View Full Version : Fantasy Football- Still need a few more!

2007-07-11, 11:35 AM
It's a bit early for football to be on the forefront of everyone's mind, but I thought getting started in advance couldn't hurt, right? I know Foxsports has had theres (I got some GREAT players this year....finally!) and I believe there are a few others starting up now-a-days so I thought I'd see if there were any playground goers interested this year in setting up a league.

Give a shout out if so and we can work from there (finding a site to host, set up, etc).

Those interested:

Midnight Son

2007-07-11, 12:08 PM
Absolutely! I'm all over it! I'm always up for, uh, losing at Fantasy Football! :smallannoyed:

2007-07-11, 12:22 PM
I enjoyed playing with the boardies last year, even though I didn't do so well. I'm in.

2007-07-11, 01:39 PM
Are you speaking of Blood Bowl, the actually fantastic game of football, or the game where your success depends on that of real-life players?

2007-07-11, 05:47 PM
Are you speaking of Blood Bowl, the actually fantastic game of football, or the game where your success depends on that of real-life players?

Bloodbowl yay! :smallbiggrin:
Isn't that being turned into a video game?

2007-07-11, 05:50 PM
Bloodbowl yay! :smallbiggrin:
Isn't that being turned into a video game?

I thought that was Monster Bowl on Nintendo...or soemthing like that with exploding footballs, option plays that had your players all hit one person on the other team, and the ability to bribe/kill the ref. \

Great game, but I was talkin' about the game depending on the real player's performance.

2007-07-11, 07:27 PM
I'd be interested in getting that going. I recommend yahoo; it's still free :smallsmile: , and I find it to be better than the Sporting News FF game.

2007-07-11, 08:45 PM
... I cast fireball ON the ball?

Midnight Son
2007-07-11, 10:05 PM
I'm in. It was a blast last year. Where do I sign up?

2007-07-11, 10:26 PM
This sounds fantastic. And out of the four leagues I'll be in this year, I'm bound to do well in one of them, right?

...right? :smalltongue:

Anyway, how are we going to do scoring? Points for yardage or just TD's? etc....

2007-07-11, 11:00 PM
Great game, but I was talkin' about the game depending on the real player's performance.
Damn. It's not football if there aren't little green people with chainsaws running around. :smallamused:

2007-07-12, 05:01 PM
Anyway, how are we going to do scoring? Points for yardage or just TD's? etc....

Nah...per rules of whichever league we join. I'll hutn around a bit adn find one that can facilitate our needs.

I believe Yahoo was used last year, but don't take my word fo rit[/lavarburton]

@midnight Son: I'll add names of those interested and once I find a site to host it, I'll throw up a link and let those interested sign up via that site. It amy get a little hairy, but most things do...

2007-07-12, 05:18 PM
I'm in for another year. The league needs a doormat.

Frosty Flake
2007-07-12, 05:52 PM
Damn... the title of the post threw me off, I thought it was time to break out my all-star Skaven team, the Reprobate Rats of Remas.

2007-07-13, 12:19 PM
I think there was a game called Chaos League, where you played American Football with fantasy-races. Elves, Dwarves, Orc, Undead, etc..

I only played the demo, but had such a thrill out of it. I had 2 huge Mummy Linemen, specialized in killing opponnents I knocked-out (they striked them while they were on the ground!!).

Off course, when the ref came at me with a Red Square (to throw my mummy out of the match), I bribed them.

So much fun...

2007-07-13, 02:33 PM
As it loosk lie we have a fairly good amount of people intereted, I have soem questions:

Here's a set of rules I found at Fox Sports. If you have any objections, feel free to spout them out:

Max Teams in League: 12
Divisions: 1
Can't Drop List: Use FOX Sports can't drop list (I personally hate this, but if everyone is down for it, then alright!)
Waiver Period: 2 days
Undrafted Players: Start on Waivers
Initial Waiver Order: Reverse Draft Order
Waiver Order Reset Reset Weekly: Inverse of Standings
Weekly Waiver Rules: Place unowned players on waivers
Trade Policy: League Approval (voting)
Voting Period: 2 days
Trade Deadline: Week 12
Max Objections Allowed: 4

Next questions:

What day is good for a draft? I know I'm here in the states (CDT), but i doubt everyone else is too. So let me know what you're availability looks like (prefer weekends, mornings, etc).

Also, any question, feel free to ask. :smallsmile:

Midnight Son
2007-07-13, 05:16 PM
Don't care one way or the other about the can't drop list. As for the draft, Saturdays work best for me.

2007-07-15, 09:31 AM
I'm mostly available on weekends, preferably Sunday, but Saturday might work too.

2007-07-15, 05:26 PM
Weekends or evenings work best for me, since I can't do a live draft from work.

Also, the can't cut list is usually a pain, in every league I've played in. But I know that it's there to stop people from dumping their team, and screwin' things up for everyone else. I think if we all agree to play nice, we can probably do without it.

2007-07-16, 02:17 PM
I'd rather do without, personally. If, for istance, you draft one Peyton manning and he takes a blow to the knee that shatters ligiments and ruptures...whatever, you're stuck with a future hall of famer with no stats for a year. :smallmad:

I think we have an almost full list of players. I'll update a few things and get something started once I get hom this afternoon. Woork is just too durned busy to not pay attention to it...

stupid work....

2007-07-16, 09:40 PM
Pretty much any day after 9:30 PM EST is fine for me for a draft. Gotta say I'm not a fan of the can't drop list. Unlike the people I normally play with, I trust you guys to not try and screw things up. After all, we can't even pay each other off for players (it was a very heated league that year :smalleek: ).

2007-07-17, 08:55 AM
Huh...seems this time detail is gonna be a bit of a problem.

Let me offer this solution: I'll set up a time for the draft for sometime in early August (likely a weekend) and let everyone who can be there, be there.

I figure if there is enough notice, we can plan around it, right?

Also, have I missed anyone on ye olde list of interest? If so, just let me know! :smallamused:

2007-07-19, 03:59 PM
since there hasn't been a lot...ok...so NO response to the question above, I'll use this space to bump the thread back up so that some may pay attention to it again.

2007-07-20, 05:33 PM
Hope it's not too late to join, I'm interested.

(Since I'm so late I don't care when the draft is.)

2007-07-20, 05:55 PM
actually, that works out really well. I'd rather have a round number like 8 than that point edge number 7.

I'm getting ready to start moving this week, but I plan on, at least, getting the league set up for everyone and posting it so you can join. I guess from there, depending on who is really interested, we'll get a draft set up and get the ball rolling on it!

2007-07-21, 10:19 AM
Hmm, yeah, 8 is a very nice number for Fantasy Football. Everyone plays everyone twice and everyone makes it to the playoffs. Anyway, the football season doesn't begin for 7 more weeks, so we have plenty of time to take care of draft stuff and set up rules.

2007-07-21, 10:25 AM
Fantasy Football, D&D for people who used to beat up people who played D&D.

2007-07-22, 09:31 AM
so here's the skinny kids, Leagu is set up and ready to go.

You can find it here:


League Name: OOTSers

Not very clever, I know, but I did it on the fly...:smallannoyed:

League Password: richrox

(see above about non-cleverness...):smallannoyed:

Leagu ID: 40015

I set the Draft date to August 25th (Saturday) @ 2pm (EDT). I figured that gave us enough time to work out anything anyone was upset with. heck, we could even move the date up if everyone is wanting that.

Let me know if you run into any problems with registration.

2007-07-22, 09:50 AM
Durrr... I'm going to be at the Midwest GitP Meetup then. The place we're meeting supposedly has free wireless, so I could still make the draft. But I don't know if I'd want to or even if I'd be able to concentrate enough to do a decent job.

2007-07-22, 10:07 AM
Registered as the Plucky Ninjas.

2007-07-22, 12:38 PM
Durrr... I'm going to be at the Midwest GitP Meetup then. The place we're meeting supposedly has free wireless, so I could still make the draft. But I don't know if I'd want to or even if I'd be able to concentrate enough to do a decent job.

I think Fox has a set up for auto-drafting, if you'd like. Though, I can easily bump it back a week or up a week. Is there still a voting scheme-thing here on GitP, or has it be deactivated?

Midnight Son
2007-07-23, 08:17 PM
Just signed up. Bet you can't guess which team name is mine.

2007-07-25, 12:26 PM
The Saturday before and after the date you've set are mega bad for me, as I won't have internet access at all the entire day. I have no problem with using an auto-draft thing if we need to move the time, though.

2007-08-06, 05:33 PM
Alright! we have enough players to do a real draft. Iwas starting to get worried that people were not going to be interested enough adn we'd ahve to do a crappy autodraft. :smallamused:

Anyhows, there is still enough room for more, so if oyu know anyone that wants to play, invite them along (just make sure there at elast 2 of them :smallwink: )

EDITO: Would oyu guys mind if I posted the teams on the OP? If oyu do have a problem with others knowign you're real names, just say so and we can keep it all hush-hush (though this may get revealed in a later episode, fyi).

2007-08-06, 06:36 PM
Go ahead and post my name. I think I've given it away already.

Midnight Son
2007-08-06, 09:14 PM
My team name is The Midnight Sons. I fail to see how my real name would come into play. That said, I'm not too particular about it as long as the fanbois(and girls) don't throng me as a result.:smallwink:

2007-08-09, 06:32 AM
Just a little FYI: I'm a big Cowboys fan.

I mean BIG.

Not that I have a complete Cowboys outif tot wear on Sundays, but more like I look only for Cowboys games to watch, usually.

Tonight, Dallas and Indy play again, and I personally can't wait. I've thought about taking a sick day just sit and wait for it. Last year was wonderful watching Romo and T.O. take down "God" Manning. I hope they can repeat that :smalltongue:

2007-08-10, 02:56 PM
I knew I liked you for a reason, TM....

I'm still in, though I haven't signed up yet. I can't do it from work, and I just moved, so my internet's not installed at home, yet. I'll get on it early next week, as soon as I get the juice.

2007-08-10, 03:29 PM
Is there still an open spot? I would be interested inplaying, Just let me know and I will register.

Of course if you are afraid of losing.....

2007-08-10, 03:42 PM
if thier is still an open slot let me know please
thank you

2007-08-11, 07:57 AM
First and foremost:


Ok, I'm done. I know its early in the preseason, but I was impressed with both teams...for...that...what ....15:00 minutes each A-team played. I'm actuall yimpressed with all the A-teams I've watched so far. New Orleans looked incredible last night...maybe even alittle worrisome for a NFCer like me. I may have to bring out my Reggie Bush Voodoo doll again this year.


There are still spots open. The league was designed for 12, but I believe only 6 have signed up. I'm all for everyone and anyone coming on. The only thing that worries me is not having even numbered teams for the draft. Not that it's a big deal, but damn I like the live version better than the auto draft.

2007-08-11, 08:39 AM
If you wanted TM, if there ends up being an odd number of teams, I can back out, (I guess :smallfrown: ).

Or another option that one of my friends did in a pinch, they signed up a phantom account, and setup the account to auto draft. The fake Team picked last and wasn't counted when it came to picking the playoff teams.

But if people don't want that, and it ends up being an odd #, I will volunteer to take the hit and back out.

As it is, I am going to go sign up.


Went And signed up as "the Geek Curtain", It looks like we have 7 teams right now, but if Alor joins that would give us 8.

:::edit edit:::

The only question I have about the rules, It lists 6 bench players do the becnh players have to be a specific position, or are they flex picks?

2007-08-11, 08:56 AM
Okay. Registered as the Detroit DOOM =)

2007-08-11, 09:39 AM
well the bench is a litle tricksy liek that.

You have you're main postions:

Special Teams/Defense

Those are the only positions you have to fill. I think you get some 14 picks in the draft to fill those positions.

The next part of this puzzle that is Fantasy Sports is the Bye Week (the week where the players don't play). The trick lies in keeping your weekly average of points up even when your big stars are not playing.

For instance, the other league I'm in my roster looke like this:

QB - Carson Palmer
RB - Jamal Lewis
TE - Tony Gonzalez
WR - Terrrell Owens
WR - Plaxico Burress
RB/WR - Deshaun Foster
Kicker - Shawn Graham
Def/Spec teams - Dallas

Michael Bush - RB
Dallas Clark - TE
Tony Romo - QB
Dwayne Jarret - WR
Josh Brown - Kicker
Philadelphia - Def/Spec. teams

I have enough players that I can switch out those on a Bye Week and still be able to make points....I hope.

I'm taking a bit of a chacne on the rookies I selected (mostly Michael Bush) because they are still trying to get a spot on the team(s) they play for and may end up being 2nd, 3rd or even 4th string which will make them worthless unless the 1st and 2nd string suffer major injuries/get suspended/get traded/die.

But thems the bricks, as it goes.

You should take a look around the webs ite for the draft guides out there. Most o fhtem are pretty acurate, but there's always those players that nobody thinks about (damn you Marques Colston, damn you!) being a stunner.

Also, keep up with the news tickers. For example, Kenny Irons, did great with Auburn (?), got drafted high up with Cincy, but suffered a season ending knee ligament injury this last week. Also, Jamarcus Russell is still unsigned going into the preseason opener for the Raiders. This could be a good thing for those AFCers taht hate the Raiders, but it could spell disaster for those Russell fans that draft him first.

2007-08-12, 01:13 AM
Okay, i signed up as the silver wolves.
However if you can't find even teams by draft day go ahead and take me out as i was the last to show intrest on this thread. Looks like a cool league i look forward to the season:smallbiggrin:

2007-08-12, 12:36 PM
I don't think oeryn's signed up yet, so we shoul be good to go!

thakns for the heads up, though. it's really appreicative.

2007-08-12, 09:00 PM
if push comes to shove i think i know of some one else on this forum who might play if we need another team

2007-08-17, 10:39 AM

Are we still waiting on Oeryn? I haven't logged in to the Fox sports site recently. I think we still have 9 teams. Which means...

2007-08-17, 05:45 PM
I think so...

If, for some ungodly reason, he doesn't sign up, I'll add a ghost team that will be set to pick the lower end players. I want everyone who can play to come along. Fantasy Football is much more exciting with lots of people involved.

2007-08-19, 07:39 PM
I'm interested. I hear you guys have one more slot left. I can't hit the fantasy sports sites from work but if the spot is still there when I get home in the morning I'll take a look.

On a related note if any of you have time for one more league, I have another one going on yahoo sports. I'd like to recruit 3 players to represent GITPG for the league.

details are in my thread over ..... Here

2007-08-20, 02:52 PM
I'm signed it but would much prefer we move to an auto draft. I've dobne this a few years ina row now and you can't scedule a live draft with international players! It's hard enough to scedule a live draft when all of your players live in the same town. Your players live all over the country / world, so there's no way to pick a time that will be fair for everyone. Or even half of us.

For instance you picked 2PM EST this Sat, how many people is that actually working for?

2007-08-20, 04:14 PM
Works for me. I like the live draft, myself. If you can't make it, just rank the players and let the computer draft for you.

2007-08-20, 04:39 PM
Maybe, if you had read above, that the time was selected so far in advance so that people can make plans.

I think I'll leave it at that.

2007-08-21, 12:58 AM
As long as the computer can pick for me I'm good.

2007-08-21, 07:55 AM
Throwing my vote for live draft if it's still up in the air. So that gives us ten teams?

Tape, you might want to change the thread title if we are full.

Good luck everybody. (your gonna need it)

2007-08-23, 11:22 AM
So, It looks like we are all set to go...
I have a secret weapon, It's totally gonna win me the leauge It's Micheal Vick, I know you guys are jealous....

Sorry, I figure that's gonna be the bad joke of the draft season, so I figured I'd go ahead...

Sorry for the double post. Just got bored with reading about how much 4th ed is going to save/ruin dnd.

2007-08-24, 02:46 PM
Ok well after some complications i have resigned up as the Silver Wolves 2
If you could please delete the 1st silver wolves it would be most appreciated
lookin forward to draft day everyone

2007-08-24, 05:35 PM
Done and done.

On a funy note, I have something that is requiring me to miss the Live Draft.

Ironic, huh?

I'll try and get away from it, but I can't promise anything...

2007-08-25, 12:41 PM
thats ok tape we will hold down the fort for ya
hmm i'm picking 9th

2007-08-25, 02:20 PM
Somebody had a good idea Tape, could you edit the OP with everyones team names so we can see who's who a littel easier.

Good draft all, anybody looking for a tightend though? I have heath miller available.

2007-08-25, 02:20 PM
Well, damn.

I got swamped at work, and moved, and forgot all about this stuff...

Oh, well. Have a great time!

2007-08-25, 04:36 PM
grumble grumble....guess who got ****ing Michael Vick?! :smallmad:

and so the biggest reason I hate automated drafts bites me in the ass hard.

Oh well..

Who needs a running back? I got a bout 50 of 'em

2007-08-28, 03:33 PM
well what would you like we may be able to work out a trade

2007-08-28, 03:38 PM
I'm in, nearly desperate, need of a decent QB. I picked up Rex Grossman, but something just doesn't settle right with me on that. I may end up picking up Leftwich, but it's still too early for me to go grabbing up free agents. I have to at least see what these guys are going to do once the season opens up.

of course, there are exceptions in a few stars (Mannings, my boy Romo, LT, LJ, TO, anyone else who gets a cool two-letter-name, etc.)

2007-09-07, 09:05 AM
Hey all. Do we have live scoring in this league. i couldn't get it to work last night it came up, but only showed zero's. I was wondering if it was my computer or the league.

2007-09-08, 12:14 PM
Rats! With Malachi AWOL, I didn't even think to check for another gitp football league... silly me! I'll have to be happy with only one team this year. I had a mediocre place in the draft, so I went with scooping up Peyton instead of getting a mediocre RB... let's hope it works!

Anyway, good luck all! Play nice... ;)

2007-09-15, 08:34 AM
You should tell Midnight Son to play nice. Next time, please use just a smidge of lube, would 'ya? :smallwink:

I probably won't have time this weekend to update this thread how I would like to (names on tehfirst page, team names, etc), but it's in the future. Life's been hectic recently, but now that fall is here, things look more promisisng for rapid-fire posting.

Good Luck this Sunday everyone!

Midnight Son
2007-09-15, 11:08 AM
You should tell Midnight Son to play nice. Next time, please use just a smidge of lube, would 'ya? :smallwink:
I thought that was kinda funny. Then I looked to the left and noticed your location and burst out laughing.

Coulda been worse. I neglected to put Welker in last week. :smallevilgrin:

2007-10-26, 10:01 AM
so...weeks later....Stats are increasing...people are getting hurt, and fox still wants to screw me over. Luckily they felt inclined to use lube *glare at Midnight Sons* and even felt it nice to give ol' TM a reach-around.

I know I spent a good hour trying to figure out how Dallas' defense only had 9 points after holding Adrian peterson to less than a 100 yards, Tavaris Jackson to less than 75 yrds, blocked FG, treturned it for a TD, 3 sacks...and...did I miss anything else spectacular?...nope...

for me, this bye week stuff bites hard. No, no...the damned automatic draft bites...hard. I'ms till hurting after that debaucle. FYI, i'm 7-0 and 6-1 in my other leagues. Not a dismal...3-4 *shudders* :smallfrown: