View Full Version : Wind immunity

2016-10-19, 01:38 AM
One of my partners has an affinity for summoning tornadoes as his so-called 'nuclear option', forgetting it will affect him an us as badly as anyone else.

Is there any way to become immune through wind effects, preferrably through a spel or item, and preferrably useable while in-flight?

2016-10-19, 01:45 AM
..."Wind" is not something that really exists in D&D terms. Unyielding Roots is the only one I can really think of, and maybe Freedom of Movement, but that's about it. "Wind" isn't something that comes up often, so it isn't covered by many spells.

2016-10-19, 02:01 AM
Actually, Control Winds, Control Weather, the Wind Effects in the DMG...

2016-10-19, 02:53 AM
Actually, Control Winds, Control Weather, the Wind Effects in the DMG...

Ok, allow me to correct myself: Wind is not something that comes up often, if it comes up at all. There is a reason that we got It's hot/cold/wet outside, but no wind equivalent.

"Immunity to Wind" can thus probably only be attained by becoming immune to being moved (if it's just about the falling damage, you can use Feather Fall).

If you want to control the weather... Well, control weather, but I assumed that you didn't want him to loose his option. I mean, if you want to assume control, just take what he has and be better at it.

Mastery of the Sky would be the normal go-to spell, if it weren't for the case that it becomes useless once you hit hurricane strenght, which you specifically said he was aiming for. A Forcecage would work, but then you are stuck in there (maybe use it with Freedom of Movement if you really want that). Eye of the Hurricane would allow you to control winds while immune to your own winds, but doesn't affect other winds as far as I can see. Stone Body increases your weight, but not enough to really matter unless you are already pretty big (and even then I'm not sure it matters).

So yeah, I'm pretty sure there is no good way to defend yourself outside of sitting in a Forcecage. I'd say Stick to an Immovable Rod, but if you had the Strenght to not give a damn about tornados, you wouldn't be here asking around. Maybe you can convince your DM to let you resist the wind f you have enough strenght and then you go kill a few peasants while you have Consumptive Field on, but yeah...

Nothing really works in your favor if your DM doesn't rule Freedom of Movement to bypass it.

2016-10-19, 03:08 AM
Stormlord's 6th level ability gives essentially what you want. "Adverse wind conditions do not affect him; for example, even hurricane-force winds cannot knock him down or blow him away when flying."

2016-10-19, 03:13 AM
Stormlord's 6th level ability gives essentially what you want. "Adverse wind conditions do not affect him; for example, even hurricane-force winds cannot knock him down or blow him away when flying."

Congratulations on finding perhaps the most obscure rule I could think of.

2016-10-19, 03:15 AM
We considered Stormlord, but 6 levels is just too much bulk for this build.

Echch, thank you for the clarification.

Looking at the wind rules, a major virtual size increase COULD do the trick - but I don't think there is anything that grants THAT many size categories...

2016-10-19, 03:35 AM
We considered Stormlord, but 6 levels is just too much bulk for this build.

Echch, thank you for the clarification.

Looking at the wind rules, a major virtual size increase COULD do the trick - but I don't think there is anything that grants THAT many size categories...

The best you can do is use Giant Size to go Colossal, but that still renders you checked and has you thrown away if you fly.

2016-10-19, 03:49 AM
Hmmm, Fly yes. But what if we levitated instead? Then it seems it would all work out as we wouldn't WANT to move so checked makes no difference :)

2016-10-19, 03:53 AM
Could you, like... carry an Immovable Rod attached to your belt by a masterwork chain? That way when winds pop up you could just activate the rod and not be blown away. In real life I'd worry that I'd get cut apart by the chain depending on the strength of the wind, but I don't think D&D really covers that kind of thing.

I don't *think* wind can make a Strength Check, and a DC 30 one seems unlikely... I'm vague on exactly how (or if) any rules would come into play here.

2016-10-19, 04:10 AM
Presumably being incorporeal would resolve your issue.

2016-10-19, 04:12 AM
Being incorporeal would probably work. If you want it through a spell, the most straightforward one would be Ghostform.

EDIT: Curses! Swordsaged again!

2016-10-19, 04:15 AM
Ghostform? Does that hinder any further spellcasting at all?

2016-10-19, 04:49 AM
Ghostform? Does that hinder any further spellcasting at all?

Not at all. Even your material components turn incorporeal as long as you have them on you when you cast the spell.

2016-10-19, 05:59 AM
There's an intelligent flying telepathic horse that has wind immunity (and bestows it on its rider as well). And, just for fun, wind buffs it's flight speed too. I forget the name, but it's one of the choices for the exalted animal companion feat.

2016-10-19, 09:56 AM
There's an intelligent flying telepathic horse that has wind immunity (and bestows it on its rider as well). And, just for fun, wind buffs it's flight speed too. I forget the name, but it's one of the choices for the exalted animal companion feat.

You're thinking of the Asperi (https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/thumb/0152/93/1308286355157s.jpg).

2016-10-19, 10:33 AM
From the Lung dragons in OA, the Typhoon dragon is immune to wind & water from hatchling, instead of a traditional energy immunity. While a half-dragon template for typhoon dragon is a bit much, go kill one & make a suit out of its hide. With dragoncrafted armor, that should do the trick.

2016-10-19, 10:37 AM
Storm disciple is immune to wind at third level though I think only Ardents can enter it unless there is another way to get mantles.

The Viscount
2016-10-19, 04:37 PM
You can enter via Divine Mind, which is maybe what it was made for (who knows) though obviously that's not a good idea.

Skylord will also help against wind effects.

2016-10-20, 08:36 AM
Stormrage (8th level druid spell) does that. It also has other benefits, but it comes pretty late.
Stormlord and Storm Disciple also get immunity to wind effects, but they're both not that good. Especially for druids, who naturally make the best wind mages.
Aberration Wild Shape lets you turn into a Windghost (MM2) which is also immune to wind (and some other stuff). Alternatively the Dharculus (PlH) can shift into the ethereal plane. Anything with Earth Glide can just duck into the ground or walls to avoid the wind.

There's also the Ring of Weatherproofing from Far Corners of the World - Magic Items of the Sky (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a), which grants immunity to wind effects but it's hideously expensive. Especially if everyone needs one because your friend is too stupid to aim.