
-2 AP sub concept Power Words
-2 AP sub concept Song of Rest

Ending AP: 0

Admiral Squish
2016-11-26, 11:48 AM
Amid the burning rain of nocturne, there was one meteor that burned especially bright as it streaked across the night sky, a broken tooth from the chorus of gears, a fragment of passion and heat cast out of the divine machine of cold order. It plummeted through the darkness, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, until it finally slammed into the earth with a mighty crash that shook the ground for miles in every direction and threw a great plume of dirt and dust and ash into the sky. The impactor buried itself deep in the earth, punching through soil, stone, and bedrock, and still continuing to bore, seemingly driven on by some unseen force, until it broke through the very crust of the world and fell into the molten mantle. There, the meteor sank deeper and deeper into the molten stone, melting away as it dropped toward the core of the planet. Soon, the meteor itself was no more, its physical form swirling in the convection currents, but still, there was something that continued to fall, all the way to the very core, becoming one with the burning heart of the planet itself.

On the surface, there was only a smoldering crater and a ragged hole. Then, up from the depths welled the blood of the world, molten stone, smoking and burning as it met the air, cooled, and solidified, only to be subsumed as yet more molten earth surged up from the depths to cover it in turn. For three days and three nights, the lava flowed freely, filling the impact crater until it was a lake of fire, boiling and bubbling. For three days the lake cooled, hardened, until it was a broad shield of smooth black stone. Then, on the seventh day, the ground shook. The shield buckled, then burst, violently exploding in a shower of molten stone that set the fields ablaze. A surge of magma rose from the depths once more, and from the tide of fire rose a figure, a being made entirely of molten rock that burst forth to take its first steps onto the scorched earth. Flames flickered to life on its head and shoulders, growing stronger, larger, until he bore hair of flames and a flowing cape of fire. Eyes of white-hot flame opened and looked out upon the world before them, at the the molten earth that surged and cooled and surged again, building up higher and higher, the beginnings of a towering volcano. The being smiled, for there was a whole new world before him.

Ka’mina, the unbound flame had arrived.

Starting AP: 16
-1 AP: Alter Lands: Ka’Mina’s violent birth gives rise to a towering volcano, The Burning Throne. Picking a spot randomly, let’s say the site is the hex three spaces east of the ‘A’ in ‘Lower Webiga’.
Ending AP: 15

2016-11-26, 02:35 PM
Meelamman - Strange Days

The animated dead figures shambled toward the growing community of displaced Yaxin and....stopped. They stood stock still with vapid, soulless expression on their reptilian faces, making no attempt to communicate with those that were once their kin. Horrified, Boqor II retreated to huddle with his family, but his eldest son placed a hand upon his father's shoulder and strode forward to examine the zombies. He gathered a number of the guardsmen of the assembled tribes and had them begin to move the zombies away from the survivors of the calamitous long night. Quietly addressing the warriors, "My father is...ill, but the people need comfort and leadership. Take the...dead beyond the grove of trees, and be gentle with them, while they appear to be no threat, they were once someone's father, mother, son, or daughter. The last thing these people need is to see the remains of their loved one's mistreated."

As the newly risen sun disappeared behind rain laden clouds, Boqor III returned to his parents. Looking long at his father and noting his blank expression he turned to his mother,"See after father. I'm afraid recent events have overcome his sense of self...." Another scream followed by shouts of "Monster!" cut him short. He whirled to see a strange and oddly formed creature rise up from the waters of the Syman Sea and speak.

Casting a quick look about at the huddled adults to see if anyone would respond, and seeing none, Boqor III approached the shoreline speaking with a calm and confident tone, "We are indeed the Yaxin. Your words are ours, but your form is alien to us. It is our way to welcome guests into our homes, offering rest and succor to other in their time of need. Alas, however, you come to us in an hour of some...unusual difficulty. The night fell darker than any true night in history, and then the heavens rained fire and destruction across the sea and land. Nonetheless, I offer you our traditional greeting." Bowing at the waist with open hands extended, "If you are well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of what we can offer. The people of the...er...Khermian Adopus are welcome."

Casting a glance at the Yaxin zombie that the creature had touched, "It is not my right to ask anything not freely offered from a guest, but what know you of the...walking dead. Such a thing was unknown to me and our people until this very day. Was it you that brought them forth? From whence does the great orb arise in the sky to cast its harsh and garish gaze upon us? You arrival seems to coincide with events of great portent."

As a pearly white crane alighted upon the swampy shoreline, murmurs and whispers of admiration swept across the Yaxin encampment referring to "Boqor The Younger".


As Boqor the Younger waited for a response to his queries, an other-worldly howl echoed over the waters of the Syman Sea. It was an oddly heartening note that seemed to wake the Yaxin from their shocked stupor. The ragged encampment began to move as men, women, and children began to rouse themselves and set about gathering up what remained of their belongings. Several menfolk started gathering up wood for cook fires, as the womenfolk tended to the wounded and distressed. It wasn't long before the laughter of children and the aroma of numerous stewpost wafted from the refugee camp.

Had anyone taken the time to notice, the solitary crane crooked its head at the howl before nodding and returning to its apparent absent-mind examination of the shoreline.

Necropolis - Illith and Rebek
Illith seemed to take a moment to process what was said before It touched six of the zombies who shambled into the water. It watched them go before It turned back to Rebek and spoke in the same deep voice. "You do not need to worry about Us for She has granted Us the means to expand. Your gift has helped Us greatly in that capacity for otherwise We were limited to the coasts and seas of this land. They..." It motioned with one set of tentacles at the zombies that entered the water and continued "will spread your symbol and fetch Her symbol so that you may see it."
At mention of the symbol a pair of zombies return, each with a slightly different symbol. The one on the right is a still living Cephalid, or what could be assumed to be a Cephalid, egg cupped in crafted coral of purples and blues. The one on the left at first resembles the one on the right but on closer examination it's clear it's simply several pieces of coral that have been carved to look as if an egg is resting within. Illith spoke again while motioning to the one on the left "We feel that this one is more suited for such environs. As for what happens with Our dead or when the sea claims your gifts, We care not. We exist to serve Her will."

Rebek inspects the egg carefully and, if allowed, takes it to turn it over in her hands and examine it from all angles. She does interrupt her examination to give a brief, approving, nod at the mention of existing only to serve Her will, though.

I will see your insignia is spread across your dwellings. Sadly, I need to rest before I can fully realise that, for which I apologise. As I have said, the Necropolis is not complete and there are some things that require more of my energy than they ultimately will.

I am glad you are communicating well with them. Giving them a full knowledge of language would impede their utility - I do not wish to introduce even so minor a choice as "what to say next" - but your mental powers seem adept at overcoming that. There are likely other methods being trialled in the world, although I have gifted but a tiny few of the races so far: some rock creatures, some fast moving spotted creatures and two of the races within your domain. I understand there is a third and now she gestures at Ilith a fourth. But your type, I think, would not be suitable. I am excited if she is, her voice doesn't show it at all to see what the other races have done with my creatures. May I share our techniques and successes with them? It may inspire them.
Meelamman - Strange Days, Khermian Adopus Expedition and Yaxin
The Eldrazi gazed at Boqur for a moment before it attempted to mimic the action, the creatures in the sea appearing to do the same, before they returned to an upright position. It took a moment longer to speak again, saying ”We are not the creators of your…zombies we believe is the word they use. If you command them then you will receive a flash of insight on who blessed you with them, just as we have.
We of the sea have hardly noticed the shifting sky, the Tentacled Mistress providing us with light as She deems fitting. We had noticed the arrival of the meteors during our expeditions and to the east at Zarnia but we have been blessed with the ocean to protect us from the greatest danger.” It looked back at the Grozoth and nodded as several more forms began the slow approach toward land. Four living and four zombie Cephalids, a living and dead Kraken, the Eldrazi, and the Grozoth each moved toward the shore and stood so that the Yaxin could view them.
As they began to move once again, the Grozoth spoke in a slow and halting manner, obviously not used to using her mouths as they slightly echoed each other. ”We are creatures of the sea. The Eldrazi, the Kraken, the Cephalids, and the Grozoth” with each species being pointed out to the Yaxin that still observed the newcomers as she spoke, adding ”are all created to serve a purpose. We were hoping you would be willing to join us and explore this…land together.”

Necropolis – Illith and Rebek
The zombie in charge of either symbol freely gave them to the creator before Illith touched them and sent them back to form ranks once again. It nodded and said ”We understand the need for rest. We do not wish to rush you in your tasks, We simply wished to thank you for your blessings. The Grozoth remain untouched, the ones that guide spread Her word throughout Our race. As for teaching…” It paused and contemplated how to perform said teaching before It ultimately settled on reaching out with one tentacle toward the deity.
Illith said ”The Shifting Reality has many techniques to help guide them that We are thankful still work despite the new form they take. If you will take O..My tentacle I should be able to show you Our methods so that you can spread them to the other races you bless.” If such an offer is taken then Illith will teach Rebek the basics of both psionics and illusions, limiting it to Hallucinations and Illusions respectively. There’s no need to see the stronger techniques that won’t help guide the dead in their tasks spread, after all.
Since I’m using actual skills to help dictate what I can and can’t do with my concepts (except Coralcrafting since that was just a minor thing): Teaching up to Hallucinations in Telepathy (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Telepathy) (and by extension everything from Psionics (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Psionics) except MindBar and PortraitReading since the only ones who can use Id are the Grozoth) and Illusions in Illusions (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Illusions).
That way I don’t have to hear rabble about domination happening from other races, because the only ones who can do it aren’t going to teach it to anyone else.

2016-11-26, 04:56 PM
Necropolis – Illith and Rebek
The zombie in charge of either symbol freely gave them to the creator before Illith touched them and sent them back to form ranks once again. It nodded and said ”We understand the need for rest. We do not wish to rush you in your tasks, We simply wished to thank you for your blessings. The Grozoth remain untouched, the ones that guide spread Her word throughout Our race. As for teaching…” It paused and contemplated how to perform said teaching before It ultimately settled on reaching out with one tentacle toward the deity.
Illith said ”The Shifting Reality has many techniques to help guide them that We are thankful still work despite the new form they take. If you will take O..My tentacle I should be able to show you Our methods so that you can spread them to the other races you bless.” If such an offer is taken then Illith will teach Rebek the basics of both psionics and illusions, limiting it to Hallucinations and Illusions respectively. There’s no need to see the stronger techniques that won’t help guide the dead in their tasks spread, after all.
Since I’m using actual skills to help dictate what I can and can’t do with my concepts (except Coralcrafting since that was just a minor thing): Teaching up to Hallucinations in Telepathy (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Telepathy) (and by extension everything from Psionics (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Psionics) except MindBar and PortraitReading since the only ones who can use Id are the Grozoth) and Illusions in Illusions (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Illusions).
That way I don’t have to hear rabble about domination happening from other races, because the only ones who can do it aren’t going to teach it to anyone else.[/QUOTE]

Rebek, the Silent Servant nods Indeed, there is no... whatever he is about to say is interrupted though as a ball of flame crashes in to housing on the other side of the empty town. The buildings are stone, the ground snow so the flames go out quickly but the snow quickly melts away to expose the bedrock - perfectly smooth - and many buildings are damaged.

If Rebek is surprised he doesn't show it, as emotionless as ever. He merely turns briefly to Illith - Excuse me one moment. I should attend to that - and starts walking over. After only a few paces, though, he stops. Another might have muttered something to themselves at this point ("Actually..") but Rebek does not speak unless necessary. All he does is turn and start walking back, but Illith's closeness to a deity would likely allow him to sense the divine energy being expended. Out of sight, on the other side of the Ruux, the large stone halls start to fill up as the world is subtly altered.

It doesn't take Illith's sensitivity to spot the next action, though. Rebek visibly fades for a brief moment as he transfers some of his very essence in to the land. Perhaps Illith's connection wavers for a second, perhaps it doesn't, but all present are suddenly aware that they are standing on land consecrated and holy to the being in front of them.

Moments later, corpses of all races start to emerge from the sheds and shamble towards the wreckage. Utterly unconcerned with their own safety they suffer many losses through rockfalls but are eventually able to start working on repairs. With that done they start to, less crudely than one would expect, engrave the broken coral egg symbol on a few street's worth of dwellings.

My apologies. I am unsure why that happened. Regardless. Dwellings suitable for yourself are being prepared. I thank you for teaching my your wisdom, it will enable others to make full use of their servants, potentially. Some time ago I granted servants to a land race in the north - spotted creatures capable of great speed. I have no doubt that they have developed similar techniques for control and I will of course see that She Who Denies You is made aware of them. I fondly imagine them running and hunting together, perhaps even holding hands and laughing as they attempt to have my servants join in their songs. At the end of the day, they will relax and have fresh water and fruits brought to them. I am absolutely certain that is how that is currently panning out. There will be no surprises whatsoever when I go and check.

I have further granted servants to some creatures made of rock and some other scaly creatures, that I need to check upon. Again, I will ensure such knowledge as is available is disseminated.

I should visit the scaled creatures soon.

AP: 0 PAP: 0

+4 AP - Rollover

-1 AP Corpse Relocation

Corpse still fade from the world as per Corpse Incorporeality. But now, instead of going to whatever nothingness they previously went to, when they fade from wherever they were they appear in the large sheds on the eastern bank of the Ruuz - each race appearing in the shed that bears its symbol.

-3 AP Infusion - Holy Land (The Necropolis)
Corpses in the sheds arise as zombies almost as soon as they arrive. This applies to all races - even ones that Rebek hasn't given to the rest of the First World yet. The Necropolis has elven, crine and scaled in zombies, for example.

These creatures perform maintenance on the town when needed and as new living creatures appear in the Necropolis they carve insignia on the buildings to mark out that gift. When neither of those tasks need doing, they simply stand.

The Necropolis is filling up rapidly.

Base AP =0 +4 -1 -3 = 0
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Infusions 1/2

Kittenmancer's creatures
DanteTheDragon's creatures
Gunhaven's grozath
Possibly hatter's other races - tbd
ArcaneStomper's mud and lava guys (lava guys will need to be made fireproof)


Towards Death(Corpses) 8/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)
1 - Blessing (Kraken Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Sinca Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Relocation)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 6/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)
1 - Blessing (Negative Energy effect on souls)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 1/10:
1 - Blessing (The Controller's Call)

2016-11-26, 05:37 PM
The figure stands upright, fluffy snow cascading off pale skin. A young woman stood, long straight white hair blowing in the wind. Only twinkling ice crystals adorned her flesh. Eyes, a deep crystal blue, opened, blinking. She took in her surroundings before speaking.

"Greetings, Rebek" She says. "I am Mahara. What is this place? The First World you called it? I think it will do." She decides, a smile settling on her perfect lips.

I did not name it, the First World is simply what it is called. There is accommodation in the Necropolis if you wish it it points behind it to a stone town and I believe there is also a settlement that way it gestures in the direction of Frostrim though I have not visited.

Is there anything else you need?

"I think I need my own place, but may I connect it to your realm?"

Mahara waves a hand summoning a long white fur robe to clothe herself. She shrugs it around her shoulders and thinks, imagining a place of her own. A place of snow and ice, thick pine forests, and blowing storms. At its center a castle of stone and ice, a home for Mahara.

Starting AP: 16

-4 AP Weave Plane - The Land of Endless Winter

Remaining AP: 12 AP

2016-11-26, 05:53 PM
"I think I need my own place, but may I connect it to your realm?"

Mahara waves a hand summoning a long white fur robe to clothe herself. She shrugs it around her shoulders and thinks, imagining a place of her own. A place of snow and ice, thick pine forests, and blowing storms. At its center a castle of stone and ice, a home for Mahara.

Starting AP: 16

-4 AP Weave Plane - The Land of Endless Winter

Remaining AP: 12 AP

Naturally. You see there is an open space on the outskirts of the town? That is where I had planned to create some linkages once I have the energy. Although, of course, you may place it anywhere you wish.

Tanzan Aura
2016-11-26, 06:00 PM
The Sleeping God and the Dreamer - The Grand Observatory

Now is was the Lurker's turn to gaze upon the other god, its ancient eyes judging and considering the younger god before it. Naive, kind, young and well-intentioned. And that name, the starry one... in this other god, Yag-Azreal saw itself, freshly born, wide-eyed and innocent, looking out into the world at and how they could change it. And the next tear to fall down Beathan's cheek was for Ezoth. "Child..." The Lurker would say, hesitating for just a moment before saying something entirely different. "I have many, many names, gathered from worlds and dreams so numerous that the constelations in your form would be tiny in comparison." It would begin, silent voice sounding tired... and somehow bitter. "One, I was Gaia, Creation's Breath. Another, Nulles, the hand of Oblivion. The dragon, the prince, the shapeless void. The guardian of dreams, and the father of nightmares. They are old hats to me now..." The dull glimmer of stars would twinkle from within the deitie's eyes as it began to list name after name, some in languages that could not be comprehended, and others that spoke as if from the throats of a chorus of singers. Titles and names that no longer held any meaning.

Noticing that the world began to turn, and that dawn was rising along the horizon of the Beyond, the conscious fragment of the deity would begin to move its host to the window, some small part of it looking forward to welcoming in the first true dawn. Gesturing to Ezoth, the Sleeper would whisper, "Ah, the first real sunrise... in every life, and every world, this has always been my favorite. Perhaps, this I shall remember as well. Do you wish to join me?" It would ask, stopping its rambling to awate the response of its conversation partner. Turning to watch the sky turn from violet, to red, to that white gold that it had grown to know on so many worlds, an eagerness to see how this one was different present that the god would not admit to, the Sleeper would sigh and lean Beathan's sleep-body against the window cill.

"But if a solitary name and the titles that go with it are required, then I suppose that you sould call me by the names that the mortals of this world have called me." Looking into Beathan's mind, the ancient god would tell its younger companion, "I am Yag-Azreal, the Void Dragon, the Weeping God, the... Lurker in the Darkness... World Eater..." The silence would become truly still, even the night god's own paradoxical words no longer present within the lack of noise as it realized, "Even as I slumber, they think of me as a monster?"

As this realization began to sink in, the first rays of daylight struck Beathan's face. The light poured into her eyes, searing away the tears as they ripped into the being possessing her body, and then the dragon began to scream. A true sound, blood-curdling and wracked with pain, would come from the bard as her shadow writhed and twisted like a living thing, the god within the elf's body struggling and scrambling as it tried to find a place away from the burning agony that was the morning.

Wrenching itself from Beathan, while also writhing throughout the castle of memories, the rapidly-awakening god would scream loud enough to be heard through the silence permiating its castle. The dragon would take form within the Observatory, leaving its mortal host tocollapse to the ground as tendrils of shadow ripped shelves from the walls, and the god hid itself from the light within deeper, darker shadows, under a mountain of books and furniture. From deep, deep within the clutter, Yag-Azreal's voice would hiss, "Who... did... this... to... me?" Its voice was unmasked, unbridled fury. While power was gathering to the dragon as it awoke the shapeless body of the beast writhing and flailing through the land of the Beyond below them, and the dragon would turn its gaze to Ezoth. The silence that followed would demand answers that the young god could not give to their elder, for there was none to be had.

The Sleeping God and the Dreamer - The Great Planetary

Hearing the other deity, not only did Ezoth realise that Yag-Azreal was older than they were, but they seemed to have gone through several names. Questions quickly grew into their mind; How could a deity pass through so many personas ? Could a god be reborn ?
And those languages that they spoke... Unknown to them. What are they ?
Curious about what would the Dragon would say next, they followed them toward the edge of the structure of the Great Planetary, gazing at the first morning sky. The colors looked brighter, due to the magical properties of the fugue plane, making the sight even more of a sight to behold.
Hundreds of eyes looked toward the same direction, Dream Sprites, Stags and even a few Guardians.

But the moment would soon enough cease; Beathan's body fell to the ground, as a dark silhouette rushed toward the nearest source of shade. While the Dragon hissed in pain, Dream Sprites in the viscinity would flee. They couldn't handle the presence of a god other than their own; Dream Stags picked up the immobile elven body as Zuben, followed by a few of their brethren, would try to see if they were still alive.
The deity of sleep took a few moments, probably seeming longer to the other, to analyse the situation, before going in-between the rising sun and the pile of books and furnitures that the Dragon sought shelter in. Light was still coming through their shape, but heavily filtered. The Starry One wasn't exactly sure that the sun was causing so much pain, but so far, it rising and the sky colors were the only things that changed in their surroundings. After a longer pause, the Starlit One admitted:

I dislike saying this but... I am not sure. What is happening ?

The last sentence sounded slightly more distressed, as Ezoth realised they were indeed still a new god, having hardly ever met another for extended periods of time.

Top of the world - The Pole

Cygnus, alias Deneb before they became a Stag, stopped. Them and the Dream Sprites under their responsibility were in front of a lake. A small, lone island was floating in the middle of it, as if the land itself sought isolation under those freezing temperatures. Antares was the first one to voice their thoughts.

De̛nè-̶ ͞C͜y͠g͡n̡us,̴ ̧i̶s͠ ̨i͘ţ ̶th̢e ̢p̡lac̵e ͟? Z̧uben̕ ͢sa̛id̡ Po͠lar̶is s҉h̶o̡ul͠d b̴e shini̢n͏g b̡o͟th ̕above and̀ ́i҉n a ҉la̶ke...
̸L̡e̢t͘'́s̛ ͡wa̧it͡ f̡o̷r̨ t҉he̷ m̕oo͠n̵ ̶t̴o s͜e͏t, it ̢is͟ bl͢o͘ck̛ing ̨o͜ưr̷ ̶view.͏ ͢Pol̵a͡r͝i͝s ̨sho̴u҉l͞d ̴be beh͝i͡nd̶ ̶it.

According to the calculations of the Recorders back at the Starlit Library, the sun at the poles only shines for a half of the year, making the other half of the year ideal for stargazing and astronomy. Research done on the moon should be able to cover the period of time where the sun shines too bright for the stars to be seen.

Dene- Cygnus, is it the place ? Zuben said Polaris should be shining both above and in a lake...
Let's wait for the moon to set, it is blocking our view. Polaris should be behind it.


In its safe haven, away from all trouble, Dream Sprite culture was flourishing; sprites teached eachother their newest discoveries, and each and everyone of them cherished a particular interest. Soon enough, libraries were filled with countless books.
Some Dream Sprites caught a particular interest in the study of dreams and their symbols. With the help of stargazing and noticing patterns in individuals, they could predict how some types of personalities could respond to diverse stimuli, positive and negative.

1 + 4 = 5AP [rollover]

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Psychology
Harder than it looks like, being able to even guess what the one in front of us feels or thinks requires knowing a lot about their habits and personality. And while this isn't really needed in Luna, it might be of use later, as it can help synchronised actions between allies...

Alter Land (1AP): Polaris Lake
A very small lake positioned in a way that it aligns with a certain star -Polaris, the unmoving star- in a way that it is very attractive to astronomers, as the star itself is a useful skymark. Every century, Luna aligns between Polaris and the Polaris lake. The event is always looket forward to by Dream Sprites.
A small island stands in the middle, barely the size of a big city.
It is located on the north pole of the First World.

Gain Domain: Discovery (Learning)

Society (2AP): Lunars
Advanced Concept (2AP): Mathematics
Advanced Concept (2AP): Science
Advanced Concept (2AP): Philosophy
Advanced Concept (2AP): Psychology

Total: 10AP spent

5 - 2 - 1 = 2AP

2016-11-26, 06:22 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Cacophony

With the Great Wheel almost complete, Jyn'Hao moved to the opposite of The Chorus and with arms outstretched formed in a single action a bridge between it and the madness of creation. Here spawned The Cacophony and between the two points a realm of barely stable peace. He ushered the Shi about, placing directions in their minds yet unheard upon existence for soon all would be complete. From the Font he wove the seed for the Shi to become something more than themselves, true Paragons of the Elemental Worlds and set the example for the Placid Fog. These Shi morphed into towering pillars of Cloud, drifting between the banks absorbing the mighty storms until they themselves became raging bodies of lightning and rain until they wore themselves out and returned back to the gentle white mist.

Weave Plane - The Cacophony (2AP): The nader of the Chorus of Gears, The Cacophony is a realm of madness, chaos, destruction and birth. The Cacophony shapes itself about the traveler however it remains hostile at all times. Only the Shi seem to know the pathways between the dangers of this mad realm.

Create Mystical Race - True Elementals (1AP): Born of the Shi, True Elementals embody the four classical planes of Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

Bridge Plane - The Font of Clarity (2AP): Set between The Chorus of Gears and the Cacophony is a realm of barely maintained order. This realm is known as the Font of Clarity and acts as a hub for the Shi of both planes to move about without needing to simply dwell in those planes.

Gain Domain -Creation (Balance)

Weave Plane - The Chorus of Gears -2AP:

Curse - Nocturne Shower -1AP:

Bridge Plane - The Chorus of Gears and the Sun and Moon:

Weave Plane - The Cacophony (2AP):

Create Mystical Race - True Elementals (1AP):

Bridge Plane - The Font of Clarity (2AP):

2016-11-26, 06:29 PM
Answers and the song of life.

While the elves and cheenari traded, the god pondered Thaack’s words. A deep hum came from Therus, it seemed like notes of the song of life but echoed hundreds of times. The sapling started to shake then grow and finally its branches started to twist.

This will be very useful, I had never considered mortals could use an art like this. Therus looked down at the lead hunter’s face. “I did not considered the Sathwatch to be that sort of entity and I don’t know why I didn’t consider it. To answer your questions: an ocean is like a vast lake, many of them streak to the horizon and are deeper than most mountains are tall.

As for what lies beyond the ocean why crossed, is the island Jyhennia, a realm of forests and the home land of the elves. The reason I left this realm is to find mortal worms, see how they squirm and have a little fun along the way. I can’t give one singular reason why the worms that follow I choose to, for there are countless reasons.”

Thaack offered a nod in agreement. "Each cub must find his own path and pace lest he be swallowed up by others."

That being said, he looked to the other Cheenari as they brought most of their trading to an end.

2016-11-26, 06:39 PM
Meelamman - Strange Days, Khermian Adopus Expedition and Yaxin
The Eldrazi gazed at Boqur for a moment before it attempted to mimic the action, the creatures in the sea appearing to do the same, before they returned to an upright position. It took a moment longer to speak again, saying ”We are not the creators of your…zombies we believe is the word they use. If you command them then you will receive a flash of insight on who blessed you with them, just as we have.
We of the sea have hardly noticed the shifting sky, the Tentacled Mistress providing us with light as She deems fitting. We had noticed the arrival of the meteors during our expeditions and to the east at Zarnia but we have been blessed with the ocean to protect us from the greatest danger.” It looked back at the Grozoth and nodded as several more forms began the slow approach toward land. Four living and four zombie Cephalids, a living and dead Kraken, the Eldrazi, and the Grozoth each moved toward the shore and stood so that the Yaxin could view them.
As they began to move once again, the Grozoth spoke in a slow and halting manner, obviously not used to using her mouths as they slightly echoed each other. ”We are creatures of the sea. The Eldrazi, the Kraken, the Cephalids, and the Grozoth” with each species being pointed out to the Yaxin that still observed the newcomers as she spoke, adding ”are all created to serve a purpose. We were hoping you would be willing to join us and explore this…land together.”

Necropolis – Illith and Rebek
The zombie in charge of either symbol freely gave them to the creator before Illith touched them and sent them back to form ranks once again. It nodded and said ”We understand the need for rest. We do not wish to rush you in your tasks, We simply wished to thank you for your blessings. The Grozoth remain untouched, the ones that guide spread Her word throughout Our race. As for teaching…” It paused and contemplated how to perform said teaching before It ultimately settled on reaching out with one tentacle toward the deity.
Illith said ”The Shifting Reality has many techniques to help guide them that We are thankful still work despite the new form they take. If you will take O..My tentacle I should be able to show you Our methods so that you can spread them to the other races you bless.” If such an offer is taken then Illith will teach Rebek the basics of both psionics and illusions, limiting it to Hallucinations and Illusions respectively. There’s no need to see the stronger techniques that won’t help guide the dead in their tasks spread, after all.
Since I’m using actual skills to help dictate what I can and can’t do with my concepts (except Coralcrafting since that was just a minor thing): Teaching up to Hallucinations in Telepathy (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Telepathy) (and by extension everything from Psionics (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Psionics) except MindBar and PortraitReading since the only ones who can use Id are the Grozoth) and Illusions in Illusions (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Illusions).
That way I don’t have to hear rabble about domination happening from other races, because the only ones who can do it aren’t going to teach it to anyone else.

The Wanderer came to the place where the Upper Webiga parted around the island of Meelamman, and looking across the water he saw the ruined village, as well as the creatures which now milled about it. He knew nothing of the strange tentacled creatures, or of the large reptilian ones (though with these he felt a strange kinship, as if they were tied to him in some mysterious way). The lone bird which sat upon the shore, however, he knew was a crane. He tested the depth of the river before him with his staff, and finding it too deep to wade, let out a sigh. "I was hoping to avoid this..." he said, before tracing an arc in the air with his staff. Following in the path of his gesture, the earth of the riverbank rose up and bridge the tide, forming a sturdy but narrow land bridge, wide enough for a group of human-sized creatures to cross double-file, if they were careful not to misstep. Breathing heavily, he leaned upon his staff. "Damn it," he muttered. "Can't spend my power so carelessly." Still, he had learned his limits, and rest would restore him. As he paused, the Pack gathered around him. Cerberus sat down in front of him, tongue hanging out, happily waving his tail. The Wanderer smiled and patted the hound on its head. "Good boy." Fenrir, the one who had been alpha before the Wanderer came upon him, sauntered up alongside his master and sat perfectly still, eyes forward. "Alright, let's go." The Wanderer then walked forward onto the bridge, and offered a wave to the peoples of this village.

-1 AP (Alter Land): The Meelamman Bridge Meelamman is now connected to the eastern shore of the Upper Webiga by a narrow, natural stone bridge.
2 AP - 1 AP + 4 AP for Rollover = 5 AP

2016-11-27, 12:04 PM
The Farewell
Oldarac paused to think, for the first time in his life, if he was capable of it he may have even smiled. How quickly his creations developed, they did not need him and would continue toward the plan he had shared with them.
With his help they had started working on smaller creations focused on doing only one thing but doing it well. At first Oldarac was conflicted on this, if they can only do one thing what do they do when that thing is not needed? Surely that is inefficient. But with the Dvergr extending further across the mountain range inefficiency is inevitable, the act of walking is inefficient and maybe this could help speed them up in other areas.
A cog will turn when the pendulum tells it to, it does not question why as it does not need to know. In the same way one Dvergr will fulfill it's role without question, without even needing to be asked, it knows its place. This logic is useful in creating efficient industry but does not lend itself to creativity and development. Oldarac needed new ideas and for that he would have to travel further than before.
Starting AP = 10AP + 4AP (Rollover) = 14AP
Blessing (1AP) - A Greater Understanding
Thanks to understanding each other on a direct level the Dvergr have no need to talk.
Form Society (2AP) - The Dvergr Consensus
A society does not need a leader when everyone agrees. Their plan is clear to them and they all know the part they play.
Create Sub-Concept (2AP) - Basic Runic Functions (Within Runic Magic)
By creating small runic creatures that exist for one purpose the the overall machinations of the area can be improved. Doors that open when needed, furnaces that can fill and empty themselves, hammers that will smash themselves against an anvil over and over. The options are endless and they have only just started to be explored.
Remaining AP = 14 - 1 - 2 - 2 = 9AP

2016-11-27, 04:15 PM
As the Nocturne showers streaked across the land and sea, several meteors fell on the islands or in the ocean nearby, causing great destruction and loss of life. As the souls of the K'isimira began to drift off to their unknown destination, Layal flitted after them, wringing its hands in distress. "What, so soon? But... I am not done! You are not done! What a waste... No, no, no." Gathering them one by one, the god returned the souls to the First World, bidding them to be reborn in new bodies as new offspring were made. Layal then set the rule that each soul of the K'isimira would spend one lifetime in each caste, then would be released to the realms beyond the physical world.

Below, as the tally of death and destruction was counted and the rebuilding process begun, the K'isimira started asking each other why this had been visited upon them. Close on the heels of the cataclysm, the First World started spinning and they witnessed the passage of the sun for the first time. Many more questions sprung forth, and the K'isimira turned to those queens who could no longer create offspring, but were still held in high regard for the wealth of experience and wisdom they carried. Thus they gathered in a place to ponder all these questions and the meaning of the events that had come to pass. A great building was raised around them, with ordered gardens suited for meditation and spacious halls suited for public debate.

Satisfied with these outcomes, Layal paused to listen... and noticed the silence in which a faint echo still rang. The Prime Note that had been gurgling and bubbling earlier was fading, and that could not be allowed to happen. Taking a deep breath, the god sang as if with many voices, and the Prime Note burst into the world again, richer and brighter than before. Layal added many layers to the note, making it in turn simple and sophisticated. Some parts would be repeated over and over, subtly altered every time, ever evolving and changing.

Starting AP: AP: 1 AP + 4 AP (rollover) = 5 AP; PAP: +2 PAP
- Create Mythic Sub-concept (2 AP): transmigration of souls. The souls of the K'isimira do not depart the First World after death, but reincarnate into unhatched younglings, so that each soul spends a lifetime as each of the six castes. They retain vague memories from their previous existences and the lessons they learned. After six lifetimes they are free to travel on.
- Create Organization (1 AP): the Sarai are the retired queens who can no longer produce offspring. In time, they may be joined by other K'isimira, such as those who have spent at least 4 lifetimes on the First World and thus gained great wisdom and knowledge. Their aim is to ponder and discuss many important questions and issues relevant to their society and identity.
- The Prime Note (1 PAP): Layal will maintain the Prime Note this week.
- Create Advanced Concept (2 AP): Timekeeping. The K'isimira have noticed the passage of the sun and through that inferred the concept of time and its passing.
Remaining AP: 0 AP, 1 PAP

2016-11-27, 08:09 PM
Biyaha - Necropolis

Rising up from the Ruux River is a wizened old man formed from the icy black waters themselves. Casting a slow appraising look around at the buildings with their strange markings, and the assembled, "I would speak with the creator of the animated dead."

Boqor - Meelamman

The Eldrazi gazed at Boqur for a moment before it attempted to mimic the action, the creatures in the sea appearing to do the same, before they returned to an upright position. It took a moment longer to speak again, saying ”We are not the creators of your…zombies we believe is the word they use. If you command them then you will receive a flash of insight on who blessed you with them, just as we have.
We of the sea have hardly noticed the shifting sky, the Tentacled Mistress providing us with light as She deems fitting. We had noticed the arrival of the meteors during our expeditions and to the east at Zarnia but we have been blessed with the ocean to protect us from the greatest danger.” It looked back at the Grozoth and nodded as several more forms began the slow approach toward land. Four living and four zombie Cephalids, a living and dead Kraken, the Eldrazi, and the Grozoth each moved toward the shore and stood so that the Yaxin could view them.
As they began to move once again, the Grozoth spoke in a slow and halting manner, obviously not used to using her mouths as they slightly echoed each other. ”We are creatures of the sea. The Eldrazi, the Kraken, the Cephalids, and the Grozoth” with each species being pointed out to the Yaxin that still observed the newcomers as she spoke, adding ”are all created to serve a purpose. We were hoping you would be willing to join us and explore this…land together.”

Boqor the Younger listens intently to the words of the strange guests, then nods, "My father is not himself, and decisions such as these should be made by those with more experience than I. However, we are honored at the invitation to form such a partnership as your proposed venture. I am confident that both of our peoples would be enriched by such an endeavor." Looking at the smoldering remains of the Yaxin city, "My attention and guidance are needed here, but we have several rivercraft and able-bodied men and women that I'm certain would be willing to accompany you and yours."

As the leaders discussed details of the joint venture, the land sprang from the eastern shores of the river, miraculously forming a high, arching land bridge connecting the island home of the Yaxin with the lands to the east of the Upper Webiga. To the dismay of the people a lone figure accompanied by what appeared to be a pack of beautifully groomed and trained wolves(?) strode across the bridge waving a pleasant greeting.

Boqor turned away from his negotiations for a moment, "You'll pardon me, but it seems as if the events of this day, grow stranger by the moment." Waving at the approaching figure, "Greetings stranger. If this day finds you well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of that which we can offer."

The crane wondered away from the shoreline, coming to stand near the assembled and guarded group of Yaxin zombies seemingly by accident.

Beginning AP = 6AP + 4AP(rollover) +1PAP = 10AP + 1PAP

2016-11-27, 08:20 PM
Rising up from the Ruux River is a wizened old man formed from the icy black waters themselves. Casting a slow appraising look around at the buildings with their strange markings, and the assembled, "I would speak with the creator of the animated dead."

Excuse me one moment, it seems today is one for distractions Rebek remarks to Illith and then steps forwards. You would speak with me, then, in all likelihood. Its eyes flick over the man briefly. I do not recognise your race - have you come to ask when they will be granted you? I do apologise for the delays, customising them is an exhausting process and there is much else to be done as well.

2016-11-27, 09:02 PM
Boqor the Younger listens intently to the words of the strange guests, then nods, "My father is not himself, and decisions such as these should be made by those with more experience than I. However, we are honored at the invitation to form such a partnership as your proposed venture. I am confident that both of our peoples would be enriched by such an endeavor." Looking at the smoldering remains of the Yaxin city, "My attention and guidance are needed here, but we have several rivercraft and able-bodied men and women that I'm certain would be willing to accompany you and yours."

As the leaders discussed details of the joint venture, the land sprang from the eastern shores of the river, miraculously forming a high, arching land bridge connecting the island home of the Yaxin with the lands to the east of the Upper Webiga. To the dismay of the people a lone figure accompanied by what appeared to be a pack of beautifully groomed and trained wolves(?) strode across the bridge waving a pleasant greeting.

Boqor turned away from his negotiations for a moment, "You'll pardon me, but it seems as if the events of this day, grow stranger by the moment." Waving at the approaching figure, "Greetings stranger. If this day finds you well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of that which we can offer."

The crane wondered away from the shoreline, coming to stand near the assembled and guarded group of Yaxin zombies seemingly by accident.

"Greeting to you as well, my friend," said the Wanderer. "As for what I require, at the moment my only wish is for a moment's rest." He planted the tip of his staff into the ground, and it grew once more into the tree from which he had plucked it. He broke off the new tree's lowest branch, which immediately reformed itself into his staff, and then sat down cross-legged in the shade of the new growth. He looked up at Boqor and continued his previous thought: "I have been walking for some time, you see, and the wild offers little comfort." With this, he plucked a low-hanging fruit from the tree and took a bite. "I see your people have faced some trouble in recent days. If any among them are hungry, they are free to eat from this tree. Consider it a gift, in thanks for your hospitality." He took another bite, swallowed it, and then said, "Might I ask your name?" before leaning back against the tree and waiting for a response. As he was speaking, the hound he had called Baskerville curled up beside him, putting her head in his lap.

For clarification, the Wanderer's Pack are dogs, though they are very wolf-like in appearance, and because of this they could easily be mistaken for wolves, especially by a person unfamiliar with domesticated dogs.

-0 AP Blessing, payed for with an artifact: The Meelamman Tree Growing near the place where the Meelemman bridge meets the island is a tall and impressive tree. It bears fruit year-round (should seasons ever become a thing), though these fruit take almost a month to regrow after being picked. It's fruit are exceptionally filling, as just one is enough to sustain a creature requiring human-like levels of intake for a whole day. In addition, those who eat of these fruit regularly tend to be exceptionally healthy. They fight off disease more easily (should that ever be a thing that exists in this world), and live to the upper reaches of their races lifespan (though the tree does not supernaturally extend life beyond what is normally possible for a given race). Finally, those who eat of the fruit don't suffer the worst effects of old age, remaining relatively healthy in both mind and body.
-1 AP Blessing: Wanderer's Respite Traveler's of all races will tend to come across things just when they need them. Those seeking shelter from a storm will find a cave of suitable depth, desert travels short on water will stumble across an oasis,etc. The Wanderer has decided to make traveling easier for both himself and others.

2016-11-28, 07:48 PM
Naturally. You see there is an open space on the outskirts of the town? That is where I had planned to create some linkages once I have the energy. Although, of course, you may place it anywhere you wish.

Mahara nods. "I will comply with your plan." She walks towards the open area on the edge of the town. Here she begins sculpting a tall, pointed archway of ice. That done she takes a step back and breathes. Cold, misty air escapes from her lungs, drifting towards the archway. It hits the base and rises, shrouding the arch in fog. Through the fog, a scene appears, tall pine trees and blowing snow, and a winding path towards a great castle: The Land of Endless Winter.

Mahara smiles, pleased with her work, and turns away. She begins a trek towards the nearest setlement at Frostrim.

Starting AP: 12

-2 AP Create Portal

Ending AP: 10

2016-11-28, 08:32 PM
Aamwa: The Whispering Tree

Sathwatch was barred from physically entering the First World, some strange mechanism from a time when the world was still young and untouched. The Beast did not quite understand the reasoning or the how's and whys but he did understand that there was nothing he could do about it.... was there?

The god took great leaps and bounds across the beyond before arriving at The Tree of Life and with an indomitable will over the place, he spread open the Tree's bark and folded himself within...and where one thing happened within The Beyond, something similar happened upon The First World.

In The Wild Plains, a great tree rose up at the center of the landscape. Great golden-brown branches reached for the sky, emerald leaves blew in the wind. Standing at nearly two hundred feet tall, the tree swung it's branches around and a whisper spread across The First World. It was a whisper which spoke of mortal folly in attempting to dominate nature instead of living alongside it.

5AP 1PAP Start
-4AP Create Avatar(Aamwa: The Whispering Tree) Aamwa stands at the center of The Wild Plains, a great tree with gold-bound bark and emerald leaves.
-1AP Bless(Whispers of The Wild) In the ears of mortals, certain individuals are enticed to leave civilization and domination behind for a more peaceful and balanced relationship with nature.

2016-11-28, 08:50 PM
Aldwin the Urbane

Far away from the strange squid headed beings were a group much more mundane. Humanoid in nature with pointed ears. They sat with a lack of motive or industry in open fields singing songs and creating images in cuts of wood or on sheets of papyrus. Clearly this was a people who had some talent and sense of aesthetics. They could, if they wanted, build beautiful spires that went into the heavens or temples which weave in both natural and artificial elements seamlessly and yet all this potential sat wasted.

One it was noted seemed more ambitious than the others. His art, rather than that of small natural things, was to be on a grander scale. His potential was wasted however as he toiled alone moving carved blocks this way and that and no others felt it fitting to aid him. He toiled in the midsummer heat heaving great slabs of stone with an expression of hatred and resentment on his brow.

Feeling as though this one individual may be able to accomplish his goals, Aldwin bade him build a great city and much like the others, elevated his knowledge and power. To ensure that he would not toil alone, a crown was also gifted to him. An artifact of power that would grant him rulership of a small number of elite. Those in turn would give him the strength to enforce his will over the others.

"Go forth and realize your vision.

It seemed that only a short time after, many of those who were initially free of will had come under the servitude of the crowned master of their kind. They drew stone from great quarries and shambled as lifeless and miserable folk pressed into servitude to create a great palace. While many had fled to the countryside and continued to spend their time pursuing the arts, those that remained found themselves forced to work to create. Others who were favoured and granted boons instead practiced their archery and horsemanship so they could ride down and pursue those that had fled, dragging them back in fine silver chains to be forced into the tented labour camps outside the quarries. Their suffering did not bother Aldwin in the least. After all, such work and toil must be done for a city to be made and how it happened mattered little to the God of cities.

AP = 10+4 = 14

Raise hero:-2 AP A miserable elf has been risen as a hero. His traits of an abnormal drive and hatred of laziness have been amplified along with his architectural skills. He shall spend most of his time organizing and repressing those around him to fulfill the dreams of his muse.
Create minor artifact: -3 AP A crown of silver leaves. It grants a small few greater physical prowess so long as they swear fealty to its wearer giving him greater strength in combat.
Form Society: -2 AP The Monarchy of Celelasseir ruled by a powerful monarch and his noble court.
create simple concept: -2 AP Slavery.

AP= 14 -2-2-3-2 = 5 AP

2016-11-28, 09:21 PM
Aldwin The Urbane

Far across from the empty city of Phari, Aldwin could perceive the beginnings of another city. Observing it, the peoples of it were strange indeed. Intelligent enough to grasp the fundamentals of city building they had created dwellings for themselves but it was as yet incomplete. There was more that could be done to improve upon it and though it would be within the grasp of the god of cities to shape it himself another path was to be chosen. Champions of the cause would be found, far far away from Phari that would be imbued with inspiration and knowledge. This knowledge they would pass down their lines and so their way would continue.

Two were chosen so that one should not raise the city in their image unchecked.

Already it appeared the denizens of this strange dwelling were changing, preparing perhaps for some momentary darkness in the lands of mortals. Perhaps then, others would be clustering together to become strong in numbers.

Starting: 16

Raise Hero: -2AP: Aldwin blessed one of the Cephalids that had potential to become a great artist with knowledge and inspiration. Not only in knowing how to create a city but also in the managing of a city of his fellow peoples. This one would have visions of curved domes, tall and graceful pillars and winding paths lined by peoples free to go about their day in leisure.
Raise Hero: -2AP: Aldwin blessed one of the Cephalids that had potential to become a great scientific thinker with knowledge and inspiration. Noe only in knowing how to create a city but also in the managing of a city of his fellow peoples. This one would have visions of city blocks spaced perfectly, roads that facilitated the movement of goods and traffic, and homes which could house many without taking up space.
Create advanced concept (Politics): -2AP: Aldwin has created the first political rivalry born among two who have differing opinions of the direction of their people.

AP 16-2-2-2= 10 AP

The Shifting of Styles
Despite the Grozoth’s best attempts there would always remain a handful of reefs that were populated by Cephalids that didn’t hear the truths of the Denier. Most such places are little more than hamlets that the societies don’t care about and view as a minor oddity at worst and a source of new blood at best. Yet every once and a while a Grozoth will find a particularly interesting reef housing free Cephalids. Odder yet is when two such cities are found that offer something truly unique for the glory of the Cephalid race.
Maylea was the leader of the first city. Her city was a utopia for coralcrafting, every building artfully crafted. The pathways were wide enough for the Krakens to easily move through as the Cephalids who called the city home gazed at the explorers. The Grozoth in charge headed toward the palace and learned from Maylea the techniques used in exchange for protection and continued freedom.
On the other side of the first world was another city lead by a cephalid who called himself Dynara. While most cities within either society were relatively well organized, Dynara had managed to make everything perfect. Roads wide enough for Kraken and Grozoth, despite neither being present, to walk side by side only where they were needed. Temples were only used for Dynara’s government, most of his subjects living in fairly drab stone buildings. Just as with Maylea, the Grozoth exchanged freedom for information and designs.
It wasn’t long before the designs spread on either side of Chaqua. The Khermian Adopus took to Dynara’s designs, the society as a whole take a strictly utilitarian approach to their living since they had the highest chance of danger. The Lustrian Cirrina, however, found they could afford some freedom with their cities. The abandoned cities in the Cascading Waves were transformed, shifted, and grown into great works of art that the Cephalid still called home.

Rebek, the Silent Servant nods Indeed, there is no... whatever he is about to say is interrupted though as a ball of flame crashes in to housing on the other side of the empty town. The buildings are stone, the ground snow so the flames go out quickly but the snow quickly melts away to expose the bedrock - perfectly smooth - and many buildings are damaged.

If Rebek is surprised he doesn't show it, as emotionless as ever. He merely turns briefly to Illith - Excuse me one moment. I should attend to that - and starts walking over. After only a few paces, though, he stops. Another might have muttered something to themselves at this point ("Actually..") but Rebek does not speak unless necessary. All he does is turn and start walking back, but Illith's closeness to a deity would likely allow him to sense the divine energy being expended. Out of sight, on the other side of the Ruux, the large stone halls start to fill up as the world is subtly altered.

It doesn't take Illith's sensitivity to spot the next action, though. Rebek visibly fades for a brief moment as he transfers some of his very essence in to the land. Perhaps Illith's connection wavers for a second, perhaps it doesn't, but all present are suddenly aware that they are standing on land consecrated and holy to the being in front of them.

Moments later, corpses of all races start to emerge from the sheds and shamble towards the wreckage. Utterly unconcerned with their own safety they suffer many losses through rockfalls but are eventually able to start working on repairs. With that done they start to, less crudely than one would expect, engrave the broken coral egg symbol on a few street's worth of dwellings.

My apologies. I am unsure why that happened. Regardless. Dwellings suitable for yourself are being prepared. I thank you for teaching my your wisdom, it will enable others to make full use of their servants, potentially. Some time ago I granted servants to a land race in the north - spotted creatures capable of great speed. I have no doubt that they have developed similar techniques for control and I will of course see that She Who Denies You is made aware of them. I fondly imagine them running and hunting together, perhaps even holding hands and laughing as they attempt to have my servants join in their songs. At the end of the day, they will relax and have fresh water and fruits brought to them. I am absolutely certain that is how that is currently panning out. There will be no surprises whatsoever when I go and check.

I have further granted servants to some creatures made of rock and some other scaly creatures, that I need to check upon. Again, I will ensure such knowledge as is available is disseminated.

I should visit the scaled creatures soon.

AP: 0 PAP: 0

+4 AP - Rollover

-1 AP Corpse Relocation

Corpse still fade from the world as per Corpse Incorporeality. But now, instead of going to whatever nothingness they previously went to, when they fade from wherever they were they appear in the large sheds on the eastern bank of the Ruuz - each race appearing in the shed that bears its symbol.

-3 AP Infusion - Holy Land (The Necropolis)
Corpses in the sheds arise as zombies almost as soon as they arrive. This applies to all races - even ones that Rebek hasn't given to the rest of the First World yet. The Necropolis has elven, crine and scaled in zombies, for example.

These creatures perform maintenance on the town when needed and as new living creatures appear in the Necropolis they carve insignia on the buildings to mark out that gift. When neither of those tasks need doing, they simply stand.

The Necropolis is filling up rapidly.

Base AP =0 +4 -1 -3 = 0
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Infusions 1/2

Kittenmancer's creatures
DanteTheDragon's creatures
Gunhaven's grozath
Possibly hatter's other races - tbd
ArcaneStomper's mud and lava guys (lava guys will need to be made fireproof)


Towards Death(Corpses) 8/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)
1 - Blessing (Kraken Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Sinca Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Relocation)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 6/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)
1 - Blessing (Negative Energy effect on souls)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 1/10:
1 - Blessing (The Controller's Call)

Biyaha - Necropolis
Rising up from the Ruux River is a wizened old man formed from the icy black waters themselves. Casting a slow appraising look around at the buildings with their strange markings, and the assembled, "I would speak with the creator of the animated dead."

Excuse me one moment, it seems today is one for distractions Rebek remarks to Illith and then steps forwards. You would speak with me, then, in all likelihood. Its eyes flick over the man briefly. I do not recognise your race - have you come to ask when they will be granted you? I do apologise for the delays, customising them is an exhausting process and there is much else to be done as well.
Necropolis – Rebek, Illith, Biyaha
Illith nodded and shifted to view the meteor crash into the city. It’s face wasn’t entirely capable of showing emotion, at least in a traditional sense, although they did move to avoid the rubble. When Rebek disappeared Illith cocked It’s head and nodded again when he returned. Finally It spoke while gently caressing the ground ”We appreciate the offer in your city. We would offer the same for yours but it seems that you have that covered already.”
It paused as Biyaha approached and gave the deities both a nod. It then turned to look at the zombies already created and then turned back to Rebek. Illith said ”We will help spread your message as We find those you have blessed. Perhaps We will eventually find this race of hunters and teach them just as we’ve taught you.” One by one the zombies began to sink back into the ocean until just Illith was left.

Boqor - Meelamman
Boqor the Younger listens intently to the words of the strange guests, then nods, "My father is not himself, and decisions such as these should be made by those with more experience than I. However, we are honored at the invitation to form such a partnership as your proposed venture. I am confident that both of our peoples would be enriched by such an endeavor." Looking at the smoldering remains of the Yaxin city, "My attention and guidance are needed here, but we have several rivercraft and able-bodied men and women that I'm certain would be willing to accompany you and yours."

As the leaders discussed details of the joint venture, the land sprang from the eastern shores of the river, miraculously forming a high, arching land bridge connecting the island home of the Yaxin with the lands to the east of the Upper Webiga. To the dismay of the people a lone figure accompanied by what appeared to be a pack of beautifully groomed and trained wolves(?) strode across the bridge waving a pleasant greeting.

Boqor turned away from his negotiations for a moment, "You'll pardon me, but it seems as if the events of this day, grow stranger by the moment." Waving at the approaching figure, "Greetings stranger. If this day finds you well, that is good. If you are in need, partake of that which we can offer."

The crane wondered away from the shoreline, coming to stand near the assembled and guarded group of Yaxin zombies seemingly by accident.

Beginning AP = 6AP + 4AP(rollover) +1PAP = 10AP + 1PAP

"Greeting to you as well, my friend," said the Wanderer. "As for what I require, at the moment my only wish is for a moment's rest." He planted the tip of his staff into the ground, and it grew once more into the tree from which he had plucked it. He broke off the new tree's lowest branch, which immediately reformed itself into his staff, and then sat down cross-legged in the shade of the new growth. He looked up at Boqor and continued his previous thought: "I have been walking for some time, you see, and the wild offers little comfort." With this, he plucked a low-hanging fruit from the tree and took a bite. "I see your people have faced some trouble in recent days. If any among them are hungry, they are free to eat from this tree. Consider it a gift, in thanks for your hospitality." He took another bite, swallowed it, and then said, "Might I ask your name?" before leaning back against the tree and waiting for a response. As he was speaking, the hound he had called Baskerville curled up beside him, putting her head in his lap.

For clarification, the Wanderer's Pack are dogs, though they are very wolf-like in appearance, and because of this they could easily be mistaken for wolves, especially by a person unfamiliar with domesticated dogs.

-0 AP Blessing, payed for with an artifact: The Meelamman Tree Growing near the place where the Meelemman bridge meets the island is a tall and impressive tree. It bears fruit year-round (should seasons ever become a thing), though these fruit take almost a month to regrow after being picked. It's fruit are exceptionally filling, as just one is enough to sustain a creature requiring human-like levels of intake for a whole day. In addition, those who eat of these fruit regularly tend to be exceptionally healthy. They fight off disease more easily (should that ever be a thing that exists in this world), and live to the upper reaches of their races lifespan (though the tree does not supernaturally extend life beyond what is normally possible for a given race). Finally, those who eat of the fruit don't suffer the worst effects of old age, remaining relatively healthy in both mind and body.
-1 AP Blessing: Wanderer's Respite Traveler's of all races will tend to come across things just when they need them. Those seeking shelter from a storm will find a cave of suitable depth, desert travels short on water will stumble across an oasis,etc. The Wanderer has decided to make traveling easier for both himself and others.
Meelamman – KEA, The Wanderer, Yaxin
The Grozoth nodded and turned back to her companions. A moment later and the living dipped underneath the water with barely a noise. In the confusing depths they worked to help clear up the rubble, gathering up what valuables, and depositing them on the shore where the Yaxin are recovering. Once the ruins are relatively clear the zombies move forward and begin to work on doing their best to construct new adobes for the Yaxin out of coral and stone, simple ones on the shore so that they could remain free of the elements.
It was in the middle of this rebuilding and recovering that a new traveler approached. The Grozoth looked on with some curiosity as a tree was planted and fruits offered to the Yaxin. It nodded at the offer and remained silent for far too long before she finally spoke again. ”We…are glad to see that your city is recovering. We will travel in a few days to our land…we feel it’s best for your kind.”

A New Life – Wilds of the Cascading Waves
Deep in the untouched waters of the Cascading Waves life began to stir. The Shi had been an ignored part of the Cephalid’s society. Thus when a new life began to form within the deepest parts of the elemental plane of water it also went ignored. Unlike anything else on the plane, this new life seemed to be made from almost solid elemental matter: in the case of the Cascading Waves this took the form of an almost solid mass of water that shifted to whatever form was most suitable.
Starting: 5, 1 PAP
Create Mystical Life (-1 AP, Shared): True Elementals are made of whatever elemental plane they happen to call home. More often than not it’s a solid mass of whatever form they find most suiting (water elementals, for example, are generally solid water versions of whales and squids and junk).
Ending AP: 4, 1 PAP

2016-11-29, 04:38 AM
Floating through the lava tubes that sin called home, he sighed in contentment. There he was lazily paddling on his back while some Flame Lizards rested upon his stomach and chest, burning gently and snoring.

Suddenly awoken from his rest, Sin opened his eyes and looked upon the banks of the rivers of Lava. Figures made of molten earth stood motioning towards him excitedly.

"Hmmm? Oh how curios. How curios indeed" Sin said to himself. Eying these new creatures closely what interesting little life forms. Now who created you I wonder. Most certainly not I. I may have created these lands but I had nothing to do with you for you are not scaled like my children though I suppose birthed within my realm I am somewhat considered a father. A gift I shall give onto you all then. Reaching out he touched each of them upon the crown of the head causing them each to shiver.
The Lava Tribe have been blessed with Elemental Movement. As they are creatures made of Fire and molten earth they are now able to merge with the fire element using it to travel from one point of the element to the other immediately as long as it is connected. This allows them to travel through the Lava Tubes instantly potentially going from one part of the core of the world to the other if they so wished. All that is required is a flame for them to merge with

"Excellent excellent. I shall gift you one more thing and then I shall be off". Reaching down he scooped some Flame Lizards up into his hand and placed them next to the Molten people. "These are some of my children. Take care of them and they shall prove a most loyal companion to you. with that he dove back down disappearing within the sea of fire and molten earth.

The Lava tribes and Flame Lizards now have a natural bond. Usually one tribesman and one Flame Lizard share a bond for life becoming companions, Living and dying together. They are Able to feel one another's emotions and able to communicate telepathically with each other making them very good hunting partners.

Sin Swam his way down to the center of the first world. Straight to the Ever burning flame of the world and once he reached it he extended his hands, grasping the energy of the world, shaping it into a giant gate that glowed, not red but Blue, markings deeply etched into its face. Opening it he stepped through and when he appeared he appeared not on the first world but on the elemental plane of Fire where massive vacant cities of flame existed.

Looking around, Sin breathed in filling his lungs with the flames of this Plane and then gave a massive roar causing flames to appear across the land, wild and full of heat, they slowly took shape some looking like hulking people, others like animals made of Fire. Wolves, tigers, deer, rabbits and even giant dragon shaped creatures made of flame that flapped there wings and took to the sky, crying out. These were elementals. True elementals, not some parlor trick or fake life, but true life, the embodiments of fire itself.

Next the ground trembled and rose higher and higher until a mountain came into existence. A mountain of Stone and flame so large that it seemed to be a world of its own. In fact it was a world of its own and surrounding this world were 10 horizontal discs starting from the base of the mountain with the most massive of discs with smaller ones above it, the smallest at the tip of the mountain. The bottom disc slowly spun clockwise with the one above it spinning in the opposite direction and so on and so forth for all time. Upon these discs lived life, plants and animals. There were cities resting upon it just waiting to occupied and palaces for the rulers. This was a new world. A world made from the flames of the plane of fire and yet not burning. This was Thanos The mountain of flame that held up the new world within the plane of fire.

Starting ap =6+4(rollover)=10 ap-2ap-1ap-1ap-1ap-2ap=3ap remaining
-Create portal to the fire plane-2ap
-Creat True elementals-fire (shared action)-1ap
-bless elemental movement fire 1ap
-bless companions of flame 1ap
-create Land (Thanos) 2ap

Claim domain Flire(flames)
-portal to the fire plane-2ap
-creat True elementals-fire 1ap
-Flame Lizards (monstrous life created from fire)1ap
-alter land(The Thorn, the first volcano) 1ap
-Create Land (The Ever burning Flame) 2ap
-"bless" elemental movement-fire 1ap
-"bless"companions of flame 1ap
-Create Land (Thanos The mountain of Flame) 2ap

2016-11-29, 06:23 AM
Thaack offered a nod in agreement. "Each cub must find his own path and pace lest he be swallowed up by others."

That being said, he looked to the other Cheenari as they brought most of their trading to an end.

The end of a meeting and a warning to be remembered.

“Freedom of choice is one of the most valuable possessions you worms have. But unity has its place as well.”

The people of the echoing eclipse winded down their trading and storytelling, finally they returned to the marching castle. They had learned much of the cheenari, what at the start of day were strange creatures, were a people they understood and in some cases friends.

Once the elves moved inside, the mighty structure started to stand. “Thaack and little cheenari worms I have a warning for you. While this time the people of the castle have tried to help you, the next time they may take lives. If you could be so kind hold no ill will against the people of this castle for that it is my fault and I genuinely wish this warning saves lives.”

As the god’s words echoed, his eyes looked down and his castle marched away.

Nowhere until now.

In a place linked to nowhere, connected to nothing, it wasn’t ever a place yet, Therus looked out. He wasn’t sure how to get back if he left, but here was where it would be built.

“No need for the mask. No worms here, no eyes but my own. No need to think about holding the mask together.” Slowly the god’s skin started to rip off, then his flesh and finally his bones crumbled away. A black smoke in dark armor with burning red eyes was all that remained when the flesh was gone.

From the right gantlet a brick of stone formed, it drifted off and as such a place came to be. After the first piece a torrent more formed and settled into a structure. The newly made halls started to twist around themselves in ways mortals would call impossible. As castle sprawled out under the god’s power, the echo made a simple throne which he rested it.

“This Throne will be my link to this realm. But what will be my link to the first world? My blessing on my minions should be enough to find my way back, it might not be enough the next time. My ability to manifest on the first world is growing harder, it may grow impossible.

… Perhaps I can solve both problems in one action, a puppet to act as in my place on the first world and my link from this realm. Fortune favours the bold I’ll try and see what happens.”

Therus stood up, the walls started to rattle as the god pushed out of the realm. BOOM The noise seemed to mock a clap of thunder, like how a lion mocks a kitten by simply existing. And like that the god was gone.

4ap+4ap (rollover)

Weave plane (4ap): the echo’s great castle (a.k.a T.E.G.C/ the E.G.C)

This plane exists outside of most space and time (see the lock plane below) and the plane is almost completely a large castle. This structures’ architecture is bizarre and/or impossible to mortals, pathways without logic exits, floors that are ceilings, etc.

This castle has only one true exit (though massive rooms with grass and light crystals can make this hard to tell), a platform before a mighty gate. Little is known about the castles throne room beyond it has one locked door entrance and Therus doesn’t leave it.

Lock plane (2ap): the echo’s great castle.

As said above this plane exists outside of space and time. Beyond sounding cool (the main reason I used those teams) this means that there is no relative positioning between this plane and the great wheel (everything already made). Therus’ main method for going between T.E.G.C and the great wheel is to go to the place of the threshold, step forward and blindly follow his link.

Church to the above fluff: Therus (and which he takes with him) can enter, found or observe the plane. Note the locks two way so only Therus (and that which he takes with him) can exit the plane or find the great wheel from it.

Create avatar (4ap): Masked puppet.

While this avatar is quite similar to Therus as a demigod there exist a small number of differences. First this puppet mainly takes his mortal form, has more trouble taking his “true form” and is supposedly unable to take the form of purely a literal echo (Therus’ true true form). Second as its not actually Therus it can recover from a lot more far easier and remade with little relative trouble. Third while Therus’ mortal form can easily pass for life, it’s not alive at all and without his divine energy it will rapidly decay. This extends to his avatar, it can pass for a god and while out a link to Therus (a more command than power one) it with rapidly decay.


Gain domain: control (puppets)

Weave plane (4ap): the echo’s great castle
Lock plane (2ap): the echo’s great castle
Create avatar (4ap): masked puppet


2016-11-29, 05:51 PM
Oldarac - Journey to the Unknown

If Oldarac were to find new ideas he would have to leave his comfort zone. Ever since the place with the amazing gears he had only known the mountain passes and valleys, he had much more of the world to see. Without really considering it he picked a direction and decided to keep walking.

It wasn't until he had cleared the foothills to the forests that he truly understood how different the world could be. Trees had always baffled Oldarac, they always seemed to grow with great purpose yet he could never find the reason. Those he had seen were always solitary, clinging on to what little dirt they could find and spreading out to catch as much of the sun as they could, at least for the short time that they aren't covered in cloud. But these trees were different, they had to grow bigger and wider to absorb more light and nutrients. They were in a constant state of competition with their neighbors, each passive-aggressively trying to be the best. Maybe this is what the Dvergr needed, to be given a sense of accomplishment and a reason to innovate, but the more Oldarac saw the less he liked it. It was far too chaotic. The tallest trees grew taller while the smaller ones were unable to grow off of what little nutrients they could get. Everything should be given a chance to develop so he could not use this system.

After a very long walk, a little over 4.7 million steps but he had no sense for the length of time, Oldarac found an obstacle that he could not simply sidestep. A large lake stood before him, a river feeding it just to his left and by the looks it flowed out again quite a way in front of him. He would not let this stop him, he had picked his direction and he would stick to it, so without a pause he continued walking through the lake. It didn't take long before before his initial splashing stopped and Oldarac was completely submerged. His feet kicked up the mud displacing many creatures that were just minding their own business. In particular his actions attracted the attention of a small family of crayfish. He watched as the little crustaceans swam around him before finally settling on his lichen covered beard and taking a bite. They seemed to like it, he was swarmed by the family, pretty quickly his beard was picked clean to just the wire mesh below. It was an interesting distraction but he had nothing to learn here, he brushed them off while continuing on his way.

With the lake and fertile banks cleared Oldarac's chosen path opened up to an endless rocky plain. The area was sun-scorched but lacked the energy of a desert. Small insects darted away between pebbles when they heard Oldarac's loud footfall. He felt much more at home here, enough that he grew distracted as he walked until he stepped over a small drop and landed in a spider nest. The tiny arachnids crawled all over his body and began tracing out the lines of the runes on his body. As Oldarac walked on some of the spiders wandered off, spinning some of the patterns they saw. To start with this was incredibly random, with bursts of fire and jets of water erupting from the webbing. It was not right, they would have to
The spiders all stopped to look at Oldarac who carried on walking as if nothing had happened. Then the spiders starting again, seemingly filled with a purpose, they spun more webs but this time it all looked the same. As Oldarac's feet hit the ground energy rippled through the earth to the runes and the rock underneath them pushed upwards. The spiders continued to work on their webs and as he walked more of the ground rose. Oldarac could tell what was happening and he liked it. Looking around the spiders had spread out as far as he could see and were creating more mounds as he walked. Deciding to play along Oldarac took massive heavy steps, the pounding resonated through the quickly forming spires echoing all around him.

Unfortunately, like all good things, it had to end. The spiders had spread themselves too thin and were unable to keep up. Those that were still nearby rushed to Oldarac to see what other fun they could have with him. They settled down in his wiry beard creating a web for the long journey ahead of them.

Starting AP = 9AP

Blessing (1AP) - Abundance
The lake Oldarac walked through was blessed by the nutrients in his beard, the algae was spread throughout the lake and it thrived. The lake is now a great source of food for all creatures but the crayfish are the dominant species in the lake.

Create Mythical Life (4AP) - Runespinners
These spiders have an innate connection to and understanding of the power of runes. Their silk can instantly power runes that are spun and they know the best combinations to use. When curled in to a ball they are about the size of an of a grape. On their own they would not be very intimidating (of course this depends on your opinion of spiders) but they are never on their own for very long. In a similar way that a mundane spider can tell when something touches their web a Runespinner can tell when one of their kind is in trouble. They will swarm to protect their kin. They first attempt to scare of any aggressors with a flashy rune, usually a gout of flames or bolt of energy, before trying to pin them down with webbing. If all that fails it should buy them time to retreat in to their dense web where the predator has no hope of following them.

Most of the race stays at Oldarac's Fingers where they work together to maintain the web network. They can feel when parts of their webs are broken, or when they catch something, and will swarm to the area to repair and feed.
The rest have decided to stay with Oldarac, they have made a nest in his beard covering the outside in a thick white web. They act as an extension of his will, they understand what he needs and will work appropriately. They scout ahead so that objects do not get in the way of his path and they spin runes to aid him in shaping the world around him.

Alter Land (1AP) - Oldarac's Fingers
A series of spires of rock the width of a small house but the height of a skyscraper. The space between the spires is covered in webbing which sometimes spans the length of a city block. The webbing is incredibly densely packed, it is capable of catching small birds not just insects. To a trained eye it is clear to see repeated patterns within the webs and to a runesmith it would seem like the runes aim to attract creatures.

Remaining AP = 9 - 1 - 4 - 1 = 3 AP

Black Socks
2016-11-29, 06:55 PM
Aldwin the Urbane

Far away from the strange squid headed beings were a group much more mundane. Humanoid in nature with pointed ears. They sat with a lack of motive or industry in open fields singing songs and creating images in cuts of wood or on sheets of papyrus. Clearly this was a people who had some talent and sense of aesthetics. They could, if they wanted, build beautiful spires that went into the heavens or temples which weave in both natural and artificial elements seamlessly and yet all this potential sat wasted.

One it was noted seemed more ambitious than the others. His art, rather than that of small natural things, was to be on a grander scale. His potential was wasted however as he toiled alone moving carved blocks this way and that and no others felt it fitting to aid him. He toiled in the midsummer heat heaving great slabs of stone with an expression of hatred and resentment on his brow.

Feeling as though this one individual may be able to accomplish his goals, Aldwin bade him build a great city and much like the others, elevated his knowledge and power. To ensure that he would not toil alone, a crown was also gifted to him. An artifact of power that would grant him rulership of a small number of elite. Those in turn would give him the strength to enforce his will over the others.

"Go forth and realize your vision.

It seemed that only a short time after, many of those who were initially free of will had come under the servitude of the crowned master of their kind. They drew stone from great quarries and shambled as lifeless and miserable folk pressed into servitude to create a great palace. While many had fled to the countryside and continued to spend their time pursuing the arts, those that remained found themselves forced to work to create. Others who were favoured and granted boons instead practiced their archery and horsemanship so they could ride down and pursue those that had fled, dragging them back in fine silver chains to be forced into the tented labour camps outside the quarries. Their suffering did not bother Aldwin in the least. After all, such work and toil must be done for a city to be made and how it happened mattered little to the God of cities.

AP = 10+4 = 14

Raise hero:-2 AP A miserable elf has been risen as a hero. His traits of an abnormal drive and hatred of laziness have been amplified along with his architectural skills. He shall spend most of his time organizing and repressing those around him to fulfill the dreams of his muse.
Create minor artifact: -3 AP A crown of silver leaves. It grants a small few greater physical prowess so long as they swear fealty to its wearer giving him greater strength in combat.
Form Society: -2 AP The Monarchy of Celelasseir ruled by a powerful monarch and his noble court.
create simple concept: -2 AP Slavery.

AP= 14 -2-2-3-2 = 5 AP

Qefnera is not happy about this.

She seeks out Aldwin with arms crossed. Behind her is an elf, glowing with newly bestowed divine might.

Music starts playing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOnTPW1MTZ4)

I’m Qefnera, and I’m here to say
You do not treat my elves that way
You were mean, and I’ll make you pay
I made a god outta moon chunk and some clay!

The elves were free, until you came along
Now some sit in luxury while others toil in a throng
I made them to create art, not to create slaves
Your monarch will work them until they’re in graves

But fine, you know what, you can have the isle
For the common folk to work while the nobles are idle
I’m moving Glaiwyn, we’re packin’ up to leave
I’ll take ‘em ‘cross the ocean, southwest o’ Syman Sea

And just so the elvenfolk will never forget
How you made their kin toil with blood, tears, and sweat
I’ll give ‘em oral tradition, so they can sing their history
But first on the plate, I gotta get ‘em ‘cross the sea

But y’know, the nobles might try to chase
So I gotta have them disappear without a trace
I’ll make a bridge to cross the water
But if your elves try to cross, then there will be slaughter

Only those that are loyal to me can see it and cross
So they can leave Jyhennia like a boss
Imma raise a hero, and he gonna lead
The wanderlust will take them right across the sea


Unless Aldwin begins a return verse, Qefnera will turn and leave in a shower of sparks.

Start= 13 AP
Create Advanced Concept (-2 AP): Oral Tradition. History is so much easier to remember when it is spun into ballads and songs. Not necessarily rapping.
Bless (-1 AP): Sight of the Rainbow Bridge. Only elves who follow Qefnera can see and cross the bridge that links Jyhennia to the mainland.
Raise Hero (-2 AP): An elf with a profound sense of freedom and wanderlust has been raised to lead the elves across the bridge and aid them in setting up Glaiwyn on the mainland.
13 - 5 = 8
Total: 8 AP remaining

2016-11-30, 10:59 AM
Living Earth

Aamwa twisted and turned it's branches about as it's roots dug deep into the First World's flesh and even deeper yet into its stony skeleton. Deep below the surface, earth and stone chucked and churned as it took on new life.

The last and the youngest of the True Elemental races were born within the deepest bowels of the world, weaving their way through dirt, rock and stone alike.

Sathwatch's Avatar relaxed, enjoying the moment of his action even as the elementals tended to his roots and filled them with nutrients.

0AP, 1PAP Start
-1PAP Earth Elementals(Shared True Elementals): True Earth Elementals are creatures of living rock, dirt and stone that live merged within dirt and other aspects of earth. They are generally slow to trust and spend their long lives carrying nutrients to plant-life.

2016-11-30, 09:45 PM
The Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam
Om roared and raged through the tunnels and caverns of its new home. Careless for the Shi working to mine the walls of their Nocturne The Living Stone bore new shafts and brought cavern roofs crashing down.

Instinctively Om's cries of anger and madness formed a rhythm, for even now it still loved the songs of the First World. However this was not a Song of peace, or creating a natural harmony with the environment. This was a hymn of fire and fury. It was laced with the beats of Om's rage and counterpoints of sadness.

In it's wake rose beasts of wrath and spite. Lumbering creatures made of nocturne, fire, and earth they followed their progenitor and god in a great horde, and wrought destruction on what ruined caverns the Living Stone left behind.

The Ever Burning Flame
Plo watched as the Crine hunted and played with their new companions. It was pleased by their new ability to move swiftly through the flames, and it greatly wished to thank the grand being who had given them these gifts. But sadly said being had departed too swiftly. Nevertheless Plo would remember this beneficience in ages to come.

For now however Plo had another task. Through its link with the Om it felt its create rage and more importantly cry out to return to the First World. And what was Plo if not an extension to fulfill it's creator's wishes.

Unfortunately Plo knew that this would be a long and hard task. It would have to find out what force had snatched the Living Stone away and seek a way to counter it. It would in fact have to find where the Living Stone had been taken too. Such an effort for a being that was only a splinter of a god would take an age and age again.

But Plo was determined to do it. To start it began to gather a few of the more spiritual Crine. Those who were connected to Om most deeply and could feel the echoes of its distress. These would be the start of a new band. A band to search forever for a way to summon the Living Stone back to the First World.

The Harmony
Not all of Om's creations suffered with it. Some were in fact doing quite well. On the slopes of Mt. Hatil the Sinca choruses had expanded greatly since their first days. Most of their day to day needs were now taken care of by those unfortunates who died of one cause or another leaving the living members to delve deeply into their spiritual gifts.

The communed with both the land and the animals that lived on it. The land pulsed with life more and more every day. In fact they could see the spirits of the lower creatures merge with it when they died. Something they were positive was a relatively recent development, but one whose meaning eluded them.

And so the Sinca reached out to the Takwa. Sending young Sinca stones rolling down the mountain to find the elders and mystics among the neighboring race who might know what was going on.

Starting AP 0
(+5 AP) Rollover
(+5 AP) Rollover

(-4 AP) Create Mythic Life: The Dro
Massive beings made of nocturne and earth animated by the fury and will of Om, the Dro roam the plane of Earth brining drestruction and havoc everywhere they go. The Dro are extremely strong and tough, and almost impossible to deter from a course of action. Which currently is destroy everything in the Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam.

Notably despite being apparently mindless embodiments of fury any Dro moved to the First World will instantly calm down, collect its bearing, and set about trying to find a way to bring Om back to the First World.

(-1 AP) Curse: Om's Torment
For as long as Om resides in the Clamorous Assembly of Faceted Loam it's tunnels and caverns will never be stable. Countless earthquakes will rumble through the plane strengthening in intensity the closer they are to Om, and rearranging tunnels and layers of rock on a near continuous basis.

(-2 AP) Create Mythic Subconcept: The Song of Fury
A variant of the Song of Life that drives creatures to furious effort. At it's lowest intensity it will only encourage them to ignore their normal limitations and keep going when they would normally stop. At it's peak it will drive everything in the area into a berserker rage to attack the enemies of the singer.

The Sinca, Slimnia, and Crine know it, but can choose not to sing the Song of Fury, and use it in moderation when they do. But any singer who resides on the same plane as Om is instinctively driven to use it all the time at its maximum effect. Which currently is just the Dro.

(-2 AP) Form Society: The Summoners
A society formed and led by Plo whose primary goal is to return Om to the First World. Currently formed mostly of Crine as that's what was available to Plo, but other races can join. Starting with Sinca and Slimnia and expanding to other races if Plo can convince them.

(And yes, I know a God can never return once they ascend to Lesser God or higher, but they don't.)

Ending AP: 1

2016-12-02, 06:23 AM
I know this is what Roland wanted, but he's busy at the moment and I want to do it before rollover so I don't lose the artifact charge. We'll fluff it later

Rebek, the Silent Servant watched the soul she had seen before. Basking in the cold waters of the southern ocean and watching the world around it. Calling briefly on the powers of her circlet she altered the zombies of that race, granting them a sensitivity to all manner of dead beings that would allow their parent species to more easily find and utilise other servants.

Start - 0

0 AP Blessing (paid for by artifact)
Yaxin zombies are sensitive to the presence of other undead. If there is one present they haven't "seen" before then all Yaxin zombies will stare in that direction, like a hunting dog on point. This sensitivity extends about 500 metres.

End - 0

2016-12-02, 11:39 AM
The Infusion of the Lustrian Cirrina
Carakhan looked at Her children and smiled. Their progress had been greater than what She had expected as they continue to create increasing complex works of art to live in. Yet She knew that She shared the plane with the shi and wished to help differentiate where Her children were and where they still had to fight. So with a deep breath in of the water She let out a light purple haze that began to spread between the cities held by the Cephalids. Within a day the haze had covered the plane that She personally controlled, the bioluminescent animals shifting minutely to help mark such a manse with indigo lights.
Yet within the deeps new monsters were born. The Winnowers, as the Cephalids would start to call them, helped serve as maintainers within the Manse. For the most part they were indifferent toward the Cephalids that swam around them as they removed whatever debris was created by the shifting currents and cycle of life. Every once and a while, though, one of the Winnowers would draw close to a city and begin to attack the outskirts in an attempt to return the works of art to a more natural state. It was here that the Krakens would attack the creature in an attempt to either drive it away or provide enough sushi for the city for a few days.
The Grozoth were the first to suggest that they learn to tame them instead of kill them. As the idea spread throughout both societies, the Khermian Adopus rose to the challenge and began to work on shifting psionics to something more mundane. It wasn’t hard, oddly enough, as they found the concept of hunting was mixed in with the primal note of the land. A twist here, a soothing word there, and they found that they could better track and tame the monstrous creatures of the wild. While nowhere near as powerful as a Grozoth’s command, it still proved capable of taming the wild animals of the world and convince the Winnowers to leave the cities alone.
Slowly the Khermian Adopus began to realize that creatures outside the seas would be better suited if they dealt with the same group each time as opposed to having to learn the intricacies of Their society. Tugging the Primal Note a new organization was formed, who started to refer to themselves as Dosidicus. Made up of a healthy mix of all parts of their society they were tasked with further exploration and interaction with the outside world. Because of their nature as explorers the organization soon began to be mixed with the other three core organizations of Cephalid society, making it so that they would refer to themselves as Dosidicus Maculosa for example.

The Exploration of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus Exploration Group
A month after they were formed, the Dosidicus finally decided to leave the main mass of land alone and explore the islands that existed beyond it. They had heard of a new deity, one who had joined the Tentacled Mistress, spread word of the ideal nature of the land. Such things didn’t spark the interest of the water breathers but they had not heard of a poor reception from the drythroats yet. As they drew closer to the islands they could sense the increased life of the land, fish swimming around the explorers as they observed the bottom of the boats for a moment.
Finally the Grozoth and Eldrazi rose to the surface near one of the islands and began the calm approach to land. Around them the others swirled, not yet willing to leave the embrace of the sea, yet remaining close enough to make out the shapes of what lies beneath. The bony head of the Eldrazi contemplated the sandy beach they had found while the Grozoth looked around for what natives existed on this land. The Eldrazi looked back at the Grozoth, who nodded her approval at the unspoken suggestion, before it turned back to the land and called out in a deep voice ”Natives of this land! We come in peace as simple explorers!”
Starting: 4, 2 PAP
Infuse Plane (-3 AP): The Manse of the Lustrian Cirrina covers the entirety of the LC on the Cascading Waves. The first indication that such a land is under the control of Carakhan is the indigo lights that illuminate the depths, helping add a certain mystique about the place. The second indication is the increased amount of coral, from the cities of the Cephalids to the wild reefs between the pockets of civilization. The remaining portion of the Cascading Waves is untouched by the infusion until the Cephalids expand further outward.
Create Monstrous Life (Infusion): Winnowers are towering creatures of bestial intelligence. There’s nothing too unique or magical about them, they simply exist to help maintain the cleanliness of the Manse as they use their massive tentacles to wreck that which mars their territory. Thankfully they are relatively rare, maybe a half dozen existing between the longest stretch between cities, except when mating season starts and they all gather together in a hidden location to give birth to the next wave.
Create Mundane Concept (-1 PAP): Tracking (http://wiki.lusternia.com/Tracking) is an expansion upon Hunting. Mainly doing it to help maintain the continued use of Lusternia skills to help dictate what I can do (in this case tame animals, set traps, and the titular tracking).
Create Organization (-1 PAP): Dosidicus are the explorers of the Khermian Adopus and Lustrian Cirrina. Theoretically other races can join the organization seeing as how it’s main goal is to increase exposure to the tentacled horrors below the waves currently, and eventually help bring all the myriad of races that call the First World home together.
Ending: 1 AP

2016-12-02, 01:43 PM
The Exploration of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus Exploration Group
A month after they were formed, the Dosidicus finally decided to leave the main mass of land alone and explore the islands that existed beyond it. They had heard of a new deity, one who had joined the Tentacled Mistress, spread word of the ideal nature of the land. Such things didn’t spark the interest of the water breathers but they had not heard of a poor reception from the drythroats yet. As they drew closer to the islands they could sense the increased life of the land, fish swimming around the explorers as they observed the bottom of the boats for a moment.
Finally the Grozoth and Eldrazi rose to the surface near one of the islands and began the calm approach to land. Around them the others swirled, not yet willing to leave the embrace of the sea, yet remaining close enough to make out the shapes of what lies beneath. The bony head of the Eldrazi contemplated the sandy beach they had found while the Grozoth looked around for what natives existed on this land. The Eldrazi looked back at the Grozoth, who nodded her approval at the unspoken suggestion, before it turned back to the land and called out in a deep voice ”Natives of this land! We come in peace as simple explorers!”

The K'isimira working on the shore - fishermen, traders, labourers - reacted with great surprise at the appearance of the Dosidicus. Although spoken language was unfamiliar to them, they recognized it nevertheless as communication. The problem was communicating back. The K'isimira clustered right at the edge of the water, emitting welcoming and inquisitive pheromones towards the strangers. They vibrated their antennae, some of them even submerging them in the water, hoping that vibrations will be propagated better to these visitors who did not seem eager to leave the waves. They organized pantomimed dances to describe themselves welcoming the exploration group, although they floundered a bit when it came to depicting the Cephalids, as they could not clearly see their bodies underwater. Gifts of fish and jewelry cleverly crafted from wood and shells were offered to the visitors by the trader caste, while the farmer and labourer castes joined forces in a monumental project that would carve a canal from the shore into the heart of the capital city, so that the strangers can easily visit without having to leave the water. The pantomime groups attempted to explain this great undertaking to the Dosidicus, counting how many cycles it would take to complete.

2016-12-02, 04:45 PM
Sheru - Scouting the Lakes of Esh

Sheru was an important Runespinner, she thought to herself, Sheru had the honor of scouting for Oldarac. Sheru was trusted to remove boring obstructions from his path. Nera may have said that it was just because nobody liked Sheru but Nera was just jealous. Most of the time Sheru just found boulders that had to be moved or bushes that had to be cut through but Sheru knew there would be something more interesting soon, and Sheru would be first to see it.

Today seemed to be her lucky day. The ground began to get muddy and there were patches of water all around. Despite being directly in his path these puddles would not bother Oldarac so Sheru continued on. It quickly became apparent that this was just the start as the area turned in to a massive collection of lakes. A giant lake stood directly in the chosen direction so Sheru had to think fast to find a solution, Oldarac was only and hour behind.

She crept over to the edge and peered in at shimmering surface. Occasionally she could see her reflection but most of the time it was broken by small ripples and silty clouds. She tried stepping on the water but her leg immediately broke through, it was strange usually surfaces are sticky. She needed more stick so wove herself some wide shoes of webbing, she stepped back a bit and ran on to the huge lake. By the time she stopped to think about where she was going she had already gotten a long way from shore. Every step was difficult and didn't take her very far, she just continued drifting further in to the pond. Looking down she could see clouds of dirt drifting around in the water, some of them seemed like deliberate movements. But of course she had to be imagining it, she was just paranoid in her helpless moment. She needed to pull herself together and think of a way out. She span some more web and turned the shoes on her rear legs in to wide flat blades that she could use to push the water. Tentatively she pushed away and headed with the wind toward the other shore.

When she was finally back on dryish land, traumatized by her ordeal, Sheru tried to get her bearings. She could feel her sisters to the north so had to find a way around the lake to get back to them. She decided to head right, it would take her further in to the wetlands but it seemed less broken up by channels, at least for the moment. There was also a soothing song coming from that direction. But it wasn't long before the song was filled with other noises, the whistling of food but also the chirping of predators. When Sheru heard rustling nearby she ran for some reeds. She needed to make herself look scary. She span herself some armor and kept going until it looked like she was almost a foot tall. Surely something a quarter of the size of a god is scary enough.

2016-12-02, 07:47 PM
Biyaha - Necropolis

Excuse me one moment, it seems today is one for distractions Rebek remarks to Illith and then steps forwards. You would speak with me, then, in all likelihood. Its eyes flick over the man briefly. I do not recognise your race - have you come to ask when they will be granted you? I do apologise for the delays, customising them is an exhausting process and there is much else to be done as well.

The old man bows his head for a long moment before speaking, "I had not considered before now the nature of my 'race'. This is a thing I must consider, but now seems not the time nor place. I would speak to you of the recently animated dead of the Yaxin people. Such a thing seems....strange to me, almost....unnatural. For that which has seen its allotted time pass to remain, soulless, and without a will of its own borders on making a mockery of the life which was lived. I would ask that you grant to them the ability to sense the presence of creatures of like kind." Holding out his right hand, he reveals a globe of brightly glowing light, "I will give them purpose and choice."

I know this is what Roland wanted, but he's busy at the moment and I want to do it before rollover so I don't lose the artifact charge. We'll fluff it later

Rebek, the Silent Servant watched the soul she had seen before. Basking in the cold waters of the southern ocean and watching the world around it. Calling briefly on the powers of her circlet she altered the zombies of that race, granting them a sensitivity to all manner of dead beings that would allow their parent species to more easily find and utilise other servants.

Start - 0

0 AP Blessing (paid for by artifact)
Yaxin zombies are sensitive to the presence of other undead. If there is one present they haven't "seen" before then all Yaxin zombies will stare in that direction, like a hunting dog on point. This sensitivity extends about 500 metres.
End - 0

"I thank you Servant of Silence, and am indebted. If you have need of me, call upon the waters of your palatial abode within the Broken Grove, and I will answer." The figure melts into the icy waters of the Ruux and disappears.

Gads! My apologies Kythia, seems the wider world and its people value not my leisure time.

2016-12-02, 09:54 PM
Boqor "The Younger" and The Wanderer - Meelamman

"Greeting to you as well, my friend," said the Wanderer. "As for what I require, at the moment my only wish is for a moment's rest." He planted the tip of his staff into the ground, and it grew once more into the tree from which he had plucked it. He broke off the new tree's lowest branch, which immediately reformed itself into his staff, and then sat down cross-legged in the shade of the new growth. He looked up at Boqor and continued his previous thought: "I have been walking for some time, you see, and the wild offers little comfort." With this, he plucked a low-hanging fruit from the tree and took a bite. "I see your people have faced some trouble in recent days. If any among them are hungry, they are free to eat from this tree. Consider it a gift, in thanks for your hospitality." He took another bite, swallowed it, and then said, "Might I ask your name?" before leaning back against the tree and waiting for a response. As he was speaking, the hound he had called Baskerville curled up beside him, putting her head in his lap.

For clarification, the Wanderer's Pack are dogs, though they are very wolf-like in appearance, and because of this they could easily be mistaken for wolves, especially by a person unfamiliar with domesticated dogs.

-0 AP Blessing, payed for with an artifact: The Meelamman Tree Growing near the place where the Meelemman bridge meets the island is a tall and impressive tree. It bears fruit year-round (should seasons ever become a thing), though these fruit take almost a month to regrow after being picked. It's fruit are exceptionally filling, as just one is enough to sustain a creature requiring human-like levels of intake for a whole day. In addition, those who eat of these fruit regularly tend to be exceptionally healthy. They fight off disease more easily (should that ever be a thing that exists in this world), and live to the upper reaches of their races lifespan (though the tree does not supernaturally extend life beyond what is normally possible for a given race). Finally, those who eat of the fruit don't suffer the worst effects of old age, remaining relatively healthy in both mind and body.
-1 AP Blessing: Wanderer's Respite Traveler's of all races will tend to come across things just when they need them. Those seeking shelter from a storm will find a cave of suitable depth, desert travels short on water will stumble across an oasis,etc. The Wanderer has decided to make traveling easier for both himself and others.

Boqor watched in amazement as the tree sprouted from the rich earth of the Yaxin isle. Had his people not recently been blessed with resolve, strength, and comfort they likely would have fled in terror at the open demonstration of such miraculous powers. "Ohs" and murmurs of surprise and awe spread through the encampment. It seemed that the resolve and steadiness of Boqor The Younger would face unprecedented tests on his first day as Doyen. The "Night of Terrors" as it was soon to be named in Yaxin lore, was followed by "The First Day of Blessings", but for now Boqor had to find some way to respond to the arrival of another amazing being...this one with what appeared to be godly powers.

Bowing again to the stranger, "I am, it seems for now, the voice of our people. I am known as Boqor, as my father, and his father before him. We have, indeed, found ourselves in difficult and strange times." He approaches the tree to pluck a fruit from its low hanging branches, and with a confirming look at the stranger, took a bite. Again he felt his spirits sore as his body was nourished similar, in a way, to how his heart and soul had been nourished moments earlier.

The young Yaxin leader looked to the newly formed land bridge, the fruit in his hand, and the beautiful hound curled up next to the stranger, "You are more than you would seem, and I fear our hospitality cannot match that which would befit a...person of your status. You honor us. What hospitality we can provide is yours, of course."

An elderly woman approaches and hands The Wanderer a bowl of light, spicy crab soup. A group of young boys gathers to stare at The Wanderer's pack of beautiful hounds. Boqor grins, "I can offer you food, friendship, a place to rest, and" with a nod to the youngsters, "what is likely to be a great deal of innocently curious attention."

Grand Arbiter
2016-12-03, 12:47 AM
New Light

Jericho descends onto the slopes of a mountain. A towering peak, covered in stone and snow, a vast distance away from the elven lands. A small stream flows down the mountainside, carrying a subtle tune in its babbling waters. Jericho follows it upwards.

At the snowline, where the water started, there was a glow beneath the snow. Bending over, and brushing away the snow, there was an opening, alight with a dull glow. Gazing into the plane beyond the opening, Jericho thought to himself, This place and I are alike, shining with an inner light. ...Perhaps that is why I felt it's call...
Upon trying to walk through the opening, however, he hit something hard. A barrier or some sort, clear as the air itself stood in his way. He tried to push, but the barrier held firm. It could not be pulled either, lacking any sort of prominence to grasp. Stepping back, Jericho paced and pondered his predicament.
...That wouldn't quite work...
...nor that...
...sun and moon above, definitely not that...
*his brow furrows*
...Maybe...I think... Let's try this.
Turning to face the opening in the mountain, Jericho closed his eyes and began humming a soft tune. As Jericho hummed, he raised his hands towards the barrier. Calling to the energies of the plane, the barrier began to change. It gained color, a white as pure as newly fallen snow. It then changed in shape, becoming an ornate doorway, with a pair of lanterns to light the entrance.

After standing and admiring his handiwork, Jericho opened the ornate double doors, and gazed into the plane. Bright light shone forth, and a song rang out into the night. It was a song of life and light, tranquil peace, and most importantly, hope.
The future of the world shall be bright...

Jyn'Hao: The Chorus of Gears

From the Navel of Creation Jyn'Hao stepped deep into the Grove and from the trees pulled forth branches fashioning them into gears. These were placed within the Void and the Heavens shifted, raining down massive balls of flaming Nocturne upon the First World and the largest continent leaving horrible scars across the land. These Gears continued to turn and much like the rotation of the heavens so too were they linked.

Having exorcised his strange and foul mood, Biyaha left behind the open savanna and continued upriver until he came to a lake at the foot of the northeastern mountains. He scanned the ridge of jagged, black stone peaks and named them Qydoxans or Black Spires. In the east soared an enormous mountain of fire, but to the west arose a great snowcapped peak gleaming with a beautiful light. Biyaha went west, following the ever diminishing waters that fed the headwaters of the Webi, until he ascended the shining mountain. There above the tree line, his form had become thin and shallow as he stretched out upon the thousands of tiny rivulets of melting snow, but before him arose a massive pair of shining gates. He pulled upon the melting mountain snow to craft for himself a body to approach the gates. It was a thing he had never attempted before resulting in a ugly, clumsy form that shambled awkwardly toward the gates. Placing his hands upon the gate he instantly recognized the energy contained within, and the source of the light. This was the wellspring from whence souls arose; souls that he himself had helped craft.

Standing there with his lumpy, ill-formed hand of snow upon The Shining Gate Biyaha gazed out over the lands of Dalalkan. The souls of the sentient peoples of the world sparkled across the landscape like sunlight flickering over a vast ocean. Looking closer, however, he could make out the softly glowing spirits of the multitude of the First World's mundane life; that which lived yet lacked the consciousness often defined as sentience. Life forms beyond counting, many of which possessed a sense of self, instincts, emotions and even awareness of concepts such as community and selflessness. As he looked on, he witnessed many of softly glowing lights snuffed by death, and the minuscule flashes of new spirits being born.

"For those simpler lifeforms that are born, struggle, live, and die there is no life beyond the First World, which is as it should be. However, let their lives and struggles go not forgotten, but rather woven back into the tapestry of the land, the water, the sky, and stones of the world."A Protector

After forming the Shining Gate Jericho decided to descend into the valley below the portal, to examine how it appeared from afar. As he walked down into the forest, he became aware of the creatures around him around him. Like dozens of candles flaring brightly, he felt a spark of life kindled into a flame within each of them. Not quite like the energy of Atheris, but remarkably similar...

Jericho strode for a gap in the trees to look at the peak, something inside tugging at him to do so. A shimmer briefly flashes before the gate, and his gaze lingers.
...was that ... another god?

Lost in thought, Jericho didn't notice the the falling meteors. Glowing lights, growing larger...
Trees splinter a dozen yards to his rear, flaming shards flying through the night air. Spinning on his heels he turns and bears witness to the swath of ruin carved by the projectile. Calling upon healing magic to mend the flora and fauna nearby, his gaze turned skywards. Looking upwards, he sees dozens upon dozens of streaks of white fire falling towards the earth, presumably to bring destruction as their companion already had.

Jericho could run, fly even, and escape the harm the shower would cause. But what of the valley around him? The Shining Gate would survive, but what of the life around him?
No. I cannot, will not let their light be extinguished.
Recalling the barrier that became the portal to Atheris, his an idea flashed before his mind.
Could it work? It didn't move when I pushed it and it seemed solid.... but the magic that would be needed, could I focus the energies myself?.... Atheris's power is one story, for we have an affinity for each other... Maybe... His gaze fell upon the fallen meteor, having cooled rapidly and now black as night. Yes.

Bounding over, Jericho outstretched an arm and hummed to the energies of Atheris. Seeking to shape it, as he had altered the barrier into the gate, he drew forth a portion of the great stone into a shaft of white light. Turning skyward he exhaled, calming his mind. Now to do what must be done. He then flew up to meet the nocturne in the sky.

The sun rising at his back, meteors growing close, Jericho held the staff high. Waiting until the first neared, he swung it in a vast arc before him. Themeteor was swept aside into the sea. Spinning about and swinging again another fell from its path. Streaks of light crossed the heavens, and one meteor after another was turned aside. A potent magic to defend and protect, manifesting as a tapestry of dawn colors spread across the brightening sky.

When the shower ended, Jericho floated back down to the ground, exhausted. Leaning against a tree, arms upon the staff, Jericho rested. For a fortnight he slept. His mind nevertheless wandered to his actions, Atheris, and the new magic that he had wrought. As he slept, the design he wove remained. Shifting and changing beyond his original pattern, it bore many hues and danced in the sky. A beautiful display, that would continue to shield the world from the fickle heavens.

Starting AP:2+8(rollover x2)=10AP

Create Major Artifact -5AP (Utility Artifact): Dawnbreak: grants a discount to the Bless action.

Create Mythical Concept (-4AP): Abjuration: Powerful defensive magic. Acts on the scale of deflecting meteor showers should entail an AP expenditure.

Bless (2AP action, -1 AP & discount from staff): Aurora Veralis: Like the Aurora Borealis/Australis, and it deflects space rocks.

10 AP - 5AP - 4AP - 1AP = 0AP

2016-12-03, 03:25 AM
The Lakes of Esh
Srim burbled as it rested on the lake shore. It didn't normally like coming out of the water, but there had been a good rain just the other day. When that happened the clay deposits on the shore were uncovered and clay was useful in creating shells to survive the open air sun when crossing from lake to lake.

The bubbling ooze had just finished weaving some reeds into a shell frame when it saw something coming racing towards it. It was white and looked like one of the crawling things that lived on the shore, but far bigger and of a type that Srim had never heard of.

Srim reared up to its full height in order to get a better view. Or it tried to, but the sun had not been kind to the poor ooze. Cracked and solid its once fluid form refused to stretch and instead flopped back down onto the reed frame it had been weaving.

Grumbling Srim sang the song of thirst and extended a pseudopod into the lake to begin absorbing more water. It would just have to hope the new thing got close enough to get a good look at then. Srim hoped it would. It would be a new song to sing. A real coup at the next mud festival. But Srim would never be able to catch up if the thing decided to run away instead.

2016-12-03, 11:35 AM
Boqor and Biyaha - Meelamman

Meelamman – KEA, The Wanderer, Yaxin
The Grozoth nodded and turned back to her companions. A moment later and the living dipped underneath the water with barely a noise. In the confusing depths they worked to help clear up the rubble, gathering up what valuables, and depositing them on the shore where the Yaxin are recovering. Once the ruins are relatively clear the zombies move forward and begin to work on doing their best to construct new adobes for the Yaxin out of coral and stone, simple ones on the shore so that they could remain free of the elements.
It was in the middle of this rebuilding and recovering that a new traveler approached. The Grozoth looked on with some curiosity as a tree was planted and fruits offered to the Yaxin. It nodded at the offer and remained silent for far too long before she finally spoke again. ”We…are glad to see that your city is recovering. We will travel in a few days to our land…we feel it’s best for your kind.”

Several of the Yaxin warriors and workers began moving the rubble away from the waterfront, while folk came to reclaim their personal items and belongings. With Boqor The Younger splitting his time between supervising the effort and speaking with The Wanderer.

Large sections of the stilted-city would need to be reconstructed completely and as Boqor looked on he noted the methods used by the visiting zombies to craft coral and stone shelters for his people. They were rather simple and utilitarian, but the design was functional and more importantly sturdy and durable. He nodded his head in appreciation and approval. There was much to be learned here. A simple exchange and seemingly random encounter with these 'outsiders' would clearly enrich his people, and he began to wonder who or what else was out there in the wide world beyond the Isle of Meelamman. When the Grozoth spoke of leaving in a few days, Boqor the Younger responded. "I'm not entirely certain by what you mean when you say 'it's best for your kind', but I've decided that we will be sending expeditions of Doons down the Lower Webiga, up the Upper Webiga, up the Galbi and Bari Rivers respectively. It is time we look beyond our little island, and discover what the world and its people have to offer. I will choose the men and women of these expeditions myself as well as the leaders of each. I will see to it that they are ready when you are. The assistance and aid that you and yours have provided is beyond my meager ability to reward. You have our undying gratitude and friendship. If there is anything you would ask of us, know that you can and we will attempt to provide. "

So it was that when the alien water people left four expeditions departed from Meelamman, each consisting of eleven doons and forty-four Yaxin explorers, warriors, and diplomats. This chapter in Yaxin history is, however, a story for another day.

Boqor the Younger assumed the title of Doyen fully, for which the tribal chiefs were thankful and supportive. Claiming the Torq of Insight from father, and working in conjunction with the cephalid peoples, the piers and pilings of the Yaxin City were replaced with thicker, stronger, and taller stone and coral pilings. The walkways and docks were reconstructed of stout timber and stone, which in turn allowed for multi-storied buildings and homes. As the nocturne showers abated, the city of Meelamman grew and the Yaxin settlement grew stronger and more resilient. The fruits of the Meelamman Tree, the grand gift of the Wanderer, were harvested regularly and "The First Day of Blessings" became an annual holiday of feasting and thanksgiving for the Yaxin. The landbridge that connected their isle with the eastern shore of the Upper Webiga was widely used as the Yaxin ranged into Eastern Dalalkan, and the coral abodes provided by the cephalid peoples were expanded becoming sheds and shelters for the growing fleet of doons, for Boqor oversaw a great expansion of their rivercraft fleet.

So it was that Yaxin society quickly recovered and soon flourished under the guidance and help of their new friends. Another discovery of note was when the strange black sky-metal was discovered. That which had nearly caused the extinction of the Yaxin people soon became one of their most important discoveries and contributions to the civilizations of Dalalkan. Boqor studied the strange metal, calling upon the smiths and craftsmen of his people to attempt to work with it, but it proved difficult - nearly impossible to forge. Perhaps inspired by the family heirloom, The Torq of Insight, Boqor the Younger discovered seemingly at random the process of smelting. The infusion of the natural swamp gasses of Meelamman into the smelting process allowed Yaxin artisans and smiths to shape and mold the nocturne into light, seemingly indestructible weapons and armor.

The Yaxin zombies became guardians of their people. Biyaha infused them with positive energy from the plane of Atheris, and they were blessed with the ability to sense undead creatures of all kinds. Night-Shriekers and other undead monsters that attempted to harass Meelamman were quickly tracked, hunted, and dispatched with a simple touch. Yaxin zombies were, however, quite rare because the gator-folk would not rise from death unless the soul of the departed chose for it to do so. The Gowrac or Night Slayers, was formed; an organization of both the souls of the Yaxin guardians in The Beyond and the their animated corpses in The First World.

Beginning AP = 10AP + 1PAP +1DF charge

-1DF Charge(Mundane Concept): Smelting
-1PAP Blessing: "Only the Willing" -Yaxin souls can choose to allow their dead bodies to become animated as zombies. These are the only yaxin zombies, and they only remain as animated dead with the permission of the soul.
-1AP Blessing: "The Undying Light" Yaxin zombies are infused with positive energy from the plane of Atheris, making the Yaxin zombies powerful undead slayers.
-1AP Create Organization: The Night Slayers - an organization of willing Yaxin souls that permit their bodies to remain on the First World to combat undead.

Remaining AP = 10AP +1PAP +1DFC - 1AP -1AP -1PAP -1DFC = 8AP

2016-12-03, 12:10 PM
The Sleeping God and the Dreamer - The Great Planetary

Hearing the other deity, not only did Ezoth realise that Yag-Azreal was older than they were, but they seemed to have gone through several names. Questions quickly grew into their mind; How could a deity pass through so many personas ? Could a god be reborn ?
And those languages that they spoke... Unknown to them. What are they ?
Curious about what would the Dragon would say next, they followed them toward the edge of the structure of the Great Planetary, gazing at the first morning sky. The colors looked brighter, due to the magical properties of the fugue plane, making the sight even more of a sight to behold.
Hundreds of eyes looked toward the same direction, Dream Sprites, Stags and even a few Guardians.

But the moment would soon enough cease; Beathan's body fell to the ground, as a dark silhouette rushed toward the nearest source of shade. While the Dragon hissed in pain, Dream Sprites in the viscinity would flee. They couldn't handle the presence of a god other than their own; Dream Stags picked up the immobile elven body as Zuben, followed by a few of their brethren, would try to see if they were still alive.
The deity of sleep took a few moments, probably seeming longer to the other, to analyse the situation, before going in-between the rising sun and the pile of books and furnitures that the Dragon sought shelter in. Light was still coming through their shape, but heavily filtered. The Starry One wasn't exactly sure that the sun was causing so much pain, but so far, it rising and the sky colors were the only things that changed in their surroundings. After a longer pause, the Starlit One admitted:

I dislike saying this but... I am not sure. What is happening ?

The last sentence sounded slightly more distressed, as Ezoth realised they were indeed still a new god, having hardly ever met another for extended periods of time.

The Night and the Stars - The Great Planetary

Looking upon the younger god as they so helpfully begin to interpose themselves in between the deadly light of day and the beast of night incarnate, Yag-Azreal would shudder both in relief and rage, its pelt alighting with the stars of the night sky as it slunk out from below the improvised over that it had so hastily gathered. It stood only where Ezoth's protective shadow fell, the small, smokey tendrils of night that drifted too close to the edges of the shade withdrawing immediately with a gentle hiss as the dragon looked to the younger deity. And then it tilted its head and muttered, almost to itself, "Yes, you are young... but you can learn."

"Young Ezoth, I take it you have not interacted much with the other gods of this world, and that of them all, you are relatively innocent in your world view... nothing to be ashamed of, of course, but it is something I suspect will not endure for long." Yag-Azreal would imply, its voice once more a shape in the silence now that pain did not rack its immortal form. "The gods are always capricious, spiteful things that cling to their creations jealously, and that take pleasure in exacting their revenge. From world to world, and dream to dream, this I have learned to be true.

"As for what has been done to me... one of the gods that was not so kind and patient as you must have not appreciated my tampering with their creation in my sleep, if your tales of my spawning nightmares is correct. And so, they have made sunlight naught but pain to my form... though I am not sure how they would know that such a blow would be felt so keenly." A disturbing thought crossed the dragon's mind then. Had one of its enemies from another lifetime managed to survive and follow the dragon here? No, such a thing must be impossible. The Void Dragon was the only one that had shown such capabilities in any world it had walked, and all of the other gods had always had their fates, their very lives, tied to the momentary worlds their called their homes... but then, this Ezoth who reminded Yag-Azreal of them-self so very much seemed different. Perhaps... perhaps there was something new to this reality, which could lead to such an occurrence? The thought made the formless god shudder. "Or, admittedly, it might be an enemy that I have had since before your time began, back to haunt me once more... either way, I shall require help in locating them, and attempting to find some way to remove this curse. Now that I have awoken, I do not want the sun to be denied to me for my tenure here."

Nebulous eyes would stare into Ezoth, and Yag-Azreal would ask, "Young god, there is much I can teach you from the many lives I have lived. If I do so, would you be willing to enter an alliance with me, and form a new pantheon? One of night, knowledge and, perhaps, righting the wrongs of the world, if others who would join us wish it?" From its implied tone, the thought was one that the dragon had voiced before, and it was almost boring to the beast by now. But inside, secretly, there was just the smallest stirring of forbidden hope behind the blind rage and indignation. Could this starry god be the one?

Birth of the Night Lord's Fang - Cavern of the Dragon

When the sprites took Beathan's dream form from the thrashing destruction of her possessor, the elf would seem limp, almost dead to the world and all that was happening within it. It was only once the dragon settled, and she was taken outside of the cavern entirely, that the bard would begin to stir, and when she did it was a smooth transition from laying prone to standing straight. Looking at the assembled sprites, her eyes a pure, milky white and her skin a pallid blue, the obviously changed being would tilt her head, as if listening to a silent command... and then she would disappear. Gone from the dream world like a fading shadow.

On the material world, Beathan's slumbering body would open its eyes for just a moment, before also disappearing, scattering dozens of serpents that had huddled around her warm form to the ground as their platform became naught but the fading night. Within the Void Dragon's former resting place, that great cavern that so many mortals had taken refuge, arguments and tension would had become more heated, and the community of Frostrim has begun to splinter into camps. There were some who believed that they should rise up against Yag-Azreal, attempting to destroy the awoken god before it could consume the world. There were others that heralded it as a savior instead, who claimed that their own action had brought about the suffering they had been dealt that dawn by the hellish sun and the nocturne rain that preceded it. And then, there was a third group. A small one, which called for their companions to cease their arguing, and to try and bring the Dragon back into the cavern, to return it to its rest. But this group, as far as the majority were concerned, was just a band of regressive fools that did not want to accept that their world had changed, and so they were shunned from the arguments, and their attempts to try and bring the arguing factions back together proved pointless.

To this did the once-possessed being return... and of this did she come to a decision. Moving unseen through the darkness, little more than a living shadow, the being that had once been Beathan moved among her fellows, among the councilmen that once she had aspired to join, and their pupils that she herself had stood beside. And on each of them did she pass judgement. With no weapon other than a whispered voice, and the shadows of the cavern about, the voices that spoke against the dragon were silenced almost as one, while those who had called for service to the beast felt.. affirmation that theirs was the right path, and a calling to go to the dragon and present themselves for their reward. However it was only to the third group that the Fang appeared in person, and only to them her voice truly heard.

Standing before them, the being of shadow and flesh, the assassin of the god, would say, "This is my last act as the one you know as Beathan Colean E'Vear. To you, loyal servants and keepers of the old ways, Yag-Azreal would give their thanks. They would also want you to know that you should be patient, for one day you will be allowed to return to your duty... But I would ask something else of you." Looking upon faces, furred, scaled and smooth alike, a single tear would slide from the shade's eye, and she would whisper, "Please, do not tell my children of what I have become. Let them think of me instead as a hero that died trying to save their friends from the nocturne rain... let their last memories of me be something they can dream of with pride, instead of screaming in horror."

After making her request, Beathan, while her body lived on, would fade away entirely, and regard the small assembly of bards with the cold calculation of a being that knew the exact worth of their lives. And which had found them worthy of it... for the moment. The thing that had taken the once-fair elf as its form would disappear from sight, once more fading into the darkness. After the wholesale slaughter of so many council members had reached the ear of the surviving citizens, rumors and whispers began. Tales of the Lurker's enforcer, the Night Lord's personal assassin, walking among them were discussed in hushed tones, lest she overhear them and silence their rumor mongering for good. For if in a single day she could kill three members of the highest circle and their chorus, what else was she truly capable of?

Among the citizens of Frostrim this being was named the Fang, and the will of Yag-Azreal was her own.

Blessings of the Dragon, Night Eternal - Frostrim

Still at the edge of its face, gazing at the world so illuminated in the painful, jarring light of day, the avatar of the God of Night would hiss in annoyance, denied a true look at what it had unwittingly created by that glowing, unliving foe. And, almost to itself, the avatar would hiss, "No. I will not be denied this world by such a small, foolish thing." And with a command, it would draw power from the ruins of the Castle of Memories, and through the scar would bleed a new blessing.

Spreading and rising as a dome throughout the night sky, both on the Prime world and within the beyond, a great barrier was formed, one that simply blocked out the direct light of the sun. Spreading from the southern-most shores, to the edge of the Castle, the still and silent night would engulf the entire peninsula within its soft, comforting chill, and then it would settle. Never to be disturbed by the light of day again, this would be the land of Night Eternal, one in which the Dragon and its chosen followers would be safe to stride, and to explore.

Having sealed away the hateful sun from their domain, the avatar of the god gazed down upon the multitudes that had sheltered within its cavern and, more importantly, upon those that had come to stand beside it, to usher in a new era. Their world had changed, and Yag-Azreal determined that those who embraced it and who would give themselves to the dragon's purpose would be rewarded for their service. And so, reaching into the darkness, it crafted for them a blessing, one that would bring them closer to their god in both form and in purpose.

Wrapped within this cloak, the Children of the Night were born, their hue universally changed to that pallid blue that had marked Beathan's own transformation, and what hair or horns each mihht possess became an obsidian black. To them the darkness was a living thing, and the dragon's blessing a gift that they could share with their fellows, should those fellows also willingly give themselves to the Weeping God's desires.

Mahara nods. "I will comply with your plan." She walks towards the open area on the edge of the town. Here she begins sculpting a tall, pointed archway of ice. That done she takes a step back and breathes. Cold, misty air escapes from her lungs, drifting towards the archway. It hits the base and rises, shrouding the arch in fog. Through the fog, a scene appears, tall pine trees and blowing snow, and a winding path towards a great castle: The Land of Endless Winter.

Mahara smiles, pleased with her work, and turns away. She begins a trek towards the nearest setlement at Frostrim.

The Silent Welcome - Outskirts of Frostrim

When Mahara arrived within the outskirts of Frostrim, the only company that welcomed here were those shambling dead that had risen from the Nocturne rain merely days before hand. Of the outer village there was little left, and only the smallest signs that a community had even existed here. Of course, this would not be much surprise, given just how small this village had been compared to Frostrim itself, but still, only the undead and still-standing well in the midst of town square, miraculously left unmolested, would tell the god that any had once colonized this place.

That was, until Yag-Azreal's avatar appeared to her, and whispered to Mahara, "Hello there, child. What brings you to my domain?"

I know this is what Roland wanted, but he's busy at the moment and I want to do it before rollover so I don't lose the artifact charge. We'll fluff it later

Rebek, the Silent Servant watched the soul she had seen before. Basking in the cold waters of the southern ocean and watching the world around it. Calling briefly on the powers of her circlet she altered the zombies of that race, granting them a sensitivity to all manner of dead beings that would allow their parent species to more easily find and utilise other servants.

The Fang and Death - Waves of the southern ocean

The presence of the Fang, even to a god, was one that would be hard to detect. More of an impression that true certainty, the being of night and death would stand upon the waves of the ocean, making no ripples, and no sound, as it silently gazed upon Rebek. Taking true form for long enough to convey its message, the Fang would whisper to the god, "You who are the creator of the dead which walk, and who shares this peninsula with the living who wandered, my master would speak with you in the real of dreams. If this thought pleases you, find it and its companion deity, both born of stars, in the observatory that flies in the sky of the Beyond. Yag-Azreal would welcome your presence."

After delivering its message, the Fang stood. Silent once more, and fading into the darkness that shrouded it, almost out of sight... almost out of memory itself.

Starting AP: 0

2 Rollovers: +10 AP, infusion (planar)

-2 AP: Raise hero; The Fang From what was once a mortal elf has come a creature of perfect night, the ultimate predator and assassin. Still fully sentient, her mind sharper than it ever has been before, and than it ever could be if left to its own development, this immortal creature serves as Yag-Azreal's enforcer and personal assassin. Silent, invisible, and somehow able to use Evocation without voicing a single word, the Fang is a master of her craft, which is helped along by the shroud of night that wreaths her form, and allows her to disappear when and where she wishes. She can cross miles of interconnected shadow in a single step, and in true night all of her power is magnified twofold, making her a force that is potentially dangerous even to the avatars of recently ascendant deities... though still not much of a threat, in the grand scheme of things.

For all of this, she has one true weakness; The fang, much like her creator, cannot bear to stand in direct sunlight, and may only act at night. And so, she is usually confined to the southern peninsula, silently enforcing all of the commands of the dragon, to who's mind she is always connected as long as she is not within the light of day.

Many people in Frostrim do not believe the Fang actually exists, and that an illusion that she will work to preserve. While not minding if she makes a scene, the specter would like for hr involvement in many things to go, for the most part, unnoticed, as that makes her job that much easier.

-1 AP: Blessing; Children of the Night Within the community of Frostrim, there are many who have given themselves over to the dragon, and who finally worship Yag-Azreal as a god proper. To those there is a blessing they can receive that will change their bodies and allow them to innately tap into the magic of the night. This transforms them physically, making them sensitive to harsh light and turning their skin the cold, frosty blue that was mentioned above, and also makes them more lean and agile.

Any practitioner of Evocation that gains this blessing is directly connected at a small level to the first Song itself, thus increasing their ability to channel and use this magic astronomically. The Children of the Night who just happen to be bards tend to be the majority in the Frostrim Council for this reason alone, as only the most naturally gifted individuals can ever hope to match an adept with this blessing.

-1 AP: Create Pantheon; Seekers of Dreams A pantheon dedicated to the pursuit of (primarily) knowledge, but also deities involved in dreams, the darkness, and the cycle of life and death are also allowed to join, as all of these things are as ephemeral as a passing fantasy. Those that enter this pantheon will be expected to assist other members with their studies, and to abandon selfish interests if they would interfere with another pantheon member's plans, but rivalry is allowed between members as long as it remains civil in nature.
((2 more AP needed to create this pantheon proper... Rebek and Mahara are welcome to join, if they want to!))

-Divine Infusion: Blessing; Night Eternal The southern peninsula is wreathed in a shroud of eternal night that reaches up to the atmosphere. This shroud is intrinsic to the Scar itself, and thus exists both on the Prime Material and in the beyond simultaneously. As a note, this only blocks out daylight, stars and the moon can still shine in the sky, but it is the day itself that will never rise within the lands that the Dragon has claimed as its own.

Ending AP: 6

Tanzan Aura
2016-12-03, 01:08 PM
Looking upon the younger god as they so helpfully begin to interpose themselves in between the deadly light of day and the beast of night incarnate, Yag-Azreal would shudder both in relief and rage, its pelt alighting with the stars of the night sky as it slunk out from below the improvised over that it had so hastily gathered. It stood only where Ezoth's protective shadow fell, the small, smokey tendrils of night that drifted too close to the edges of the shade withdrawing immediately with a gentle hiss as the dragon looked to the younger deity. And then it tilted its head and muttered, almost to itself, "Yes, you are young... but you can learn."

"Young Ezoth, I take it you have not interacted much with the other gods of this world, and that of them all, you are relatively innocent in your world view... nothing to be ashamed of, of course, but it is something I suspect will not endure for long." Yag-Azreal would imply, its voice once more a shape in the silence now that pain did not rack its immortal form. "The gods are always capricious, spiteful things that cling to their creations jealously, and that take pleasure in exacting their revenge. From world to world, and dream to dream, this I have learned to be true.

"As for what has been done to me... one of the gods that was not so kind and patient as you must have not appreciated my tampering with their creation in my sleep, if your tales of my spawning nightmares is correct. And so, they have made sunlight naught but pain to my form... though I am not sure how they would know that such a blow would be felt so keenly." A disturbing thought crossed the dragon's mind then. Had one of its enemies from another lifetime managed to survive and follow the dragon here? No, such a thing must be impossible. The Void Dragon was the only one that had shown such capabilities in any world it had walked, and all of the other gods had always had their fates, their very lives, tied to the momentary worlds their called their homes... but then, this Ezoth who reminded Yag-Azreal of them-self so very much seemed different. Perhaps... perhaps there was something new to this reality, which could lead to such an occurrence? The thought made the formless god shudder. "Or, admittedly, it might be an enemy that I have had since before your time began, back to haunt me once more... either way, I shall require help in locating them, and attempting to find some way to remove this curse. Now that I have awoken, I do not want the sun to be denied to me for my tenure here."

Nebulous eyes would stare into Ezoth, and Yag-Azreal would ask, "Young god, there is much I can teach you from the many lives I have lived. If I do so, would you be willing to enter an alliance with me, and form a new pantheon? One of night, knowledge and, perhaps, righting the wrongs of the world, if others who would join us wish it?" From its implied tone, the thought was one that the dragon had voiced before, and it was almost boring to the beast by now. But inside, secretly, there was just the smallest stirring of forbidden hope behind the blind rage and indignation. Could this starry god be the one?

The Night and the Stars - The Great Planetary

The Starry One's movements seemed slow, looking slightly confused with the other's remarks on their supposed "innocence". They were curious. Curious of what knowledge the shadowy god had to offer. Curious of what knowledge they lacked. Curious of what knowledge had yet to come. When the idea of a pantheon came up, Ezoth looked toward the sky.
They were silent for a moment, thinking about their decision. After all, they didn't really interact with other gods, and allies are always needed. The promoted qualities of this future pantheon also suited their tastes; Dream Sprites working alongside other creatures to find out how this world works ? Ezoth grew curious of what they will find out. To the cost of having potential rivalries should other gods join, this new pantheon sounded way more beneficial to them.
The body of the dream deity took a faster pace, before voicing their choice.

I accept. My libraries will be open to worshippers of deities in this alliance as long as no ill intentions are directed toward my creations. I am eager to learn more from what you know. I feel this sharing of knowledge will be greatly beneficial to the advancement of civilisation.
The stars around them shone brighter, probably to convey hope or happiness. Feeling that Yag-Azreal have calmed down, some Dream Guardians looked toward the two deities, witnessing the birth of a new pantheon. Most floated back to the Starlit Library to announce the event to their brethren.


Join Pantheon (-1 AP): Seekers of Dreams
Studies made by the Dream Sprites are available to any creature serving a deity of this pantheon; they can be used to create more developped technologies, thus are very helpful. Of course, should anyone harm the books, buildings or Dream Sprites, they would be expulsed from the place. However, gods could kill sprites with their sheer radiance by blowing their gaseous body away, and so they tend to be redirected toward the Great Planetary, where Ezoth themselves, or at least some of their well-trained children if they aren't here, will hand the deity what knowledge they need.

2 - 1 = 1AP

2016-12-03, 02:40 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Navel of Creation

With the Planes of the Elements formed, Jyn'Hao reached out from its vast temple at the center of Which Calls Splendor from the Void and began to knit them together. Between The Woven Flame and Cascading Waves it wove a realm of scalding steam and heat, a wall that bridged the flames and endless waters. From between The Faceted Loam and the Outer Fog it wove a swirling haboob of chocking dust, a wall where none could pierce.

AP: 5

Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Steam (2AP) - Situated between The Woven Flame and Cascading Waves, the Para-Elemental Plane of Steam is a realm of scalding steam where only Elementals can survive without aid. Vast towers collect the waters while Shi pump them to parts unknown.

Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Dust (2AP) - Situated between The Faceted Loam and Outer Fog, the Para-Elemental Plane of Dust is a realm of thick dust storms where visibility is low. Vast pillars of Nocturne litter the Dust forming pathways to either Elemental Plane.

Create Monstrous Life: The Para-Elementals (1AP) - Shi who have sucumbed to the Para-Elemental Planes energies. Cruel, stupid and hungry Para-Elementals attack any who trespass in their realm: even the Gods

5AP - 2AP - 2AP - 1AP = 0AP

2016-12-03, 04:31 PM
Boqor "The Younger" and The Wanderer - Meelamman

Boqor watched in amazement as the tree sprouted from the rich earth of the Yaxin isle. Had his people not recently been blessed with resolve, strength, and comfort they likely would have fled in terror at the open demonstration of such miraculous powers. "Ohs" and murmurs of surprise and awe spread through the encampment. It seemed that the resolve and steadiness of Boqor The Younger would face unprecedented tests on his first day as Doyen. The "Night of Terrors" as it was soon to be named in Yaxin lore, was followed by "The First Day of Blessings", but for now Boqor had to find some way to respond to the arrival of another amazing being...this one with what appeared to be godly powers.

Bowing again to the stranger, "I am, it seems for now, the voice of our people. I am known as Boqor, as my father, and his father before him. We have, indeed, found ourselves in difficult and strange times." He approaches the tree to pluck a fruit from its low hanging branches, and with a confirming look at the stranger, took a bite. Again he felt his spirits sore as his body was nourished similar, in a way, to how his heart and soul had been nourished moments earlier.

The young Yaxin leader looked to the newly formed land bridge, the fruit in his hand, and the beautiful hound curled up next to the stranger, "You are more than you would seem, and I fear our hospitality cannot match that which would befit a...person of your status. You honor us. What hospitality we can provide is yours, of course."

An elderly woman approaches and hands The Wanderer a bowl of light, spicy crab soup. A group of young boys gathers to stare at The Wanderer's pack of beautiful hounds. Boqor grins, "I can offer you food, friendship, a place to rest, and" with a nod to the youngsters, "what is likely to be a great deal of innocently curious attention."

The Wanderer's Long Rest
The Wanderer thanked the woman for the soup, and smiled. Beckoning the children over, he introduced them to Baskerville.

For the next few days, the Wanderer and his dogs, would mingle among the Yaxin. Slowly, they became less nervous around him. He helped them to rebuild, doing whatever was needed of him. So it was for nearly a week that the Wanderer was content. It was after a week that he remembered his original purpose. He began to ask his many questions, at first only occasionally, then more and more frequently. It was in this way that he learned many things from the Yaxin of Meelamman, who he would often refer to as the "First Teacher" when he wrote of them in The Travels.

[QUOTE=RolandDeschain;21451917]Boqor and Biyaha - Meelamman

Several of the Yaxin warriors and workers began moving the rubble away from the waterfront, while folk came to reclaim their personal items and belongings. With Boqor The Younger splitting his time between supervising the effort and speaking with The Wanderer.

Large sections of the stilted-city would need to be reconstructed completely and as Boqor looked on he noted the methods used by the visiting zombies to craft coral and stone shelters for his people. They were rather simple and utilitarian, but the design was functional and more importantly sturdy and durable. He nodded his head in appreciation and approval. There was much to be learned here. A simple exchange and seemingly random encounter with these 'outsiders' would clearly enrich his people, and he began to wonder who or what else was out there in the wide world beyond the Isle of Meelamman. When the Grozoth spoke of leaving in a few days, Boqor the Younger responded. "I'm not entirely certain by what you mean when you say 'it's best for your kind', but I've decided that we will be sending expeditions of Doons down the Lower Webiga, up the Upper Webiga, up the Galbi and Bari Rivers respectively. It is time we look beyond our little island, and discover what the world and its people have to offer. I will choose the men and women of these expeditions myself as well as the leaders of each. I will see to it that they are ready when you are. The assistance and aid that you and yours have provided is beyond my meager ability to reward. You have our undying gratitude and friendship. If there is anything you would ask of us, know that you can and we will attempt to provide. "

So it was that when the alien water people left four expeditions departed from Meelamman, each consisting of eleven doons and forty-four Yaxin explorers, warriors, and diplomats. This chapter in Yaxin history is, however, a story for another day.

Boqor the Younger assumed the title of Doyen fully, for which the tribal chiefs were thankful and supportive. Claiming the Torq of Insight from father, and working in conjunction with the cephalid peoples, the piers and pilings of the Yaxin City were replaced with thicker, stronger, and taller stone and coral pilings. The walkways and docks were reconstructed of stout timber and stone, which in turn allowed for multi-storied buildings and homes. As the nocturne showers abated, the city of Meelamman grew and the Yaxin settlement grew stronger and more resilient. The fruits of the Meelamman Tree, the grand gift of the Wanderer, were harvested regularly and "The First Day of Blessings" became an annual holiday of feasting and thanksgiving for the Yaxin. The landbridge that connected their isle with the eastern shore of the Upper Webiga was widely used as the Yaxin ranged into Eastern Dalalkan, and the coral abodes provided by the cephalid peoples were expanded becoming sheds and shelters for the growing fleet of doons, for Boqor oversaw a great expansion of their rivercraft fleet.

So it was that Yaxin society quickly recovered and soon flourished under the guidance and help of their new friends. Another discovery of note was when the strange black sky-metal was discovered. That which had nearly caused the extinction of the Yaxin people soon became one of their most important discoveries and contributions to the civilizations of Dalalkan. Boqor studied the strange metal, calling upon the smiths and craftsmen of his people to attempt to work with it, but it proved difficult - nearly impossible to forge. Perhaps inspired by the family heirloom, The Torq of Insight, Boqor the Younger discovered seemingly at random the process of smelting. The infusion of the natural swamp gasses of Meelamman into the smelting process allowed Yaxin artisans and smiths to shape and mold the nocturne into light, seemingly indestructible weapons and armor.

The Yaxin zombies became guardians of their people. Biyaha infused them with positive energy from the plane of Atheris, and they were blessed with the ability to sense undead creatures of all kinds. Night-Shriekers and other undead monsters that attempted to harass Meelamman were quickly tracked, hunted, and dispatched with a simple touch. Yaxin zombies were, however, quite rare because the gator-folk would not rise from death unless the soul of the departed chose for it to do so. The Gowrac or Night Slayers, was formed; an organization of both the souls of the Yaxin guardians in The Beyond and the their animated corpses in The First World.

The Nocturne Shard Reforged
The Wanderer stayed for a long time in Meelamman, perhaps the longest he had ever stayed or would ever stay in a single place. As the Yaxin learned so many things of the world around them, he was sure to learn alongside them. When Boqor discovered methods of shaping Nocturne, the Wanderer took the Shard and forged it into a simple dagger. Imbuing it with a simple blessing, he gifted the Nocturne Shard to Boqor, saying "Your people have overcome these trying times. They have been your first, but I doubt they will be your last. Keep this always at hand, and perhaps it shall aid you in fending off whatever evils shall wish to bring harm to you and yours."

The Wanderer's Departure
One day, in the darkest part of the night, the Wanderer found himself alone. He did not sleep, as the Yaxin did, and so each night he was left with naught but his hounds and his thoughts. On this night he was with the one he had called Anubis, a wiry, strangely quiet male. It was then that the Wanderer found himself discontented. The wider world called to him, as it always had. His very being was compelled to walk all the corners of the First World, and perhaps those worlds which lay beyond. But the road was such a lonely place, and here were so many friends. With a thought, the Wanderer let loose a strand of his calling into the world itself, a single note of divinity echoing through the songs of the world, but separate, heard only by some. The road would be lonely no more.

So it was that when they awoke, the people of Meelamman found him to be gone. Nailed to the Meelamman Tree was a brief note, offering thanks for their hospitality and kindness. It was only then that they realized that none had bothered to ask his name.

4 AP + 4 AP (rollover) = 8 AP
-3 AP Create Minor Combat Artifact: The Nocturne Shard A simple Nocturne dagger imbued with divine magic and gifted to the Doyan of Meelamman.
-4 AP Create Mythical Concept: The Wanderlust More than simple, mundane wanderlust, The Wanderlust is a portion of the Nameless Wanderer's own compulsion to travel woven into the fabric of the world. Those who "hear" its call are compelled to become wanderers of some sort (vagabonds, traveling healers, caraven merchant, etc.). The Wanderlust avoids letting itself be heard by those who would lose a great deal if they were to leave, such as those who have prosperous businesses or families. It also only affects those who are physically able to travel, thus avoiding the old or infirm. Those affected by The Wanderlust experience a deep discomfort if they stay in one place for more than a few days, which becomes steadily more overpowering the longer they linger. However, if a person has some great and important purpose for staying somewhere (defending a village from bandits, healing an injured or ill person, etc.) , the discomfort does not appear. As such, those affected by The Wanderlust often gain a reputation as stragne and mysterious heroes, appearing from nowhere, solving problems, then disappearing just as quickly.

8 AP - 3 AP - 4 AP = 1 AP

2016-12-03, 06:41 PM
The Lakes of Esh
Srim burbled as it rested on the lake shore. It didn't normally like coming out of the water, but there had been a good rain just the other day. When that happened the clay deposits on the shore were uncovered and clay was useful in creating shells to survive the open air sun when crossing from lake to lake.

The bubbling ooze had just finished weaving some reeds into a shell frame when it saw something coming racing towards it. It was white and looked like one of the crawling things that lived on the shore, but far bigger and of a type that Srim had never heard of.

Srim reared up to its full height in order to get a better view. Or it tried to, but the sun had not been kind to the poor ooze. Cracked and solid its once fluid form refused to stretch and instead flopped back down onto the reed frame it had been weaving.

Grumbling Srim sang the song of thirst and extended a pseudopod into the lake to begin absorbing more water. It would just have to hope the new thing got close enough to get a good look at then. Srim hoped it would. It would be a new song to sing. A real coup at the next mud festival. But Srim would never be able to catch up if the thing decided to run away instead.


It took all her courage to move out of the safety of the reeds to look at what was making all the noise. She had caught glimpses of some large shape and it didn't look too scary, at least she hadn't seen a beak. A new song had started in it's direction, a peculiar noise filled with a lot of sounds that were new to Sheru. If it could sing then maybe it was intelligent, she would have to warn it that Oldarac was coming or else he might scare them.

Sheru pushed through some reeds to get a closer look at it and found herself face to, um well she wasn't really sure. But she was right about it being intelligent, it seemed to have been weaving something. Afraid that she may have surprised it she backed off and tried to work out a way to communicate. She knew that it could make noises but had no idea what any of them meant so she decided to resort to writing. She quickly unraveled some of the webbing around her and drew the non magical rune that designated her name then pointed to herself.

2016-12-03, 06:50 PM
Boqor the Younger - Meelamman

The stranger had stayed with his people for many moons of the new day-night cycle, and Boqor had grown used to inquisitive mind. The seemingly endless list of questions had been a boon for the young leader of the Yaxin. They had led him to reexamine how and why things were done. He had become as much student as teacher, and the list of simple innovations grew lengthy as the community of Meelamman flourished.

He would always remembered that fateful morning, though. He had been about to begin his breakfast, looking across the table at his father, who almost never spoke anymore, when a child ran into the room carrying a note. He unfolded it and read The Wanderer's letter of thanks and farewell. He removed the nocturne dagger from its sheath and laid it on top of the note on the table before him. A melancholy fell across his heart as he muttered, "I never even asked your name...."

Beginning AP = 8AP + 4AP(rollover) = 12AP +1PAP +1DFC

2016-12-03, 07:11 PM
Rebek, the Silent Servant began the next of her periodic travels north. This time she was focused, and blind to distractions. The fast, spotted creatures had been too long without her oversight and it was a serious failing on her part. She travelled quickly northwards until she reached the plain where she had seen the giant moving castle, once more reminding herself to look in to such matters further, then ascended a small ridge to look for signs of her creations or their parents. A short distance away a plume of smoke rose in to the air and, presuming it meant sentient life of some kind, she hurried over to it.

In a small clearing in the plains, the long grass having been cleared away, a massive pyre had been built. She watched in confusion as two Cheenari manhandled a zombie on to it and then returned to a small group of other zombies, under guard from more Cheenari. She wasn't annoyed, or even disappointed. Just confused - why would someone burn high quality tools, or slaughter fattened livestock without butchering them? It was wasteful, not upsetting, and for a moment she thought about stepping forwards to remonstrate. But stopped herself. It wasn't her place to explain how best to use the zombies, that was a decision for their masters. Others had made mistakes - the Yaxin had granted them sentience for reasons she would never understand (again, what use a hammer that can refuse to drive a nail? What use a cow that can argue against being slaughtered?) and she hadn't intervened then. If these creatures thought this was the most productive use then so be it.

But wasteful as they might be, she herself was not. She remained out of sight until they had moved on then gathered the ashes of the burnt zombies to her. She infused them with the negative energies of her home and even a glimmer of free will, though only a glimmer. During the construction she found the trails of another being's inteference in her zombies: they had acquired a vulnerability to fire. Shaking her head in astonishment - no thank you, we don't want tireless smiths or fire-tenders - she carefully worked around it to allow some of her creatures utility without changing the decisions others had made too far.

After her work a small number of...beings were in front of her. Almost shapeless, almost human-shaped clouds of pitch black ash bound together in a ceaselessly swirling cloud by powerful negative energies. They were possessed of intelligence and had the ghost of sentience, allowing them to interpret instructions they were given to best act upon someone's wishes. As beings of ash and energy they were incapable of manipulating most physical objects - only the innate powers of an artifact provided sufficient metaphysical solidness for them to grasp - but their close link to negative energy kept them in constant communication with her and allowed them easy control over nearby zombies. Only a tiny fraction of corpses outside the Necropolis rose as zombies. Of those, only a tiny fraction were burnt. Of those, only a tiny fraction moved on to the next stage of the "life-cycle" and became the Ashwraiths. Currently there were nine, and she didn't expect many more.

AP: 0 PAP: 0

+4 AP - Rollover

-3 Create Subrace(Zombies): Ashwraiths (1 AP for being a subrace of a monstrous race, +1 to move to sentient, +1 to move to mythical.)

As described above

-1 AP (+ 1 provided by artifact) Blessing - Creature of Fire excludes creatures with strong links to fire or undead created through fire from the undead's vulnerability to fire. So the lava guys, possibly the Scaled Kin, Fire Elementals, stuff like that as living things and, currently, my ashwraiths as undead created through fire.

Base AP =0 +4-3 -1 = 0
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Kittenmancer's creatures
DanteTheDragon's creatures
Gunhaven's grozath
Hatter's other races
ArcaneStomper's mud and lava guys

Towards Death(Corpses) 8/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)
1 - Blessing (Kraken Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Sinca Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Creature of Fire)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 6/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)
1 - Blessing (Negative Energy effect on souls)

Towards Servitude (Overseers) 3/10:
3 - Create Subrace (Ashwraiths)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 1/10:
1 - Blessing (The Controller's Call)

2016-12-04, 05:13 AM
Aamwa's Beckoning

Aamwa stretched it's branches out, wood and bark creaking with effort as it exerted it's will and the will of it's creator upon the world. The great tree gave out a call to the world, a subtle pulling of heartstrings which urged the peoples of the world to abandon their stone-walled cities and their pointless communities. It was a message of peace should one leave it all behind for the joys of the wild places.

Of Keen Sight

The Cheenari have come to develop a new hunting tool over their period of time as they developed as a people. They have left behind their simple stone spears and crude slings in favor of something far more deadly and far more versatile. They developed the bow.

The Earthtenders

With Aamwa's call, many Cheenari abandoned their places with their tribes. Many Takwa left their jungle home and many peoples from all across the world shoved what few belongings they could into their sacks and moved with one purpose and one purpose only... to free themselves from the confines of civilization and tend to the needs of The First World.

Under the careful tutelage of the Takwa in the Song of Life and with the skilled archery skills of the Cheenari, these individuals have come to form a Circle of sorts known as The Earthtenders.

5AP, 1PAP Start
-1AP Bless(Call of The Wild): Peoples of all races feel a slight tug of their heartstrings to abandon their place among civilization and head out into the wilds. Some occasionally return, others turn completely feral and others join the Earthtenders.
-1PAP Create Concept(Archery): The concept of using a bow and arrow. The Cheenari, being the founders of this concept have turned archery into an art form.
-1AP Create Organization(The Earthtenders): A Circle of Druids and Rangers of all races throughout the First World. They do not have a hierarchy of any sort and answer to each other as brothers and sisters, although most prefer to remain alone. They commune with Sathwatch through Aamwa and The Song of Life.
3AP, 0PAP Remaining

Tanzan Aura
2016-12-04, 03:33 PM
The Beyond - Jyhennia's Crossroad

Sirius looked around. They remembered that place, where Deneb, Antares and them were all together for the last time. Oh, how they wished they could see eachother again. But Deneb was gone down the rabbit hole, only to return and being told by Zuben to go and seek Polaris with Antares.
And on their side, Sirius was told to look for a giant book-like artifact before it falls into ill intentioned hands.
Suddendly, they saw what looked like a flash of light, at the feets of a tree.
Quickly, they ran toward what it came from, only to find a gorgeous book, unlike any they saw. Two wolves, one black, and one white, were represented in a circular pattern on a strong indigo background featuring stars. This particular dye was extremely hard to obtain, as using the leaves of the tree of life was forbidden, and the purple grass from Luna only gave a weak pink color, barely enough to taint any book.
Not only that, but some of the typical smoke emanating from Dream Sprites and Ezoth themselves was still stuck to the book.
Without waiting, Sirius called the other Dream Sprites looking for the book, and with their help, carried the book back to the Great Planetary, where their deity will probably study it before putting it with their own books.

1 + 5 = 6AP [rollover]

Create Major Artifact (5AP): The Allseeing Map (-1AP discount on Alter Land)
Infused with the remnants of Zul and Ospal's powers, this magical map that takes the shape of a book can show whatever place the viewer wants, using magic to provide a three-dimentional image. However, the maps often are conflictual; sometimes, a montain can rise where a river was, or a canyon can give birth to a new peninsula. Mortals can handle seeing the map when it is closed, but once it is opened, the sheer amount of information becomes overhelming, and mortal eyes become blinded, either temporally or not.
To harmonise the map and make it show the truth, a small amount of divine energy (not enough to have to spend 1AP, worry not) is needed, thus only gods can read it properly.
Some speak of it as not only a way to view, but also a way to interact with and change the properties of the world...
Currently kept and hidden by Ezoth.

6 - 5 = 1AP

2016-12-04, 05:06 PM
The Fang and Death - Waves of the southern ocean

The presence of the Fang, even to a god, was one that would be hard to detect. More of an impression that true certainty, the being of night and death would stand upon the waves of the ocean, making no ripples, and no sound, as it silently gazed upon Rebek. Taking true form for long enough to convey its message, the Fang would whisper to the god, "You who are the creator of the dead which walk, and who shares this peninsula with the living who wandered, my master would speak with you in the real of dreams. If this thought pleases you, find it and its companion deity, both born of stars, in the observatory that flies in the sky of the Beyond. Yag-Azreal would welcome your presence."

After delivering its message, the Fang stood. Silent once more, and fading into the darkness that shrouded it, almost out of sight... almost out of memory itself.

Rebek, the Silent Servant had barely returned from his sojourn north, ashwraiths circling him endlessly, when the message was received.

I do not know where the observatory that flies in the sky of the Beyond is. Or the realm of Dreams. Does your master have clearer instructions?

2016-12-05, 03:08 AM
The exceptions.

In any group of mortals there will be exceptions. Those that don’t fit in, those that don’t hold the values of their kin. As the marching castle moved across the wild plain Therus found these exceptions among the cheenari. Those that were curious, those that were murderers, those that for reasons of their own dared.

Therus offered each he found two choices: serve him or stay with his people until they found a community. The echo may sure they knew they always could take either option, whenever, no matter what they had chosen before or how many times it was their choice. If one chooses to follow Therus they can always leave to be dropped off at a community fearing no repercussion. As one can always leave so to can they always return, the cheenari were told if they were loyal to Therus and walk in search of the castle and they would find it.

Despite the number of exceptions, the echoing eclipse found, most choose to leave them. For them simple reason that the echo told them the truth, what his followers were to him, what the dark army did. How his followers were tools to him, things to be looked after but just tools. He told them about the horrors his dark army committed in his name often in far more detail than the mortals wished to know.

Despite all of this there were but a few cheenari that wished to follow Therus for in all things there are exceptions.

Adjustments to the new way.

Ooc note: this is less a story and more a few little events.


Many adjustments where needed to accommodate the new people of different biology and culture. The first question was how to deal with language, after some consideration it was decided that elvish and takwaen would be taught to the people and in schools. The reasoning was that they had already be teaching the elven populist takwaen and both languages would be needed. (The echoing eclipse doesn’t know common because of the mind ward and the cheenari don’t seem to be speaking common.)


The next adjustment though minor came for the tailors, many cheenari wanted clothing and simply tails were trouble. The elven tailors tried tail holes in the cloving to quickly find correct placement of the tail hole was an art.

The smiths had trouble with tails as well but this was not quite as simple as tail holes. The problem they faced was this: how to armor a cheenari’s tail? Many options were conceded. Simply armouring the tail like any other lime or cutting it off could work but a cheenari’s tail is needed for their speed. The next idea consider was an armored skirt with the cheenari’s tail under the skirt while they were not running. It seemed to work the best of their options maybe one day there would be a greater solution but not today.

burial rites

The new comer’s burial rites were accepted, after all they were respecting the dead and letting them rest. The people of echoing eclipse accepted this it, the rite did its job, hurt no others or wasn’t against Therus’ laws. But changed their tune when they herd the reasoning of this cremation. ‘To ensure the die didn’t rise again.’ Rumours of the twisted corpse that tried to starve people of their community had spread and the dead rising to became this. While the people had though the zombies were night shirkers, the fact that something was desecrating the dead would have been enough.

Regardless in weeks almost ever burial rite had cremation and it was being considered if the already burial should be exhumed to be cremated.

Teaching a bit of magic.

Therus had once tried to teach this people Seishin undo and other forms of magic. But he had since give up for the mortals had shown very little aptitude or progress in learning the mystic art. However, seeing Thaack use the first song had made the echo reconsider, perhaps he had given up to early, maybe he was a poor teacher. Therus knew his next action try to teach the supernatural arts once more he would never grow better if he didn’t try.

While the echo looked over texts and he reviewed what he knew, his mind started to race with possibilities. “If a magic can be formed though movement, could stillness do similar. Fortune favoured the brave, I better try at the very least.” And so the god tried, he stood like a statue and slowly his mind cleared he heard? Saw? Felt? He wasn’t sure what it was but a devious smile formed across his face. He had found a new magic.

0ap + 5ap

Create mystic concept (4ap): Rengran yanjing

If one can clear their mind for all thought, they can start to connect with a “sixth sense” and as one grows more skilful with this art they need to clear the mind less. Normally this ability is described like seeing or hearing in a “weird” way, somewhere between both of them. To this art magic and to lesser extent movement are quite “visible” but non-magic stationary item can be “seen” if they are quite fussy.

One using this art has little trouble “seeing” though wall or mediums that sound can’t travel thought. A master of this are can perceive colour, sounds and even taste using nothing but this are.

This sense is omnidirectional and one using this art knows of anything they can sense inside there range. Form a fly's wings to a dragons breath ever if they happen at the same-time. Most mortals can't explain how they can comprehend so much information at once, but many accept the gift and don't question it.

Blessing (1ap): the mark of Therus

Those loyal to Therus can when they will it have a mark of Therus form were ever a picture of Therus’ symbol is on their body. One can only have a signal mark of Therus on them at a time, the old ones are replaced by the new.

Most people of the echoing eclipse have their mark hidden under their clothing (normally a sleave), as loyalty to Therus is not something to tell the world willy nilly. The mark serves two functions, first any loyal to Therus can always tell this mark apart from a fake or illusions, letting them pick the loyal from the non-loyal easily.

Second if one’s loyal to Therus (as far as these blessing are concerned) is wavering or shaken the mark blurs like a picture out of focus. In the echoing eclipse a blurred mark is considered a time of choose, ether reform your loyal to Therus or accept that your place is not in the echo’s service. A good amount of effort goes in to ensuring that those of a blurred mark don’t rush the choose (ether way) or think that they can’t go back on the choice later.

There was one that killed a member the eclipse for having a blurred mark. The murder was tortured in public by Therus for three days straight and was then executed by the echo. There have been none that threatened one with a blurred mark since.


Admiral Squish
2016-12-05, 09:41 AM
At the base of the Burning Throne

Ka’mina spun on his heel, this back upon the rising peak of The Burning Throne, and casting his gaze out across the charred grasslands. He saw them empty, the native creatures having long-since fled the flames, and he was saddened, for he was alone. But rather than despair, he clenched his fist, determined. It would not do to arrive upon the world with no-one to herald his coming. If there would be no welcoming committee, he would simply make his own!

He reached down, taking a handful of ash in one hand and threw it into the air. It multiplied a thousand-thousand times over, forming a great cloud of ash that slowly settled toward the ground, only to suddenly form itself together, compacting into a legion of ashen figures that stood lifeless upon the fields, their numbers stretching to the horizon. They were all distinct, no two exactly alike, even if they shared similar muscular builds and square jaws with upward-thrusting tusks. Then he reached down with his other hand, scooping up a handful of molten earth. Closing the red-hot material in his fist, he stepped forward, and thrust his fist into the chest of the foremost figure, the largest of them. Magma spread through the ashen figure in burning rivulets as he withdrew his hand, seeping through cracks, it reached the eyes. Suddenly, the eyes opened, burning with flames, and the figure came to life, the magma and ash falling away as the creature began to move. It looked around, wide-eyed and bewildered, until its gaze settled upon the molten form of the deity before it.

“Who… are you?” It asked, its heavy brow furrowing.

“Who am I?” He asked, smirking cockily. With a gesture, twin rivulets of magma rose up, lashing forward like striking snakes to spear through the chests of the other ashen figures, splitting and branching into countless more, each individual strand spearing through a figure’s chest until they touched the entire legion. Moments later, thousands more figures were casting off their shells of ash, looking around until they too turned their gaze upon the looming figure of molten stone at the front of the legion.

“I AM KA’MINA!” He bellowed, striking a pose as his cape of flames roared dramatically behind him. “I am the unbound flame, the fallen star, he who rose from below, and the father of your people! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!” He roared.

The lead figure looked on in awe. “...Ka’mina… Who are we?” He asked, gesturing back to the legion.

Ka’mina grinned. “You are my people! You are born of ash and fire! Your hearts beat with my own whenever your blood boils, your passions burn! You shall love, you shall rage, you shall dare, you shall challenge, you shall create and destroy like no other mortals before you! You are ORCS! And when you are asked why you dare to do what others do not, who you think you are, you will answer-”

Ka’mina thrust his fist into the air, and the legion of orcs followed suit, and his voice led the legion in a roar that shook the sky and echoed for miles in all directions “WE ARE ORCS! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!”

“Go forth, my children! Spread yourselves across the land, and let your passions guide you! Nothing is impossible, Nothing is beyond your grasp, should you dare to reach for it!” He commanded, and the orcs roared back with burning passion, the thousands-strong legion of naked, newborn orcs scattering in all directions, some heading north, others south, others east, and a particularly large group going west, led by the First Orc to follow the course of the Lower Webigia.

15+ 1 (capped rollover)= 16 AP

-2 AP: Create Sentient Life: Orcs- Orcs are humanoids of great physical strength, size, and passion. While not exactly unintelligent, they are largely uneducated, and lean much more heavily toward pursuits of passion and creativity than those of intellect, producing many warriors, artists, craftsmen, and lovers.

-2 AP: Raise Hero: First Orc- First Orc is the largest and strongest of his people, the first orc Ka’Mina created, and defacto leader of the First Legion.

-2 AP: Create Society: The First Legion- Led by First Orc, the First Legion is the largest singular group of orcs, several thousand strong, a nomadic force eager to make its mark upon the world, in one way or another.

Ending AP: 10

2016-12-05, 06:53 PM
The K'isimira working on the shore - fishermen, traders, labourers - reacted with great surprise at the appearance of the Dosidicus. Although spoken language was unfamiliar to them, they recognized it nevertheless as communication. The problem was communicating back. The K'isimira clustered right at the edge of the water, emitting welcoming and inquisitive pheromones towards the strangers. They vibrated their antennae, some of them even submerging them in the water, hoping that vibrations will be propagated better to these visitors who did not seem eager to leave the waves. They organized pantomimed dances to describe themselves welcoming the exploration group, although they floundered a bit when it came to depicting the Cephalids, as they could not clearly see their bodies underwater. Gifts of fish and jewelry cleverly crafted from wood and shells were offered to the visitors by the trader caste, while the farmer and labourer castes joined forces in a monumental project that would carve a canal from the shore into the heart of the capital city, so that the strangers can easily visit without having to leave the water. The pantomime groups attempted to explain this great undertaking to the Dosidicus, counting how many cycles it would take to complete.
The Beaches of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus
The Eldrazi looked at the display with some confusion before it nodded toward the Grozoth. Slowly the pair moved out of the water, although the Grozoth was obviously wasn’t a huge fan of the concept, but offered tentacles in greeting. The Eldrazi said in it’s deep voice ”We too aren’t fans of talking. If you wish we can join you in our link and teach you how to perform it as well.” It motioned toward the Grozoth’s tentacles.
Even as the offer for telepathy was offered the dead moved further out of the water. The cephalid zombies offered the ant-folk their own jewelry crafted from coral, most of them depicting symbols of Carakhan with the obviously newer pieces depicting the ant-folk and their ships as best as they could. The Krakens meanwhile mindlessly moved toward where the canal was being discussed. With a nod from the Eldrazi, they began the work of starting the canal on their side.
The Eldrazi turned back to the K’isimira and nodded once before it spoke again. ”The Kraken will help serve as muscle for the…canal? We believe we got the meaning correct. In the mean time we will assist as we can in the ocean. We do not want to be an unnecessary burden while we work for the betterment of us.”

The Effects of Wanderment
Perhaps by divine luck the Dosidicus were in full swing when the call for adventure came. When the call became too strong for the Grozoth’s control, or more often when a Grozoth felt the call and gathered together those who felt the same call, a new expedition would set out among the waterways of the strange land. When the call loosened its hold on the Dosidicus expedition then they would return to the nearest city and settle down to help spread the ideas deemed safe. She Who Purifies Us may be a tyrant but She understands that only through exploration can Her children be stronger.

2016-12-05, 09:37 PM
The Silent Welcome - Outskirts of Frostrim

When Mahara arrived within the outskirts of Frostrim, the only company that welcomed here were those shambling dead that had risen from the Nocturne rain merely days before hand. Of the outer village there was little left, and only the smallest signs that a community had even existed here. Of course, this would not be much surprise, given just how small this village had been compared to Frostrim itself, but still, only the undead and still-standing well in the midst of town square, miraculously left unmolested, would tell the god that any had once colonized this place.

That was, until Yag-Azreal's avatar appeared to her, and whispered to Mahara, "Hello there, child. What brings you to my domain?"

[The Silent Welcome - Outskirts of Frostrim]

Mahara smiles gently and adjust her white fur robes. "Greetings. I am new to this world. I come seeking knowledge and, perhaps, amusement. What can you share with me?"

2016-12-06, 12:00 AM
The lakes of Esh
Srim wasn't sure what the other new many legged thing was doing. It had taken part of itself apart and woven some kind of frame. Srim didn't think the frame looked very useful. It was thin and soft looking. Too fragile to support clay.

Srim decided to show the thing how it was done. It extended a pseudo-pod and branched it into a complex weave. Then Srim used the weave to scoop up some clay, but of course the clay was too heavy and the whole structure immediately fell apart.

Srim then quickly twisted a group of reeds into the same weave, and scooped up some more clay. Thus demonstrating the superior structural properties of reeds as opposed to the material that made up its own body or that of the strangers.

2016-12-06, 02:16 PM
Sheru - The Lakes of Esh

Sheru was not very good at this, this creature seemed to not understand at all. But it does seem to value function and maybe that is something that Sheru can use. Sheru needs to think of something the creature could want so that she can give it to the creature. It likes water and reeds and clay but it has a lot of those things, it likes songs but Sheru can't make noise. From it's display it seems to like showing other things what it can do, maybe Sheru could do that too.

Sheru was having trouble moving with all the web around her, this creature was clearly not hostile so she decided that she wouldn't need it. As she unspun it she created a few runes with the silk, runes of air, movement and strength. She had used this combination before to move boulders but wasn't sure how it would work on soft clay. When she finished she ran to the side to watch the results.

The ground shook slightly then a chunk of the clay began to levitate up. For a few seconds a solid melon sized section of the land hovered a two feet off the ground. Sheru tried to move it with a loose strand of web, as she had with so many boulders before, but it was different this time. As the earth moved it began to split then slowly it oozed back to the ground leaving just thin stands of floating web.

Sheru had ruined it. Sheru always ruins things. Nera was right.

Oldarac - Elsewhere in The Lakes of Esh

Oldarac could feel the ground beneath his feet becoming softer as he walked. He was nearing some wetlands and wondered why his scout hadn't informed him of this. The Runespinners seemed to have picked this up from his thoughts as they rushed out of his beard and forward to try to sort out any problems.

Noticing the pond in his path they quickly cut a few reeds and checked if they would float. They stuck together small rafts with webbing and several floated out, paddling with a reed. They spaced themselves one footstep apart and span runes on their raft to create little pockets of solid air above them. As Oldarac approached the lake they readied themselves to get under his feet. Without stopping to think Oldarac strode out on to the lake confident that the spiders' path would support him.

Remaining AP = 3 AP + 4 AP (Rollover) = 7 AP

2016-12-06, 02:50 PM
The Beaches of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus
The Eldrazi looked at the display with some confusion before it nodded toward the Grozoth. Slowly the pair moved out of the water, although the Grozoth was obviously wasn’t a huge fan of the concept, but offered tentacles in greeting. The Eldrazi said in it’s deep voice ”We too aren’t fans of talking. If you wish we can join you in our link and teach you how to perform it as well.” It motioned toward the Grozoth’s tentacles.
Even as the offer for telepathy was offered the dead moved further out of the water. The cephalid zombies offered the ant-folk their own jewelry crafted from coral, most of them depicting symbols of Carakhan with the obviously newer pieces depicting the ant-folk and their ships as best as they could. The Krakens meanwhile mindlessly moved toward where the canal was being discussed. With a nod from the Eldrazi, they began the work of starting the canal on their side.
The Eldrazi turned back to the K’isimira and nodded once before it spoke again. ”The Kraken will help serve as muscle for the…canal? We believe we got the meaning correct. In the mean time we will assist as we can in the ocean. We do not want to be an unnecessary burden while we work for the betterment of us.”

The K'ismira sign vigorous assent to the suggestion that the two people may communicate through some manner of direct linking. Unseen, Layal watches the exchange and is pleased. Its people are quick to take up the motifs in the coral jewelry and, while the more physically-inclined castes labour to build the canal, the artists swarm all over the city, decorating the exteriors of the buildings with shapes pleasing to both the K'isimira and to their new friends. Tapestries are woven, bits of coloured stone and shell are stuck together into mosaics, pigments are spread into monumental paintings, and generally no efforts are spared to impress and please the visitors.

Layal, relieved that the first contact with another civilization has proved peaceful so far, inspires its followers with new building designs that would allow both K'isimira and cephalids to visit and inhabit them, by means of subterranean flooded levels in each building. These underground levels are connected to each other by means of spacious circular tubes that mirror the network of streets and aerial passageways above. The god also extends its blessing to the visitors, infusing their bodies with the ability to withstand environments that would normally not be welcoming for their kind.

The Kiswara, the warior-dancers, are quick to learn the new way of communication, and soon they create a new form of dance, one that adds words and songs to the movements to tell a story. Soon they are dancing and telling the story of how the Dosidicus came to the shores of Kusi, the meeting of the two people and the future benefits of their friendship.

Starting AP: 0 + 4 (rollover) = 4 AP
Starting PAP: 0 + 2 (rollover) = 2 PAP

Create Advanced Concept (2 AP): Decorative Arts. Tapestry, mosaic, monumental painting and, when glass is invented, stained glass works are all part of decorative arts. The smaller works intended to decorate the interior or exterior of buildings are also included in this category. With their clever appendages and keen sense for patterns, the K'isimira are very good at decorative arts.
Bless/Curse (1 PAP): Far-Swimmers. The Dosidicus can survive longer than their non-explorery brethren and sisthren in inhospitable environments, which allows them to explore a wider range of places.
Create Advanced Concept (2 AP): Theater. For now, the words are transmitted telepathically or olfactorily, but should other races learn this art there is nothing stopping them from using spoken words.

Ending AP: 0 AP, 1 PAP.

2016-12-08, 09:03 PM
Srim - the lakes of Esh
Srim was surprised and impressed as the clay floated around. That seemed like a much superior method of moving things around that struggling to push them across harsh dry ground far from water.

Srim saw the problem of course. The stranger hadn't let the clay dry properly first. So Srim decided to help. The burbling of the ooze stopped as the slimnian collected itself and then launched into a new song. One that had a rhythm of slick and smooth notes.

As Srim sang the fallen clay collected together into a lump again, and then with a bit of help from it pseudopods piled itself up and over until it was back on top of the floating strands.

Once it got in position the song shifted into a series of hard deliberate beats, and the clay dried out along the bottom to present a solid platform for the stranger's magical strands to carry.

2016-12-09, 06:56 PM
Biyaha - Meelamman

The mysterious crane remained among the Yaxin people as their flourishing civilization grew and advanced upon the Isle of Meelamman. Boqor the Younger proved to be an even more able ruler than his grandfather, and as the expeditions of Yaxin explores returned, they not only mapped the river valleys of Dalalkan, but Boqor saw to it that regular relations were established. The the leaders of the Cheenari of Clawholme, the Takwa of Follows, and the Slimnia of The Lake People were gifted shields and spearheads crafted from Nocturne. Smelted and smithed nocturne weapons and armor became the basis of trade with the Yaxin, and thus Boqor introduced commerce to the civilizations of Dalalkan.

Arcanestomper and Hatter, I'm taking some liberties here. If you don't want for your societies to develop relations with the Yaxin just let me know and I'll edit this. OR if you want to role-play it, I'm more than willing to do that as well.

The more far-flung societies remained unknown to the Yaxin, but reports began to come back of large, tusked beings(orcs) roaming across the eastern banks of the Lower Webiga. One expedition returned to report a great empty city upon the lands where the Lower Webiga emptied into the seas.

It was a time of great prosperity, and the Yaxin lived peaceful, long lives feasting upon the fruits of the Meelamman Tree once a year on The First Day of Blessings. The Father of Waters was content. His feelings for the Yaxin weren't exactly paternal, but he was curiously entertained by their comings and goings.

Beginning AP = 12AP +1PAP +1DFC

Create Mundane Concept -1DFC: Commerce
Carry the Prime Note -1PAP

Ending AP = 12AP

2016-12-10, 05:27 AM
The Beaches of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus
The Eldrazi looked at the display with some confusion before it nodded toward the Grozoth. Slowly the pair moved out of the water, although the Grozoth was obviously wasn’t a huge fan of the concept, but offered tentacles in greeting. The Eldrazi said in it’s deep voice ”We too aren’t fans of talking. If you wish we can join you in our link and teach you how to perform it as well.” It motioned toward the Grozoth’s tentacles.
Even as the offer for telepathy was offered the dead moved further out of the water. The cephalid zombies offered the ant-folk their own jewelry crafted from coral, most of them depicting symbols of Carakhan with the obviously newer pieces depicting the ant-folk and their ships as best as they could. The Krakens meanwhile mindlessly moved toward where the canal was being discussed. With a nod from the Eldrazi, they began the work of starting the canal on their side.
The Eldrazi turned back to the K’isimira and nodded once before it spoke again. ”The Kraken will help serve as muscle for the…canal? We believe we got the meaning correct. In the mean time we will assist as we can in the ocean. We do not want to be an unnecessary burden while we work for the betterment of us.”

The K'ismira sign vigorous assent to the suggestion that the two people may communicate through some manner of direct linking. Unseen, Layal watches the exchange and is pleased. Its people are quick to take up the motifs in the coral jewelry and, while the more physically-inclined castes labour to build the canal, the artists swarm all over the city, decorating the exteriors of the buildings with shapes pleasing to both the K'isimira and to their new friends. Tapestries are woven, bits of coloured stone and shell are stuck together into mosaics, pigments are spread into monumental paintings, and generally no efforts are spared to impress and please the visitors.

Layal, relieved that the first contact with another civilization has proved peaceful so far, inspires its followers with new building designs that would allow both K'isimira and cephalids to visit and inhabit them, by means of subterranean flooded levels in each building. These underground levels are connected to each other by means of spacious circular tubes that mirror the network of streets and aerial passageways above. The god also extends its blessing to the visitors, infusing their bodies with the ability to withstand environments that would normally not be welcoming for their kind.

The Kiswara, the warior-dancers, are quick to learn the new way of communication, and soon they create a new form of dance, one that adds words and songs to the movements to tell a story. Soon they are dancing and telling the story of how the Dosidicus came to the shores of Kusi, the meeting of the two people and the future benefits of their friendship.

Starting AP: 0 + 4 (rollover) = 4 AP
Starting PAP: 0 + 2 (rollover) = 2 PAP

Create Advanced Concept (2 AP): Decorative Arts. Tapestry, mosaic, monumental painting and, when glass is invented, stained glass works are all part of decorative arts. The smaller works intended to decorate the interior or exterior of buildings are also included in this category. With their clever appendages and keen sense for patterns, the K'isimira are very good at decorative arts.
Bless/Curse (1 PAP): Far-Swimmers. The Dosidicus can survive longer than their non-explorery brethren and sisthren in inhospitable environments, which allows them to explore a wider range of places.
Create Advanced Concept (2 AP): Theater. For now, the words are transmitted telepathically or olfactorily, but should other races learn this art there is nothing stopping them from using spoken words.

Ending AP: 0 AP, 1 PAP.
The Beaches of Kusi – K’isimira, Dosidicus
Slowly the original group of Dosidicus filter out of Kusi as work on the canal and new city wrap up. For the Cephalids they cultivate a new reef within the archipelago, blending the works of art they picked up from the K'isimira into the otherwise utilitarian design favored by the Khermian Adopus. This new group, much like the outpost nearest Meelamman, serves as a filter for the works their allies accomplish and to help spread what teachings they learn from the rest of the socialist society. It was these more permanent residents who began to join the theatrics of the drythroats and weave their illusions in with their performances to better fascinate others, performers regularly joining future Dosidicus groups that drifted near Kusi.

The Sinking Marshes of Khernarch
While Zandri was rebuilt in the utilitarian style favored by the Khermian Adopus, the jungles to the west experienced a different kind of alteration. More curious at the effects than anything, Carakhan started to weave Her divine power between Her home in the Cascading Waves and the world She was born in. With a singular phrase She was able to bridge the two planes and create something subtly strange.
Roughly the same size as Zandri in a crescent shape around said peninsula the land began to change from jungle to swamp. The rains that seemed to constantly fall upon the Khermian Adopus that inhabited land mingled with the planar nature of the Cascading Waves as finally the land gave way and became flooded. In the deepest reaches marshes were said to lead directly to the Cascading Waves where only the water breathers could live. Of course the First World wasn't the only place affected as new life was steadily introduced into the waters surrounding Chaqua, only to be devoured by the Winnowers.

The Steady Diversity of Life
Seeing the bleeding of the planes work out so well, the Tentacled Mistress next turned Her gaze to Her children. Her vision settled on the Eldrazi finally, those who could already exist most comfortably on the land that seemed to dominate the world most races called home. With a low bellow that echoed through Her lands the Eldrazi were empowered by Her divine power. They who talked to the dead found they could now bring forth new life and alter lands more than they as mere mortals could accomplish. Of course such power made them even more rare than the Grozoth, limiting them to the Khermian Adopus and a handful of the Dosidicus expeditions.

The first act of this new power was to create a new, sentient servitor race. In the depths of Zandri the beasts were birthed from their divine gift in a mockery of the insects that called the jungle home. Equipped with the basest of an intelligence so they couldn't overthrow their masters and one of the best sense of smell in the area so they could serve as trackers the Drones were bred by the Khermian Adopus to perform the role of guard dog. Something that the monstrosities were well equipped for, including their thick tail being tipped with a poisonous barb to knock out their quarry.

At the same time new life was born within the Manse of the Cascading Waves. While the Winnowers served their role well enough, the divine waters still had the filth of the impure floating around in it where such massive creatures couldn't easily grasp from their home on the plane's sea bed. Yet from such filth came the solution as it mingled with one of the octopi who called the plane home. Only to a lunatic, or the Tentacled Mistress, could such a thing be called natural as it's body shifted and elongated until it barely resembled an octopus. Yet with its new limbs it could more easily grab the offending debris and devour it. Unlike with the Winnowers, these Scions inhabited the upper reaches of the Manse and typically avoided their fellow cleaners or the cities that called the plane home.

Starting: 6 AP, 2 PAP, IP
Bridge Planes (-2 AP): The Sinking Marshes of Khernarch exist as a mingling of the Cascading Waves and the land outside of Zandri. They're called the Sinking Marshes because the places that exist as stronger points between the two planes happen to be marshes that deposit wanderers into the Cascading Waves. Just like random monsters emerge from said pools to haunt the First World.

Bless (-1 AP): The Following Rains occur as the Dosidicus explore the First World. Wherever they go, rain seems to follow them. This added precipitation certainly helps the coral grow from the dust left behind by the Eldrazi as well.

Infuse Mystical Race (-3 AP): Eldrazi are now even more rare and powerful than the Grozoth! The rough population breakdown is 78-91% (the remaining 13% being zombies) Cephalid, 5-8% Kraken (again with the zombies), 0.8% Grozoth, and 0.2% Eldrazi. Or a Grozoth for every village, an Eldrazi for every 4, about eight Kraken for every village of a thousand or under, and Cephalids filling it out.

Create Monstrous Life (Infused Life): Drones serve as faithful guard dogs for the Khermian Adopus in Zandri. They are about the same size as german shepards and serve as bloodhounds in the jungle. Like some of their distant cousins they're poisonous, their natural toxins serving as a powerful sedative.

Create Monstrous Life (Infused Planes): Scions serve as the waterborne counterparts to Winnowers. Roughly the size of a squid (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taningia_danae) they hunt and devour what they deem unfit for the Manse. They, unlike the Winnowers, rarely reach the ocean depths and the cities located there. Instead they hunt the region above such a depth in packs averaging eight members.

Ending: 2 PAP, to be used as an Alter Land if my Bridge Plane doesn't work right.

2016-12-11, 01:31 AM
The Floating Isles of Kahd
An Excerpt from the journal of one Thuuck, Daughter of Rai

With everything happening within the First World, from gods and godlings meddling and on to mortals interacting with each other, one would wonder if the events that transpired on the day of The Rising went without notice elsewhere. I don't suppose any of my kin could have been ready for it... cant say anyone anywhere would have expected it.

It was a nice calm day, I and the hunters just returned to camp from a successful hunt. I had an antelope calf slung over my shoulder and the others came with many other beasts. Four of the hunters even carried a Wyrg, odd for such creatures to make their way to these parts but not completely unheard of. We laughed and we cheered and drank and sang. It was a good day.

Before we could even register what was happening, however... We heard Aamwa let out a sound, it was like the screeching of a thousand birds and the ground rumbled and tossed and turned. It would seem like the whole of the world shook with the effort. Me and mine, we panicked and tried to gather our belongings as everything was thrown about.

.................................................. .................................................. ...

It's been a few days since what my people have started to call The Rising. The land was yanked up into the sky, shattered into hundreds of floating islands. I've left my tribe to explore, although I wouldnt have gotten far if not for my most recent discovery.

On the underside of the Islands, there are a new species of creature. Wide winged, smooth and black as night. Their milky white eyes tell me they are blind but they have excellent reflexes and sense of direction. They are easy enough to tame and train and are invaluable to be used for traveling between the islands.

Start 3AP, 0PAP
+5AP, 1PAP Rollover
-2AP Alter Land(The Floating Isles of Kahd): The Isles is a collection of hundreds of floating islands over what was once The Glowing Jungle, Mount Hatii and The Wild Plains. Only a gigantic lake remains where the land once was. The Isles are so high in the sky that they touch upon the clouds.
-1AP Create Monstrous Life(Sky Manta): The Sky Manta are a species of flying manta ray. They are sleekly built, blind but with a superior sense of sonar hearing which allows the to manipulate through the sky without error. They largely nest upon the underside of the Isles of Kahd where brave Cheenari and Takwa climb down to tame.
5AP, 1PAP Remains

2016-12-11, 06:24 AM
An army from worms.

Therus stood pacing before a number of trainees his booming voice echoing of the room’s giant walls. “Worms I have told this speak to many before you and I will tell it to many after you. Little worms each of you have amazing potential, the stuff of legends, most of you will never reach this potential.

I know some of you are thinking ‘how, how can we fight great beast, mages that can bend the world to there will?’ To these questions I ask to look to the worms to your sides, look at their swords, at their shields. Their shields will cover your weakness as your shield will cover theirs. Unity is one of the greatest advantage you worms have, perhaps only second to your ability to learn and adapt to the situation at hand.

Remember this worms, armies can fight beasts and great mages. But an army is not just a number of worms, no an army is a group of worms fighting as one, each piece helping another. Here little worms you are training how to fight together until you can trust any soldier of the dark army as though they were your right hand and they can trust you the same. Finally no one can make a true solder, a true piece of the dark army but you.”

Therus looked at the trainees made a devise grin. “Your training starts now!”

The unusual training practises.

While much of the training experienced by the soldiers of the dark army, is what one would expect of training an army there were exceptions. There are all ways exceptions. Including compulsory sessions/class meditation and teaching of the supernatural arts.

The marching castle comes to Meelamman.

Over the lake the people of Meelamman saw a structure larger than any they had built… walking towards the town. The great castle moved over the lake as though it was walking through a shallow puddle even though the castle’s pillars weren’t touching the lake bed. Atop the castle’s tallest tower was a giant black flag with the symbol of red a downwards facing sword. The flag always caught the wind and could be seen clearly from the shore.

A noises sometime whistles and chirps, sometimes odd flowing words, echoed thought the town. The noises were more felt inside a creature’s body and though the ground then heard. It was loud like thunder and made everything inside the town reverb. In a way that they couldn’t explain the people of Meelamman understood the noises even as it made their ears ring.

“Worms. I am Therus, The Echo I am approaching your home’s. When I arrive I will try to bring pain and misery to you, use this time to run or ready for my arrival.

But you pathetic worms you have some hope, if a champion can defeat myself in a fair one against one contest will do not harm to any of this town. I will face any challengers willing to accept my terms until there are none left or until I have been bested.

Your pathetic eyes should be able to see my castle’s approach as such Only challengers at the area of my arrival when I arrive will be accepted. Until then ‘ay fortune favour the bold.’”

0ap+5ap (rollover)

Create mundane concept (1ap): meditation

The act and practise of clearing one’s mind of though, although it can be used of relaxation and healing. This is the primary way of discovering Rengran yanjing.

Blessing (1ap): fortune’s reward.

When/if those loyal to Therus die or stop living (though any means) there next of kin receive seven years of great luck, then seven years of good luck. (not as good as great)

This luck doesn’t necessarily make one wealthy or famous , but instead insures one has what they need to live comfort (Including saving them from death). This luck can be received by those who aren’t loyal to Therus.

Blessing (1ap): Understanding the supernatural.

Those loyal to Therus can understand and internalise information and concepts of supernatural elements/arts, faster and easier than others. Those loyal to Therus also find it far easier to practise and use the basic parts of supernatural arts.
In simple terms: Therus’ people can do and get magic easer then others.

Create advanced concept (2ap): tactics and organisation

While any one can organise a small group. Organising a large group with competence and employing tactics is an art. Ensuring an army has the food and ammunitions to attack and never runs low takes great enormous of work unseen by most but is only a small piece of the bigger picture.

Gain domain: magic (movement and meditation)
“Don’t think. If you need to think you’ll never to it right. Clear your mind a react, you will not have time to think.” – Torrel a teacher of the dark army.
Seishin undo 4ap
Rengran yanjing 4ap
Understanding the supernatural. 1ap
Meditation. 1ap


2016-12-11, 04:09 PM
Sheru - The Lakes of Esh

Sheru was so pleased to get the help she needed from the stranger. This creature had an amazing connection with it's environment, it's song seemed to soothe the ground and stop it from slipping away. It would be a useful skill to learn but alas her time here was nearly up. She could feel her family approaching on the other side of the lake, Oldarac's pounding footsteps had stopped yet he still got closer.

She wanted to stay longer, but her place was not here. Maybe she could return in the future but for now she had to leave with her kind and her god. She wanted to leave her new friend something to remember her by, in the hope that she could find him again. She span her tail end of web around a loose reed and finished the strand off with a rune of binding. She would always know where that run was so would always be able to return. She struggled to find the strength to lift the reed and hand it to the kind stranger before running off to find her family.

Oldarac - ApproachingThe Spring of Knowledge

Oldarac had mastered the ability to walk on water. Or at least the Runespinners had mastered the ability to keep him afloat. After reuniting with the scouts they worked at full force to the point that the lakes were no longer an obstacle. The habitats were barely disturbed with just a collection of small rafts left in the god's wake.

Then inexplicably Oldarac's servants rushed back to him, sealed up his beard and let him plunge straight in to the next lake.

Oldarac immediately noticed the divine power in the lake. He couldn't drink the water but his body could absorb it. The runes on his body glowed and danced in combinations he had never thought of. His mind was filled with the same tune he had heard before, the delightful beat of metal on metal and the grinding of mechanisms. He was filled with too many ideas to comprehend them all, or even know where to start. For a while he just drifted, carried by his momentum and the movement of the lake.

When he reached the other shore he had come back to his senses, he had a lot to think about and a lot more ground to cover. He carried on walking.

Starting AP = 7AP + 4AP(Rollover) = 11AP

Create Mundane Concept - Rowing
The ability to exert physical force through oars to move a vessel rather than relying on the wind in sails.

Remaining AP = 11AP - 1AP = 10AP

2016-12-11, 04:27 PM
Jyn'Hao: The Navel of Creation

Jyn'Hao remained at the seat of its power, gazing across the tapestry of the Planes that stretched like roots from the Navel of Creation. The linking of two of the Greater Elemental Planes had served it well, nurturing the destructive aspects of the Elemental Planes in a way the Cacophony never could yet there yet remained space to exalt in the mindless draw towards chaos. With another motion of its hand he pulled the Navel's power and joined the planes of Fire and Earth together and in an instant a storm of ash formed between them. With another, the Waters and the Sky joined together, the waters blown back by squalls leaving only salt remain. With this the Para-Elemental Demi-Planes were formed and as the Planar Deity swelled in its own power it breathed some of that power back. The Demi-Planes grew, no longer merely boundaries between the Greater Elemental Planes but now full realms in their own rights. Surely they were not nearly as large as the Greater Planes, perhaps only the size of the dominant continent on the First World. But that was large enough. That was large enough.


Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Ash (2AP) - Situated between the Woven Flame ane Faceted Loam, the Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Ash is a realm of choking black ash. Unlike the Demi-Plane of Dust, the Demi-Plane of Ash simply buries anything that attempts to dwell within it under its weight. Nocturne exists on this Demi-Plane as ash as well, these Nocturne Storms only discernible through their darker coloring. Anyone caught in these Nocturne Storms will quickly be turned into statues of Nocturne and swiftly buried.

Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Salt (2AP) - Situated between the Cascading Waves and Outer Fog, The Demi-Plane of Salt is a faceted realm of sharp jagged white peaks and shallow salt water pools. The plane itself crusts those who dwell on it for too long in salt and desicates bare flesh. Salt statues of once living creatures litter the plane. Towering pillars of salt crusted Nocturne act as way stations between the two Greater Elemental Planes, providing clean water baths and clean clothing for those stupid enough to risk travel.

Alter Land: Para-Elemental Growth (1AP) - The Para-Elemental Demi-Planes are not simply bridges between the Greater Elemental Planes. They are full realms all their own, blessed not merely by the power of the Navel of Creation but by Jyn'Hao itself.

Gain Domain: The Planes (Para-Elemental Planes)

Actions towards

Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Steam (2AP)
Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Dust (2AP)
Create Monstrous Life: The Para-Elementals (1AP)
Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Ash (2AP)
Bridge Plane: The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Salt (2AP)
Alter Land: Para-Elemental Growth (1AP)

2016-12-11, 05:40 PM
Rebek, the Silent Servant noted with approval that it no longer needed to travel north. Souls and shambling corpses of the First World's numerous sentient races abounded in the Necropolis and it's work could be done from there. As zombies worked to clear the fallen nocturne and pile it next to some buildings that had been designated as forges, it called two over without even a gesture and stared at them thoughtfully.

The first was a giant version of the tiny insects it had noticed on its travels north. There were several variations on the colour scheme, but Rebek dismissed those as aesthetics as the underlying structure was clearly the same. Suddenly in the blaze of her attention, the distant K'isimira would find their dead starting to rise. Locked in their exoskeleton it was difficult to distinguish risen K'isimira from their alive brethren and Rebek chose to take part in the game of aesthetics by causing each to display her symbol on its carapace, accidentally creating a new caste of grey K'isimira with the image of a black stitched shut mouth on their carapace.

The other, likewise, came in various flavours but it was less clear that they were all the same race. It required future research but for now, as Rebek's attention fell on the adolescent Scaled Kin any of those who died would have a chance of rising. With no clear idea of their society it was difficult to know where they would be most use - though of course her name and location would be broadcast as soon as they were controlled. Deciding to let their masters have the final say on this and to solve the problem of the multiple races in one, Rebek altered the zombie's natural staticness to allow it to develop in various ways depending on which members of the species it found itself with. They would develop traits of the various adult species after spending around twenty cumulative hours being ordered by one of them.

It could have done more, but the next stage in the growth of the Necropolis would require substantial energy and it was best to conserve strength if possible.

AP: 0 PAP: 0

+4 AP - Rollover

-0 (Paid by artifact) Blessing K'isimira zombies are a dull grey and have Rebek's holy symbol on their back.

-1 Blessing Adolescent Scaled Kin zombies will develop thicker scales or whatever to make them more like one of the adult species if they are consistently given orders by a member of that adult subspecies.

Base AP =0 +4 -1 = 3
Base PAP = 0 - 0= 0

Zombify Sentient:

Zombify Mythic:

Towards Death(Corpses) 9/10:
1 - Create Monstrous Life (Zombies)
1 - Create Mundane Concept (Funeral Rites)
1 - Blessing (Cephalid Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Cheenari Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Corpse Incorporeality)
1 - Blessing (Kraken Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Sinca Zombies)
1 - Blessing (Creature of Fire)
1 - Blessing (Adolescent Scaled Kin Zombies)

Towards Energy(Negative Energy) 6/10:
1 - Alter Land (MGBL)
2 - Bridge Plane (MGBL)
2 - Create Portal (MGBL)
1 - Blessing (Negative Energy effect on souls)

Towards Servitude (Overseers) 3/10:
3 - Create Subrace (Ashwraiths)

Towards Magic (Necromancy) 1/10:
1 - Blessing (The Controller's Call)

Towards first Artifice Panoply:
5 - Create Major Artifact (Circlet of the Servant)

2016-12-11, 05:58 PM
Biyaha - Dalalkan

The crane flew higher and higher into the sky before evaporating into a blanket of rain laden clouds. Biyaha soared above the land, looked down, and saw that the world was much changed. It was a strange sensation and he was torn; some of the changes were his and pleased him, some were of his brethren and pleased him, others however he saw as a blight bordering on an abomination.

Part of the massive cloud coalesced into a solid arm, as The Father of Waters summoned his divinity to form an instrument to manifest his will. The arm now ended in a gleaming silver gauntlet with which he could wiped away changes that displeased him.

Beginning AP = 12AP + (4AP +1PAP +1DFC)rollover

Create Major(Utility) Artifact -5AP: The Hand of Divinity - Grants a -1 AP discount to Alter Land actions.
Infuse Artifact -3AP: The Hand of Divinity becomes a Relic, granting a further -1AP discount to Alter Land actions.

Ending AP = 16AP - 5AP - 3AP = 8AP + 1PAP +1DFC

2016-12-11, 06:40 PM
Rebek, the Silent Servant had barely returned from his sojourn north, ashwraiths circling him endlessly, when the message was received.

I do not know where the observatory that flies in the sky of the Beyond is. Or the realm of Dreams. Does your master have clearer instructions?

The Fang and Death - The God Returns

The Fang would look at Rebek, having waited for the god's response while remaining within the darkness, and then it gestured at the ghostly image of the castle ruins that were visible through the Scar. "The Realm of Dreams is the name given to the Beyond by the mortals within this eternal night. Simple to reach. Sleep, dream, and then pull yourself onto the place you 'awaken' within. If you wish, the Bards will assist you with the transition, godling." The shadowy being would state, before tilting her head slightly, and adding, "The observatory will reside above the Castle within the Beyond, and should be impossible to miss, as it is visible from anywhere on the reflection of the southern peninsula... though if you would speak to my master alone, then my master invites you to a private audience within its throne room. For it still rests within the ruins of the Castle of Memories... waiting for another to see its true face."

Moving along the waves, every step languid and not disturbing the surface of the water, the Fang would state, "If you wish to know where the Bards reside, then follow me, oh god of Death. Your creations have served us well, and the Bards of Frostrim would be happy to return the favor." And with this, the Fang began to wander back to Frostrim, to re-join her people, and to potentially lead a god to them.

The sight upon arrival would be an interesting one. Where so many races had gone out of their way to try and drive away and destroy their restless dead, the bards had instead gone out of their way to use them... and to command them. Far more effectively than simple orders would allow, the zombies from the Noctourne rain would haul construction equipment and lift beams for foremen and workers alike, their undying flesh tireless and perfect for holding every part steady. Even their mindless elemental creations would be joining in, elementals of water blasting away clay from stone, while elementals of earth would carry the rocks freed from their imprisonment. Fire elementals would be surprisingly absent, all of them instead surrounding the edges of town, endlessly patrolling in case a Night Shrieker were to come and attack. The lack of light and heat did not seem to bother the living or the dead anyway as they worked, not even looking up as the Fang and her potential guest arrived. They would not see the two even if they had. These workmen were not the ones who needed to know about the Fang or Rebek, nor would the chosen of Yag-Azreal even know what to do should the Fang or the God be revealed to them!

No, instead the Council would be where the Fang was headed, to learn of their new problems, and to teach her disciples a new form of magic...

The Night and the Stars - The Great Planetary

The Starry One's movements seemed slow, looking slightly confused with the other's remarks on their supposed "innocence". They were curious. Curious of what knowledge the shadowy god had to offer. Curious of what knowledge they lacked. Curious of what knowledge had yet to come. When the idea of a pantheon came up, Ezoth looked toward the sky.
They were silent for a moment, thinking about their decision. After all, they didn't really interact with other gods, and allies are always needed. The promoted qualities of this future pantheon also suited their tastes; Dream Sprites working alongside other creatures to find out how this world works ? Ezoth grew curious of what they will find out. To the cost of having potential rivalries should other gods join, this new pantheon sounded way more beneficial to them.
The body of the dream deity took a faster pace, before voicing their choice.

I accept. My libraries will be open to worshippers of deities in this alliance as long as no ill intentions are directed toward my creations. I am eager to learn more from what you know. I feel this sharing of knowledge will be greatly beneficial to the advancement of civilisation.
The stars around them shone brighter, probably to convey hope or happiness. Feeling that Yag-Azreal have calmed down, some Dream Guardians looked toward the two deities, witnessing the birth of a new pantheon. Most floated back to the Starlit Library to announce the event to their brethren.

The Dragon and the Stars - The Great Planetary

Feeling the first tentative bands of yet another new pantheon wrapping about it, Yag-Azreal would begin to settle into the role once more. Though this time... this time it was supporting the other beings, not leading them, and not ignoring them. This, perhaps, would make things interesting for a time. Old memories began to awaken once more within the god's mind, and as it looked back to Ezoth, the Void Dragon would almost grin imperceptibly. A sad, empty grin. "Well then, ask me what you wish to know of worlds beyond counting and imagination... and in return, I ask only that you tell me what you know of this world, its peoples, and its gods."

Now if only Yag-Azreal had been awake for all of this, perhaps it wouldn't have to rely upon such a naive deity to tell it of the world... Ah, but these regrets would come to haunt the dragon many times in the coming days. If only it had decided to wake up instead. What wonders could it have witnessed, and what peoples could it have created?

[The Silent Welcome - Outskirts of Frostrim]

Mahara smiles gently and adjust her white fur robes. "Greetings. I am new to this world. I come seeking knowledge and, perhaps, amusement. What can you share with me?"

Mahara and the Dragon - The Ruins of Frostwatch

Tilting its head, the dragon would look at the strange creature that had come to it. Strange... a being of cold and ice, familiar and yet not. The still-waking mind of this godly shard would take this in, and be slow to react, though once it had, the dragon would simply yawn, and then state, "Well now, a wanderer? And wander far you must have, though you have arrived at a grave, unfortunately. Here there is not much to share, I am afraid. A god decided to attack the peoples that lived within these ruins, and this has sent the poor things into hiding... and I have taken them under my protection."

Yag-Azreal's avatar would tilt its head ever so slightly, as if considering something, and then it would volunteer, "However, you are young, and there is much more than this first world to explore. Grand libraries, and castles draped in ruin, as well as the dreams of so many to explore and their imaginations to experience. Perhaps you would be interested in finding a plane beyond this temporary dream, madam...?" The dragon would task, tilting its head, and curious as to how the godling would respond.

The Growing Shadow - Frostrim, War Path of the Echo

Within the Cavern of the Dragon the Fang would teach her disciples, and listen to their tales. Never speaking a word herself, the Fang of the Lurker would show, and listen to woe upon woe from the world outside of the darkness, to the tales of those who had suffered, and to those who had once inflicted suffering. As her Claws began to learn how to bend their blessing to their wills and to master the Dance of the Night, she learned of the Echo, and the great harms that his army had begun to inflict, creating more and more destitute, orphaned and abandoned, many of which inevitably came to Frostrim, and the community the First Song promised.

While the Fang might be pleased with this, as it made the community stronger, her master cautioned against growing complacent with it. For Frostrim was now growing, and while it was unknown now, it would be one day tested by this war-hungry god that led such armies out into the world. Chastised so, the Fang would instead think to go out and test the Echo first. Thus far, the god and his armies had met resistance only from what small militias were hastily raised against them, or night shriekers who slew a small handful of civilians and soldiers before being dispatched, never a true challenge. Though Yag-Azreal cautioned against such a bold move, as Frostrim itself was still reeling from the Nocturne rain, the Fang was curious and ignored this suggestion. Her plans would not be the movement of a true army, but rather, the movement of a strike force, which would leave before they were even seen.

The Fang and her twelve disciples would slip from Frostrim in the dead of True Night, traveling paths that few had seen faster than any mount could have taken them. In the dark of night they marched as living shadows, while during the day they rested, camped, and silently prepared for the first true trial to test their skills. The path that Therus left, while hard to find within the land mass of the massive continent, would be easy to follow, especially since many in the party had come from lands ravaged by the Echo's path of conquest. While they might not return from this first strike, these twelve would be glad to strike out as they now were doing, and their blades would be sharpened by their hatred and thirst for vengeance. In only a few days, the Fang and her Claws would strike, and paint the night in crimson. And, if all went as planned, they would slip away before the bodies were even noticed. No tracks, no trail, and no prisoners to betray what had been left behind.

Of course, a God resided within this walking castle, which could always complicate matters. And some small part of the Fang hoped that things would become... messy. Her blade, forged specifically for her mission, would gain its name here, and taste its first blood, and a true skirmish would allow it to drink deeply.

Starting AP: 6

Rollover: +5 AP, +Divine Infusion

-2 AP: Sub-concept; Shadow Dancing (evocation subconcept) Shadow Dancing is the command over shadows and the night itself. Literally dancing to the tune of the first song can allow a skilled practitioner off Evocation to shape this magic, letting the user forge weapons, barriers and armor from the darkness as they will. Users can also travel through shadows, and use the magic to keep themselves hidden from normal sight. Additionally, somewhat connected to the Beyond because of the Dragon's permanent connection to the plane, shadow dancing allows the user to draw power and allies from within that dream realm... or at least, it would, if summoning were to ever become a proper magic.

-1 AP: Sub-concept; Night Body (Shadow Dancing subconcept) This technique of shadow dancing utilizes the magic present within the Scar itself. More specifically, it commands and pulls a small amount of the Scar to the user, allowing the shadow dancer to enter that ethereal half-plane. This does not allow the user to travel directly to the Beyond, but it does allow them to exist within this half-plane, functionally making them into an invisible wraith that can stride through barriers, and travel over far, far greater distances than a normal being could manage. While within this dream-like form, the user creates a disembodied shimmer in the air, and still leaves a shadow along the ground, neither of which are that visible at night.

-1 AP: Create Organization; The Claw The Claw are a group of assassins and spies hand-picked by the Fang, and trained in the arts of Shadow Dancing. While they also serve Yag-Azreal's silent will within Frostrim, for the most part they are an elite force that protects the community from outside forces. Their true loyalty is to the Fang, and the Fang alone. Almost unknown even within their parent community, the Claw only move and strike at night, but even if they are forced to travel during the day they are nearly impossible to detect. This has led to many thinking that they are little more than an urban legend, and that the mortals who disappear once they join this group are just individuals who leave Frostrim without telling anyone, which is something that happens from time to time (especially because of the renewed Wanderlust that has applied lately).

-3 AP: Create Minor Artifact (Combat); Anathema, the Fang's Bite A blade that can, theoretically, kill anything, Anathema is the personal tool of the Fang, forced and created by her, and infused with power by Yag-Azreal itself. Any wound caused by Anathema's obsidian edge is able to sever the soul from the body (though those of strong will can resist this), it ignores magical protection, and it can unravel the animating force of undead and constructs with a touch. Gods are immune to its power, but the blade can still harm them... even if it is only a minor inconvenience, rather than a death sentence (Like a paper cut instead of a decapitation).

Gain Domain: Death (Assassins) For the night is the domain of the dragon's fangs, so too shall it shroud the dragon's claws, and tear with the dragon's teeth. Those who walk the path of the assassin must give the Lurker its due, or find the dragon's claws turned upon them instead.
-2 AP: Create hero: The Fang
-3 AP: Create artifact (combat); Anathema, the Fang's Bite
-2 AP: Sub-concept; Shadow Dancing
-1 AP: Sub-concept; Night Body
-1 AP: Organization; The Claw
-1 AP: Blessing; Children of the Night

Ending AP: 2, Divine Infusion

2016-12-11, 07:36 PM
The Splitting of the Soul
It was some time after the Wanderer had left Meelamman when he found himself resting beneath a strong, tall tree. Sleeping next to him was the hound he had named Scylla. Looking over her unconscious form, the Wanderer was moved to take a strange action. First, he reached out through the world until he found each of his Pack, feeling their essence. Then, he turned his gaze inward, to his own godly soul (if it could be called that), and tore a small piece from it, causing himself no small amount of pain. Then, taking this piece of soul, he divided it into nine, and interwove it with the souls of the hounds, irrevocably binding them to him while also greatly increasing their power. When this was done, he found that he had accidentally given Fenrir slightly more power than the others, raising him even further above.

The Marching Castle
After some more time had passed, the Wanderer found himself drinking from the waters of the Lower Webiga. Within his mind he heard a voice, clear and feminine, speaking. It belonged to the hound which he had named Martha, and it said "I see a great building, a fortress of size greater than one would imagine possible. And not only that, but this fortress walks upon four legs. On its current path, it will eventually find the island of the Yaxin." This was news of great interest to the Wanderer. He reached out to Fenrir in his mind, saying "Follow this castle of which Martha speaks. Watch it closely, and ascertain the nature of its inhabitants. Inform me of all developments."

Many days later, Fenrir informed the Wanderer of the castle's arrival in Meelamman. The Wanderer was troubled by Therus's proclamation. "For now, only observe. Stay far from the action, and tell me all that happens."

1 AP + 4 AP (Rollover) = 5 AP
-3 AP Infuse Mystical Life: The Wanderer's Pack The souls of the Wanderer's pack are now woven together with that of the Nameless Wanderer, becoming Fabled Life. Though there is no outward change to mark this, they are now much more powerful, having access to some of the divine power of their creator. In addition, they may now telepathically communicate with the Nameless Wanderer over any distance, and he always knows the exact location of each member of the Pack.
-2 AP Raise Hero: Fenrir, He of Two Forms When the Wanderer infused his Pack, he accidentally granted slightly more power to Fenris, the alpha. This wolf now possesses the ability to take humanoid form, appearing as a vaguely-elflike creature (what would be recognized OOC as a "human"). He finds doing so distasteful, however, and only takes his alternate form when absolutely necessary.

2016-12-11, 10:47 PM
Sathwatch's Bow

Sathwatch sat within his hollow deep within the Tree of Life with closed eyes as he felt the Song wash over his body. He reveled in the Song which was sang by his worshippers as they went about their lives amidst the Floating Isles of Kahd. He relished in their music which rippled through the very fabric of Life and he was pleased.

He reached out and gently stroked the wood within the Tree of Life. His hands gently caressed the bark in a smooth up and down motion as his warm breath gently sang a song. A shudder traveled through his body as he felt the Tree of Life burst and flower at his touch.

With one final sigh, he pulled from the Tree a beautiful bow, seemingly wrought from a living tree with vines and leaves wrapped around it's body. Sathwatch smiled as he reached for the invisible drawstring and felt the air itself respond to his touch as he drew back... Sathwatch smiled.

5AP, 1PAP Start
-5AP Create Major Artifact(Sathwatch's Bow): Sathwatch's Bow was crafted from the very living wood of The Tree of Life. It is a living weapon which possesses neither a traditional drawstring nor arrows. Instead, when the user wills it, air coalesces into a drawstring and when pulled back, air becomes it's arrow.
0AP, 1PAP Remains

Admiral Squish
2016-12-11, 11:10 PM
The Gates of Phari
First Orc looked up at the looming gates of Phari, its watchtowers empty. His newfound people stood at his back, a legion thousands strong, tired, hungry, wearing only what clothes they could cobble together out of animal hides and carrying only what tools they could make while on the move. They’d traveled far, and seeing the city’s walls, he’d hoped to find people here, with whom his people could trade for food, clothes, weapons, medicine… Finding such a city, fully-fledged and apparently empty was… disconcerting. But he could not ignore such a thing.

First Orc pushed open the gates, mighty arms flexing as the heavy doors swung wide. His people poured into the city, exploring the empty city eagerly, but cautiously. They found building after building empty, abandoned, but still in working order, like it had never been used. Once they’d secured the city, the first legion settled in for the night. After weeks on the road, sleeping under the stars, eating only what they could hunt down, the orcs of the First Legion were glad to have shelter and proper tools for the first time. First Orc slept restlessly, tossing and turning in a claimed bed near the center of the city.

Days, weeks passed, the orcs settling into their newly-claimed city, like a hermit cab settling into a newfound shell. An empty city required a great deal of effort to get running. Food, materials, supplies… All the while, First Orc grew increasingly dissatisfied with the stillness, the stability. One morning, he stepped out into the city square and called the orcs to gather with a mighty bellow. When they’d gathered, he told his people they had a choice, to stay here, to settle this land and build a grand capital for the orcs, or to come with him and travel the lands in a glorious legion.

Many chose to stay, eager to explore the options available to them in the city, but at least a thousand chose to follow First Orc once again, a smaller, leaner legion, now better equipped for the rigors of the road. Gathered behind First Orc, they set out from Phari, back across the plains, but heading north and east this time.

With the legion gone, the remaining orcs formed themselves a rudimentary leadership, a council of defacto leaders, the most talented hunter, farmer, smith, and builder among them to direct the settlement in its development.

Starting AP: 10+4 (rollover)= 14

Form Society (-2 AP): Phari Council The empty city of Phari is now claimed by the orcs, and led by a council of the most skilled orcs in each field important to the city’s operation.

Ending AP: 12

Tanzan Aura
2016-12-12, 03:54 PM
Feeling the first tentative bands of yet another new pantheon wrapping about it, Yag-Azreal would begin to settle into the role once more. Though this time... this time it was supporting the other beings, not leading them, and not ignoring them. This, perhaps, would make things interesting for a time. Old memories began to awaken once more within the god's mind, and as it looked back to Ezoth, the Void Dragon would almost grin imperceptibly. A sad, empty grin. "Well then, ask me what you wish to know of worlds beyond counting and imagination... and in return, I ask only that you tell me what you know of this world, its peoples, and its gods."

Now if only Yag-Azreal had been awake for all of this, perhaps it wouldn't have to rely upon such a naive deity to tell it of the world... Ah, but these regrets would come to haunt the dragon many times in the coming days. If only it had decided to wake up instead. What wonders could it have witnessed, and what peoples could it have created?

The Dragon and the Stars - The Great Planetary

The deity of sleep lifted a wing up, that soon dissapeared into the clouds composing their physical body. One by one, the books that Yag-Azreal hid in lifted themselves up and got back into place, where they should be, while the furniture that was knocked over got back up. It was quite mesmerising to look at the ribbons of books floating, the view seemed to last less than a few minutes. As the last book found its place, the voice of Ezoth resonated within the planetary.

The knowledge you seek can be found within this place. Dream Sprites are currently studying the different races of the First World and their mores, you can read what they found there.

The Starlit one made a movement that made some of the particles composing the cloud hiding them go toward a direction, probably to show a large portion of the place they were in. Half of that place could easily be accessed to by walking in the shade, but the shadow god will have to wait for the sun to set to gradually gain access to the other half.

As for the knowledge I seek, perhaps you could start by explaining what do you mean by using world as a plural. Do you mean planes ?

1 + 5 = 6AP [rollover]

2016-12-12, 07:32 PM
Biyaha - Above Dalalkan

The land quake and broke flying upward as it was ripped from the surface. From Mount Hatii in the north to the Wild Plains the land was torn asunder, rising to become a tremendous floating archipelago. The Father of Waters watch in fascination, then looked on as the waters rushed in to fill the gaping hole in the land.

Reaching out into the ocean he drug his hand along the ocean floor, tearing up chunks of earth. Settling over the newly formed inland sea, he rolled the hunks of ocean floor through the massive rain cloud, and a heavy mud rain fell upon the land. The inland sea was slowly filled in with new lands and features.

First let me apologize for the horribly non-creative nature of the post, but I'm a bit rushed.
Beginning AP = 8AP + 1PAP +1DFC
Create Land - 2AP: The Pristine Lands - the land where The Floating Isles of Kahd, were removed from Dalalkan is replaced, with nearly identical physical features.
Remaining AP = 8AP - 2AP = 6AP

Claim Panoply: Shaping - A Shaping Panoply provides a bonus to countering an Alter Land action as if the God spent an additional AP

5AP Create Major Artifact - The Hand of Divinity
3AP Infuse Artifact - The Hand of Divinity
2AP Create Land - The Pristine Lands

2016-12-13, 09:11 PM
Boqor the Younger - Meelamman

The marching castle comes to Meelamman.

Over the lake the people of Meelamman saw a structure larger than any they had built… walking towards the town. The great castle moved over the lake as though it was walking through a shallow puddle even though the castle’s pillars weren’t touching the lake bed. Atop the castle’s tallest tower was a giant black flag with the symbol of red a downwards facing sword. The flag always caught the wind and could be seen clearly from the shore.

A noises sometime whistles and chirps, sometimes odd flowing words, echoed thought the town. The noises were more felt inside a creature’s body and though the ground then heard. It was loud like thunder and made everything inside the town reverb. In a way that they couldn’t explain the people of Meelamman understood the noises even as it made their ears ring.

“Worms. I am Therus, The Echo I am approaching your home’s. When I arrive I will try to bring pain and misery to you, use this time to run or ready for my arrival.

But you pathetic worms you have some hope, if a champion can defeat myself in a fair one against one contest will do not harm to any of this town. I will face any challengers willing to accept my terms until there are none left or until I have been bested.

Your pathetic eyes should be able to see my castle’s approach as such Only challengers at the area of my arrival when I arrive will be accepted. Until then ‘ay fortune favour the bold.’”

The words had sent a wave of panic through the gatorfolk of Meelamman, and Boqor was faced with a number of tough choices. After listening to the tribal chieftains bicker for half a day he finally stood and spoke, "That thing draws closer by the second and it's nearly big enough to block out the sun! Enough talking. Each of you take your tribes and disperse from this place. I want no groups large than twenty so break into clans and scatter. I know of no way to deal with this menace head on. Take the doons, and flee."

After the chieftains had left the room, Boqor went to his wife and children, "Xaaskiisa take Gabadhiisii and little Boqor, go to my parent's house. They will be preparing to leave, and I want you to join them. No. No words, no good-byes, just go."

He helped her pack a handful of belongings, hugged his children and kissed his wife before sending them away. With the house now silent he slide on his nocturne chain shirt and strapped on the dagger than had been gifted to him by the mysterious Wanderer years earlier. Solemnly he went to the pier looking out over the Syman Sea. The menacing black castle loomed across the water, inexorably growing closer every day. Jumping into the only remaining doon he untied it from the pier and reached for the tiller only to discover...his father. Boqor II's years weighed upon him heavily, but the mental fugue that had plagued since the Night of Terrors had seemingly lifted. He reached out and placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "We'll face this together, son. I'm proud of you. You are a better man than I ever was."

The words hung in the air briefly before the older man nodded, sat down and took the tiller. Boqor the Younger walked to the mast and unfurled the small sail and the boat slipped away from the pier, slowly turning toward the approaching fortress.

2016-12-14, 03:17 AM
Boqor the Younger - Meelamman

The words had sent a wave of panic through the gatorfolk of Meelamman, and Boqor was faced with a number of tough choices. After listening to the tribal chieftains bicker for half a day he finally stood and spoke, "That thing draws closer by the second and it's nearly big enough to block out the sun! Enough talking. Each of you take your tribes and disperse from this place. I want no groups large than twenty so break into clans and scatter. I know of no way to deal with this menace head on. Take the doons, and flee."

After the chieftains had left the room, Boqor went to his wife and children, "Xaaskiisa take Gabadhiisii and little Boqor, go to my parent's house. They will be preparing to leave, and I want you to join them. No. No words, no good-byes, just go."

He helped her pack a handful of belongings, hugged his children and kissed his wife before sending them away. With the house now silent he slide on his nocturne chain shirt and strapped on the dagger than had been gifted to him by the mysterious Wanderer years earlier. Solemnly he went to the pier looking out over the Syman Sea. The menacing black castle loomed across the water, inexorably growing closer every day. Jumping into the only remaining doon he untied it from the pier and reached for the tiller only to discover...his father. Boqor II's years weighed upon him heavily, but the mental fugue that had plagued since the Night of Terrors had seemingly lifted. He reached out and placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "We'll face this together, son. I'm proud of you. You are a better man than I ever was."

The words hung in the air briefly before the older man nodded, sat down and took the tiller. Boqor the Younger walked to the mast and unfurled the small sail and the boat slipped away from the pier, slowly turning toward the approaching fortress.

Fools meet a god.

The marching castle’s pillars sent out a great wake that shook and rocked Boqor’s boat. As the boat draw closer to the castle, from the corner of their eyes they saw a body splash into the water. Why would they drop a body from so high?

A gauntlet grabbed the front of the boat and an armored figure pulled its self-up on to the deck. An elf in armor of fine chains and plates made form a black metal, with features no smith could forge. A sheath holding an ornate sword hung from his wast as flowing cape hung from his shoulders.

“You will have to forgive me worms, I was not expecting you to come to me. I dare to say you might have a better chance on the land than out here in the open water, but if you wish to fight out here it's your choice.

I’m Therus the echo, what are your names and what has led you here little worms?”

The voice didn’t suit the body, it was the voice of a force of nature not that of a man. There was even a tiny delay between the lips and the noise.

2016-12-14, 02:52 PM
The Fang and Death - The God Returns

The Fang would look at Rebek, having waited for the god's response while remaining within the darkness, and then it gestured at the ghostly image of the castle ruins that were visible through the Scar. "The Realm of Dreams is the name given to the Beyond by the mortals within this eternal night. Simple to reach. Sleep, dream, and then pull yourself onto the place you 'awaken' within. If you wish, the Bards will assist you with the transition, godling." The shadowy being would state, before tilting her head slightly, and adding, "The observatory will reside above the Castle within the Beyond, and should be impossible to miss, as it is visible from anywhere on the reflection of the southern peninsula... though if you would speak to my master alone, then my master invites you to a private audience within its throne room. For it still rests within the ruins of the Castle of Memories... waiting for another to see its true face."

Moving along the waves, every step languid and not disturbing the surface of the water, the Fang would state, "If you wish to know where the Bards reside, then follow me, oh god of Death. Your creations have served us well, and the Bards of Frostrim would be happy to return the favor." And with this, the Fang began to wander back to Frostrim, to re-join her people, and to potentially lead a god to them.

The sight upon arrival would be an interesting one. Where so many races had gone out of their way to try and drive away and destroy their restless dead, the bards had instead gone out of their way to use them... and to command them. Far more effectively than simple orders would allow, the zombies from the Noctourne rain would haul construction equipment and lift beams for foremen and workers alike, their undying flesh tireless and perfect for holding every part steady. Even their mindless elemental creations would be joining in, elementals of water blasting away clay from stone, while elementals of earth would carry the rocks freed from their imprisonment. Fire elementals would be surprisingly absent, all of them instead surrounding the edges of town, endlessly patrolling in case a Night Shrieker were to come and attack. The lack of light and heat did not seem to bother the living or the dead anyway as they worked, not even looking up as the Fang and her potential guest arrived. They would not see the two even if they had. These workmen were not the ones who needed to know about the Fang or Rebek, nor would the chosen of Yag-Azreal even know what to do should the Fang or the God be revealed to them!

No, instead the Council would be where the Fang was headed, to learn of their new problems, and to teach her disciples a new form of magic...

Rebek, the Silent Servant walked with Fang - in silence unless she spoke and then only saying enough to answer the question. He did pause at the entry to Frostrim though and spend quite some time examining how the zombies were used. An idea had been percolating for a while and, seeing his creations involved in construction, it became stronger. It could wait for now though.

Where are the Bards to be found? I do not sleep, nor dream.

2016-12-14, 08:42 PM
Boqor the Younger

"My name is Boqor. I'm here because you threatened to bring pain and misery to our people."

2016-12-15, 01:50 AM
The Slimnian didn't have a whole lot of use for the metal goods of the Yaxin, though they were happy enough to trade their reed goods and stories for tales from the South. Eventually some of them started to travel the river. Letting the current down to Meelamman where the kept to themselves and listened to the lives of their new found friends.

They rather hoped things would work out with the massive stone creature, but the Slimnia weren't sure what they could do about it if it didn't.

The Floating Mountain
On Mt. Hatii the Sinca were in a significant amount of distress. The stone folk were very much not an agile people. Once they started moving they tended to stay moving until they ran into something. Previously this had not been a problem. The worse that could happen was that they would roll down the mountain for a ways.

Now the worse that what happen was that they would roll off their little bit of island and fall for to the ground far far below. And while the Sinca were as tough as the stones they had been sung from they weren't indestructible.

And so the Sinca began to sing to each other. A long slow song as they very very carefully tried not to move, while they gradually coaxed the islands they remained on to float back together. And once the fragmented harmony had joined back together they continued to sing. And with a low rumbling a great wall was raised around the Sinca lands.

Not to keep others out, but to keep the stone folk in.

The Para-Elemental Demi-Plane of Ash
As Om bashed through the massive rock walls that constrained it the Raging Stone suddenly found itself in the open. Drifts of ash and metal dust covered the ground and storms blew through the air on boiling winds.

This suited Om's current mood fairly well. So instead of heading back into the earth to try and dig its way to the First World it began to roam the scorched plains. Still in a furious mood it sang of pain and suffering. The stone vowed to find whatever had pulled it away and show them the force of an earthquake and the fury of an ash storm.

And the in its wake the hordes of Dro echoed its song and followed their maddened god.

The Faceted Loam
Not every Dro followed Om into the ashy wastes. Being a rather chaotic and unorganized grouping some of them had been going in other directions or too busy bashing some poor Shi into the cavern floor.

And suddenly as if a switch had been thrown they weren't furious anymore. They were still angry of course. But now their emotion burned like a tended furnace rather than a raging inferno. What remained was stubborn desire to reach the first world. That paradise that no Dro had ever seen.

At first they roamed aimlessly with no direction. But as first one, then another Dro began to put forward plans and gather followers the Dro formed into organized bands to begin putting thoughts into action.

AP Actions
Starting AP: 1
(5 AP) Rollover
(5 AP) Rollover

(Divine Favor) Alter Land: The Wall of Safe Travels
The islands that were previously Mt. Hatii form back together into one much large and flatter floating island. The rim of this new island raises up into a massive natural wall forming a bowl to hold the Harmony of the Sincas.

(-2 AP) Mythic Subconcept of the Song of Stone: The Song of Ash
The Song of Ash is one of fire and hate. Those who sing can degrade that which they touch into its basest state. Stone crumbling into dust, metal rusts, wood turns to ash. And it all forms into a whirling storm that moves at the direction of the singer attacking their foes and bringing ruin to the land around them.

(-2 AP) Form Society: The Hordes of Ash
The Dro who live on the same plane as Om are basically a crazed and bloodthirsty group. They hate anything that isn't Om or the direct creations of Om. And they don't particularly like each other either.

Still now that Om has calmed down slightly they have formed a more organized grouping. The Hordes of Ash travel in groups hundreds strong lashing out at all around them. They feed on the debris, especially any metal.

Each band is led by the strongest most fanatical Dro. And in turn these bands fight each for the right to stay close to Om. Thus the Dro are organized mainly by their proximity to Om. With the weakest Dro bands ranging out for hundreds of miles, while the largest and strongest Dro form a ring of hate around the mad god.

(-2 AP) Form Society: The Order of Nocturne
Those Dro who aren't on the same plane as Om are rather more rational. They still don't particular like anyone, but they don't kill and destroy everything around them anymore. Instead they form into tight social groupings that spend their time debating courses of action and building things.

This is because the Dro are motivated by a innate desire to reach the First World which echos that of their god, Om. Unfortunately they have no idea how to do that. As such any Dro that comes up with a good idea will naturally draw a crowd of other Dro. They will then tirelessly work to put that idea into effect.

Should it succeed, or at least seem to make progress, then the Dro will continue and the group will become larger and larger as it attracts more Dro. Should it fail, then the whole grouping will disperse until another Dro puts forward another plan.

Ending AP: 5

2016-12-15, 02:07 AM
Boqor the Younger

"My name is Boqor. I'm here because you threatened to bring pain and misery to our people."

Fight or flight, Qabow sea.

Therus looked at Boqor. He was the younger of the creatures but there was a courage or defiance with that youth.

“Boqor. I have promised pain and misery for your people, if there is no challenger that can best me. I doubt you worms would have sailed out here if you didn’t wish to stop me. I had planned to face the challengers once my castle arrived at your home’s shore, but if you wish to challenge the Echo here,”

The Echo struck his fists together making a noise like a deafening clap of thunder. As the clap left a ringing in their ears, the elven and takwan words where sill understood.

“I accept you challenge Boqor, show me what you have little worm!”

The god shifted his stance, lowering his centre of gravity and raising his hands, readying for battle.

2016-12-15, 08:18 AM
Boqor the Younger and The Masked Puppet

Shaking his head momentarily to stop the ringing in his ears, Boqor tilts his head and gives the strange, heavily armored being an appraising look, "Your words are confusing. You threaten us with pain and misery, but assumed we would wait for you bring such to our people? I came in response to your threats, not as a challenge to some kind of honor duel. Wanton violence is not the way of the Yaxin."

An older man emerges from behind the sail to stand next to Boqor, the family resemblance is obvious.

Black Socks
2016-12-15, 03:06 PM
The Gates of Phari
First Orc looked up at the looming gates of Phari, its watchtowers empty. His newfound people stood at his back, a legion thousands strong, tired, hungry, wearing only what clothes they could cobble together out of animal hides and carrying only what tools they could make while on the move. They’d traveled far, and seeing the city’s walls, he’d hoped to find people here, with whom his people could trade for food, clothes, weapons, medicine… Finding such a city, fully-fledged and apparently empty was… disconcerting. But he could not ignore such a thing.

First Orc pushed open the gates, mighty arms flexing as the heavy doors swung wide. His people poured into the city, exploring the empty city eagerly, but cautiously. They found building after building empty, abandoned, but still in working order, like it had never been used. Once they’d secured the city, the first legion settled in for the night. After weeks on the road, sleeping under the stars, eating only what they could hunt down, the orcs of the First Legion were glad to have shelter and proper tools for the first time. First Orc slept restlessly, tossing and turning in a claimed bed near the center of the city.

Days, weeks passed, the orcs settling into their newly-claimed city, like a hermit cab settling into a newfound shell. An empty city required a great deal of effort to get running. Food, materials, supplies… All the while, First Orc grew increasingly dissatisfied with the stillness, the stability. One morning, he stepped out into the city square and called the orcs to gather with a mighty bellow. When they’d gathered, he told his people they had a choice, to stay here, to settle this land and build a grand capital for the orcs, or to come with him and travel the lands in a glorious legion.

Many chose to stay, eager to explore the options available to them in the city, but at least a thousand chose to follow First Orc once again, a smaller, leaner legion, now better equipped for the rigors of the road. Gathered behind First Orc, they set out from Phari, back across the plains, but heading north and east this time.

With the legion gone, the remaining orcs formed themselves a rudimentary leadership, a council of defacto leaders, the most talented hunter, farmer, smith, and builder among them to direct the settlement in its development.

Starting AP: 10+4 (rollover)= 14

Form Society (-2 AP): Phari Council The empty city of Phari is now claimed by the orcs, and led by a council of the most skilled orcs in each field important to the city’s operation.

Ending AP: 12
The elves south of Phari wonder what the strange creatures who occupied the city are. Eventually, their leader, Branch-Dance (the elf blessed by Qefnera), decides to go and see what happened.

He goes alone, appointing a few trusted advisors to lead in his absence. He takes some supplies and sets off for Phari.

He makes it a few miles on foot before realising that this isn't gonna work.

Looking to the sky, he sees something swoop down. It is a large bird, with brilliant rainbow plumage and a back that seems conveniently designed for an elf to ride on it.

Branch-Dance smiles.

"Greetings, sweet.... Nylicorax. May I ride you to Phari?"
The bird squawks in agreement, and Branch-Dance rides towards the city.

As he approaches, he repeatedly yells "I come in the name of the elves, and mean no harm!"

Starting = 8 AP
Create Monstrous Life (1 AP): Nylicorax are large birds that were designed to be mounts for elves. They are gentle by nature, but form a close bond with their rider, and do not appreciate you attacking their rider.
Total= 7 AP remaining

2016-12-15, 09:34 PM
The Taking of the Sea
The Khermian Adopus were the first to notice that the ocean had been taken. The Dosidicus were the ones who were able to put two and two together when they noticed the floating islands in the sky. They made their case to Illith who considered It’s options. Finally It moved forward as It weaved the power of the Denier deep within the sea.
The process was a slow one as rains began to fall more and the tides began to rise and fall further than before. As the rains drained away and the ocean retreated it started to become apparent that erosion was increasing. Of course such a thing could only be seen after a decade or more as rivers grew wider and beaches began to invade the land further. What the sediments did once they entered the ocean was anyone’s guess as the cephalids denied any sort of responsibility or wrong doing.

The Shifting of the Manse
Expansion had largely stopped for the Lustrian Cirrina. Their population reached out from Chaqua about as far as they desired before they risked leaving the good graces of She Who Purifies Us. And so She worked the magic of the infused plane to remove the randomness that they once lived in. Instead the cities of the Lustrian Cirrina would fan out from the grand first city on this side of the portal. Eight rings of steadily increasing numbers until the grand total of cities, reefs, or otherwise outposts numbered 4,096.

Something New, Something Terrifying
Deep within Zandri the Eldrazi continued to work their blessed magic in creating new life to serve them. The furthest explorers brought tales of flying islands and strange mantas they fly through the sky instead of the ocean. Unlike anything they had done before, these new creatures were entirely different than anything else. Thankfully the children of the Tentacled Mistress had no concern over such things as looking right or normal.
What made them a benefit to the Khermian Adopus was the fact that they could carry the other members of the society through the sky. They performed this service by growing a skin membrane from their chest and stomach that were able to carry an Eldrazi, Grozoth, Kraken or a couple dozen Cephalids or Drones. The passengers would then cut their way out and the Skyswallower would regrow said skin sack in about a day. Beyond these means they had few defenses or attacks and could, theoretically, be killed while in midflight. On the off chance they pissed something off and they attacked the peaceful carriers.
Starting: 6 AP, 1 PAP, IP, IL
Curse (-3 AP, 1 PAP): The Chipping of the Land Illith has slowly altered the water cycle again. Unlike the storms near the beginning of time, these rains steadily increase in frequency. After about eight months the rains have finally doubled for most places on the First World, except for deserts. While proper irrigation can be used to funnel the extra rain to help increase crop production, the wild areas are prone to increased erosion. Furthermore the increased water output causes the tides to become more pronounced, beaches creeping further in land at about the same rate that the rains are washing away random bits of land and causing rivers to swell with sediment and water.
Alter Land (Infused Plane): The Ordering of the Manse occurs as the Lustrian Cirrina shifts in position.. Eight rings of cities form, each ring eight days apart from another and each city roughly equidistant from each other. There are outposts scattered out among the rings that the Cephalids have started to grow to accompany the cities that the Cascading Wave already had. All told, 4096 villages, towns, or cities exist.
Create Monstrous Race (Infused Race): Skyswallowers are going to be easier to show. The creature inside is an Eldrazi, they are relatively defensively and about as dangerous as any other giant squid although a bit slower since they drift through the air most of the time.
Ending: 3 AP
Domain Life (Eldrazi)
Create Mystical Subrace: Eldrazi (2)
Infuse Eldrazi (3)
Create Avatar (4)
Bless: The Changing Dust (1)
Domain Water (Cascading Waves)
Create Mystical Life: Elementals (1)
Infuse Plane: Manse of the Cascading Waves (3)
Bridge Planes: The Sinking Marshes of Khernarch (2)
Bless: The Following Rains (1)
Curse: The Chipping at the Land (3)