View Full Version : Rules Q&A Ghostbreaker and Maximum Power Level Known

2016-10-17, 04:39 PM
Hi, I've tried searching a lot on this - usually my search skills dig up something but somehow I'm failing here. I'm looking to play a Psychic Warrior / Ghostbreaker build, with my progression being either 15 PsyWar 5 Ghostbreaker or 16 PsyWar 4 Ghostbreaker; the choice largely depends on the answer I get here.

Psychic Warrior progresses to a Maximum Power Level Known of 6 at Class Level 16. Ghostbreaker, dandwiki.com/wiki/Hyperconscious:_Explorations_in_Psionics, states:

Powers Known: At every level indicated on Table: The Ghostbreaker, a ghostbreaker gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of ghostbreaker to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.

Emphasis mine. If I was to go from Psychic Warrior 15 to Psychic Warrior 16 I would gain a new power, but more importantly for this I would gain a new power at one higher Maximum Power Level Known. Ghostbreaker does not state whether this is the case or not, although it does say "access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in...". My question then is, would it be correct to interpret this as meaning the Maximum Power Level Known is also increased, since choosing a power is based upon that?

Note: Slayer, dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Slayer, also says pretty much the same thing - so I suppose the answer would apply to it, as well.

2016-10-17, 04:43 PM
Hi, I've tried searching a lot on this - usually my search skills dig up something but somehow I'm failing here. I'm looking to play a Psychic Warrior / Ghostbreaker build, with my progression being either 15 PsyWar 5 Ghostbreaker or 16 PsyWar 4 Ghostbreaker; the choice largely depends on the answer I get here.

Psychic Warrior progresses to a Maximum Power Level Known of 6 at Class Level 16. Ghostbreaker, dandwiki.com/wiki/Hyperconscious:_Explorations_in_Psionics, states:

Powers Known: At every level indicated on Table: The Ghostbreaker, a ghostbreaker gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of ghostbreaker to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.

Emphasis mine. If I was to go from Psychic Warrior 15 to Psychic Warrior 16 I would gain a new power, but more importantly for this I would gain a new power at one higher Maximum Power Level Known. Ghostbreaker does not state whether this is the case or not, although it does say "access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in...". My question then is, would it be correct to interpret this as meaning the Maximum Power Level Known is also increased, since choosing a power is based upon that?

Note: Slayer, dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Slayer, also says pretty much the same thing - so I suppose the answer would apply to it, as well.

when a class advances powers or spells known like that, it means you follow the chart as though you were still in psywar, so here yes you would gain a new power at the highest level like normal.

also, don't use dandwiki. it's full of untagged homebrew with the same names as real stuff in the game. for core material use the srd.

here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/slayer.htm) is slayer for example.

double check hyperconscious just to make sure it's got all the class features right, it changes or forgets stuff sometimes.

2016-10-17, 04:51 PM
when a class advances powers or spells known like that, it means you follow the chart as though you were still in psywar, so here yes you would gain a new power at the highest level like normal.

Thanks, that works for me - hopefully it does for my DM as well if he questions it!