View Full Version : 2nd to 3/.5 ed Monster conversions

2016-10-17, 12:00 AM
Does anyone have or know if there are any conversion of the undead giants that appear in Dragon #254?

The article suggested there is some inherent elemental magic in the very being of giants, and thus they would not become simple zombies or skeletons is animated.

2016-10-17, 01:16 AM
Its looks pretty straightforward. I am far from an expert on 2e but I can give them a shot. I'll post as I finish each one.

2016-10-17, 01:54 AM
Barrowe CE Large Undead (augmented giant?)
HD 13d12 HP 78 (Average)
Initiative: -1 (dex)
Spd: 50 feet
AC: 18 (-1 size, -1 dex, +10 natural) Touch 8, FF 18
BA/G: 6/17
Atk: +14/+9 melee Greatclub 2d8 +10, or 2 Slams +13 melee 1d8+7 plus energy drain, or thrown boulder +5/+0 ranged 2d6 +7
F/R: 10ft/10ft
SA: Energy Drain, Rock Throwing,
SQ: Create Spawn, undead traits, DR 10/magic or silver, Unnatural Aura, Vulnerable to Raise Dead, Immune to Cold, Darkvision 60 feet
Abil: Str 24, Dex 8, Con -, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 7
Saves: Fort + 4, Ref + 3, Will + 8
Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Imp. Bull rush, Improved Sunder, Weapon focus: Greatclub
Skills: Climb +14, Jump +14, Listen +8, Spot +8
Organization: Solitary, pair, or trio
CR: 7?

Energy Drain: DC 15, charisma based. I would make the neg level on hit, not save or neg level, just to keep it in line with 3.5 negative levels.
Rock Throwing : Barrowe's can throw rocks as a Hill giant can, but they cannot catch them.
Create Spawn: Any humanoid slain by a Barrowe's Energy Drain attack becomes a hulking, apelike undead with 1/2 their previous HD, but all of the Barrowe's abilities except rock throwing. Their ability scores remain the same. Spawn are not under the control of the Barrowe that created them and wander off to find their own lair as soon as all living things nearby are dead. A giant slain by these negative levels becomes another Barrowe with all abilities.
Unnatural Aura: Wild and domesticated animals will not come within 60 feet unless forced, and will flee at the earlier opportunity (treat as panicked). For 1/4 mile of their lair all vegetation withers and dies. There mere presence is enough to all normal plants. Any animals they manage to catch they kill for pleasure.
Vulnerable to Raise Dead: A raise dead spell cast on a Barrowe slays it instantly (will save to resist)
Immune to Cold: Barrowes are immune to all cold damage.

2016-10-17, 03:09 AM
Cairn NE Huge Undead [Augmented Giant]
HD: 15d12 Hp 97 (average)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Spd: 50 feet
AC: 25 (-2 size, +1 dex, +17 nat) Touch 9, FF 25
BA/G: 7/27
Atk: Greatclub +17/12 Melee 3d8 + 18, 2 slams +17 Melee 1d6 +12, or rock + 17/+12 ranged 3d8+18
F/R: 15/15
SA: Rock throwing
SQ: Mindsight 100 feet, Uncanny Dodge (Dex), Darkvision 60 ft, Undead traits, Immune to Cold, Immune to Acid, Immune to Earth* spells (see spoiler), Spell Vulnerabilities, DR 10/Magic and Silver, Unnatural Aura,
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +12
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 13, Con-, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
Skills: Climb + 26, Hide + 17*, Jump + 34, Spot +19
Feats: Power attack, Imp. Bull Rush, Point blank shot, Precise Shot, Brutal Throw, Iron Will
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Trio
CR: 9

Rock Throwing: Cairn's are adept at throwing rocks, but cannot catch them. The range increment for a Cairn's Rock throwing is 350 feet. They use strength instead of dex for ranged attack rolls, and ad 1.5x strength just like you would with a two handed weapon, as do regular stone giants.
Mindsight: Cairns are lightly telepathic, and can detect the presence of any living creature withing 100 feet provided it has at least 1 intelligence. It can pinpoint their location, but without another means to see them they are treated as having total concealment.
Uncanny Dodge: Cairns are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and are never caught flat footed. As the rogue class feature.
Immune to Cold: Cairns take no damage from cold spells or effects with the cold descriptor, including mundane means.
Immune to Acid: Cairns take no damage from acid spells or effects with the acid descriptor, including mundane means.
Immune to Earth Spells: Cairns are immune to spells and effects with the Earth descriptor, but see below.
Spell Vulnerabilities: Certain Spells effect Cairn's differently. A Stone to Flesh spell negates its damage reduction (but not its elemental immunites) for 1 round per caster level. A Transmute rock to mud spell reduces a cairns AC to half (13) for a round per caster level, a Raise Dead spell on a Cairn instantly slays it (will negates).
Damage Reduction: Cairn's take normal damage from weapons that are both magic and silver.
Unnatural Aura: Wild and domesticated animals will not approach within 60 feet of a Cairn. Its presence is unnerving but not as strong as a Barrowe. All plant life within 1/4 mile radius from its lair withers and dies.
Skills: Cairn's have a +8 racial bonus to hide underground, in mountains, or near unworked stone. This has NOT been factored into its statistics.

I wasn't sure how exactly the DR changes work, but +2 to magic and silver seems reasonable. Uncanny dodge fit their immune surprise bonus ability, mindsight is awesome, I guessed at its range. The spell immunity thing with earth spells is weird, but Acid is the earth damage type, and I'll leave that up to DM interpretation as to how it interacts with other stuff. Barring summoned elementals not too much too worry about mostly. They are listed as Huge despite stone giants in 3.5 being large, so I changed the size, and altered their feats. They love throwing rocks so brutal throw is much better than combat reflexes with 13 dex. I did use upped 3.5 damage values over the 2e stuff. Not a major change, but more fitting. I ballparked CR based on stone giants and size increases, they can hit hard but are notoriously squishy, any Damage mage makes mince meat out of them.

2016-10-17, 03:18 AM
I'll tackle the others tomorrow, gotta crash. Unless someone else wants to take over?

Not sure if I can post a link to the file but here goes:


Lets you look at the PDF online, its probably on wizards site as well but its what I used.

2016-10-17, 10:20 AM
You're doing great, thanks a bunch.

2016-10-18, 03:46 AM
Frostmourn CE Large Undead (cold, incorporal (see text), Augmented giant)
HD: 15d12 Hp 97 (average)
Init: -1 (dex)
Spd: 60 ft, fly 60 ft perfect, or 120 feet perfect in alternate forms
AC: 20 (-1 size, -1 dex, +12 nat) Flat Footed 20, touch 8; or 10 (alternate form, -1 size, -1 dex, +2 deflection) Flat Footed 9, touch 10
BA/G: +7/20
Atk: Greataxe + 15/10 melee 3d6 + 13 plus 1d6 cold plus Freezing, or 2 slams +15 melee 1d4 + 9 plus 1d6 cold plus Freezing, or rock +15/+10 ranged 2d6 + 9 plus 1d6 cold, or 2 incorporeal touch +6/+1 melee 1d4 plus 1d6 cold plus Freezing
F/R 10 ft/10ft
SA: Rock throwing, Cold, Freezing
SQ: Undead traits, immune to cold, fire vulnerability, Darkvision 60ft, Alternate forms, DR 10 magic and silver, Vulnerable to Raise Dead
Saves: Fort +9, Ref + 3, Will + 11
Abil: Strength 29, Dex 8, Con -, Int 10, wis 14, cha 12
Skills: Climb + 27, Intimidate +18, Jump + 37, Spot + 20
Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Brutal Throw, Improved Overrun, Ability focus: Freezing, Leap Attack, Never Outnumbered (skill trick)
Organization: Solitary or Pair
CR: 10

Rock Throwing: Range increment on a Frostmourn's thrown rock is 250 feet. They cannot catch rocks thrown by other giants.
Cold Subtype: Frostmourn's are immune to cold damage from any source, but take one and a half times damage of any fire effect regardless of success or failure of save if one is offered.
Cold: Melee and ranged attacks of a Frostmourn do an additional 1d6 cold damage.
Freezing: Anyone hit in melee or by the incorporeal touch of a Frostmourn in their alternate form must make a Fort save DC 20 or have all magical metal objects on their person instantly become brittle and useless, instantly destroying them. Non-magical metal gets no save and is instantly destroyed. Even if the save is made, additional attacks force additional saves, and the metal is cold enough to possibly cause fatigue.
Alternate Forms: At will as a standard action, an Frostmourn can assume one of two alternate forms. Both of these forms are treated as incorporeal. The first form is that of a swirling cloud, which cannot attack but has a fly speed of 120 feet (Perfect). Anyone caught in the swirling cloud is buffeted as if by Windstorm level winds. The second form is that of a minature blizzard, in which it can attack, but which has a fly speed of 60 feet (Perfect). Treat as Severe winds for anyone flying in the area. A Frostmourn cannot take another creature with it, and is limited to only 50 lbs. of gear that transforms and becomes non-functional when in an alternate form.
Damage reduction: Frostmourn are harmed by weapons that are both magical and silver in its normal form, and has all the benefits of the incorporeal subtype when in its alternate forms. It can revert to its normal form as a swift action.
Vulnerable to Raise Dead: A raise dead spell instantly destroys a frostmourn if is fails a will save.
This one was a bit weird, but this looks ok. Feat selection made sense, because great cleave is more or less useless, and improved sunder isn't really needed with its freezing ability. It didn't have the charisma for imperious command sadly, but never outnumbered fits with its intimidate, as leap attack does with its jump. Bonuses to hide when in incorporeal forms I considered but don't think its much needed. SRD link for weather effects http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm#blizzard SRD link to cold dangers http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#coldDangers

2016-10-18, 04:23 AM
Firegaunt Huge Undead (Augmented giant, Fire) LE
HD: 16d12 hp 104 (average)
Init: -1 (Dex)
Spd: 60 ft
AC: 21 (-2 size, -1 dex, +14 nat) Flat Footed 21, touch 7
BA/G: 8/31
Atk: Greatsword + 21/+16 3d8+22 plus 2d6 fire plus Burning (19-20/x2), or 2 slams +21 1d6 + 15 plus 2d6 fire plus burning, or rock + 21/+16 ranged 2d8+15 plus 2d6 fire
F/R: 15ft/15ft
SA: Rock throwing, Fire, Burning,
SQ: Undead traits, Dark vision 60 feet, Immune to fire, Cold Vulnerability, Vulnerable to Raise dead, DR 10/magic and silver
Saves: Fort +4, Ref + 5, Will + 11
Abil: Str 40, Dex 8, Con -, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +16, Intimidate + 10, Jump + 28, Spot +10
Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Power Throw, Brutal Throw, Improved bull rush, Lightning Reflexes
Organization: Solitary or pair
CR 11

Rock throwing: The range increment on a Firegaunt's thrown rocks is 250 feet. They cannot catch thrown rocks.
Fire: Melee and ranged attacks by a Firegaunt cause an additional 2d6 points of fire damage. In addition, anyone hit by a Firegaunt's attack must make a DC 16 reflex save or catch fire.
Burning:: Anyone hit in melee by a Firegaunt must make a Fort save DC 16 or have all magical metal objects on their person instantly become so much useless slag, instantly destroying them. Non-magical metal gets no save and is instantly destroyed. Even if the save is made, additional attacks force additional saves, and the metal is hot enough to possibly cause fatigue.
Fire Subtype: Firegaunts are immune to fire damage from any source, but take one and a half times damage of any cold effect regardless of success or failure of save if one is offered.
Damage reduction: Firegaunt are harmed by weapons that are both magical and silver.
Vulnerable to Raise Dead: A raise dead spell instantly destroys a Firegaunt if is fails a will save.

This one was a bit weird, the size increase gives it huge strength but that messes with their thaco, so I made a judement call and upped it, seeing as how otherwise they are weaker than their normal counterparts. They have no skills being very dumb, but that balances their whopping 40 strength a bit. SRD link to heat dangers http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#heatDangers

2016-10-18, 04:24 AM
I'll finish these tomorrow. I'll also post a very ghetto how to convert if you want to do things in the future, though I'm sure someone who is more knowledgeable about 2E as well as 3E will likely correct me.

2016-10-19, 05:59 AM
Spectral Cloud
Huge Undead (Air, Augmented Giant, Incorporeal) NE
HD: 18d12 Hp 117 (average)
Init: +1
Spd: 90 feet, Fly 180 (perfect) in alternate form
AC: 21 (-2 size, +1 dex, +12 natural) Touch 9, Flat Footed 20 or 10 (-2 size, +1 dex, +1 deflection in alternate form) Touch 10 Flat footed 9
BA/G: 9/29
Attacks: 2 slams +19 3d8 +12 plus energy drain, or telekinetic rock throw +19/+15 2d8 +12
F/R: 15 ft/15 ft
SA: Energy drain, Telekinetic rock throw,
SQ: Create Spawn, Immune to Cold, Undead, Darkvision 60 feet, Vulnerable to raise dead, Scent, DR 10/ Magic and Cold Iron, Concealing Winds, Alternate Form, Unnatural Aura
Saves: Fort + 6, Ref + 7, Will + 14
Abil: Str 25, Dex 13, Con -, Wis 16, Int 12, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +33, Intimidate +22, Listen + 24, Sense Motive +24, Spot + 24,
Feats: Awesome Blow, Power attack, Improved Bull Rush, Large and In Charge, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knock-Down
Organization: Solitary or Pair
CR: 12

Energy Drain: Creatures hit by a Spectral Cloud gain one negative level. The DC to remove this level is 20.
Telekinetic Rock Throw: Spectral Cloud's can throw large rocks and boulder up to 300 feet with a telekinetic force. This force cannot be used to catch rocks or deflect other projectiles. As a special manifestation of their will they apply their strength bonus to this attack. This is an attack action.
Create Spawn: Any giant or humanoid slain by a Spectral Cloud energy drain attack rise 1d4 rounds later as a half-strength spectral cloud for humanoids, or a full blown spectral cloud for giants. These spawn are under the Spectral Cloud's complete control.
Immune to Cold: Spectral Clouds take no damage from cold spells or effects.
Scent: Spectral cloud can smell anything within a 90 foot range, more for strong or overpowering stencth. They suffer no reduced range when things are downwind. Stronger smells are detectable at larger ranges, see the scent entry in the DMG.
Vulnerable to raise Dead: A raise dead spell cast on a Spectral Cloud instantly slays it unless it makes a will save.
Damage Reduction: Magical weapons made of cold iron overcome a Spectral Cloud's DR.
Unnatural Aura: Animals of any kind will not approach within 60 feet of a Spectral cloud unless forced.
Concealing Winds: Swirling winds constantly surround a Spectral Cloud granting it 50% concealment at all times in its normal form. The winds disperse in it alternate form but said form in incorporeal.
Alternate Form: A spectral cloud can assume the form of a swirling cloud with a pair of glowing eyes in the center. In this form it has a fly speed of 180 feet perfect, though it can go faster with fast winds. It is treated as incorporeal for all intents and purposes. It cannot make slam attacks but it can use its telekinetic rock throw.

These were a bit weird. The semi-incorporeal nature made things difficult, most notable finding an AC that works with their listed and something for their damage. The concealing winds seems to fit with something made out of mist, and allows them to keep the miss chance and still take advantage of their strength. The attack damage I raised slightly to make up for the reduced BAB for being undead, and it comes out a bit better with just that BAB and normal cloud giant strength. Knock-down is a 3.0 feat but technically it has never been updated so by RAW its available but its a bit cheesy. You can alter feat selection with ability focus: energy drain raising the DC by 2 instead of knockdown, and replace combat expertise and improved trip with cleave and something else. Not enough Cha for Imperious Command still. You could play up the telekinetic role by giving them the psionic subtype, some power points, and some psionic feats, but my psionics knowledge is lacking. If so, replace the mostly useless climb with auto-hypnosis and give them concentration over something else, split ranks with spot, listen, and sense motive to get the 21 points needed to max. I feel CR 12 is ok, seeing as how they aren't super threatening, slightly more so than their normal counterparts, though the concealment makes mundane kind of blow vs. them. If you feel their CR should be 13 raise their DR 5 points. DR/+3 I consider to be magic and cold iron, though there isn't an official statement laying that out that I am aware off. I ball parked scent numbers and keeping the wind theme made their scent unaffected by winds in a negative manner.

2016-10-19, 07:15 AM
Gargantuan Undead (Augmented Giant, Incorporeal) CE
HD: 21d12 hp 136 (average)
Init: +2 (Dex)
Spd: 60 ft, swim 60 ft, fly 75 feet perfect in alternate form
AC: 26 ( -4 size, +2 dex, + 28 nat) Touch 6, Flat Footed 24 or 11 (-4 size, +3 deflection, +2 dex) in alternate form, touch 10, Flat Footed 9
BA/G: 10/40
Atk: Greatsword +20/15 melee 6d6 + 22 plus 2d6 electric (19-20/x2), or 2 slams +20 melee 3d6 + 15 plus 2d6 electric, or Fell Draining Lightning Bolt 10d6 electric plus energy drain
F/R: 20 ft/20 ft
SA: Fell Draining Lightning bolt, Electric Attacks,
SQ: Undead traits, Alternate form, Create Spawn, Unnatural Aura, Vulnerable to raise dead, Immune to Cold, Immune to Electricity, DR 15/Cold iron and magic, Intimidating Thundercloud
Save: Fort + 7, Ref + 8, Will + 18
Abil: Str 40, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 16
Skills: Concentration + 27, Intimidate + 31*, Jump + 51, Knowledge: Nature + 27, Sense Motive + 29, Swim + 43, Spot + 29,
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Power attack, Improved Bull Rush, Leap Attack, Ability Focus: Fell draining lightning bolt, Imperious Command, Frightful Presence, Never Outnumbered (skill trick), Clarity of Vision (skill trick)
Organization: Solitary
CR: 15

Fell Draining Lightning Bolt: When in its alternate or normal form, a Temperament can use A Fell Draining Lightning Bolt at will, once per round as a standard action. Reflex save DC 25 for half, fort save DC 25 to remove the negative level. Treat as a 5th level spell for the purpose of things interacting with it "cast" at CL 15. This attack deals 10d6 electric damage before save. This is a Supernatural Ability.
Electric Attacks: All attacks a Temperament makes deal an extra 2d6 electric damage.
Alternate Form: A Temperament can assume the form of a massive thunderhead at will as a standard action. In this form is has a fly speed of 75 feet (perfect), and is treated as incorporeal for all intents and purposes. In this form it cannot use any attacks but its fell draining lightning bolt.
Create Spawn: Any humanoid or giant slain by a Temperament's fell draining lightning bolt's negative levels rises in 1d4 rounds as a Temperament under its creators control. Giants rise as identical Temperaments, humanoids have 10HD and half feats and skills, and their base strength, and their Fell Draining Lightning Bolt only deals 5d6 with a DC of 18. Typical feats are power attack, Cleave, improved bull rush and leap attack.
Unnatural Aura: Animals of all kinds can sense a Temperament's presence and won't approach withing 60 ft of it unless forced.
Energy Immunities: Temperaments are immune to all cold and electric damage.
Vulnerable to Raise Dead: A raise dead spell instantly slays a Temperament unless they make a will save.
Damage Reduction: Temperaments damage reduction is overcome by weapons that are magic and cold iron.
Intimidating thundercloud: At will as a free action a Temperament can creature a thundercloud above it head which grants it a +4 bonus to intimidate. This has already factored into the score above.
Skill bonus: Temperaments have a +8 racial bonus on swim checks, and can always take 10 on swim checks even in conditions that do not normally allow it. It can use the run action while swimming as well.

This one was a bit weird. Its THACO changes quite a bit with being gargantuan, and I used a gargantuan increased based on its 2E stuff, as opposed to the 3.e Storm Giant, so it has only 40 strength. I got to use imperious command finally, and frightful presence also fit with being a bit spooky OMGWTFBBQ monster. I added the electric to it attacks based on description, and changed the lightning bolt to be both more damaging and be an instant negative level ala 3.5 over the save or get one from 2E. They did lose their freedom of movement from 3.5, but they can likely break any restraints, are immune to mind affecting stuff, and incorporeal is an easy way to break out of most things though it takes actions. The size increase and the nasty lightning bolt I believe warranted a plus 2 CR over their normal Storm Giant form. Since they are CR 13 plus DR is 15/whatever according to WotC. With 21 HD and 24 ranks in skills, they actually qualify for epic feats, but I left that alone. I'm sure there are some good ones, but as is its potentially pretty nasty. Electricty immunity and fear immunity wreck it, and its HP and AC are kind of pitiful, but if you are not prepared a demoralize after a charge and maybe a lightning bolt when its in its alternate form is pretty scary. Plus its damage is rather significant, even if its too hit and number of attacks is kind of meh do to undead type. Clarity of vision gives it something to deal with invisible creatures, and its a fun monster, I might use one in my game soon.

2016-10-19, 07:33 AM
Quick and dirty 2E to 3E conversion for future reference. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, all my 2E experience was video games never tabletop so I may be off here.

Speed: multiple by 5 to get 3.5 speed.

AC: AC 0 is AC 20 in 3.5. Go based on that, so AC -6 is AC 26.

THACO: To hit armor class 0. What you need to roll on a d20 to hit AC 20. A THACO of 5 for example means your to hit bonus on your primary attack is +15. You can back convert from there. This one was weird because as undead their BAB is 1/2 HD so it got sketchy, but using the 3.5 normal giant forms plus the entries in the dragon magazine for strength I think I did it ok.

Damage: Just use the normal 3.5 damage for the similar creature. d20, d12 and d10s for damage are very uncommon, so just figure the average and turn it into something comparable.

Example: something does 3 to 30 damage (3d10). Average damage is die type plus one, divided by 2, times number of dice. In this case 10(die type) plus 1 is eleven (representing lowest roll on another d10) divided by 2 (because you technically are using 2 dice), so 5.5. So 3d10 average is 5.5 * 3, or 16.5. Truncate numbers. If said monster had plus 8 to damage, to keep the maximum value relevant I'd use 4d6 plus 8, which is 12-32, but the mean damage is 22. You go up a bit but keep the range relevant IMO. 3d6 + 8 would be 18 which is closer to the 3d10 average but the max is lower. Pick which one you like. I go big in general. These are supposed to be big and scary.

That same method is how I got average HP for everything, which is the same method WotC used FWIW.

Number of attacks: Go by BAB. Its just easier. Slams get just strength if you make multiples, or strength and a half if you make only one. I didn't separate attack and full attack, I figure you know that much and didn't feel like typing it all out again.

Save vs. death = fort save
Save vs. spell = ref save
Save vs. (something else) = probably will. Vs. mind control maybe? I dunno.

If I am wrong on any of this, someone who knows 2E better please let me know. Also think about the CRs if you think they are wrong. I guesstimated mostly extrapolating from the CR of the normal giants in 3.5, plus 1 for undead and goodies, and often plus 1 more for size increases.


2016-10-19, 12:08 PM
This saved me hours of work and searching.
If I had money and this were reddit I'd totally gild you.

But I don't and it isn't, so I can only say Much Thanks.

2016-10-19, 02:05 PM
The 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition Conversion Manual (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/conversionbook.zip) should have some decent guidelines for bringing up monsters as well.

2016-10-19, 09:48 PM
I did not know that existed, thanks! Hope I did ok.