View Full Version : Pathfinder Looking for build advice (Gestalt, Pathfinder, Path of War, Druid, Charge...)

2016-10-17, 05:46 PM
I'm interested in a character focused around charge & pounce/trample.
Ideally a wildshape focused Druid with a Path of War side to my build.
I have very little experience with Path of War, so would like to play a character to learn the system.

We'll be 14th level, after a party wipe (our fifth TPK).
Average wealth by level, so 185,000gp but cannot spend more than (half) 92,500gp on any single item.

We're within Rappan Athuk, and it is lethal -- averaging around a character death per session.
Dumping STR or CHA has proven lethal, due to mobs that attack/drain those stats.
Low hit points and/or armor class, and not having a good Fortitude save, have claimed a lot of characters too.

For sources, we're allowed everything published by Paizo (for Pathfinder) in a physical book, that is present at the table.
So, almost everything... for the purpose of the build, assume we have it.
In addition we can use Dreamscarred Press: Ultimate Psionics and both Path of War and Path of War Expanded.
And finally, we can use Spheres of power; all our characters have to be built in Hero Lab, so only Expanded Options and Destroyer's Handbook as far as SoP splat books.

We're playing Pathfinder, aside from those few extra sources.

Our group is playing with Gestalt characters.
We're using Fractional BAB.
We're using Fractional Saves.
We're using Best Progression.

So there aren't these shenanigans of stacking:
LV 01: 01 Wizard (+0 BAB) | 01 Fighter (+1 BAB) = +1 BAB
LV 02: 02 Wizard (+1 BAB) | 01 Sorcerer (+0 BAB) = +1 BAB
LV 03: 03 Wizard (+0 BAB) | 02 Sorcerer (+1 BAB) = +1 BAB.
We cannot stack like this for an assumed +3 BAB at level 3.

With fractional BAB, we get:
LV 01: 01 Wizard (0.50 BAB) | 01 Fighter (1.00 BAB) = 1.00 BAB
LV 02: 02 Wizard (0.50 BAB) | 01 Sorcerer (0.50 BAB) = 0.50 BAB
LV 03: 03 Wizard (0.50 BAB) | 02 Sorcerer (0.50 BAB) = 0.50 BAB
We actually end up with +2 BAB at level 3.

Similarly, we're using Fractional Saves.
Essentially a saving throw at character (not class) level 1, is either good or poor.
A good save counts as 2 and 6/12.
A poor save counts as 4/12.
Thereafter, good saves add 6/12 and poor saves add 4/12.
So having at least a good save (to each saving throw) from one of the classes is nice, but it is especially important at first character level.

We're also using best progression.
So if I were to stack Rogue and Slayer levels, for the best possible Sneak Attack.
Even if the Slayer levels were stacked so that their +1 die to Sneak Attack always occurred at a level when the Rogue did not improve their Sneak Attack, the best sneak attack possible is equivalent to the better progression of the classes with sneak attack.
So no combination of Slayer|Rogue will have more then +5d6 sneak attack by 9th (or 10th) level.

In addition to Gestalt, we're playing 'low mythic'.
We are mythic rank two characters.
But we're restricted to no mythic power points nor the extra actions from 'Champion's Strike' or 'Trickster's Attacks' or the like.
All our mythic choices have to be made at character level one, we have to qualify for them then, and they cannot be changed thereafter.
So this essentially gets us:
-- a +2 (after racial adjustments and point buy) to any one stat.
-- two abilities and one mythic feat... or
-- use 'extra mythic feat' for one of those abilities, to take two mythic feats and one ability.

I like Champion, as 'Impossible Speed' increases my base ground movement by 30 ft. per round.
I don't have mythic power points to spend to increase it by +10 ft. per mythic tier.
Anything that says, as a Swift Action spend a mythic power point to... won't work for us.

I qualify for Weapon Focus, at first level (if I take at least one class with full BAB at level one).
If I hit Fighter 8, I can select Greater Weapon Focus.
The mythic Weapon Focus doubles the bonus for Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus, and attack looks good.
I don't qualify for Vital Strike at level one, so cannot take this as my mythic thing.

We're using a 15 point buy, for stats.
Then apply racial modifiers.
Then add our +2 to anything, from Mythic.
And +1 to anything, at 4th, 8th, and 12th.

We can play standard races, plus things like Noble Drow or most other similar power races.
If I take a template like Half-Dragon, that costs two levels on both sides of the build, so I'm effectively 12th level instead of 14th and it still costs as much experience to hit 15th as if i weren't a Half-Dragon.

We can use the race builder, from Advanced Race Guide.
With a standard 10-buy race, which in theory gets something similar to an Elf or Dwarf.

I can go +4 and -2 (to either two physical or two mental stats), with +2 to all three (of the other type), for 4 points.
Or +2, to any two stats, is 2 points instead of 4.
Or go with the default of +2 to a mental stat, +2 to a physical stat, and -2 to a different stat from those, is 0 points.

I can take a feat without requirements (at level one) for 2 points and/or a feat with requirements (that I have to meet, at level one) for 4 points.
I can take 'Bond to the Land' for 2 dodge AC (underground, which is 99% of the campaign) for 2 points.
I can take 'Greater Defensive Training' for 2 dodge AC (everywhere) for 4 points.
Darkvision for 2 points is almost essential.

Drow Nobles and Build-a-Race are our most common races... Elves and Dwarves have made appearances.

I'm leaning towards, and am looking to somewhat optimize...

01. Monk 01 | Path of War Something (M: Dodge, LV 01: Power Attack (or W.Focus... whichever gets the mythic))
02. Sorc. 01 | Path of War Something
03. Sorc. 02 | Path of War Something (LV 03: Power Attack or Weapon Focus)
04. Sorc. 03 | Path of War Something
05. Druid 01 | Path of War Something (LV 05: ...)
06. Druid 02 | Path of War Something
07. Druid 03 | Path of War Something (LV 07: ...)
08. Druid 04 | Path of War Something
09. Druid 05 | Path of War Something (LV 09: Natural Spell)
10. Druid 06 | Path of War Something
11. Druid 07 | Path of War Something (LV 11: Shaping Focus)
12. Druid 08 | Path of War Something
13. Druid 09 | Path of War Something (LV 13: Quick Wildshape)
14. Druid 10 | Path of War Something

The idea is to have DEX & WIS to armor class.
To apply Mage Armor (with magical knack), for +4 (Armor Bonus) AC during the waking hours.
To have 2-4 castings of Shield, for +4 (Shield Bonus) AC in tougher combats.
To have Ironskin four times a day, so +5 (enhancement bonus to Natural Armor) AC.
Plus whatever natural armor I get from Wildshape.

We average four fights per game day.

I'm not covering the heal role, but having heal capability (via Wildshape) isn't a bad thing.
We have a player who is focusing on tanking (plugging choke points to protect casters) while dealing some damage.
We have a player who likes to buff and heal.
We have a player who likes to scout and deal damage (more often as an archer, occasionally as a melee or caster)
We have a player who likes damage, usually as some kind of a 2H fighter/aegis/soulknife type.

I've never done a Path of War character.
I've got the books, and don't mind reading them, but would love to be pointed in a direction if someone has a suggestion or two.
Ideally with a focus on natural attacks and/or charging.

I could go Soulknife 2 / Path of War Something 12, for the Blade Skill: Focused Offense.
That would cost me two Initiator levels, but grant me WIS mod (instead of STR mod) for melee attacks and melee damage.
Soulknife has good Ref & Will, full BAB and D10s, 4+INT skills.
That would improve the Sorcerer levels from +0.50 BAB and Strong Will only.

I'm envisioning:
Standard - Charge in.
Swift - Wildshape to something with Trample (that a Druid 10 can Wildshape into)
Move - Move away, trampling the bad guys.
Then take your pick... Charge... hopefully with PoW goodies, and Trample away to repeat.

Or Move Action (Quick Wildshape into something a Druid 12 could Wildshape into) that has a killer Pounce attack.
Standard Action - Charge.
Next Round - Swift (Quick Wildshape into something a Druid 10 could Wildshape into) that has a Trample attack.
Move away (trampling)
Standard (Charge back in)

Basically a combination, depending on the situation of Pounce forms or Trample forms.

The Dodr Dragon
2016-10-17, 07:09 PM
I'm not a genius but I had this theme-based guy I made before.

Essentially I went Druid 10 for ,Bite of the Werebear' from the Spell Compendium(Druid 6)
Then I went Barbarian 1 or 2, into Bear Warrior 5 to get the brown bear rage.
This made me doubly bear. There is also the Lion Totem Barbarian Variant where they get pounce whenever
they rage. I believe it's a level 1 Barbarian ability too, it's from Complete Champion(Pg.46?).

I forwent(traded) wildshape and I think my animal companion too for strong solo-fighting abilities.
This isn't the only option but, I went metalmaster druid,
and I took a set of mithril, wild heavy plate and a +1 mouthpick and wrathful healing'(3.0 quality) Greataxe.
Since turning into a bear for bear warrior rage is heavily similar to wildshape.

Be an Orc with ,headlong rush' for ultimate str boost and for synergy with Pounce. Don't use valorous weapon too, that's too much damage and is ridiculous; healing for 50% dam dealt(wrathful healing, +3 ench) is better and enough.

Take Extra rage 2 times with some of your feats, as that's really nice.
Buy like 3-6 Belts of Battle and use those to cast Bite of the WereBear before you rage and still full attack-charge.
Bite of the werebear has a range of personal, and doesn't require you to be in animal form for it to take effect, unlike the Nature's Avatar 9th level spell, and a lot of other Druid spells.

Excuse me if I got anything wrong, but this should work perfectly. :smallcool:

Edit: ps. that ecl 18 guy I made had 62 strength when he double bear'ed :smallbiggrin:. Be careful for (as normally) standard con scores, so you can't get a huge boost out of ,steadfast determination' with a similar wisdom score. Your will saves are going to be boosted with druid's good saves but if you get controlled, your party is gonered. So take care of will saves more than fortitude or reflex whenever you get the chance.

2016-10-17, 07:26 PM
This has gotta be one of the weirdest set of build criteria I've heard of from a GM. Mythic AND gestalt BUT 15 point buy? I have whiplash...
A few notes for now, more to follow: I recommend the Ordained defender warder or myrmidarch fighter, both being full-bab wisdom based initiators. Alternatively the mystic or Stalker.

I also recommend mythic power attack as your mythic feat.

2016-10-18, 08:00 AM
As sayt mentioned above, this is a lot of weird restrictions and requirements for a build. Two spell lists(one PREPARED!) AND maneuvers on top? It's like you want "overburdened accountant" to be your hobby.

But, in any case, you've got what looks like (in a madman's sense of the word) a good candiate for Battle Templar. Change your early level progression and stagger BT with Druid, because it advances divine spellcasting(8/10 levels). Mystic with a discipline exchange can get you maneuver prereqs, but a simpler method might just be monk of the silver fist(POW:E archetype for monk) to fill reqs and get a few maneuvers in the back pocket. Ordained Defender warder would also work, but needs a more serious committment than a 1-2 level dip. If not BT, then ODW or a Mystic all the way through are probably your best bet. Warder can routeinely full-attack charge with Primal Fury, and mystics can throw out great damage that never runs out if that's what you're going for.