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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Path of the Hookmaster [Barbarian Primal Path]

Secret Wizard
2016-10-18, 01:35 PM
Path of the Hookmaster (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/Hk9b2RaC)


Make a Primal Path with more than one engagement method. For this reason, the versatile damage and properties of the weapon change depending on grip - note how there's an effective 2 dice difference with versatile use. Another example is a feature like Web of Steel creates an incentive for 1H weapon fighting defensively, but does not work while grappling more offensively.
Deliver neat flavor while encouraging a cool play style.
Making it simple to apply and grok.


2016-10-18, 02:35 PM
This is really cool and seems balanced at first sight. It has very little interaction with rage, which is unusual, but not necessarily a bad thing. I'm usually not a fan of the "if you have advantage and both dice hit" mechanic, but I can accept it due to the interaction with rage. I have no real criticism to give here, it looks good.

Edit: What is "grok" though?

Secret Wizard
2016-10-18, 02:43 PM
"Understanding something intuitively."

I'm not too hot on the Barbed Chain ability either.