View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous : The worldwound Incursion IC

2016-10-17, 11:03 AM
Kenabres is a city of virtue, a glorious spotless one , with crusaders, churches, cathedrals and even the famous Hall of Heroes. Today is not just another day...it's Amasse. West of the Saint Clydwell Cathedral, in the central plaza that where most of the celebration takes place, even if it is citywide. The Saint Clydwell cathedral honors a champion of Iomedae who sacrificed himself to seal demons from an inescapable prison. The catherdral is an impressive great stone building with green copper steeple and stained-glass windows portraying the imprisonment of all kinds of Demons.

Armasse is traditionally a scholar holy day but since the death of Aroden, this Holy day has become a day to train commoners and choose squires while enjoying some time away from the horrors of war and the roaming horrors from the Abyss in the worldwound.

Jousting matches, strength competition and even performers from far away lands who came to entertain the people of Kenabres.

ooc: This is the occasion to introduce your character, feel free to play some games around in your introduction post.

2016-10-17, 12:47 PM
Dirk sighed, slumping forward. He cast an uninterested, unfocused gaze over the jousting arena. The din of the crowd seemed distant, his mind wondering elsewhere. It was too loud and too crowded. Whatever. He jolted back to the present when twin finger's jabbed his ribs on either sad. Gela and Cyme sat on opposite side of him, giving him disapproving glares. Cyme pipped up "Pay attention Dirk! Avoth is about to start his joust!" Dirk blinked rapidly, sitting up straighter. He realized he was actually sitting lower than the twin Halflings. "Sorry..." he mumbled.

He didn't like big crowds. Everyone was so noisy and packed together it was insufferable. He only came because he knew the joust was important for Avoth. He'd cheer on his friend, even if he had to deal with the crowds. This time last year, he spent the holiday in quiet prayer. Nice, quiet, solitude prayer. But last year, he didn't know Cyme or Gela or Avoth. He didn't have friends to cheer on.

Avoth had just entered the arena, clad in ceremonial armor. Dirk pulled his mouth into a tight, but genuine smile. C'mon Avoth... you can do it... He cheered. Though only the twins could hear him.

2016-10-17, 01:17 PM
Valeth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=970516)
M NG Human Bloodrager (Spelleater), Level 1, Init 2, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 2, Will 0, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 1
Halberd +4(+3) (1d10+4(+7), ×3)
Light Crossbow (30) +3 (1d8, 19-20)
Claws (Raging) +6/+6 (+5/+5) (1d6+5 (+7), 20×2)
Scale Mail (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None

This man is taller and broader than average, dressed in typical Taldan soldier's garb. He carries a large polearm and crossbow, but little else. A common soldier's presence in Kenabres of his own accord is unusual to say the least, even more so that he spends most of his time in the libraries or consulting with scholars of Abyssal lore. His hair and beard are unkempt, and his eyes have a haunted, desperate look.

Valeth wanders the square aimlessly, passingly glancing at the festivities or the mock battles while actively avoiding looking at the Cathedral's stained-glass windows.

One particularly heated contest catches his eye, two aspiring knights battling with blunted greatswords. They're fairly evenly matched, and the fight is getting interesting. As he watches, Valeth's heart begins to pound. His breaths quicken, his vision begins to redden... until he abruptly turns away, a look of horror on his face quickly changing to a mask of calm. He resumes his walk.

2016-10-17, 01:20 PM

He never liked big crowds, always felt like the world was closing in on him. Plus it made it even harder to watch your back and purse from any would be thieves or assassins. But here he was making his way around the festivities trying to find something that interested him. "Wonder if they have an Archery competition going on this year." He knew that there was Jousting going on but that would hold his interest like a leaky bucket. Wandering further into the Festivities his eyes are drawn to the various performers from far away lands.

Having not been keeping his eyes on the road he suddenly bumps into someone. "Sorry about that, was distracted by those lovely dancers over there." Pointing towards the dancers he once again apologizes for bumping into the person. "Maybe i should find somewhere to sit down instead of just wandering." Hearing his stomach growl it was decided that he would find a nice restaurant to get some food and hopefully something good to drink. Taking a look at his surroundings he makes his way towards the closest restaurant.

Perception to find a good restaurant: [roll0]

2016-10-17, 04:23 PM
A tall, muscular young woman clad in shining scale mail and a red-crested helmet winds her way through the crowd, occasionally throwing a nervous glance over her shoulder. The hilt of the bastard sword sticking up over said shoulder makes this a little difficult, as do the well-filled pack and light shield strapped onto her back. Finally she slows down and relaxes a bit. Thank the Inheritor, I thought I'd never lose him! Zenaida traveled to Kenabres from Magnimar in the company of several other crusaders. Most of them ranged from 'good company' to 'tolerable', but Porfirizo had been driving her insane with his clumsy attempts at gallantry and badly written love poems.

So for now she's alone in the crowd and content to be so. The paladin meanders from jousting arena to musical trio to strength competition, taking in the sights, until her stomach makes it known that she left the inn before breakfast and this is completely unacceptable. Time to find a restaurant...

Zenaida will show up at the same restaurant as Dryden.

2016-10-17, 06:54 PM

Martias wandered disconsolately through the streets, with the frustrating feeling that he ought to be enjoying himself. As a boy, he always looked forward to the excitement and fun of Amasse, and in the last few years he's come to appreciate its scholarly links too. So why couldn't he relax and enjoy himself today? He'd been on edge since going to the morning service at the cathedral. Perhaps it was just anxiety about joining the crusade. Was he really ready? Maybe he should have stayed on at the academy for a bit longer, studied his magic further. What if the recruiters said he wasn't ready? What if they didn't? What if he was attacked by a demon that was too powerful for him? ...Iomedae would protect him. Or if not, he'd die and go to his eternal reward. Somehow that wasn't quite as comforting as it had been earlier.

There something else, too. All day, he'd had this odd feeling that...something important was going to happen. Maybe that was why he'd put his armour on and picked up his rapier this morning, almost without thinking about it. Presumably it was just nervousness about the crusade coming out.

Martias tried again to distract himself watching the entertainers, but it was no use. His mind kept drifting back to the crusade. Well, he might as well treat himself to a nice meal, at least. He headed in the direction of a pleasant little restaurant he knew of.

Naturally, this will be the same restaurant as Zenaida and Dryden go to.

2016-10-17, 07:39 PM
As fate would have it, our group of adventurers were all headed toward the same restaurant, Dryden had chosen one of the best spot in town, as they welcomed him with open arms, the wonderful smells coming from the place were enough to invite anybody in...then everything turned dark.

As your group wake up in total darkness, your heads are throbbing , with crazy headache and ears are ringing. Each of you, have troubles breathing and in the dark, you can all hear moans of pain , rocks clattering, as your senses return in the pitch black surroundings.

ooc: It's dark all around you.

2016-10-17, 07:56 PM
Valeth groans as he pulls himself into a sitting position. "What happened? The last thing I remember is wandering through the plaza... I stopped for something to eat, and then..."

Hearing voices in the darkness, he calls out to them, as loudly as he can manage given the circumstances.

"Hello, is anyone out there?"

2016-10-17, 08:12 PM
"What the hells?" It's not exactly considered appropriate for a paladin to swear, but Zenaida's head is pounding like a festival drum, it's pitch black, somehow she's lying down on a bunch of rocks in full armor and traveling gear, and she has no idea what just happened.

Yeah. This is an occasion for swearing.

Fortunately she's been trained for the 'how to light a torch in complete darkness' scenario. Zenaida twists around until she can get her backpack open, then starts feeling inside for a torch. Success! Her flint and steel is in her bandolier, much easier to get to. With a few seconds of fumbling, she manages to make the sparks catch on the torch's tar-soaked head.

The sudden light is painful, especially given her headache, but Zenaida just squints and holds the torch high as her eyes adjust. "There we go. Does anyone know how we got here?"

2016-10-17, 08:16 PM

Opening his eyes and being greeted with total darkness was not at all what he had been expecting when he walked into the restaurant. The headache and ringing aside, he knew he needed to get his breath back. Standing up as best as he could he pulls out a tindertwig and precedes to light it. Looking around the area he is in he takes in the other forms that are around him. "Everyone alright, or have a clue as to what the hell just happened?"

Lighting a Tindertwig to get some light in the area.
Perception after that to see where he is at [roll0]

2016-10-17, 08:39 PM
As your headaches begin to clear, you recall what happened.

The restaurant was near the end of the Plaza, offered a clear view of the festivities at noon. Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun's shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral's facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor.

To the west, the fortress known as the Kite-the location of Kenabres's wardstone-had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens.

That's when most people in the restaurant headed out to see what was going on, including your group.

A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcomesight rising from the crowd-Kenabres's greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human.

Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature's identity was immediately obvious:

Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabres!

As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev's body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd.

In the middle of all this, near the restaurant demons charged in, as Martias attempted to get as many people out of the restaurant as possible, with the demons cutting through the crowd like butter. Valeth came to be face to face with imps and red demons that reminded him so much of his own visage.

Dirk was about to be cut down, when Cyme and Avoth, charged into the disgusting large demon in front of him. "Get out of here! We got this!", as Dirk could only see them getting poisoned little by little, as they kept flanking the large demon and putting on the floor, as more demons were coming. "Well brother, how many are we taking with us?"

Dryden saw the crow like demons descending from the sky, spreading their spores, killing people left and right, as he grabbed what he could to shoot at them from the sky. His arrows not able to pierce the skin of the demons.

Zenadia, as her fellow paladins was part of the people fighting in the front. Portirizo, had jumped in front of spears and flames, to protect a child and told the kid to run away before falling dead on the floor. But the battle had just ended...

The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world, destroying the restaurant.

The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape-it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness.

Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.

As now, you can see the wall behind with bodies all over the place, showing how close you came from dying with them. Citizen of Kenabres whom the dragon could not save. Some people appear to be alive among the bodies, not many, just your group and three more persons.

ooc: You can check on them, as they barely came back or even understand what's going on.

2016-10-17, 09:23 PM
Dirk smacked his lips, suddenly very parched. He turned his head lazily in the flickering torchlight, regaining his bearings. He snapped upright as the last few minutes came back to him. Cyme... Azoth... no! He bite his lips, fighting back tears. A shudder of loss, grief and loneliness wracked him.

Taking in a deep raping breathe he took in the scene around him. Bodies, no corpses, everywhere. Seven others, eight including himself. Three of them seem still out of it and injured. Balling a fist, he slammed the ground. Damnit Dirk! Pull yourself together! No time to wallow, people need you!

Standing up on shaking legs, he approached the one who looked the most wounded. He took time to study them then apply what first aid he could.

I'm on mobile and can't check my sheet for my Heal modifier.
Heal check 1d20

2016-10-17, 09:52 PM
The ceiling and far walls of this vast cavern recede into darkness. On one side, the wall has collapsed in an enormous mound of rubble-here and there the arms or legs of victims who didn't survive the fall protrude. In the back of the cavern, a disturbing shape looms. Nearly the size of a horse, what appears to be an immense black spider crouches silent and still on the ground.

Meanwhile Dirk approaches, there is a human woman, who is staying in her corner, appearing calm at first glance but Dirk can tell from just a quick glance that her leg is obviously broken, she has short dark hair and wear leather. She did try to stand but quickly fell back down. He gathers splints of woods, and a rope, beginning to wrap it around her leg, it would take Dirk a couple of minutes to heal her.

An elf with a burned face and his eyes appear to have been damaged, wearing a robe and silver hair. He appears to be disturbed with the idea that he lost his sight. He doesn't let Dirk approach him, obviously still in shock about the situation. "Who are you? what's going?"

A portly man in a corner, wearing luxurious clothes and jewels meanwhile does attract the attention. "I'm hurt! Somebody help me!" He barely has any kind of wounds to be quite honest.

ooc: Meanwhile what does everybody else want to do? check on the spider like figure? Talk with the people in front of you?

2016-10-17, 10:17 PM
Noticing the ominous shape in the corner, Valeth will grab his halberd and approach it cautiously, trying to get a better look.

Perception: 6
Stealth: 5

Edit:borked up the rolls, see ooc for proper rolling

2016-10-18, 12:45 AM
"Oh no... oh my gods..." It's all coming back to her now. Zenaida bites her lip hard, the light of her torch wavering as her hand trembles just slightly. Annoyingly chivalrous Porfirizo, the knights Andre and Gianna, the tiny but valiant sorceress Rose... are any of them still alive?

She can't allow herself to think about them too much at the moment. There are people who need help and a cavern to somehow escape. Zenaida pushes herself to her feet and looks around for her sword; it was in her hand when she fell. Metal gleams a short distance away, and when she cautiously makes her way over the rubble, there it is. Her graduation gift from Chaplain Tira. Having her beloved cold iron sword in her hand makes the situation a little less painful.

A man with a halberd is checking out the motionless spider-ish shape in the back of the cavern, so Zenaida walks over toward the burned elf. "Hello, sir. I'm Zenaida Radulescu. Can you see at all? Do you want assistance?" She grimaces slightly. "I'm afraid I can't offer you any healing, I'm not powerful enough for that yet."

2016-10-18, 05:00 AM
Valeth walks toward the spider, not seeing clearly and bumping into some rubbles making some noise, but the spider doesn't move from the ground. As he is close enough to realize that spider is already dead but can hear noises coming from the inside of the spider corpse, as if something is inside of it.

As two giants maggots burst from the body of the spider, undulating toward Valeth. As the Elf is about to talk but Zenadia notices the upcoming danger.

The Map (http://www.myth-weavers.com/map.html#id=3116)
The barbarian with the spear = Valeth
Green hair Elf = Martias
Paladin with shield = Zenadia
Archer = Dryden
Green robe healer = Dirk

[roll1] (technically busy tending to the wounded)

Everybody goes before the maggots. Feel free to roll knowledge(Nature) if you do have it to learn more about giant maggots.
I believe if you have a MW account, you can move the token directly. If not, I'll move them. This fight shouldn't take too long.
Reminder if you have a bab of +1 or a full bab class basically, you can draw your weapon as part of a move action.

2016-10-18, 06:46 AM

OOC: This is Martias's point of view of all the events since waking up.

Martias offers a quick prayer for help before opening his eyes. For a moment he sees only blackness, before there's a sound of a flint and steel nearby and sudden torchlight. Looking around the room, the memory of the attack returns to him, and he frantically looks around while reaching for his rapier. Fortunately, it seems to have landed near him - he remembers he was holding onto it tightly until he blacked out.

Having recovered his weapon, he then takes a proper look at the room. There seem to be a few people standing up, a few more who are injured. He's about to head over to try to calm the merchant when there's a sound of ripping flesh as maggots burst from the corpse of the spider. Seeing a danger which is better suited to his skills, Martias rushes over to fight alongside the man with the spear. He considers using his magic to enhance the rapier, but decides against it - it only lasts for a short time, and he may well have more cause to use it later on.

Oddly, I can't seem to move the tokens, although I can change the grid and things. Anyway, move 6L (the maggots are still flatfooted, right? If not, then make that 5L) and attack the adjacent maggot. I'm assuming that Martias already had his rapier in hand before the maggots appeared, so doesn't need to waste an action drawing.


2016-10-18, 08:27 AM
Valeth will step up to the closer of the two and swing with all his might:

Power Attack in use
[roll0] for [roll1] damage

2016-10-18, 09:51 AM
Dirk's eyes bulge and his works stills for a moment as he takes in those around him. The two men with close range weapons were already charging the Maggots, the woman likely would too. The merchant and the blind elf hopefully would stay away and his current patient was in no condition to walk, more or less fight. The final person, he had a bow. He'd likely stay back as well. Dirk projected his will out to the man with the Halberd, the man with the Rapier and the woman with the Broadsword. "Please be careful! I only have so much mental energy!

Pausing the Heal check for one round, used Standard to connect Martias, Valeth and Zenadia to my collective.

2016-10-18, 10:23 AM
Martias tries to pierce the maggot but maybe the recent fall still affect more than he thought missing the maggot. Then Right After, Valeth doesn't waste any time cleaving into the maggot side, now the maggot lies on the ground, almost inert.

ooc: The Giant Maggot is unconscious, removed from the map. Map updated. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/map.html#id=3116)
Dryden and Zenadia still got some actions for this turn, before Giant Maggot turn.

2016-10-18, 04:17 PM
"A giant maggot? Great. Hold that thought, I'll be right back." Halberd Wielder and a man with a rapier have already slain one of the disgusting beasts, so hopefully Zenaida and whoever else is still combat capable can get the other one. Sword in one hand and torch in the other, she charges toward the creature with a furious jingling of mail and strikes!

For some reason I can't move the icon, even though I'm logged in to Myth Weavers. Zenaida will move up next to Valeth and attack.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2016-10-18, 06:21 PM
Looking around at the people who survived he is slightly saddened that more didn't make it. Watching someone move closer to the body of a spider he is slightly surprised to see the two large maggots come bursting out of it. "Well Sh*t looks like we have company." Pulling out his bow and knocking an arrow he watches are one of the maggots is vicously hit with a Halberd. Noticing another person charge at the other maggot and swing on it he decides that he should take action and help.

Drawing back the arrow he takes aim at the maggot. Wanting to ensure that it dies he boosts himself slightly using his training. Letting the arrow fly at his target with great force.

Free action: draw bow
Swift action: Horizon Wind Lancet
Attack action: Shoot maggot with a Sharp Common arrow [roll0] Dmg [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] 1d8bow+1d6fire+1d6HWL+1sharp+2str Total= 12dmg

2016-10-18, 06:29 PM
Zenaida and Dryden were quick to dispatch of the Giant maggot, as her sword cut into the beast and Dryden arrow pierced right into the creature, putting it down in an instant.

As the last of the giant maggot fall down on the ground, our group could see among the rubbles from a distance, some silver scales lie scattered amid the stones. There are five silver scales each roughly the size of a human palm.

Dirk has time to resume fixing the leg of the woman in front of him.

ooc: Each of you get 100 xp for the encounter. The scales are among the rubble and the three npcs are still in the back panicking. If you are wondering yeah, it is medium xp progression.

2016-10-18, 08:00 PM

Martias recovers himself, and shakes his head to try to clear it. "Sorry for not being more help there; I stumbled at precisely the wrong moment." He tries to think practically about their next move, and not think about the slaughter of Kenabres. "We ought to tend to the wounded, and then get away from here. Lots of us apparently ended up here, so if there are demons around they may come to finish off any survivors."

"Incidentally, did someone just make some sort of psychic connection with me?"

For simplicity, I'm just assuming that Martias' +7 modifier to knowledge:arcana and spellcraft means he realised the basics of what happened when Dirk added him to his collective.

2016-10-18, 08:30 PM
The portly balding gentleman is the first to speak among the three, making a scene of his small scratch.
"Someone tend to my wounds! Protect me and bring me home safe, and I promise to you, a lot of gold! and riches! Someone help me! I'm the magnificent Horgus Gwerm!"

Meanwhile the woman, finally stands up after Dirk manage to grab splinter of woods and rope around to make someone to help her move around. "Thank you, I'm Anevia by the way." She has a short sword and a short bow, appearing to be the most battle prepared out of the three.

The blind Elf on the other end...

"Okay this is enough! First of all, who is here? Who are you? I'm Aravashnial, tell me your names, what do you do? and also what's the situation? I will find a plan out of this mess! Just follow my lead!"

Yeah Martias identify the psychic connection.

You can attempt diplomacy checks on each of the three npc, individually, if you want to improve their attitude toward your group. You can of course just talk with them in general. Arashvashnial is extremely wounded, and could use some kind of magical healing or potions with his burned face and eyes. Anevia while her leg is fixed is wounded as well, could use some healing. Horgus has superficial damage.

2016-10-18, 10:46 PM
Dirk offered a small smile, not meeting Anevia's eyes. "Er, your welcome. Dirk. Uh, my name's Dirk." Turning towards the man with the Rapier, he nodded. "That, uh, was me. My psionic talents, uh, work better when I create a psychic tether. I need to see to these two though." Indicating Anevia and Arvashnial. He took a moment, reaching out towards Anevia and Arvashnial, severing the tether to the woman and the man with the Halberd. Once he made the connection he walked over to the posturing elf.

Arvashnial, uh, Sir? Please calm down. I'm going to tend to your wounds. I, uh, can't help your eyes but I can ease the pain. Dirk touched the elf's hand lightly, a faintly purple substance appearing at the point of contact. Dirk grit his teeth, hissing in pain as his face started to blister and boil, flushing as the wounds moved from the elf to himself. When he let go of the elf, his skin returned to normal pallor, but he was noticeably more fatigued.

Using Transfer Wounds. He'll use it a second time, if the first time was insufficient. If he overheals at all, he'll transfer the remainder to Anevia.
If I roll a 1, all healing goes to Arvashnial
If I roll a 2 or 3, 1 healing goes back to Dirk
If I roll a 4 or 5, 2 healing goes back to Dirk
If I roll a 6, 3 healing goes back to Dirk.
First Transfer Wounds [roll0]
Second Transfer Wounds [roll1]
I'll decide if I can handle/need to do more first aid after the results of this play out.

Dirk suffers 8 NL (3 and 5)
Dirk heals 3 (1 and 2)
Arvashnial heals 8 (any excess goes to Anevia)

2016-10-19, 02:18 AM
"Ugh, nasty." Zenaida looks around for something to clean her sword with, but doesn't find anything. She sighs and uses the hem of her red cloak. One simply does not sheathe a dirty sword. Blade cleaned to her satisfaction, the paladin makes her way back toward Aravashnial. "I'm Zenaida Radulescu, paladin of Iomedae. Pleasure to meet you, Aravashnial, Dirk, Anevia, Horgus. I just wish it were under better circumstances."

It looks like Dirk has the healing covered, although that's the strangest healing spell she's ever seen, so Zenaida takes a good look around the cavern. Glints of silver among the rocks catch her eye. "Hmm, what have we here?" Sheathing her sword, she walks over to pick one up. "Oh my... these look like dragon scales. Poor Terendelev. May Pharasma guide her safely home." Zenaida closes her eyes briefly in a moment of respectful silence for the valiant dragon.

2016-10-19, 05:43 AM
As Zenaida picks up a scale, she suddenly get a flash of insight into the silver scale power, as if the scale had become some kind of a minor artifact due to Terendev sacrifice, as she could see electricity or cold, not harming her in any shape or form.

Aravashnial feels better to say the least, but Dirk can tell that the elf isn't totally healed.

ooc: Going to give time for people to catch up a bit on that part but yeah Zenaida, the terendev scale that you hold in your hand, as long as you carry it on your person, three times per day, you can use Resist Energy only against cold or electricity at CL 19th, so it would give you Resist Cold or Electricity 30 for 190 min. You can also tell that you can only carry one scale at time, or the powers don't work.

2016-10-19, 05:03 PM

"And may Iomedae guide us safely home...or to whatever may be left of it." Martias looks almost on the edge of tears for a moment, but regains his composure quickly. "Martius Silanus, warrior and mage. Not a very experienced one, though. Incidentally did anyone get a clear look at the rift as we fell down? It would be useful to know whether it was just a crack that opened up leading to underground caves, or whether it was a portal to...another plane. I'm afraid my guess would be the latter, which will probably make getting back much more difficult."

2016-10-19, 05:56 PM
"Uh, I don't think we crossed a planar border. We'd be besieged by Demon's right now if we did. Not just some oversized maggots. So probably underground, beneath Kenabres. We still must find our way out though. Dirk sighed, summoning up his mental energy. The soft tinkle of bells emanate from him as he and Anevia are coated in a fine layer of dew which quickly dissipates.

Manifested Natural Healing on Anevia
Anevia heals 3 HP (excess goes back to Dirk).

2016-10-20, 11:55 AM

"I'm Dryden, if you couldn't tell i use a bow." having said his peace he makes his way over to the silver scales. Picking one up he stares at it in amazement. "Well this is an interesting trinket. Those able should grab one for themselves, could prove useful to us later."

Perception of the room: [roll0]

2016-10-20, 01:36 PM
As dryden pick up the scale, he gets a flash of insight. He sees his weapon glowing with a holy light in the flash of insight. Beside that, the scales are the obvious valuable in the room and on the other side, there are two paths, one going left and the other going right. The darkness prevent to see what's in each path at the moment.

"Valeth, Dirk, Dryden, Zenaida, and Martius. Some familiar people are here too...Dryden is it? bowman right? You'll be my eyes! I'll count on you to tell me what we see in front of us." Aravashnial, the blind elf is quick to give order, as if he wants to take charge of the expedition.

"Oh great, the conspiracy theorist Elf now want to take the lead!" As Horgrus is quick to point it. Strangely the elf doesn't respond.

ooc: Currently you can go left or right to the east. Your light is a little too far away to see what's in each path. Dryden with your scale you can cast Align weapon three times per day at CL 19 only to make it lawful or good.

2016-10-20, 07:24 PM
Satisfied that everyone was patched up, Dirk grabbed one of the scales. He studied it for the moment, before addressing the group. "Uh, we should stick together. Unless someone has a better idea, I guess we go right? "

2016-10-20, 07:45 PM
Dirk get a vision from the silver scale. A pillar of roiling clouds that he can stand on and move around.

ooc: Three times per day, Dirk can cast levitate CL 19th, it appears a pillar of roiling clouds matching your altitude , 5 feet in diameter and creatures or object inside of the pillar get a 20% miss chance.

2016-10-20, 10:33 PM
"Sticking together is definitely a good idea." Zenaida carefully tucks her dragon scale into her bandolier. "Does anyone here know the light spell? It would be nice to have more light than just this torch."

2016-10-20, 11:32 PM
Valeth will also retrieve one of the scales before turning to face the group once again. "We should be cautious. No telling what else might be waiting in these caverns for us. The last thing we need is to run into more of those demons."

2016-10-21, 04:59 AM
Valeth picks up the scale and sees the ability to make his weapon able to pierce through demons and the likes, glowing with a bright light, seeing even his abyssal claws glowing with holy light.

ooc: Valeth can use align weapon three times per day, CL 19th only to make it lawful or good. Unlike regular align weapon, you can use it on unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

2016-10-21, 05:26 AM

"Sticking together is definitely a good idea." Zenaida carefully tucks her dragon scale into her bandolier. "Does anyone here know the light spell? It would be nice to have more light than just this torch."

"I know it, but sadly I didn't prepare it spell today; I wasn't expecting to end up underground, after all." Martius, wondering why everyone seems to be picking up a scale each, reaches over to take the last one. "Either direction is as good as the other at the moment, so I suppose we might as well go right. ...Actually, just one moment." He begins to cast a spell.

Casting Detect Magic to see if I can detect anything from either corridor.

2016-10-21, 05:44 AM
Martias pick up the scale and get an image in mind, showing him the ability to change his appearance, taking on the forms of various kind of humanoids.

As Martias observes both paths, he can detect some magic items in the backpack in the right path.

The left path:
This smaller cavern appears to have once served as a campsite or temporary lair. A torn bedroll lies next to the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, broken equipment, and rubble lies just past the campsite.

The right path:
A stone ledge juts out at a right angle on the south wall of this cavern, fourteen feet off the ground. The leather strap of a backpack hangs from the edge of the ledge, while above, a narrow fissure yawns up into the dark.

ooc: You can cast Alter-Self , three times per day at CL 19th, as usual limited to medium or small humanoids. Which can give you various ability such as darkvision, scent etc...and size bonus to strength or dex.
A DC 20 climb check on slippery rock if you want to reach the backpack with climbing or you can just use the pillar of roiling clouds to reach it. If you still want to go left, you can search the campsite.

2016-10-21, 05:50 AM

"Oh...that's why everyone is picking these up...

Anyway, there's some sort of magic items down the right hand path which might be useful. Can't tell exactly what, though. It might be best avoid the left passage if we can, as it looks like there was some sort of attack there. A long time ago, though: there's nothing left but bones."

2016-10-21, 11:30 AM
"Er... This scale. I don't know how, but I know it can cast some levitation magic on someone. We can use that to retrieve that backpack. " Dirk looked at Anevia, and whispered, somewhat embarrassed. "Uh, I can help you. Walk, I mean. If you need help. Because of your leg. You shouldn't put too much weight on it.

2016-10-23, 03:14 PM

"Well, that will be useful, though I wish it had not had to come from the source it had. Everyone ready to move? By the way, we should probably have at least two people with torches, if we have enough spares." Martias begins walking down the corridor, checking to see that someone with a torch is following.

2016-10-23, 08:40 PM
Valeth moves to the front. "I'm best suited for the front lines, I'll take the lead." He looks to Dirk. "If you can get me up to that pack I'll retrieve it for us."

2016-10-23, 08:52 PM
Dirk nodded, holding the scale upwards. He pushed his psyche through the residual magic in the scale, willing it towards Valeth.

2016-10-23, 09:04 PM
Zenaida sighs at Martias' admission that he hasn't prepared the light spell, and at the distinct lack of any other people coming forward with light sources. Honestly, is she the only one here who plans ahead for fighting demons in the dark? Demons like the darkness, they can see in the dark, Chaplain Tira told her and the other Magnimaran crusaders to expect night attacks!

Well. Not everyone had the advantage of advice from a seasoned warrior who knows all about demons and their abilities. Zenaida has to keep reminding herself of that fact. "I only have five torches, counting this one, which last for an hour each. Hopefully that backpack will have torches or a lantern, otherwise we'll have to try and improvise something until tomorrow morning." Functional morning, that is. Not like they can see the sky down here. "I'll take the right flank. I can't use my shield if I'm also the torch-bearer, so it would be nice to have someone on the left flank."

2016-10-24, 07:17 AM
As the pillar of clouds manage to lift Valeth, he finally could reach the backpack and retrieving it was fairly easy. Ahead of the group, there is just a single path moving forward.

"I'll be fine but thank you for the offer. I can at least walk, slowly but surely." As Anevia keep looking around for any kind of a danger.

Horgus meanwhile appears belligerent. "Well did you find anything interesting in that junk up there?"

Arashvahnial, the blind elf, is meanwhile using his quarterstaff to guide himself forward.

ooc: Levitate will be active for 17 more minutes on Valeth, Here we are looking at a Masterwork Backpack, with 10 days of trail ration, a flint and steel, a set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, a bundle of 12 arrows and two potions.
Reminder you can identify potions by sampling the containers with a perception check or the usual method which is detect magic combined with spellcraft on each item.

2016-10-24, 07:42 AM

Martias leans in to get a better view of the potions, recasting Detect Magic as he does so.

Spellcraft rolls to identify the potions. Ignore the second if the potions are actually the same type, of course.

2016-10-24, 07:49 AM
Martias identifies one potion of cure light wounds and one potion of lesser restoration.

2016-10-24, 07:53 AM

"Hmm. This one is a healing potion, and the other will counter various specific harmful effects. Who's going to carry them?"

2016-10-24, 09:16 AM
Dirk raised his hand slightly. Uh, I guess me? I don't have much in the way of self defense, so being able to give out potions to who needs them is probably a good idea.

2016-10-24, 03:00 PM

Turning to the blind elf "Sorry Aravashnial, but I dont feel like being someones eyes. Plus i feel like being at the front of our group will be my best position seeing as i don't want to have to be shooting my arrows through the entire party." Watching Valeth and Dirk mess with the backpack that they found and then pass around potions he begins to make his way forward again heading to the edge of the light that the torch is providing. "Hopefully we won't be stuck in here for hours on end."

Moving to the edge of the light that the Torch gives.

2016-10-24, 11:34 PM
"Oil but no lantern... pity. Still, the other items should be useful!" Especially the potions and that backpack, it looks extremely well made. Once everyone else has taken what appeals to them, Zenaida picks up the backpack and straps it to the one she already has. After we stop to rest, I'll transfer my things to this nice new backpack and leave the old one behind. Normal backpacks don't sell for very much, not enough to justify the weight.

2016-10-25, 07:42 AM
Arashvanial the blind elf, simply moves forward, not saying much at the moment. Horgus is staying way in the back, while Anevia is in the back but mostly due to her limping.

"Just get me to surface and you'll be paid for your services." As Horgus is more than ready to get out of here.

Ahead of the group Several mounds of rock lie in heaps in this cavern, recently fallen from the walls and ceiling. Now and then, bits of dust settle from cracks in the stone above.

The group has no difficulty in spotting a a pale scaled snake on the ground, apparently hissing and ready to attack on the ground.

Let me know of course, if you want to backtrack and check the other path, if not moving forward by default.
If you want to attack the viper, here's the creature initiative (essentially roll for initiative, if you beat it, get to act before the snake, if not, snake acts first and we go into combat round.)

Front people 20 ft from the snake, middle people 30 ft from the snake, back people 40 ft from the snake.
This corridor was indeed 10 feet wide, so you can potentially stack two people in front, middle, and back side by side.

2016-10-25, 07:44 AM
ooc: Bah forgot to roll for initiative for the snake (read ooc) it only matters if you want to attack first or not:

2016-10-26, 12:44 AM
Zenaida eyes the snake, but makes no move to attack. "Do you want to fight it or just, I don't know, toss a piece of cloth over it and run? I don't have any antivenom." She pauses. "Anyone here know how to tell a venomous snake from a nonvenomous snake?"

2016-10-27, 09:56 PM
As the snake hisses ready to attack.

Round 1
Snake initiative 17 (rolled in OOC)
Dryden initiative 16 (rolled in OOC)
Dirk [roll0]
Martias [roll1]
Valeth [roll2]
Zenadia [roll3]

Edit: the map. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/map.html#id=3116)
Martias get to act before the snake, followed by the snake , then everybody else.

2016-10-28, 04:36 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8-CmrxgYUgmaAHcVUYamn3V1cHD4nYHCJHY98blZCevso_oCoVBT tIdPbjEM5LsPMPZU1-yj4El6NwtirEpNeTAaImKNaohpEWa0coMa2C7ytteHqnDGqSNH HBzfy6HQHOV8dv6homdSTfQQYhHMzJE4wbU5jrQ4xxIDYX1KQw LlQif4tVGNsXk-MW7lqRGZBqYqsr4NF2pr56ea4EmvWTKoWnoHlyFYj-WfA-uPWhwD_2XL061wGkJMzGSZY9OiNt8CFcLr_di6f5ILUvahxqhx wfXq41FfnxFkoI6afxS0Wh6s9n-Z1dArmzb9SPW9-w9H_YgTZ60AfT_bjR_LyK6ed4I2vdrNG1gubOpmt8NbhfoeroA CpFWqZlNYqi2vC_jKjaHKsNFpfb-jAH1j-D9645lvn45LzmelE24FtMoB2vFUP-MovsObsbtWInRrd9d6oDS13UIOiAU3cH5sV0Dce7SvK3Lg8iXE Ac7_K_86S2m08QWqgcg79N9cXwnLcuG-k9VAKagFs3hbqVIDwD3V7yFoApBWGNFJwouGsSdiUGn553-S7ADJmUKRJhs7o__UZwsnOaoHno0a_rFpr5i_Qtcd2AXaOUTZ0 mFTCwro6g8=w100-h75-no

Martias leaps forward in an attempt to kill the snake before it can attack, trying to redeem himself after the last battle.

Move me round to the other side of the snake, so we can flank if I don't manage to kill it.
Please be decent!

2016-10-28, 04:57 AM
Martias leaps at the snake and with one swift strike, cut into the snake flank. The snake is now unconscious. Ahead of our hero journey, they could see a long winding tunnel.

ooc: combat over. Someone can feel free to execute the snake or just go on your merry way. Now you have the choice of moving forward or backtrack and check the other path. 100 xp for each of you.

2016-10-28, 09:36 AM
Dirk winced as Martias struck. He knew it was just a viper, but he didn't enjoy slaughter for the sake of slaughter. Dirk trotted over to the unconscious snake, examining the wound, before applying his expertise. Just because it attacked us (or at least tried) didn't mean they had to kill it.

Heal to stabilize! Dirk is a bleeding heart sometimes, sue him. [roll0]

2016-10-28, 09:52 AM
The viper will definitely not die and dirk would even notice that the viper was hurt probably by the rocks falling down on him. It might explain the viper aggressive behavior. Now the path ahead appears to be the only way forward.

2016-10-28, 09:59 AM
Dirk sighs a breathe of relief. So, uh, lets go then? Sooner we are out of here, the sooner we can... I dunno. Lets... just keep moving forward. Dirk's pale cheeks burned crimson. He wanted to sound optimistic, but he sounded maudlin to himself.

2016-10-29, 10:23 PM
Zenaida nods to Dirk. "Onward we go."

2016-10-30, 01:05 PM
The group moves forward into the winding tunnel, for what seemed like a long time, for roughly 25 minutes.

A single sizable 20-foot-tall building remains in the center of this 30-foot-high cave, a bunkerlike structure with no windows and walls of worked stone blocks. A 10-foot-long carving of a hammer decorates the building's facade. The ruins of collapsed outbuildings stand to either side.

ooc: Knowledge religion check to recognize the symbol on the building. The stone door requires a strength check to pry open.

2016-10-30, 11:49 PM
Zenaida raises her torch to get a better view of the carving, tempted to let out a whistle of appreciation. But in a cave, the echoes might attract enemies. "Wow, would you look at that! Impressive. Aravashnial, we're looking at a stone building, maybe twenty feet tall, with no windows and a huge carving of a hammer on the side. Looks like there were outbuildings at one point, but they're all collapsed." Now what does that hammer remind her of? She taps the flat of her sword against her leg, thinking.

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

2016-10-31, 05:54 AM
This is a symbol of Torag, a dwarf god, also known as the father of creation by. He values honor, planning and well-made steel. He is a distant deity, not trying to get involved too much with his followers, hoping that they would become strong and determined on their own, just giving powers to his clerics. Torag is a Lawful Good deity.

ooc: Forgot to mention that the tunnel you took to get here technically has a path heading south also, to another area. So you can check the temple or keep going south.

2016-11-01, 02:12 AM
"Aha, now I remember! That's the symbol of Torag. He's the god of dwarves, craftsmanship, honor and planning ahead." Zenaida smiles, happy to have successfully remembered something from her tutors' lectures on the gods of other races. "I'd say that this was a dwarven chapel. Anyone else want to investigate it?"

2016-11-01, 02:18 AM
We should make sure if anyone survived inside. It's also somewhere we can hole up if we can't find our way out soon. Dirk held his arm, defensively. He was out of his element (not that he really had one) and it was starting to wear on his confidence.

2016-11-01, 08:57 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8-CmrxgYUgmaAHcVUYamn3V1cHD4nYHCJHY98blZCevso_oCoVBT tIdPbjEM5LsPMPZU1-yj4El6NwtirEpNeTAaImKNaohpEWa0coMa2C7ytteHqnDGqSNH HBzfy6HQHOV8dv6homdSTfQQYhHMzJE4wbU5jrQ4xxIDYX1KQw LlQif4tVGNsXk-MW7lqRGZBqYqsr4NF2pr56ea4EmvWTKoWnoHlyFYj-WfA-uPWhwD_2XL061wGkJMzGSZY9OiNt8CFcLr_di6f5ILUvahxqhx wfXq41FfnxFkoI6afxS0Wh6s9n-Z1dArmzb9SPW9-w9H_YgTZ60AfT_bjR_LyK6ed4I2vdrNG1gubOpmt8NbhfoeroA CpFWqZlNYqi2vC_jKjaHKsNFpfb-jAH1j-D9645lvn45LzmelE24FtMoB2vFUP-MovsObsbtWInRrd9d6oDS13UIOiAU3cH5sV0Dce7SvK3Lg8iXE Ac7_K_86S2m08QWqgcg79N9cXwnLcuG-k9VAKagFs3hbqVIDwD3V7yFoApBWGNFJwouGsSdiUGn553-S7ADJmUKRJhs7o__UZwsnOaoHno0a_rFpr5i_Qtcd2AXaOUTZ0 mFTCwro6g8=w100-h75-no

"If the chapel is still in use, we may also find allies there. Agreed, let's investigate."

2016-11-01, 09:01 AM
ooc: Still going to need someone to do a strength check or take 20 to open the stone door.

2016-11-04, 08:48 AM
Dirk eyed the others apprehensively. When no one stepped forwards, he gave a withering sigh. He trudged up to the door, heaving his meager weight against it, straining to open it.

Take 20, since no one else is doing it.

2016-11-04, 12:24 PM
Dirk slid down the door of the temple after many attempts, since all of his peers stood there watching him. As the healer manages to budge the stone door after awhile.

Inside, your group see:
A stone bench lines the southern wall of this chamber. At the far side of the room, a basin of water sits atop a stone pedestal. A stone door engraved with an image of a hammer stands to the north.

Anevia looks around at the temple. "I could use a little bit of rest, my leg is still not fully healed."
Horgus meanwhile looks at her and then at the group. "You know, it's already going to be pretty hard to make it to surface with all wounded...on top of it, we have someone slowing us down. Perhaps, she could handle the underground while we go look for help."

Anevia doesn't appear pleased by the statement. "I'm not surprised that someone who is afraid to acknowledge his own faith, how can you not be moved by being in a forgotten temple? Your shame of your religion is as bad as worshiping demons!"

Horgus looks surprised by the statement but retort quickly. "You are one to talk! You dare give me some moral lessons? I know that you and your friends have been trying to steal from me! Would you deny it?"

As Anevia with an exasperated look, narrow her eyes and stay silent.

ooc: 100 xp each of you for getting into the temple. Up to you if you want to talk to Anevia or Horgus about the argument. If you want to check on items in the antechamber, just let me know or if you want to go through the next door.

2016-11-04, 08:59 PM
Dirk slumps against the wall, a bit winded. He wanted to make a wry remark at his new companions, but decided against it. Looking at the two bickers, he swallowed air and pulled himself back to his feet. Please, no bickering. We all want to get to the surface. It's a good idea to rest, I can finish tending to the wounded, and the rest will help us stay fresh. Put your differences aside, at least till we're back on the surface. Please.

I'll search the rooms in a bit, I've got the best perception.

2016-11-04, 11:40 PM
Zenaida opted to watch the group's collective backs while they tried to break into the temple. It's only paranoia if you haven't got any enemies!

Once Dirk has the door open, she decides it's safe enough to join the rest inside. "Dirk is correct. This is not the time or place for personal issues. That being said, I do not intend to leave anyone behind." She looks around at the room and spots a door. "Hmm, I wonder what's back there? Dryden, would you mind covering me while I check?" Once she gets an answer, Zenaida crosses the temple... and hesitates. Maybe it would be better to detect evil before opening the door, as opposed to after. You never know, there could be demons trapped by the rockfall as well! Closing her eyes, the paladin lowers her mental shields to check for auras.

2016-11-08, 05:36 AM
Dirk looking around recognizes that the water is holy water in the basin. Zenaida can feel evil not only in the temple but the other side of the door.

ooc: Going to need diplomacy checks for the npcs, if nobody wants to roll diplomacy checks, just let me know and we will move on.

2016-11-11, 01:29 AM
Zenaida sucks in a quick breath at the miasma coming from behind the door. "Ooh, there's something very evil back there. I would really appreciate it if those of you who can fight would back me up when I open the door." If it's a demon, it needs to be smote with extreme prejudice. If it's not a demon, it still needs to be smote.

I'm sorry, somehow I missed this update! :smalleek:

Diplomacy for my previous post: [roll0]

2016-11-11, 10:11 AM

"Evil, within the temple? Odd. And worrying." Martias draws his rapier, and positions himself near to the door.