View Full Version : What do you think of this scenario?

2016-10-19, 12:53 AM
I'm planning on continuing a past DM's story, because, recently, the group (who still managed to stay in contact, despite the campaign falling apart), expressed that they were still waiting 3 years later for the game to be picked back up lol. I enjoyed it (and even have my character's journals for the campaign in my signature, as well as Noki's. Didn't get to the others' before the campaign was closed down. RIP.) I plan on using Open Legends, because, well, I want to play it. I will probably need to find at least one more person willing to play.

TL;DR, the group is tasked with saving the outer worlds, who have stopped believing in magic. The worlds are made from magic, and somehow the sentients not believing in magic is breaking them down and destroying them, and this is connected to the God-Elves, who are decaying as the outer worlds die. ...Don't think about it to much. A wizard did it.

I plan on doing at least one more world, picking up where we left off. Last session, we all got captured, aside from Noki, who was able to escape with an inch of her life remaining.

Anne (my character), being the slowly-being-corrupted shadow-caster, snaps at this point, letting out a roar, which envelopes the fortress in impenetrable shadow. The party was pulled in to the safety of a special place in the plane of shadow for 1 year in stasis. After which, they (aside from Anne) are ejected at the edge of the shadow-zone.

The Goblin city, which they saved from an orc invasion last time, is no in ruins - seemingly long abandoned. Why? I've got no answers. But, they will spot a "Fairy Portal" (a circle of mushrooms, which can be used to communicate with the God-Elves), glowing brightly (regardless of if they go back to the city or not). Glowing intensely, it seems to signal to them, like a cry for help.

Turns out in the time that two worlds were lost, as well as Laomedon (the primary God-Elf that the party spoke to). Replaced by an unfamiliar GE, they are told that a past group of "shades" were able to find keys to the outer worlds, but were taken down before being able to use them. They are pointed South West, a dragon's cave. The key to the Halfling's world resides in the horde of a dragon.

They are passing through Orc lands. I haven't decided for sure, but I think that the orcs are more likely to be more sad-wanderers, the corruption of dead worlds having leached their life force, and drive for violence, especially considering I have a more important fight planned - the dragon encounter, obviously.

Anyway, they come upon a dragon - the original owner of the horde in fact, nearly submerged in lake, with but its head lain on the land, though even that is at least 3 times as large as the humans' height. The dragon is so old that its scales turned from whatever color it might have been to opaque white, resembling diamond. With a successful Arcana check, they might find out it was a Gold dragon.

"So you are....the ones...who [God-Elf-Name] told me...would...come. Unfortunately, what you seek...is not mine any longer. Without...my horde... my life will end soon. Reclaim it...from the youngster, and you...may take what you need..." I haven't determined if the invading Dragon is Red or Black. I'm tempted to go with Red. The old dragon will also offer a large scale of his, fashioned in to a shield. When fighting defensively (or whatever equivalent there is in Open Legend..perhaps I'll do something like how they do Multi-targeting), they reduce damage from breath weapons by half. If I'm doing the multi-target thing, maybe they can defend near by allies, instead of, or in addition to, themselves.

And then, when they get to the dragon's cave, they are able to find the horde in no time. However, it's being rested on by the Red Dragon, who, obviously, awakens when the party gets close. "More intruders, handle them." From the cracks and crevices, crawl out goblins (1hp minions) with dead-eyes, as well as a few hobgoblins (low power minions), and an orc or 2. None are responsive to any attempts at communication.

When they beat them, the young dragon gets up and begins to fight. After getting low, tries to mind control one of them, using an Influence power in Open Legends.

And that'd be 1 or 2 sessions right there, before even getting to the Halfling world. So, what do you think about this, in general. Clearly, there's going to be improvisation, as the players do stuff, but that's the general outline of what I'm planning. What do you think? Where could it be improved?