View Full Version : Help me build a earth bender plz

Sir cryosin
2016-10-18, 12:49 PM
So yes I been watching avatar and I want to build a earth bender. I have played a water genisi wizard that I favored as a water bender. But I only got to play him for a couple of sessions. This time I would like to create a earth bender I was thinking going vhuman taking magic initiative picking up magic stone, and mold earth or sheleigh. Then the first lv spell earth tremor. For class 4 elements monk picking earth things but there are next to nothing grr. So I want to see if other people have other ideas I'm all for refuffing things.

2016-10-18, 12:58 PM
The logic thing is 4 Elements, but the good earth powers come so late on you'd be better of as a Monk 13/Druid 7. Earth Tremor, Pass Without Trace and Blight strike me as very flavorful.

Sir cryosin
2016-10-18, 01:27 PM
I might go druid but ask my dm if I can poch some spells from the Wizards list.

2016-10-18, 01:43 PM
If your DM is not averse to homebrew, THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?412907-Crowdsourced-Fix-of-Way-of-the-Four-Elements-Monk-Subclass) thread offers two good fixes to the Way of Four Elements. The first reduces the Ki point cost of disciplines and adds more disciplines. The second completely revamps the archetype to be similar to the Totem Barbarian.

2016-10-18, 02:05 PM
My Monk Rework (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SkbbHIDc) has an earthbending archetype if you're interested.

2016-10-18, 02:07 PM
Why not just go Sorcerer and reflavor the spells accordingly? (Or even Druid), at most you will have to ask your DM if you could change some spells to make "Magical Blugeoning" damage

raygun goth
2016-10-18, 02:15 PM
This is a real thing that exists (http://www.dmsguild.com/product/191837/Incarnate-The-Last-of-the-Lacers).

I currently use it, and it's great.

2016-10-18, 02:29 PM
If you want to refluff something, I always recommend a warlock base. By slightly altering how their eldritch blast works, and modifying a patron, you can usually get what you're looking for.

What you need is some way of using the "mold earth" spell to shove grapple dodge and strike at range. And of course, you can't really run out of uses since the whole bending thing appears to be limited by your skill not endurance. Within the limits of 5e, you'd never be an amazing earth bender simply due to how far up the spell tree earthquake and imprisonment are.

For a simple refluff, take the sun soul monk archetype (http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/EE_PlayersCompanion.pdf). Give them mold earth. Change their beams from radiant energy to blunt/slashing/piercing. Replace burning hands with earth tremor. Replace searing sunburst with the ability to perform combat maneuvers at range and using their action to cast mold earth causes ki abilities to be free till the end of their next turn. Replace sunshield with rock assisted flight, a fly speed equal to your movement that requires you to land before the end of your turn.

Sir cryosin
2016-10-18, 03:04 PM
My Monk Rework (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SkbbHIDc) has an earthbending archetype if you're interested.

Holy cow that seems to op. There is a lot I mean a lot of stuff there. As the player in me say sure let's play it. But as a DM the red flag is popping up with everything I read. I would need to sit down and really read it, and my DM might say no just because it look llike there is to there.

2016-10-18, 03:13 PM
Holy cow that seems to op. There is a lot I mean a lot of stuff there. As the player in me say sure let's play it. But as a DM the red flag is popping up with everything I read. I would need to sit down and really read it, and my DM might say no just because it look llike there is to there.
What exactly do you find to be "OP"? Please be specific. I'm a GM and would have no problem a player using it in my games. Perhaps my Monk Rework (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?498675-Monk-Rework) thread is the best place to discuss.

2016-10-18, 03:44 PM
I think I would just go wizard, earth benders always seemed the least "monk-like" of all the nations, and they were much more likely to fight by throwing rocks than using weapons so the martial classes don't fit terribly well.

With the wizard you can refluff some spells to be more earth like for example:

magehand could actually be made of small stones and dirt moving around doing stuff for you.
shield or even mage armor could be slabs of stone or bits of rock moving up to protect you or circling you.
fog cloud could be a sand cloud
cloud of daggers could be a cloud of rock shards
hold person could be done by encasing in stone
flaming sphere could be a ball of lava
knock could literally be a rock smashing the lock open
levitate could let you lift actual boulders
fly could be riding an animated stone slab

by the time you get to 4th level spells you can summon minor earth elementals and fabricate things out of stone

At 5th level you can fluff bigby's hand and summon a true earth elemental, etc...

2016-10-19, 12:38 AM
So yes I been watching avatar and I want to build a earth bender. I have played a water genisi wizard that I favored as a water bender. But I only got to play him for a couple of sessions. This time I would like to create a earth bender I was thinking going vhuman taking magic initiative picking up magic stone, and mold earth or sheleigh. Then the first lv spell earth tremor. For class 4 elements monk picking earth things but there are next to nothing grr. So I want to see if other people have other ideas I'm all for refuffing things.

Have you considered simply swapping out the spells on the elemental monk if you DM will allow the variation? Mold earth instead of elemental attunement, earth tremor for 2 ki, maximillian's earthen grasp for 3 ki level 6 minimum, erupting earth for 4 ki level 11 minimum, leave wall of stone for 17th level as is for 6 ki, and replace empty body with investiture of stone.

Those are thematic and match up with similar options on the class already.